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Event at the beginning of the school bird festival. Mou Yakovtsevskaya basic secondary school

Municipal educational institution

"Krasnenskaya average comprehensive school

named after M.I. Svetlichnaya"

Holiday scenario

"Bird Day"

(for students primary classes)

prepared by: Ilyina Svetlana Ivanovna,

senior counselor

With. Red, 2014


    expand students' knowledge about birds;

    consolidate knowledge about what sounds birds make;

    develop children's attention and cognitive activity;

    consolidate the ability to recognize birds by the sounds they make and methods of movement;

    cultivate a caring attitude and interest in birds;

    cultivate love and respect for nature.

Participants: primary school students.

Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with children's drawings and posters about birds. There is an exhibition of birdhouses on the tables.

Equipment: a computer with a multimedia projector and screen, task cards, photographs and drawings of birds, a recording of “Bird Voices”.

To hold the holiday, a jury is selected (teachers or high school students), who evaluate the participation of the teams, sum up the results at the end of the holiday and announce the winner.

The music is “How wonderful this world is.” On the board there are drawings of birds, posters “Take care of the birds”, “Birds are our friends”.

Presenter 1. Hello, dear guys. It’s not for nothing that we included this music “How beautiful this world is, look!” Music calls us to stop and look around. Yes, the world is truly beautiful, this world full of wonders and mysteries. Every day we encounter its secrets. Sometimes, in a hurry, we pass by without noticing them. Sometimes we accidentally try to guess some of the mysteries of nature. An incredibly amazing world of nature is the world of birds. Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They delight us with beautiful singing and varied plumage. Without birdsong the world would be boring.

1st class(On the screen there are slides with spring landscapes)

Spring is coming!

The fogs have cleared -

Who knows where their veil is now

And again meadows, fields, clearings are visible.

Spring is coming!

Spring is coming to our region!

2nd led.

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its glaze is alive,

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

1st ved:

It's spring again in this world! And I breathe somehow in a special way, and my soul is light! Today is an unusual day! Today is Bird Day! They come back to us in the spring migratory birds who lift our spirits with their singing.

2 presenter: Only the breath of spring will fly over the earth,

The forest will be dressed in soft down,

Someone's ringing song sounds invisibly,

From the azure of transparent skies.

Streams ran, flowers were colorful,

And towards the ruddy spring

The pure song of the singer of beauty flows

And it thunders and rings in the heights.

1 presenter: Look, spring is coming,

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The day is drowning in bright gold

And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

Soon you will have guests

Just look how many nests they build.

What sounds, what songs will flow

Day after day, from dawn to dawn.

2 presenter: Guys, We received a telegram from special forest correspondents. It reports that rooks and starlings have arrived. The ice and snow have melted, wood grouse are chattering, woodpeckers are drumming. This means spring has come. Let's meet her.

1 presenter: To do this, let's create teams. And let's have fun in some friendly competition. Let's divide all the kids present into teams, choose a jury and celebrate.

The presenters hand out paper stars.

Those who received yellow stars take places on the left, those who received red stars take places on the right.

Presenter 2:

Let's introduce the distinguished jury. Nadezhda Alekseevna Novikova - chairman of the jury, Lyubov Nikolaevna Popova - member of the jury, Valentina Vasilyevna Zhdanova - member of the jury.

Presenter 1:

Task one: choose a team captain in one minute.


Presenter 2:

Team captains, please introduce yourself.

Presentation of team captains. Team captains select a team name by drawing lots. There are two options for team names: “Nightingales” and “Larks”.

Teams are given appropriate emblems.

Presenter 1: Birds are our friends. They cannot be offended, they must be protected. Remember how we fed titmice and sparrows in winter. Without our help they would have had a hard time. Birds bring benefits and are an adornment of nature. And they sing very beautifully.

It is proposed in the form of a presentation to listen to the voices of birds and look at the illustrations

Competition No. 1

Presenter 2:

The first round is announced: "Find out who I am!"

We turn to the Zhavoronki team:

The gong sounds.

On the screen are illustrations and names of all the birds heard during preparation for the competition.

The Nightingales team receives the same task

(Teams take turns answering an equal number of questions)

Presenter 1:

Competition No. 2

"Readers' Competition"

We will check how you prepared to meet the birds. It is necessary to read poems about birds expressively and beautifully.

We offer you short poems. Your task: each team has three minutes to prepare readers and choose illustrations depicting the corresponding bird.

The gong sounds.

Poems about birds and illustrations of birds printed on sheets of paper are offered.

Team performance.

Readers from each team read poems and show illustrations.

The opposing team must correct mistakes to earn points.

The jury evaluates the teams' participation.

Presenter 2: With the arrival of spring, everything comes to life. The grass begins to turn green. The spring sun is shining brighter. It's getting warmer every day. Streams gurgle merrily. Birds start ringing trills. Migratory birds are returning home. They were afraid of the cold, so they had to fly to warmer climes. Which birds arrive first? Guess the riddles! (The presenter reads the riddles to the teams one by one; if one team does not answer, the opponents can give the answer and earn points)

Competition No. 3

1 .All migratory birds

Cleans the earth from worms

Along the arable fields rushes at a gallop (to the Nightingales team)

And the bird's name is ……(rook)

2 . There is a palace on the pole, there is a singer in the palace.

He flew in from afar and sang a sonorous song. (to the “Larks” team)


Like a tiny bell . (Lark) (to the Nightingales team)

4. I swam in the water but stayed dry . (goose) (to the “Larks” team)

5. Wears spurs but does not ride horses . (rooster) (to the Nightingales team)

6. A bird building its nest under the roof.

(Martin) (to the “Larks” team)

7. The best feathered Russian singer.

(Nightingale) (to the Nightingale team)

8. Large nocturnal bird. (to the “Larks” team)


Presenter 1: Well done boys! You did a good job with the riddles. Now we will check how well you know migratory and wintering birds.

A game

Game “Wintering and Migratory Birds”

Game description: The presenter gives each child the name of the bird: some are migratory, some are wintering. For example: heron, bullfinch, cuckoo, crow, swallow, woodpecker, crane, nightingale, owl, parrot, crossbill, etc. At the command of the leader, wintering birds must gather in one flock, and migratory birds in another. Then each flock looks to see if there are any strangers, and if there are, they drive them out with a scream.

Presenter 1:

Returning home, the birds immediately begin to clean up their home and build a new one. Imagine, a lark builds a nest right on the ground, in an arable field. Rooks straighten their houses of long twigs on tall trees. Finches live in parks, gardens, and forests. Birds work all day long. After all, soon they will sit in the nests to hatch their chicks. Then you can’t make any noise at all in the forest. Walk quietly, do not shout, so as not to scare the birds from their nests. Otherwise, eggs and small chicks may die. Birds also protect trees and plantings from bad and harmful bugs and caterpillars.

Listen to the poem Zhenya Zenin prepared for us.


All day long it's all here and there -

A strange sound is heard.

Master Woodpecker knocks like that

Jay is making a house.

Come to the housewarming party

There will be some fun here!

Spotted Woodpecker everyone around

Nice doctor, good friend.

He will eat all the pests,

Will clear the forest from enemies.

Maybe you can arrange for us too,

Will you build a house for everyone?

Presenter 2: This is such a wonderful poem. Let's thank Zhenya and continue our competition program.

4th competition:

"Bird Talk"

Teams receive cards:

Geese quack

The nightingales are calling

The cranes cackle

Ducks whistle

Crows are hooting

Swallows coo

Pigeons cawing

Tits are chirping

Owls squeak

Students use arrows to show who is talking how. The team that gives the correct answers first wins.

Answers: geese cackle, nightingales whistle, cranes call, ducks quack, crows croak, swallows chirp, pigeons coo, tits squeak, owls hoot.

5th competition:

"Bird professions"(Captains Competition)

Presenter 1:

Can you recognize birds by characteristic feature, about their affairs?

Team captains receive cards:

Nightingale fishing bird

Bird - carpenter swallow

Forest cat nuthatch

Bird - builder cormorant

Bird - acrobat oriole

Feathered soloist cuckoo

Nocturnal predator woodpecker

Frivolous mother owl

Team captains must connect the signs and names of birds with arrows.

Answer: bird - fisherman (cormorant). The cormorant dives perfectly to depths of up to 5 m and swims so quickly under water that it is difficult for even the most dexterous fish to escape from it.

The bird is a carpenter (woodpecker). Woodpeckers chisel away at the bark of trees for hours at a time, getting insects out of them, which is why they say: “I’m screwed like a woodpecker.”

Forest cat (oriole). The Oriole really knows how to make a cat call. And before a thunderstorm, the oriole usually sits on the top of a tall tree among dense greenery, making sounds reminiscent of playing a flute.

Bird - builder (swallow). The swallow is considered the most skillful builder.

Bird - acrobat (nuthatch). The nuthatch climbs trees upside down.

Feathered soloist (nightingale). They say about this bird: “In the forest orchestra, he is the first violin - the most reverent and most sonorous.”

Night predator (owl). Owls swallow mice whole and hunt at night.

Frivolous mother (cuckoo). The cuckoo throws its eggs into the nests of other birds.

6th competition:

"Make Words"

Presenter 2:
Now 12 cubes with letters depicted on them will jump out of this grammar box. In 2 minutes you must form words related to the world of birds, using letters only once. The number of letters used equals the number of points.


(Bird, stork, hawk, swift, heron, etc.)

The one who composed the longest word goes to 5 boxes containing prizes. Among them is “audience applause.”

Today is a holiday at our school - Bird Day. Children will tell us why we cannot do without birds.

1 student: They live on our planet

Wonderful creatures

They fly and sing

And they cherish the land sacredly.

Tell me, children,

Is it possible to live without birds in the world?

What happens if the birds

Will they suddenly disappear on earth?

2nd student: Bugs, bugs, worms

Trees will be attacked

And they will eat the bark, leaves,

They gnaw off branches and buds.

This is what will happen.

If there are birds, if there are birds,

Everyone will disappear and disappear!

3rd student: And there will be no chirping,

The wondrous trills of the nightingale,

And the magpies chirp,

Chick-chirp of a sparrow...

4 student: It will be boring, the children know,

Live without birds in the White World!

Presenter 2: Birds are our childhood friends. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring us spring on their wings. Birds are our faithful helpers, protectors of forests, fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. Birds are dear to us as part of our wonderful world. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous songs and bright plumage enliven nature, instilling vigor and joy in us. Remember, guys, that you can’t destroy birds’ nests or shoot them with slingshots! Take care of the birds! Birds are our friends! Birds are beauty and mystery. They are a source of inspiration for writers, poets, and musicians.

