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P 2 GOST 18322 78 system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment. Equipment maintenance and repair system

GOST 18322-78








Date of introduction 01.01.80

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

Standardized terms are printed in bold font and are short form- light, and unacceptable synonyms - italic.




Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Proprietary repair method

Operator's repair method

Method Maintenance decentralized

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Maintenance method (proprietary)

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Technical maintenance and use

Maintenance while waiting technical

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Frequency of maintenance (repair)

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average


Major repairs

Small repairs

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Cost of maintenance (repairs) average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

The floor maintenance operation in accordance with GOST 3.1109 is understood as the completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation is understood as the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means that the product is in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacing some components products (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term “Equipment maintenance and repair system”

In a particular case, the system for maintenance and repair of equipment may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e., it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of a service organization to provide the necessary resources for maintenance and repair of an object given a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions relate both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms “Maintenance cycle” and “Repair cycle”

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term “Periodic maintenance”

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term “Seasonal maintenance”

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal types of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used during significant changes in environmental conditions during the year.

To the term “Scheduled maintenance”

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term “Method of maintenance by specialized personnel”

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by asset type, asset brand, operation type, and maintenance type.

To the terms " Major renovation", "Medium repair", "Current repair"

Major, medium and current repairs can be planned or unplanned. The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term “Unscheduled repairs”

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term “Aggregation repair”

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for carrying out replacements and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to evaluate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition products (operating costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications, conditions environment etc.

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system pp. -65 estimate the total costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operating costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications , environmental conditions, etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

ANNEX 1.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign


Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage maintenance

Maintenance while moving

Maintenance pending

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of recovery resource

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Maintaining belonging

Impersonal repair

parts to be repaired

Not impersonal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Not an impersonal repair method(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 15, 1978 No. 2986

3. INSTEAD GOST 18322-73


5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)

GOST 18322-78

Group T00



Terms and Definitions

Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions

ISS 01.040.03

Date of introduction 1980-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 15, 1978 N 2986

3. INSTEAD GOST 18322-73


Application number

Item 11 of the table

Annex 1

5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in Appendix 3.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Appendix 1 provides explanations for some established terms; Appendix 2 provides a classification of types and methods of maintenance and repairs.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, their short form in light, and invalid synonyms in italics.


A set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation

NDP. Preventive Maintenance


A set of interrelated tools, documentation of maintenance and repair, and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system

A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations

NDP. Method of maintenance (repair))

The time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance (repair) and the subsequent one of the same type or another of greater complexity

Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as maintenance (repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the following criteria:

stage of existence, frequency, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc.


The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

7. Repair cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

8. Replacement part

A component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product

9. Spare parts kit

Spare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use.

Note. Accessories may include control devices, accessories, covers, tow ropes, etc.

Technological equipment and structures intended for performing maintenance (repair)

11. Technical condition


Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type


Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type


The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type

15. Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Calendar time for all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval

16. Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor costs for carrying out all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval

17. Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval


18. Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion

19. Maintenance
while waiting

20.Storage Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion

21. Transport Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion

22. Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance performed at operating hours or time intervals established in the operational documentation

23. Seasonal Maintenance

Maintenance performed to prepare the product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions

24. Maintenance in special conditions

Note. Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme values ​​of parameters

25. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance provided for in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

26. Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and volume established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the scope of other operations is determined by the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

27. Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Maintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product

27a. Numbered maintenance

Maintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number

27b. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

27th century Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition

Note. Terms of types of technical maintenance based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of maintenance methods, for example, “In-line maintenance”, “Centralized maintenance”, etc.

28. In-line maintenance method

Method of performing maintenance at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

29. Centralized method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of one unit of an organization or enterprise

30. Decentralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of several departments of an organization or enterprise

Method of performing maintenance by personnel operating this product when it is being used for its intended purpose.

Method of performing maintenance by personnel specialized in performing maintenance operations


Method of performing maintenance by an organization specialized in maintenance operations

35. Proprietary Maintenance Method

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Branded service


Types of repairs

36. Major renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the life of the product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones

Note. The value of close to full resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

37. Medium renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Note. The value of a partially renewable resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

38. Maintenance

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consisting of replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts

NDP. Small repairs

Minor repairs

40. Unscheduled repairs

Repair and delivery of products for which is carried out without prior appointment

41. Regulated repairs

Planned repairs performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of repairs

Repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product

Note. Terms of types of repairs based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of repair methods, for example, “In-line repair”, “Impersonal repair”, etc.

