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Plan for a decade of ecology in kindergarten. Ecological decades in natural science subjects

Chernova Elena Vasilievna
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution "Pionerskaya Secondary School"
Brief job description: The week (ecological decade) is held under the motto: “We, like a rainbow of colors, are never inseparable!” Each day is dedicated to one color of the rainbow. The clothing items correspond to the colors of the rainbow. The events consist of competitions, quizzes, dramatizations, photography, etc. Developments for each day are on the teacher's blog.

Publication date: 2018-03-22 Plan for holding an eco-decade in primary school Chernova Elena Vasilievna The week (ecological decade) is held under the motto: “We, like a rainbow of colors, are never inseparable!” Each day is dedicated to one color of the rainbow. Clothing items match the colors of the rainbow. Activities consist of competitions, quizzes, dramatizations, photographs, etc. Developments for each day are on the teacher's blog.

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Plan for conducting an eco-decade in primary school

Goal: activation of cognitive and practical activities of students aimed at solving issues of environmental culture and healthy lifestyle.


— expand and deepen students’ knowledge of security issues environment;

— to intensify the work of students in studying natural science subjects;

— contribute to increasing the creative activity of students.

The week of the ecological decade is held under the motto: “We, like a rainbow of colors, are never inseparable!” Each day is dedicated to one color of the rainbow. Clothing items match the colors of the rainbow.

day of the week

event title




line-opening of the environmental decade, which presents a literary montage about nature, a plan of events for the decade


"Through the pages of the Red Book"

Introduction to the pages of the Red Book, presentation about the book, release of a leaflet on plant or animal protection


"Theater and Nature"

Staging an eco-fairy tale on new way about environmental problems, travel game at Ecotrain stations


"Forest Newspaper"

Release of one page of a forest newspaper, which reflects: proverbs, sayings, signs, poems about one month


Campaigns “Save the forest!”

competition of hand-drawn signs “Protect Nature”, collection of waste paper, growing seedlings for a school plot, eco-landing for cleaning the territory


"Ecological mill"

a collection of proverbs, sayings, and popular expressions about water


"Ecological Kaleidoscope"

Quiz about birds, making birdhouses


"A Space Odyssey"

Exhibition of crafts made from waste material, photographs “Me and Nature”


Ecological culture

Class hours “Culture of behavior in nature”, medical worker - conversation about vaccinations “Tick-borne encephalitis”, librarian - design of the book exhibition “The Amazing is Nearby!”

Ecological decade plan.

On pleasure trips
Don't trample her fields,
Don't burn her recklessly
And don't exhaust it to the bottom
And remember the simple truth -
There are many of us, but she is one!


event title






Boyko G.P.,

Borovskaya I.V.

Intellectual cafe

"We and Nature"



Zinovieva T.A.,

Zhurkina R.N.

Ecological fairy tale:

Competition of riddles and proverbs.


Zinovieva T.A.

Reading competition.


1) “Charm of the eyes”

2) “Poetry leaflet”

3) “Living Classics”



Selezneva E.S.

Reshetnikova G.N.


Zhurkina R.N.

1) Crafts competition.

First place

Second place

Third place

2) Poetry competition

First place

Second place - Yulia Shin

Third place - Vika Tsoi

This is Shchepenko Arina (5th grade)

Massalitin Ilya (7th grade)

Sim Vika (5th grade).

Poloshkov Andrey (9th grade)

Shadmanov Isa (6th grade)

Kim Ekaterina (5th grade)

Kostya Dobronichenko (6th grade)

Ours won


Our winners

Among the elementary school

First place - Mishchur Daria

Second place – Sergeeva Elizaveta

Third place - Kim Alena

First place – Yulia Kurguzkina

Second place - Yulia Efimenko

Competition winners

3) Competition “Name the picture”

First place

Second place – Shutova Anna (5th grade)

Ecological decade plan.

You, man, loving Nature, at least sometimes feel sorry for her:
On pleasure trips
Don't trample her fields,
Don't burn her recklessly
And don't exhaust it to the bottom
And remember the simple truth -
There are many of us, but she is one!


event title




Competition for crafts made from recycled materials.



Boyko G.P.,

Borovskaya I.V.

Class teachers (grades 1-11)

Intellectual cafe

"We and Nature"



Zinovieva T.A.,

Zhurkina R.N.

Class teachers (grades 7-10)

Ecological fairy tale:

"Fight the King of Garbage and Princess Zamarashka."

Competition of riddles and proverbs.


Zinovieva T.A.

Reading competition.


1) “Charm of the eyes”

2) “Poetry leaflet”

3) “Living Classics”



Selezneva E.S.

