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Set up Internet Win Mobile on your phone. Correct Internet settings (APN) Krymtelecom: instructions

The mysterious cellular operator WIN mobile (“K-Telecom”) successfully launched in Crimea and already serves more than a million subscribers. Almost 1,500 declared base stations on the territory of the peninsula and the new operator already has its own website, contact center telephone numbers and the first public tariff.

Simultaneously with the start of work of WIN mobile in Crimea, MTS-Ukraine stopped working. More precisely, a little earlier: first, on August 5, communication was cut off at MTS Ukraine in Simferopol, a day later (August 7) ​​MTS-Ukraine officially announced the cessation of work in Crimea “due to technical problems impeding the provision of services mobile communications" In fact, there was an unexpected (more precisely, previously announced) shutdown of MTS Ukraine and an almost simultaneous switching on of the WIN mobile network.


On August 5, a wonderful report appeared on the RBC website about the events in the Kiev office of MTS-Ukraine, I simply have to quote it:

“Today, Ukrainian security forces with machine guns came to the Kiev office of MTS-Ukraine and accused the operator of separatism and supporting the enemy, a source close to MTS-Ukraine told RBC. According to him, the security forces wanted to disconnect the entire Crimea, but at first only Simferopol was disconnected. The source claims that Ukrainian security forces reacted nervously to the crossing of a group of 400 Ukrainian military personnel into Russia at the Gukovo border checkpoint in the Rostov region.”

I can well imagine the central office of the operator, and inside there is a large “Shutdown” stand with red buttons and names settlements. The security forces scratched their heads with the barrels of their machine guns and decided to first press the “Simferopol” button, then left with a promise to return and continue pressing the other red buttons.

The next day, news about the boarding of the red button was posted on the MTS-Ukraine website, quote:

“Dear subscribers!

What happened yesterday and continues to happen in Crimea with communications was a complete surprise for both the MTS Ukraine company and its Crimean subscribers. The company actually lost the opportunity to manage an important hub facility, which is responsible for providing communication services in Simferopol. It was disconnected from our network from the outside. The shutdown of equipment and the lack of communication among residents of a city of many thousands led to massive discontent and indignation of people, which, obviously, explains the unconvincing attempts to blame the Ukrainian operator for what is happening.”

But there was no need to place red buttons in the central Kiev office that any nervous security officer with a machine gun could press. Then there will be no “complete surprises” with “disconnection from the outside.” Make something similar to a “nuclear suitcase” or something. There is little funny in all this, but there are even fewer surprises.

It turns out that Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky spoke about the upcoming shutdown of cellular communications in Crimea on August 5 on Saturday, August 2; this message was quoted by several news agencies. For example, the Ukrainian “Delo”, quote:

“The Crimean authorities expect a shutdown of Ukrainian mobile operators in the region on Tuesday, August 5, and recommend that the population buy and activate cards from Russian mobile operators.

“I have information from representatives of Ukrainian mobile networks that next week, approximately on Tuesday, service to subscribers in Crimea will be stopped. I can’t say yet whether these will be disconnections for subscribers of all mobile networks or individual operators, but we have such information,” Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky, who combines his post with the post of Minister of Information and Communications, told Interfax.

According to him, residents of the Republic of Crimea have purchased about 700 thousand SIM cards from Russian mobile operators to date. “We recommend activating Russian SIM cards before Tuesday so as not to be left without mobile communications,” Polonsky said.”

I am far from suggesting that Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Dmitry Polonsky commands the Ukrainian security forces in Kyiv, and “was there a boy” with a machine gun? In any case, there was definitely no “complete surprise”.


