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Volume-strength training according to the structure of introductory training - Logic of training (Vladimir Goncharov). Volume-strength training according to the structure of introductory training - Logic of training (Vladimir Goncharov) In Goncharov logic of bodybuilding training






CHAPTER 1Fitness................... p.4

CHAPTER 2Introductory training................... p.7


and its parameters............ p.11

CHAPTER 4Volumetric strength training according to the program

introductory training............... p.15

CHAPTER 5Beginning volumetric course

training........................ p.20

CHAPTER 6Volumetric strength training

according to the initial course program

volumetric training............... p.24

CHAPTER 7Basic volume training...... p.27

CHAPTER 8Active cycling .......... p.32

CHAPTER 9Current cycling ........... p.37

CHAPTER 10Load dynamics and temporary

training parameters ............. p.43



CHAPTER 11Golden ratio............... p.47CHAPTER 12Specialized training.... p.49

CHAPTER 13Extended +1 surround


CHAPTER 14Basic principles

developmental training ..... p.59

CHAPTER 15Extended +1 working through

training...................... p.65

CHAPTER 16Advanced +1 combined

training...................... p.74

CHAPTER 17Training that expands the upper

shoulder girdle................. p.76



CHAPTER 18Types of training................... p.78

CHAPTER 19Enhanced volume training.... p.82

CHAPTER 20Extended +2 surround


CHAPTER 21Advanced +2 working through

training...................... p.87

CHAPTER 22Advanced +2 combined

training...................... p.89

CHAPTER 23Special strength training... p.91

CHAPTER 24Extended +3 surround

training...................... p.94

CHAPTER 25 Impact (power-specific) training

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p.99

CHAPTER 26Advanced +3 working through

training...................... p.101

CHAPTER 27Advanced +3 combined

training...................... p.103


CHAPTER 28Muscles........................ p.105

CHAPTER 29Development of back muscles......... p.108

CHAPTER 30Development of thigh muscles......... p.122

CHAPTER 31Development of deltoids......... p.133

CHAPTER 32Development of the lower leg muscles......... p.141

CHAPTER 33Abdominal muscle development......... p.144

CHAPTER 34Development of chest muscles......... p.148

CHAPTER 35Development of arm muscles............ p.151





Fitness is understood as the level of development of the functional qualities of the student - strength, strength and general endurance. Fitness is expressed in the athlete’s ability to perform training work of certain parameters. The parameters of the training work performed by the athlete are determined by the specifics of this sport. Let's consider the main parameters of training work in bodybuilding.

According to power characteristics, training work in bodybuilding is divided into work of maximum, submaximal, high, medium and low power.

Maximum power work is training work performed with weights that the athlete can handle from one before two repetitions. Maximal power work primarily develops strength. Progress in the development of strength is ensured by the improvement of neuromuscular connections and muscle hypertrophy. In the training practice of bodybuilding, the highest working weights are used in a special type of strength training to develop strength in order to increase the intensity of the training.

Submaximal power work is training work with slightly lighter weights, performed at three - five repetitions. It is used to develop strength and, to a lesser extent, to develop strength endurance. The use of such a motor mode improves the mechanisms of neuromuscular support and causes muscle hypertrophy. In bodybuilding training practice, muscle work on three - five repetitions are used mainly to develop strength while maintaining the previous, and often acquiring new, larger muscle volumes of high density.

High power muscular work is work performed in six - twelve repetitions, used to develop strength endurance and, to a lesser extent, to develop strength. High-power muscular work causes the greatest muscle hypertrophy, which led to its use in the main types of bodybuilding training aimed at acquiring significant muscle volumes. Most often used for this purpose eight - ten repetitions per set.

Medium to low power work performed in fifteen - twenty and more repetitions, is used to develop special muscular and general endurance. In bodybuilding training practice, work on fifteen - twenty repetitions (for example, when using super series), is used to acquire the necessary muscle conditions - sophistication (separation), density, and relief.

So, from the standpoint of power characteristics, the main motor mode used in the bodybuilding training process to acquire muscle volumes is work high power performed at eight - ten repetitions.

