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How to create an advertising account in VK. How to create and properly configure a VKontakte advertising account

The VKontakte advertising account is a tool that helps promote goods and services in the social network of the same name. networks. With the help of advertising campaigns, you can not only create advertisements, but also manage them, increasing the effectiveness of the advertising campaign.

Advertising opportunities in VK

You can choose where the ads will be broadcast: in the news feed, which can be viewed on any device, or on the user’s home page in the block on the left under the main menu. This feature is only available for full version VC.

It is also possible to customize the advertising format: carousel; universal recording (video advertising); record with button; collection of applications (for news feeds and communities); external site; application or game (for advertising on the main profile page).

Create an audience depending on the location of users.

Allows you to configure the geolocation of your target audience down to the street. If necessary, you can, on the contrary, exclude settlements from search.

Wide possibilities for creating a target audience allow you to set gender, age restrictions, select marital status, date of birth, and area of ​​interest. In addition, the settings allow you to display advertising only to subscribers of certain public pages.

Spend an unlimited amount of financial resources on the Republic of Kazakhstan.

VC allows you to invest the amount you have without minimum or maximum limits.

Track statistics.

The function allows you to monitor the effectiveness of your ads, as well as track your engaged audience by demographic data.

Launch retargeting.

This feature allows you to work with a warm audience, engaging them to complete a purchase or make an application. Strengthening retargeting capabilities are dynamic messages that can be sent to each user personally and the ability to customize lookalike audiences.

With this function, the timing of impressions is set to reach as many users as possible.

To create a RC you need to:

We will not discuss the settings for the audience and ad display time at this stage. A link to an article with detailed setup instructions is at the beginning of the publication.

After successfully completing all stages, you find yourself in advertising office:

Note! To create an advertising campaign, you must manage the public that you want to promote. For each newly created account, an ID is assigned:

To enter the RK after its creation, you need to go to the community that you are advertising. In the right menu find "Community Advertising" and click on this button. Or go in the same way as we did the first time.

Advertising in social network In contact with- one of the simplest tools for promoting products on the Internet. Creating an effective advertisement is not difficult even for novice entrepreneurs.

How to set up an advertising account

Advertising campaign settings allow you to make promoting your company as convenient as possible.

Personal account settings can be found in the left menu, here you can change:

Click on "Not specified" " in the account name and enter the required name, save the changes.

Access settings.Here you can add or remove an administrator or observer for your community. To do this, you need to add a link to this person’s account and click« Add user».

Alerts.The function allows you to set up alerts about certain actions in the community by checking the required boxes. You can control which alerts go where.

After completing the RK settings, do not forget to press the button to save the entered data.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Glad to see you again on the blog pages. Your old friend Bulat Makseev is with you, and today we will talk about how to create an agent account on Vkontakte. The topic is quite interesting and very popular lately.

But first, let’s find out what a VKontakte agent account is and what exactly it is needed for.

Why do you need a VKontakte agent account?

So, you probably know that the targeted VKontakte network does not allow redirect links for advertising, that is, links that from one domain (in this case, from the domain of the CPA network) redirect to a link to a specific offer (the advertised site). In the video, we will more clearly understand what a redirect link is.

So... VKontakte moderation does not allow these same redirect links to pass at all, and explaining to them that this is a normal link, a good offer, that this is my affiliate link is USELESS. Please, provide them (that is, the moderators) with either a direct link or a link with an affiliate ID in the body of the main link. Their policy, you know, is to not skip redirect links.

What to do?

Previously, I used iframe pages to undergo moderation. I just talked about this in the article “”.

But after some time, the CPA offers and CPA networks themselves began to block the display of links from iframe pages. It was necessary to look for some solution. And it was found! Creation of an agent account on the social network VKontakte! Moreover, it was not created by you, but by the technical support of one or another CPA network (Ad1, Admitad, Actionpay, etc.). And this was beneficial for CPA aggregators, since they understood perfectly well that many people have problems moderating CPA links. Especially for beginners. And they met the webmasters halfway.

What advantages does the agent office provide?

Using an agent account created for you by one or another CPA network, you can easily advertise redirect links of your choice. Yes Yes. You understood correctly. Through this tool you can advertise redirect links of CPA networks. This is why this office is being created.

Of course, an agent’s account is not a 100% guarantee that your link will be missed, but, as practice shows, in 80%-90% of cases moderators skip the link. Why are they missing? I think that CPA networks have some kind of agreement with the VKontakte administration that when creating an agent account, picky moderators of targeted advertising on VKontakte should show maximum loyalty to redirect links.

So, I hope everything is clear with the introduction. Now let’s briefly consider the main question of this article...

