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Why do crows fly in flocks in autumn? Flocks of crows fly high in the sky - a sign

The life of crows is very interesting and eventful, watching them is a pleasure. These birds are found in any forests. In addition, crows are common inhabitants of settlements. You can meet them in small villages and even in big cities.

The most common is the hooded crow. In size, a crow is larger than a jackdaw or rook, but practically half the size of a raven. The hooded crow's body is ash gray, and the head, wings, tail, beak, legs, and front of the throat are blue-black. Crows' nests are very similar to those of rooks. They usually make them in the forks of a thick tree trunk, but sometimes a crow's nest can be seen in city parks or gardens. Some crows can build a nest even on the eaves of tall buildings.

Very often children are interested in where crows live in winter. After observing these birds, scientists found that crows make regular migrations in spring and autumn. In the fall they fly to more southern regions and return in the spring. So, for example, crows from the Moscow region fly to Kharkov or Kyiv, and Arkhangelsk crows settle in the Moscow region. Therefore, the crows that we encounter in winter are not those that originally built their nests here and raised their chicks, but those that flew from places with more severe frosts. However, only young crows make flights. The old ones fly away from human habitation in the spring, and in the winter they return again and join flocks of visiting young crows and jackdaws.

In captivity, the crow is very easy to tame. This bird has a rather easy temperament, but loves to play pranks. She does this cunningly so that the owner does not notice. The crow is easy to train. She can be taught to speak not only words, but also small phrases. In captivity, she is fed porridge, meat, bread and other common foods.

Despite the fact that crows have nests, it is sometimes very difficult to answer the question of where crows sleep in winter. This is due to the fact that these birds very rarely spend the night in their native nest. In winter they usually sleep on the branches of tall trees. However, they choose quieter places for this, away from heavily lit areas or busy highways. At other times of the year, crows fly to the forest or plantings to spend the night. By observing the crow, scientists found that if it is not disturbed, it will visit the same tree every year to spend the night. Quite often, the roosting site can be very far from the place where the crow spends time during the day.

In spring, the male and female build a nest together, in which the chicks are hatched. The babies are fed a wide variety of foods. These can be mollusks, insects, lizards, and fish, earthworms, frogs, mice, bird eggs and even the chicks of other birds. Even when the mature chicks begin to fly (after five weeks), the parents continue to feed and care for them. After a certain time, when the chicks become completely independent, they join the flocks and return to their nesting sites only to spend the night. In autumn, crows begin to fly to wintering areas. They can fly from their native places to a distance of about two to two and a half thousand kilometers. The flight speed, in this case, reaches fifty kilometers per hour, although in ordinary life the crow is quite sedate.

On the one hand, crows are beneficial because they destroy harmful insects and pick up carrion. On the other hand, these birds cause quite significant damage to the fields, as they peck grains from ears of corn, peck cucumbers and melons, and destroy the eggs of other birds.

Crow behavior in natural environment cannot be called imprudent, since they are very careful and observant. People who make mistakes are often called crows, but this does not at all correspond to the behavior of birds. Crows are very good at reading people. Their attitude towards him depends on whether a person can benefit or harm them. Let's say they flock in a whole flock to the place where they noticed a person carrying a trash can to the container. If they notice a child throwing stones or sticks at them, the entire flock will immediately disappear. If crows have ever met a hunter, they will fly away from a man with a gun, while they are not at all afraid of a man with a stick.

In addition to caution, ravens are also distinguished by their passion for savings and frugality. They will never leave the remaining food. Usually they try to hide excess food in their favorite place so that they can return for it later. Moreover, they can remember this place for quite a long time. Crows of any type have a passion for everything shiny. As soon as she sees some shiny object or a candy wrapper, she begins to circle around it. She will watch the thing that interests her until she can drag it away.

In conclusion of the article, it should be noted that a person’s attitude towards crows should be in accordance with the role these birds play in the economy of the area in which they live. If they cause great harm, many farmers try to get rid of them.

Crows have a persistent image of birds endowed with magical properties and abilities, and these abilities come from black magic and dark enchantments. In view of this, many people are sure that crows live exclusively in churchyards and only appear. Then, when they came to announce the death of someone. However, experts in occult sciences, palmists, mystics and clairvoyants agree that this is just a stereotype that has no basis.

Crows are birds with a very positive characteristic. In various interpretations of signs and beliefs, they, like many other birds, can bring good news. It is not at all necessary to consider a crow as a harbinger of trouble. So, for example, a flock of crows that sat on the roof of a house and began to croak loudly and actively can “caw” a quick wedding in this house, even regardless of whether there are any prerequisites for this in this moment or not.

There is a belief that a raven can bring long-awaited news. In the case when this feathered postman flies over a person, he, in turn, will soon receive the news. Which I waited for an extremely long time. The news will be strictly positive. Ravens are also known as harbingers of storms and bad weather in general. If the birds gathered in a flock, began to croak loudly and heart-rendingly, and then suddenly took off somewhere and flew away, then soon the weather will not change better side. Either there will be heavy rain if it happens in the summer, or expect severe frosts in the winter.