You must remember that despite such a “loud” name, high-power work in terms of the size of the weights used is at third place after working at maximum and submaximal power. In fact, from the standpoint and standards of strength training, working weights lifted 8-10 times are average. And they primarily develop strength endurance. In normal volumetric bodybuilding training, the weekly cycle contains six and more training sessions, each of which on average uses about eight exercises performed in five or six approaches on eight to ten repetitions. The integral total number of movements is usually about two thousand movements (lifts) in a weekly cycle.

So, the weekly cycle of a regular volumetric bodybuilding training contains approximately two thousands of movements - 6 workouts x 8 exercises x 5 sets x 8-10 reps = 1920-2400 lifts, or reps. Approximately two thousands of movements performed in high power mode.

It is this combination of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the loads used in training (volume and intensity) that is characteristic only of bodybuilding and fundamentally distinguishes it from other strength sports.

Thus, in comparison with powerlifting-powerlifting or weightlifting, the training process in bodybuilding is distinguished by a fundamentally different ratio of the main parameters of the training load. Compared to these purely strength sports, bodybuilding uses a higher volume of training load at a lower level of training intensity. This training practice creates a specific combination of developed functional qualities - strength, strength endurance and general endurance.

The main functional quality developed in the training practice of building is strength endurance . Strength endurance can be defined as the athlete’s ability to perform for a long time, usually over a period of one and a half to two hours, performing high-power muscular work (work performed for 8-10 repetitions).

High intensity of work performed can be ensured only with sufficient development of such a functional quality as strength .

Force, as a functional quality, is defined as the ability to overcome external resistance created by a weight when lifting and holding it. The athlete's level of strength development must meet two criteria:

firstly, it must be high enough to ensure the effect of muscle development;

secondly, it must provide a sufficiently high level of training load volume, since it is closely related and, to a certain extent, determines it - V=I X n;

The practice of using a large number of long-term training sessions places special demands on the development of the athlete’s overall endurance . General Stamina- this is the athlete’s ability to perform training work (in strength endurance mode) with the optimal frequency of training in a weekly cycle - from six and higher, depending on the level of fitness and type of training.

A characteristic combination of three main functional qualities - strength, strength endurance and general endurance, providing the load level of training necessary for muscle development is called fitness. From the point of view of implementing the training load, fitness - this is the athlete’s ability to produce muscular work of such intensity and in such a volume that would ensure an adequate sports result. In bodybuilding, the result of training work means muscle development as a whole and its individual aspects - muscle volume, muscle density and their visual division, shape and relief of the muscular apparatus and individual muscle parts.

Fitness, as the level of functional training of an athlete, is divided into initial, medium and high fitness levels. The average level of training, depending on the weight category of the athlete, corresponds to the mastered volume of training load of approximately 140-160 tons per week. To get an athlete to the level of average fitness, the following types of training are used: introductory and two subtypes of volumetric training - initial and basic volumetric. If necessary, if due to insufficient training intensity the athlete does not receive enough training load, volumetric strength training is used. Let's consider the types of training used to reach an average level of fitness and the order of their application.

Volume training – this is a classic training method, which was called the “German school”; by the way, it was this method that the well-known Austrian oak Arnold Schwarzenegger used to train. Volume training, in general, has raised generations of bodybuilders; in fact, it is likely that you yourself use or once used the distorted method of the German school. All this is not surprising, since it was promoted by the father of bodybuilding, Joe Weider. Yes, Uncle Joe was selling methods long before the specially trained gurus of modern YouTube. Does Joe Weider's technique work? Of course it works, but not for everyone and not always!

Volume training is great for beginners, although not to build muscles, but to tone them. After you go through the preparatory stage, spend about a year of your life to no avail and begin to realize that you either need to quit bodybuilding or change something in your training, high-intensity schemes will be more suitable for you, such as, for example, « Ukrainian school » . When will you realize the potential of strength training, say, by going through the “Ukrainian school” and « Plintovich » , then you can start volumetric training. In general, the alternation of high-intensity and high-volume cycles will take quite a long time, and, most likely, if you are not a professional, then this is exactly what your training plan for the year will look like:

High intensity training – 3 months
Volume cycle – 1 month
Volume-intensive cycle – 2 months
Reduction of subcutaneous fat levels – 2 months
Volume-intensive cycle – 1 month
Strength training – 2 months
Volume cycle – 1 month

It is clear that within each macrocycle there will be microcycles, but still each period will be fundamentally different, both in terms of goals and training methods. Firstly, you will use different relative intensities, if during strength cycles the intensity can reach up to 90-95% of 1RM (personal maximum), then during a volume cycle the intensity will be approximately 60-70%. The RRP (number of barbell lifts) per workout will be significantly higher during volume cycles, which will result in much higher tonnage. But the key factor is not even the training methodology itself, but the method of progression of loads.