Repair methods

43. Impersonal repair method

A repair method that does not preserve the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

Impersonal repair

44. Non-personal repair method

A repair method that preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

45. Aggregate repair method

An impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones

Note. By unit we mean assembly unit, which has the properties of complete interchangeability, independent assembly and independent performance of a certain function in products for various purposes, for example, an electric motor, gearbox, pump, etc.

46. In-line repair method

A repair method performed at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm



Execution method repair organization, specialized in repair operations

49. Proprietary repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

Branded repairs


50. Average duration of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the duration of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

51. Average labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the labor intensity of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

52. Average cost of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the cost of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

53. Average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

54. Average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

55. Average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

56. Specific total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

57. Specific total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

58. Specific total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) to a given operating time

59. Availability factor

The probability that a product will be in working condition at any point in time, except for planned periods during which the product is not intended to be used for its intended purpose

60. Technical coefficient

The ratio of the mathematical expectation of the total time a product is in working condition for a certain period to the mathematical expectation of the total time the product is in working condition and downtime due to maintenance and repairs for the same period

61. Product fleet readiness

The ratio of the number of functional products to the total number of products in the fleet at a given point in time

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2)


Product fleet readiness

Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Branded repair method

Operator's repair method

Decentralized maintenance method

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Proprietary maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Maintenance during use technical

Maintenance while waiting technical

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Frequency of maintenance (repair)

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of technical maintenance (repairs) total average

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average


Major repairs

Repair small

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Maintenance (repair) cost is average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair) is average

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a maintenance operation is understood as a completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation refers to the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means the product being in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacing some components of the product (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term "System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment"

In a particular case, the equipment maintenance and repair system may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e. it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of a service organization to provide the necessary resources to carry out maintenance and repair of an object under a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions apply both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms "Maintenance cycle" and "Repair cycle"

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term "Periodic maintenance"

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of the operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term "Seasonal maintenance"

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal grades of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used during significant changes in environmental conditions during the year.

To the term "Scheduled maintenance"

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term "Method of maintenance by specialized personnel"

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by type of facility, brand of facility, type of operation, and type of maintenance.

To the terms "Major repairs", "Medium repairs", "Current repairs"

Major, medium and current repairs can be planned or unplanned.

The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term "Unscheduled repairs"

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term "Aggregation repair"

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for replacement and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to estimate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, material and technical provision, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The indicators of the maintenance and repair system in paragraphs 57-65 evaluate the total costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology of maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign

Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage Maintenance

Moving Maintenance

Maintenance while waiting

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Operational maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Operating maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of resource recovery

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Impersonal repair

Non-personal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Non-personal repair method

Organization of execution

Aggregate repair method

In-line repair method

Operator's repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

APPENDIX 3 (for reference)


Positions 1, 2, 5-8, 10, 37, 38, 42 of this standard correspond to positions 2, 3, 7-9, 16, 6, 14, 15, 12 ST SEV 5151-85 with the term “product” replaced by the term "an object".

APPENDIX 3. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2007







Date of introduction 01.01.80

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in Appendix 3.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as a reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Appendix 1 provides explanations for some established terms; Appendix 2 provides a classification of types and methods of maintenance and repairs.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, their short form in light, and invalid synonyms in italics.



1 . Maintenance

A set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation

NDP. Preventive Maintenance

Technical Care

2. Repair

A set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of products and restore the resources of products or their components

3. Equipment maintenance and repair system

A set of interconnected means, documentation of maintenance and repair and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system

4. Maintenance (repair) method

A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations

NDP. Maintenance (repair) method

5. Frequency of maintenance (repair)

The time interval or operating time between a given type of maintenance (repair) and the next one of the same type or another of greater complexity.

Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as maintenance (repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the characteristics: stage of existence, frequency, volume of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc.

6 . Maintenance cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

7. Repair cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

8 . Replacement part

A component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product

9 . Spare parts kit

Spare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use.

