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I am looking for business partners. Partnership offers

Do you offer franchise or affiliate program? Perhaps you have a special offer for your customers, special conditions for the delivery of your goods, exclusive services that will easily interest the business audience? Please inform all interested companies about this in our Partnership section. Your proposal for cooperation in any area will be seen by the entire audience of our site, all you have to do is consider the responses of your potential partners and choose best offers!

Do you want to start your own business, but don’t know how to start your business from scratch? To open your own business, you suggest ideas, everything else can be found using Finatica!

Hundreds, and maybe thousands of companies and businessmen are looking for business partners every day. Finatica is a unique database of business proposals that you create yourself. The search for it is organized in such a way that you can choose not only the search direction (“looking for” - “offering”), but also a specific category of partnership, industry and region of interest to you. For example, you can select categories such as “Looking for a manufacturer”, “Looking for an agent, representative”, Franchising, “Looking for a distributor, dealer”, “I offer myself as a contractor/work performer”, etc.

For those who have not yet decided on the specific direction of growth for their business, we recommend subscribing to the mailing list of new affiliate programs and offers from companies in your area, or often view the list of advertisements in the “Partnership” section. Perhaps a particularly advantageous offer awaits you! The section can publish both offers from companies and individual entrepreneurs and individuals.

Entrepreneurs who maintain partnerships with those with whom they started their business for decades deserve great respect. This means that we have gone through many crises together. I started my business in 2013, during which time I worked with different partners. Here are a few types of crises I have experienced:

Crisis of “who’s in charge?” or “how do we make key decisions?” Here it is important, having worked together as equals, to quickly determine the degree of responsibility of each participant and divide the shares in the company accordingly. It is at this moment that a CEO appears in the company. The chosen leader must formulate his obligations to the others. If they cannot choose the main one, the question arises: will such a business be able to exist and develop? Schemes with equal shares are statistically more likely to lead to conflicts and crises, as a stalemate may arise.

Competence crisis. Everyone has their own ceiling. How long is a person willing to constantly learn and leapfrog himself? Are partners willing to teach each other and tolerate each other's imperfections? Does the speed of human development match the speed of company development?

Crisis of confidence. With the increase in the volume of information and the number of tasks, not all aspects of the business will be transparent to all partners. There always comes a point when the basic trust that started it all is exhausted. We need to anticipate this moment and make the business as transparent as possible. CRM and system management accounting will help with this.

Where to look for business partners?

Beginning entrepreneurs, as a rule, voice their ideas and assemble a team in their immediate environment. These can be either fairly random people who, in the opinion of the founder, have qualities that are important for the project, or people with whom a pound of salt has already been eaten. For example, Mikhail Fridman built the largest Russian business empire together with his classmates from the institute.

Can a “stranger” become a good partner?

I believe that the clearest and most understandable agreements are reached between people who initially have no reason to trust each other 100%. In this case, it is much easier and more logical to imagine the situation of termination of agreements and initially determine the most painless exit scenarios.

You can also find a partner among strangers. It is quite normal to post a vacancy and offer a share in the company as compensation. One of my friends, a famous IT entrepreneur, found a co-founder in this way - CTO.

Photo: Unsplash

Will business with relatives be successful?

The important point here is the absence of a conflict of interest. There is an opinion that business conflicts occur less frequently among relatives. If your partner is a relative, then with a high probability you can build a long-lasting company, but the question is whether it will grow. Because growth often requires speed of decisions, subordination and priority of work over family.

However, there are quite a few successful examples businesses where the founders are close relatives, most often heard of companies with the Bros. prefix, for example, Warner Bros. There are also negative examples, the most famous of which is the conflict between the Dassler brothers, as a result of which the business broke up and two companies and brands were formed: Adidas and Puma.

Are friends reliable partners?

It is very difficult to imagine a situation of conflict with friends. It seems that friendship or family ties are a guarantee of conflict-free decision-making. As a result, people do not define their boundaries, responsibility is blurred, and exit plans for business are not specified.

In one of my projects, Quadrim, the correct cooperation model was not initially laid down. At the start there were 4 partners, three of whom had parity shares, and two in the process formed a parallel joint business; also, the areas of responsibility and the mechanics of making key decisions were not clearly defined.

Due to a conflict of interest, I operationally left Quadrim and launched a startup, the repair service Tim&Team, based on my other interior design project, Studio 3.14.

Photo: Unsplash

It’s good to start something new with an already formed team with established dynamics, complementary psychotypes and a high level of trust.
We created our first business - an interior design studio with my brother and friend, with whom we had previously worked together on projects in a public youth organization. There we led shifts together in children's camps, organized events and had real experience of working together.

