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Pricing Basics. Balance of water supply and drinking water consumption What is useful water supply

The first and, probably, the most important stage in the formation of a production program for a utility company, which serves as the basis for calculating tariffs, is planning the volumes of products to be produced and sold.

Regardless of the field of activity of a utility company: heat supply, water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, one can distinguish a strictly regulated sequence of technological stages that are aimed at obtaining utility resources in the required quantities with the required quality. To such technological stages This includes the production (extraction) of a communal resource, giving this resource the necessary properties (qualities), and transporting this resource to consumers. To provide wastewater services, the same production steps are retained, but following each other in the reverse order.

Let's consider the indicators of the production program using the example of a water utility and a heating network.

Indicators Vodokanal production program can be represented by the following volumes:

    • Volume of water requirement, total:


  1. volume of water lifting (intake) (Q pr.);
  2. volume of water purchase (Q pok.);
    • Volume of water supplied for treatment (Q purification);
    • Volume of water for own water supply needs (Q technical);
    • The volume of water supplied to the network (Q network.);
    • The volume of technical and drinking water(Q losses);
    • Volume of useful water supply, total (Q half supply):


  1. volume of water supply for the needs of enterprise departments (Q pot.dr.);
  2. volume of sales of drinking water to consumers, total (Q sales of drinking water):

including: the population,


  1. volume of sales of technical water to consumers (Q technical sales).

Indicators production program of the heat supply enterprise can be represented by the following volumes:

    • Volume of production thermal energy(Q pr.);
    • Technological needs of boiler houses (Q tech.);
    • The volume of released thermal energy in heating network(Q leave);
    • Volume of purchases of thermal energy from third-party manufacturers (Q purchases);
    • Thermal energy losses in heating networks (Q losses);
    • Volume of useful heat supply, total (Q half supply):


  1. volume of heat supply for the needs of the enterprise's divisions (Q heat. sub.);
  2. volume of sales of thermal energy to consumers, total (Q sales):

including: the population,


Regardless of the scope of activity of the utility company - water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply exist features of the formation of a production program inherent in every enterprise.

The first feature of drawing up a production program is balance method of its preparation. The term balance itself implies balance or comparability of the indicators of a system. That is, all indicators of the production program are interconnected and cannot exist on their own. In general, they form a single system, each of which is subordinate to the other indicators. In addition, the balance sheet method implies comparability of indicators not only in structure, but also in dynamics. That is, planned indicators must be comparable with actual ones and vice versa.

The second feature of preparing a production program is the procedure for its development. The formation of a production program begins with the final indicators, that is, with sales volumes. Further, as if rising upward, the volumes of consumption of thermal energy, electrical energy, water, wastewater disposal, gas by the enterprise’s own divisions, losses in networks, technological needs are added, ultimately obtaining production volumes.

That is, the calculation of production indicators should be based on the following sequence:

1. Q sales of drinks. + Q sweat.ex. = Q half vacation

2. Q half vacation. + Q losses. = Q purchased +Q vacation

3. Q vacation + Q technical. = Q ave.

The third feature of the enterprise’s formation of production and sales volumes is that production volumes can be part of one or more programs depending on the following conditions:

  1. composition of technological stages of the thermal energy production process, electrical energy, water, gas, wastewater disposal, the result of which is the sale of services to consumers or their transfer between divisions of the enterprise;
  2. type of systems: for example, for water supply - centralized and decentralized, for heat supply - closed or open water collection system;
  3. a method for connecting consumers to a centralized engineering system. For example, for water supply, direct or remote (water supply, water pumps, removal of liquid sewage);
  4. the type of products sold to consumers and transferred between structural divisions of the enterprise: for example, drinking or process water for water supply, for heat supply, depending on the type of coolant - hot water or steam

Each of the above conditions predetermines the drawing up of a separate program for the formation of production volumes and sales corresponding to one of the conditions. The initial indicators of production and sales volumes for each of these programs should be the indicators of the enterprise's consolidated program of production and sales volumes, which indicates the total production and sales volumes for the enterprise.