Note. Accessories may include controls, fixtures, covers, tow ropes, etc.

10 . Maintenance (repair) equipment

Technological equipment and structures intended for performing maintenance (repair)

11 . Technical condition

12 . Duration of maintenance (repair)

Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type

13 . Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type


14 . Cost of maintenance (repair)

The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type

15 . Total duration of maintenance (repairs)

Calendar time of all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval

16 . Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor costs for carrying out all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval

17 . Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval


Types of maintenance

18 . Maintenance during use

Maintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion

19 . Maintenance while waiting

20 . Storage Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion

21 . Transport Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion

22 . Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance performed at operating hours or time intervals established in the operational documentation

23 . Seasonal Maintenance

Maintenance performed to prepare the product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions

24 . Maintenance under special conditions

Note. Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme values ​​of parameters

25. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance provided for in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

26 . Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and volume established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the scope of other operations is determined by the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

27 . Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Maintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product

27a.Numbered maintenance

Maintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number

27b. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation


27v. Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition

Note. Terms of types of maintenance based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of maintenance methods, for example, “In-line maintenance”, “Centralized maintenance”, etc.

28 . In-line maintenance method

Method of performing maintenance at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

29 . Centralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of one unit of an organization or enterprise

30 . Decentralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of several departments of an organization or enterprise

31 . Maintenance method by operating personnel

Method of performing maintenance by personnel operating this product when it is being used for its intended purpose.

32 . Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Method of performing maintenance by personnel specialized in performing maintenance operations

33 . Operator's maintenance method

34 . Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Method of performing maintenance by an organization specialized in maintenance operations

35 . Proprietary Maintenance Method

Manufacturer's method of performing maintenance

Branded service


Types of repairs

36. Major renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the life of the product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones

Note. The value of close to full resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

37 . Medium renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Note. The value of a partially renewable resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

38 . Maintenance

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consisting of replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts

NDP. Small repairs

Minor repairs

39 . Scheduled repairs

Repairs, which are carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation


40 . Unscheduled repairs

Repair and delivery of products for which is carried out without prior appointment

41 . Regulated repairs

Planned repairs performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of repairs

42 . Repair according to technical condition

Repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product

Note. Terms of types of repairs based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of repair methods, for example, “In-line repair”, “Impersonal repair”, etc.

Repair methods

43 . Impersonal repair method

A repair method that does not preserve the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

Impersonal repair

44 . Non-personal repair method

A repair method that preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

45 . Aggregate repair method

An impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones

Note. An assembly is understood as an assembly unit that has the properties of complete interchangeability, independent assembly and independent performance of a certain function in products for various purposes, for example, an electric motor, gearbox, pump, etc.

46 . In-line repair method

A repair method performed at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

47 . Operator's repair method

48 . Repair method by a specialized organization

Method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations

49 . Proprietary repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

Branded repairs


50 . Average duration of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the duration of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

51 . Average labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the complexity of one maintenance (repair) of a given fork for a certain period of operation or operating time

52 . Average cost of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the cost of one maintenance (repair) of a given fork for a certain period of operation or operating time

53 . Average total duration of maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total duration of maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time


54. Average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

55 . Average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total cost of maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

56 . Specific total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

57 . Specific total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

58 . Specific total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) to a given operating time

59. Availability factor

The probability that a product will be in working condition at any point in time, except for planned periods during which the product is not intended to be used for its intended purpose

60 . Technical utilization rate

The ratio of the mathematical expectation of the total time a product is in working condition for a certain period to the mathematical expectation of the total time the product is in working condition and downtime due to maintenance and repairs for the same period

61 . Ready to solder products

The ratio of the number of functional products to the total number of products in the fleet at a given point in time

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


Product fleet readiness

Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Proprietary repair method

Operator's repair method

Decentralized maintenance method

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Maintenance method (proprietary)

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Technical maintenance and use

Maintenance while waiting technical

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Frequency of maintenance (repair)

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average

Major repairs

Small repairs

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Cost of maintenance (repairs) average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

The floor maintenance operation in accordance with GOST 3.1109 is understood as the completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation refers to the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means that the product is in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacing some components of the product (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term “Equipment maintenance and repair system”

In a particular case, the system for maintenance and repair of equipment may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e. it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of the service organization to provide the necessary resources for maintenance and repair of an object under a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions apply both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms “Maintenance cycle” and “Repair cycle”

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term “Periodic maintenance”

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of the operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term “Seasonal maintenance”

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal grades of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used during significant changes in environmental conditions during the year.

