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How to make a color page in Word. Word incorrectly prints page background

To create a page background, use the tools in the “Page Background” block, which is located in the “Page Layout” tab for versions 2007, 2010 or “Design” for editions 2010, 2013.

In order for the page background to be uniform, the text should not initially be filled with white. Removing text fill is easy:

  • select the entire text of the document by pressing the “Ctrl” + “A” keys or through the menu: “Home” → “Select” → “Select all”;
  • in the “Paragraph” block, open the “Fill” tool (a bucket with a slope and a yellow stripe at the bottom) by clicking on the arrow on the right;
  • select the line “No color”.

The article of the same name “” fully explains how to work with the background (fill) of text. Be sure to check it out and use it in your work.

This procedure is useful to do if you copied parts of a document from other sources.

Because page backgrounds have multiple uses and look different, there are several tools available to create them.

Let's take a closer look at how to insert a background in a Word document.

How to make a colored page background

The page background can be made of any color existing in the Word palette. To create a colored background for document pages, you must:

  1. Go to “Design” → “Page Background” → “Page Color”;
  2. Select the desired color from the existing palette and click on it with the mouse.

If you are not satisfied with the colors in the palette, you can select the “Other colors...” command and in the “Colors” window that opens, adjust the required color using the RGB HSL palette in the “Spectrum” tab.

How to make a colored background a gradient

For more complex coloring of the page background, it is possible to create a background using a smooth transition of different shades of color (gradient).

The algorithm for creating this background is as follows:

  1. Go to “Design” → “Page Background” → “Page Color” → “Fill Methods”;
  2. Open the “Gradient” tab and make the necessary settings:

In the “Colors” block, select the number of colors to create a gradient.

Note: When you select the Preset option, you can select existing themed gradient presets in Word for the background.

In the “Transparency” block, set the required values. The smaller, the better the text and other contents of the document are visible.

In the “Hatch Type” block, set the marker to the right type direction of color change.

  1. Confirm your settings by clicking OK.

How to make a picture the background of a page

For more complex backgrounds that define the exclusive design of the document, you can use drawings, photographs or pictures. You can use this option by performing the following procedure:

  1. Let's go to “Design” → “Page Background” → “Page Color” → “Fill Methods”;
  2. Open the “Picture” tab and select a picture for the background;
  3. Click on the “Drawing” button and in the window that opens, select a file name from the available ones;
  4. Confirm your selection with the “Run” button
  5. Complete the action OK.

When a picture is used as a background, its location and size should match the document page. The book format involves the use of vertical drawings, and the landscape format – horizontal layout.

If the drawing is too large, the program will automatically “cut off” its edges. If the picture inserted in the background is smaller in size, it will be duplicated and glued to the missing side automatically.

How to make a transparent background of a picture

The transparent background of the picture is created in the following way:

  1. Select the “Page Layout” or “Design” tab;
  2. In the list that opens, select “No color”.

How to change the page background

If necessary, the page background can be changed. To do this, you need to set new background settings and the previous background will be replaced with a new one.

For example, let's change the background of the sheet we have already created.

  1. Going to the “Design” tab → “Page Background” → “Page Color” → “Fill Methods”.
  2. In the window that appears, select the “Drawing” tab.

As you can see, in our case we already have a background image installed.

  1. Click the “Picture” button and select a new picture.
  2. Click OK.

Thus, we were able to change the previously selected background and insert a new picture.

How to copy the background of a sheet

The color background of a page or any other background cannot be selected using Word tools and, accordingly, it cannot be copied.

How to remove page background in Word

There is no separate command responsible for removing the background. Therefore, depending on what actions were performed previously on the background, different removal tools are applicable.

How to remove background after copying

After copying the text of documents with a given background to a new location, the background can also be copied. There are 3 ways to remove unnecessary page background:

1 way. Inserting text without styles.

This method involves selecting the “Paste” command using the “Save text only” command before inserting text into a new location.

Method 2. Clear formatting.

After pasting, select the copied text and apply the “Clear All” command in the “Home” tab menu ribbon in the “Styles” command block.

3 way. Use a notepad.

When copying text from the Internet, sometimes you cannot remove the page background using Word commands. In this case, you can do the following:

  • Transfer text to Notepad (which is a standard built-in Windows program);
  • Select the text again and copy the text from Notepad to new document.

Notepad does not save any styling or formatting, so the previously set background will be removed automatically.