Reshetnikova G.N.

Quiz " Healthy image life."


Zhurkina R.N.

Class teachers (6-7th grade)

The exhibition attracted a large number of participants. The exhibition featured 37 crafts (individual and group).

1) Crafts competition.

37 people took part in the crafts competition.

First place - Seleznev Alexey, Efimenko Yulia.

Second place - Natasha Ermilova, Dasha Ermilova, Anna Shutova.

Third place - Andrey Bannikov, Elena Zhurkina, Denis Shutov.

P about the number of participants in first place - 1st grade, in second place - 3rd grade, in third place - 5th grade.

2) Poetry competition

A) Nomination “Living Classics”

First place occupied by Dasha Titova, Arina Shchepenko.

Second place - Yulia Shin

Third place - Vika Tsoi

B) Nomination “Poetry leaflet” (children read their own poems)

This is Shchepenko Arina (5th grade)

Nevmerzhitsky Sergey (6th grade)

Massalitin Ilya (7th grade)

Sim Vika (5th grade).

All were awarded letters of gratitude.

B) Nomination “Charm of the Eyes”

First place went to Rustam Lazgiev (11th grade “b”)

Poloshkov Andrey (9th grade)

Shadmanov Isa (6th grade)

Second place went to Morozova (11 “A” class)

Kim Ekaterina (5th grade)

Kostya Dobronichenko (6th grade)

Ours won


Our winners

Among the elementary school

A) In the nomination “Eyes of Charm”

First place - Mishchur Daria

Second place - Yulia Shkarlatyuk

Nevmerzhitskaya Ekaterina and Chernykh Valeria

B) In the nomination “My favorite poems”

First place - Anastasia Vinogradova

Second place – Sergeeva Elizaveta

Third place - Kim Alena

3) In the category “Living Classics”

First place – Yulia Kurguzkina

Second place - Yulia Efimenko

Competition winners

3) Competition “Name the picture”

First place took - Ekaterina Khegai (10 “b” grade)

Second place – Shutova Anna (5th grade)

4) The “Intellectual Cafe” competition was interesting

A team of parents and a team of students competed. The parent team won.

For elementary school, senior students showed a fairy tale

performance and games on environmental themes.

The environmental week was very busy, many interesting events were held, such as reading competitions, an educational ecological fairy tale from senior classes for primary schools, a crafts competition, an intellectual cafe, a photography competition and competitions between groups of students on knowledge of the world around them. Many students, their parents and teachers from our school took part in the ecology week. There were many commendable and pleasant reviews from spectators and participants. Thanks to everyone who is not indifferent to the state of the environment and those who actively participated in this event.

Editors of the magazine: members of the local history circle - Ekaterina Kim (10th grade), Ekaterina Khegai (10th grade), Zeina Shadmanova (8th grade). The head of the circle is R.N. Zhurkina.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District "Troitsko-Pechorsky" Municipal budgetary educational institution"Basic comprehensive school» town Troitsko-Pechorsk

Methodological development

Decade of ecology at school

Nomination: Preparation for the event Year of Ecology,

Years of Specially Protected Natural Areas

and to the 100th anniversary of the Yunnat movement

Developed : Kazakova Lyudmila Mikhailovna,

biology teacher, Ekaterina Kvasova

Sergeevna, teacher of chemistry and geography

village Troitsko-Pechorsk



In this methodological development a plan for conducting an environmental decade at the second stage of education for schoolchildren is presented. It is held at the school annually in April as part of the school’s environmental program. The purpose of these events is to form the foundations of environmental culture, environmental education, continuous environmental education of schoolchildren. The plan includes a variety of educational and creative activities that make it possible to reach all students at this stage of education.

The value of the materials lies in the fact that the attached developments are practice-oriented and are a kind of toolkit for organizing extracurricular activities.

The materials can be used by science teachers to conduct subject decades, as well as for work in thematic summer camps.

Explanatory note

Relevance. One of the main reasons for the deterioration of the environmental situation in the country and its depletion natural resources is low level ecological culture of society, the formation of which is recognized as a priority direction of the state’s activities in environmental sphere, the most important factor ensuring environmental safety and sustainable development of the country.Environmental education and training become the core modern education and serve as the key to rebuilding it modern systems and society as a whole.In the Federal State educational standard main general education(Federal State Educational Standards LLC) the main directions of development of the organization of environmental education have been identified. Much attention is paid to the organization of environmentally oriented extracurricular activities in the primary school, which makes it possible to significantly supplement and fill the missing environmental component of the subject content of lesson activities.Environmental education should begin from early childhood. Children are especially receptive to goodness and inquisitive. It is at this time that one should lay moral foundations, develop a sense of beauty, the ability to see the beauty of nature.