Let's move on to consider the order of formation of each element of the production program.

Specifics of formation of volumes of sales of utility resources

sales volumes can be determined in one of the following ways:

    • on metering devices;
    • according to consumption standards;
    • calculated based on the physical parameters of consumer objects.

Determining sales volumes based on metering devices is not particularly difficult and involves periodic readings (once a month, quarter, year). Thus, for those consumers who have metering devices installed, the planned sales volume is calculated based on meter readings behind reporting period taking into account the changes in consumption volumes planned by consumers. Planned changes in sales volumes usually mean changes such as:

Revision of contractual volumes of water consumption in the planned period;

The trend of changes in the volume of water consumption, determined on the basis of statistical data for 5 reporting periods preceding the period in which tariffs are calculated for the planned period, using statistical forecasting methods 1 .

In cases where the buyers of utility products are legal entities that purchase electricity, heat, water, gas under a contract and receive wastewater for household consumption by the population, a change in the contractual purchase volumes may be caused by the demolition of dilapidated and the commissioning of new residential buildings, population migration and other conditions.

In the absence of metering devices for such a group of consumers as the population, when calculating sales volumes they usually use consumption standards.

In the absence of metering devices for legal entities, they are often used calculation methods determining sales volumes. In this case, planned or actual performance indicators of the technological equipment of the consumer enterprise, physical parameters of buildings, the number of working personnel and technical and economic indicators are used.

    Volumes of resources used for own needs

The volumes of resources used for own needs can be divided into two parts, which at the beginning of the section were designated as Q technical. (technological needs of production) and Q sweat. (need for utility resources of main production units producing other products, auxiliary units, administrative building).

Technology needs utility company in own products occupy a small amount in the total amount of produced electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas, reception Wastewater, but unlike many other indicators, the efficiency of the utility is determined along with losses and leaks.

1) Technological needs in water supply can be water for disinfection and flushing of water supply systems (including water supply networks), the needs of pumping stations, sampling, testing and preparation of reagents, and the household and drinking needs of enterprise employees involved in water supply.

2) In the production of thermal energy, technological needs include purging steam boilers, heating fuel oil, technological needs of chemical water treatment, heating and domestic needs of the boiler room.

The calculation of the need for our own products for technological needs is carried out on the basis of industry methods, the results of operational and commissioning tests, the technical parameters of the installed equipment and the product production plan. Very often the amount of utility resources consumed own production taken as a percentage of the total output. This calculation procedure is possible with fairly stable operation of the enterprise with insignificant consumption of the produced utility resource for its own needs.

The release of utility resources to enterprise divisions is largely related to their consumption for household needs: heating of buildings, lighting, operation of shower nets and sanitary facilities.

Losses and their types

Losses - the most important indicator the efficiency of a utility company's operation, a visual indicator of the state of the accounting system, and the efficiency of the organization's sales activities.

All losses are usually divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Technical losses losses caused by physical processes of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas and wastewater reception are determined by calculation.
  1. Commercial losses– losses, defined as the difference between absolute and technical losses.

Formation of the cost of selling utility resources

Cost price are the costs of production and sales of products expressed in monetary terms .

From the general definition of cost we can distinguish production cost And cost of sales.

Then production cost can be defined as the sum of the enterprise’s expenses for the production of products, formed in the main and auxiliary production shops. Cost of sales Let us denote it as the sum of the enterprise’s expenses for the production and sale of products, which is formed from the cost of production and general business expenses.

Thus, having examined the basis for the formation of tariffs for utility resources and their approval, let us move on to a detailed study of the procedure for calculating tariffs.

Industry specific features of the formation of sales volumes of utility resources

The first and, probably, the most important stage in the formation of a production program for a utility company, which serves as the basis for calculating tariffs, is planning the volumes of products to be produced and sold.

