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Petroleum heating oil. Have you already bought an alternative to logs? Where to buy dark heating oil

Our company has a reliable reputation in the field of handling petroleum products, producing and selling dark heating oil. This is reflected in many years of successful work experience and fruitful cooperation with well-known companies, as well as private individuals. The quality of the products we offer is always at the highest level.

All products are manufactured in strict accordance with the Specifications:

  • Dark heating oil "Standard" - TU 19.20.28-001-52447940-2017 (Direct deliveries from the manufacturer). You can view the full text of the technical specifications in the "About the Company" section, "Oil Trans Documentation" tab.

Prices for shipment of dark heating oil from 04/01/2019

Product name

Cost per 1 m3

Regulatory document

Dark heating oil "Standard"

(petroleum - "Oil" burner)

Solidification temperature - 20 - 22 C

Density - 0.875

13,000 rubles

Dark heating oil (low viscosity)

(petroleum - For sensitive "Oil" burners)

Solidification temperature - 30 C

Density - 0.85

16,000 rubles TU 19.20.28-001-52447940-2017

Heating oil"Diesel"

(oil - "Diesel" burner)

Solidification temperature - 45 C.

Density - 0.83

27,000 rubles TU 19.20.28-001-52447940-2017

Telephone for operational communication:

You can leave a request in the form feedback. We will call you back within 15 minutes.

All prices for heating oil are indicated taking into account the following parameters:

  • Delivery in Moscow, within the Moscow Ring Road, then the delivery cost is calculated individually.
  • Delivery is made by tanker trucks with a volume of 1m3, 4m3, 5m3, 10m3, 14m3 or 21 m3.
  • The length of the hoses is up to 10 meters - with prior notice it can be increased to 30m.

Currently, we have focused production on the production of such a dark heating oil product, which can be purchased from us with delivery to many regions of Russia. It is widely used in low-power heating installations for residential premises, as well as in medium-power agricultural heat generators.

All petroleum products that our company produces fully comply with all industry standards; for example, before sale, fuel is analyzed according to 10 most important indicators.

Our advantages and benefits:

Oiltrans is among the top five largest companies in the Central Federal District and occupies a significant market share. Among the main advantages of the company are the following:

  • Product quality corresponding to GOST;
  • Objective cost of selling petroleum products;
  • One-time deliveries in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road) already from 200 liters;
  • Delivery in the shortest possible time - maximum wait 5-7 hours (on weekdays);
  • Approach to clients based on individual requirements;
  • Regular customers are provided with deferment and discounts.

Prompt delivery of heating oil in Moscow and the Moscow region:

To achieve speedy delivery, we use only our own equipment and vehicles. Thanks to this, the effect of reducing prices is achieved, the final cost of dark heating oil becomes lower. Based on the Client’s needs, we organize deliveries by railway or oil trucks throughout Russia.

We also remind you that if you chose to buy dark heating oil from Oiltrans, then we guarantee the most low price for shipped products.

More detailed information about prices, discounts and special offers can be obtained from our specialists. You You get several advantages at once, in the form of 100% product quality and after-sales service. We will take the remains for summer storage, and at the beginning of the heating season we will bring them again.

A list of the main liquid fuel burners that are successfully used for our dark fuel is presented. Specifications may be changed by the manufacturer at its discretion. In addition, many other manufacturers recommend it for use.

The company Energosystem LLC sells dark heating oil in bulk with delivery throughout the city of Moscow, the Moscow region and other regions. You can buy from us dark household heating oil on favorable terms. It is important to note that the price per ton is calculated and finalized individually in each specific situation. In any case, we are ready to make you attractive Commercial offer. We value our clients, do not chase short-term benefits and always look forward to long-term cooperation. Working with us, you will make the right choice!

Today, the demand for liquid household heating oil is growing every year. It is used by both large industries and private customers as fuel for heating boilers. The wide range of applications of dark heating oil is explained by high heat transfer rates, efficiency and, of course, low price. It is worth noting that from us you can buy dark heating oil for heating boilers in a private home or industrial premises High Quality, since modern German equipment, high-quality raw materials are used for its production and, of course, the manufacturing technology regulated by legislative norms is fully complied with.

We can proudly say that Energosystem LLC is one of the few companies supplying and selling dark heating oil that carefully monitors its reputation and provides truly high-quality products. Our suppliers do not skimp on additives, raw materials and production itself; as a result, the customer receives high-quality fuel with high physical and chemical properties and the ability to provide free samples and change the composition of the fuel to suit the specific needs of the client.

Prices for dark household heating oil

We have a policy of providing favorable conditions both for wholesale supplies and for private clients. Our company cooperates with many large customers in Moscow and throughout Russia, we know all the subtleties and nuances of cost formation associated with logistics and delivery volume, therefore we take into account all possible costs of the customer and make favorable offers with the expectation of long-term mutually beneficial relationships.

The final price per ton for dark household heating oil is determined depending on the influence of several key factors: physical and chemical properties required by the customer, scope of delivery and logistics. It is important to clarify that our specialists regularly conduct market analysis, and a streamlined work scheme and the ability to independently transport fuel give our company competitive advantage, thanks to which we can afford to make commercial offers that are truly beneficial for our clients.

Where to buy dark heating oil?

Buying dark household heating oil is not a problem today. Currently, in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region there are several large and medium-sized enterprises, sellers and manufacturers selling liquid fuel. Therefore, in order to buy dark household heating oil, you do not need to make any special efforts and waste time searching for a seller. However, purchasing dark fuel has some underwater rocks which unscrupulous sellers conceal, so you, as a potential buyer, risk buying dark heating oil of unsatisfactory quality.