Presenter1: While the jury is summing up the results, we suggest you relax and play the game “The Birds Have Arrived.”

I will only name birds, but if I suddenly make a mistake and you hear something else, then you need to clap your hands. Begin.

Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts... (children clap)

Leading. What's wrong, why?

Students. Flies are insects.

Leading. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni...

Children clap

Leading. Birds arrived: pigeons, martens... (children clap)

Leading. Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos... Swans and ducks... and thanks for the joke!

Leading. Well done, you never made a mistake! And now the jury will announce the results of the competitions.

Let's end the holiday with a friendly song

The girls will sing it to us

There are no more wonderful places on earth

Than those that we sing in the song!


May the skies be blue.

The jury sums up the results and the teams are awarded certificates.

Leading. Guys, we hope that you enjoyed today’s holiday and learned a lot of new and interesting things about birds. We thank the teams for good game. And so that word does not diverge from action, we will make our contribution to the common cause of protecting birds and attract them to the territory of our school - we will hang birdhouses that you have made yourself. And high school students will help you with this. (Children go outside to hang birdhouses)

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

We want the birds to sing, to make noise around the forest,
May the skies be blue.
So that the river turns silver, so that the butterfly frolics
And the dew sparkled like crystal on the berries.

We want the sun to warm and the birch tree to turn green,
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog,
So that the squirrel jumps, so that the rainbow sparkles,
So that in the summer there will be a cheerful golden rain.

We want all children on the planet to be happy.
Oh, how we want to be friends with everyone!
We will study in schools, we will strive for the stars
And we will grow gardens in our beloved land!

1 student: They live on our planet

Wonderful creatures

They fly and sing

And they cherish the land sacredly.

Tell me, children,

Is it possible to live without birds in the world?

What happens if the birds

Will they suddenly disappear on earth?

2nd student: Bugs, bugs, worms

Trees will be attacked

And they will eat the bark, leaves,

They gnaw off branches and buds.

This is what will happen.

If there are birds, if there are birds,

Everyone will disappear and disappear!

3rd student: And there will be no chirping,

The wondrous trills of the nightingale,

And the magpies chirp,

Chick-chirp of a sparrow...

4 student: It will be boring, the children know,

Live without birds in the White World!


All day long it's all here and there -

A strange sound is heard.

Master Woodpecker knocks like that

Jay is making a house.

Come to the housewarming party

There will be some fun here!

Spotted Woodpecker all around

Nice doctor, good friend.

He will eat all the pests,

Will clear the forest from enemies.

Maybe you can arrange for us too,

Will you build a house for everyone?

Appendix 3.

Environmental groups:

flightless birds: ostrich, penguin, kiwi, dodo

birds of prey: eagle, eagle owl, barn owl, secretary, falcon;

shorebirds: duck, grebe, coot, swan, pelican;

granivorous birds: pheasant, chicken, partridge, black grouse, peacock

tropical birds: parrot, hummingbird, weed chicken, toucan, hornbill


2nd class team "Nightingales"

Municipal educational institution "Krasnenskaya sosh"

named after M.I. Svetlichnaya"


“Let’s prove that it’s not in vain that the Earth is counting on us”

School director T. Fedosova

With. Krasnoe, April 2014


team_____ class "Nightingales"

Municipal educational institution "Krasnenskaya sosh"

named after M.I. Svetlichnaya"

took ____place

in the competition program dedicated to Bird Day,

held as part of the environmental marathon

"Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth hopes for us"

School director T. Fedosova

With. Krasnoe, April 2013

Extracurricular event “Bird Day” Goals: 1) To awaken children’s interest in Russian folklore and folk traditions; 2) To develop cognitive interest and creative abilities of children; 3) To foster respect for folk customs. The holiday opens with the song “Sparrow” 1. Sparrow, my little sparrow, Gray, nimble, like a mouse. Eyes like beads, paws apart, Paws sideways, paws at an angle. Chorus: Chip, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp. Chip, chirp, chirp, chirp.2. Jump, jump, I won’t touch you, You see, I crumbled the bread. Move the crow sideways with your beak, Who asked it here.3. Jump closer, come on, come on, So, like this, a little more. The wind is pouring snow - angry And on the back and on the chest. Chorus 4. Make friends with me, birdie. We'll live in the house together. We'll sit side by side under the tree, We'll learn the alphabet. Chorus 5. Closer, just a little more, Oh, he ran away, what an impudence. He ate all the grains, ate all the crumbs, and didn’t say thank you. Leading. – Good afternoon, dear children, guests of our holiday and parents! Today we have gathered to remember the traditions of Russian folklore. Our meeting is dedicated to the spring holiday - Bird Day! The further into the future we go, the more we value the past. And we find beauty in the old. At least we belong to the new. Two presenters come out in national costumes. 1 led. Very often behind events and behind the hustle and bustle of days 2 ved. We don’t remember our antiquity, We forget about it. 1 led. According to the folk calendar, the first month of spring is rich in holidays. 2 ved. The day of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste in the language of the people is called “Magpies”. On the Forty Martyrs, forty forty birds will bring spring. 1 led. Sometimes this holiday is also called “Kuliki”, which is celebrated on March 22, the day of the spring equinox. 2 ved. In Soroca, winter ends and spring begins. 1 led. On Soroki day and night are measured. 2 ved. On this day, according to the peasants, forty birds fly from warm countries, and larks are among the first. 1 led. People wait for their feathered friends, arrange a worthy meeting for them, in preparation for which, the day before they bake ritual cookies called differently: “waders”, “larks”. 2 ved. We greeted spring with jokes, jokes, songs - stoneflies, and games. And it was all something like this. Scene “Morning in a peasant house” Author. The mistress of the house got up early on the holiday and, having lit the oven, began to roll out the dough, singing. Mistress. You binge, binge, lark, You sing your song, a sonorous song, You sing - ka, sing, little bird. Little bird, vociferous... About life - life, about the unearthly... Author. While rolling out the dough, the hostess said charming words. Mistress. Roll along the white, the pure, the arrogant, the twisted dawns, the white is steep, the white is golden. The owner's son.(waking up) Mom, mom! Why did you get up so early? Mistress. The chickens woke us up early and announced spring! The owner's son. What's the date today? Mistress. 22nd, sleepyhead - sleepy. The magpies have arrived. The red sun has already risen over the field, On the mountain everyone has gathered to play: People are waiting for the larks, That they are leading spring to Rus'. Here are the larks for you! (gives it to his son) So that he drinks water like a bird, So that he doesn’t know the sickness, So that he grows like grass in the spring. And now - run to meet spring! Children run out with “larks” and shout:
Larks, come, take away the cold winter, bring the warmth of spring. We are tired of winter, we have eaten all our bread!
Oh, you larks, larks! Oh, fly into the field, bring health: First - cow, Second - sheep, Third - human! Leading.- These short songs are called stoneflies. They called for spring, called it, asked for it. People believed that they should first call the spring birds, and then they would bring spring with them on their wings. Later, many poems about birds were composed.
Early, early in the bright morning, Having descended on the fence, And on the roof, and on the branches, A bird choir sings.
How they sing!.. You can’t count the cheerful, dressed-up singers: Jackdaws, woodpeckers, flycatchers, sparrows, tits, starlings!
Some are quiet, some are loud... And the motive is beautiful and simple. Why does the magpie chirp? Why does the blackbird sing?
These songs are not in vain: Chik-chirik... Tilim... Shadow-shadow. That means it will be a beautiful day, Sunny, spring day! Leading.- And just like in the good old days, we’ll play today. Let's find out which “birds” flew to our holiday. I will ask riddles; whoever guesses them gets the name of their flock. (Team emblems or crowns for participants)Team participation will be judged jury. 1. The small bird has legs, but can’t walk. Wants to take a step - It turns out to be a jump. (Sparrow)2. Black, agile Shouts “krak”, enemy of worms. (Rook)3. Black-winged, red-breasted And in winter he will find shelter: He is not afraid of colds - Right there with the first snow! (Bullfinch)4. Who is wearing a bright red beret, In a black satin jacket? He doesn’t look at me, he keeps knocking, knocking, knocking. (Woodpecker)5. He wears a gray vest, but his wings are black. You see, twenty couples are circling and shouting: “Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar! Ka-a-ar!” (Crow)6. The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish, a black hat and a stripe of a scarf. (Tit)7. The bird has an awl in front, The bird has a fork behind, The bird itself is small, But it was overseas. (Swallow)8. A speckled gray singer flew to the carved palace. (Starling)
Leading.- Our wonderful bird teams are assembled and we are starting a competitive program! 1. WARM UP The team that answers first earns a point.1. In what month is Bird Day celebrated in Russia? (April)2. What bird has not taken a single step in its life? (Sparrow)3. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill, kingfisher)4. Looking at which bird do people say: “It flies low - it means rain”? (Swallow)5. What bird lays eggs in other people's nests? (Cuckoo)6. Which bird can accurately find its way home? (Dove)7. Which bird has a pouch under its beak? (Pelican)8. Which predatory bird nests on the rocks? (Eagle)9. Which bird lives on the roofs of houses and, according to legend, brings happiness? (Stork)10. Which bird's outfit resembles a black suit with a white shirt? (Penguin)11. Which bird imitates human speech? (Parrot)12. Which bird is a symbol of wisdom? (Owl)13. Who are called "winged rats"? (Crows)14. Who has brighter plumage: a male or a female? (In a male)15. What is the name of the female peacock? (Pava)16. Which bird is the smallest? (Hummingbird) Leading.- You are just great! In Rus', guys, ditties were also written about birds. They were performed during folk festivals. Like a living rainbow, the fiery, whirlwind Russian ditty blossomed in bright colors.1. The loose snow melts in the sun, the breeze plays in the branches, the birds' voices are louder. This means that spring has come to us.2. The streams are running faster, the sun is shining warmer. Sparrow is happy about the weather: - The month of March came to visit us. The bear crawled out of the den, Mud and puddles on the road, A lark trilled in the sky: - April came to visit us.4. The garden tried on the color white, The nightingale sings a sonnet, Our land is dressed in greenery We are greeted with warmth by May.5. The starling's housewarming party. He rejoices endlessly. So that a mockingbird could live with us, we made a birdhouse.6. Here on a branch is someone’s house. There are no doors or windows in it. But it’s warm for the chicks to live there. It’s called a nest.7. Multi-colored, vocal, bright, colorful, spotted. And when he gets up in the morning, he will sing: “Crow!”8. The birds sat on the trees, Count them: one, two, three... Bullfinches with red breasts flew in for the winter.9. We sang ditties for you. Is it good or bad? And now we ask you to clap for us. Leading.– The next competition is also a bird competition. 2. BIRD PUZZLESmagpie crow oriole swallow crow tit woodpecker pigeon swallow bullfinch swan seagull
Leading.- Word to ours jury! -Guys, each bird has its own language, its own speech. Let's now listen to how our birds, team members, can chirp. I'm announcing the next competition! 3. Tongue twisters “MAGIES - TARATORS” Each team has 1 tongue twister, 1 participant from the team “tattles”1. The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but didn’t finish it.2. Three magpies chattered on the slide.3. Forty forty ate the cheese.4. The crow missed the crow. 5. Three little birds are flying through three empty huts. 6. Varvara was guarding the chickens, and the crow was stealing.7. It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.8. The oatmeal flies towards the oats, and Ivan takes the oats away.
Leading.- Well done boys! You have created a real bird choir! Let's take a look at the forest clearing! Scene “In a forest clearing” 1 led. There is grandfather Lesovik in the forest, although he is not tall, but he is familiar with the birds, he knows where whose bird’s house is! Leading. It turns out that who is in the forest bird host- grandfather Lesovik. It would be nice if Grandfather Lesovik himself came to visit us now and told us about the birds. Grandfather Lesovik. Hello, kids, girls and boys, who called me, who called me by name? Leading. Good afternoon, grandfather Lesovik, we called you and the guys. Tell us about winged helpers. About those who fly from hot overseas countries and begin to help our plants and destroy insects. Grandfather Lesovik. Willingly. How did you guys help the birds survive the winter? (children's answers) Well done, guys. Since ancient times, people have sculpted little animals from clay and put them outside the window to appease the frost. Most often they sculpted a ringing singer cockerel. It was believed that in the spring the cockerel was the most important! In the morning he started singing a song, which means the sun had risen. Oh, guys, I hear someone talking in the forest clearing, let's see. Crow. Carr - carr, hooligans! Oh, and life is hard for us, we have to be afraid of everyone, especially children. As soon as they see me, they try to hit me with snow, and at any moment they will “mutilate” me. Tit. Brr, how beautiful it is in the forest, sunny, warm! Hello, Auntie Crow. And I hear someone talking. Let me see, I think. And here you are. Crow. Carr. I barely lost my legs now. I still can't catch my breath. Hooligans! I was sitting on the fence, thinking about how to profit, and the guys hit me with snowballs. Tit. (sighs) And life is no easier for us tits either. You keep flying around, looking to find a crumb of bread or a piece of lard. Sometimes you'll fall asleep hungry. Do you know, Auntie Crow, that out of ten tits, only nine survive the winter. My poor tits! Guys, don’t catch birds! Crow. We must always love birds, not destroy bird nests, help birds in winter, feel sorry for them, warm them.
Presenter: - You guys had homework: prepare stories about birds. We move on to the next competition. 4. RIDDLES - RHYMS 1. I catch bugs all day, I eat bugs and worms, I don’t fly away for the winter, I live under the eaves. Jumping gallop! Don't be timid! I am experienced...( sparrow)Bird message 2. The blackest of all migratory birds, He cleans the arable land of worms. Jump across the arable land all day long! And the bird's name is... ( rook)Bird message 3. In winter there are apples on the branches! Collect them quickly! And suddenly the apples fluttered... Yes it is... ( bullfinches)Bird message 4. In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks: “Hello, friend blackbird!” And signs...( woodpecker)Bird message 5. There is a palace on the pole, There is a singer in the palace. And his name is...( starling)Bird message 6. Fidgety, small, almost all yellow bird. Loves lard and wheat Who recognized her?...( titmouse)Bird message 7. Grayish in paint, thieving in behavior, Hoarse and hoarse screamer - a famous person. Who is she?... ( crow)Bird message 8. Flies to us with warmth, Sculpts a house over the window. Little black riding hood, who is this?... (swallow) Bird messageLeading.- We learned so many interesting things about these birds. Well done guys! And now let’s say jury! It will sum up the results of 2 competitions. - Guys, now is the most difficult competition. 5. BIRD EXPERTS Each team is invited to listen and guess the voices of birds.1. sparrow 5. lark 9. rooster 13. owl2. dove 6. crane 10. tit 14. nightingale3. rook 7. cuckoo 11. bullfinch 15. magpie4. goose 8. swallow 12. seagull 16. duck Leading.- Word to ours jury. (Certificates to the winners) So, guys, we learned that in Rus' it was believed that spring would not come on its own - it must be called. They called for spring with chants. People believed that they should first call the spring birds, and then they would bring spring with them. Birds, swallows, cute killer whales! Carry the red Spring on your wings, Drive away the fierce winter.
Skvorushka, skvorushka, ringing throat! We have been waiting for you for a long time. Come visit us on a spring day!
Larks - larks! Fly to us from far away! Call us dear, spring, drive away the fierce cold! The guys will sing the song “Lapwing by the road”1. There's a lapwing by the road, There's a lapwing by the road, He's screaming, the eccentric is worried: - Tell me, whose are you? - Tell me, whose are you? And why, why are you coming here? 2. Don’t scream, winged one, Don’t worry in vain. We won’t enter your green garden. You see, we are guys, We are friends of the birds, We won’t touch yours, your lapwings. 3. The sky is blue, the meadow is rustling with grass - Here choose any path! This is for you and me, dear to all of us - This is our native, native beloved land.4. And when it blooms, And when it blooms, We go on long journeys. Across the steppe latitudes, Ford across rivers, We want to go through the whole country, the country! Leading.- To appease spring, in Rus' they baked “larks” and treated everyone to them. Today we also observe this tradition for our children - tea party with larks.


