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Culture and traditions presentation of Chinese. Presentation on the topic "Chinese culture"

Chinese culture

Features of Chinese culture.

Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures on the planet. It was she who laid the foundation for such religions as Confucianism and Buddhism. The culture of China is a special, original and amazing feature of this mysterious people.

The culture of this country developed gradually and measuredly. It changed along with the history and political system of China. Since the mid-20th century, culture has been greatly influenced by the construction of socialism and communism.


Guohua is the name of national painting. Its heyday occurred in the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, painting was a hobby of aristocrats and artists. With the communists coming to power, painting changed its style. Today, traditional Chinese painting coexists with Western style.


In the country you can find both ancient Chinese and modern architecture. Traditional architecture is distinctive and modest. All buildings are symmetrical and do not exceed three floors; they are made of wood. Basically, ancient architecture is preserved in villages and suburbs. In large cities and the capital, for the most part, architecture is subject to Western influence.

Martial arts

The main martial art of China is Wu-shu. This includes both hand-to-hand combat and combat with traditional weapons.

Traditionally, China divides musical instruments according to the material. They are:





Stone, etc.

Chinese folk dances originated before literature. Every Chinese can reproduce the national dance. Dance reflects the inner world of a person, his emotional stress and love. The heyday of the oldest national dance occurred during the Tang Dynasty.


In China, the first movie was made in 1905 under the influence of America. There was a huge leap in the development of cinema in the mid-20th century. Today, China ranks third in terms of film production.


Chinese literature dates back more than 4,000 years. The main literary books were and are religious works. Fiction received less attention. Also important works are dynastic chronicles. In the 20th century, prose and poetry became popular. Modern literature associated with the activities of Lu Xun.

The traditional culture of China is present in all spheres of life of the Chinese people. The interior, customs and cuisine are also unique. Almost every village has its own traditional cuisine and customs.

National Costume

The Chinese have the richest national costumes. People of different classes are required to wear different clothes. The main color in clothes is red. However, white, blue and other colors are also found. Dresses are decorated with embroidery depicting dragons, flowers, etc.


There are a huge number of holidays in China. They are mixed. The most important holiday - New Year. The Chinese celebrate it not on January 1, like the rest of the planet, but on January 21. Moreover, the celebration takes place not one or two nights, but a whole month.

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Features of Chinese culture.

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Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures on the planet. It was she who laid the foundation for such religions as Confucianism and Buddhism. The culture of China is a special, original and amazing feature of this mysterious people.

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The culture of this country developed gradually and measuredly. It changed along with the history and political system of China. Since the mid-20th century, culture has been greatly influenced by the construction of socialism and communism.

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Guohua painting is the name of national painting. Its heyday occurred in the Tang Dynasty. In ancient times, painting was a hobby of aristocrats and artists. With the communists coming to power, painting changed its style. Today, traditional Chinese painting coexists with Western style.

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Architecture In the country you can find both ancient Chinese and modern architecture. Traditional architecture is distinctive and modest. All buildings are symmetrical and do not exceed three floors; they are made of wood. Basically, ancient architecture is preserved in villages and suburbs. In large cities and the capital, for the most part, architecture is subject to Western influence.

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Martial art The main martial art of China is Wu-shu. This includes both hand-to-hand combat and combat with traditional weapons.

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Music Traditionally, China divides musical instruments according to material. They are: - bamboo, - wooden, - clay, - leather, - stone, etc.

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Dancing Chinese folk dances predate literature. Every Chinese can reproduce the national dance. Dance reflects the inner world of a person, his emotional stress and love. The heyday of the oldest national dance occurred during the Tang Dynasty.

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Cinema In China, the first cinema was made in 1905 under the influence of America. There was a huge leap in the development of cinema in the mid-20th century. Today, China ranks third in terms of film production.

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Literature Chinese literature dates back more than 4,000 years. The main literary books were and are religious works. Fiction received less attention. Also important works are dynastic chronicles. In the 20th century, prose and poetry became popular. Modern literature is associated with the activities of Lu Xun.

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Life The traditional culture of China is present in all spheres of life of the Chinese people. The interior, customs and cuisine are also unique. Almost every village has its own traditional cuisine and customs.