Regardless of the field of activity of a utility company: heat supply, water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, one can distinguish a strictly regulated sequence of technological stages that are aimed at obtaining utility resources in the required quantities with the required quality. Such technological stages include production (extraction) of a communal resource, giving this resource the necessary properties (qualities), transportation of this resource to consumers. To provide wastewater services, the same production steps are retained, but following each other in the reverse order.

Let's consider the indicators of the production program using the example of a water utility and a heating network.

Indicators Vodokanal production program can be represented by the following volumes:

    Volume of water requirement, total:


    volume of water lifting (intake) (Q pr.);

    volume of water purchase (Q pok.);

    Volume of water supplied for treatment (Q purification);

    Volume of water for own water supply needs (Q technical);

    The volume of water supplied to the network (Q network.);

    Volume of losses of technical and drinking water (Q losses);

    Volume of useful water supply, total (Q half supply):


    volume of water supply for the needs of enterprise departments (Q pot.dr.);

    volume of sales of drinking water to consumers, total (Q sales of drinking water):

including: the population,


    volume of sales of technical water to consumers (Q technical sales).

Indicators production program of the heat supply enterprise can be represented by the following volumes:

    Volume of thermal energy production (Q pr.);

    Technological needs of boiler houses (Q tech.);

    The volume of thermal energy supplied to the heating network (Q supply);

    Volume of purchases of thermal energy from third-party manufacturers (Q purchases);

    Thermal energy losses in heating networks (Q losses);

    Volume of useful heat supply, total (Q half supply):


    volume of heat supply for the needs of the enterprise's divisions (Q heat. sub.);

    volume of sales of thermal energy to consumers, total (Q sales):

including: the population,


Regardless of the scope of activity of the utility company - water supply, heat supply, electricity supply, gas supply exist features of the formation of a production program inherent in every enterprise.

The first feature of drawing up a production program is balance method of its preparation. The term balance itself implies balance or comparability of the indicators of a system. That is, all indicators of the production program are interconnected and cannot exist on their own. Overall they amount to unified system, each of which is subordinate to the other indicators. In addition, the balance sheet method implies comparability of indicators not only in structure, but also in dynamics. That is, planned indicators must be comparable with actual ones and vice versa.

The second feature of preparing a production program is the procedure for its development. The formation of a production program begins with the final indicators, that is, with sales volumes. Further, as if rising upward, the volumes of consumption of thermal energy, electrical energy, water, wastewater disposal, gas by the enterprise’s own divisions, losses in networks, technological needs are added, ultimately obtaining production volumes.

That is, the calculation of production indicators should be based on the following sequence:

1. Q sales of drinks. + Q sweat.ex. = Q half vacation

2. Q half vacation. + Q losses. = Q purchased +Q vacation

3. Q vacation + Q technical. = Q ave.

The third feature of the enterprise’s formation of production and sales volumes is that production volumes can be part of one or more programs depending on the following conditions:

    the composition of the technological stages of the process of production of thermal energy, electrical energy, water, gas, wastewater disposal, the result of which is the sale of services to consumers or their transfer between divisions of the enterprise;

    type of systems: for example, for water supply - centralized and decentralized, for heat supply - closed or open water collection system;

    way to connect consumers to a centralized engineering system. For example, for water supply, direct or remote (water supply, water pumps, removal of liquid sewage);

    the type of products sold to consumers and transferred between structural divisions of the enterprise: for example, drinking or process water for water supply, for heat supply, depending on the type of coolant - hot water or steam.

Each of the above conditions predetermines the drawing up of a separate program for the formation of production volumes and sales corresponding to one of the conditions. The initial indicators of production and sales volumes for each of these programs should be the indicators of the enterprise's consolidated program of production and sales volumes, which indicates the total production and sales volumes for the enterprise.

Let's move on to consider the order of formation of each element of the production program.

Specifics of formation of volumes of sales of utility resources

sales volumes can be determined in one of the following ways:

    on metering devices;

    according to consumption standards;

    calculated based on the physical parameters of consumer objects.