Bird Day

Holiday scenario

Traditional folk holiday was celebrated in Rus' on March 22, the Day of the Forty Martyrs (popularly called magpies. On this day they called for spring, met migratory birds, baked larks from dough. Now in many educational institutions Bird Day is celebrated, which not only revives old traditions, but also plays a big role in the environmental education of schoolchildren. The holiday helps schoolchildren to better know and love the birds living nearby, awakens interest in native nature and its protection.

Participants of the holiday

The holiday can be held on the basis of a school - then the teams form classes, on a city scale, with the participation of school teams, or among biological and tourist clubs. The number of participants is not limited.

Conditions for Bird Day

To participate in Bird Day, teams need to:

· Build artificial nesting boxes in advance, and also determine where to hang them;

· Draw posters dedicated to birds living in the city and its surroundings (depict a bird, provide information about it, as well as your observations);

· Make crafts from any materials on the theme “Birds”;

· Bake “Lark” cookies.

Bird Day program

14-00 - 15-30 Hanging artificial nests in park areas.

16-00 Tea party with “larks”.

16-00 - 16-30 Exhibition of drawings and crafts on a “bird” theme.

16-30 - 18-00 Competitions, games, quizzes indoors

Determination of results and awarding of winners

Teams and participants who show the best results in competitions are awarded diplomas and prizes, and they are given special “Bird Licenses”.

The first part of the holiday takes place in the fresh air - in a park, square or schoolyard. After hanging the birdhouses, competitions and games begin.

The first competition is a holiday pass: solving riddles.

Not of the princely breed, but walks around in a crown, not a military rider, but with a belt on his leg, does not stand as a watchman, but wakes everyone up early.


There are two porches in one kneading bowl.


Born twice, never baptized, a prophet to all people.


White mansions, red supports.


The gentleman flew, fell on the water, did not muddy the water, did not kill himself.


What can anyone lift, but a strong man cannot throw it over a hut?


What can't you stick into the wall?


The barrel is rolling, there is not a knot on it.


He has no hands, but he knows how to build.


The hut was built without hands, without an axe.


He is not a watchman, but wakes everyone up early.


There is an awl in front, a fork in the back, a white towel on the bottom, and a blue cloth on top.


She cries in the swamp, but doesn’t come out of the swamp.


Whiter than snow, blacker than soot, higher than the house, lower than the grass.


He's not a person, but he speaks.


The king walks around the city, singing at the top of his lungs.


A little boy in a gray army jacket scurries around the yards, collects crumbs, roams the fields, stealing millet.


He walks with a shovel and eats grass with a horn.


How many “A” do you need to take to get a bird?




At a distance of 1 - 1.5 meters, two parallel lines are drawn. Another 4 - 5 meters are measured from them and another line is drawn. The first two lines are the starting lines, the second are the “houses”. Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1 - 1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is called “sparrows”, and the second is called “crows”. The presenter stands between the teams and names the words: sparrows or crows. If the leader said “crows,” then the crows catch up with the sparrows, which are trying to run behind the second line, that is, hide in the “house.” All caught sparrows become crows. If the leader says “sparrows,” then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left on one team. Or the game is played a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.


In the playing team, a “kite” and a “hen” are selected. All other players are “chickens”. The chickens line up one after another, holding each other tightly by the waist. Ahead of the line is a mother hen. The goal of the kite is to drag the chick away from the “brood,” and the goal of the hen is to prevent him from doing this. If the kite manages to break the chain and snatch one of the chickens, then the kite becomes a hen, and the stolen chicken becomes a kite.


For this game you need to draw a circle with a diameter of 2-3 meters. Opponents - “roosters” stand on one leg and try to push the opponent out of the circle by jumping. Touching the ground with the second foot counts as a defeat.


For this game you will need a thick rope with a knot tied at the end. With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected - a “bird catcher”. He twists the rope at approximately the level of his knees, now accelerating and now slowing down the rotation, trying to hit one of the playing “birds”. The birds try to jump over the rope without succumbing to the bird catcher’s tricks. The caught “bird” leads in the next round.

OWL (Blind Man's Bluff)

This game can be played indoors or outdoors. If they play on the street, they draw a boundary on the ground that cannot be crossed. Using a counting rhyme, they choose a leader - an owl. He is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the circle. The owl must catch the “bird” - one of the players. If the owl moves outside the circle, the birds begin to chirp. The driver must catch and identify the player, after which he becomes an owl.


All players stand in a line and begin to name the birds one by one, in order, at the same time taking one step forward. Bird names should not be repeated. Anyone who can no longer name the bird is out of the game. The winner is the one who remembers more bird names and takes more steps than everyone else.


The players stand in a circle and, at the leader’s command, raise one leg, bending it at the knee and pressing it to the thigh of the other leg. After all the players have tried to portray a heron, the endurance competition begins: having assumed this pose, the players close their eyes and try to stand in it for as long as possible. The one who lasts the longest wins.


In the intervals between endurance games, players are asked to imitate a crow, raising their straight arms up through the sides with sharp, strong movements and lowering them down, as if trying to get off the ground. The one who manages to fly wins.