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National costume The Chinese have the richest national costumes. People of different classes are required to wear different clothes. The main color in clothes is red. However, white, blue and other colors are also found. Dresses are decorated with embroidery depicting dragons, flowers, etc.

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Holidays There are a huge number of holidays in China. They are mixed. The most important holiday is New Year. The Chinese celebrate it not on January 1, like the rest of the planet, but on January 21. Moreover, the celebration takes place not one or two nights, but a whole month.

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Where are you, O ancient peoples! Your world was a temple of all gods, You read the book of Mother Nature clearly without glasses. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

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CHINA is a country with a rich past and no less interesting present, which has given the world great scientists and philosophers, and many inventions. The memory of the glorious eras of great emperors, brave warriors and gray-haired sages is preserved in unique art and a great variety of historical, architectural and literary monuments that have survived centuries to the present day.

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RELIGION Buddhism - Buddhism, which came from India and was the first unified religious system in China, preached the ideas of mercy, humility on earth and non-resistance to evil, and also promised salvation in paradise for all believers and the help of merciful gods - bodisattvas. Being the support of the feudal state, this teaching became extremely widespread already in the 5th-6th centuries, taking first place among the former religions of China, from which Buddhism borrowed many local features and old folk cults.

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Taoism - One of the main directions of ancient Chinese philosophy; arose in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e, the main treatises “Lao Tzu” and “Zhuang Tzu”. The main concept is Tao. At the center of the teachings of Taoism, opposed to Confucianism and Mohism, is a call for man to shake off the shackles of duty and duty and return to a life close to nature. RELIGION

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Confucianism - Ethical and political teaching in China. The foundations of Confucianism were laid in the 6th century. BC by Confucius. Expressed the interests of the hereditary aristocracy. Confucianism declared the power of the ruler (sovereign) sacred, bestowed by heaven, and the division of people into superior and inferior (“noble men” and “little people”) as a universal law of justice. From the 2nd century. BC e and before the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 - 13, Confucianism was the official state ideology. RELIGION The Chinese called Confucius the Great Teacher. One of the legends about this thinker describes his conversation with a student: “This country is vast and densely populated. What is she lacking, teacher? - the student turns to him. “Enrich her,” the teacher replies. “But she’s already rich. How can we enrich it?” - asks the student. "Teach her!" - exclaims the teacher.

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The artistic culture of China has absorbed the basic spiritual values ​​that developed in the teachings of Taoism and Confucianism. Closeness to nature, the desire for spiritual perfection, the search for harmony in every natural phenomenon - be it a flower, a tree, an animal - made it possible to form a completely unique aesthetic consciousness and artistic practice. ART CULTURE

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The idea of ​​a harmonious combination of man and nature permeates Chinese art, from calligraphy to painting. Even writing in traditional Chinese culture is considered a special area of ​​\u200b\u200bethics and aesthetics. Chinese writing (hieroglyphs) combined the ethical and the aesthetic: the author’s state of mind was guessed from the originality of the writing, and even magical meaning was attached to stylized forms of writing - calligraphic inscriptions. And they were kept in every house. The hieroglyph acts as an ideal model of a work of art; it combines rigor and simplicity of form with depth and symbolism of content. ART CULTURE

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CALLIGRAPHY Chinese calligraphy is considered the “progenitor” of Japanese calligraphy; the first mentions of it date back to the mid-2nd - mid-1st millennium BC. Calligraphy has been elevated to the rank of a national art in China.

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PAINTING In a Chinese painting, every object is deeply symbolic, every tree, flower, animal or bird is a sign of a poetic image: a pine tree is a symbol of longevity, bamboo is a symbol of perseverance and happiness, a stork is a symbol of loneliness and holiness, etc. The shape of Chinese landscapes - an elongated scroll - helped to feel the immensity of space, to show not just some part of nature, but the integrity of the entire universe. Ma Lin. Listening to the wind in the pines