Through trial and error, we figured out who could be responsible for what. Five of us started in my kitchen. After the first month there were three of us left, a team was formed, and a division of labor emerged. After 3 years, the history of this partnership successfully ended when we, together with a new partner Oleg Anisimov, bought shares in Studio 3.14 from two of my partners, thereby integrating the company for the development of Tim&Team on the basis of the design studio.

When a whole business takes the place of a partner

It happens that partners come to a project with their own infrastructure, sometimes even an entire business, and this gives positive effect, for example, as in the case of Oscar Hartmann's Carprice. The entrepreneur’s project on a partnership basis included two more businessmen with entire companies-divisions for development and marketing, which gave a synergistic effect.

But you should also beware of the opposite situation, when the common project infrastructure is used for third-party projects of one of the partners. Attracting a partner with infrastructure ( ready-made business) at first glance looks attractive due to possible synergies, but is fraught with many risks. In my opinion, this is only possible if the infrastructure is transparent enough that its value can be verified. Should be studied in detail possible risks and conflicts of interest.

Before attracting someone as a partner and integrating it into your business, it is better to work with him as a contractor or partner on a project, as was the case with the developers at Carprice. It would be a mistake to “get married” right away. There must be stages. We definitely need to overcome the crisis together.

Photo: Unsplash

It's good to weigh everything

Partnership is one of the most important levers for the development of a company, but it also carries many risks. A successful partnership can significantly accelerate the development of an entrepreneur, as happened with and. But you need to understand that 65% of companies break up due to conflict between co-founders.

Among the undoubted advantages are the mutual complementation of competencies, “collective intelligence”, acceleration of development, sharing of risks, savings on hiring top managers at an early stage of business and the presence of long-term motivation for the core of the team.

The disadvantages are that the need collegial decisions slows down their adoption, and in startups speed and flexibility are extremely important; partners share not only risks, but also profits, and if there are more than two partners with large shares, the likelihood of dilution of shares increases in the event of later-stage investors appearing and the founders of the company losing control.

The 50/50 parity partnership is fraught with the most risks, however, there are also successful examples when large-scale companies were created under it (Igor Rybakov and Sergey Kolesnikov - TechnoNIKOL).


If you don't have 100% confidence in your partner, bury the 50/50 principle. When there are two of you and both are maximally involved and close in level of competencies, the ideal ratio is 60/40, which ensures high level motivating the owner of a smaller share and at the same time maintaining the right of the last word with the leader.

If you don’t have an exit plan, consider that you are creating a conflict situation for yourself in the future. It is imperative to take into account the factor of possible changes in the life goals and circumstances of the partner, which in practice manifest themselves no later than three years from the beginning of the partnership. It is important to state in the memorandum what will happen if they change.

There must be a decision-making mechanism and a clear formula for calculating cash-out different stages business. Before a partnership, there must be preparation (first of all, do financial model for 12-36 months). Formalize the down-side: exactly how you will understand that the project is unsuccessful, how ready you are to “fall”.

If you have someone you'd like to be a co-founder, you don't have to give them a stake right away. In Russian law, since 2015, it has been possible to structure the relationship between co-founders using an option, which may involve an automatic transfer of shares if the co-founder achieves certain KPIs.

On this page free board advertisement site You can consider offers of cooperation, study advertisements from organizations and entrepreneurs offering business partnerships.

Here you can see offers from dealers and product suppliers. Our site is used by many companies from various business sectors.

Web design, cargo delivery, staff training, waste disposal - you can find offers for any business area!

Commercial partnership

Anyone commercial enterprise reliable mutually beneficial business connections. Effective economic interaction is one of the main conditions successful functioning within the framework of an integral economic process.

Today, it is becoming very important for an enterprise to focus on obtaining new partners and permanently searching for the most effective partnerships. They allow reorientation of activities based on market changes, as well as strengthen competitive advantages companies.

Therefore, business partnership should be considered a type economic relations, which are based on collective actions of the parties aimed at achieving a common goal and obtaining common benefits. In other words, commercial cooperation- is a set of ways and methods of organizing relationships between business partners.!

Good day! Today I am writing an article for one of the subscribers of my VKontakte group “ Business secrets for a beginner”, but I’m sure this topic will be useful to many who are involved in business or are just planning to start one. The topic of the article is business partnership and how to find a business partner.