Volume training = volumetric progress

The point is that we have what we train always grows , and volumetric training allows you to develop strength performance like no other. Strength performance is determined by the development of muscle energy supply through glycogen. In general, to make it easier to understand, there are 3 ways to supply muscles with energy: through creatine, through glycogen and through lactic acid. The first two refer to anaerobic methods of energy supply, and the third to aerobic methods, during which oxygen is involved in the process of energy supply. Why is it beneficial for us to develop glycolysis? The fact is that the muscle cells that make up muscles, adapting to volumetric loads, will accumulate glycogen, and this is what will give them the appropriate volume.

What conditions must be met for glycolysis to occur? It is necessary to hold the muscles under load for 30-45 seconds! That is why the optimal number of repetitions per approach during volume training is 10. But it is important to note that you should not achieve “failure” during these 10 repetitions, because you will have to rest for 30-90 seconds and proceed to the next approach. Accordingly, the question arises, how many approaches should there be per workout? This is an individual moment, which depends on training, because Jay Cutler can do 20-25 working approaches during a workout and for him this will be normal, but you will drive yourself into overtraining!

We recommend that you start with 10 approaches for large muscle groups and 6 for small ones. That is why the best split for volume training is: chest-back, legs, shoulders-arms. Thus, for the first workout you will complete 20 approaches, for the second 25, and for the third 18. All this will take you, including warm-up, no more than 40 minutes, and this is important, because if you stretch the workout for an hour or two, then it will lose all meaning! Fine , let’s say you’ve selected exercises for yourself and started doing volumetric training, how can you now increase the load? And for this you can use the following methods:

1. Increase the working weight on the bar.
2. Increase the number of approaches per workout.
3. Reduce rest time between approaches.

Each of these methods deserves attention, each can be used, not to mention such methods of increasing the volume and intensity of training as supersets, dropsets, forced repetitions and other super techniques. In practice, it is recommended that you reduce the rest time between sets by 5 seconds each week until you reach a rest of 60 seconds between sets with a weight of 60% of the RM, after which you should move on to increasing the weight on the bar without increasing the time rest between approaches. Approaches should be added every week so that by the end of the cycle you reach 14 approaches for large muscle groups and 10 for small ones.

We have already covered general principles construction of training methods in the article. We also analyzed, which, when constructed correctly, makes possible significant muscle development. Now we should talk about programs aimed at developing muscles, which are widespread in modern bodybuilding. Now I would like to touch on the so-called classic programs, which involve a large amount of work. High-volume muscle development programs are recommended in many popular sports publications, but most of them are not particularly valuable, but there are exceptions.

The program of Vladimir Goncharov, which he cites in his work “,” deserves attention. This technique is aimed at developing muscles through high-volume and frequent training.

Muscle development in classic bodybuilding

In accordance with Goncharov’s method, the load for each muscle is set at least 2 times a week, while training is carried out up to 2 times a day, i.e. up to 14 workouts per week. Of course, the frequency of training depends on the athlete’s level of training. We have repeatedly said that optimal muscle development requires long rest (read more in the article about), and with such a density of training, what can we talk about? However, the methodology under consideration takes this point into account.

The fact is that training according to Goncharov’s program leads to an inevitable functional decline, because they are constantly carried out in the phase. Functional decline is when an athlete cannot overcome the planned load and muscle development is hampered. In such a situation, the author suggests using reduced loads, that is, a kind of exercise that allows the body’s reserves to be restored and supercompensation to be obtained.

This approach can bring the athlete to a new volume of loads, which will provide a new stimulus for muscle development before the next functional decline.

We have already said that adaptation of muscle energy reserves to loads reduces the destructive effect of training to a minimum, that is, the body gets used to a certain amount of work and the muscles no longer need long rest, because they are practically not destroyed. Accordingly, muscle development slows down, which is why a step back is necessary to reach a new level of load.

