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Write what the concept of utility bills includes. What is included in utility bills? What services should be provided

Hard to imagine modern life without many of the benefits of civilization. Even if they are not always at the level we would like, many people have them. And one of them is utilities. What does it include? How important are they for maintaining living standards? And for hygiene and from a medical point of view? We will talk about this in this article.

general information

So, what are utilities? Does this include everything that is considered “by default”, or are there specific points? For most citizens of the Russian Federation, housing and communal services are a dark forest. This is sad. After all, not all employees of the relevant structures are distinguished by honesty and conscientiousness, and as a result, the citizens themselves suffer from their own legal illiteracy. Alas, but the legislation Russian Federation is designed in such a way that in order to use your own rights you must be aware of them and also seek to fulfill them. Therefore, it often happens that completely legal requirements are not met due to ignorance. As a result, you have to overpay for government services or not receive the required benefits.

The only way out this moment- This is to improve your own legal education. For many, this state of affairs may seem quite complicated, but once you want to figure it out, you will see that this is not so. After all, there are many pleasant moments here. But let's figure out what these are utilities. Do they include everything we think they do?

What's not to like?

One has only to mention housing and communal services, and many people begin to cringe. Some people remember long queues (fortunately, this problem is significantly solved thanks to the virtualization of the payment process and ecommerce), others - about significant deception. Many people are faced with bills that are several times more than they need. This happens because housing and communal services employees, making mistakes or relying on our carelessness, issue bills for services that are not used. Therefore, after reading this article, you will be able to:

  1. Give reasons for recalculating payment for services provided.
  2. Competently draw up a plan for a private house when conducting individual housing construction.
  3. Receive subsidies and benefits to improve living conditions.

What are utilities?

What's this? This concept includes providing citizens with the basic goods necessary for comfortable living. The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that they must be in every house and apartment. What is included in utilities? The list is attached:

  1. Bath or shower, as well as a sink or sink with a working faucet.
  2. Electricity and sockets according to established standards.
  3. Sewerage.
  4. A heating system that functions without failure. Moreover, this does not include electrical heating appliances. That is, if there is no battery and a portable heater is used, then you can apply for a subsidy.

Speaking in proper legal language, these were the means of providing services. What's the difference here? Well, let's find out. Not all services are required. Some of them relate to optional features. What is included in utilities? The list of optional ones is attached:

  1. Gas supply.
  2. Hot water supply.

The right to choose one of the two or both at once is provided. Let's look at three small examples:

  1. Gas supply should be registered in cases where there is equipment that runs on gas fuel. After all, if the stove runs on electricity, then what is it for?
  2. Those people who have a gas burner installed in their bathroom can refuse hot water supply. This device allows you to quickly and easily heat water to the required temperature. As you might guess, it runs on gas. It should be noted high speed heating
  3. If you have a gas stove, but no burner, then both services should be connected. But this is an extremely unprofitable option. Although it is quite common.

Mandatory services. What to do if they are disabled?

Earlier we talked about means. What is included in utilities? Their list looks like this:

  1. Heating system.
  2. Cold water supply.
  3. Electricity.
  4. Sewerage.

If the house does not have one of these amenities, then citizens have the right to write to the prosecutor's office and submit an application for damages. Receiving services from the above lists is the legal right of every person. But you should pay attention: if you do not pay for housing and communal services for a long time (usually this means a period of six months), then you will be deprived of the right to receive them. Such sanctions can be imposed in relation to both individual apartments and entire houses.

But what to do if there is payment, and one of mandatory services was disconnected without explanation for a significant period? In this case, a person can claim a refund of part of the money that was paid. To do this, you must issue a recalculation. In essence, it represents compensation for services not provided if planned work was not announced. Let's look at a small example. In winter, we are heated by a heating system without a meter (that is, we pay according to the tariff). From January 26 to February 4 there was no heating. But the bill will come in full, as if there was no break. In this case, the citizen should contact the housing and communal services office that owns the house and write an application for recalculation. And next month you will receive a reduced heating bill as compensation for the inconvenience. So we looked at what is included in the payment of utility services from the point of view of legislation.

