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The procedure for moving vehicles for personal use across the customs border of the Customs Union. Moving vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation Moving across the border

Customs clearance - required condition import and export of goods of various specifications. And individual entrepreneurs those engaged in foreign trade activities are guided by regulations regulated by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation. In 2016, they were supplemented with some standards and remain relevant.

Since 2010, uniform rules and registration procedures have been applied to member states of the Customs Union. The procedure is distinguished by the possibility of simultaneous execution of two procedures - export and transit

Procedure for registration of goods transported across the border

Customs clearance is a joint action officials to ensure the legality of the transportation of commodity cargo and Vehicle across the border. Foreign economic cargo turnover is carried out in compliance with the interests of the Russian Federation, the norms and provisions of international law.

Functions customs clearance goods imported/exported through customs are:

  • inspection of the transported goods by a customs representative;
  • filling out a written declaration or oral declaration indicating the code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;
  • choosing a registration procedure according to the purpose of import-export;
  • calculation of customs duties collected;
  • issuing permission for further movement of imported or exported goods.

The current rules for moving goods across the border provide for different procedures for placing goods under a certain regime, depending on the purposes of import and export. There are:

  • customs clearance of goods within the free economic zone;
  • registration of temporary import and export;
  • clearance of goods in transit;
  • re-export, re-import;
  • release for sale on the domestic market;
  • warehousing (temporary storage);
  • release of goods duty-free;
  • conditional release and some other procedures.

The registration procedure requires the cargo owner to provide additional business papers. Their number and nature depend on the volume and type of product, the purpose of transportation across the border.

What official papers are required to move goods across the border?

The main documentation required to carry out foreign trade operations is reflected in the following list:

  1. Registration documents: state registration certificate legal entity, its Charter, protocols (decisions) on the appointment of management, memorandum of association and etc.
  2. Certification of registration in tax authority and obtaining a TIN.
  3. Documentary confirmation of the existence of a bank current account.
  4. Contract for the movement of goods through customs border.
  5. A copy of the passport of the head of the organization.
  6. Statistics codes according to OKPO, OGRN or INN.
  7. Power of attorney for an authorized representative of the organization.
  8. Business papers for goods: invoices, invoices,

A. Yuryev, head of the department of the prosecutor's office of St. Petersburg.

According to the Federal Law of December 8, 2003 “On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities,” the protection of cultural property is a matter of national interest Russian Federation.

In connection with this, the state has established special rules for the export from Russia and import into its territory of cultural property. The procedure for their movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 "On the export and import of cultural property", the Regulations on the examination and control of the export of cultural property, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2001. , and etc.

The Prosecutor's Office of St. Petersburg during inspections of activities customs authorities Numerous problems have been identified related to the application of legislation on the import and export of cultural property, which can only be resolved at the federal level.

For example, Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Export and Import of Cultural Property” stipulates that imported cultural property is subject to customs control and special registration in the manner established by the Federal Service for the Preservation of Cultural Property jointly with the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 15 of this Law to the competence Federal service for the preservation of cultural property, the functions of which are currently transferred to the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, subordinate to the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, includes the registration of imported and temporarily imported cultural property.

Despite this, the procedure for special registration of cultural property imported into the Russian Federation, including by individuals for personal use, has not yet been approved, and therefore the requirements of the Law have not been met for more than 10 years.

The letter of the first deputy chairman of the State Customs Committee of Russia dated December 31, 2003, “On the special registration of cultural property,” sent to lower customs authorities is of a recommendatory nature.

It must be said, paragraph 5 of Art. 282 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation establishes that in relation to cultural property imported by individuals, a complete exemption from payment is provided customs duties and taxes, subject to their written declaration, as well as special registration provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the export and import of cultural property. In this regard, until the authorized departments, in the prescribed manner, develop and adopt a regulatory legal act on the procedure for special registration of cultural property imported into the Russian Federation, individuals cannot legally take advantage of this benefit in paying customs duties.

In accordance with Art. 57 of the Law “On the Export and Import of Cultural Property”, failure to return cultural property within the period established in the agreement on the return of temporarily exported cultural property is considered as an illegal export of cultural property and is punishable in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 56, which established that the illegal export and import of cultural property is classified as smuggling and is punished in accordance with the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation on administrative offenses.