Schematically, Vladimir Goncharov’s program looks like this:

  1. Increasing training loads to the point of functional decline;
  2. Recovery microcycle (reducing load);
  3. Supercompensation;
  4. Increasing training loads in the supercompensation phase, which allows you to gain a foothold at a new level of load.

Let us note that, according to this method, muscle development is possible even without a recovery microcycle, because, as the athlete becomes more trained, supercompensation can be observed without reducing the load. Many beginners train 2-3 times a week, without paying much attention to microcycles and recovery, and they achieve noticeable results. How can we explain this? Despite the fact that in this case the restoration is terminated, because muscle pain does not go away until the next workout, muscle development is still possible. Constant training in the under-recovery phase, one way or another, leads to adaptation, pain after training disappears, and then supercompensation takes place. A subsequent increase in load (due to working weights or number of repetitions) again stimulates supercompensation, which is possible, even without a recovery microcycle, after a certain muscle adaptation. Those. muscle development continues.

However, it is not for nothing that there is a saying: “Beginners are lucky.” As the athlete trains, muscle development using such methods stops - almost every beginner has experienced this. There are good reasons for this:

  1. The larger the muscle, the more resources it needs for recovery (energy, amino acids, hormonal levels, etc.). With each workout, with little rest, recovery becomes less and less effective and supercompensation is less and less pronounced. Systematic interruption of recovery processes can slow down muscle development.
  2. As you train, the muscles adapt so much that the load causes a minimal amount of microtrauma, which is not enough for pronounced supercompensation.

The combination of the above reasons, sooner or later, leads to a state of “stagnation” or “training plateau”:

Of course, the figure shows one functional decline and supercompensation preceding the “training plateau” state. The real picture is a sequence of such cycles, after which the athlete finds himself in a state of “stagnation”.

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/ Volume-strength training according to the structure of introductory training - Logic of training (Vladimir Goncharov)

Volume-strength training according to the structure of introductory training - Logic of training (Vladimir Goncharov)

IN Let us return to the consideration of such a training situation when, when performing introductory training, the athlete does not reach the regulated volume of the training load. It's about about such a situation when a student, having done some training work, using active cycling for this purpose, has reached a stable load regime, but the volume of the training load of the weekly cycle is significantly less than the regulated one, less than 60 tons. This situation may occur if the current increase in the size of the working scales was insufficient or did not occur at all. It is worth noting that if in the practice of using introductory training such a situation occurs in no more than half of the cases, that is, not very often, then when training work on other types of volumetric training, the use of the appropriate form of volumetric strength training is, as a rule, mandatory. Obviously, since the volume of the weekly training load is equal to the product of the training intensity and the number of movements performed during the weekly cycle - V = I x N , and the number of movements in the weekly cycle of introductory training is regulated and is approximately 1400 movements, we can (as an example) easily calculate a sufficient level of training intensity, for example, for a training load of 70 tons, using the formula: I = V/N.

70000 kg:1400 = 50 kg;

R It goes without saying that if in your training the volume of the training load in a weekly cycle is less than necessary, this is due to its insufficient intensity. For example, a load volume of 50 tons corresponds to an intensity of approximately 36 kg. 50000kg:1400=36kg;.

For To reach the necessary sufficient level of training intensity, volumetric strength training is used in training practice. Volume-strength training is used only and precisely if, when working on any type of volumetric or introductory training, there is insufficient training intensity. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct volume-strength training according to the structure of precisely that type of volume or introductory training, during the implementation of which there was a shortage in the intensity of the training. To create a volume-strength training program, you should use the matrix program of the type of training, the “donor” of which is this cycle of volume-strength training. In this case, it is necessary to slightly reduce the number of exercises by abandoning exercises with low power characteristics. Typically, this category includes so-called isolating exercises, performed with lighter working weights compared to basic exercises.

P This is roughly what a volume-strength training program based on the first () introductory training program might look like:


1 .Squats with a barbell on the front 10;8;2x6;2x4;

2 .Snatch row 2x8;2x6;2x4;

3 .Pull-ups with weights on a belt 2x5kg x max; 3x10(7.5)kg x max;

4 .Lower block rod 2x8;2x6;2x4;

5 .Dumbbell row 1x(8+8);2x(6+6);2x(5+5);

6 .Raising the shin with a barbell 2x15;2x10;2x8;

I I,IV. TUESDAY FRIDAY. Deltas, chest, stomach.

