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How to interest a first-grader in reading a methodological development on a topic. How to get children interested in learning? How to increase your child's motivation to study How to interest children in elementary school

This topic worries every parent. All families in one way or another face the problem of motivation to study. As part of our project “Teenager: Instructions for Use,” we decided to find out first-hand how to solve this issue.

A little about motivation to study - why I want to talk about it

Often parents don’t know how to get their child interested in learning? And when

It is not possible to interest the child, the question arises of how to get the child to study at school.

When I told my mother that I was writing this article, my mother asked me to give it to her to read when I finished. She has long been wondering how to get my brother to study. Mom read a bunch of articles about how to increase motivation to study in teenagers, but there was not a single one that gave effective advice on how to increase motivation to study. Therefore, I will try to write just such an article. Now, on behalf of this very teenager who needs to be interested in studying, I will tell you what I think about it.

Force and motivate

Sometimes parents ask, at what age is it better to send their child to school? At 5, as many busy and modern mothers do; at 6, according to standard; or at 7, as before? The reason for this question is often that parents are afraid of responsibility, and not their own. Psychologists answer that this should be done only when he is ready. One of my classmates went to school at the age of 8. When she went to school, she was not ready. And even now, 9 years later, I don’t think she’s ready. What do I mean by “ready”? Interested and motivated. Before entering school, it is very important to explain to your son (daughter) why this is necessary, what he (s) will get from it, why it is interesting, etc. When this is not there, then there is no desire to learn either. And then you have to force it. I always studied with joy, I was an excellent student, and it was me who was sent to all the Olympiads. So when my brother started school 3 years after I started, everyone was shocked that he was extremely uninterested. Of course, the questions of how to interest a 2nd grade child and how to interest a 3rd grade child are completely different. And the answers to these questions vary greatly.

But now, analyzing, I would like to make a few general rules about how to deal with a child’s reluctance to learn.

  1. Help your child find a hobby - I think you have already realized that he is absolutely 0 in studies. But pay attention to his strong qualities. Perhaps the only subject in which he has good grades- works? Or does your child know how to cook? What if he has hearing? To make him successful, you must develop him from all sides and turn your attention to what he has the ability to do.
  2. Don't set academic standards for him - Do you often tell him that he must have at least a 4 (5) grade in a certain subject? You know very well that the highest grade he received in this lesson was 3. He will feel guilty, nothing more.
  3. Believe in your child - Just try to buy your child auxiliary literature on a subject that he does not understand. Never opens a physics textbook? So explain to him that 5 minutes a day - and after a while he will have completely different results.

Motivation for school is a choice between “force” and “motivate”

It's up to you to choose.

Should a child be forced to study?

If you still choose to force, then think about whether it is so useful and whether it will bear fruit?

Anyone, especially a teenager, will perceive this coercion as a deprivation of freedom, and, as you know, freedom is included in the list of the main values ​​of a person. Very often, the words “C” student, “excellent student”, “good student” are used to evaluate not the efforts of children, but themselves. It hurts, but that's how it is.

It’s definitely not worth forcing. You need to help, listen, think about the problem.

If you motivate, then how?

If you have chosen to motivate and don’t know how to do it correctly, then this part is for you.

When I started writing this, I asked my friend what he thought about it. He replied that efforts should be encouraged, i.e. give gifts for success. I would like to argue with him on this matter, because no money is enough for a gift for every good grade, but often for parents this method seems to be the simplest and most reliable.

My vision is that you need to teach the little man to learn on his own, without gifts or promises, because the best reward will always be results and, very possibly, success.

In the new 21st century, everything changes literally every minute, and if previously for success it was enough to study for 10 years at school and 4 at university, but now you have to study constantly. The professions of the new century - programmer and copywriter - require constant acquisition of new knowledge.

Do you want success for your child? You will have to try first. A lot is written on this topic, I studied the advice of experts, and here are the conclusions I can draw:

  • when you do homework with him, try not to shout
  • accept any of his hobbies
  • teach him technical literacy
  • answer any of his questions
  • teach him to read, it may very well be that he simply hasn’t found a suitable book yet
  • don’t tell, but show (home experiments, for example, are a very cool thing)

Motivation for schoolchildren to study is a delicate thing. It is important to interest, make you look from the other side, and show the advantages of this or that activity.

