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How to dry a parrot after bathing. Bathing a budgie

Is it possible to bathe parrots? This question is asked by every new pet owner. After observing the bird for some time and seeing its love for rinsing in a saucer of water, one can only give an affirmative answer.

You can and even need to bathe your parrot!

Often parrot owners are interested in whether it is possible to wash birds in water and is it harmful to health? All veterinarians, without exception, say that if your pet likes to splash in the water, then you absolutely need to bathe it.

Even if you watched a video about how to properly bathe a budgie, then most likely you don’t know everything. Some things are invisible on the screen.

It is very important to know the basic rules of bathing budgies:

  1. You need to bathe your parrot in a deep saucer, in a tray or under the tap in the sink.
  2. It will be better if your winged friend takes water procedures in silence, at least exclude sharp noisy sounds that can frighten him.
  3. Try to ensure that tap water does not get into the bird's eyes and ears.
  4. It is necessary to wash your parrot in water at room temperature.
  5. The water for washing must be clean. Adding soap or shampoo is prohibited.
  6. It is necessary to arrange water treatments for birds at the beginning of the day. So that by evening the parrot has time to dry all its feathers before the temperature in the house begins to drop. You should not carry out water procedures just before bedtime. Otherwise, the bird may freeze and get sick when it sleeps.
  7. After bathing, it is forbidden to dry the bird with a hairdryer. When heated, the non-stick coated spiral inside the device releases substances that are deadly to birds. In addition, you risk overheating it.
  8. To prevent the wavy from drowning, monitor the volume of water in the container. It is better if it is a third of the parrot's height.
  9. Check rooms before swimming for drafts. Close all windows and vents, otherwise the bird may get sick after such washing.
  10. Never leave a bathing bird unattended.
Before you start washing your budgie, it’s worth remembering one thing: the bathing water should not be hot. Optimal water temperature: 20-25 degrees.

Also, it is worth deciding on the bathhouse and choosing a less “stressful” place for water procedures. As a bath for washing birds, you can use an ordinary deep plate, which is found in every home.

You can also pre-purchase a special tray for bathing parrots. And if your pet shows a negative attitude towards such baths, you can try other washing methods: in the shower or under the tap. Many parrots love having water splashed on them through a spray bottle.

Such procedures are inherent in them at the genetic level. In tropical countries, where wavy birds come from, birds often bathe in dew. But do not forget that the water cools quickly after spraying. Therefore, when bathing a bird in this way, add hot water to the spray bottle.

How to start

If your feathered friend has never taken water treatments before, you should approach this issue with caution. The main thing is to decide how and where to teach your parrot to bathe. Don’t rush things, but look for a way that will be pleasant for your pet, encouraging any desires of the bird to play in the water.

Do not force your parrot into the water. This can lead to behavioral problems (the bird will stop trusting you) and a fear of water.

Are water treatments required for parrots?

Budgerigars are very neat birds. It is not necessary to wash them regularly in bathtubs or under the tap, only if they get dirty. Birds regularly groom their feathers to keep them clean.

The main thing that is required of you is to regularly clean your pet’s cage. But, if you see how a bird, instead of drinking water from a bowl, tries to climb into it and plays in this way, then you should understand that bathing brings pleasure to your pet and therefore it is worth bathing it.

If your friend is not afraid of water and splashes in it himself, be sure to change drinking water clean after swimming. And in the cage with the bird you can put a tray or deep saucer for washing.

If a parrot likes to splash in the water, then there is no need to accustom it to these procedures. Just make sure that the water is warm and the parrot is comfortable in the bath.

Wavy bathing methods

Let's look at all the ways to bathe parrots that will help turn bird washing into exciting game. Most birds, as socially active birds, always love company in everything.

So let your pet watch you shower first. If he is afraid of such a procedure, then it is better to offer the bird a bath in a container filled with water.

To make washing your winged friend relaxed and fun, you can throw several rubber toys or something edible (grapes, apple pieces, etc.) into the tray of water. This doesn't mean your winged friend will immediately take to the water.

But if curiosity gets the better of him, he will definitely try to get something out of the water. In cases where your pet refuses to shower or bathe, try to attract him with a small stream of tap water. Even a simple wash will be an excellent option for poultry water treatments.

Another way to teach a wavy to bathe is through encouragement. What bird doesn't like praise and sweets? Praise your budgie for everything it does right and treat it with treats.