Determining sales volumes based on metering devices is not particularly difficult and involves periodic readings (once a month, quarter, year). Thus, for those consumers who have metering devices installed, the planned sales volume is calculated based on meter readings for the reporting period, taking into account the changes in consumption volumes planned by consumers. Planned changes in sales volumes usually mean changes such as:

Revision of contractual volumes of water consumption in the planned period;

The trend of changes in the volume of water consumption, determined on the basis of statistical data for 5 reporting periods preceding the period in which tariffs are calculated for the planned period, using statistical forecasting methods 1 .

In cases where the buyers of utility products are legal entities that purchase electricity, heat, water, gas under a contract and receive wastewater for household consumption by the population, a change in the contractual purchase volumes may be caused by the demolition of dilapidated and the commissioning of new residential buildings, population migration and other conditions.

In the absence of metering devices for such a group of consumers as the population, when calculating sales volumes they usually use consumption standards.

In the absence of metering devices for legal entities, they are often used calculation methods determining sales volumes. In this case, planned or actual performance indicators of the technological equipment of the consumer enterprise, physical parameters of buildings, the number of working personnel and technical and economic indicators are used.

Volumes of resources used for own needs

The volumes of resources used for own needs can be divided into two parts, which at the beginning of the section were designated as Q technical. (technological needs of production) and Q sweat. (need for utility resources of main production units producing other products, auxiliary units, administrative building).

Technology needs of a utility enterprise in its own products do not occupy a significant amount in the total amount of produced electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas, wastewater intake, but unlike many other indicators, the efficiency of the utility enterprise is determined along with losses and leaks.

1) Technological needs in water supply can be water for disinfection and flushing of water supply systems (including water supply networks), the needs of pumping stations, sampling, testing and preparation of reagents, and the household and drinking needs of enterprise employees involved in water supply.

2) In the production of thermal energy, technological needs include purging steam boilers, heating fuel oil, technological needs of chemical water treatment, heating and domestic needs of the boiler room.

The calculation of the need for our own products for technological needs is carried out on the basis of industry methods, the results of operational and commissioning tests, the technical parameters of the installed equipment and the product production plan. Very often, the amount of consumed municipal resources of own production is taken as a percentage of the total output. This calculation procedure is possible with fairly stable operation of the enterprise with insignificant consumption of the produced utility resource for its own needs.

The release of utility resources to enterprise divisions is largely related to their consumption for household needs: heating of buildings, lighting, operation of shower nets and sanitary facilities.

Losses and their types

Losses- the most important indicator of the efficiency of a utility enterprise, a visual indicator of the state of the accounting system, and the efficiency of the organization’s sales activities.

All losses are usually divided into 2 large groups:

    Technical losses losses caused by physical processes of transmission and distribution of electrical energy, thermal energy, water, gas and wastewater reception are determined by calculation.

    Commercial losses– losses, defined as the difference between absolute and technical losses.

Formation of the cost of selling utility resources

Cost price are the costs of production and sales of products expressed in monetary terms .

From the general definition of cost we can distinguish production cost And cost of sales.

Then production cost can be defined as the sum of the enterprise’s expenses for the production of products, formed in the main and auxiliary production shops. Cost of sales Let us denote it as the sum of the enterprise’s expenses for the production and sale of products, which is formed from the cost of production and general business expenses.

Main production workshops these are the divisions of the enterprise involved. There is one common feature of costing that can be applied to any utility enterprise. It lies in the fact that the cost is formed according to processes consisting of both individual technological stages and several technological stages.


For water supply, the following stages of cost calculation can be distinguished:Rising water. Water purification. Transporting water .

In cases where a utility dispenses a homogeneous product (for example, dispenses only drinking water) and has no other activities, then all stages of production are combined into a single process.

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  • Pisarenko O.V., head of the legal department of Network Development Center LLC, St. Petersburg.