How to create an agent account on VKontakte: video

The principle of creating an agent account on VKontakte is the same for almost all CPA networks. I will give you a couple of recommendations and tips using the example of a CPA network. So watch the video:

I hope now you know why you need an agent account in the targeted VKontakte network and you know how to create it, or rather get it.

I am sure that after watching the video you still have questions for me. If so, then I look forward to your comments below.

Was the video and article useful to you? Great! Let your friends on social networks know about it - click on the social network buttons just below and share the link to this article with your friends. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s nice for me and everyone interested in this topic :) Thank you in advance.

In the next issue...

The next article will appear on the blog on December 20, and in it we will talk about a very interesting topic - targeted advertising on the Photostrana social network.

Have a nice day and good mood!

Sincerely, your friend and assistant

Hello everyone, Svetlana Raevskaya is with you. At the very beginning of my work with targeted advertising, I did not attach any importance to which account the setup was in - in the customer’s account or in mine. Moreover, for almost a year and a half I created all advertising campaigns for clients in my office. She reported to the customer in the form of Excel files and screenshots of statistics. Today I will talk about why this was a big mistake and what to do to avoid repeating it.

How to assign access rights in the advertising account

If this is yours Personal Area, which means you are the “Chief Administrator”. You have the right to appoint “Administrators” and “Observers” for your advertising account. This is easy to do:

All. A new “Administrator” or “Observer” has appeared in your account.

Who is the “Observer” in the VKontakte advertising account and why is he needed?

The Observer has only two functions available: viewing advertising campaigns and exporting statistics. This access setting is usually used when auditing advertising campaigns, when sharing experiences, and when it is necessary to show and discuss a specific ad or campaign progress.

Who is the “Administrator” in the advertising account and why is he needed?

"Administrator" can create and edit ads and campaigns, as well as view statistics. He cannot appoint new “Administrators” and view the “Budget” section.

“Administrator” rights are needed in order to work in customer accounts. Note! This is important both for targetologists-executors and for entrepreneur-clients. I insist that work on setting up advertising campaigns should be carried out in the customer’s account.

Three reasons why it is better for a hired targetologist to work in the advertising account from the “Administrator” status:
  1. Only its owner can replenish the budget of the advertising account and withdraw money from it. The targetologist works within the allocated budget. Accordingly, the customer is calm about the intended use of his money. The performer is freed from unfounded accusations of embezzlement.
  2. The owner can see what is happening in his advertising account at any time. Just be sure to stipulate that the customer will not interfere with the settings and regulate the campaigns without permission.
  3. After graduation collaboration all advertising campaigns remain in the customer’s account. If necessary, he will be able to independently launch the most effective ads. In addition, if in the future the customer cooperates with another specialist, it will be useful for him to look at and analyze previous results.

So, now you know what access rights exist in the advertising account and when they can be useful to you. Approach your work wisely, and this will allow you to avoid mistakes and conflicts. And if you want to understand other intricacies of targeting, take a look at the page with

A social network is a powerful tool for promoting any type of product and service. An advertising account has been developed on VKontakte, with its help you can manage created advertising. As you know, there are official and unofficial ways to promote a VK group. An advertising account is an official way that allows you to promote your public page and advertise your products for a fee.

The advertising account on VKontakte is your center for managing advertisements. Everything about it is simple. Using your personal account you can set correct settings advertisement. If you configure everything correctly, the advertisement will be shown to the maximum number of users. And you can save money.

How to activate an advertising account on VKontakte?

The advertising account is available to every user of the VK social network, activate specifically You don’t need it, nor do you need to look for the corresponding link to it. To get into it, you need to open your personal profile, go down under the main menu and see the “advertising” item there, highlighted in gray.

  • targeted ads;
  • promotion of records;
  • advertising posts in communities;
  • special offers in games.

The two types of tools that are most in demand are targeting and advertising in groups.

Creating an advertising account on VKontakte: step-by-step instructions

In principle, the question: how to create an advertising account on VKontakte is not entirely correct. After all, any user who opens the “advertising” tab automatically gets into it, and it has already been created by default. You just need to activate this tool and receive an individual ID.

To do this, you need:

  1. Open the “advertising” tab.
  2. Create your first ad.
  3. Confirm creation by clicking the “create ad” button.
  4. After this, set up parameters such as the type of advertising (can be an application, an external site), the graphic component, the text content of the publication in the target settings, determine the cost, top up the balance and launch.

The most difficult stage in this procedure is targeting. This is the selection of people to whom the advertising publication will be shown.

To do this, you can set parameters: their gender, age, take into account geography and location, interests, marital status, income level and much more.