What is fixed at the national level?

Initially, it should be noted that from the point of view of legislation, housing and communal services are divided according to their own:

  1. The procedure for approving tariffs/prices.
  2. Functional purpose.

In the first case, three groups are distinguished:

  1. First. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved by authorized central executive authorities.
  2. Second group. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved by authorized bodies local government within the jurisdictional territory.
  3. Third group. This includes housing and communal services, tariffs/prices for which are approved exclusively within the framework of contracts concluded between the parties.

Depending on the functional purpose, the legislation divides it into:

  1. Public utilities. This includes centralized hot and cold water supply, drainage, electricity and gas supply, heating, and household waste removal.
  2. Maintenance services for houses, buildings and surrounding areas. This means cleaning premises and areas, maintaining the operability of networks, elevators, lighting, routine repairs and sanitary maintenance.
  3. Services for managing a building, a house or a group of them. This includes maintaining balance sheets, concluding contracts and monitoring their implementation.
  4. Repair services for premises, structures and houses. This means replacement, strengthening or reconstruction of networks and individual elements, restoration of load-bearing capacity.

Here's what's included in your utility bills. Of course, this is not all information on the law. It also specifies the procedure for access. responsible persons in the event of an accident or emergency, and the same minimum standards, as well as the procedure for the provision of public services.

A small retreat

So, housing maintenance is included in utilities. Moreover, this means not just performing duties for show, but providing high-quality comfortable living conditions. Knowing what is included in the concept of “utilities”, it is much easier to be aware of what the payment orders that come to us every month should be. But at the same time, there are quite a large number of specific points.

About rent

Currently, housing is not allocated to every young family or promising specialist. Therefore, the question of what is included in utilities when renting is increasingly being asked. In a standard situation, if an agreement is concluded between the owner and the guest, it is stipulated that the latter will pay all invoices received. Further, the situation will be considered from the position that interaction takes place in the legal field. In other words, an agreement was concluded and the relevant authorities were informed about it.

In this case, the tenant can demand that the utility services fulfill their obligations, which they must fulfill, in full. That is, if there is a break in heating in winter, given that the “tariff” interaction scheme is in effect, the person has every right contact the housing and communal services department to demand compensation. You can use the concluded agreement to confirm your rights. Otherwise, housing and communal services employees may ask on what basis he requires this. And even call the police, who will record the conduct of an unregistered entrepreneurial activity- delivery of property - with all the ensuing consequences. To avoid such moments, in the absence of contracts, you can agree with the owner that utilities are included in the rent, and he independently provides and pays for them.

Making claims

Let's look at how interaction is carried out with representatives of housing and communal services. In the event of violations of the agreed terms of the contract, the consumer can contact the structure to draw up a claim act, which notes the deadlines, indicators, and types of deviations. Theoretically, you can call a housing and communal services representative if this is provided for in the contract. And he will have to appear on time, as provided for in this document. After this, the claim act is jointly drawn up and confirmed with signatures. If the performer’s representative refuses to put his autograph on the document, then it is necessary for at least two consumers to confirm its veracity. Otherwise it will be declared invalid.

After this, the claim act is transferred to the executor. And he must decide within three days whether to recalculate payments or issue a written refusal to the consumer, which will contain the justification for not satisfying his claims. In the latter case, you can try to solve the problem through the court. At the same time, the possibility of pre-trial resolution of the dispute remains open. If it is determined that the contractor performed his tasks poorly, evaded direct responsibilities, although the maintenance of housing is included in the utilities, he will have to correct everything. In such cases, you can also claim some compensation. This involves checking cost indicators, quality of services, etc., depending on the object of the claim.


It is not enough to know what is included in housing and communal services. It is also necessary to monitor the work of housing and communal services. In general, there are good opportunities for this in the Russian Federation. But again you need to know about this. Every citizen has the right to be familiar with what services are included in public utilities, what is provided to him, what money is spent on, and in what volume. Having the data, he can compare it with offers on the market, analyze the work of different departments of housing and communal services, in order to record violations or simply suspicious deviations if something happens. If they are identified, having information documents in hand, you can contact the prosecutor’s office to investigate the possible abuse. In general, to maintain the situation at a more or less decent level, it is enough for one person out of several hundred to be active. But to display the position on high level everyone should be concerned about where the funds are spent, what we pay.