Exercises to motivate younger schoolchildren to study:

  1. Letter - offer to send a letter to one of your relatives (grandmother, godmother, etc.). Let him write it himself, decorate it and put it in an envelope.
  2. Book - go to the library and pick up a book that interests your child.
  3. Poems - learn with him a verse dedicated to the nearest holiday.
  4. Presentation - Teach him how to make a PowerPoint presentation and ask him to make a presentation about, for example, the thing he wants for his birthday.
  5. Interview - help him make a list of questions, and in the evening interview dad.
  6. Story - ask him to write a story about something that is close to him, for example, about a thread and a needle.
  7. Phys. a minute - between doing homework, show some physical exercises. Still, you can’t sit and sit all the time.
  8. Video motivation for studying - watch a video with your child about how, for example, to decorate your kickstand or about the student life that awaits him. That is, it is important to understand what else study gives.

All these exercises will help you develop creativity and instill an interest in learning.

How to get your child to study and do homework

I read Nesterova's autobiography a couple of years ago, and there were several pages about how high school She didn't do her homework at all. That is, she studied at school and remembered everything, but at home she did nothing. Involuntarily I remembered myself. How I crossed my fingers that they wouldn't check homework, how I got bad marks, how I got out of it, but still didn’t do my homework. What is this? Definitely lazy.

If the question is: “How to get a child to do his homework?”, then the answer is: “Very simple.” Here coercion, constant checking, and so on come into play. Unfortunately, from my own bitter experience I will say that nothing other than this will help you. The child must want to learn. Because motivating a child to study at school is not everything. The main desire. We need to teach him to be independent, explain what is needed and why. It’s good if the child takes special courses and can do homework on his own.

Teaching a child to learn is easier and more enjoyable than forcing him!

How to make a child study well?

It's hard to force someone to study, and it's doubly hard to force them to study well. In theory, absolutely everyone can learn, and even learn well. In practice, this is not always the case. It all depends on the workload, the quality of the material presented, and the amount of time spent on classes. There is no one correct answer to the question of how to help a child study well. Remember that not all talented and smart children study well, and not all excellent students are talented and smart.

What to do?

  1. First of all, find out the reasons for bad grades and try to get rid of this reason.
  2. Talk to your child like a friend. Try to understand him and find out for yourself why you need him to study only with “excellent” marks.
  3. Find out what plans your child has for the future and teach him to set long-term goals.

How to interest a teenager?

If it is still easy to interest a child in grades 2-3 in studies, then motivating teenagers to study is a more difficult thing.

Keep in mind that the teenager knows what he needs. higher education that he wants to do well in exams so that he can work later. But sometimes I am lazy. It is often confusing to think about the number of subjects that need to be studied, despite the fact that, as teenagers like to say, “I won’t need this in my life.” These are already problems of the educational system, but still.

Questions like: “What do you generally think about in class?” are rhetorical. Remember what you thought about in middle and high school. It is generally very difficult to convince a teenager that they need to study. And no matter how many times you repeat that without study there will be no work, without work there will be no money, he will think so only if he understands this himself.

A few ideas to motivate your teenager to study:

  • Read/watch the news with your teenager. Don't force, just offer. It must be something about his hobbies. Discuss this with him later.
  • Print or write quotes to motivate you to study. They can be in both Russian and English, for example. Stick them in visible places.
  • Choose a beautiful stationery/notebook so that using these things will be comfortable and pleasant for him.
  • Don't over-praise. You should be very careful here. It seems that it will never be superfluous to praise, but in fact, you will tell the teenager that he is already too good.

The problem may also be due to the fact that it is difficult for a teenager to study. Here, too, you should not resort to violence, but help. You can pass, teach how to study, see goals, not be afraid of tests, and quickly remember information. Because learning can really be difficult!