The purpose of these events: formation of the foundations of environmental culture, environmental education, continuous environmental education of schoolchildren.

This work solves the followingtasks :

1) expanding the environmental ideas of schoolchildren, formed in the classroom;

2) deepening the theoretical knowledge of students in the field of ecology;

3) providing wider and more varied practical activities for students in the study and protection of the environment than is possible within regular lessons.



events of the ecological decade





Promotions: “Green school outfit”, “Help the elk calf” (collecting crackers for the moose farm in the reserve)



year, results are summed up in April

Class teachers, class gardeners, parents

Recycling garbage in different countries


Geography teacher




8a grade student




Consultants, jury members, 8-9 grade students

Game "Young Chemist"


Chemistry teacher

Competitions: “The most, most... smartest” in , (participation in distance olympiads)


During the decade

Biology, geography, chemistry teachers, students

Cool watch: ( research papers guys) “Yes, long live scented soap!”; “The impact of noise on the health of schoolchildren”


On schedule, on classroom hours

Student – ​​5b grade,

Student – ​​8a grade

Ecological game


Biology teacher

“We are against drugs!”


04 in the assembly hall

Class teachers


On school grounds landscaping


Class teachers, parents, students


All-Russian "" and


During the decade

Biology and Geography Teacher


Participation in an interregional distance project

5a, 8b


Geography teacher

5, 7,8


Teachers, together with methodologists of the Central District Hospital

Newspaper "Ecological Bulletin" - biology teacher

Stand “The world of the profession through the eyes of a chemist” - chemistry teacher

When developing activities, you can use the followingrecommendations:

1. The content of the assignments must correspond to the program material studied by students, and the complexity must not go beyond its limits.

2. The number of tasks, their content and nature must be such that their solution can be used to judge the degree of mastery of the program material and the level of development of students’ abilities.

3. Assignments should require students not to simply reproduce acquired knowledge and skills, but to apply them creatively.

4. Due to the fact that the ecological decade is aimed not only at testing the quality of assimilation of knowledge and skills, but also at clarifying the level of thinking, spatial and creative imagination and other abilities, tasks of a creative nature should also be included in the number of tasks

5. You should strive to ensure that practical tasks allowed the possibility of performing them in several ways. This allows students to express their creativity.

The principle of holding a decade : every student is an active participant in all events of the decade. He can try himself in different roles and activities.

The success of the decade of ecology largely depends on how timely and efficiently the preparatory work is carried out.

In order to increase the interest of schoolchildren in the ten-day period, competitions should be organized, giving wide publicity to distinguished students and encouraging them.

One of the conditions for the pedagogical effectiveness of the subject decade is the inclusion of students in planning upcoming activities. Together with students, also develop the activities themselves.

In addition, a condition for the fruitful work of the subject decade is summing up, which must take place openly.

Subject teachers carry out:

    guidelines for organizing and conducting the ten-day period;

    preparation of the necessary material base;

    preparation of emblems, certificates, prizes, souvenirs, etc.;

    holding a ceremonial ceremony at the beginning and end of the decade;

    development of evaluation criteria;

    checking and evaluating completed tasks;

    determine the winners;

    prepare a report on the results of the week.

Predicted result

Activating the cognitive interest of students; developing a desire to take an active part in environmental protection activities; acquisition by each student of self-confidence, confidence in their abilities and capabilities; development of personal communicative qualities, mutual respect, trust, compliance, initiative, tolerance; expanding the general horizons of students.

Live, Earth!

There is simply a temple, there is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines.

S. Smirnov

Our country is one of the most polluted countries in the world and Lately the situation is only getting worse. The concentration of harmful gases in the atmosphere is rapidly increasing, and the situation is becoming especially dangerous near large Russian cities, including Arkhangelsk. Therefore, we were all waiting for the Year of Ecology 2017, the decree on the introduction of which was signed by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on January 5.

Air and water pollution are not the only existing problems, because we cannot ignore the fact that forests are being cut down at a rapid pace in the Arkhangelsk region, and these are the “lungs of the Earth.” Moreover, there is a problem of processing household waste, for the disposal of which there simply is not enough money. Such data gives reason to think that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology in Russia for good reason, because if there are problems, it is necessary to look for their solutions.

Under the motto “Live, Earth!” The Bobrovskaya school held a subject ten-day period, which was dedicated to the Year of Ecology.