How to remove background color

Removing a colored background is done by replacing it with a background without color. The procedure for performing such a replacement is:

  1. In the “Page Background” tool block, click on the “Page Color” arrow;

How to remove the background from a picture

In order to remove a picture set as the page background, you need to set a background without color on top of this background. Algorithm for performing this action:

  1. Select the “Page Layout”/“Design” tab;
  2. In the “Page Background” tool block, click on the “Page Color” arrow;
  3. In the list that opens, click on the line “No color”.

How to print a background

By default, page background printing is not configured and many people wonder “Why the background is not printed.” Therefore, when preparing to print in the preview window, the document may appear without a background color or pattern.

In order to print the background, you need to make the appropriate settings:

  1. Open the “File” tab;
  2. Select the “Options” section;
  3. In the “Word Options” window, open the “Display” section;
  4. In the “Print Options” section, check the “Print background pictures and colors” checkbox.

You can access the Word Options window from the Print window. To do this, you need to go to “Page Setup” → “Print Options”.

This is one of the main user errors, after which the printer does not print the page background.

Examples of backgrounds for Word documents

Now you know how to make a page background in Word. In this section, we will look at several examples of documents with backgrounds.

Background for business documents

It involves the use of a laconic and strictly design, combined with the corporate style. Can be used for announcements or documents that need attention.

Colored background for a booklet

Brighter than for corporate documents. The background should attract attention. But at the same time, the text should be easy to read.

Today we’ll talk about how we can make Word document pages of different colors. We will talk not only about filling the page with one color of our choice, but also about the gradient and other types of filling. We will work in Word 2010.

There is a special option for coloring or filling the page with color in the Word text editor. This option is called "Page Color" and is located in the "Page Background" section of the "Page Layout" top menu tab:

With this option we can make the pages of the document colored. It should be borne in mind that all pages of the document will be filled with the same color chosen by us. To put it even more simply, all pages (sheets) of the document will be the same color. You cannot fill document pages with different colors using this option. Neither selecting each page in turn, nor a page break, nor a section break will help us:

We can fill the pages of a document before entering text, or after we have already entered the text. In order to fill with color, we need to open the contents of this option with a regular mouse click and select the desired color:

If there is no desired color in the theme color palette, then we can select the desired color by opening the “Other colors” item:

And make a color choice, being “inside” the “Other colors” item:

To achieve a greater color effect, we can fill the page with a gradient. Access to the gradient fill is provided through the “Fill methods” item:

Click the mouse to reveal the contents of this item:

The window that opens contains four options for filling pages:

Gradient, Pattern, Texture, Drawing. By selecting the “Gradient” method in the menu of this window, we can fill the pages of the document with a gradient. The gradient fill settings, in my opinion, are very clear. We can see what the gradient fill of all pages of the document will be in the internal “Sample” window:

I chose a horizontal gradient of 2 colors and an option where the dark blue color is at the top of the page and the light blue color is at the bottom of the page. After we have made the settings, click the “Ok” button:

And all pages of our document will be filled with the selected gradient:

Because it's on the agenda main question: How to make pages of a Word document of different colors, then filling with a pattern, texture and design, we will not consider in detail today - we will concentrate on colored pages.

Wanting to know about the ability to use the Page Color option to color document sheets in different colors in Word 2016, I turned to the developer’s instructions. After reading them, I came to the conclusion: You cannot fill sheets with different colors using the “Page Color” option in Word 2016 either. Let's return to Word 2010 and continue to deal with filling pages with color.

We can make the areas intended for text multi-colored, which are limited (defined) by the fields that we have the ability to change. That is, increase or decrease. Well, or to put it differently - indents from the edges of the sheet. Right, left, top, bottom. Initially, in Word, page margins (indents) are configured. Let's not change anything and color the text areas on each sheet with our own specific color and do this on those sheets that we have already filled with a blue-blue gradient using the “Page Color” option.

Let's place the cursor at the beginning of the first page, and then expand the "Home" tab and head to the "Paragraph" section where we select the option to fill the background of the text or paragraph. Having expanded its contents, choose, for example, red color to fill the area on the first page:

After selecting the red color, the line on which the cursor is located is colored red. Now we will press the “Enter” key until we jump to the next page:

As soon as the first line appears on the next page, we return to the fill and select a different color, for example, blue. And the first red line on the second page is colored blue:

And we, again, continue to press the “Enter” key until we jump to the third page:

Let's change the color again. For example, on the yellow color and continue to press the “Enter” key:

When coloring the background to match the future text, you can not press the “Enter” key all the time, but periodically hold it down. In the process of coloring areas of future text, additional pages that we do not need may appear. To delete them, you need to place the cursor on the last extra page and start pressing the “Backspace” key until all the extra pages (sheets) disappear one by one.