The wording of Art. Art. 56 and 57 of the Law seem to contradict the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation for the following reasons.

According to Part 2 of Art. 188 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, smuggling of cultural property is recognized as their movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation if it was committed in addition to or with concealment from customs control or with fraudulent use of documents or funds customs identification or involves non-declaration or false declaration.

Thus, a person who has violated the deadline for returning previously temporarily exported cultural property to the territory of the Russian Federation, but has not violated the procedure for their movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation, cannot bear criminal liability for smuggling under Part 2 of Art. 188 of the Criminal Code. It should also be noted that Art. 190 of the Criminal Code establishes criminal liability for failure to return to the territory of the Russian Federation within the prescribed period not of any cultural property, but only of objects of artistic, historical and archaeological heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign countries.

In accordance with the requirements of Art. Art. 15 and 16 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the export and import of cultural property", paragraphs 2, 15 of the Regulations on the examination and control of the export of cultural property, the body that issued the certificate for the right to temporarily export cultural property from the Russian Federation must ensure that the examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to establish the safety of cultural property after their return to the Russian Federation. According to clause 2 of the Regulations, cultural property returned after temporary export is subject to mandatory examination, and clause 15 establishes that the examination of cultural property returned after temporary export is carried out on the basis of a submission within 10 days by the owner of cultural property or his authorized person to the Ministry of Culture The Russian Federation or its territorial bodies that issued a certificate for the right to temporarily export cultural property, notification of the return of such property. However, liability for violating this deadline has not been established. It seems appropriate to consider the issue of establishing administrative liability for such a violation of the regime for the temporary export of cultural property.

Since the law does not establish specific liability for failure to conduct an examination of cultural property, individuals do not carry it out.

For example, as it was found out during the inspections, examinations of cultural property imported into the Russian Federation by museums of federal subordination (in particular, the State Hermitage State Institution) after their exhibition at exhibitions abroad, as a rule, were not carried out. On the part of the former Department for the Preservation of Cultural Property of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, control over the safety of temporarily exported cultural property was limited to requesting return certificates drawn up by the employees of subordinate museum institutions, who are interested parties.

Articles 12 and 15 of the Law "On the Export and Import of Cultural Property" exercise state control over compliance with the law when moving cultural property across the customs border of the Russian Federation is entrusted to the customs authorities and the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage, subordinate to the Ministry culture and mass communications of the Russian Federation.

Due to the requirements of paragraph 3 of Art. 360, paragraphs 1, 3, 6 art. 403 of the Customs Code of the Russian Federation, customs authorities must ensure control over the fulfillment of the obligations of persons to re-import goods previously exported from the customs territory of the Russian Federation, including cultural property, if such goods are subject to mandatory re-import in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

However, as the audit showed, the customs authorities of St. Petersburg do not have a uniform practice of applying the norms of customs legislation when registering cultural property moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation by individuals and monitoring compliance with the conditions of the selected customs regimes.

There is no departmental legal act on this issue that would clearly regulate the sequence of actions of customs officials. Therefore, each customs office has its own approach to recording transported cultural property and carrying out customs clearance and control.

One of the significant shortcomings of the work carried out by customs authorities in order to prevent, suppress and identify facts of illegal movement of cultural property across the border of the Russian Federation is the lack of proper interaction with the territorial body for the preservation of cultural property, the functions of which in the region are performed by the Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the field of mass communications and cultural heritage protection in the Northwestern Federal District. Reconciliation of information on cultural property moved across the customs border of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​​​operation of the customs of St. Petersburg with the data of this territorial body for the preservation of cultural property is not carried out.

There are also no legal acts that would oblige customs authorities and authorities for the preservation of cultural property to systematically carry out reconciliation of materials and other joint control measures aimed at preventing the illegal movement of cultural property across the border.

These contradictions and gaps in the legislation do not allow for the proper level of prevention of illegal movement of cultural property across the border, and also create conditions for various types of abuse of office.