Before writing the article, I, of course, briefly looked at the articles on this topic that an Internet search offers. The articles turned out to be so-called rewrites (that is, rewritten from each other, changing expressions and words so that the uniqueness of the article was more than 90%), as I understand, these webmasters simply have nothing personal to say on this topic experience in finding a business partner almost none of them had.

I categorically disagree with more than half of the information. And now I will dispel these misinformation materials.

And so, we begin to examine the topic of partnership in business:

Business partnership

I’ll start by refuting some points that are recommended for those who are looking for business partners:

  1. Running a business alone is difficult and not advisable. On the contrary, I would recommend running your business without involving partners; if you have enough of your own resources, then you do not need a partner. If it is difficult for you to run a business alone, you can simply hire a director or boss who will be responsible for a certain area (possibly several). All money earned by the business will be yours and there will be no need to share it with anyone;
  2. Consider relatives or friends as partners. In no case!!! The one who wrote this is completely far from business. If you don’t want to ruin family ties and lose friends, you shouldn’t even invite them to become partners. You can borrow money from them for business, but under no circumstances should you take them as partners. I have been doing business since 2003 and during this time I have seen enough of friends stop communicating precisely because of business, just like relatives. The business partner must be a complete stranger;
  3. Community of entrepreneurs in the city. Until you become a full-fledged businessman standing firmly on his feet, no one will even talk to you and you will not find any partners here;
  4. Participation in exhibitions, conferences and business meetings. What could we be talking about here? You are no one yet and there is no way to call you. Only representatives of the real world can find partners for business in this environment. existing business and that partnership will be of a completely different nature, for example, the purchase of some products;
  5. Searching for business partners on forums. Another misconception, despite the fact that on these forums there are potential partners It is unlikely that anyone will enter into a partnership with you for business. Don’t forget that on the forums there are people from all over our vast Russia and being in Vladivostok a person obviously will not enter into partnerships with future partners from, for example, Voronezh.

These are basic suggestions for finding business partners that are not feasible and highly undesirable.

Let's now look at what a business partner should be and the terms of the partnership:

  • The business partner must understand the topic. The person you propose to become a partner must understand the topic of the business that you have or that you are just about to open. It is advisable that he even has experience in this business;
  • for a full and honest business partnership. Required condition For a full-fledged partnership and protection from the so-called “scammers”, business partners must be legally protected. This is possible in opening up society with limited liability, the Charter will spell out the rights of both business partners as founders with an equal share of the business;
  • CEO OOO. The head of the organization should be one of the partners of the business you are opening;
  • Distribution of functions of partners in business. Usually, people who have ideas, and possibly a future business, are looking for partners for their business ( in a simple word need an investor partner). In such cases, the partner who is looking for an investor takes on all other functions of opening and running a business. That is, one simply invests his money, and the second already creates a fully functioning business, which is quite fair.

Where to find a business partner

It is best to look for a business partner in your city - this is an ideal option.

You can also consider nearby cities, preferably no further than 60 km. from your city.

How to find a business partner:

  1. City newspapers. Look through newspapers in your city that contain private advertisements. Usually after the “Work” section there is a “Business Partnership” section, perhaps you will immediately find a business partner there. If not a single offer from this section suits you, then place your ad in it with brief requirements to a business partner, the cost of advertising is 80 rubles per issue;
  2. Online classifieds sites. Post information that you are looking for a business partner on city Internet bulletin boards + don’t forget city forums. You can also use the all-Russian online advertising platform AVITO, just place it specifically for your city. Good news the fact that the ads here are free;
  3. TV ticker. Everyone has it cable television There are channels through which the ticker goes, often there are several of these channels. There may also be not just one cable service, but 3-4 for an average city. Give a creeping line on all the channels you can. The ad should be succinct like “I’m looking for a partner for a manufacturing business toilet paper tel. 66-66-66.”

These options are the best for finding a business partner. It is difficult to say how long it will take to find a partner for your business - it could happen the next day or a month later.

In any case, the information should go until it is found, I understand that you will have to invest money (especially in the ticker), but you have a business at stake, so it is not such a big expense to find a business partner .

And in the end, I want to give advice: you shouldn’t immediately start a business with the first person who is interested. You should have a choice, so you can meet and talk, discuss possible nuances, but not give an answer right away. It’s almost like applying for a job, only with more serious criteria and conditions.

And ideally, if opportunities allow, of course, then it is better to work on your own, without business partners, but this is purely my personal opinion.

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That's all! If you still have questions, you can ask them in my group - the link is at the beginning of the article or in the comments.

Good luck in finding a partner for your business! Bye!