You can make a selection to color the background of the text in another way.

Now I will remove the gradient fill of the pages - for better visibility of another way to select areas for coloring:

This selection method can be used both to remove already painted areas and to fill with color.

First, let's delete one yellow line. Let's place the cursor at its beginning:

And then we turn to the fill option, where we select the “No fill” option, remembering that this fill is in the “Home” tab of the top menu. After our choice, the yellow stripe will disappear:

Now let's place the cursor at the beginning of the yellow field, that is, in its upper left corner:

And by clicking and continuing to hold the left mouse button, draw a vertical line from top to bottom:

After that, go back to the fill option and select the “No fill” option:

The yellow field has disappeared. Continuing to act, as they say, in the same spirit, we remove all colored areas for future text:

If you press the “Delete” key, both the page and the colored area will be deleted together.

In order for us to be able to use this selection method to color the fields for future text and not experience any difficulties, it would be best to first create several empty pages using the “Enter” key. And then, starting from the first page, select and color areas of the future text. And do this page by page:

We remove unnecessary pages (sheets) that appear using methods already known to us. It seems that it is better to remove extra pages after entering the text, in order to be sure that the prepared colored pages will be enough for the future text.

In fact, the idea of ​​pre-coloring areas for future text is very bad. When entering text in the most normal way, the color of the areas will begin to change and shift:

It is better to fill with color after the text has been entered:

Most effective way to make text on a colored background, in my opinion, is to enter text while simultaneously creating the colored background (background) we need. Since we have already talked about a lot, this will be easier to do.

When starting to create a text document and placing the cursor at the beginning of the first line on the first page, we will not begin by entering text, but by choosing a color for the background behind the text. After our selection, the first line, according to the set margins (indents), will be filled with the selected color (blue in the example):

Now we can start entering text. Each subsequent line that we enter will immediately be colored:

After entering the last character, we press the “Enter” key and color the page to the end, jumping in one line to the new page that appears:

Before we start typing on the second page, let's first change the color:

And after that, let's start entering the text:

And so page after page. But everything we've talked about so far concerns the background color behind the text and only applies to the text. Inserting, for example, tables or diagrams between lines or paragraphs will result in unwanted changes.

But how can we completely fill the pages with different colors? Is there such a possibility?

Yes, I have!

If we want to fill the pages of a document with different colors, we must work with each page individually. So we can easily assume this process labor-intensive. Let's try to make things easier for ourselves by using one of the title page templates.

Why are we talking about cover page templates? And for the reason that many cover page templates are colored and I would say that they are even colorful. That's why they attracted our attention.

Let's open the "Insert" tab of the top menu and expand the contents of the "Cover Page" option, where we will select the appropriate template:

Why do I suggest choosing a template filled with a blue gradient? Because the gradient covers the entire page. This template has no border or outline.

Click on the mouse to select this template and the title page will become the first page in our document:

Let's click on the blue background of the title page to highlight it. The blue background is captured by editing markers:

And in the top menu, the “Format” tab of the “Drawing Tools” functionality has appeared. Markers and the “Format” tab tell us that the area filled with a blue gradient is a “Rectangle” shape. Here is the answer to our question about how we can make document pages colored.

Let's continue to call the Rectangle shape the area or background.

All we need to do now is copy the title page background and paste it onto the pages of our document. Let's do this in a way convenient for ourselves. Well, I propose to perform the “copy-paste” procedure by dragging and dropping.

Let's press and continue to hold down the computer keyboard key "Ctrl", and then grab the background of the title page highlighted with markers with the mouse (the left mouse button is pressed and held), and drag it to the first page of our document:

Having placed the background of the title page on the sheet of our document, first release the left mouse button, and only then the “Ctrl” key. Let's align the position of the background on the sheet, helping ourselves with the arrow keys:

You can now delete the cover page by going back to the “Cover Page” option in the “Insert” tab of the top menu and selecting the “Delete Cover Page” option:

Now let’s drag the already transferred background onto the next page of our document. Then we will repeat the same steps for the next pages of our document. You don’t have to rush to delete the title page, but do it last. Its presence will help you better navigate the alignment of transferred backgrounds:

We couldn't help but notice that the transferable backgrounds, copied from the title page, were placed immediately behind the text. This allowed us to reduce the complexity of the procedure. That is, we did not have to do it ourselves by turning to the “Place behind text” option. Now, selecting the background on each page (click the mouse in places without text), we open the “Format” tab of the “Drawing Tools” functionality and fill the backgrounds with the desired colors or gradients:

We can fill pages (sheets) with an image or texture:

Usually the color of a page in Word is changed in order to make the document more beautiful. Unfortunately, many people do not understand that changing the page background from standard white to something else can result in a number of problems. First of all, you should consider whether you will print your color document? If yes, then on what?

If you are going to output the created Word document to a regular black and white office printer, then it’s better to immediately abandon color pages, since any color other than black will simply automatically turn into gradations (shades) of gray and instead of the beautiful document that you see on the screen monitor, you will get nonsense.

If you print on a color device, you can change the color of the sheet, but you will use toner so many, since this is a normal page fill. Considering the prices for consumables for color printers, it is worth thinking about the advisability of changing the page color right in Word.

But if you want to withdraw Word document in PDF, then everything is fine - feel free to change the color of the page background as you want.

A Smart Way to Change Page Color in Word

If you just need a colored BACKGROUND, but not colored text, then it is preferable to simply print on colored paper or cardboard, which can be purchased at any stationery store. In this way you can easily and simply make color pages. The text will not be colored, but this is not necessary.

In the Word document itself, the background of the page does NOT need to be changed, otherwise the black and white printer will apply another gray color to your colored paper, which will turn into a colored background!

How to make a color page in Word (for the lazy)

But, in fact, this is what you were probably looking for - how to change the background directly in the document. Go to the Ribbon menu in the "Page Layout" section and select "Page Color" there, then select the desired color in the drop-down menu. I won’t show a picture here - it’s all very primitive. In my courses I explain these things in detail, of course, but in this note I wanted to focus specifically on ways changing the background color of the page, and also suggest the idea of ​​“why is this needed.” Thinking like this leads to a better understanding of what you are doing.

[click on image to enlarge]

Now you know one more trick...

The method shown for changing the background of a page in Word is not the only one. Word hides many secrets that take time to master. If you want to work professionally in the program, that is, create well-formatted documents and quickly, then don’t be lazy to read a good tutorial on Microsoft Word. They are, of course, quite thick, but the result will exceed all expectations.

For the lazy, I can offer my full video course on Microsoft Word. It is specially designed for training from scratch to complete mastery of the program. But watching all 40 lessons is not enough - you need to try everything in practice at the same time. Then you will stop wasting time searching for information on the Internet.

Even avid gamers sometimes work with the Word text editor. A office worker I have to deal with typing every day and all day long. But sometimes there are solemn moments. And this is where the same text editor can become an indispensable assistant. In order to congratulate a colleague on their anniversary, you can quickly create a beautiful card or even a certificate. If you decide to create a whole or, then you will even have to change the color of the page. In new versions of Word this is done quite simply, and you can even see in advance what will come of it. For those who still have Word 2003, I advise you to read this one. We will now look at how to change the color of a page using Word 2010 as an example.

Method 1: Using the Printed Watermark feature

The Blur feature adjusts the brightness and contrast of an image to make the image appear less visible behind the text.

Method 2

Note. . However, simply changing the setting so that the new color appears on the page when you create the document does not guarantee that the document will print with the added color.

In order for the new color to appear in the printed version of the file, you need to complete an additional step. Additionally, you'll need to make sure your printer supports borderless printing, or you'll be left with a document with borders and no color.

  • Change the background color of pages in your document.
  • Print the document with the new background color.
  • Check if the printer supports borderless printing.
Note that when you hover over any of the options, you will get a preview of that change in the document before it is applied.

In order to make a color page in Word, we need to open a new document and go to the tab Page layout, and find the block in the feed of this tab Page background and click on the small black arrow to the right of the shortcut Page Color. A palette will open in which you need to select the color of our future page.

Getting the background color for printing

As mentioned earlier, making this change will only cause a new background color to appear on your computer screen. If you want this color to be printed as well, there is one more element you need to check.

Background color Doesn't cover the entire page

When you view the Preview for a document, it is possible that your new background color may not cover the entire page. If so, you'll first want to make sure your printer supports borderless printing. Many printers, especially inexpensive home models, don't support this feature, so you won't be able to make a new edge-to-edge color print unless you switch to a different printer.