To the term “Scheduled maintenance”

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term “Method of maintenance by specialized personnel”

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by asset type, asset brand, operation type, and maintenance type.

To the terms “Major repairs”, “Medium repairs”, “Current repairs”

Major, medium and current repairs can be planned or unplanned. The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term “Unscheduled repairs”

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term “Aggregation repair”

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for replacement and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to estimate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, material and technical provision, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system pp. 57-65 estimate the total costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operating costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, logistics, qualifications personnel, environmental conditions, etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

ANNEX 1.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign

Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage Maintenance

Moving Maintenance

Maintenance while waiting

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of resource recovery

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Maintaining belonging

Impersonal repair

parts to be repaired

Not impersonal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Not an impersonal repair method


Positions 1, 2, 5-8, 10, 37, 38, 42 of this standard correspond to positions 2, 3, 7-9, 16, 6, 14, 15, 12 ST SEV 5151-85 with the term “product” replaced by the term "an object".

APPENDIX 3.(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 15, 1978 No. 2986


5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)


Definition 1. Maintenance
NDP. Preventive Maintenance
MaintenanceA set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or malfunction of a product during its intended use, standby, storage and transportation. 2. RepairA set of operations to restore the serviceability or performance of a product and restore the resources of products or their components. 3. System for technical maintenance and repair of equipmentA set of interrelated tools, maintenance and repair documentation and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of the product included in this system 4. Maintenance (repair) method
NDP. Maintenance method (repair)A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations 5. Frequency of maintenance (repair)The time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance (repair) and the subsequent one of the same type or another of greater complexity Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as maintenance (repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the following criteria:
stage of existence, frequency, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc. (as amended by Changes No. 1) 6. Maintenance cycleThe smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation (as amended by Amendments No. 1, No. 2) 7. Repair cycleThe smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation. (as amended by Amendments No. 1, No. 2) 8. Spare partA component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product. 9. Spare parts kitSpare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for the maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use. Note. Accessories may include controls, fixtures, covers, tow ropes, etc. 10. Maintenance (repair) equipmentTechnological equipment and structures intended for performing maintenance (repair) 11. Technical conditionAccording to GOST 19919-74 12. Duration of maintenance (repair)Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type 13. Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type 14. Cost of maintenance (repair)The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type 15. Total duration of maintenance (repairs)Calendar time of all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval 16. Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs).Labor costs for all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval 17. Total cost of technical services (repairs)The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval MAINTENANCE Types of maintenance
18. Maintenance during useMaintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion
19. Maintenance while waiting-
20. Maintenance during storageMaintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion.
21. Maintenance during transportationMaintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion.
22. Periodic maintenanceMaintenance performed through the MTBF values ​​or time intervals established in the operational documentation.
23. Seasonal maintenanceMaintenance performed to prepare a product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions.
24. Maintenance under special conditionsNote.
Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme parameter values.
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
25. Scheduled maintenanceMaintenance provided for in the regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance.
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
26. Maintenance with periodic controlMaintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and scope established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the scope of other operations is determined by the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance.
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
27. Maintenance with continuous monitoringMaintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product.
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
27a. Numbered maintenanceMaintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
27b. Scheduled maintenance.Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation
(as amended by Changes No. 2)
27th century Scheduled MaintenanceMaintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition
(as amended by Changes No. 2)

(as amended by Changes No. 2)