For example, if for the first time he refused to bathe, but out of curiosity he wet his paws, treat him with candy and emotionally praise him. Then next time the parrot will do more for you, which means it will try to do the same thing, but with more persistence.

To bathe a wavy or not to bathe

If, after all of the above, you are still wondering: is it possible to bathe a budgie, then you should clarify the main points:

  1. Parrots are already very clean birds, so it is not necessary to bathe them.
  2. If you decide to accustom your budgie to water procedures, do it gradually and carefully. Encourage your bird for its success and do not force it to go into the water if it does not want to.
  3. If you see that your pet loves to splash in the water, then you should definitely arrange frequent water treatments for him, having familiarized yourself with their basic rules.

There's a pet in the house! It is clear that you need to love him, feed him, clean up after him, and also bathe him. How to bathe parrots so that the procedure brings pleasure to both the owner and the bird?

Bathing as a necessary measure

It happens that the housewife is washing the dishes, and the parrot moves from the shoulder over the arm to the hand, and climbs right under the stream of water. This means that you can bathe your pet, since he has such a desire. But it happens that bathing is simply necessary if the pet gets dirty (fell into a plate of borscht or reached into the gouache to help finish painting a masterpiece).

Let's learn about how to bathe parrots and under what conditions. So:

  • Make sure that there are no drafts in the room so that the bird does not get sick.
  • Pick up your pet and take it to the bathroom or where the bathing procedure will take place.
  • If the parrot protests and breaks out of your hands, you should take it with a towel and hold it just above the cheeks. Be sure to secure the housing so as not to harm your pet.
  • Bright lighting excites the bird, so it is better to bathe it in the twilight.
  • To better wash off the dirt, your pet needs to be soaped. It is better to do this along the growth of the feathers, then rinse everything off with water. Do not use aggressive chemicals.
  • If the parrot gets dirty with paint, oil or something that is difficult to wash off, you need to patiently soap the plumage as many times as necessary to ensure complete cleanliness, and rinse thoroughly. Birds usually clean their own feathers after bathing. During the cleaning process, they can be poisoned by the chemical composition that remains on the plumage. If you cannot wash your parrot completely, then it is better to trim the most unsightly feathers.

After purchasing a pet, many questions arise, including whether parrots are bathed. Most of them love this procedure. In their native Australia, they often swim in nearby bodies of water.

Enjoying a bath

Each bird has its own character and preferences. In nature, many feathered friends take water treatments. To keep their feathers clean, parrots don't necessarily have to dive into the water like ducks. If a pet climbs into the drinking bowl and splashes water, this is a signal to action. The bird is experiencing a shortage of water treatments. So something needs to be done about this.

Some tips on how to bathe a budgie at home:

  • If the bird is not in the mood to take water treatments that day, there is no need to insist; it is better to choose a more convenient moment.
  • There should be no drafts in the room, and the room temperature should not be lower than +22…+25 degrees.
  • It's best not to let your parrot drink from the basin you bathe him in. If he still drinks, you should change the water more often.
  • The feathered friend is not wiped with a towel or dried with a hairdryer. A wet bird is left on table lamp, there she will dry out and put her feathers in order on her own.

To ensure that the bathing procedure is successful and without consequences, there are several recommendations on how to bathe parrots at home.

Bathing rules

When organizing a “bath day” for your pet, it is better to take into account a few more important points. This will help you avoid making fatal mistakes:

  1. The water in the container should be a comfortable temperature for the bird; parrots love warm water.
  2. Do not use deep dishes or pour a lot of water into them. Wet feathers and slippery sides of the dishes will not allow the parrot to escape; the bird may drown.
  3. Considering the quality of the tap water, it is better to use filtered or boiled water to bathe your feathered friend. Your pet will definitely drink it while bathing.
  4. Chamomile infusion is sometimes added to the water; this will benefit the bird’s skin and digestive system.
  5. After the bathing procedure, the pupil will begin to rush around the cage. This is normal, this is how the pet shakes off the remaining moisture from the plumage.
  6. If the bathing process occurs in winter, the parrot needs to be helped to dry. The cage with the bird is brought to the radiator; the flow of warm air will help quickly dry the wet feathers.
  7. IN summer time The pet is bathed more often - three or four times a month. In winter, once a month will be enough. It is better to take care of the bird so that it does not accidentally catch a cold.
  8. If the bathing container is in the cage, it is better to remove it immediately after taking a bath so that the parrot does not have the opportunity to drink from it.
  9. If the pet begins to rush around and chirp, it means that something frightened him or is not happy with him, it is better to end the bathing.
  10. Bird lovers, children or guests will be interested in watching a budgerigar bathe. This brings joy not only to the bird, but also makes the owners happy. The birds puff up their feathers in a funny way and become funny.
  11. If the parrot has just appeared in the house, then it is better to postpone the bathing procedure for a month or a month and a half. Let him get used to his owners first. When the child gets comfortable and becomes bolder, he needs to be accustomed to the container, and only then bathed. To do this, pour into the bathing suit a small amount of sand or feed. When the pet can safely climb there, then you can pour water.