    One of the sources of problems for most enterprises is the provision of the Rules for the use of public water supply and sewerage systems in Russian Federation that limits on water consumption and wastewater disposal for subscribers are established by the authorities local government or a water supply and sewerage organization authorized by them (clause 58 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1999 N 167). When concluding an agreement for the supply of drinking water and the reception of wastewater, an enterprise must clearly know the definition of the term “water consumption (sewage) limit.” This is necessary to distinguish it from the concept of contractual volume of water consumption (sewage).

    So, “water consumption (sewage) limit” is the maximum volume of supplied (received) drinking water and received (discharged) wastewater established to the subscriber by local government authorities for a certain period of time (clause 1 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1999 N 167 ).

    In the contract, the provision on limits on the supply (receipt) of drinking water and the reception (discharge) of waste water is essential. Compliance with and control over the limit of consumed water and the limit of discharged wastewater is entrusted to the subscriber.

    Water supply and sewerage organizations often, in contracts concluded with enterprises, undertake to supply drinking water and accept waste water in the volumes and terms that are agreed upon in the annex to the contract. As a rule, the application, broken down by month, indicates the volume of water and wastewater in cubic meters, but it is not established that at the same time the maximum volume of drinking water supplied and wastewater received is meant.

    Companies begin to understand the difference when the resource supplying organization issues an invoice for above-limit water consumption and wastewater disposal and something needs to be done to “cover up the excess” in an unequal match with the monopolist - the water utility.


    By its legal nature, an increased fee for excess water consumption represents a differentiated approach to determining the tariff for services provided, as well as a measure of economic impact on enterprises and organizations that consume drinking water in excess established limits.

    At the same time, the current legislation does not contain provisions stating that payments for above-limit water consumption and wastewater disposal should be collected in addition to payment for actual water use, including above-limit. According to clauses 70, 71 of Rules No. 167, payments for water supply within and in excess of established limits are made in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. In the circular letter of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 1999, it is explained that when applying clause 70 of Rules No. 167 on payments for excess water consumption, one should be guided by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 25, 1983 N 273, establishing a fivefold payment for drinking water consumed by enterprises in excess limit.

    That is why, when concluding an agreement, it is important for the subscriber to pay attention to the fact that the water utility directly states the following in the agreement: “The water consumption (sewage) limit is “...” cubic meters per month. The limit for 20__ was approved for the subscriber by resolution of the local government body N __ from "_" ____, or the limit is established by the water supply and sewerage organization vested with such powers in accordance with the resolution of the local government body N__ from "__" ____.

    Let us turn to judicial practice in this regard.

    Vodokanal was refused to collect payment for excess water consumption and wastewater disposal. The court proceeded from the fact that water disposal and water consumption limits for the enterprise were not established in the manner prescribed by law. From a literal interpretation of the terms of the agreement, it followed that the parties agreed only on the volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal. When considering the case, the court found that local authorities had not determined the appropriate limits for the disputed period; evidence of the transfer of powers to establish them to the water and wastewater utility company was not presented. Vodokanal did not prove that when agreeing on water consumption volumes in the contract, the parties simultaneously had in mind consumption limits (Resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated October 14, 2009 N A63-2361/2009).

    In another case, a higher court overturned the decision and ruling of the appellate court regarding the collection of fees for excess water consumption. According to the court, the reference in the contract to the agreed water consumption limit does not indicate that the limits for the sanatorium were approved in the specified volumes by local governments or another authorized body (Resolution of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated January 29, 2010 N A63-6192/ 2009).


    In the course of the company’s activities, it may also happen that excess water consumption is actually allowed. And a controversial situation arises in the area of ​​income taxation.

    According to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, expenses for the cost of water consumed from public water supply systems in excess of the limit cannot be taken into account for the purpose of calculating income tax, because they are a sanction levied government organizations, to whom such a right is granted by the legislation of the Russian Federation (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated August 12, 2005 N 03-03-04/1/166). This sanction does not allow us to take into account the costs of clause 2 of Art. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the costs of paying organizations for water consumed from public water supply systems in excess of limits are included in the losses of these organizations.