Motivation to study among students

When yesterday's schoolchild becomes a student, parents are no longer so serious about their studies. Like “your life, if you want it, study, if you don’t want it, work.” The opportunity to skip lectures is discouraging for students who are happy to take a break from school but have not yet learned self-discipline. Lack of motivation to study among students is common, because now everyone knows: a diploma is just a document. No one goes to work in their profession, and they only need to study at a university so that their parents don’t worry.

  1. The student should try to find contact with the teacher.
    The teacher and the student must be friends.
  2. University is an important place to expand opportunities, network and find yourself.
  3. At university, it is important to enjoy learning, go to university clubs with interests, and meet new people.
  4. It is important for the student to understand that discipline is the most important thing. You come to class in the first half of the day and spend the entire second half walking. You didn’t come once, you didn’t come twice, and the third time you don’t have to come.
  5. At the university you can sign up for an initiative group. Then authority appears, and new knowledge, and you want to get out of bed in the morning.

It seems to me that it’s great when a teenager and a child are helped to see their goal, understand why they need to study and make efforts. It’s good when a teenager is conscious and understands everything himself. But this does not always happen. And listening to parents can also be difficult... Therefore, courses on. Because when you are in the company of other guys, together with them you think about your goals and future, you don’t want to resist. You really want to become better!


Motivation is a thing without which it is impossible either at school or in adult life. How to find motivation to study if he doesn’t want to do anything himself? It is important to teach him to look for it, for the sake of his own success in the future.

At the end of first grade, all students can read. In order for children not to lose reading fluency and interest in intellectual pursuits during the three summer months of vacation, parents must make sure that they have a literature list for 1st grade for the summer.

How to interest a first grader?

What needs to be done to instill interest in literature?

IN preschool period We would advise parents to read to their children as much and as often as possible. But now that the child has mastered literacy, the approach should be somewhat different. After the first year of school, children can easily read all books for 1st grade on their own! At this stage the main task parents - to give the child a “taste” of reading, to teach him to perceive it as a pleasure, and not as a duty, and certainly not as a punishment.

How to achieve this?

Firstly, you need to take into account that books for children 7 years old should be appropriate for their age, which means they should be bright, easy to read and at the same time carry a “grain” of knowledge, that is, replenish the child’s vocabulary and broaden his horizons. Secondly, focus on the child’s independent reading - under no circumstances read to him out loud: change roles - before you read books to him, now he reads to you. At the same time, you will impartially evaluate your child’s reading technique.

Probably, some parents are concerned about the question: how many words per minute should a seven-year-old child read? In fact, you don’t need to stand with a stopwatch in your hands and calculate the number of words you read in 60 seconds. Take any books for 7-year-old children and give your child the opportunity to choose the one that interests him, with its cover and illustrations. Don’t show your child that you want to test him - anxiety may make him read worse. Just ask him to read it out loud, tell him that you also really liked this book and now you can’t wait to find out what it’s about.

What is good"?

You can give your first-grade graduate an “excellent” rating if his reading is fluent and there is no division of long words into syllables; punctuation marks are observed: at the end of the sentence the voice is lowered - the thought is finished, in place of commas there are small pauses emphasizing the author's thought; Interrogative and exclamatory sentences are read with appropriate intonation.

If you, frankly speaking, are dissatisfied with your child’s reading technique, and this may well be the case, do not be upset: over the summer your child will learn to read very well, but only if the list of literature for the summer for 1st grade is not just rewritten, but adopted as a “guide to action.”

But those parents who think that their child’s reading technique is already excellent, that is, he reads fluently, should “support” his achievements in the summer. You can see what literature is offered for the summer for 1st grade for children of this age category, choose some book with a lot of dialogues. Periodically invite the child to voice “roles.” The baby will like this exercise, and the parents will decide an important learning task: over the summer, the child will learn to read not just quickly, but also expressively, and will learn the basics of “acting.”

It is very important to understand the capabilities of a child of this age: he seems to be already a schoolboy, but at the same time it is difficult for him to sit still for a long time, he does not like “difficulties”, if he is not interested at all, he quickly loses interest in the lesson. It's still like in kindergarten, are attracted to bright pictures. Based on this, he needs to select books for a 7-year-old that he will immediately like, even visually, that is, the child will want to look at the colorful illustrations, and then, accordingly, find out the plot.