There are several ways for birds to take water procedures. Experienced bird breeders recommend different ways for owners to bathe a budgie at home.

tropical rain

Fill a spray bottle with warm water. Carefully, so as not to scare your pet, spray water from above his head. Small drops should fall on the plumage like rain. If the bird perks up and puts up its feathers, it means that the method was to its liking.

Bathing under running water or shower

Adjust the bathroom faucet so that the water flows in a thin stream. It’s good when the parrot is not afraid to sit on your finger, you can carefully bring it to the stream and watch its reaction. If he is interested in some water, he will get closer, and if not, he will move away or fly away. The same applies to the shower. The water pressure should resemble a light rain, the bird is brought into the bathroom and held up to the rain, if the child showed interest and climbed into the water, then he can be bathed in this way.

Special bath

There is another option for bathing parrots - in a bath. It can be purchased at any pet store. Such devices are mounted in a special opening in the cage. If this is not found, you can attach it to the main opening. Bathing suits are made of plexiglass or plastic. But often the bird confuses the bath with a drinking bowl and simply drinks water from it, but does not even think about bathing.

Swimming in the grass

Wet grass reminds your pet of natural conditions for taking water procedures. You can pick grass from a neighboring lawn, at your dacha, in a park, or buy it at a pet store. It is better to rinse the weed you have personally collected, then put it on a tray, oilcloth or plate and show it to your parrot. After rustling the grass a little, your feathered friend will become interested, and the result will not be long in coming. As a rule, birds begin to rub their feathers on wet grass with pleasure.

Bathing in a dish

A good option for water procedures would be dishes. You can bathe your parrot in an ordinary tea saucer, portion plate or small herring bowl. The main thing is not to take in a lot of water; the liquid level should not exceed the thickness of your finger. It is better to place a cloth under the dishes to absorb splashes. The parrot will walk around the vessel and periodically run into it.

Hygiene in the sand

Talcum powder instead of water

If your parrot flatly refuses to bathe in water, then you should purchase regular baby powder (talc) for it. It needs to be evenly distributed over the bird’s plumage and rubbed in thoroughly but gently.

Now you know how to bathe a parrot at home. During hygiene procedures, it is necessary to take into account the student’s mood and his attitude towards water. Having tried many methods, the pet will choose the best one that will give him pleasure.

Budgerigars are birds with a pronounced character, so you need to bathe them taking into account individual characteristics. One of the main questions is how to bathe budgies.

Anyone who gets a budgie wonders if it can be bathed? The answer is clear – not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. Birds do not have sweat glands, which means water procedures are vital. Especially if it’s hot outside or the air in the room is too dry.

It is necessary to maintain hygiene, especially during the hot period

To avoid drying out the feathers and skin, bathe your pet regularly. Watching a parrot bathe will give you real pleasure and a lot of unforgettable emotions. In addition, after water fun, the bird looks more well-groomed.

Not all bird owners know how to properly bathe budgies at home. First you need to carry out certain preparatory activities. Take the bird in your hands. If she gets aggressive and hides, gently wrap her in a towel. During the procedure, hold the bird by the area located just above the cheeks. It is also necessary to secure the housing to avoid possible damage.

Bathing a parrot must be done in the dark.

It is advisable to bathe a budgie in twilight - this way it will feel much more comfortable. It is necessary to soap your pet along the plumage, and then thoroughly rinse off the detergent with water. It is strictly forbidden to use chemical compounds, even if the contamination is very strong. If the bird is smeared with oil, paint and other persistent compounds, the plumage will have to be soaped several times. Remember that birds constantly clean their feathers, which means they can be poisoned by aggressive substances. If you are unable to remove the dirt, carefully trim off the stained areas.