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The traditional genre of Chinese painting is “guohua”. The paintings are painted in black or gray ink using a brush on paper or silk. In some cases, the master, with the help of just a few strokes of black ink of varying thickness, creates the general outlines of the landscape and human figures, without writing out the details. This direction is called “this”. Another direction, called “gongbi,” requires careful reproduction of the smallest details: the hairstyles of the people depicted, the plumage of birds, etc. PAINTING Ni Zan, “Trees and Valleys of the Mountain” by Zhao Mengfu. Autumn colors in the mountains

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Portraits of Emperors Emperor Taizu (Ming Dynasty) Li Hong-chiao Emperor Kublai Khan PAINTING

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PAINTING title unknown Liang Shu-nian Qin Ling-yun title unknown

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Wang Shan. Cherry blossom Badashan ren. Flower, rock, and two fish PAINTING

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THE ART OF REPRESENTING NATURE In China, the cult of nature has existed from time immemorial to the present day. The painting by the Chinese artist is not just a landscape, but a kind of model of the universe, where Heaven and Earth are connected by mountains. Landscape painting appeared in China a thousand years earlier than in Europe. Ma Yuan. Humming on the way

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Ni Zan. Trees in the valley of the Yushan River Zhao Bo-ju. Landscape

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Temple vase Vase with peonies Vase in the shape of a melon CHINESE PORCELAIN.

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Buddha Vairocana in the Longmen Cave Temples The large statue of Buddha Vairocana in the Longmen Cave Temples stands out not only for its size. It is also valued as one of the highest examples of art from the Tang Dynasty. Buddha Vairocana sits in the open Fengxian Grotto. Perhaps the dimensions are intended to emphasize the greatness of Vairocana: the height of the statue is 17.4 meters, only the head of the Buddha is 4 meters, and the elongated ears are 1.9 meters. But the main thing about a statue is not its height. The Buddha is considered both the largest and most beautiful statue of the local cave temples, the pearl of Longmen.

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Terracotta sculpture from the burial ground of Emperor Qinshihuang Museum of Terracotta Figures.

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The entire complex consists of 4 zones: two huge fields for life-size clay figures of warriors, a command post and one empty mine. 7,000 sculptures of warriors and horses arranged in battle formations are on display. The burial is called the “eighth wonder of the world” and it really makes a grandiose impression. The complex also contains two chariots, made of many metal parts and also considered a unique find, confirming the level of development of ancient China.

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Slide 34 Terracotta sculpture from the burial ground of Emperor Qinshihuang Museum of Terracotta Figures.

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The Terracotta Army was accidentally discovered in 1976 by peasants working the land. The place where underground crypts with terrorist figures of warriors were discovered, who, according to the plans of the then Chinese rulers, were supposed to serve Emperor Qinyihuang (259 - 210 BC) in the afterlife, is located 4 km away. east of Xi'an and at a distance of 1.5 km. from the burial mound of Qinshihuang. Arriving archaeologists discovered that life-size equestrian statues were “guarding” the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who died in 210 BC and was famous for uniting the Chinese states into a single Celestial Empire and ordering the construction of the Great Wall of China. He also went down in history as one of the most cruel rulers of the world.

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All genres of ancient Chinese art carried a deep moral meaning and the idea of ​​human improvement, setting up a special perception: admiration for nature, its beauty and the work of the master. This is probably why the beauty of Chinese landscapes, with their special expressiveness and special symbolism, evokes admiration among Europeans and allows them to discover a different vision of the world, a different aesthetics.

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ARCHITECTURE Over the five thousand-year history of Chinese civilization, many architectural structures have been preserved, many of which are rightfully considered world-class masterpieces. Their diversity and originality embody the traditions of antiquity and best achievements Chinese architecture. The vast majority of buildings in ancient China were built from wood. Whether it was a residential building or an imperial palace, first of all, wooden pillars were driven into the ground, which were connected at the top by beams. On this basis, the roof was then erected, which was subsequently covered with tiles. The openings between the pillars were filled with bricks, clay, bamboo or other material.