Common mistakes parents make

The mistake of many parents is that they strive to quickly “complicate” the material for their children, so books for first graders no longer seem relevant to them: they want their children to be significantly ahead of their peers. Sometimes you can hear fathers and mothers proudly talking about the fact that their seven-year-old child is already reading, for example, A.S. Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” or something else from the high school curriculum. And now we have come to the most important thing: books for 1st grade are selected taking into account what a small student can understand! Indeed, if a child has mastered the technique of reading, he will voice - only voice, but not understand - a text of any complexity: such reading will do nothing for the formation of the child’s personality.

From the moment of birth, any child feels the need to develop, learn and master new skills. And the task of parents is to encourage this desire and not slow down. Modern pace of life, development information technologies, and also the requirements for children have changed so much that the baby is already learning from the cradle foreign languages, learns to read and write. In a word, the child receives such a huge load of information that by the time he has to go to school, interest in learning as such is lost. So what should we do? How can you help your child remain interested in acquiring knowledge, and moreover, make sure that learning is a joy until the last school bell? Let's talk about this.

Prepare your sleigh in summer

To make it easier to adapt to learning and new knowledge, parents often take their child to preparatory courses or study with him on their own: they teach him to count, read, write, trying to put the maximum amount of information into him. This desire is understandable, because no one wants their child to fall behind in school. Now answer the question for yourself: “Does your child also show the same initiative? Or is he studying only because mom and dad said the word “it’s necessary”?” To prevent this desire from disappearing, use game elements in the learning process, because your task is to interest the child and motivate him. Your parental instruction in the style of “good studies is the key to a successful future” for a first-grader is just a bunch of words. This motivation is more relevant for high school students; at the age of 6-7 years it does not yet matter.

The most important thing in the pre-school year is to maintain the child’s interest in school, to prepare him for a new life, new responsibilities, responsibility and respect for school and teachers, to convey to the child that the most valuable thing in school years is the knowledge acquired.

We warn you against disappointments

Going to school, a child may not even know what awaits him there. Well, the parents didn’t consider it necessary to explain in advance what and how. And in vain. Pay attention to this moment too, dear mothers and fathers. Tell us how to behave in class, how to behave in a group, that you need to listen to the teacher. It will be great if you introduce your child to the school in advance, take him there, and let him meet his teacher. You shouldn’t show your child your experiences – his own is enough for him. If he sees that his mother is worried, he may well come up with the idea that school is actually not such a safe place and it can be scary there. And while he struggles with fears, he will definitely not have time left for studying, and you will think that your child cannot learn the material.

All children are different: some grab information on the fly, some need a little time to assimilate it, and some need to be explained several times to understand the material. Of course, the teacher does not have the opportunity to focus on all students; she will focus on the majority when explaining the material. And herein lies another point of disappointment: the child may be upset because he did not understand something in the lesson, but was embarrassed to ask again. I was the same myself primary school, and therefore it was difficult for me to do my homework. Therefore, we, parents, should pay attention to first-graders, check homework, ask how the day went, what new things he learned in class. Under no circumstances do tasks for your child, don’t give him any hints - let him try on his own, and only if you see that the child really doesn’t understand, help him figure it out.

Types of motivation to study

About the first option I have already said above: this is studying with the goal of gaining knowledge and in the future the opportunity to receive a good education, a prestigious job, and so on. Alas, this option will not work for a primary school child. Motivation for the future is not yet clear to him, and therefore not interesting.

Second option– thirst for knowledge or cognitive motivation. However, this type also does not always work. The child comes to the aid of the Internet, all kinds of television programs with an educational bias, fiction, children's encyclopedias. And it’s already difficult for a teacher to surprise students with something new than, say, when we were the age of our children. A child comes to school knowing, albeit approximately, about dinosaurs, the structure of the solar system, and the structure of man. Here the task of parents and teachers is to help the child consolidate what they have already read or watched on TV, systematize acquired knowledge, and also learn a lot of new, maybe not so interesting, but necessary in the future, material.