So we looked at the topic of the article. Now everyone knows that water supply, heating, sewerage and electricity are included in utilities. It’s not for nothing that they say that knowledge is power. For truly they provide significant opportunities to protect their rights. This article will most likely serve as a start for a new person. Because knowing what you can claim, you begin to act. Those who understand what is rightfully theirs can fight to see that it is realized or even further expanded. And along with this, the level of comfort in life will increase, which will have a good effect on each of us. You should not deviate from the opportunities provided, this a good start better life.

Housing and communal services are called a combination different types activities, the general purpose of which is to supply residential buildings with resources, ensure the functionality and serviceability of their technical components and resolve other issues related to comfortable living.

What services are provided and how are they regulated by law?

Utility services are those services that cannot be provided without the participation of monopoly organizations that provide housing with energy and natural resources.

At the same time, residents also pay for energy spent in common areas (attics, basements, elevators, corridors, etc.).

At the same time, payment for the total energy consumed occurs in accordance with established standards.

According to current laws, when supplying electricity to the end consumer, the permitted interruption cannot last more than two hours per month in the presence of two independent energy sources and no more than a day - in the presence of one source.

In addition, voltage fluctuations during the supply of electricity are unacceptable.

Hot and cold water

Cold water supply services assume that the end user will receive cold water purified from pathogenic bacteria (hepatitis, dysentery, cholera).

Also, water should not contain harmful chemical compounds (salts heavy metals, arsenic and other things).

There may be a break in the supply of cold water for one month. not exceeding a total of 8 hours or 24 hours if a major accident occurs.

For the supply of hot water, the law provides for similar possible interruptions.

At the same time, the water temperature is also specified. If it is below +40 degrees, then payment for it should be charged as for cold water. Maximum water temperature should not exceed +75 degrees.

Water supply services are paid according to regionally established per capita water consumption standards, that is, the number of residents registered in the apartment is taken into account and the total amount of resource used is displayed.

Each region is different, depending on the current situation.


In accordance with established standards, the air temperature in a living space can be not less than +18. An acceptable interval in heat supply is up to 24 hours per month in general.

One-time interruptions in heat supply can last:

Payment for heating services is calculated based on total area premises based on regional standards. At the same time, the cost of heating a residential premises also includes payment for heating common areas.

Garbage removal

Disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW), colloquially garbage removal, also refers to housing and communal services and is provided as part of repair work and home maintenance.

In accordance with the law, payment for garbage removal is carried out based on living area. This causes a lot of controversy.

According to many consumers of the service, garbage removal should be paid based on the number of residents, that is, according to consumption standards like utilities.


In relation to a residential building, sewerage service is water drainage. Sewage is an integral part of the water supply system and is designed to remove waste and domestic water.

The proper condition of sewer systems largely determines the sanitary and epidemiological situation in a particular region.

Payment for sewerage services is made according to the established regional tariff. In this case, the total amount of hot and cold water used is taken as the volume of water disposal.

ODPU fee

The main disadvantage of the current order can be called payment according to standards, and not for the actual volume received.

In this regard, measures are being taken to provide all residential premises with metering devices.

In accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for the provided utility services is calculated based on specific meter readings.

If there is none, then the amount of payment is calculated based on the standards for resource consumption per person, and when paying for heat supply, based on the rate of heat consumption per square meter.

Law No. 261 “On Housing and Communal Services” adopted in 2009 obliges to install common house metering devices() all residents apartment buildings. This contributes to a more accurate calculation of the amount of water, heat and electricity consumed.

When paying according to the general admission payment method, the following calculation algorithm is used:

  • according to the readings of the individual meter, payments for utilities are calculated in each individual apartment;
  • a part of the amount spent on general house needs is added to the individual amount, which is calculated according to the testimony of the administrative budget.

Thus, when paying according to the ODPU, payment is made for all resources spent.

Is it possible to refuse certain types of services?