Product fleet readiness61
Spare parts kit9
Availability factor59
Technical utilization rate60
Aggregate repair method45
Non-impersonal repair method44
Impersonal repair method43
In-line repair method46
Repair method by a specialized organization48
Operator's repair method47
Proprietary repair method49
Maintenance (repair) method4
Decentralized maintenance method30
In-line maintenance method28
Method of maintenance by a specialized organization34
Maintenance method by specialized personnel32
Proprietary maintenance method35
Centralized maintenance method29
Maintenance method by operating personnel31
Operator's maintenance method33
Maintenance under special technical conditions24
Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring27
Maintenance with periodic technical control26
Maintenance during use technical18
Maintenance while waiting technical19
Technical maintenance during transportation21
Technical maintenance during storage20
Preventive maintenance1
Technical service1
Unscheduled technical maintenance27v
Technical number service27a
Periodic technical maintenance22
Scheduled technical maintenance27b
Maintenance during use18
Regulated technical maintenance25
Seasonal technical maintenance23
Branded service35
Frequency of maintenance (repair)5
Duration of maintenance (repair)12
Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)15
Duration of technical maintenance (repairs) total average53
Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)56
Duration of maintenance (repair) average50
Major repairs36
Minor repairs38
Repair cute40
Unscheduled repairs43
Impersonal repair39
Planned repairs42
Repair but technical condition41
Regulated repairs37
Repair is average38
Current repairs49
Branded repairs3
Equipment maintenance and repair system11
Technical condition4
Maintenance (repair) method10
Maintenance (repair) equipment17
Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)55
Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)58
Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)58
Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit11
Cost of maintenance (repair)52
Maintenance (repair) cost is average16
Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)54
Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)57
Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)57
Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)13
Labor intensity of maintenance (repair) is average51
Technical care1
Repair cycle.7
Maintenance cycle6
Spare part8



Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

A maintenance operation and in accordance with GOST 13.1109-82 is understood as a completed part of the maintenance of a component part of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation is understood as the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means the product being in a state of readiness for use and intended purpose.

On the Zakonbase website you will find "SYSTEM OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. GOST 18322-78" (approved by Resolution of the USSR State Standard of November 15, 1978 N 2986) (as amended on December 1, 1988) in the latest and full version, in which all changes and amendments have been made. This guarantees the relevance and reliability of the information.

At the same time, you can download “SYSTEM OF MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIPMENT. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. GOST 18322-78” (approved by Resolution of the USSR State Standard of November 15, 1978 N 2986) (as amended on December 1, 1988) completely free of charge, both in full and separate chapters.

GOST 18322-78

Group T00



Terms and Definitions

Equipment maintenance and repair system. Terms and definitions

ISS 01.040.03

Date of introduction 1980-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the USSR State Committee for Standards

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards dated November 15, 1978 N 2986

3. INSTEAD GOST 18322-73


Application number

Item 11 of the table

Annex 1

5. EDITION (December 2007) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in April 1986, December 1988 (IUS 7-86, 4-89)

This standard establishes the terms and definitions of basic concepts used in science, technology and production in the field of types, methods and indicators of maintenance and repair of products.

The terms established by this standard are mandatory for use in all types of documentation, scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.

This standard corresponds to ST SEV 5151-85 in the part given in Appendix 3.

There is one standardized term for each concept. The use of terms that are synonyms of a standardized term is prohibited. Synonyms that are unacceptable for use are given in the standard as reference and are designated “NDP”.

For individual standardized terms, short forms are provided as a reference, which are permitted to be used in cases that exclude the possibility of their different interpretation. Established definitions can, if necessary, be changed in the form of presentation, without violating the boundaries of concepts.

In cases where the necessary and sufficient characteristics of a concept are contained in the literal meaning of the term, the definition is not given, and, accordingly, a dash is placed in the “Definition” column.

The standard provides an alphabetical index of the terms it contains.

Appendix 1 provides explanations for some established terms; Appendix 2 provides a classification of types and methods of maintenance and repairs.

Standardized terms are printed in bold, their short form in light, and invalid synonyms in italics.


A set of operations or an operation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of a product when used for its intended purpose, waiting, storage and transportation

NDP. Preventive Maintenance


A set of interrelated tools, documentation of maintenance and repair, and performers necessary to maintain and restore the quality of products included in this system

A set of technological and organizational rules for performing maintenance (repair) operations

NDP. Method of maintenance (repair))

The time interval or operating time between this type of maintenance (repair) and the subsequent one of the same type or another of greater complexity

Note. The type of maintenance (repair) is understood as maintenance (repair), allocated (allocated) according to one of the following criteria:

stage of existence, frequency, scope of work, operating conditions, regulation, etc.