Third option– praise and support from relatives. Initially, the child shows zeal for learning out of a desire to please mom and dad with his successes. Do not skimp on praise in this case, let your baby know that you are proud of his success! This way, he will have an incentive to study further, learn something new and get good grades. If a child receives a bad grade, do not rush to scold him for it. First, you need to understand why this happened, maybe he didn’t understand the material, didn’t have time to complete the task. For example, in elementary school I had terrible handwriting - because of this, I often got a lower overall grade for work done in a notebook. Learn to convey your comments to your child tactfully; believe me, a compliment in the style of “you write like a chicken with its paw” will not make the child want to write even better and more diligently. But you shouldn’t just praise him like that either - otherwise the praise will lose its value for him.


So, let's summarize everything written above. To interest a child in learning, he must have a motive. With high school students, everything is more or less clear: they already understand that school is a start for the future, the more successful he is, the more successful everything will turn out for him in adulthood. They are already more independent and responsible in their actions. But what about kids who are just starting their studies and don’t even really understand why they need to go to school?
The motive is important for them: be it praise or a thirst for new knowledge - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the baby has it. However, motivation alone will not get you far. The child needs to know that he is not alone, that you are nearby and will always help. Therefore, from the very moment your child goes to school, show interest in his studies: at first, carefully monitor the completion of homework, preparing the school uniform and backpack for the next day. But, as I said above, do not do him a “disservice” and do not study for the child.

He must understand that doing homework is his responsibility. Just like, say, yours, take care of him. Convey to your child what is very important to you, what knowledge he has acquired by learning this or that lesson. Don't forget that after school activities The baby definitely needs to rest for at least 2 hours. If you have the opportunity, take a walk in the park, just along the street. Let him switch gears and get distracted a little. Often, after school, children go to extracurricular activities and sports clubs. This is very cool, but do not forget that the child still needs rest afterward. Bad mood, headache and any other are not the best helpers in doing homework; in such cases, force the child to immediately sit down for homework incorrectly. To make it easier for him to manage time, create a daily routine together, this way you will teach your child discipline and order.

To ensure that your child does not lose interest in learning, but rather strives for knowledge, be close to him. Attention, as well as understanding, is the very help that a child needs. He must know that despite failures and bad grades, home is the place where he will be helped, listened to and supported.
Good luck and good grades!


As a rule, any problem is easier to prevent. For a child to have a desire to learn, he must be able to do it. And it is necessary to develop this skill in him from early childhood. Remember that preparing for is not just about studying and counting. In addition, you need to start developing other skills in the child: the desire to learn new things, be interested and ask questions, think for yourself, creative imagination. Therefore, from early childhood, encourage your child’s curiosity, help him find answers to questions, while enjoying it. In this way, you will contribute to the development of his intellectual ability, which is the most essential for a person. By sending your child with numerous questions of interest to his father, grandmother, etc., you discourage him from acquiring knowledge.

If the problem could not be prevented, when it appears, try to understand its real nature. A child is interested in learning where something important to him is happening. He cannot master a subject given to him in an uninteresting form well. Often, it is because of this that students lose interest in learning. Here parents will have to work hard and show imagination. Try to teach your child to get joy from learning new things. Make the learning process an adventure, a game. Do not force or punish the child, interest and encourage, praise for the interest shown, and not just for the results. Help your child do his homework if he doesn't succeed. When explaining the material, find interesting examples, jump ahead and touch on a new topic a little - try to arouse his curiosity.

Maybe the child is tired physically and emotionally. Free him from additional activities in the sports section for a while. Spend more time walking in the fresh air and communicating together: watch some good book, read, build an airplane or a house together.

Discuss the problem with the teacher to hear an outside opinion and understand the reasons. Perhaps the child is unable to communicate with classmates and teachers. Get to the bottom of the problem, contact psychologists to try to correct the situation. If unsuccessful, transfer the child to another class or school.