Constantly growing tariffs for utility services have added urgency to the issue of the possibility of abandoning some utility services. How realistic is this in principle?

You can refuse utilities by submitting an application V management company(UK, housing office, housing complex, etc.). Another thing is that it is impossible to refuse all services at once.

Some utilities cannot be excluded purely for technical reasons. For example, it will not be possible to refuse heating, since heat is supplied through a common system.

You can refuse such services as:

Avoiding certain types of utilities can be controversial. So every tenant is required to pay for the elevator and garbage chute, since they belong to public areas.

But it's another matter if they are faulty. In this case, it is necessary to file a complaint with the management company, and if this does not help, then go to court with photographs of the non-functioning elevator and garbage chute and other evidence.

You can even demand that, in theory, were not provided.

In order to pay for utilities according to the quantity consumed, and not based on accepted standards, it is desirable to install an individual meter. This will allow you to control the process of resource consumption and not overpay for services not received.

In some cases, the process of abandoning utility services can be quite complicated, which is understandable, because no resource supplying organization is interested in losing customers.

But you need to keep in mind that in the matter of refusing unnecessary housing and communal services, the end user is on the side Law on Consumer Protection". And if there is a conflict with managing organization, you can safely go to court provided you substantiate your claims.

Video: What does a receipt for housing and communal services consist of?

The video talks about what utilities are provided to citizens and what they must pay for monthly.

The calculation procedure is explained individual species utility bills and gives advice on what to do in case of disagreement with the amount in the payment receipt.

Housing and communal services are a dark forest for most citizens of the Russian Federation. This is completely the wrong approach. Unfortunately, not all housing and communal services workers are conscientious and honest. There are often cases when citizens suffer from their own legal illiteracy.

In Russian legislation, everything is structured in such a way that in order to enjoy your rights, you need to know about them, and also know how to achieve them. Therefore, the legal rights of Russian citizens are often oppressed precisely because of their ignorance. And therefore, Russians overpay for any government services, do not receive the benefits they are entitled to by law, and so on.

How can you protect yourself from such mistakes? It’s very simple: improve your legal education! It's actually not as difficult as it seems. For example, in today's article we will examine in detail this important question, like utilities.

Most citizens begin to get nervous at the mere mention of housing and communal services. Indeed, this industry of Russian government agencies caused a lot of harm to people. And we are talking here not only about huge queues to pay for utilities (this problem has almost been resolved thanks to e-commerce and the ability to pay for anything via the Internet), but also about significant deception of citizens. Surely, almost everyone has encountered a utility bill that turns out to be several times more than necessary.

Indeed, situations still occur when housing and communal services employees (either counting on our inattention, or making mistakes on their own) issue us bills for services that we do not use. There are also frequent cases when utilities are simply not provided without special reasons. This is a direct violation of your civil rights.

Today we will tell readers about what is included in the list of housing and communal services. This knowledge will be useful to you in order to:

  • argue for the recalculation of payments for housing and communal services;
  • competently draw up a plan for your private house during individual housing construction;
  • receive benefits and subsidies to improve your living conditions if you do not use all utilities.

Knowledge of basic legal framework very important in the conditions of a country like Russia. After all, no one will tell you about all your legal rights. Most government officials rely on your lack of education, ignorance, and can simply oppress you and your rights.

After reading our article, you will significantly improve your own legal literacy. This knowledge will likely save you a lot of time and money.

What are "utilities"

The concept of housing and communal services includes providing citizens with basic and necessary benefits for a comfortable life. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every residential premises must have the means to provide these benefits. Thus, if your apartment or house lacks any of the following objects, then you have the right to express your desire to improve your living conditions, and the state will not be able to refuse you. On the contrary, you will be given a subsidy with which you can buy a new apartment or private house.

Here is a list of required objects in a residential building:

  • shower or bath, as well as a sink (or sink) with a working faucet;
  • heating system that works without failure. In this case, any heating electrical appliances are not considered. Thus, if your home or apartment does not have a battery and you use a portable heater that uses electricity, then you are eligible to apply for a subsidy;
  • electricity and sockets according to European standard;
  • sewerage

Roughly speaking, we can say that the above objects are public services. However, this will not be entirely true. The facilities listed above are a means of providing public services.