The players stand up straight, keeping their legs together. Straight arms are raised up and then bent forward without changing the position of the arms. The tilt should be full, your arms should reach the ground, it is advisable to rest your palms on the ground without bending your legs. After the players have mastered this exercise, they compete in endurance: they must stand in this position for as long as possible. The one who stays like this the longest wins.


The players stretch their arms up, then tilt their torso forward to a horizontal position, while moving one leg back (also to a horizontal position). After everyone has tried to imitate a swallow, they compete in endurance. The one who stays like this the longest wins.

After outdoor games, children gather in a circle, learn “clicks,” eat a “lark” baked in advance, and throw the leftovers to the birds.

Calling to Spring

The life of our ancestors depended very much on natural conditions, first of all, from the weather. The well-being of a peasant family depended on whether the sowing was done on time, whether they managed to cover the hay from the rain in time, and harvest the harvest in the fall. Farmers carefully monitored the winds and clouds, fogs and dew, and the behavior of animals and birds.

The day of the vernal equinox was awaited throughout the long winter and was celebrated with festive rituals. On March 22, the church celebrates the day of remembrance of the forty martyrs. People call this day “magpies”. It was believed that from this day until the onset of warmth there were forty morning frosts left. For forty days, starting from this, housewives threw pieces of bread out of the window with the words:

Jack Frost,

Here's bread and oats for you,

Now get out

I'll say hello!

Magpies usually went to “call out spring” - in a high open place they sang drawn-out, inviting spring songs and “hooted.”

Now we will try to perform the stonefly. First we need to “clear the voices.” To do this, you need to shout as loudly as possible: Ya! Yeh! Yi! Yo! Yo! Now let's try to honk: Gu!

After singing, with the wave of a wand, everyone must shout loudly and protractedly together: Gu!

Bless me, mother,

Conjure spring.

Early, early

Conjure spring. Gu!

Conjure spring

Say goodbye to winter.

Early, early

Say goodbye to winter. Gu!

Winter in the cart,

Fly into the shuttle.

Early, early

Fly into the shuttle. Gu!

For magpies they usually baked “larks”, “kulichki”, “chuvilek”, gave them to the children, and they ran out to high place call to the larks, and with them spring. The baked “larks” were impaled on poles, branches or pitchforks, and then the “crystalks” were shouted at the top of their lungs:



It's winter on you,

And it’s summer for them,

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!


Larks, larks,

Roll the wheel

Your children are behind the forest

Tied with a belt.

The calls were different in different places. There were also these words:

"Spring is red,

What did you come with?”

- “On the perch,

On the groove

ON an oatmeal,

On a wheat pie."

- “And we were waiting for spring,

The scraps were spun.”

A sandpiper flew from across the sea,

The sandpiper brought nine locks.

"Kulik, sandpiper,

Close the winter

Close the winter

Unlock spring

Warm summer!"

The birds were eaten, and some of them were left on branches, barns and barns. Sometimes coins and coals were baked into the larks for good luck.

(See Attachment)

After this, the guys go into the room and the competition program begins. The winners of individual competitions are marked with “birds”

Competition program for “Bird Day”


As a warm-up, you are asked to answer a series of questions. The one who first guesses what it's about we're talking about, must ring the bell and name the answer, explaining what qualities of a person and a bird allow them to be compared.

For the correct answer you will receive a “bird” (for personal merit, small).

1. This is what they call a person who sings very well. (Nightingale).

2. This is what they say about a person who has missed something. (Missed it).

3. A man who tries his best to please a woman is said to spread the bird's tail. (Peacock).

4. This is the name given to people whose argument is about to turn into a fight. (Roosters).

5. They say about a person who is uncomfortable that he is ruffled like this bird. (Sparrow).

6. This is what lovers are called. (Doves).

7. This is the name given to a person who spreads gossip. (Magpie).

8. This is what they call a kind, sweet, dear person. (Martin).

9. This is what they call a person with an unusually inflated ego. (Turkey).

10. This is what they call a bad mother. (Cuckoo).

11. A person who is trying to hide from danger is compared to this bird. (Ostrich).

12. This is what they call a courageous, strong person. (Eagle).

Two merry geese lived with granny

For this competition, I ask the teams to stand (sit) away from each other so as not to interfere with team members conferring with each other. In this competition you will have to name songs about birds or songs that mention birds (I hope you remembered them in advance). So, the “pack leaders” are invited to the starting line. Teams take turns performing 1 verse of the “bird” song, without repeating. After singing the song, the “leader” takes a step forward. If a team cannot name the song before the gong hits, they are eliminated from further competition. The team that knows the most songs wins.

The winning team is awarded a large team bird.

Cozy nest

Now you have to build a nest from branches and blades of grass. We work as a team.

The reward for building a nest is a large command “bird”. Was it difficult to build? But birds build nests with their beaks and paws. Would you like to try again - with beaks?

Mysterious competition

In this competition you will have to guess which bird is described in the poem. If you guessed it, don’t shout, but from the letters lying on the table, make up the right word (in the case in which it should appear in the poem - remember the cases?). Then the team will take the letters in their hands and line up so that everyone can read the key word. Here you will not only need to quickly guess who we are talking about, but also quickly form a word. Are you ready? All clear? Begin.

Reward - 1 team “bird” for one riddle.

Of all the migratory birds,

He looks for worms in the arable land,

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And the bird’s name is... (rook).

On one worth a leg,

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose...

Do you recognize? This is... (heron).

Been chattering since the morning:

“Por-r-ra! Let's go!"

What time is it?

She's such a hassle,

When it cracks... (magpie).

A bird is grieving in the forest at night,

She is afraid to identify herself.

Ku-ku... Ku-ku...

The edge does not sleep,

And this bird’s name is... (cuckoo).

In winter there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is... (bullfinches).

He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Slide down a steep cliff,

Two mighty wings

The owner has ... (eagle).

I love bad weather

I really respect water.

I'm staying away from the dirt

Clean gray... (goose).

We built it together

For guests of the spring house,

Or rather, a palace.

Fly here... (starling).

The night is pitch black


The gray bird has no time to sleep:

It slides between the bushes like a shadow,

Those who are not sleeping are on guard.

He catches every rustle sensitively,

And when he screams, it will become creepy,

The sleeping grass will tremble.

It hoots... (owl).

Bird of Tomorrow's Happiness

Guys, how many of you know which artists painted birds? (For answers - small “birds”). Today you too can feel like the Savrasovs. Our next competition is a drawing competition. Teams are invited to the start. Please queue one after the other. On a piece of paper you need to draw a bird, but not all at once, but in parts, one person - 1 fragment. Moreover, you need to draw that part of the bird that the judge tells you at the start. Not only the speed, but also the quality of execution of your masterpiece will be assessed.

Drawing order: beak, leg, wing, tail, eye, body, second leg, head, decorations, name.

Awards are big “birds”, 1 for speed and 2-3 for quality.

A bird with character

The next competition is artistic. First, let's all try to portray cheerful, animated birds. And now the predators, looking out for prey. Now I ask you to clear the middle of the hall and choose one volunteer from each team. In the future, everyone will be able to try their hand at acting, as there will be several tasks.

There is such a very famous book by the German naturalist Bram “The Life of Animals”. There he not only describes appearance animals and birds, but also talks about their behavior, giving them characters. Now I will slowly read the description of the birds, and our chosen ones will at this time depict what they are reading with gestures, movements, sounds, getting used to the image.

The jury of judges evaluates the actor's work and awards personal “birds” for the most striking images.

Bird Characters(According to Bram)

1. Redstart. The redstart is a cheerful, active and active bird. She is agile and light, deftly jumps and flies and somersaults excellently in the air; its flight is so skillful that it can catch prey on the fly and often catches up and swallows flying insects in the air. Its singing is cacophonous and is often interrupted by unpleasant crackling. Redstarts sometimes make acquaintances with other birds, sometimes turning into friendship.

2. Thrush. Blackbirds are dexterous, agile, intelligent birds gifted with great art of singing. They are sociable, although they cannot be called peace-loving. Good and bad qualities are intertwined in their character. In general, these are dexterous, nimble flyers, but when frightened they flutter clumsily above the ground. There is no doubt about the mental abilities of these birds: they are not only smart, courageous and mistrustful, but even cunning and cautiously calculating. Although blackbirds often quarrel with each other, they still cannot live without each other, and one blackbird always follows the calling sound of another.

3. Grosbeak. Distinctive features of this genus are: a very strong and dense constitution, an unusually large, thick beak, short, strong legs with sharp claws, wide wings and short tail. The grosbeak is a somewhat clumsy and lazy bird; he usually sits in one and the same place for a long time, moves little and rarely decides to immediately fly off the branch. It flies ponderously and noisily, but still moves quite quickly in flight. His mental abilities do not correspond to these external qualities. This is a very cautious, cunning bird that is careful about safety.

4. Crow. The flight of the raven is very beautiful; when flying fast, it rushes almost in a straight line, striking strongly with its wings; often he floats for a long time, describing beautiful circles. He walks on the ground with ridiculous importance; sitting on a branch, it is held either horizontally or completely straight. Ravens often attack animals. Steals things and food and hides stolen goods. He learns to speak well and even uses words wisely. Anyone who does not recognize intelligence in animals should watch the crow a little longer.

5. Wryneck. It is a lazy, rather clumsy bird, moving only when absolutely necessary; the tirelessness and agility of other woodpeckers is not at all noticeable in it. This bird shows an extraordinary ability to twirl its neck. Everything unusual irritates her, makes her make grimaces, which are the stranger the more frightened she is. She stretches her neck, ruffles her head feathers and spreads her tail like a fan; or she stretches out her entire body, leans forward, closes her eyes and emits a strange muffled coo. There is no doubt that the whirligig wants to scare its enemy with this.

6. Quail. The quail cannot be called either a beautiful or gifted bird, but despite this, it attracts everyone's affection. She owes this to her sonorous calling cry. In addition to this cry, she makes many different sounds. The quail walks quickly, but clumsily, with its head drawn in, its tail lowered and nodding at every step; They fly quickly, impetuously and noisily, but reluctantly and always flee from their pursuers. The quail's intelligence is rather weak; In addition, she is very fearful and, when persecuted, acts in the most extravagant manner: for example, she imagines that she will be safe if she hides her head under her wing.

7. Barn swallow. The swallow is extremely lively and playful. A brave bird, always very elegant. Her cheerful mood is disturbed only by very bad weather and lack of food. It flies faster, more varied and more dexterously than other birds: it soars, rushes with lightning speed, now sideways, now up, now down, suddenly almost falls to the ground - and does all this with amazing dexterity. For rest, she chooses outstanding points that are convenient for arrival and departure: here she basks in the sun, adjusts and smoothes her plumage, and sings.