Mysterious Russian company K-Telecom was registered in Krasnodar on May 23. According to the Vedomosti publication,

“... within a week after registration, K-Telecom received from the State Commission on Radio Frequencies (SCRF) GSM frequencies of MTS in Crimea - interlocutors close to SCRF told Vedomosti about this. The company was registered by private travel consultant Anna Berezkina, after which K-Telecom changed its owner twice - first it became Nikolai Balashov, and at the end of June - the Armenian CJSC Cell Group Worldwide Holding (according to the register of legal entities of Armenia, it belongs to the Cell Group company Worldwide ltd with unknown jurisdiction). The company K-Telecom CJSC also operates in Armenia - this is the local subsidiary of MTS. MTS also has a Russian “daughter” with the same name. MTS representatives say that the operator has nothing to do with K-Telecom operating in Crimea.

K-Telecom began operating in Crimea on MTS-Ukraine frequencies; its Russian switch was inaugurated during a meeting on the development of communications in Crimea led by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The operator already has 1,500 base stations built and ready for operation in Crimea, which will provide coverage of the entire peninsula. The operator is called WIN mobile. You can find out more about it on the website.

I'm not trying to claim anything, but if a bird looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck, and bakes well with apples, then it is most likely a duck, and not some pink flamingo from distant lands. In the current situation in Ukraine, the position of the “daughter” of the Russian operator is quite difficult: on the one hand, it is impossible to quarrel with the authorities, and their behavior is difficult to predict. On the other hand, the corporation itself may run into sanctions from the United States and Europe. On the third hand, it is undesirable to switch all voice communications and data transmission through Ukrainian switches for security reasons; with a 95% probability, security forces have full access to all information. One way or another, the job is done and MTS-Ukraine subscribers will most likely be served in full or technical roaming mode.


To date, WIN Mobile still offers its subscribers only one tariff, “Freedom of Communication”. In its ideology and structure it resembles the “Super MTS” tariff: for a subscription fee of 2 rubles. per day they give 30 daily free minutes within the network, calls to all other operators in the Krasnodar region and to MTS-Ukraine for 2.50 rubles per minute.

There are options “My Russia” and “My Ukraine” for a separate subscription fee, when connecting “My Russia” calls to Russian network MTS is also 2.5 rubles/min. In general, those interested can download a pdf description of the tariff.

We don’t yet know what the fate of the remaining operators will be. But everything should become clear soon enough. In any case, the peninsula will not be left without 3G and everything will work out with voice communications. The transition period is always fraught with temporary inconveniences.


That's all, the puzzle has finally come together and today (August 7) ​​in the evening MTS-Ukraine SIM cards started working in Crimea. An implementation option is technical roaming in the WIN Mobile network, who would doubt it.

Good people have already posted the prices at which MTS-Ukraine subscribers will be served in the Crimean WIN mobile network, see the screenshot above. By the way, in my opinion, the name VNC mobile would look more logical than WIN mobile. Guess why (smiley).

The telecom operator Krymtelecom is one of the few who automatically DOES NOT SEND for new subscribers, setting up an Internet access point APN in an SMS message. I will tell you how to configure an APN access point on the Krymtelecom Internet manually in small material.

How to set up an APN access point "Krymtelecom": step-by-step instructions

If you have a smartphone with two SIM cards, insert the Krymtelecom card into the main or first slot. After setting up and rebooting the smartphone, the card, if necessary, can be moved back to the second slot.

On iOS devices

Video instruction

  • Open Settings → cellular→ Data settings → Cellular data network;
  • In the Cellular Data menu, write in the APN column: and don’t fill in anything else, leave the username and password empty.
  • Let's use it!

On Android devices

Video instruction

  • Open Menu → Settings → More → Mobile network → Access points (APN) → Create a new Access Point (APN);
  • Name: Any;
  • We write APN:;
  • Proxy: not installed;
  • Port: not installed;
  • Username: leave blank;
  • Password: leave empty;
  • MCC: 250 (required!);
  • MNC: 34 (required!);
  • APN protocol: IPv4/IPv6;
  • Authentication type: select “no” or “PAP”;
  • APN type: select “Internet” (alternatively: default or default, supl or default, hipri);
  • Be sure to save the settings;
  • Reboot your smartphone!
  • Let's use it ;)