What is included in the list of utilities

Despite what was written in the previous section, not all housing and communal services are mandatory. Some are considered optional, meaning you can choose one of the two as you wish.

The following services are considered optional:

  • hot water supply;
  • gas supply.

You can choose either one of these two services, or both at once. Let's give three examples for each case.

  1. It is logical to register for hot water supply without gas supply if there is nothing in your apartment that runs on gas fuel. Thus, if you do not have a gas burner in the bathroom, and the stove runs on electricity, you do not need gas at all.
  2. Residents who have a gas burner in their bathroom can completely abandon hot water supply in favor of gas. This is a device that allows you to easily and quickly heat water to the required temperature. Unlike a conventional water heater, the burner, firstly, runs on gas, and secondly, heats the water quickly enough so that you use the water supply as if you had a connection. hot water. This method is extremely economical, especially if you did not connect gas meters. Thus, you will only be able to pay for gas and cold water supply. As a rule, the bills in this case are significantly less than in the first situation. This choice becomes even more profitable when a gas stove is installed in your apartment.
  3. If you have a gas stove, but no gas burner, then you should arrange for both hot water and gas. However, this is an extremely disadvantageous and uneconomical choice. Try to avoid such situations - either completely give up hot water supply by purchasing a burner, or give up a gas stove in favor of an electric one.

In addition to optional utilities, the law provides a list of mandatory ones that should be in every home. So, the list of mandatory utilities includes:

  • cold water supply;
  • heating system;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity.

Thus, if your home lacks one of these amenities, you have the right to write a statement to the prosecutor’s office to be compensated for all damage. Receiving housing and communal services from this list is your legal right.

Etc.) unit cost is set individually.

What does the rent consist of?

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Structure of housing and communal services:

Once you have it in your hands, you can understand exactly what resources are provided to you.

Video: what the rent consists of. Public utilities

However, management companies do not always display everything on receipts. Often, only the total amount appears on the payment document.

In this case, you can seek clarification either from your own or from the Unified Settlement Center of your city.

Formation of the amount

The total amount of the receipt always consists of the product of consumption indicators and the existing tariff for this service.

The difference lies in how the amount of consumption for the reporting period is identified.

If there are metering devices - according to the indicators of the meter, in case of their absence - according to the standards or based on data from common house metering devices.

When calculating consumption rates, the following are taken into account:

How are utility bills calculated?

Additional components are taken into account:

The calculation of all these components is presented monthly in the payment receipt sent to the payer's address.

Meters data

You can pay at metering devices:

  • water;
  • electricity;
  • heat (meters for this utility product are just being introduced to the general public and are not yet available to everyone).

The main requirement for meters is preliminary verification and installation by licensed specialists.

Also, before installation, it is necessary to notify the management company so that they change the data in the information about the owner, and also properly record the presence of a meter in a separate apartment.

With such a calculation system, it does not matter at all what kind of living space the apartment owner owns, how many people are registered, or what complex appliances are available.

Standards per person

There is a certain percentage of the total housing stock in which utility meters are not installed.

In such houses, specialized standards are applied when calculating rent.

With such an accrual system, it does not matter how much water or electricity is actually spent per month.

It is important how many people live in the apartment and the square footage of the living space.

For example, when calculating water supply in an apartment where four people live:

If no one is registered?

After all, if they are absent, you will have to pay for housing and communal services, based on the standards.

But even if no one lives in the apartment, the owner will still have to pay expenses for:

  1. Home repairs.
  2. Garbage removal.
  3. Proper operation of the elevator, etc.

In a communal apartment

There are two options:

  • proportional to the occupied area;
  • depending on the number of residents.

Having decided on the form of payment, residents must writing draw up an agreement between the parties, in which everyone must sign.

Registration of a subsidy

This is the form state support for those whose income does not correspond to housing and communal services expenses.

If a citizen or Russian family forced to pay from 15 to 22% of their total budget monthly to pay for utilities, they can qualify for financial support from the state.