    At the same time, from the analysis of norms Civil Code It does not follow that an increased tariff is a sanction, and excess water consumption is an offense.

    In accordance with clause 11 of Rules No. 167, the supply (receipt) of drinking water and (or) reception (discharge) of waste water is carried out on the basis of an energy supply agreement related to public contracts(Articles 426, 539 - 548 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), concluded by the subscriber with the water supply and sewerage organization. In accordance with Art. 541 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the energy supplying organization is obliged to supply the subscriber with energy through the connected network in the quantity stipulated by the energy supply agreement, and in compliance with the supply mode agreed upon by the parties. Clause 13 of Rules No. 167 clarified this provision of the Civil Code. The rules provide for the following essential conditions contracts for the supply (receipt) of drinking water and (or) reception (discharge) of waste water, as:

    • regime for dispensing (receiving) drinking water, including during fire fighting, and receiving (discharging) wastewater;
    • limits on supply (receipt) of drinking water and reception (discharge) of waste water;
    • accounting for supplied (received) drinking water and accepted (discharged) wastewater;
    • procedure, terms, tariffs and terms of payment, including excess water consumption and excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants.

    Analysis of this point suggests that the increased tariff is a form of payment for the water received, and not a sanction. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses establishes liability for unauthorized connection to centralized water supply and sanitation systems (Article 7.20). Penalties for excess water consumption from centralized systems there is no water supply. And if we are firmly guided by the letter of the law, then the position of the financiers can hardly be called indisputable.

    Example from practice:

    Requirements of the enterprise to invalidate the decision tax office in terms of accrual of income tax, interest on income tax, and fine on income tax were satisfied. The court indicated that excess costs of fuel and energy resources cannot be taken into account only if they are not economically justified (in particular, if they are not due to technological process) (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North Caucasus District dated December 26, 2005 N F08-6171/2005-2454A).


    Let's look at the problem of limits exactly the other way around. The above norms of Rules No. 167 regulate the procedure for payments for consumed water, accepted wastewater within and in excess of the established water consumption limits and wastewater disposal standards. However, water supply and sewerage organizations are attempting to charge fees for shortfalls in water consumption. Some propose to determine the amount of such a fee as the difference between the water consumption limit established by the agreement and the consumed water multiplied by the tariff established by the agreement billing period. Others in the agreement provide for the following condition: if the subscriber reduces the actual volumes of water consumption and (or) wastewater disposal, compared to the agreed upon, the subscriber will be charged a fee of 60% of the established basic tariff for each cubic meter of the difference. The following interpretation is also possible: if at the end of the quarter the actual volume of drinking water supplied (received) to the subscriber is more than 10% less than the contractual volume of drinking water, the subscriber pays a penalty in the amount of 50% of the cost of the undispensed (not received) drinking water.

    It turns out that the subscriber has only one choice - to buy water in volumes no more and no less than specified (limited) in the contract. Otherwise, you will still have to pay, if not for excess, then for shortage of water consumption. The monopolist's networks are carefully placed.

    What will the court say?

    The Federal Arbitration Court of the Far Eastern District refused to invalidate the decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Khabarovsk Territory regarding the violation by the Vodokanal of clause 8, part 1 of Art. 10 Federal Law "On Protection of Competition".

    In its decision, the antimonopoly service recognized as unlawful the inclusion in the contract of discriminatory conditions regarding the establishment of payment for shortfalls in water consumption, which were not included by the water utility company in similar contracts with other subscribers. The arguments of the water and waste management enterprise that this condition The agreement is a condition for payment for water consumption and its inclusion in the agreement is conditioned by the mutual expression of will of the parties (Articles 421, 544 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 69 of the Rules), were rejected. According to the court, the payment for shortfall in water consumption is an additional payment in relation to the cost of water consumption, which is not provided for by the Rules. The court also noted that, regardless of the legal nature of the fee established in the contract, the inclusion of a condition on its inclusion in the contract, in the absence of such a condition in similar contracts of the water utility with other persons, indicates that the water utility company has created discriminatory conditions for the subscriber (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Far Eastern District dated 01/26/2009 N F03-6424/2008).