The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of periodic maintenance are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

7. Repair cycle

The smallest repeating time interval or operating time of a product, during which all established types of repairs are performed in a certain sequence in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

8. Replacement part

A component of a product intended to replace a similar part that was in use in order to maintain or restore the serviceability or performance of the product

9. Spare parts kit

Spare parts, tools, accessories and materials necessary for maintenance and repair of products and assembled depending on the purpose and features of use.

Note. Accessories may include gauges, fixtures, covers, tow ropes, etc.

Technological equipment and structures intended for performing maintenance (repair)

11. Technical condition


Calendar time for one maintenance (repair) of this type


Labor costs for one maintenance (repair) of this type


The cost of one maintenance (repair) of this type

15. Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Calendar time for all technical maintenance (repairs) of the product for a given operating time or time interval

16. Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor costs for carrying out all technical maintenance (repairs) of a product for a given operating time or time interval

17. Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The cost of all technical maintenance (repairs) for a given operating time or time interval


18. Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for intended use, intended use, and immediately after its completion

19. Maintenance
while waiting

20.Storage Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for storage, storage, and immediately after its completion

21. Transport Maintenance

Maintenance during preparation for transportation, transportation, as well as immediately after its completion

22. Periodic Maintenance

Maintenance performed at operating hours or time intervals established in the operational documentation

23. Seasonal Maintenance

Maintenance performed to prepare the product for use in autumn-winter or spring-summer conditions

24. Maintenance in special conditions

Note. Examples of special conditions are natural or other conditions specified in industry documentation, characterized by extreme values ​​of parameters

25. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance provided for in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation and performed at the frequency and to the extent established therein, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

26. Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance, in which technical condition monitoring is carried out with the frequency and volume established in the regulatory, technical or operational documentation, and the scope of other operations is determined by the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of maintenance

27. Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Maintenance provided for in regulatory technical or operational documentation and performed based on the results of continuous monitoring of the technical condition of the product

27a. Numbered maintenance

Maintenance in which a certain amount of work is assigned a specific serial number

27b. Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory, technical or operational documentation

27th century Unscheduled Maintenance

Maintenance, which is carried out without prior assignment due to technical condition

Note. Terms of types of technical maintenance based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of maintenance methods, for example, “In-line maintenance”, “Centralized maintenance”, etc.

28. In-line maintenance method

Method of performing maintenance at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm

29. Centralized method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of one unit of an organization or enterprise

30. Decentralized maintenance method

A method of performing maintenance by personnel and resources of several departments of an organization or enterprise

Method of performing maintenance by personnel operating this product when it is being used for its intended purpose.

Method of performing maintenance by personnel specialized in performing maintenance operations


Method of performing maintenance by an organization specialized in maintenance operations

35. Proprietary Maintenance Method

Manufacturer's maintenance method

Branded service


Types of repairs

36. Major renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and complete or close to full restoration of the life of the product with the replacement or restoration of any of its parts, including basic ones

Note. The value of close to full resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

37. Medium renovation

Repairs performed to restore serviceability and partially restore the service life of products with the replacement or restoration of components of a limited range and monitoring the technical condition of the components, carried out to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation.

Note. The value of a partially renewable resource is established in the regulatory and technical documentation

38. Maintenance

Repairs performed to ensure or restore the functionality of a product and consisting of replacement and (or) restoration of individual parts

NDP. Small repairs

Minor repairs

40. Unscheduled repairs

Repair and delivery of products for which is carried out without prior appointment

41. Regulated repairs

Planned repairs performed at intervals and to the extent established in the operational documentation, regardless of the technical condition of the product at the time of the start of repairs

Repair in which technical condition monitoring is carried out at intervals and to the extent established in the regulatory and technical documentation, and the volume and time of repair is determined by the technical condition of the product

Note. Terms of types of repairs based on the characteristics of the methods used should be formed in accordance with the terms of repair methods, for example, “In-line repair”, “Impersonal repair”, etc.

Repair methods

43. Impersonal repair method

A repair method that does not preserve the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

Impersonal repair

44. Non-personal repair method

A repair method that preserves the belonging of the restored components to a specific instance of the product

45. Aggregate repair method

An impersonal repair method in which faulty units are replaced with new or pre-repaired ones

Note. An assembly is understood as an assembly unit that has the properties of complete interchangeability, independent assembly and independent performance of a certain function in products for various purposes, for example, an electric motor, gearbox, pump, etc.