"Financial newspaper. Regional issue", N 43, 2003

Article 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that relations regarding the establishment, introduction and collection of customs duties, as well as relations arising in the process of monitoring the payment of customs duties, appealing acts of customs authorities, actions (inaction) of their officials and bringing to justice those responsible , legislation on taxes and fees does not apply unless otherwise provided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the Customs Code of the Russian Federation (TC RF) dated May 28, 2003 N 61-FZ, in relation to regulatory legal acts regulating the procedure for collecting customs duties and taxes payable in connection with the movement of goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation, the provisions established by the TC RF are applied , in relations arising in connection with the collection of customs duties when moving goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation, the concepts defined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are used, and in the part not regulated by it, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 6 and 11, respectively).

Chapter 23 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which comes into force on January 1, 2004, determines the procedure for the movement of goods by individuals. Article 281 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that goods intended for personal, family, household and other entrepreneurial activity the needs of individuals are moved by these persons across the customs border in accordance with the provisions of this chapter of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and in the part not regulated by this chapter - in accordance with in general, established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which defines the conceptual apparatus, does not contain the definition of " individual", as, for example, in Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which individuals are citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons. Therefore, on the basis of clause 2 of Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all other concepts, i.e. given in paragraph 1 of this article are used in the meanings determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses and other legislation of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, goods are any movable property moved across the customs border, as well as vehicles classified as immovable things moved across the customs border (the definition of immovable and movable things is given in Article 130 Civil Code Russian Federation). For the purposes of Chapter 23 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vehicles mean any sea (river) vessel (including self-propelled and non-self-propelled (lighters) and barges and non-self-propelled lighters and barges, as well as a hydrofoil, hovercraft, aircraft, motor vehicle(including trailers, semi-trailers and combination vehicles) or a unit of railway rolling stock which is used in international transport for paid transportation of persons or for paid or free industrial or commercial transportation of goods, as well as their standard spare parts, accessories and equipment, fuels and lubricants and fuel contained in their standard tanks, if they are transported along with vehicles.

It should be noted that Article 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation includes currency and currency values ​​as goods. The same article establishes that goods and vehicles are moved across the customs border in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for moving the currency of the Russian Federation, valuable papers, denominated in the currency of the Russian Federation, foreign currency and other currency values ​​are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation on currency regulation and currency control and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Movement of goods and (or) vehicles across the customs border - carrying out actions to import into the customs territory of the Russian Federation or export from this territory of goods and (or) vehicles in any way.

Import of goods and (or) vehicles into the customs territory of the Russian Federation - the actual crossing of goods and (or) vehicles of the customs border and all subsequent actions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation with goods and (or) vehicles before their release by customs authorities.

Export of goods and (or) vehicles from the customs territory of the Russian Federation - filing a customs declaration or taking actions directly aimed at exporting goods and (or) vehicles (paragraph 2, paragraph 9, paragraph 1, article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The customs authority, based on the application of an individual about goods moved across the customs border, the nature of the goods and their quantity, as well as the frequency of movement of goods across the customs border, determines whether the goods are intended for personal (or other) use.

In accordance with clause 3 of Article 281 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for moving goods for personal use across the customs border by individuals includes complete exemption from customs duties and taxes, the use of uniform rates for these payments, their collection in the form of a total customs payment, as well as non-application to goods of prohibitions and restrictions of an economic nature established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on government regulation foreign trade activities, mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods and a simplified customs clearance procedure.

Article 318 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines customs payments, which include import and export customs duties; value added tax and excise tax levied when importing goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation; customs duties (the list of these duties is not contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The person responsible for paying customs duties and taxes is the declarant (Article 320 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

According to clause 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, complete exemption from customs duties and taxes is provided if the cost of imported goods, with the exception of vehicles, does not exceed 65 thousand rubles. In relation to vehicles, as well as goods whose value exceeds 65 thousand rubles, but not more than 650 thousand rubles, uniform rates of customs duties and taxes are applied to the extent of such excess.