1 .Seated dumbbell press 2x8;2x6;2x4;

2 .Barbell pull to the chin 2x8;2x6;2x5;

3 .Standing bent over dumbbell raises 2x8;2x6;2x5;

4 .Incline dumbbell press 2x8;2x6;2x4;

5 .Bench press with wide grip 2x8;2x6;2x4;

6 .Raises the body on an inclined bench 10; 2x8; 2x6;

How you see, exercises in volume-strength training are performed in the power pyramid mode. The power pyramid method consists of a stepwise decrease in the number of repetitions performed as the exercise progresses, while simultaneously increasing the working weights. Let's look at the technique of using a power pyramid using the example of performing an exercise such as squats. For example, if you usually use a working weight of 70 kg in squats five approaches for 10 repetitions, then performing the same exercise in the power pyramid mode - 10;8;2x6;2x4;, will look like this: do one approach for 10 repetitions with working weight - 1x70x10; add 10 kg and do more one approach with added weight eight repetitions - 1x80x8; then add another 5(10) kg and complete two approach to six repetitions - 2x85x6; adding another 5 kg to the projectile (and if this amount of added weight is excessive, then 2.5 kg) and completing two latest approach to four reps - 2x90x4, you will complete the power pyramid in squats. Thus, a record of a completed squat in power pyramid mode in a work diary may look like this:

1 .Ballbell chest squats 1x70x10;1x80x8;2x85x6;2x90x4;

P Let's calculate the volume of load, the number of movements performed and the intensity of the exercise performed -

V= 70x10+80x8+85x6x2+90x4x2 = 3260(kg); 3.3t;

n= 10+8+6x2+4x2 = 38;

I= 3260kg:38 = 85.7kg;

P Let's calculate the same load parameters for this exercise, performed in volumetric mode.

1 .Squats with a barbell on the front 5x70x10;

V= 70kgx10x5 = 3500kg;

n= 10x5 = 50;

I= 3500kg:50 = 70kg;

WITH Comparing the load parameters of two options for performing the exercise - volume and volume-strength options, we can see that with a slightly lower value of the volume of work performed - 3.3 tons to 3.5 tons, the increase in load intensity in volume-strength training was 15.7 kg, (85.7 kg - 70 kg).

ABOUT A prerequisite for the load parameters of volumetric strength training is a slightly smaller volume of training load with a very significant increase in training intensity in relation to the corresponding parameters of matrix (introductory or volumetric) training. The condition for the formation of such parameters are the methods of excluding from the training program some of the least significant isolated exercises in terms of intensity and the use of the power pyramid regime. It should be noted that a slightly smaller value of the load volume of volume-strength training is 15-20% of the load volume matrix type training is strictly necessary, as it prevents the training from slipping into the active cycling mode and allows, under fairly comfortable load conditions, to solve the problem of increasing the intensity of the training.

P An increase in the load volume of matrix training can occur when the beginning of the power pyramid is overloaded, for example 2x10; 2x8; 2x6; 2x4;. In this case, it is necessary to exclude two first approach, performed for 10 repetitions, or leave at alone approach for 10 and 8 repetitions. The intensity of volumetric strength training should be higher than the intensity that is necessary for the normal implementation of “matrix” training, by approximately 5-10 kg, since the repeated implementation of matrix training will take place according to its full program, that is, using low-intensity exercises excluded when working in the volume-strength mode. Planning a power pyramid of the required configuration with the acquisition of sufficient training experience usually does not cause difficulties. It is enough to know that volumetric strength training successfully solves the problem of increasing the intensity of matrix training by 5-10 kg. In accordance with the magnitude of the required increase in the level of intensity, a more or less “sharp” power pyramid of volume-strength training is planned. Let us give examples of a less “sharp” pyramid for increasing the intensity of training by about 5 kg - 10;2x8;2x6;2x5;. If it is necessary to increase the intensity of matrix training by approximately 10 kg, it is advisable to use a more “sharp” form of the power pyramid - 8;2x6;3x4;. As an attentive reader might have noticed, in the power pyramids of volumetric strength training, work on two And one repetition is not used. The training ends with the completion of work on five, four or three repetitions depending on the magnitude of the required increase in training intensity. To increase the intensity of training by more than 10 kg, special strength training is used, in which pronounced strength work takes place, performed on two and one repetition.