8. Bittern. The bittern has a dense body, a long but thick neck, and wide wings. In the art of striking strange poses, it surpasses even herons. If she wants to deceive, she sits on her heels and stretches her body, neck, head and beak up so that they form one straight line, and the bird becomes like anything but a bird: it is then easy to mistake it for an old sharp stake. Laziness, indifference and slowness, cowardice and suspicion, cunning and deceit, malice and cunning constitute the distinctive features of her character. Her cry is very strange; it is similar to the roar of a bull, which at night can be heard at a distance of 2-3 miles and arouses fear in superstitious people.

9. Larks. Larks walk well on the ground, although their flight is remarkable for its diversity. In a hurry, they fly extremely fast; while singing, they flutter and soar to the sky at once, describing a large spiral; from there they descend slowly at first, and then suddenly, folding their wings like a stone, they fall to the ground. The organs of external senses in larks are well developed, but their understanding, on the contrary, is rather weak. Most larks are good singers, and their songs are extremely varied.

10. Gull. In appearance, seagulls are attractive birds, distinguished by graceful movements and beautiful, proud posture. They walk quite quickly, swim well and fly for a long time. They are also quite skilled in diving. But their voice cannot be called pleasant, since it consists of loud croaking and crackling sounds. Seagulls are smart and understanding birds that notice everything that happens around them. They are brave and boldly enter into battle with their enemies; They live quite peacefully with each other, but they are envious and distrustful. An offended or wounded seagull informs all its friends about its misfortune, and they together fight back the danger.

11. Crane. All movements of the crane are graceful; all manifestations of his rather highly developed abilities attract attention. The large, agile and intelligent bird is well aware of its advantages and expresses this in a wide variety of actions. She walks gracefully and measuredly, with the consciousness of her beauty, easily rises into the air, with a few wide strokes of her strong wings reaches the desired height and flies smoothly and leisurely, but quickly and energetically. When the crane is ready to hunt, it amuses itself with cheerful jumps, playful movements, and strange poses; while playing, he picks up chips and pebbles from the ground, throws them into the air and catches them again; dances, jumps, runs quickly back and forth and expresses his cheerfulness with a wide variety of movements.

I recognize them by their voices

And now we bring to your attention sound competitions.

The reward for the 1st and 2nd competitions is personal “birds”, for the 3rd - team “birds”.

Bird 1: House sparrow.

Bird 2: nightingale.

Bird 3: pigeon.

Bird 4: large motley woodpecker.

Bird 5: rook.

Bird 6: Magpie.

Bird 7: Mallard duck.

Bird 8: great tit.

Bird 9: Jackdaw

Bird 10: Woodcock.

Bird 11: Waxwing.

Bird 12: Oriole.

Bird 13: Crake.

Bird 14: Wood Pigeon.

Kestrel, goshawk, tawny owl, white wagtail, raven, Muscovy, bullfinch, greenfinch, gray warbler, willow warbler, robin, linnet, green mockingbird.

Task 3. Everyone imitates a bird choir

Performance, concert

Demonstration of a performance on a spring-bird theme, original songs about birds.

And now we move on to small competitions in which full teams take part. Each competition is given 10 minutes, after which the teams change “stations”.

Bird wisdom

In this competition, each person on the team is given the task of collecting proverbs about birds. The envelope contains three proverbs cut into pieces, each of which is typed in a different color.

A reward (a small “bird”) is given for each correctly collected proverb.

1. A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized in his work.

The sparrow is under the roof, and the owl is out to catch.

It is better to die as an eagle than to live as a hare.

2. A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

A raven will not peck out a crow's eye.

The crane does not know the boundary and steps over.

3. Every bird has its nose full.

The eagles fight, and the good guys get their feathers.

The swallow begins the day, and the nightingale ends the evening.

4. The owl was waiting for a jackdaw, but waited for a stick.

Where the crow flies, that's where it looks.

Give the hen the ridge - she will take the whole garden.

5. The cuckoo crows and grieves over homelessness.

One swallow does not bring summer.

The falcon plucks a jackdaw and glances at the stick.

6. The peahen is red in feathers, but man is in learning.

Every bird sings its own songs.

No matter the jay's tongue, who would know about her.

7. Don’t promise a pie in the sky, but give a bird in your hands.

If they are not caught, the chickens do not pinch.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

8. Don’t be timid, sparrow, you caught the tit.

I was caught like a plucked chicken.

I wish the chicken didn’t go to the wedding, but they drag you by the tail.

9. There is not a tree in the field where a bird is not sitting.

One goose will not trample the grass.

What does a crow need big mansions? The crow knows your bush.

10. The bird pecks the grain, but lives well.

Don't teach white swan swim.

The crow used to have large mansions, but now there is no stake.

11. The crow flew across the seas, but did not become smarter.

To be afraid of sparrows is not to sow millet.

A bird is lured with food, and a person is lured with a word.

12. On someone else’s side, I’m happy with my little crow.

The claw gets stuck - the whole bird is lost.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage; a green branch is better for him.

13. The nightingale sings, but her little head is empty.

Without a tail, a crow is not red.

The little bird started singing early, as if the cat would eat it.

14. Migratory nightingale - sometimes on a linden tree, sometimes on a spruce.

Go to bed with the chickens, get up with the roosters.

A crane walks through the swamp and is hired to work.

15. Early birds drink the dew, late birds shed tears.

Burnt child dreads the fire.

The geese flew overseas, but not the swans that came either.

16. He aimed at a crow, but hit a cow.

A bird's will is better than a golden cage.

A magpie in a dress and a crow in a dress, our brother will also have a dress.

spring wind

The spring wind blew and mixed up all the letters in the words - the names of the birds living in our area. Select a piece of paper with “confused” letters and try to arrange them in the correct order. If you guessed one name, you can take the next one until you guess all the birds or the time runs out.

For 1 correctly guessed bird, 1 “bird” is awarded.































From what? Why?

Quiz task. Questions are asked to all team players in turn; if a player finds it difficult to answer, then the one who first picked up the “magic wand” helps him. The player who gives the correct answer receives a reward - a birdie.


1. What bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

2. Which bird has the longest tongue? (In the woodpecker, up to 15 cm.)

3. What birds do not land on the ground, on water, or on branches? (Swifts.)

4. Which one songbird can dive to the bottom of a reservoir and run along the bottom? (Dipper. She catches insects, worms and even fish fry at the bottom.)

5. When is a sparrow’s body temperature lower - in summer or winter? (Same.)

6. Which bird is the smallest in our country? (Korolek.)

7. Which bird has a very long tail? (Magpie.)

8. What bird bears the name of the ship? (Frigate.)

9. Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance.)

10. What bird moves along the trunk both up and down with its head? (Nuthatch.)

11. Who was born twice? (Bird.)

12. What cities are named after birds? (Eagle, magpie.)

13. Which bird has the writer’s surname as its name? (Gogol.)

14. Which bird bears the name of the part musical instrument? (Vulture.)

15. What birds are the names of the constellations? (Swan, eagle.)

16. Which bird's nest is edible? (Salangana.)

17. What types of swallows live here? (Urban - funnel, rural - killer whale, coastal.)

More complicated

1. Where do starlings who do not have enough birdhouses make their nests? (In groves and gardens, in hollows.)

2. Why do starlings and jackdaws ride cows, sheep and horses? (They drag wool for nests and peck insects and their larvae from the skin of old animals.)

3. Why do domestic ducks and geese suddenly begin to cry sadly in the spring and become very excited? (The ancestors of our geese and ducks were migratory birds. In the spring, during the migration of wild ones, domestic geese and ducks feel sad, they are also drawn to fly somewhere.)

4. Why shouldn’t you touch eggs in nests with your hands? (Because the bird abandons the nest if you touch it with your hands; birds have a good sense of smell.)

5. Why are the nests of the finch, goldfinch, and warbler so little visible on the branches? (Because these birds clean and “camouflage” their nests from the outside with lichens growing on the trees on which they build their nests.)

6. The baby has not yet been born, let alone given up to be raised - who has it? (At the cuckoo.)

7. Why do they say: “Water off a duck’s back”? (The feathers of a goose are always covered with fat, so water does not wet the feathers and rolls off them in drops.)

8. What bird’s chicks hiss from the hollow like snakes? (Window chicks.)

9. Why do swifts and swallows fly high in good weather, but above the ground in damp weather? (When flying, swallows catch midges, mosquitoes and other winged insects. In clear weather, the air is dry, and these insects rise high above the ground. In damp weather, the air is heavy, full of moisture and does not allow them to rise upward.)

10. What color is the largest of our woodpeckers? (Black with a red cap - yellow.)

11. What's inside bird bones? (Air.)

12. What happens to a crow after three years? (This is the fourth year.)

13. What is more scary for birds in winter: hunger or cold? (Hunger is worse for birds. Ducks, swans, and seagulls sometimes stay for the winter if they have something to feed, if there is water somewhere that is not covered with ice.)

14. Do our migratory birds build nests in the south in winter? (Nests are not made, chicks are not hatched.)

15. Why do many animals and birds leave the forest in winter and huddle closer to human habitation? (Because in winter it is easier for them to find food near human habitation.)

16. With the arrival of which birds do we consider the beginning of spring? (From the arrival of rooks.)

The following competitions are small and can be combined into one “station”.

Oracle Predictions

As you know, in order to make good predictions. you have to be not only good psychologist, but also have a good understanding of signs. Hope you are familiar with folk signs related to bird behavior. Then let's make predictions. Hint: there are 4 answer options: warm, cold, rain and bucket (clear weather). The tasks will be given to everyone in turn if the player finds it difficult to answer. then someone who picks up a “magic wand” can help him. For the correct answer, a reward is given - a “bird”.

1. What will the weather be like if:

the nightingale sings all night, and the tits

chattering animatedly?

2. What will the weather be like if:

birds land on the ground

do the pigeons coo?

3. What will the weather be like if:

sparrows chirp and songbirds

sing loudly?

4. What will the weather be like if:

swallows fly high, and in the evening

cried the crake?

5. What will the weather be like if:

Do birds fly south early in the fall, and sparrows collect down and feathers?

6. What will the weather be like if:

the crow screams towards the north, and Domestic bird hides his head under his wing?

7. What will the weather be like if:

a dove stands in a puddle and a crow screams

towards the south?

8. What will the weather be like in spring if:

the wagtails have flown in and are chirping, and the sparrows are swimming in a puddle?

9. What will the weather be like if:

crows cawing loudly and circling in the air, and a woodpecker drumming?