We understand the risks of our customers, therefore we sell liquid heating oil with the provision of samples and accompany our products with official documentation. We carefully monitor the quality of the goods and are one of the few companies that supply dark heating oil in Moscow from trusted manufacturers who are fully responsible for their products.

Physico-chemical properties of dark heating oil

TU 025192-002-39968249-2008

Indicator name



Fractional composition: -10% distilled at a temperature, °C, not lower 100 100
Fuel pour point, °C, not higher -15 -30
Kinematic viscosity at a temperature of 20°C, mm2/s, no more 8 5,66
Mass fraction of sulfur in heating oil, %, no more 1,8 1,68
Flash point determined in a closed crucible, °C, not lower 4,0 6,1
Content of mechanical impurities, %, no more 0,005 0,003
Water content in heating oil, %, no more 0,4 0,2
Copper plate test Withstands Withstands
Coking capacity of 10% residue, %, no more 0,35 0,35
Acidity, mg KOH/100 cm3 of fuel, no more 5 4
Ash content of heating oil, %, no more 0,02 0,02
Density at 20°C, g/cm3, no more 0,850 0,843
Color Black-brown Black-brown

The quality of our products fully complies with TU 025192-002-39968249-2008. It is important to note that we adjust the composition and physics-chemical properties of the fuel depending on customer requirements. Transportation and storage of dark household heating oil - in accordance with GOST 1510-84.

Various types of energy carriers are used in many industries. However, recently the need to use energy resources in everyday life has sharply increased. This is explained by the consumer’s desire for independence and autonomy. More and more people are ready to replace city apartments with country cottages and houses away from the bustle of the city. Heating oil has become the most popular resource for heat generation. It is not practical to use gas and electricity to heat rooms and water. Moreover, heating oil emits much more energy during combustion than this, making it the most suitable energy carrier for home heating. And this cannot but rejoice, since the price-to-heat transfer ratio of heating oil is comparatively higher than traditional types of heating.

Heating oil is a residual product which, depending on its viscosity, is divided into several grades that determine its purpose.

The standard for heating oil provides for several grades: light, medium and heavy. In this case, the properties that determine the quality are viscosity, pour point and combustion temperature, the amount of water, sulfur and other impurities released.

Also, household heating fuel is sorted by percentage of sulfur content. Thus, the presence of sulfur of no more than 0.5% defines it as low-sulfur. Sulphurous fuel is a fuel with a sulfur content of no more than 1.1%.

There is also a distinction between fuel and dark fuel.

Features of light heating oil

The main property of this variety is calorific value. This contributed to the recognition of this type of fuel as the best energy carrier. It is used for combustion in residential heating systems, as well as for operating generators in agriculture.

Lightening of dark heating oil is also practiced. A special technology using an environmentally safe extractant allows not only to decolorize the fuel, but also to reduce the sulfur content. Lightening is done chemically. However, if heating oil contains aromatic carbons, then the cost of the clarification process significantly exceeds the cost of the liquid itself.

Storage and transportation conditions

One of the many advantages of this type of fuel is the absence of any special requirements for transportation and storage. The only storage requirement is closed containers with mandatory liquid circulation. However, to prevent it from increasing, it must be kept warm.

Transportation can be carried out in special tanks with a drain hole at the bottom. The tank must be equipped with a pressure control system and must also have air valves. The container should be filled to no more than 95% of the total volume.

In small quantities, heating oil can be transported in cans and polymer barrels.

About what alternative? we're talking about, many will ask and they will be right to ask such a question.

Indeed, today they use everything to light stoves! Almost anything that can burn and give off heat is used. However, most of these substances or objects either burn out immediately, heating the room only for short term, or are simply unsafe to use. Yes, and they are suitable, perhaps, for individuals who need to warm up a small room. What, in this case, should large industrialists do?

There is always a way out!


Spring 2019

Fuel name

Cost including VAT -18%, including delivery

Heating oil "ECO" (petroleum dark - standard)
(density: 0.88 ρ, pour point: -22 ° C)

15 rub./1 m 3

Heating oil "ECO+" (petroleum dark - viscous)
(density: 0.86 ρ, pour point: -30 ° C)

18 rub./1 m 3

Heating oil "EKO-2+" (petroleum, dark diesel)
(density: 0.86 ρ, pour point: -45 ° C)

30 rub./1 m 3

An excellent option is to use dark heating oil obtained by processing petroleum products. For the production of the substance, diesel fractions are usually used, a little less often - fuel oil or waste machine oil. The production and sale of heating oil today is actively being established throughout our country, but one should always remember that not every manufacturer sells quality product. However, more on this a little later.

Features of the composition

Why is it so beneficial to use dark heating oil, and why should any homeowner or business manager buy it at least once?

Low storage requirements.

All you need to do is ensure that you have suitable containers, good air ventilation and that there are no flammable objects in the immediate vicinity. Nothing else matters. You can store fuel in your basement, shed, outbuilding - anywhere!

If at the end of the summer season you forgot the container with fuel on the street - no problem! A high-quality composition freezes only at a temperature of 40-42 degrees below zero - such cold temperatures are typical, perhaps, for the northern regions of our country.


The price per ton, and in the case of individuals, per liter of dark heating oil is low, which makes the purchase profitable. This will be especially appreciated by those who are forced to regularly light the stove in order to warm up the entire house. Compared to buying wood for kindling, the savings are more than impressive.

Low costs with high performance.

To heat once a private house or manufacturing facility, you will need very little substance. Heating oil is surprisingly high in calories, and its heat transfer rates are excellent!

It is quite obvious that by deciding to purchase heating oil - in small quantities or in bulk - you save own funds, receiving in return a truly “working” product.

Where to go to purchase?