In the elementary school, for students in grades 1-2, a game of “Ecological Assortment” stations was held. At the stations “On a Visit to the Forest”, “Riddles of Aunt Owl”, “Green Pharmacy”, “Birds are Our Friends”, students showed their knowledge about animals and plants of the forest, about birds, about medicinal plants, about how to protect and protect nature. The active players were Anna Ulitina, Tatyana Govorova, Maxim Derevitsky, Ivan Yazykov, Alexander Bagretsov, Egor Plotnikov, Alexandra Nemytova, Lydia Bajurak.

The game “Ecological Kaleidoscope” was played for students in grades 3-4. During have a fun game On serious topics, students remembered basic environmental concepts and consolidated the environmental knowledge acquired in the lessons. The active players were Diana Noskova, Sergey Makhmutov, Ulyana Nemanova, Angelina Shabanova, Yana Voropanova, Inessa Voropanova, Vika Muller, Ilya Sekushin, Vladislav Ivanov, Sofia Bronnikova.

The craft competition “The Second Life of Household Waste” turned out to be very interesting, the winners of which were Sergey Makhmutov - 4th grade, Sergey Ponomarev - 2nd grade, Yana Voropanova - 3rd grade, Sonya Shabunevich - 1st grade. From "waste" material, plastic bottles, corks, boxes they made wonderful crafts.

Students primary classes took part in the “No Garbage!” campaign They made environmental signs, leaflets, posters and placed them in the village of Bobrovsky roadstead in places where garbage accumulated.

The decade of knowledge dedicated to the Year of Ecology for grades 5-11 began with the performance of the “Hymn of Environmentalists”, then at the assembly line the teachers introduced the children to the plan of events and wished them good luck.

An ecological intellectual game was held for students in grades 5-7, the winner of which was grade 5. Fifth graders showed erudition, the ability to carefully read a question and find the correct answer.

In all classes, environmental dictations were held in all subjects, in which Sofia Komarova - 5th grade, Yulia Posypanova - 5th grade, Alena Koshunyaeva - 5th grade, Kristina Kovalenko - 9th grade, Elizaveta Larina - 9th grade, Elizaveta Anchukova - 10th grade, Anastasia Belavina - distinguished themselves - 10th grade, Ekaterina Antonova - 10th grade, Maria Batrakova - 5th grade, Daniil Porokhin - 11th grade, Maria Baykova - 11th grade.

Quizzes, quests, and KVN were held for students in all subjects. Pupils of the 10th grade created a photo exhibition “My Northern Land”, students of grades 5-7 took part in the exhibition of drawings “Ecology through the eyes of children!”

When summing up the results of the Decade of Knowledge, the activity of all students in the class was taken into account, and the average score received by the class was calculated. That's why everyone was active!

The results were announced at the ceremony, where students demonstrated clothing models made from recycled materials (bottles, newspapers, bags).

The winners of the decade in their age categories were grades 5 and 10.

Well done!!!




8.10.12 –

Goal: Formation of ecological perception of the environment, careful attitude towards it, development of creative abilities, cognitive and social activity of students

Event plan



Introducing students to the Ecology Week Program

Exhibition of drawings " Golden autumn" Elementary School

Ecological game “Visiting Lesovich” in grade 5A

Ecological game “Visiting Lesovich” in grade 5B

Initiative group of 8B grade students

Teachers beginning cl

Exhibition of crafts from vegetables, natural materials, autumn bouquets in primary classes

early teachers cl

Environmental campaign “Clean Coast” grades 6-8

Campaign “So that the cedar tree lives” 7B class

Action "Autumn fashion verdict" in grades 9-11

(defile, autumn fashion show)

15.10.12 – 17.10.12

Labor landing. Collecting seeds and cleaning flower beds on the school grounds and at the monument

Autumn photo exhibition “My favorite place” 1-11 grades, Preschool department

Exhibition of Environmental Newspapers, grades 7-8,

Exhibition of herbariums “Autumn - 2012” 5-6 grades

School tour All-Russian Olympiad on ecology

Student awards" alt="F:\Lesovik\IMG_0286.JPG" align="left" width="339" height="257 src=">В рамках Недели экологи инициативная группа обучающихся 8Б класса Андреева Татьяна, Карбаинова Валерия, Мамков Виктор, Рейс Марина, Ремпенинг Алиса, Туркин Вадим под руководством учителя биологии и экологии провели экологическую игру в 5А и 5Б классах. Пятиклассники разделились на три команды и боролись за звание «Лучших знатоков природы», путешествовали по станциям: «Лесные заботы», «Важные жители леса», «Дары природы», «Экологическая». Ребята «очищали» водоём от мусора, спасая рыбок. Здесь дети встретились со !} fairy-tale characters: Lesovichkom and the unfortunate tourist - Lesogub, developed rules of behavior in nature. Lesovichok awarded each team with medals for their knowledge and desire to preserve nature." alt="F:\photo\clean coast\IMG_0325.JPG" align="right" width="256" height="199">!} Ecological action

"Clean Coast"

In 2005, students from our school took patronage over the beach area of ​​the Ob River.