And if you choose Filling methods, then this is a “untilled field” for your imagination.

However, it is also possible that your printer supports borderless printing, but this option has not been enabled. To fix this, you will need to check the printer properties. Depending on the type of device you have, Borderless may appear in different places, so you may need to look through different tabs.

Although the Borderless option may not be available for some paper sizes, it may be available for others. So before you give up on your printer completely, take a look at the available paper sizes and see if any of the other options support this option.

  • On the tab Gradient, You can choose the transitions between colors and methods of filling the sheet.
  • On the tab Texture, you can choose a texture that suits your design, or upload your own.
  • On the tab Pattern, you can choose a simple pattern and cover the entire page of your document with it.
  • And on the tab Drawing, you can upload your drawings or pictures and design the page in your style.

And after you have decided on the color of the page, you can print any other text on it. Or you can add pictures and create a postcard,

Page backgrounds cannot be printed in the publisher for two main reasons, but with their help. This is the publisher's way of telling you that you need to shrink the background image to a certain number of pixels per inch based on your use for the document. Websites require more compression than commercial print, so you'll see more background issues when preparing for the web. If you have a document with multiple backgrounds that vary across pages, you can control what you print using print options.

If you want to make a background for your work, it will not necessarily be one solid color. You can create such a masterpiece that you will show it to everyone you know! In this article I will tell you how to do colored page background, backing and what other ways are there to design your work?

Attention! All settings described in the article will be reflected as you configure them, only in electronic version of the document. When printing, even Preview can give a distorted idea of ​​how the document will look on paper. The printing result can be very surprising!

Standing on solid ground

You can also check these settings if your background is not printing. One way to make sure your backgrounds print is to ensure your chosen paper doesn't overwhelm it. If your background is a light image, such as a washout, printing it on light-colored paper may cause the background to blend together. For example, a faded map printed on special paper designed to look like old parchment may cause your background to evoke a treasure you don't want. IN similar cases Experiment with some of the publisher's color editing tools.

In the Tools Menu - Options - Print tab, check the Background colors and designs checkbox. If you have no background at all, this may help.

Many people face the problem of background printing. A clear answer to the question why The background is printed incorrectly in Word 2003, I didn't find it on the Internet. I propose my own way to solve this problem.

Print text and graphics in black and white

Hover over options in the drop-down menus that can darken or increase the contrast in the background. Operating instructions for your printer. Confirm the Properties dialog and click Print. The current document is printed in black and white. If either option is selected, all presentations or graphics will be printed without color. Background in the format - Page - Background Monochrome converts all colors to two values: Black and white.

  • The General tab of the dialog box opens.
  • Click Properties.
  • You will see your printer properties dialog box.
  • Select the option to print in black and white.
  • All text is printed in black.
  • All borders are printed in black.
  • A background set in the format - Page - Background will not be printed.
This option can be specified either for all text documents that will be printed in the future, or only for the current document.

Sometimes you need to add some background to a MS Word text document to make it more vivid and memorable. This is most often used when creating web documents, but you can do the same with a regular text file.

Separately, it is worth noting that you can make a background in Word in several ways, and in any case appearance document will be visually different. Let's tell you more about each of them.

Option 1: Change page color

This method allows you to make a page in Word colored and for this it is not at all necessary that it already contains text. You can print everything you need or add it later.

Besides the usual "colored" background, you can also use other fill methods as the page background.

Option 2: Changing the background behind the text

In addition to the background, which fills the entire area of ​​the page or pages, you can change the background color in Word only for text. For these purposes, you can use one of two tools: "Text highlight color" or "Fill", which can be found in the tab "Home"(previously "Page layout" or "Format", depending on the version of the program used).

In the first case, the text will be filled with the color of your choice, but the space between the lines will remain white, and the background itself will begin and end in the same place as the text. In the second, a fragment of text or the entire text will be filled with a solid rectangular block, which will cover the area occupied by the text, but end/begin at the end/beginning of the line. Filling using any of these methods does not apply to document fields.

Printing documents with a changed background

Quite often the task is not only to change the background of a text document, but also to subsequently print it. At this stage, you may encounter a problem - the background is not printed. You can fix this as follows.


That’s all, now you know how to make a background in a Word document, and you also know what the “Fill” and “Background Highlight Color” tools are. After reading this article, you will definitely be able to make the documents you work with more vibrant, attractive and memorable.