10. What will the weather be like if:

Swallows fly over the water, and seagulls swim a lot?

11. What will the weather be like if:

the rooster crows often, and the geese and ducks behave very animatedly?

12. What will the weather be like if:

crows lower their heads into puddles, and sparrows and chickens bathe in dust?

13. What will the weather be like if:

birds sit on roofs and trees, and jackdaws and starlings fly in flocks with loud cries?

14. What will the weather be like if:

the finch is worried and shades, and the nightingale falls silent?

Using these signs, determine what the weather will be like.

Cards 1-4 - clear warm weather;

5 and 6 - cold;

7 and 8 - warm;

9-14 - rain.

Check mark

Using the suggested pattern, make a tick out of paper, color it as you like and give it a name. A “bird” is awarded for making a tick. You can take the tick as a souvenir.


Competition program It's over, it's time to start counting chickens in the fall. The teams are asked to come to the tables to sum up the results. Everyone takes turns placing their personal “birds” on the team tables. Those who have run out of birdies go beyond the fence. The rest continue to lay out “birds” until the 3 best players from each age group are determined. These are the winners and prizewinners.

We continue summing up the results for the teams. The “leaders of the flock” arrange the “birds” of all participants into piles of 5 pieces. One pile is equal to 1 large “bird”. The winning teams in their age groups are determined by counting the big birds.

At the awards ceremony, prizes are awarded to winners and runners-up in individual competitions, teams, and those who participated in crafts and fine arts competitions are separately noted.

All participants are awarded “Bird Rights” and souvenirs, after which the holiday is declared closed.



* * *

You're a little birdie

You're a vagrant!

You fly away

On the blue sea

You take it

spring keys,

Lock out the winter

Unlock summer!

* * *

You are a little bee

Ardent bee!

You fly out from overseas,

Take out the keys

The keys are gold.

You close the winter,

Freezing winter!

Unlock your fly,

Letechko is warm,

Summer is grainy!



Swallow birds!

Come and visit us!

Clear spring

Red spring

Bring it to us!

On the perch

On the groove

And with a plow and a harrow,

And with a black mare,

With a spinning wheel, with a bottom,

With a crooked spindle,

We're tired of winter

I ate bread and hay,

My arms and legs were chilling,

She killed the cattle.

* * *

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring it to us

Summer is warm!

Take it away from us

Cold winter!

It's a cold winter for us

I'm bored

My hands and feet are frozen!

* * *

Bless me, mother,

Conjure spring.

Early, early

Conjure spring.

Conjure spring

Say goodbye to winter.

Early, early

Say goodbye to winter.

Winter in the cart,

Fly into the shuttle.

Early, early

Fly into the shuttle.

* * *



It's winter on you,

And it's summer for us,

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!

* * *

Summer, summer!

Summer is warm!


Fly here!

We're tired of winter

I ate all the bread,

And she tore up the cloth,

And tore up my bast shoes,

I didn't ask again!

* * *

"Spring is red,

What did you come with?”

- “On the perch,

On the groove

On an oatmeal,

On a wheat pie."

- “And we were waiting for spring,

The scraps were spun.”

A sandpiper flew from across the sea,

The sandpiper brought nine locks.

"Kulik, sandpiper,

Close the winter

Close the winter

Unlock spring

Warm summer".

* * *

God bless

Sit on a hillock,

Shout out spring

Unlock the flyer,

Closing the winter:

It's warm in the summer,

Winter is cold,

Fly into the skating rink,

Winter is in full swing.

* * *

Come to us, spring,

With joy!

With a great one to us

With mercy!

With grainy rye,

With golden wheat,

With curly oats,

With mustachioed barley,

With millet, with buckwheat,

With viburnum-raspberry,

With black currants

With pears, with apples,

With every garden,

With azure flowers,

With grass-ant!

* * *

Give it, spring,

Good years,

Good years


Zharodi Zhito


Zhito is thick,



Vigorous, -

So that there is something

Brew beer

Brew beer

Get the guys married,

Get the guys married,

Give away the girls.

* * *

Spring is red,

What did you come with?

On the whip

On the clamp,

On a bunch of oats,

On a wheat ear.

* * *

Jack Frost,

Here's bread and oats for you,

Now get out

I'll say hello!

* * *



It's winter on you,

It's summer for us!

You're wearing a sleigh

And we have a cart!

* * *

Larks, come,

Take away the cold winter,

Bring warmth to spring:

We're tired of winter

She ate all our bread!

* * *


Fly to us and bring us


We have a red spring and a red summer.


We're tired of winter, we ate a lot of bread,


And I drank water and three wells,


The whole tow was re-spun, rewound into skeins,


They took them to the market and sold them for pennies.


They sold them for pennies and bought bread for children.


* * *




I'll redden the spring

Bring it!

Winter is cold

Take it away!

Jackdaws, jackdaws,

Bring a stick!

Doves, doves,

Bring me a ball!

Cuckoos, cuckoos,

Bring me a skein!

Tits, tits,

Bring the spokes!

Canaries, canaries,

Bring some sewing!

Tap dances, tap dances,

Bring a brush!

Then, ducks,

Blow the pipes

Cockroaches -

To the drums!

* * *

Larks, come!

Bring red spring!

We're tired of winter

I ate all our bread

There is no bread or potatoes,

The samovar stands on the window,

I drank tea. Ate sugar

I impaled the samovar.

* * *

Summer, summer, get out of the basement!

And you, winter, go there -

With high snowdrifts,

With frosty icicles,

With sleighs, with sledges!

And you, summer, come here, -

With a plow, with a harrow,

With a black mare!

Summer is warm and grainy!

* * *

You little larks,

Come together, come together.

Spring is red, what did it come with?

On the bipod, on the harrow,

On a horse's head

On a sheaf of oatmeal,

On a rye ear,

On wheat

A grain!

* * *

Drops from the roof

The Rooks Have Arrived,

Oh, okay, okay, okay,

The Rooks Have Arrived!

The sparrows are chirping

They call for spring

Oh, okay, okay, okay,

They are calling for spring!

* * *

Larks, larks,

Give us summer.

And we will winter for you -

We don't have any food!

* * *


Come join us

There's jelly to be pounded here,

There are pancakes here.

* * *

Larks, larks,

Roll the wheel

Your children are behind the forest

Tied with a belt.

* * *


Spring came

In wheelchairs

Winter is gone

On a sled.

* * *


Fly, fly,

Happy spring

Carry it, carry it

Sedykh Nina Nikolaevna, Center for children and youth tourism and environmental education in the city of Dubna, Moscow region

Summary of the holiday for junior schoolchildren “Our feathered friends”

Author: Marina Ivanovna Chebykina, primary school teacher at MAOU “Gymnasium No. 2” in the city of Solikamsk, Perm Territory
This development will be useful for teachers primary school, GPD teachers, as well as preschool teachers. The event can be used for a class hour or an extracurricular activity. The holiday promotes respect for birds in different times of the year.
Target: consolidating students' knowledge about the diversity of the bird world.
1. To form concepts about the origin of the names of some birds.
2. Develop speech, attention, observation, thinking.
3. Foster a caring attitude towards birds at different times of the year.
Equipment: multimedia equipment, exhibition of books by E. Charushin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov, cards with riddles, juice boxes
Preliminary preparation: bird watching, setting up an exhibition with children's drawings about birds, learning poems and songs.

Progress of the holiday.

Good afternoon, dear children! I am glad to welcome you!
Oh, who are you?
I am old man Lesovichok,
Master of the forest!
I protect the forest
From pests like you
I'm saving him!
What kind of pests are they? These are very good, smart, excited and inquisitive children! Isn't it true, guys?
And why did you come here? They made a lot of noise here and scared away all the birds and animals!
Don’t swear like that, but rather tell us something interesting!
Interesting to tell? Listen!
First, guess what I’m going to tell you about today.
Having crossed out all the repeating letters, find out what will be discussed in the lesson?
Well done! You're right, we're talking about birds.
Dream about a spider at night
Miracle Yudo for a bitch.
A long beak and two wings...
Arrives - things are bad
Who is the spider afraid of?
Did you guess it? This is...(bird).
Presenter: They live on our planet
Wonderful creatures
They fly and sing
And they cherish the land sacredly.
- Tell me, children,
Is it possible to live without birds in the world?
What happens if the birds
Will they suddenly disappear on earth?
1st student:
Bugs, bugs, worms
Trees will be attacked
And they will eat the bark, leaves,
They gnaw off branches and buds.
This is what will happen if the birds
Everyone will disappear - disappear!
2nd student:
And there will be no chirping,
The wondrous trills of the nightingale,
And the magpies chirp,
Chick-chirp of a sparrow...
3rd student:
It will be boring, the children know,
Live without birds in this world!
What a great fellow you are! We read beautiful poems!
(Knock on the door. Live package.)
Guys, look how unusual this package is.
Are you wondering what's there?
(Voice-over or recording of Galchonok’s voice from the movie “Prostokvashino”)
Text: My dear friends. (dot) Feathered friends invite you to the bird's living room. (dotted) Let's play together together, (zpt) have fun. (tick) We are looking forward to seeing you! (dot)
Guys, before we go to the bird's living room, we need to remember the rules of behavior in nature.
Think, write down or draw the rules of behavior in nature that every person should follow so that birds always delight us with their wonderful singing. /Creative work./
Leading: Now you can hit the road. /Children walk through the hall to the music/
Birds are everywhere - above us, around us, in the distance, nearby. You can meet them in the forest, in the field, and in the mountains. There are a lot of birds in nature. In Russia alone there are more than 760 species. To look at all the birds whole life will not be enough. But you need to know those who live in the forest or in a park not far from home.
They make noise, make noise, shout from morning to evening. The birds talk to us and to each other. Let's listen! (bird voices)
Various birds they voice differently. The names of many birds were formed from the sounds they make. Try to guess.
Hsin-hsin! - the titmouse whistles.
Chi-chi! Chi-chi! - the siskin echoes her.
Gra - gra! - the rook introduces himself.
Skvor-skvor! - the starlings sing.
Ku-ku! Cuckoo! - the cuckoo calls.
Swir – swir! - the waxwing sings.
Birds are dear to us as part of wonderful nature. Their sonorous songs and bright plumage enliven nature, instilling cheerfulness and joy in us. Without birds, nature is dead!
The first to meet us in the bird's living room is... Guess! Who?
I have a large, elongated body and large, strong legs. I walk with big steps. I have a very large and strong beak. The head, throat and wings are black, and the rest of the body is gray.
The crow is considered the smartest bird. She prepared for the guests the game “One of Three” (you need to choose the correct answer from three options.)
For the correct answer, children receive a token
- Which bird is considered the smartest?
- How does a woodpecker extract insects from cracks in the bark of trees?
- Which of these birds are migratory?
- How many flights for insects per day can birds make while feeding their chicks?
A) 400
B) 200
B) 100
- Which bird, thanks to its crossed beak, can get seeds from pine cones?
B) Finch
- Who has the longest neck?
Let's go further and visit...
I am very beautiful bird. I have a black cap on my head, white cheeks, a black stripe on my throat - a tie, wings and tail - gray, back - yellow-green, and belly - yellow.
Which bird sings how?
Write on the board
You need to choose a suitable card and place it next to the name of the bird (crows, chirps, clucks, cackles, chirps, croaks, crows, cooes).
Nuthatch. What kind of bird is this?
Game “Birds”.
Leading: And now I want to play the game “Birds” with you. But I will name not only birds, and if you hear that I named not only birds, but something else, stomp and clap. Be careful!
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,

Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta...
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos,
Even owls are scops owls,
Swans and ducks-
And thanks for the joke!
Sparrow: I am an active bird with a rounded head, short neck, ovoid body, short and rounded wings. My beak is hard and pointed towards the end. In the cold season we sit, huddled closely together, ruffled.
(Children read and guess the riddles written on pieces of paper)
He's in his forest chamber
Wears a colorful robe.
He heals trees
Knock and it will be easier.
Let me be a small bird,
I, friends, have a habit -
When the cold starts,
Straight from the north here.
Motley fidget,
Talkative bird
The most chatty one.
Flies all night -
Gets mice
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow.
Tit: I am a very beautiful bird. I have a black cap on my head, white cheeks, a black stripe on my throat - a tie, wings and tail - gray, back - yellow-green, and belly - yellow. Who am I? Guess it?
Bullfinch: My top of my head, wings, tail are black, my back is bluish-gray, and my belly is red. The beak is short, thick, conical, black.
Quiz “What do you know about wintering birds?”
/Each correct answer is scored with one token. /
1. What birds collect supplies for the winter? (Very few: owls collect killed mice in the hollows of mice, jays (ronja) collect acorns and nuts)
2. Which of our birds can move along a vertical trunk and up and down with its head? (Nuthatch)
3. Which birds move along a vertical trunk only upside down? (Woodpecker, pika)
4. What is worse for birds than hunger or cold in winter? (hunger)
5. What birds migrate to human habitation for the winter? (Great tit, magpie, crow, jackdaw)
6. For which bird in winter are burdock seeds the favorite food? (For the goldfinch)
7. What benefits does the tit bring to humans in winter, when all the insects are sleeping? (In winter, tits look for insects, eggs, larvae in cracks and holes and eat them)
8. What types of sparrows nest here? (Brownie and Field)
9. The name of which wintering bird is similar to the name of the dance? (Tap dance)
10. Name the wintering birds that have a crest on their heads? (Waxwing, tap dance)
11. What birds hatch their chicks in severe frost? (crossbills, kingfishers)
12. How many different tits live in our area? (Six: greater, chickadee, coal tit, corydalis, blue tit, long-tailed)
13. What birds live here only in winter? (Rap dancer, waxwing, polar owl)
14. How can you explain that swallows, swifts, and flycatchers fly south for the winter, but tits, woodpeckers, and nuthatches remain? (Flycatchers, swifts and swallows catch insects in the air, and in the fall insects climb into shelters, that is, they become inaccessible to these birds. Tits, woodpeckers and nuthatches adapt to catching insects, their larvae, pupae and eggs from winter shelters)
15. Which order of birds includes the largest number of species? (Passerines)
The winner is determined among the quiz participants.
Leading: But another bird meets us!
Crossbill: I am a small red bird, with tenacious legs and a characteristic cross-shaped beak.
Leading: What bird are we talking about?
Bird professions
carpenter bird
bird acrobat
frivolous mother
forest cat
nocturnal predator
feathered soloist
Magpie: My head, wings, and tail are black, but on the sides there are snow-white feathers. The tail is long and straight, like an arrow, and the beak is strong and sharp.
Game-task “Collect a proverb”
Every bird has its nose full.
The little bird started singing early, as if the cat would eat it.
One swallow does not make spring.
A bird has wings, a man has a mind.
The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
Fables do not feed the nightingale.
The magpie on its tail brought the news.
The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.
Know a falcon by its flight.
People have always loved birds and admired them. No wonder many proverbs have been created and books written.
(Acquaintance with the exhibition of books by E. Charushchin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov)
Attention! Attention! Today we are opening the “Bird Canteen” workshop. Hurry up to help the carpenter bird! What kind of bird is this? And a bird - a carpenter - will help conduct the workshop. Who is she?
(Making simple feeders from juice boxes)
Well done guys, great job! The dining rooms for feathered friends are now ready. All that remains is to open them. And to ensure that your dining room is always open to birds, you must know the rules for feeding birds. Reminders for you. (Memos are distributed.)
Rules for feeding birds.
1. When feeding birds, do not litter in the forest, park, garden: do not leave newspapers, paper and plastic bags, cans and boxes there.
2. Bird feeders should be very modest, preferably not painted.
3. There should be little food in the feeders and only what the birds need: seeds of wild herbs, bread crumbs, sunflowers, pieces of unsalted lard.
4. Feed the birds regularly. Birds should not be fed from time to time: it is in winter that they really need your support; it is in frosts and snowstorms that they die most of birds.
Follow these rules! Introduce the rules of feeding birds to your younger comrades, brothers and sisters.
Our holiday is coming to an end,
It's time to sum it up!
If you liked our holiday,
You pour grain into the feeder!
(Children attach “grains” - circles - to the feeding board.)
Look how caring you are! And we hope that the birds will not disappear in winter if you help them!
E. Blaginina
Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over
They flocked to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich,
One handful is needed.
One handful is not scary
It will be winter for them.
Tame birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!
1.Belyakov I.V. Wryneck. Krasnodar book publishing house, 1983.
2.Bianki Vitaly “Lesnaya Gazeta”, – 1986, publishing house “Pravda”, Moscow.
3.Zemlyanova O.V., Kozlova N.B., Patrusheva L.I., Nosova M.N., Garjung S.G., Pogudina N.A. Leafing through the environmental calendar: scenarios mass events, dedicated to the dates of the environmental calendar. Barnaul: AKDETS, 2003.
4.Nuzhdina T.D. The world of animals and plants. Encyclopedia for kids. Miracle is everywhere. – Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1997.
5. Persidskaya I.V., Fonova G.A., Lobodina N.V., Shepeleva T.V., Gulueva T.S., Monastyrskaya T.V. Cool watch in grades 1-4. Volgograd, 2009.
6. Pleshakov A.A. " Green Pages", - 1995, publishing house "Prosveshchenie", Moscow.
7. “Songbirds”, edited by G. Matveeva, –1986, publishing house “Artia”, Prague.
8. Radzievskaya S. “ All year round", – 1985, Tatar Book Publishing House, Kazan.
9. Shorygina T.A. Birds. What are they? M., 2005.


The yard is white and white,
The ground was covered with snow.
It's hard for birds to winter
It's difficult to get food.
Fly up, sparrow,
Fly up, don't be shy!
Do you see the girl? She
I brought you grains.
I went up to the porch,
Sprinkles on the board.
Fly up, sparrow,
Help yourself, don't be shy!
I. Belyakov.
Once again in autumn,
They came to visit us
And they sat down friendly family
There are waxwings on the branches.
They fly from afar,
Through the winds, rain and hail.
Rowan red lights,
They're probably being beckoned.
We are a bunch of rowan trees outside the window
We'll hang it up for the guests,
What if he comes into our house?
Cheerful waxwing.
blue back,
Red barrel.
Along the aspen trunk,
Behind the leap, leap,
Jumps up and down;
A holey one climbed into the trunk,
Hanging beak down.
He turns his head
I looked at the woodpeckers
From under the black eyebrow
Sparkled with a sparkle
He whistled: “Hey you woodpeckers!
I'm jumping down with my beak...
This is unlikely for you
Woodpeckers can handle it!”
Blizzards of snow are swirling,
The frost crackles at night,
On top of a lush spruce
A bright crossbill peels a cone.
He is not afraid of frost
Winter is not scary for him!
Pine trees, spruce trees, given to birds
Golden seeds.
Birds jump early in the morning
Along snow-covered branches -
Yellow-breasted tits
They flew to visit us.
“Tiny-shadow, tilly-shadow,
The winter day is getting shorter and shorter -
You won't have time to have lunch,
The sun will set behind the fence.
Not a mosquito
Not a fly.
There is just snow and snow everywhere.
It's good that we have feeders
Made by a kind person.”
Yu. Sinitsyn Yu. Sinitsyn
Run out quickly
Look at the bullfinches!
We've arrived! We've arrived!
The flock was met by blizzards,
And Frost the Red Nose
He brought them rowan trees.
Well treated
Well sweetened
Late winter evening
Bright scarlet clusters.
A. Prokofiev A. Prokofiev
How can a bird survive the winter?
It is known that in birds
There are no wadded robes,
No flannel shirts.
Many don't even have a nest:
They are in thunderstorms and hail,
And in the rain and in the cold
They sleep sitting on the branches.
But who gives them shelter?
When does it snow?
There are different types of birds:
Some people are afraid of blizzards
And they fly away for the winter
To the good, warm south.
Others are a different people:
In the frost they circle over the forest,
For them, separation from their homeland
Worse than a severe cold.
To their ruffled feathers
Snowflakes don't stick,
They are also under the powders
They frolic to warm up.
Crows sit on the pillars,
Jackdaws are chattering on the branches,
Sparrows can jump freely,
As if spinning jump ropes.
But if it snows for a long time
And the blizzard lasts a long time,
Then, friends, you have to
It’s hard for our birds.
Covered with snowdrifts
Hillocks, courtyards, paths,
The birds can't find it
Not a grain, not a crumb.
And now they fly weaker and weaker
Crow, jackdaw, sparrow...
Help quickly, children!
At this most difficult hour
The birds are waiting for you to save them.
Feed them! Warm up!
Hang the house on the bitch!
Scatter the crumbs on the snow,
Or even semolina porridge...
And the poor things will come to life!
Sliding merrily across the sky,
Feathered friends will take flight
And they will sing, tweeting:
“Thank you very much!”
K. Muhammadi
Frosts are severe this year...
I'm worried about the apple tree in our garden,
Worried about Zhuchka:
In her kennel
The same frost
Like in the yard.
But most of all I worry about the birds,
For our sparrows, jackdaws, tits:
After all, it is very cold in the air for them.
Will we help these defenseless people?
Let's help! They need to be fed
And then
It will be easy for them to survive the cold.
E. Blaginina
Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over
They flocked to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich,
One handful is needed.
One handful is not scary
It will be winter for them.
Tame birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!