Therefore, it is first necessary to study the chosen topic, determine target audience or entrust this task to a professional.

It is also difficult to choose payment rates at first. VK has the opportunity to independently determine the amount of investment in this advertising method. The higher the rates, the higher the costs. But at the same time, the lower they are, the less likely it is that your advertising post will outperform competitors’ advertising. Therefore, it is also important to connect a profile to this process or learn to maintain balance yourself.

  • all existing advertisements, of which you can create an unlimited number;
  • the amount with or without a bonus that is available, that is, the advertising deposit;
  • division into active and inactive ads, that is, those that users can currently see and those that are not shown;
  • detailed statistics of each advertising post, including the number of views, the number of targeted actions completed.

How to top up your account in the VKontakte advertising account: step-by-step instructions

To activate a particular ad, run advertising campaign, you definitely need to top up your account in your advertising account. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You need to log into your advertising account using the method described above.
  2. Open the “community advertising” or “targeted advertising” tab, depending on the type and goal pursued.
  3. Go to the “budget” tab in the main menu on the left. This page will show users up-to-date information about the remaining funds and bonuses in the account. Information such as the remaining budget, blocked funds, spent today and spent yesterday is available. Below are statistics on transfers to the budget.
  4. Next to the first line “remaining budget” there is an active “replenish” button.
  5. After clicking, a selection of the available payment type will open: the procedure for crediting via bank cards, terminals or other payment systems, as well as by bank transfer for legal entities. The minimum deposit amount to the account is 500 rubles.

How to withdraw money from your VKontakte advertising account: step-by-step instructions

It is very important before replenishing your account to pay attention to the fact that targeting and advertising in communities have different budgets. You need to decide in advance what you need. The advertising account is designed for spending funds and is not intended for their accumulation and withdrawal. The administration has an extremely negative attitude towards such operations. Therefore, it can often permanently block the user’s advertising account. However, if such an urgent need exists, you need to contact technical support with detailed description the whole problem. The administration will be able to accommodate and return the deposited funds.

However, if there is no need to use the advertising account in the future, you can use one of two available methods:

  • for residents of the Russian Federation you can withdraw money to bank card any bank or get votes in VK;
  • for non-residents, funds can be exchanged exclusively for votes in the ratio of 5 rubles - 1 vote. Also, for non-residents who have never used the deposited budget, the money is withdrawn back to the card from which it was deposited into the account.

How to delete a VKontakte advertising account

Just like creating, it is impossible to delete a VK advertising account. The site administration can only block it for unacceptable content, action or for withdrawing funds from it. If there is no need to use it, you can simply leave it alone. To delete, you must contact technical support and be prepared to indicate the reasons for deletion.

Possible problems when working in the advertising account

  • Account blocking is a common reason for violating the rules of the VK social network - you need to contact VK support, find out the reason, and try to eliminate the violations;
  • VKontakte advertising does not run - perhaps there are not enough funds in the account. The show stops for the same reason when the funds run out;
  • When replenishing the account, funds were debited from the card, but were not credited to the account - you need to contact technical support or wait 1 hour during which the funds are transferred; for non-cash payments, the transfer takes up to 3 business days;
  • advertising is not published through your personal account (opt-out) - compliance must be checked technical requirements, as well as content.


The VKontakte advertising account is a very convenient tool. which even beginners can master and use. The platform provides ample opportunities for advertising goods and services to users of the social network. She introduces detailed rules, provides assistance and technical support around the clock. You can also analyze statistics and take into account changes in key indicators.

If this is your first time encountering an advertising account on VKontakte or you need to give access to an advertising account to a specialist, but don’t know how to do it, step-by-step instruction, which was written by the administrator of VKontakte groups Elena Babaeva- this will be very useful to you.

The following window will open:

2. Click on “targeted ads” and go to the tab where you will create your first ad (don’t worry, we won’t run it). Click “create ad”.

3. In the window that opens, select what you will advertise. Let's look at the example of a community. Click “community”.

4. In the pop-up window, select the community you want to advertise and click the “continue” button.

5. Fill out the form.

Choose the ad format (let’s look at “image and text” as an example). Fill out the “title”, “description”, upload an image, fill out the lines “subject of the ad”, “subsection”, “age marking” (if necessary).

What the ad will look like is shown in the top right corner.

7. Below you will find the price and location settings.

These settings will not be important to us, because... We will not run the ad. You don't have to change them. Next, click “create ad.”

How to replenish your advertising account and give rights to an administrator or targetologist to run an advertising campaign.

    Select the “Targeting” tab and below “Budget”. On the right you will see the “top up” button and follow the instructions.

Now let's look at how to replenish the budget for advertising in communities.