On Windows Phone

  • Open Settings → Networks and wireless communications → Cellular network and SIM card → SIM card settings → Internet access point (APN) → Add Internet access point (APN);
  • We only fill in the Access Point column in which we write don’t put a period at the end);
  • Let's save;
  • Reboot the smartphone;
  • We use;

Krymtelecom APN access point settings for a computer, modem or Internet distribution from a phone

  • Name of settings: Write whatever you like;
  • Home page: any;
  • Proxy server: do not fill in;
  • Connection type (channel): GPRS;
  • APN access point:
  • Username: empty;
  • Password: empty;
If you have any problems with the Krymtelecom Internet settings, do not hesitate and call the operator’s support service at 0-800-506-0000 or +7-3652-54-74-47. They will help you.

Setting up Krymtelecom Internet for smart and children's watches

More and more people are buying smart watches in addition to fashionable smartphones, and parents, for the safety of their children, are buying children's watches with GPS so that their child is always supervised. These watches work great, but when you install a Krymtelecom SIM card, the Internet is not automatically configured.

This is precisely the problem that one of the visitors addressed last night:

Hello, the SIM card is inserted into a children's smart watch, the network caught it, it doesn't want to catch the Internet, there is no way to register an APN on the watch itself, it is controlled mobile application se tracker, it also does not provide such settings, the application writes that the watch is not on the Internet. What can I do to connect my watch to the Internet?

The solution to this issue is quite simple: - APN settings need to be entered manually, but you won’t find them that easily. They are not in the clock options.

In order for the smartwatch to be able to change the APN, you need to send a special SMS command pw,123456,apn,nameapn# from your phone to the number that belongs to the children's watch. Don't forget that the clock must be on at this time.

SMS command for connecting smart watches to Krymtelecom: pw,123456,

After the SMS command is sent, your phone should receive a response message from the smart watch. Receiving this SMS indicates the success of the “operation”. If the response message does not arrive within a couple of minutes, change the set of numbers in the sent command from “123456” to “523681”.

  • After receiving the response SMS, simply reboot the watch and everything will work.

It is impossible to imagine a modern smartphone without an Internet connection. Going online provides a lot of opportunities. The Internet is configured differently on different devices. In this instruction, I will look at the Internet settings on smartphones running Windows 10 Mobile (Nokia, Microsoft Lumiya and other Windows phones).

Now, after you start using a SIM card, the settings are usually loaded automatically. That is, you don’t need to register anything, connect the tariff, insert a SIM card, turn it on on your smartphone Mobile Internet and use it for your health.

But if network access does not work or the settings have not been received from the operator, then you will have to go into the operating system settings and set the access point manually. There is nothing complicated about this. But first things first. First, let's find out how connect internet toNokiaMicrosoftLumia and other Windows 10 Mobile devices.

So, let's go: “Settings” → “Network and wireless devices” → “Data transfer and SIM”. Here we set the “Data connection” slider to the “On” position. Below we select the SIM card through which we will access the network. Using a SIM card must also be enabled.

Try opening and visiting a website. If the page does not load, then most likely you need to restart the device and try again.

How to turn off the Internet and get quick access to settings

To disconnect your smartphone from the network, you just need to move the slider to the “Off” position (third screenshot above). You can also turn on “Airplane mode”, then both Wi-Fi and the mobile connection will be turned off.

In general, to do all this quickly, there is a notification panel that opens after lowering the “curtain” at the top of the screen. You get access to many features, including Airplane mode, Mobile hotspot, Data transfer. By clicking on the last one, you will turn off mobile Internet on your smartphone.

“Settings” → “Network and wireless devices” → “Data transfer and SIM”. Here you need to go to “SIM card settings”, after which additional settings will open, including “Default access point”, which is activated for me, since the operator settings were registered automatically.

In the settings we specify the access point, profile name (at our discretion), username and password. There is no need to touch other fields. Scroll down and click “Save”.

List of APN (access point) settings for various operators

  • Access point:;
  • Username: mts;
  • Password: mts.