The procedure for applying uniform rates of customs duties and taxes is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation based on the average established rates of customs duties and taxes applied to goods and vehicles, the categories of which are moved in the largest quantities across the customs border by individuals. Complete exemption from such payments or uniform rates of customs duties and taxes are applied within the quantitative limits established by the Government of the Russian Federation. It also has the right to establish quantitative or cost restrictions on the import by individuals of goods with complete exemption from customs duties and taxes or using uniform rates of customs duties and taxes on excisable goods, goods in respect of which quantitative restrictions are established on import into the Russian Federation in accordance with with the legislation of the Russian Federation on measures to protect economic interests Russian Federation when implementing foreign trade goods.

The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to determine cases when full exemption from customs duties and taxes is not provided or is provided to a reduced extent in relation to goods imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation by individuals under a certain age, as well as individuals who often cross the customs border. border (how the crossing frequency is determined is not defined).

The Government of the Russian Federation determines cases when complete exemption from customs duties and taxes or uniform rates of customs duties and taxes are applied in amounts exceeding the specified limits in relation to goods imported by individuals when relocating them to a permanent place of residence, goods imported by refugees and forced migrants, as well as in relation to inherited property.

In relation to cultural property imported by individuals, a complete exemption from customs duties and taxes is provided, subject to their written declaration, as well as registration provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the export and import of cultural property.

For goods exported by individuals, exemption from payment, return or reimbursement of internal taxes (in accordance with Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, internal taxes - value added tax and excise tax levied on the circulation of goods on the territory of the Russian Federation) are carried out in the manner established by law Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that Russian individuals have the right to temporarily export goods for personal use from the customs territory of the Russian Federation for the duration of their temporary stay in the territory of a foreign state and import them back with full exemption from customs duties and taxes. At the same time, at the request of an individual, the customs authority identifies temporarily exported goods, if such identification will facilitate their re-import with full exemption from payment of import customs duties and taxes. The identification of goods is indicated in the customs declaration, one copy of which is returned to the individual exporting the goods (however, the lack of identification does not prevent the re-import of goods with full exemption from import customs duties and taxes).

In accordance with Article 285 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, customs clearance of goods transported by individuals for personal use is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The same article provides that goods, including vehicles, are subject to placement in a temporary storage warehouse at the expense of individuals whose goods are to be moved, at the request of specified persons or if immediate customs clearance of goods and (or) payment of customs duties and taxes is not possible for reasons beyond the control of the customs authorities.

When crossing the State Border of the Russian Federation, goods transported by individuals in hand luggage and accompanied luggage are declared (according to Article 11 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a customs declaration is a document of the established form, which indicates the information necessary for submission to the customs authority). Goods, including vehicles, are subject to declaration (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

transported by individuals in unaccompanied baggage;

sent to individuals for personal use, with the exception of goods sent by international mail;

the import of which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or the cost and (or) quantity of which exceeds the restrictions established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation with full exemption from customs duties and taxes (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

the export of which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

mandatory declaration in writing of which upon export is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;


In addition, an individual has the right, at his own discretion, to declare goods that he moves across the customs border and are not subject to mandatory declaration in writing.

Besides written form declaration of goods is possible orally in the manner prescribed by clause 4 of article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the goods of a minor under the age of 16 years are subject to movement, the declaration is carried out by one of the parents, adoptive parent, guardian or trustee, his accompanying person, and in case of organized departure (entry) of a group of unaccompanied minors - by the head of the group.

The procedure for declaring goods transported in unaccompanied baggage is defined in clause 6 of Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for paying customs duties is regulated in Section III of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that the customs value of goods, which is the tax base for the purposes of calculating customs duties and taxes, is declared by the individual moving the goods when declaring them. To confirm the declared value, checks, invoices and other documents confirming the purchase of the declared goods and their value can be presented (when importing goods by individuals into the customs territory of the Russian Federation, the customs value does not include the costs of delivering goods to the airport, seaport or other place of arrival goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation). In the absence of the specified documents and information confirming the correctness of the declared customs value, it can be determined by the customs authority in accordance with Article 288 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 290 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs and other customs authorities ensure the availability of information on the rules for the movement of goods by individuals, including by distributing information certificates to transport and tourism organizations, compiled in Russian and foreign languages, as well as by equipping information stands in places of customs clearance of goods transported by individuals.