And yet the negative reputation of crows has not gone away. There are interpretations of signs according to which they also bring bad news. So, if a crow sat down in a garden or a field or a personal plot and began to croak loudly and disgustingly, then this is an unkind sign that there will be no harvest this year, and perhaps the year will be hungry. Also, sometimes a crow cawing in the area is regarded as a messenger financial problems and difficulties. Often people try to drive away the uninvited messenger of trouble, but experts in the field of mysticism are unanimous in the opinion that, unfortunately, there is no reverse effect here and cannot be. The sign will come true regardless of whether the croaking bird was driven away or not.

There are also two variations of the sign about whether crows abruptly left their habitat or returned back. In the first case, this threatens devastation and times of famine. In the second case, the return of birds to their place of residence indicates a reverse trend. This is a sign that everything is getting better and will soon return to its usual rhythm. Crows are also considered capable of sensing danger. If a bird flies up to the window of a house or door and begins to actively croak, then you should not neglect this sign and become as careful as possible in all matters.

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Crows are the smartest birds, they are similar to people in that they, like people, are social (that is, they live in a flock, in a large group), they raise their offspring just like people. The fact that they have gathered in huge heaps and croak means that there is danger somewhere and they communicate this to all the crows in bird language. Vorona is an excellent psychologist, she understands who poses a danger to her and who should not be afraid. If old man walks with a stick, then a crow will never come close to him, they are intelligent, just like a person.

Today, crows are not uncommon in urban areas; these birds often feel like masters here. Sometimes they gather on trees in large numbers, croak loudly and behave suspiciously. Usually, the appearance of crows in the city is due to the fact that during the day these birds prefer places near landfills, and for the night they go to big cities, where it is warmer and more satisfying. For example, in our city, crows circle around the bakery, because here you can always get hold of fallen grains.

In general, flocks of crows circling in one place and cawing loudly indicate that the birds are excited. They gather in flocks if they are in danger. For example, if the birds noticed a predator perched in a tree.

There are many interesting superstitions about crows. Most people believe that the bird is associated with death and negative events, but this is not always the case. They can warn of many incidents and even bring good news.

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  • Crow beliefs for wealth and guests

    In some countries, the sign that a crow lands on a roof and begins to caw means that wealth awaits the family that lives there. The hosts will welcome guests, have wealth, and only favorable events are expected.

    The appearance of a crow on the window or roof of a young man or girl’s house promises a passionate romance.

    If you creative person, the bird will tell you about future recognition, fame and prosperity. A crow on a farm building, on a sheaf of grass, speaks of probable wealth.

    Also, material wealth is prophesied by a crow that flies behind or in front of the traveler. If you are on a business trip and encounter a bird croaking to your right, then to your left, your trip will be very successful and you will receive a monetary reward.

    It's good to see two crows feeding each other. Our ancestors assured that such a sign prophesies good luck and joy. If the birds also croaked at the same time, get ready to meet a person who will make you happy. Sometimes the appearance of two birds near the house indicates

    Birds are circling over someone's home - soon there will be new additions here. The appearance of two crows at a wedding or wedding indicates a long, rich and happy family life.

    You can often find signs that a blind person who takes care of a bird will be able to see. A flock sits quietly on the roof of your house for a long time - you will soon get married. And if you are a crow, expect a raise or profit.

    Weather signs with crows

    Birds, animals, insects are able to sense changes in nature and by their behavior one can predict what will happen in the future. So, if a crow begins to croak loudly while looking at the water, this indicates probable precipitation.

    A lot of crows gather near bodies of water in the evenings - in anticipation of an upcoming storm or storm warning. Early in the morning we heard a croaking sound - count how many times it sounds. If the number is even, then the weather will be good during the day. Odd - rain, thunderstorm.

    Birds fly towards the rising sun - expect warmth. In the morning they croak a few times, turning towards the sunrise - the day is hot. If flocks fly early, there is a strong wind. In the morning they sleep on the branches - today it will be warm and clear.

    Hidden in trees in winter - to frosts and blizzards. Swimming - to heavy precipitation.

    Warning signs about the crow

    Since ancient times, we have known signs about pigeons, cuckoos, birds that hit the window. Almost every bird is associated with at least one negative belief. These are the signs about crows that people are more familiar with than others.

    Superstition warns: if a person hears croaking from a hollow, danger awaits him. A bird sitting against the sun on the roof of a house and croaking for a long time speaks of troubles that will befall the one who notices it. Almost always, such a sign speaks of some kind of fraud, violation of the law, or possible theft.

    A lone raven standing in front of the house and cawing at it warns the residents. Probably, in the near future someone will become a victim of magical intervention, damage, which will lead to deterioration in health.

    A bird standing in the water or croaking to your left means problems at work. Holds food in its beak - warns of diseases and attacks.

    On the way home you meet a bird sitting on a stone - a dangerous companion will appear. If it gets into a home and croaks, flying around the rooms, the inhabitants may have health problems.