Do not forget that the need for love is one of the fundamental human needs, especially for a child. Give him as much love and attention as possible, despite the grades he received at school. A child develops self-dislike if you constantly scold him and suggest that he behaves badly. And this is to a much greater extent than any other psychological problem, interferes with learning, love and life.

Many people hope that at school children will easily perceive information and assimilate new material and get good grades for it. But often the teacher needs the help and support of parents in matters of study. Indeed, very often, in the absence of motivation and support from loved ones, the child loses interest in acquiring knowledge.

Psychologists insist that children should never be forced to study, but they should not ignore unfinished homework and unsatisfactory grades either. In such situations, it is advisable for parents to find out the reason for the lack of interest in school subjects and help the child find an incentive for education.

In the article you will find information on how to interest your child in learning. Perhaps some motivational methods will help your child regain the desire to learn.

1. It is worth instilling in a child a love of knowledge almost from the cradle. Exactly at early age children begin to be interested in the structure of the world, to learn and explore the unknown. It is important not to miss this moment and support the baby in his learning.

If it is not possible to send your child to such classes, then learning should definitely be done at home. In the future, this training will help the child cope with school loads more easily.

3. Before working on homework, pay attention to what mood your child is in. If something is bothering him, find out the reason and try to eliminate it. A depressed state does not contribute to the assimilation of material. Therefore, it is advisable to first take a walk, relax and unwind, and only then start studying.

4. The child should be given only those loads that he can handle. Don’t force your little schoolchild to cram lessons for hours; it’s better to break up learning with breaks for play and rest. Don't ask to learn everything at once.

5. Bad grades or corrections in notebooks are not a reason to scold your child. Help him work on his mistakes and praise him even for small achievements. It is important for children to feel supported and understood by their parents. What seems elementary to adults may require significant effort from a young student.

Constant reproaches about unsatisfactory grades often lead to insecurity and lies on the part of children. They are simply afraid of not pleasing their relatives again.

6. Don't focus on failures. For example, if a child is just learning to write, emphasize beautiful, even letters, not paying attention to the unsuccessful ones. Show that he has something to strive for, he can do it, or he will succeed next time. Praise for efforts, desire, motivate with your love, joy for the child’s success.

However, overpraising a child can also cause harm. Do not lead to the appearance of inflated self-esteem, do not label him as the best genius in everything, otherwise this may soon work against him.

7. For older children, the method of motivation for the future is suitable. Explain that without certain knowledge you cannot achieve high results, you cannot become a successful, interesting and wealthy person.

8. It's hard to surprise today's children. Countless educational television programs, films, cartoons, books, and access to the Internet complicate the teacher’s ability to attract students’ attention to new topic. It is important here to find little-known facts and try to present the material in a new way.

9. Explain that it is not the teacher’s grades and praise that are important, but success in mastering and understanding knowledge. Be interested in the topics covered, what interesting things the child learned and learned at school today; perhaps something was not clear and should be improved, analyzed at home. Teach children to work not for marks in the diary, but for results.

10. Very often, children try to emulate their parents. Share with your child your achievements during school years. If you have preserved notebooks, notes, photographs, report cards or certificates, medals, be sure to show them. Tell us about your favorite and least favorite lessons, teachers, tell your funny school stories.

11. It happens that children lose interest in studying because their parents do homework instead of them. They don't need to think or stress. Therefore, help when you are asked or when you see that the child cannot cope on his own. Ask leading questions, give hints, encourage him to think and solve problems on his own.

12. Also take into account the child’s temperament (phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic). Once you understand what type of nervous system your child has, it will be easier to find an individual approach to mastering school knowledge.

13. You shouldn't rely only on school. Develop your child yourself. Read interesting, educational books, look at encyclopedias, go to museums, theaters, and exhibitions. Spend time together more often, fun and usefully.

If children feel the love and support of their parents, they study with great pleasure, share their impressions and talk about the knowledge they acquired at school. Don’t let your child’s education take its course, help and guide. And remember, you shouldn’t force or vice versa, you shouldn’t over-praise your child.

Prepared by Natalia Bilyk