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Chinese architecture has absorbed many foreign influences, but the stability of Chinese culture is expressed in the fact that all innovations are rethought within the framework of tradition and borrowed elements never look like that, but are perceived as originally Chinese. If in the official “imperial cities”, the last of which was the Forbidden City in Beijing, pomp and severity intertwined in symmetrical harmony prevailed, in the “summer palaces” grace and charm prevailed. If there were no hills and lakes, then they were created, regardless of cost, so that all forms of landscape were present to suit every taste. ARCHITECTURE

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Over the course of several millennia, a vibrant and distinctive culture has developed in China, giving humanity outstanding works of architecture and fine art, literature and philosophy, music and theater. Over the course of several millennia, a vibrant and distinctive culture has developed in China, giving humanity outstanding works of architecture and fine art, literature and philosophy, music and theater. The culture of China was significantly influenced by the attitude towards nature as an organic whole, living according to its own laws. Human life in China was constantly measured against the life of nature, its cycles, rhythms, and states. Man in Chinese art is only a small particle of nature. The culture of China was significantly influenced by the attitude towards nature as an organic whole, living according to its own laws. Human life in China was constantly measured against the life of nature, its cycles, rhythms, and states. Man in Chinese art is only a small particle of nature.

Masterpieces of Chinese architecture The secret of the unusual impression that Chinese architecture makes lies in the carefully thought-out arrangement of buildings against the backdrop of nature, in the ability of the architects to find the most picturesque and at the same time natural place for them The secret of the unusual impression that Chinese architecture makes lies in the carefully thought-out the location of buildings against the backdrop of nature, the ability of architects to find the most picturesque and at the same time natural place for them

Along the impregnable mountain peaks in northern China, along its entire northwestern border, the Great Wall of China stretches for 5 thousand km. I am still amazed by its majestic simplicity, fused with the powerful and harsh nature of China. In its grandeur it can only be compared with Egyptian pyramids. Along the impenetrable mountain peaks in northern China, along its entire northwestern border, the Great Wall of China stretches for 5 thousand km. I am still amazed by its majestic simplicity, fused with the powerful and harsh nature of China. In terms of grandeur, it can only be compared with the Egyptian pyramids.

The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC, and ended in the 15th century. It was supposed to protect the state from attacks by nomadic tribes from the north. That is why a road 5-8 meters wide was laid along its top, along which troops could move. Every m there were massive towers for transmitting light signals when the enemy approached. The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC, and ended in the 15th century. It was supposed to protect the state from attacks by nomadic tribes from the north. That is why a road 5-8 meters wide was laid along its top, along which troops could move. Every m there were massive towers for transmitting light signals when the enemy approached.

This grandiose architectural structure, organically integrated into the natural landscape, was designed to personify the power of the great Chinese power. This grandiose architectural structure, organically integrated into the natural landscape, was designed to personify the power of the great Chinese power.

One of the most common buildings dating back to Indian temples was the pagoda - a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous people. The pagoda is distinguished by its grandiose dimensions and reaches a height of 50 m. It is amazingly integrated into nature and at the same time resists the hilly and wooded terrain where it is usually built. Appearance The pagoda is surprisingly simple. A distinctive feature of the pagoda is the slightly raised pointed edges of the roof. This lightens the building and emphasizes its upward direction. One of the most common buildings dating back to Indian temples was the pagoda - a memorial tower erected in honor of the deeds of famous people. The pagoda is distinguished by its grandiose dimensions and reaches a height of 50 m. It is amazingly integrated into nature and at the same time resists the hilly and wooded terrain where it is usually built. The appearance of the pagoda is surprisingly simple. A distinctive feature of the pagoda is the slightly raised pointed edges of the roof. This lightens the building and emphasizes its upward direction. (Dayanta Pagoda - Great Wild Goose Pagoda. 654 - 704) (Dayanta Pagoda - Great Wild Goose Pagoda. 654 - 704)

The austere, almost devoid of decorations, the 64-meter Dayantha Pagoda is one of the best examples of Chinese style in architecture. The name of the pagoda is associated with the legend of the famous pilgrim who, during his journeys from India to China, was helped to find his way by wild geese. They indicated the place of construction of the pagoda. The austere, almost devoid of decorations, the 64-meter Dayantha Pagoda is one of the best examples of Chinese style in architecture. The name of the pagoda is associated with the legend of the famous pilgrim who, during his journeys from India to China, was helped to find his way by wild geese. They indicated the place of construction of the pagoda. Seven floors, separated from each other by cornices, taper towards the top of the pagoda, emphasizing its aspiration to the sky. Seven floors, separated from each other by cornices, taper towards the top of the pagoda, emphasizing its aspiration to the sky. (Dayanta Pagoda - Great Wild Goose Pagoda. 654 - 704) (Dayanta Pagoda - Great Wild Goose Pagoda. 654 - 704)