    Killing a crow is a grave sin. Our ancestors were sure that whoever did this would face misfortune. The curse will pass on to his descendants. Pets in this family will die; happiness in marriage should not be expected. It will remain over the family exactly as long as the person was killed.

    Another ancient negative sign about such birds has survived to this day. If he sits in the church yard, a dead person will soon appear in the settlement.

    It was especially dangerous if the feathered friend sat on the cross. In this case, pay attention to where the tail is pointing. Where he points, someone will die. The illness and even death of a priest was foreshadowed by a bird cawing at the church cross.

    When a large flock flies out of the forest, it speaks of hunger and misfortune. In some cases this meant the start of war.

    Of course, if you once encounter a croaking crow, it is unlikely to warn of terrible events. It’s quite possible that your feathered friend just wants to chat. But if you encounter such signs every day, and the bird constantly appears in your life, it is possible that this is a really important warning.

    Signs about crows will help you find out what the weather will be like, good or negative events will happen in life. By paying attention to such seemingly insignificant signs of fate, you can find out your future.

  • Scientists have found that the intelligence of these birds is the same as that of a four-year-old child.
    A lot of crows appear in cities in autumn. They fly here in whole flocks, and if you look at the sky, you will see that the flocks look like large black clouds. Why do crows flock to cities for the winter?
    They arrive mainly only for collective overnight stays and feeding. They have more food here, and they are also safer in the cities, because in wildlife crows become easy prey for predatory birds such as the great hawk and the common eagle owl. They live mostly in parks, squares and cemeteries. Other corvids also flock here to the cities for the winter, the most common of which are the rook, jackdaw, raven, nutcracker, hooded crow, jay and magpie. The rook dominates, with the jackdaw accounting for up to 30 percent and the hoodie up to two percent. Up to 90 thousand of them can gather at one overnight site! What’s interesting: just 30 years ago, rooks did not winter with us, but went to warmer climes. But the climate has changed, and rooks no longer leave our latitudes for the winter.
    Birds of the corvid family are omnivores. In the summer, they can destroy other people's nests and feast on eggs; they kill chicks, which also go for food. But they can also attack small birds and even pigeons. This behavior is typical for crows and magpies. In addition, they enjoy eating seeds and plants with pleasure.

    These birds do not live as long as the famous myth says. The raven lives to be 56–61 years old. Rook and hooded crow live up to 30 years. They begin to nest in cities, where they feed and get used to living in close contact with people. Often the birds are no longer afraid of them. On the contrary, if they want to steal something, they fly very close. No wonder they say that he “stole like a magpie.” They like to steal something from a person and then hide it. This is entertainment for them.
    And it’s true that corvids are among the smartest in the feathered kingdom. Especially crows and hooded crows. Their intelligence is comparable to that of large parrots, primates, and even a 3-4 year old child! They can solve logic problems, play, and pass on their experience to other birds. They also understand that in order to get a grain from a nut, it must be cracked. That's why they smash the nut on the asphalt or throw it under cars. And Voronov, gray crows and forty can be taught to speak. The fact that birds are not afraid of stuffed animals in gardens also testifies to their intelligence. After all, they understand that this is an inanimate creature.
    Birds of this family are considered urban orderlies. One rook eats about 100 kilograms of pests in three summer months. However in early spring these birds can feed on planted seeds and sprouts of cereal plants, and this, of course, harms people.

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    Even flocks of crows flying high in the sky are a sign. The presence of the image of a raven in many myths, tales, and legends is explained by the bird’s amazingly high intelligence. The ravens sitting on Odin's shoulders embodied universal wisdom. And although the behavioral reactions and culinary preferences of ravens provoked the emergence of associations associated with death, the birds themselves are unique.

    Interesting facts about crows

    Crows know how to make friends and love. They choose a couple for a long time. If someone from the population is injured, then his comrades take care of him and feed him until he fully recovers. These birds can even create tools: New Caledonian crows pick out beetles from under the bark of trees using an improvised “picker.” Crows are individualists. Large flocks are not for them. They are well tamed and show affection to the person who fed and raised them.

    At one of the colleges in Seattle, an experiment was conducted in which several birds were caught and marked with paint, causing them only some discomfort, by people wearing masks. The birds remembered the mask faces and methodically attacked everyone who was wearing masks. Moreover, the experiment participants were soon attacked by the entire flock! So crows have unique memory and observation skills and specific communication skills.

    Signs about crows

    There are many myths and beliefs associated with ravens.

    There is a sign according to which if flocks of crows fly high, then clear sunny weather should be expected. Crows sitting on the ground in winter foretell a thaw. A flock of crows perched on the lower branches of trees is a sure sign that we should expect precipitation and winds.

    Our ancestors believed that seeing a raven holding something in its beak was a clear sign, foreshadowing the threat of theft or loss of something.

    If a raven silently jumps from branch to branch and in his beak there is something similar, not a piece of bread, this means material profit and.

    Another proven sign about birds is the idea that if a crow lands on the roof of a house, then most likely a person endowed with magical powers lives in it.