Water procedures are one of the most interesting activities for birds.

And if done correctly, your pet will definitely love them. There are several methods of bathing; the specific choice depends only on you and the individual characteristics of the bird.


One of the most popular options for washing a parrot is special bathing suits. Introduction to water should be organized after a few weeks of adaptation in your home. First, buy a swimsuit at the store. There are two types:

An ordinary saucer can also be used as a bathing suit. Budgerigars do not require a deep pond - one and a half centimeters of water will be enough.

To attract the parrot's attention, place a toy in the bath

For bathing, attract your pet's attention by placing a brightly colored toy or treat in it. You can make a bathing suit for a parrot with your own hands.


Another option for washing a parrot is a spray bottle. Spraying with water is one of the safest ways to wash your bird. Do not direct the stream at your pet - aim a little higher so that the water drips onto the feathers like natural rain.

Try using a spray bottle

Such a shower can be arranged directly in the cage, but make sure that the water does not wet the grain. It is not recommended to buy a budgie using a spray that is too fine. Inhalation of small drops of water may irritate the respiratory tract. The water should be about forty degrees, since when splashed it cools instantly.

other methods

There are many other methods for bathing a parrot:

Some birds choose a fountain for bathing

You may have to try different options on how to teach your parrot to bathe. To find the most suitable method, experiment.

If you don’t yet know how to train a budgie to bathe, fill the bathtub with warm water during the procedures. drinking water. The bird will definitely want to drink. Acceptable level water - no more than one and a half centimeters. You can also spray the liquid over the bird's head. If at the same time he begins to chirp loudly and rush around, stop spraying immediately.

Be sure to use drinking water as the bird will want to drink.

The optimal water temperature for swimming is twenty-five degrees. Make sure there are no drafts in the room, otherwise... Water quality is of no small importance. In the cold season, install a lamp above the cage - a wet pet needs to dry out. For the same reason optimal time for water procedures - the beginning of the day. Budgerigars should not be dried with a hairdryer - when it is heated, vapors are released that can cause poisoning. Do not wipe it with a towel - it causes dry skin.

The temperature must be at least 20 degrees

Possible problems

If the bird is afraid to bathe, you should not force it. It is better to arouse her interest in such procedures. A tamed parrot can be carefully carried in your hand to an open tap, but you should not immediately send it under the stream - this will cause the bird to get scared and refuse contact with water forever.

If the bird categorically does not accept bathing, try to accustom it to an empty bathing suit. Place a treat or toy in it - over time, the pet will begin to freely climb into the bath. To create interest in bathing, give it a playful character: pour water into a saucer and move your fingers. This way the bird will be able to understand that this is very fun and safe. Many parrots love to bathe with their owner. A bathing suit with a mirror will arouse interest among birds who love to look at their reflection. For each attempt by the parrot to get acquainted with water, treat it with a treat.

The frequency of bathing depends on the individual characteristics of the budgie. It is advisable to carry out the procedures once a month in winter and three times a month in summer, but you can do this more often. Bathing is a necessary procedure for a bird and a fascinating spectacle for its owner.

Budgerigars are big fans of water treatments. And a properly organized bathing process will bring the wavy into indescribable delight! But there are also birds that sometimes refuse to bathe, and if you force them, the parrots can experience severe stress and become offended by the owner. But since you still need to maintain hygiene and bathe your budgerigar, you can invite your feathered companion to choose a bathing method that is convenient for him, which your winged pet will definitely like.

Swimming in wet grass
Wet grass is good because it creates natural conditions for swimming, since this is how parrots bathe in the wild. Grass can be collected on the street or in the country, or you can buy fresh grass for animals at a pet store. The grass should be soft and clean, so street grass needs to be washed thoroughly. The grass is placed on a plate or oilcloth and the parrot is brought to it. Most likely, your pet will like this method, and he will happily rub his feathers against her.

Parrot bath
You can purchase a specialized bath at a pet store and bathe your budgie directly in it. Such baths are attached to an additional opening in the cage. If there is none, then you can fix it in the main opening. The swimsuits are made of plastic or plexiglass and have a plastic lid that prevents splashes from flying in different directions. But it is difficult to accustom a parrot to this method of bathing, since the bath looks like a large sippy cup, and the birds begin to use it for other purposes.