  • Access point:;
  • Username: beeline;
  • Password: beeline.


  • Access point (APN): internet;
  • Password: leave blank.


  • Access point (APN):;
  • Username: leave blank;
  • Password: leave blank.

The settings are completed, now you can restart your phone and use the Internet. This way you can set up mobile Internet in smartphones running Windows 10 Mobile, for example, Lumia 430 Dual Sim, 435, 532, 535, 540, 635, 636, 638, 640 (XL), 730, 735, 920, 925, 930, 1520 and etc.

If you encounter any difficulties or have something to say on the topic, write in the comments.

Android In the mobile network parameters, you must select “APN access point” - “Create a new access point”. In the window that appears with the parameters of the access point, you must enter the following values:

Name: internet
Access Point (APN): internet
Authentication Type: PAP (for some device models - CHAP)
Access Point Type (APN Type): default

In the access point menu, you must select “Save access point” and set it to default (checkbox on the right). After this procedure, you must enable data transfer in the previous menu.

To set up Internet access on a device with an operating system iOS In the cellular parameters, you must select “Cellular data connection”. In the “Cellular Data” section you must enter the following values:

APN: internet

After this procedure, you must enable cellular data in the previous menu.

To set up Internet access on a device with an operating system WindowsPhone In the data transfer settings, you must select “Add an Internet access point.” In the window that appears with the parameters of the access point, you must enter the following values:

Access point: internet

To set up Internet access for other devices You need to make the following settings in your Internet profile settings:

Profile name: internet
Data channel: GPRS
Access Point (APN): internet

Depending on version operating system and device brand/model, some access point/Internet profile parameters may differ.

If, after making the settings and enabling data transfer, the Internet does not work, you should restart your device (turn it off and on). If you have problems with the setup/stability of the Internet, we recommend that you contact your nearest.

What to do if the Internet does not work?

1) In case of a new SIM card.
If you have become a Win mobile subscriber and, having inserted a SIM card into your device, discovered that the Internet does not connect automatically (you have already activated the one you need or), you need to set up an Internet access point. Details about setting up an access point are described in the question “How to set up the Internet?” .
2) In case of a valid SIM card.
Check your balance; perhaps the amount in your account is not enough to access the Internet. By replenishing your balance and making sure that cash credited to your account, you should restart the device (turn it off and on). If you started using a Win mobile SIM card on a new device, the procedure for setting up the Internet is the same as for a new SIM card.
3)Internet is slow.
Check the remaining traffic (see question “How to find out the remaining traffic?” ), you may have exceeded your daily/monthly traffic quota and your speed is limited until the end of the day/month accordingly. More details about tariffs and Internet services are indicated in the description tariff plans , And .
4)Your SIM card may be faulty.
You will find information about the SIM card replacement procedure in the section.

How to find out the remaining Internet traffic?

You can find out the remaining Internet traffic on your device by typing a request *815# .

What is the speed of Internet data transmission/reception?

Maximum speed data reception/transmission in the 2G network - up to 236.8 Kbps, in the 3G network - up to 42 Mbps, in the 4G LTE network - up to 75 Mbps.

However, the actual level of the communication signal and the speed of data reception/transmission depend on the characteristics of the natural terrain, urban terrain, meteorological conditions, as well as on the characteristics of the subscriber device and the number of subscribers located and working in the same area.

How to set up Internet in a USB modem?

To set up Internet access via a USB modem (GSM/UMTS/LTE standard, not tied to any one operator), after installing the Win mobile SIM card, you need to create a new Internet profile in the modem maintenance application and enter the following settings:

  • Name: internet
  • Access Point (APN): internet
  • Dial number: *99***1#
You need to save this profile and set it as default. After this procedure, in the main menu of the modem application, you must click the “Connect” button.

Depending on the brand/model of the data transmission device, some Internet profile parameters may differ.

If, after making settings and enabling data transfer, the Internet does not work, you should restart your device. If you have problems with the setup/stability of the Internet, we recommend that you contact your nearest.