    Limit or no limit? Good question. Note to enterprises that subscribe to water utilities: when concluding an agreement for the supply of drinking water and wastewater, please note that the volume of water consumption (sewage) assigned in the agreement is not always the limit. If in the contract we're talking about on the water consumption (sewage) limit, there must be a reference to the regulatory act of the local government on the approval of such a limit. And if you had to “sort out” drinking water and you paid for excess consumption, then justify such expenses as due to the technological process. AND tax authorities such expenses will have to be recognized as economically justified when calculating the tax base for income tax.

    And, of course, do not forget: tariffs for water supply (sewage) services are subject to state regulation, payment for consumed water is collected in accordance with the procedure established by law. Wherein regulations There is no payment for shortfalls in water consumption. In a situation where the water utility managed to easily conclude contracts with the majority of its subscribers on terms that provide for such a payment, and it is already difficult to argue about discriminatory conditions, then when concluding a contract, exclude such a condition in the protocol of disagreements. This is your right not to pay for what is not provided for by law, and not to turn additional payments into a form of liability for non-compliance with the terms of the contract.

    I. General provisions

    1.1. These methodological recommendations for calculating indicators characterizing the share of productive supply of resources sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises in the total volume of such resources sold in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as methodological recommendations) were developed for the purpose of implementing Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 21, 2017 No. 618 “About the main directions public policy on the Development of Competition" (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 618), which approved the National Plan for the Development of Competition in the Russian Federation for 2018-2020 (hereinafter referred to as the National Plan).

    1.2. In the housing and communal services sector, the National Plan provides for such an indicator as reducing in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation the share of productive supply of resources sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises in the total volume of such resources sold in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to the following indicators (provided that the share of productive supply of resources does not increase sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises, in the total volume of such resources sold in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, compared with the level of 2016 in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where at the time of approval of the National Plan the indicators of the first or subsequent years have already been achieved (hereinafter referred to as the indicators of the National Plan ):

    – heat supply – up to 20% in 2019 and up to 10% in 2020;

    – water supply – up to 20% in 2019 and up to 10% in 2020;

    – water disposal – up to 20% in 2019 and up to 10% in 2020.

    1.3. A unitary enterprise is understood as commercial organization, not endowed with the right of ownership of the property assigned to it by the owner.

    unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management - state enterprise subject of the Russian Federation, municipal enterprise;

    unitary enterprises based on the right of operational management are a state-owned enterprise of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal state-owned enterprise.

    unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management are a federal state enterprise;

    unitary enterprises based on the right of operational management are a federal government enterprise.

    1.3. Under total volume of useful supply of resources in each of the areas in these methodological recommendations an indicator is understood equal to the sum of the volumes of resource supply:

    For your own needs,

    Reseller organizations

    Budget consumers

    To the population,

    To other consumers,

    In the total volume of useful supply of resources in each of the areas, these guidelines do NOT take losses into account.

    1.4. Under useful supply of resources sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises in each of the areas, in these methodological recommendations we understand an indicator equal to the sum of the volumes of resource supply sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises:

    For your own needs,

    Reseller organizations

    Budget consumers

    To the population,

    To other consumers,

    and also takes into account the volumes of organizations carrying out the transfer (transportation) of resources.

    In the total volume of productive supply of resources sold by state and municipal unitary enterprises in each area, these guidelines DO NOT take into account losses.

    In the total volume of useful supply of resources in the field of water supply, these methodological recommendations take into account the sum of the volumes of supply of drinking and process water.

    II . Methodology for calculating indicators

    2.1. As sources of information, it is necessary to use expert opinions, minutes of the meeting of the board (collegium) of the executive branch of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the region government regulation tariffs, tariff, balance decisions adopted by the specified body in relation to organizations operating in the field of thermal energy production and located in the federal state information system“Unified information and analytical system “Federal regulatory body - regional regulatory bodies - subjects of regulation.”