Bathing in a saucer
For bathing, you can use an ordinary saucer. It can be placed in front of the cage or on the cage itself. You can place an oilcloth or a piece of fabric under the saucer to collect the splashes. Bathing budgies in a saucer is very convenient. They can frolic by running around the saucer and periodically running into it.

"Tropical Rain Effect"
To do this, you need to put warm water in a spray bottle and spray it on top of the parrot. If the parrot likes this method of bathing, then he will happily expose his feathers to such rain. But it can also scare the bird. Then the parrot will appear and chirp loudly. After such a reaction, you should stop bathing with a spray bottle and forget about it for a certain time. After a few weeks, you can try again to bathe the parrot under its spray.

Bathing under a shower or running water
You can make a real shower for the bird or bathe your budgie under a thin stream of water. It’s good if the parrot is tame, then you can put it on your finger and bring it to the water stream. The water pressure should be such that the shower gives the effect of light rain or a thin stream. Bring the bird to the water and wait. The parrot should itself show interest in this method of bathing, and perhaps it will begin to move towards the water. To avoid water getting into the nose or ears, expose the parrot's wings to the water. If your feathered companion does not want to swim, do not insist.

The whole pool
To create a pool, you can use a stainless steel kitchen sink. The drain needs to be plugged and water filled so that it covers the bottom. Place the bird on the edge of the sink and tap the water with your fingers to attract the bird's attention to it. In such a pool, the parrot can spread its wings and have a good splash, since the kitchen sink is a spacious place for swimming. But you should not leave your parrot alone for its safety. Moreover, domestic birds love it when the owner takes part in water procedures.

Rules for bathing budgies
Exist certain rules for organizing water procedures, non-compliance with which will not only not give the bird pleasure from bathing, but can also harm the health of the parrot:

  • the temperature for bathing should be warm, slightly above room temperature (it’s even warmer in the spray bottle);
  • there should be no drafts in the room;
  • the water level should not exceed 2 cm or should be knee-deep to the parrot;
  • room temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees;
  • the water in the bathing suit must be suitable for drinking, since birds drink it during water procedures;
  • do not force the bird to bathe;
  • parrots do not need to be dried after bathing, especially with a hairdryer;
  • After bathing, the water must be poured out so that the parrot does not drink it.
Most parrots simply love to take water treatments; they like to splash and frolic in the water, like little children. You need to bathe your budgie once a week, and in the hot season, the frequency of water procedures can be increased to 2-3 times a week.

All pets, including birds, love to splash around in warm water. But in order for bathing to be beneficial and not harm your feathered friend, you need to know how to properly bathe a budgie. This is not difficult to do at home.

Is it possible and necessary to bathe budgies?

Washing is not the most essential element of caring for and maintaining budgies. Each bird owner must decide for himself whether to bathe a budgie or not, focusing on the need for such bathing and the desire of the pet. There are enough advantages in water procedures:

  • While bathing with parrot feathers All foreign chemicals are washed away, especially if the pet got dirty with paint or glue the day before.
  • Water treatments help moisturizing feathers and skin budgerigar, which is important in the dry air of city apartments.
  • In summer, water procedures are the best preventing heat stroke at the birds.
  • Many birds love to swim!

Another question is that in cases where a pet flatly refuses to take water procedures - it gets restless, disheveled and shows dissatisfaction in all appearances, you should refuse bathing and consider other types of hygiene maintenance. Forced washing causes severe stress in the parrot, which negatively affects its general condition, mood and interferes with good communication with other family members. Once you break your pet's trust, you can spend many years trying to get him back.

How many times can you bathe and how often do you wash your budgie?

The frequency with which it is recommended to bathe budgies depends on several factors:

  1. Seasons. IN winter period Experts do not recommend getting carried away and organizing washing your pet more than once a month. In summer, it is allowed to increase the number of baths to three or four times a month. Although, if there are hot summer days outside, when it’s stuffy and you want to freshen up, at this time of year you can bathe the bird every other day. The same applies to winter - if the house is warm, the feathered friend wants to swim (or needs it), then water procedures are allowed once a week.
  2. Bird moods. If your feathered friend is anxious, you should not offer him a bath.
  3. Physical condition of the parrot. All recommended standards for water procedures apply only to healthy birds. If the pet is sick, then water procedures must be canceled until recovery.