Since then, the guys have been keeping order. On October 11 and 12, 2012, a group of volunteers of 19 students in grades 6-8 took part in the traditional “Clean Coast” campaign. (Managers, Bykanova T. V.)

Gloves and bags were provided by the Administration of the rural settlement.

For two evenings, the guys cleaned the beach area of ​​the Ob bank from garbage (they collected more than 50 bags). Now the bank of the river is Clean! The tradition of good deeds continues!

Participants of the Promotion:

Lesik Elvira, 8B

1. Rempening Alisa, 8B

2. Mamkov Viktor, 8 B

3. Malasaeva Vlada, 8 B

4. Tabunchik Dmitry, 7 A

5. Kurginyan Juliet, 8A

6. Ghazaryan Roza, 8A

7. Chaykin Valentin, 8A

8. Dmitry Krepalsky, 8A

9. Kuznetsov Alexander, 6 V

10. Sergey Varlamov, 6B

11. Bastuev Alexander, 6 V

13. Bykanova Alena

14. Kondratyev Alexander, 6A

15. Loskutnikov Maxim, 6A

16. Miailova Galina, 6A

17. Cricova Kira,

18. Novikova Arina, 6A

19. Filyushina, Alena

Before cleaning" alt="F:\photo\clean" align="left" width="284" height="230 src=">!}

After cleaning

Last fall, an action took place in the Shegarsky district “Youth to Shegarsky district!” . A new cedar forest was laid. About 5 thousand cedar seedlings were planted. The students of our school took an active part in this event.

This year there was a promotion “So that the cedar tree lives.”Students of grade 7B, together with the class teacher, weeded seedlings of young cedar plantings.

School tour of the All-Russian subject Olympiad for schoolchildren in ecology 2012

18 students took part in the School Olympiad in Ecology

Results school stage All-Russian subject Olympiad in ecology in 6 grades

1 task

Total score out of (20 possible)

1. Mikhailova Galina

2. Ponetischeva Yulia

3. Skobinov Alexey

4. Filyushina Alena

5. Korobko Andrey

6. Mehedova Yana

Results of the school stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad in Ecology in 8th grade

Points scored (out of 32 possible)

1. Tatarkin Maxim

2. Smirnov Alexander

3. Savkina Victoria

4. Lazarev Kirill

5. Kuznetsov Sergey

6. Chaykin Valentin

7. Prishchepov Maxim

8. Maksimov Sergey

9. Andreeva Tatyana

10. Flight Marina

11. Karbainova Valeria

12. Rempening Alice

Ecological newspaper

Grades 6 – 8 took part" alt="F:\week report\photos\IMG_0593.JPG" width="365 height=274" height="274">!}


1. Zakrevskaya Anna, 7A

2.Tyumentseva Anna, 4B

3. Gerasimova Kristina, 7B

4. Harutyunyan Lyusine, 7B

5. Biel Victoria, 7A

6. Krikova Sophia, 9A

7. Karina Kornyakova, 5B

8. Victoria Filonenko, preschooler

9. Plyut Kostya, preschooler

10. Elizaveta Tripolskaya, preschooler

11. Eranakova Anastasia, preschooler

Exhibition of herbariums “Autumn - 2012” 5-6 grades


1. Matuseeva Antonina, 5B

2. Volosach Daria 5A

3. Saushkina Arina, 5A

4. Asabina Daria, 5B

5. Numalov Dmitry, 5B

6. Pomaleiko Elizaveta

7. Masyagina Daria, 6A

8. Borchenko Irina, 6A

9. Plotnikova Nina, 6A

10. Filatova Nadya, 6A

11. Cricova Kira, 6A

12. Elizaveta Borscheva, 6B

13. Krivosheina Natasha, 6B

Labor landing. Collecting seeds and cleaning flower beds on the school grounds and at the monument

Action "Autumn fashion verdict" in grades 9-11

(defile, autumn fashion show)

The “Autumn Fashion Show” became unusual - a bright, cheerful, original fashion show for high school students. The winners in various categories were: “Miss Charm” - Elena Sinchukova, “Miss Originality” - Polina Chagina, “Miss Autumn Fashion Show” - Violetta Podstavkina.

Following the results of the Decade of Ecology, an article was published in the regional newspaper “Shegarskiy Vestnik”

All participants of the Decade of Ecology were awarded Certificates and Gratitude.