IN The implementation time for volume-strength training is usually six to eight weeks, after which the athlete returns to the introductory training program, which was previously not implemented at a sufficient load level. When repeating the introductory training, the first two weeks, it is advisable to use not 8-10, but 6-8 repetitions in each exercise. Through two weeks of training using 6-8 repetitions, you need to switch to performing 8-10 repetitions - the standard number of repetitions for volume training. This technique is used to hold high level intensity of training work previously acquired in volumetric strength training.

At Repeated work on the course of introductory training, the increase in the volume of the training load due to the increased intensity of the training can be so significant that it will lead to a functional decline and the transition of the training to an active cycling mode. In this case, you use active cycling, and after reaching a stable operating mode at a new level of training load, you complete the introductory training six to eight weeks a phase of stabilization of the acquired level of training, carried out, naturally, in the current cycling mode, for example, in the weekly cycling mode of training work for 4 and 5 approaches.

AND Thus, we list the main stages of training work according to the introductory training program, both with and without the use of volume-strength training.

First stage: from the start of full-fledged (5 approaches) training work according to the introductory training program until the onset of a decline and the transition of the training to the active cycling mode - 4-5 weeks.

Second phase: work in the recovery phase of the active cycle - 3 weeks.

Third stage: work in the overcompensation phase - 6 weeks.

Fourth stage:- with a sufficient volume of mastered training load - implementation of the stabilization phase of the mastered load level - 6-8 weeks, the training is implemented;

- if the volume of mastered training load is insufficient - transition and work according to the volume-strength training program - 6-8 weeks.

Fifth stage: repeated work according to the introductory training program using 6-8 repetitions - 2 weeks.

Sixth stage: continuation of the repeated cycle of introductory training and transition to performing training work with a normal number of repetitions (8-10 repetitions) - 6-8 weeks.

IN due to the fact that the repeated cycle of introductory training is performed at a new, higher level of training intensity - with working weights increased compared to the first cycle of introductory training, the volume of load during the repeated cycle will naturally be higher - since V=IxN, which should lead to an increase in the volume of the training load. A new, higher level of training volume may be functionally critical and lead to signs of decline. If signs of functional decline appear during repeated work according to the introductory training program, the training work takes on the character of active cycling and is implemented using all the typical phases of the active cycle - recovery, overcompensation and stabilization of the achieved load level. The period preceding the functional decline is assessed as the loading phase of the active cycle.

So, in the case when you have reached the full number of approaches prescribed by the volumetric training program, but the volume of load in the weekly cycle - V total weekly is insufficient, you need to switch to volumetric strength training. As you know, the volume of load is equal to the product of the number of movements and the intensity of the training - V = NxI;. Obviously, if the volume of load is insufficient, it is necessary to increase its intensity - this is the goal of volumetric strength training. Volumetric strength training is carried out according to the training program of the initial volumetric training course. The advantage of this practice is that when using volumetric strength training, the problem of increasing intensity (average working weight) is solved while maintaining the general focus of the training on increasing the volume of the main muscle groups. When drawing up a program […]So, in the case when you have reached the full number of approaches prescribed by the volumetric training program, but the volume of load in the weekly cycle - V total weekly is insufficient, you need to switch to volumetric strength training. As you know, the volume of load is equal to the product of the number of movements and the intensity of the training - V = NxI;. Obviously, if the volume of load is insufficient, it is necessary to increase its intensity - this is the goal of volumetric strength training. Volumetric strength training is carried out according to the training program of the initial volumetric training course. The advantage of this practice is that when using volumetric strength training, the problem of increasing intensity (average working weight) is solved while maintaining the general focus of the training on increasing the volume of the main muscle groups. When drawing up a volumetric-strength training program, remove two or three of the lowest-intensity exercises from the initial volumetric training program and introduce a strength regime for performing the main (basic) exercises.
The volumetric strength training program according to the initial volumetric training course program can look like this:
1. Wide grip bent over row
2.Wide grip block row
on the rear delts 1x8; 2x6; 2x5;
3. Chest press 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
4. Seated overhead press 1x8; 2x6; 2x5;
5. Seated dumbbell press 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
6. Barbell pull to the chin 1x8; 2x6; 2x5;