Cave temples Buddhist cave temples located in inaccessible mountains have become an unusual phenomenon in Chinese architecture. The Yungang Monastery is one of the masterpieces of world architecture. A 60 m high cliff stretches for almost 2 km, in which there are over 20 caves at a height. Buddhist cave temples located in inaccessible mountains have become an unusual phenomenon in Chinese architecture. The Yungang Monastery is one of the masterpieces of world architecture. A 60 m high cliff stretches for almost 2 km, in which there are over 20 caves at a height.

Each cave is dedicated to a specific Buddhist deity. Inside they are filled with many sculptures of saints and reliefs on themes of Buddhist tales and legends. Each cave is dedicated to a specific Buddhist deity. Inside they are filled with many sculptures of saints and reliefs on themes of Buddhist tales and legends.

Outside, the rock is decorated with bas-reliefs and colossal statues of Buddha, depicted in a state of self-absorption and peace. Outside, the rock is decorated with bas-reliefs and colossal statues of Buddha, depicted in a state of self-absorption and peace. (Buddha statue in the Yungang cave temple. (Buddha statue in the Yungang cave temple. V - VI centuries) V - VI centuries)

The main form of religious and residential buildings in China is a rectangular wooden pavilion, main feature of which are large carved brackets supporting the roof. The inside of the building is divided into two or three naves, and outside it has a bypass gallery with pillars supporting the roof. The roof also served as a decorative and artistic decoration. Ceramic figurines depicting fantastic animals and dragons were mounted on the roof ridges. The main form of religious and residential buildings in China is a rectangular wooden pavilion, the main feature of which is large carved brackets supporting the roof. The inside of the building is divided into two or three naves, and outside it has a bypass gallery with pillars supporting the roof. The roof also served as a decorative and artistic decoration. Ceramic figurines depicting fantastic animals and dragons were mounted on the roof ridges.

The Temple of Heaven in Beijing became the emblem of China. On a bright sunny day, it opens from the mountain general form resembles a golden shimmering sea, the rhythm of which is conveyed by the flying, curved wings of the roofs. The grandiose complex is dedicated to the ancient religious cults associated with the harvest, in which Heaven and Earth were read. The Temple of Heaven in Beijing became the emblem of China. On a bright sunny day, the overall view from the mountain resembles a golden shimmering sea, the rhythm of which is conveyed by the flying, curved wings of the roofs. The grandiose complex is dedicated to the ancient religious cults associated with the harvest, in which Heaven and Earth were read. The viewer, slowly walking from the gate to the temple, climbing the numerous marble steps, gradually got used to the general rhythm of the ensemble, comprehending its beauty and grandeur. The viewer, slowly walking from the gate to the temple, climbing the numerous marble steps, gradually got used to the general rhythm of the ensemble, comprehending its beauty and grandeur. (Temple of Heaven. XV - XVI centuries. Beijing.) (Temple of Heaven. XV - XVI centuries. Beijing.)

Sculpture of China Sculpture has always been particularly popular in China. Back in the 3rd century. BC, when the Qin state emerged, the sculpture expressed the idea of ​​its power and unlimited power. During archaeological excavations in Shaanxi province, a 10,000-strong army made of terracotta was discovered in the underground corridors of burial complexes. Soldiers and officers, archers and foot soldiers, life-size charioteers and horsemen, with full military equipment, demonstrated the power of the emperor who created the first centralized Chinese power. The sculpture has always been particularly popular in China. Back in the 3rd century. BC, when the Qin state emerged, the sculpture expressed the idea of ​​its power and unlimited power. During archaeological excavations in Shaanxi province, a 10,000-strong army made of terracotta was discovered in the underground corridors of burial complexes. Soldiers and officers, archers and foot soldiers, life-size charioteers and horsemen, with full military equipment, demonstrated the power of the emperor who created the first centralized Chinese power.