46. In-line repair method

A repair method performed at specialized workplaces with a certain technological sequence and rhythm



Method of performing repairs by an organization specialized in repair operations

49. Proprietary repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

Branded repairs


50. Average duration of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the duration of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

51. Average labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the labor intensity of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

52. Average cost of maintenance (repair)

Mathematical expectation of the cost of one maintenance (repair) of a given type for a certain period of operation or operating time

53. Average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

54. Average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

55. Average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Mathematical expectation of the total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) for a certain period of operation or operating time

56. Specific total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total duration of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

57. Specific total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs) to the specified operating time

58. Specific total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

The ratio of the average total cost of technical maintenance (repairs) to a given operating time

59. Availability factor

The probability that a product will be in working condition at any point in time, except for planned periods during which the product is not intended to be used for its intended purpose

60. Technical coefficient

The ratio of the mathematical expectation of the total time a product is in working condition for a certain period to the mathematical expectation of the total time the product is in working condition and downtime due to maintenance and repairs for the same period

61. Product fleet readiness

The ratio of the number of functional products to the total number of products in the fleet at a given point in time

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2)


Product fleet readiness

Spare parts kit

Availability factor

Technical utilization rate

Aggregate repair method

Non-impersonal repair method

Repair method is impersonal

In-line repair method

Repair method by a specialized organization

Branded repair method

Operator's repair method

Decentralized maintenance method

In-line maintenance method

Maintenance (repair) method

Method of maintenance by a specialized organization

Maintenance method by specialized personnel

Proprietary maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Maintenance method by operating personnel

Operator's maintenance method

Maintenance under special technical conditions

Maintenance during use technical

Maintenance while waiting technical

Technical maintenance during transportation

Technical maintenance during storage

Preventive maintenance

Maintenance with continuous technical monitoring

Maintenance with periodic technical control

Technical service

Unscheduled technical maintenance

Technical number service

Periodic technical maintenance

Scheduled technical maintenance

Maintenance during use

Regulated technical maintenance

Seasonal technical maintenance

Branded service

Frequency of maintenance (repair)

Duration of maintenance (repair)

Total duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of technical maintenance (repairs) total average

Total specific duration of technical maintenance (repairs)

Duration of maintenance (repair) average


Major repairs

Repair small

Minor repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Impersonal repair

Planned repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Regulated repairs

Repair is average

Current repairs

Branded repairs

Equipment maintenance and repair system

Technical condition

Maintenance (repair) method

Maintenance (repair) equipment

Total cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific cost of technical maintenance (repairs)

Cost of technical maintenance (repairs) per unit

Cost of maintenance (repair)

Maintenance (repair) cost is average

Total labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total average labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Total specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Specific labor intensity of technical maintenance (repairs)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair)

Labor intensity of maintenance (repair) is average

Technical care

Repair cycle

Maintenance cycle

Spare part

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).



To the term "Maintenance"

Maintenance contains operations regulated in the design documentation to maintain the functionality or serviceability of the product during its service life.

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a maintenance operation is understood as a completed part of the maintenance of a component of a product, performed at one workplace by a performer of a certain specialty.

Transportation refers to the operation of moving cargo along a specific route from the place of loading to the place of unloading or reloading. Transportation of self-propelled products does not include moving them under their own power.

Waiting means the product being in a state of readiness for its intended use.

Maintenance may include washing the product, monitoring its technical condition, cleaning, lubrication, fastening bolted connections, replacing some components of the product (for example, filter elements), adjustment, etc.

To the term "repair"

In accordance with GOST 3.1109, a repair operation is understood as a completed part of a repair performed at one workplace by performers of a certain specialty.

Repair may include disassembly, troubleshooting, monitoring the technical condition of the product, restoration of parts, assembly, etc. The content of some repair operations may coincide with the content of some maintenance operations.

Repair of products can be carried out by replacing or restoring individual parts and assembly units.

Repairs of any kind, as a rule, must be accompanied by the issuance of certain guarantees for the subsequent service life or operating time of the product.