II,V. TUESDAY FRIDAY. Legs, stomach.
1. Squats with a barbell on the front 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
2. Squats in the saddle 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
3. Scissor squats 2x (6+6); 3x (5+5);
4. Snatch row 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
5. Standing bends 1x8; 2x6; 2x5;
6. Calf raise with barbell 2x15; 3x10;
7. Hanging leg raises 5xmax;
8. Raises of the torso on an inclined bench 2x10; 3x8;

1. Bent-over barbell row 1x8; 2x6; 2x5;
2.Lower block rod 1x8;2x6;2x4;
3. Bent-over dumbbell row 2x (6+6); 3x (5+5);
4. Incline press 1x8; 2x6; 2x4;
5.Bench press 1x8;2x6;2x4;
6. Chest reduction of dumbbells lying 2x6; 3x5;

The power nature of the work in the program is represented by the “pyramid” method. Let's consider this technique of power work using the example of performing lower pull-downs. For example, you can normally do 5 sets of 8 reps with a weight of 50 kg on this exercise. After doing one such set, add 10 kg and do two more sets of 6 repetitions with a weight of 60 kg. Having added 5-10 kg, finish this exercise by doing a couple more sets of 4 repetitions with a weight of 65-70 kg. You may not be able to complete 4 repetitions in the last approaches. In such a situation, use cheating or the help of a partner. If a final increase in working weight is not possible, do the last two sets (4 reps) with the previous weight.
After about two to three weeks of working in volume-strength mode, you may feel a decrease in strength indicators. This is a natural reaction to the strength orientation of the training, a manifestation general rule- the acquisition of a new, higher level of functional quality (in this case, strength) is accompanied by a temporary decrease in the function of the quality being developed. At the stage of a temporary decrease in strength indicators, it is advisable to reduce the dimension (discreteness) of the power pyramid, for example, by adding five instead of ten, and two and a half kilograms instead of five, respectively. Such a temporary decrease in intensity for a period of one to two weeks will not prevent you from obtaining a sufficient increase in strength after 6 to 8 weeks - the time of implementation of the volume-strength cycle program.
At the end of the volume-strength cycle, return to work on the initial course of volume training, and using higher working weights, reach the previously planned volume of training load. To better maintain the added weights, work in 6-8 reps for the first two weeks of training, and then switch to the usual number of repetitions of volume training - 8-10. As a rule, after using strength training, there is a significant increase in the intensity of the training and, as a result, an increase in the volume of load. If an increase in load volume has become functionally critical, use active cycling to master a new load level.
Let us dwell on one more condition for the implementation of volumetric strength training. The volume of load when working on a volumetric-strength training program should not exceed the volume of load that occurred when working on the initial volumetric training course program, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the main goal of the training - increasing strength indicators. The main task of the training should be solved against the background of sufficient comfort of the training, without the risk of falling into a state of decline and switching to active cycling mode. This in itself is not scary, but it leads to loss of training time and, which is not entirely pleasant, indicates a low level methodological support training process. Control the load volume by selecting the shape of the power pyramid. If the volume of the training load is excessively high, it is necessary to reduce the number of approaches performed with a large number of repetitions - the approaches that lie at the base of the power pyramid. Sometimes these approaches have to be eliminated completely. Let's give an example of correcting a power pyramid in order to reduce the load volume of the exercise being performed. For example, the power pyramid has the following form - 2x10; 2x8; 2x6;, after correcting the power pyramid in the direction of reducing the load volume, the shape of the pyramid can have the following configuration - 1x10; 2x8; 2x6;. In this version of the power pyramid correction, the number of approaches is reduced by simply eliminating one of the underlying ones. If you correct the power pyramid without reducing the number of approaches performed, then the adjusted version of the pyramid may look like this: 1x10;2x8;3x6; - the total number of approaches is six, maintained by reducing one set of 10 repetitions and adding one set of 6 repetitions.