    2.2. The useful supply of resources used to calculate the indicators must coincide with the information provided by the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of state regulation of tariffs according to the federal state information system “Unified Information and Analytical System “Federal Regulatory Authority - Regional Regulatory Authorities - Regulatory Subjects” ( hereinafter referred to as FSIS EIAS FAS Russia).

    2.3. The indicators contained in the appendix to these methodological recommendations, reflecting the shares of the useful supply of thermal energy (thermal energy), water, waste water accepted by state and municipal unitary enterprises (hereinafter referred to as indicators) were calculated in accordance with these methodological recommendations based on the data presented regional authorities tariff regulation according to the FSIS EIAS FAS Russia system as part of monitoring information on decisions taken by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on established tariffs for 2016-2018. in the areas of heat supply, water supply, water disposal and wastewater treatment.

    2.4. When calculating the total volume of useful supply of resources for each of the areas, it is necessary to take into account the data provided by business entities of all organizational and legal forms, with the exception of federal state unitary enterprises, based on the right of economic management or operational management.

    2.5. When calculating the volume of productive supply of resources by unitary enterprises, the data provided by state unitary enterprises of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal unitary enterprises based on the right of economic management or operational management were taken into account.

    III. Calculation of indicators

    3.1. Calculation of indicators on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out using the following formula:

    V = ---------x 100, where

    V n is the volume of useful supply of the resource sold by government and municipal enterprises(in heat supply - Gcal., in water supply and sanitation - thousand cubic meters).

    V o is the total volume of useful supply of resources (in heat supply - Gcal, in water supply and sanitation - thousand cubic meters).

    IV. Deadlines for submitting data to the FAS Russia

    Data on indicators in the subject are sent to the FAS Russia not later than the end of the period for collecting information as part of monitoring on decisions taken by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on established tariffs in the areas of heat supply, water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment.

    Deadlines for monitoring information on decisions taken by executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on established tariffs in the areas of heat supply, water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment.

    V. Ways to achieve the indicators of the National Plan

    5.1. Concession agreement

    This method allows you to transfer into ownership and use any heat supply facilities, centralized hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation systems, individual objects such systems, which are in state or municipal ownership, for a long period with investment obligations.

    The transfer of state or municipal heat supply facilities, centralized hot water supply systems, cold water supply and (or) sanitation, individual objects of such systems into concession is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 115-FZ “On Concession Agreements” and can be carried out according to the results of a competition, without holding a competition in cases established by law, at the initiative of a potential investor.

    5.2. Lease contract

    The conclusion of a lease agreement is possible only in relation to state or municipal heat supply facilities, centralized hot water supply, cold water supply and (or) sanitation systems, individual facilities of such systems from the moment of commissioning of which less than 5 years have passed or in the presence of a technological connection.

    The conclusion of lease agreements for heating supply facilities, centralized hot water supply systems, cold water supply and (or) sanitation, individual facilities of such systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements established Federal law dated July 27, 2010 No. 190-FZ “On Heat Supply”, Federal Law dated December 7, 2011 No. 416-FZ “On Water Supply and Sanitation” and Federal Law dated July 26, 2006 No. 135-FZ “On the Protection of Competition”.

    The conclusion of a lease agreement is possible both based on the results of a competition, and without a competition, if there is a technological connection with previously transferred property or property owned or otherwise legal right tenant.

    5.3. Privatization

    Privatization involves the transfer of state and municipal heat energy sources, heating networks, centralized hot water supply systems and individual objects of such systems into the ownership of private individuals, subject to investment and operational obligations.

    Privatization of state and municipal property is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by Federal Law No. 178-FZ of December 21, 2001 “On the privatization of state and municipal property” through the sale of property at a competition, the transformation of state and municipal unitary enterprises into business societies or the inclusion of property in authorized capital business entities with the mandatory establishment of investment and operational obligations.