To the term "System of technical maintenance and repair of equipment"

In a particular case, the equipment maintenance and repair system may include materials, workpieces, spare parts, etc., i.e. it is characterized by logistics, which can be defined as the ability of a service organization to provide the necessary resources to carry out maintenance and repair of an object under a given strategy and under given conditions. The specified conditions apply both to the object itself and to the conditions of its operation, maintenance and repair.

To the terms "Maintenance cycle" and "Repair cycle"

In a particular case, the start of the maintenance cycle (repair cycle) may be the beginning of use of the product.

To the term "Periodic maintenance"

Periodic maintenance may differ in the content of the operations. In this case, maintenance is numbered in ascending order, for example, shift maintenance, TO-1, TO-2, TO-3, etc.

To the term "Seasonal maintenance"

Seasonal maintenance includes operations of replacing seasonal grades of operating materials with flushing of the corresponding systems, installation and removal of insulation and engine preheating devices, etc.

Seasonal maintenance is carried out only for products used during significant changes in environmental conditions during the year.

To the term "Scheduled maintenance"

Maintenance schedules can be strict and tolerant. The type of regulation must be established in the operational documentation.

To the term "Method of maintenance by specialized personnel"

Maintenance personnel may be specialized by type of facility, brand of facility, type of operation, and type of maintenance.

To the terms "Major repairs", "Medium repairs", "Current repairs"

Major, medium and current repairs can be planned or unplanned.

The base part is understood as the main part of the product, intended for its assembly and installation of other components.

To the term "Unscheduled repairs"

Unscheduled repairs are carried out to eliminate the consequences of failures or incidents.

To the term "Aggregation repair"

Replacement of units can be carried out after a product failure or according to a plan. The list of units to be replaced, the procedure for replacement and instructions for organizing unit repairs are established in industry normative and technical documents.

The opposite of the aggregate method is the detailed method, in which individual parts that have failed are replaced or restored.

To the indicators of the maintenance and repair system

Indicators of the maintenance and repair system allow you to estimate the costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology for performing maintenance and repairs, material and technical provision, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The indicators of the maintenance and repair system in paragraphs 57-65 evaluate the total costs of time, labor and money for maintenance and repairs and contain costs due to the design and technical condition of the product (operational costs), and costs due to the organization, technology of maintenance and repairs, logistics, personnel qualifications, environmental conditions, etc.

The calculation of indicators for the system of technical maintenance and repair of equipment is similar to the calculation of the corresponding maintainability indicators according to GOST 21623. In this case, instead of operating costs, the total costs of time, labor and money are taken into account.

APPENDIX 1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



Classification sign

Types of maintenance

Operation phase

Maintenance during use

Storage Maintenance

Moving Maintenance

Maintenance while waiting

Frequency of execution

Periodic Maintenance

Seasonal Maintenance

terms of Use

Maintenance under special conditions

Regulation of implementation

Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance with periodic inspection

Maintenance with continuous monitoring

Organization of execution

Inline Maintenance

Centralized maintenance

Decentralized maintenance

Maintenance by operating personnel

Maintenance by specialized personnel

Maintenance by the operator

Maintenance by a specialized organization

Factory maintenance

Maintenance Methods

Organization of execution

In-line maintenance method

Centralized maintenance method

Decentralized maintenance method

Operational maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Operating maintenance method

Specialized maintenance method

Maintenance method

Types of repairs

Degree of resource recovery

Major renovation

Medium renovation



Scheduled repairs

Unscheduled repairs

Regulation of implementation

Regulated repairs

Repair according to technical condition

Impersonal repair

Non-personal repair

Organization of execution

Unit repair

In-line repair

Repair by the operating organization

Repair by a specialized organization

Repair by manufacturer

Repair methods

Preservation of ownership of repaired parts

Impersonal repair method

Non-personal repair method

Organization of execution

Aggregate repair method

In-line repair method

Operator's repair method

Manufacturer's repair method

APPENDIX 3 (for reference)


Positions 1, 2, 5-8, 10, 37, 38, 42 of this standard correspond to positions 2, 3, 7-9, 16, 6, 14, 15, 12 ST SEV 5151-85 with the term “product” replaced by the term "an object".

APPENDIX 3. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

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M.: Standartinform, 2007