You should not bathe in the first two weeks after purchasing a bird - during this adaptation period the stress will be too strong, which will certainly affect your health. It is best to accustom him to water procedures after the parrot has gotten used to the owner, has settled into the cage and calmly allows himself to be picked up.

Important! To understand whether your budgie needs to be bathed, you should take a close look at your pet: the first signs that it’s time to wash are: active interest in water– playing with a drinking bowl, trying to splash water all over oneself, ruffling feathers at this moment.

How to teach and accustom a budgie to bathe?

Bathing is a purely voluntary and individual matter for each bird. Both the pet and its owner get a lot of pleasure from this action, because watching a parrot splash is pure pleasure. Therefore, it is worth making a little effort so that your feathered friend perceives this procedure as an integral part of his life.

It is worth accustoming to bathing only after the parrot and the owner have trust and close contact has been established. It is better to do this with a young individual. Since if a feathered friend has already developed a persistent aversion to bathing, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise.

At first time recommended pick up a parrot When the owner washes his hands or bathes, accustom him to the sound of water and small splashes. When the bird gets comfortable and begins to show obvious interest - it’s worth put a separate container of water for it , in which it is recommended to put toys. Some budgies begin to bathe when there is a mirror near the bathing area - such entertainment is very fun.

If the first bath went well, you can reward your parrot with his favorite treat. Some owners even place treats in the bath to encourage the bird to enter the water. Every attempt needs to be bought encourage .

As a rule, birds begin to actively bathe when they are in the mood for it. Therefore, carefully monitor your pet’s behavior.

Do not be upset if the parrot does not accept the procedure offered to him - try to carry it out at another time or offer another way to bathe. Some pets ignore bathing in a cage, but are happy to splash around in any container outside the cage or under running water from a tap. You also need to make sure that the water is at a comfortable temperature. Many birds love to bathe with their owners. Therefore, some owners often take them with them to the bathroom.

If your budgie demonstrates its complete aversion to water treatments, I advise you to think about it. alternative methods, because parrots, like all living beings, need to maintain hygiene (hygiene should be observed especially carefully on hot days).

How to prepare for bathing budgies at home?

The first and most important condition for washing a parrot is good mood birds and trusting relationships with the owner. When swimming indoors, any shallow and wide container with water.

You should pay attention to the following points when organizing a bath for your budgie:

  1. The apartment needs keep warm– the temperature indicator in the room should be at least twenty degrees Celsius, the windows must be closed, if there is an air conditioner, it must be turned off. This will prevent the parrot from catching a cold after the water procedure and avoid drafts. It is better not to bathe your budgie when the temperature in the apartment is below the required level.
  2. A bathing suit for budgies should be pour warm drinking water, in case the pet decides to swallow it.
  3. The optimal water level is one that does not exceed the mark in 1.5-2 centimeters.
  4. It is not recommended to swim in brightly lit areas. Twilight allows the parrots to relax and take the procedure more calmly.

If the feathers are heavily soiled, you should also prepare a cleaning agent - it is better to choose specialized shampoos for birds. As a last resort, you can use fragrance-free baby shampoo.

Important! Usage detergent When bathing budgies, you should be extremely careful and use it only in cases of really heavy contamination (for example, paint or fly glue) that the bird cannot clean out on its own. The minimum concentration should be used; if the product requires rinsing, it is necessary to rinse the shampoo off the pet as much as possible! Remember that any foreign chemicals can negatively affect the health of your feathered pet!

What methods allow you to effectively bathe budgies at home?

There are many ways to wash budgies. Let's look at the main ones.

How to wash budgies with a spray bottle?

I think this is the easiest way. However, before you use it and bathe your budgie in this way, you need to know some rules:

  • The spray bottle should be warm water - about 25 degrees Celsius.
  • You should not use a spray bottle if the parrot is shy - this will only worsen the fear of your offer to go for a swim.
  • To bathe with a spray bottle you need remove the feeder from the cage, especially if there is still food in it.
  • Spraying water is recommended at a distance of 30 cm, in no case without doing it abruptly.
  • Procedure time – approx. 10-15 minutes, but if the bird shows pleasure, it can be longer.
  • After washing, you need to give your parrot dry off, and dry the cage.

How to bathe a budgie using a bath?