Napreeva Svetlana
Scenario extracurricular activity for elementary school students “Bird Day”

Introduction. - Let's go with you guys... for miracles! Yes, yes, for miracles!

And the theme of our journey is hidden in riddle:

A spider dreams at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch:

Long beak and two wings

Arrives - things are bad.

Who is the spider afraid of?

Did you guess it? This … (bird) .

Yes, today we will dedicate the day to birds. Birds have long attracted human attention. People were delighted by their bright plumage, their bold, swift flights, and melodic singing. By observing birds, people expanded their knowledge. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts about aeronautics, the desire to learn to fly, arose when looking at birds.

Birds are everywhere - above us, around us, far, nearby. You can meet them in the forest, in the field, on the river, and in the mountains. Birds there are a lot of them in nature. In Russia alone there are more than 760 species. Just to look at everyone birds, a whole life is not enough.

But you need to know those who live in the forest or in the field near your home.

(1, 2 slide) And it was no coincidence that a special day is Bird Day. It is celebrated on April 1st.

Why do we pay so much attention to birds? Why do we need birds? Benefit birds(3-7 slide)

Poetry reading - 2 students

To feed her chicks, Grul - 6 b

Stuff your mouth with food

The tits will find worms,

Crawling into the garden.

Everywhere the birds will fly -

They are both here and there.

All the caterpillars that spoil the garden

They will find it on apple trees.

From bloodthirsty mosquitoesPristavko

There is no peace in summer -

Their warblers and repols will be caught for lunch.

A birds Which order is most abundant? Passeriformes. It is passerines that destroy insects the most.

Which birds belong to the order passerines?

Which of the squad is the largest and which is the smallest? (8 slide)

Let's see if you called it correctly passerine birds(9.10 slide)

They make noise, make noise, shout from morning to evening. The birds talk to each other and to us.

Unravel bird conversations. Let's listen. And let's try to find out whose voice you will hear.

Well done for finding out birds.

“Xin-Xin!”- the titmouse whistles.

“Chi-chi! Chi-chi!- the siskin echoes her.

"Gra-gra!"- the rook introduces himself.

“Skvor-skvor!”- the starlings sing.

Now let’s find out how the names of others were formed birds. The guys got ready and will tell us how the names of some birds.

Children's performance Titles birds. (slide 23)

1. The name of the Robin suits a bird that greets the morning and evening dawns with a song.

2. Jay, or redstart. This bird so named for its red tail, which quivers all the time. It seems that it flashes with a light and shines, which is why the jay was called the redstart.

3. Why was the bullfinch given such a name? Because we see the bullfinch only in snowy times. Bullfinches come to us with the first snow, and in the spring, when the snow melts, they fly north to their native lands.

4. Title birds crossbill comes from an old Russian word "to bite", What means "to compress, squeeze, squeeze". This one has a beak birds bent crosswise, it seems to be squeezed, compressed.

5. Waxwing. In ancient times, there was a word in the Russian language "whistle" with meaning "whistling", "squeal". This bird whistles.

6. Chaffinch. Why is this called that? bird? Because it's chilly? It turns out that the finch is not at all afraid of the cold and flies in early spring when there is still snow on the fields. And it flies away in late autumn during a cold, chilly time, as people say. Because this bird flies and flies away in cold weather, and they called it a chaffinch.

We found out which there are a lot of birds.

Are there such birds that disappeared from the face of the earth due to the fault of man. (24 slide) Let's see which ones birds were destroyed by man.

And we are missing birds, let's find out which ones? andWhere have our birds gone?

Dramatized song Lived with Grandma

My grandmother was found missing. Not all we found birds, we still have something missing, let’s see which birds have disappeared?

Scene The little gosling is missing RAISA KUDASHEVA - THE GOOSE IS MISSING

Birds walk in the morning

Across the wide yard

They worry, they scream,

The goslings will never count.

"Ga-ga-ga! go-go-go-go (Vika and Rosa 2nd grade)

There is no gosling alone. "

- “Didn’t he run into the woods?” – (Gaidamakin 4th class)

The cockerel tells them.

- “No; wasn’t it carried away by a kite?” -

Duck argues - flat nose. (4th grade Tanya Kodak) Bogdan 5th grade

And the turkey: "Bullsheads (Bogdan 5b class)

Look near the water."

The white geese have converged

We trudged along the road.

The black raven has arrived

He sat higher up on the fence:

“Carry-carr! I saw it myself (Dorokhov Maxim 4th grade

The wolf ran like a gosling."

How can we help the trouble now?

Geese with grief - march to the water

And they set off on the waves.

Lo and behold, the gosling is there too!

The geese began to cackle at once:

"How dare you leave us?"

And the gosling: "Go Go go (Olya 2nd grade)

Water is my favorite."

Well, guys, all our missing items were found. And again it became a lot birds. And it happens that birds becomes very small?

And what kind There are few birds on Earth? And what needs to be done to there are a lot of birds again?

To birds also did not disappear from planet Earth. Many of them are taken under protection. Let's get to know some of them. (25-27 slide)

What causes the disappearance birds? Who is to blame for the death of the birds? (28-31 slides).

How can we help birds(slide 32)

Our guys schools know how to help birds and they rush to tell us about it

Reading a poem by 2 students

The goldfinch and the nightingale are singing, Maxim Dorokhov, 4th grade

Robin and thrush

“Don’t you dare destroy nests

Don't touch the birds' nests!

And we will not ruin - Tanya Sidorova, 4th grade

Here's the word from all the guys.

Let the bird songs come again

There are ringing sounds in our garden!

In our there was a promotion at school"Feed birds» , guys from our schools took an active part in it. That's how the guys from our schools helped birds survive in winter. Show slides of the action. (slide 33 - 38)

Reading a poem "If started feeding the birds»

Summing up the results of the drawing competition

Game Arrived birds:

Attention attention! Urgent information! Everyone, everyone! In our School today is Bird Festival! Now everyone around will fly here birds and we'll have some fun here! Let's fly, let's tweet!

Game conditions: called birds when they are not called birds, the spectators stomp.

Arrived birds:

Tit pigeons,

Storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta. (stomp)

Arrived birds:

Pigeons, tits.

Flies and swifts (stomp)

Arrived birds:

Pigeons, martens... (stomp)

Arrived birds.

Pigeons, tits,

Lapwings, siskins,

Gali and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos.


Arrived birds:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Lapwings, siskins,

Storks, cuckoos,

Even Scops Owls

Swans and ducks –

Thanks for the joke! (Leaves.)

Which birds Are they among the first to arrive to us?

Reading a poem

We even got up at night, Sofia 6th grade

From the window we looked into the garden.

Well when, oh when

Will our guests arrive?

And today we looked -

A starling sits on an alder tree.

They arrived, they arrived, they finally arrived!

Scene“This incident took place in April”

Teacher:Squash birds are flying from the south. They want to live in a new house. - But their houses are occupied.

And sparrows occupy them. Look how it happens. (A starling and a sparrow come out.)

From South the birds have arrived

The snow is melting, and the sparrow

kicked out of housing.

Starling:Get out, bully! Grul6 b class

I should live here - Starling!

Sparrow:- Never! My apartment! Magurov Lyosha 6th grade

I'm not a temporary resident!

I'm here with blizzards and frost

He endured it patiently.

And now under this roof

I am preparing a nest for the family.

And I won’t move! At least kill it!

So I decided - Sparrow!

Starling: Don't be stubborn! My inheritance

I got this house from childhood.

Fly out, my beak is sharp...

Otherwise (throws up feathers unnoticed)

Misha came out with the birdhouse

He quickly climbed onto the roof with her,

Tied tightly

And he said it kindly!

Misha:I'm glad to see you both. Bogdan 5b class

Pupils of grades 2,3, 4, 5 prepared for us a song about the first spring birds. Let's guess which one they will tell us the bird.

Riddle about the starling.

We built it together

For guests of the spring house,

Or rather, a palace.

Come here... (starling).

Song "Skvorushka"

You learned a lot birds today, but which of them are the best?

Quiz The most (slides from 39 – 48)

1. Which one bird– the largest in the world? (African ostrich.)

2. Name the smallest one bird in the world. (Hummingbird)

3. What birds in our country they don’t sit on the ground, or on the water, or on branches and fly the fastest? (Swifts.)

6. Deepest diver, fastest swimmer. (Penguin)

7. Which one birds largest wingspan (wandering albatross)

8. What is the name of the wingless bird. (kiwi)

9. What is the name of the poisonous bird? (Thrush Pitohu Flycatcher, Blue-headed Ifridakowaldi)

10. Which one bird makes a nest out of fish bones? (Kingfisher.)

11. What birds spend the night buried in the snow? (Grouse grouse, hazel grouse.)

12. Which one bird of our forests hatches chicks in winter? (Crossbill.)

13. Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

14. Name birds wintering in our area. (Tit, bullfinch, crow, sparrow, magpie, crossbill, jay, nuthatch, woodpecker, etc.)

You met many people today birds, learned a lot of interesting things about them. Try to guess the riddles about birds.

Riddles about birds

All migratory birds of the mob,

He looks for worms in the arable land,

Jump back and forth across the arable land,

And it's called bird…(rook).

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river.

A drop hung on my nose...

Do you recognize? This… (heron).

Has been crackling since the morning:

“Por-r-ra! Let's go!".

What time is it?

She's such a hassle,

When it cracks... (magpie).

Grieving in the forest at night bird,

She is afraid to identify herself.

- Ku-ku... Ku-ku...

The edge does not sleep,

A This bird's name is...(cuckoo).

In winter there are apples on the branches!

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly the apples flew up,

After all, this is... (bullfinches).

He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Slide down a steep cliff,

Two mighty wings

The owner... (eagle).

I love bad weather

I really respect water.

I'm staying away from the dirt

Clean gray... (goose).

The night is pitch black.

Gray the bird has no time to sleep:

It slides between the bushes like a shadow,

Those who are not sleeping are on guard.

He catches every rustle sensitively,

And when he screams, it will become creepy,

The sleeping grass will tremble.

It sucks... (owl).

We end our holiday with these words

May this always be the custom

Will remain in my country

To lovingly meet flocks of birds,

Rejoicing in spring with all my heart.

Perhaps they dreamed in a foreign land

My home is among the thick branches.

May Russian hospitality

In a familiar land he will meet them.