All figures are full of expression, distinguished by amazing verisimilitude and variety of movements. All figures are full of expression, distinguished by amazing verisimilitude and variety of movements. (“Terracotta Army”. Funeral ensemble in Shanxi Province) (“Terracotta Army”. Funeral ensemble in Shanxi Province)

A characteristic feature of Chinese sculpture is its close connection with the Buddhist religion. That is why a significant part of the plastic works has been preserved in Buddhist temples. The main attention is drawn to the monumental images of the Buddha himself. A characteristic feature of Chinese sculpture is its close connection with the Buddhist religion. That is why a significant part of the plastic works has been preserved in Buddhist temples. The main attention is drawn to the monumental images of the Buddha himself.

One of the most perfect sculptures is the 25-meter statue of Buddha Vairochana (Lord of Cosmic Light), carved high in the mountains in the Longmen Cave Monastery. He sits motionless in a majestic pose, slightly closing his large almond-shaped eyes. One of the most perfect sculptures is the 25-meter statue of Buddha Vairochana (Lord of Cosmic Light), carved high in the mountains in the Longmen Cave Monastery. He sits motionless in a majestic pose, slightly closing his large almond-shaped eyes.

Genres of Chinese painting Medieval Chinese painting reached a brilliant peak, representing one of the most striking phenomena in the history of world culture. With extraordinary convincingness, Chinese masters were able to embody the poetic beauty of nature, their ideas about the perfect harmony and greatness of the Universe. The desire to comprehend the universal laws of existence and interconnection through the particular and individual characteristic feature Chinese painting. Medieval Chinese painting reached a brilliant peak, representing one of the most striking phenomena in the history of world culture. With extraordinary convincingness, Chinese masters were able to embody the poetic beauty of nature, their ideas about the perfect harmony and greatness of the Universe. The desire to comprehend the universal laws of existence and interconnection through the particular and individual is a characteristic feature of Chinese painting. Chinese painting is represented in various genres: landscape, portrait and historical everyday life. Chinese painting is represented in various genres: landscape, portrait and historical everyday life.

In the majestic world of mountains, forests and rivers you can see small figures of one or two travelers. They are not in a hurry, they are simply contemplating the pristine beauty. Standing on a bridge over a stormy river, you can admire the sunset. In the majestic world of mountains, forests and rivers you can see small figures of one or two travelers. They are not in a hurry, they are simply contemplating the pristine beauty. Standing on a bridge over a stormy river, you can admire the sunset.

Listen to the steady flow of water or the dull rustling of tree leaves. Listen to the steady flow of water or the dull rustling of tree leaves. On a mountain peak I spend the night in an abandoned temple I can touch the twinkling stars with my hand. I'm afraid to talk loudly; With earthly words I do not dare disturb the peace of the inhabitants of the sky. Li Bo. "Temple on the Mountain Top"

One of the most soulful artists of lyrical landscape is Guo Xi (). One of the most soulful artists of lyrical landscape is Guo Xi (). His paintings are distinguished by a subtle knowledge of natural life. It is in variability, according to the artist, that the beauty of nature lies. His paintings are distinguished by a subtle knowledge of natural life. It is in variability, according to the artist, that the beauty of nature lies.

Portrait genre The image of the poet Li Bo is embodied in the portrait of the artist The image of the poet Li Bo is embodied in the portrait of the artist Liang Kai (XIII century). This is a generalized image-symbol. Where portrait resemblance gives way to the transfer of the spiritual atmosphere, the creative mood of the poet. The painting depicts him at a moment of poetic inspiration. Liang Kai (XIII century). This is a generalized image-symbol. Where portrait resemblance gives way to the transfer of the spiritual atmosphere, the creative mood of the poet. The painting depicts him at a moment of poetic inspiration.

Questions and tasks: What is unique about Chinese architecture? What is unique about Chinese architecture? What can you say about the sculptural works of Chinese art? What can you say about the sculptural works of Chinese art? What thoughts and feelings do the paintings of Chinese masters evoke in you personally? What thoughts and feelings do the paintings of Chinese masters evoke in you personally? masters? At home: write an essay on the topic “My trip to China.” At home: write an essay on the topic “My trip to China.”