If you have a bathing suit, you can bathe your parrot in it. the main task In this case, the owner needs to interest the pet, attract its attention to bathing, since the bird will independently spray water on itself. There are many tricks in this matter - some put a mirror at the bottom of the bath, or throw waterproof toys or treats into the water.

Important! When using a bathing suit, budgies splash drops of liquid far around them. Therefore, if it is installed in a cage, you need to protect the space around it, otherwise, place it where splashes can be easily removed.

In some parrot cages, the bath is permanently installed and cannot be removed. In this case, you need to make sure that there is always pure water. Such cages are an ideal option for unobtrusively accustoming a budgerigar to bathing, so that he, without knowing it, gradually gets used to water procedures.

But here too there is underwater rocks– if the font is located on an elevated surface, then you cannot leave your budgie unattended while swimming. Wet plumage makes birds less agile, and they can easily damage themselves if they fall from a height.

After washing, it is necessary to replace the water with clean water so that the bird does not drink dirty liquid. In addition, after taking such baths you need a pet dry with a towel. Please note that hair dryers should not be used when drying parrots - they greatly dry out the skin and feathers, which leads to deterioration of plumage, and sometimes its loss. If your pet is very wet, it is better to place it under a regular lamp– from its warmth it will dry out successfully and no harm will be caused to health.

How else can you wash a budgie at home?

Using Wet Grass

This is one of the variations of washing in a bathing suit, but closer to how parrots bathe in their natural habitat. At the bottom of the bath (you can do without it) lettuce leaves are placed, which he can peck, or other grass so that he can rub himself. The minimum amount of water is poured, the main thing is the wet leaves. Bathing occurs when the parrot begins to rub on the grass or play with it - this moisturizes the feather cover and cleans it. Wild parrots often clean their feathers on dew on plants, so this process is as natural as possible.

Bathing in a stream from a water tap

This procedure is for those who are brave and absolutely confident in their friend - the owner. The parrot should be as manual so that after they finish bathing him, you don’t have to chase him around the entire apartment. Water needs to be made warm temperature. In this case, the flow from the tap should be thin stream. The bird can either spray itself or wash itself with the help of its owner’s spray.

Attention! Remember! Never spend similar procedures, if in your water supply chlorinated water . In addition, do not direct the stream from the faucet directly to the bird. Firstly, this kind of bathing will not bring any pleasure. Secondly, it can harm the bird if it suddenly decides to take a sip of water.

Bathing with detergent

Although parrots only need clean water to simply keep their feathers and skin clean, sometimes pets manage to get so dirty that they can no longer do without using shampoo.

Bathing with detergent has a number of features:

  • The bird is necessary fix in hands to apply shampoo. To do this, you need to hold the bird by the area below the cheeks with your thumb and forefinger, and use the remaining fingers to secure the body so that the pet does not break free and cause harm to itself.
  • Shampoo applied directly to the contaminated area, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. If necessary, this operation is repeated.
  • Important wash off detergent from feather cover.
  • If contamination (especially paint or other toxic substances) is not completely washed off, you need to be careful trim feathers from contaminated areas. Otherwise, when cleaning the feathers, the parrot may ingest chemicals and become poisoned.
  • Apply detergent is only needed in the direction of feather growth, without being zealous and without rubbing it deep into the feather cover.

Bathing with talcum powder or mineral sand

You can also use talc-based baby powder, without fragrances, for cleansing. In this case, you need to apply the powder, fixing the pet with your fingers, and then carefully remove it with a towel or napkins.

Still, if possible, I advise give preference to cleaning feathers using water.

The main problems that arise when bathing budgies

The problems that most often arise when washing budgies are the following:

  1. The bird must be carefully protected from colds. Since feathered friends are very sensitive to drafts, they can easily catch a cold even in the summer. Especially if the cage is near an open window. At the first signs of a cold, you need to contact a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment.
  2. Getting water or detergent into your nostrils birds. In this case, the pet must be carefully turned upside down and held in this position, but no longer than 10 seconds.
  3. Some budgies begin to actively scratch feathers, which is mistaken by bird owners for a disease. But there is no need to worry - this is a natural reaction of birds, this is how they bring their beauty to perfection.

Trust between the owner and the bird, patience and perseverance will help to introduce the pet to water procedures and make them fun for both the pet and his friend - the owner!