In Russia, you won’t surprise anyone with foreign shopping tours for a long time, which became especially popular after the introduction of sanctions and restrictions on imports. But, returning home with purchases, many Russians forget about the existence of customs rules. They, firstly, determine the maximum values ​​of goods and products allowed for transportation, and, secondly, determine the goods and products prohibited from entry. So that ordinary travelers are not taken by surprise, we suggest you figure out how and what can be transported across the Russian border, and what is prohibited.

Customs requirements

Customs is considered to be government agency which ensures compliance with the procedure established by law for the movement of vehicles, goods and other things across the state border. In addition to observing the movement procedure, customs controls the completion of other customs procedures, payment of import duties, and clearance of imported items.

On the territory of Russia, these functions are performed by the Federal Customs Service (FCS). As follows from the information on the official website, there are 65 customs offices and over 400 customs posts under its control.

According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 809 of September 16, 2013, the Federal Customs Service, in particular, is entrusted with the following functions:

  • registration and maintenance of registers of persons operating in the field of customs affairs;
  • determining the rules and conducting customs clearance and control;
  • classification of imported goods, determination of their origin and customs value;
  • combating crimes and offenses at customs;
  • collection of customs duties and fees, and so on.

By controlling the import and export of property across the border, FCS employees have the right to inspect things and check the necessary documents.

Documents when crossing customs

To cross the state border, citizens must present documents to customs officials. The specific package, of course, will depend on the identity of the traveler, the goods he imports, (amount of imported funds, specific items, etc.) their value and classification.

According to the leaflets approved by the Federal Customs Service letter No. 04-30/34327 dated July 19, 2011, to the number necessary documents worth considering:

  • identity documents: passport, (when crossing the border by car), birth certificate (for children) and so on;
  • documents confirming the legal representation of the interests of minors: adoption certificate, birth certificate;
  • documents confirming the price of imported items and ownership of them;
  • waybills and other transportation documents;
  • documentary evidence of the availability of customs benefits for imported luggage;
  • documents confirming the fact of personal use of the imported vehicle, and so on.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive: depending on the specifics of a particular situation, customs officials may require other documents provided for by the Customs Code of the Customs Union, in force at the beginning of 2019.

Duty-free goods

Russia, by virtue of the Agreement signed between it, Belarus and Kazakhstan dated June 18, 2010, is a member of the Customs Union (CU), therefore the movement of goods across its borders is regulated by CU legislation. Please note that this Agreement will cease to be in force after the entry into force of the Treaty on the EEC Customs Code, but continues to be in force at the beginning of 2019.

They, in particular, determine the main criteria by which the import and export of items are permitted, define lists of prohibited or restricted items, establish standards for transporting alcohol across the border, permissible amounts of cash, and cases when it is necessary to pay mandatory duties and fees. Let's figure out what exactly can be imported.


So, according to Part 1 of Art. 12 of the Agreement, the main condition for duty-free (without the need to pay duties and fees) import is the import of things for personal use and their inclusion in the list approved by Appendices No. 3 and 4 to the Agreement.

It is worth noting that the maximum quantity and price of imported goods may differ depending on the method of their movement (accompanied luggage, international mail delivery, delivery transport company and so on).

Thus, the number of goods that can be transported across the border without paying duties includes:

Types of thingsDuty-free import limits
Any products for personal use (except for alcohol and goods that, according to paragraph 4 of paragraph 1 of Article of the Agreement, are classified as indivisible)If they do not cost more than 1.5 thousand € (or 10 thousand euros if transported by plane) and weigh no more than 50 kg
If these limits are exceeded, in accordance with Section I of Appendix No. 5 to the Agreement, owners pay a duty of 30% of the cost, but not less than 4 €/kg of weight.
Any types of vodka, beer and other types of alcohol, including the above restrictionsNo more than 3l per entering citizen if he has reached the age of majority
If the limits for the import of alcohol are exceeded, in accordance with clause 4 of Section I of Appendix No. 5 to the Agreement, the importing citizen pays a duty of 10 €/extra liter. However, the maximum import limit is only 5 liters.
Any tobacco products subject to the above limitsIf it is no more than 200 cigarettes, 250 g of tobacco, 50 cigars or other goods of this category, not exceeding 250 g with a total weight per adult citizen
Any goods for personal use that have already been used, if they are imported by refugees or displaced persons
Any things, if they are received as inherited property, subject to confirmation of the fact of inheritanceNo additional restrictions
Any items imported by citizens living outside the Russian Federation for more than 12 monthsIf their cost is no more than 5 thousand €
If these limits are exceeded, a duty of 30% of the price, but not less than 4 € / kg of weight, is paid.
Urns with ashes, coffins with bodiesNo additional restrictions
Re-imported items, provided that they were originally exported from RussiaNo additional restrictions
Any items imported by foreigners for their temporary stay ( jewelry, appliances, personal hygiene items, etc.)Within , installed by the Application No. 4 to the Agreement
Currencies and traveler's checksIn the equivalent amount of no more than $10 thousand, according to Art. 4 of the Treaty approved by the Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC No. 51 of 07/05/2010.

Please note that, according to Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement, personal use goods are not:

  • diamonds;
  • heating boilers for central heating;
  • solariums;
  • internal combustion engines;
  • tractors and trailers for cars;
  • medical furniture, hairdressing chairs;
  • equipment for photo laboratories.


As for export, slightly different rules apply. Thus, following Section 4 of Appendix No. 3 to the Agreement, any restrictions on export are established only in the case of export of precious metals and stones worth more than $25,000. The restriction is lifted for precious metals and stones previously imported into the territory of the Customs Union countries, regardless of who imported them.

The export of cash abroad is carried out according to the same rules as the import. That is, Art. 4 of the agreement, approved by decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC No. 51 of 07/05/2010, duty-free export is possible only if a citizen exports less than $10,000 in equivalent.

Take a sociological survey!

What must be declared

If all the above maximum amounts, equivalents and volumes are met, the law does not require passing customs declaration. If the limit values ​​are exceeded, citizens and foreigners when importing goods, even if they are transporting them for personal use, are required to include them in the customs declaration.

In addition to such goods, according to Art. 8 of the Agreement, the following are subject to inclusion in the declaration:

  • personal items transported by the carrier to the citizen’s address or transported in unaccompanied baggage;
  • items for personal use to which prohibitions and restrictions may apply;
  • vehicles other than those registered in the TS;
  • cultural and historical values ​​recognized as such at the state level;
  • items of accompanied baggage, if its owner is transporting unaccompanied baggage, and so on.

Declaration procedure

The procedure for declaring imported items is determined by Art. 8 of the Agreement and Chapter 27 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Customs declaration includes:

According to Art. 196 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, no later than one working day after registration of the declaration, the declared items must be released from customs.

In case of violation established order passing the declaration procedure, the declarant may be denied release of property.

Prohibited and restricted items

It is worth noting that not all things, even subject to the above limits, can move freely across the state border. In particular, Appendix No. 2 to the Agreement defines a list of substances, things in certain quantities and other objects, the import of which is prohibited or limited.

What's limited

Goods the import of which is restricted in accordance with Art. 4 of the Agreement may be moved across the border with the Russian Federation, subject to the appropriate permit. That is, for example, certain types of weapons can be imported only with permission from law enforcement agencies. Products subject to restrictions include:

Name of the item restricted in movement
Encryption machinesIn any form
Narcotic, psychotropic substances being a medicine, provided that the declarant has documents confirming the treatment
Service and civilian weaponsIn any form during personal travel
Radio equipment restricted for import into the territory of the Customs UnionWhen imported in any form
Collectibles restricted in movement within a vehicleWhen exported in any form
Endangered species of flora and faunaWhen exported in any form
Archival documentsWhen exported in any form
When exported in any form other than mail

What is prohibited

Now we suggest you figure out what is prohibited from moving across the border of the Russian Federation, regardless of quantity and cost. Such things, according to Section I of Appendix No. 2, include:

Name of things prohibited for movementForm of movement across the border
Printed, audio and video information prohibited for distribution on the territory of the Customs Union (for example, of an extremist nature)In any form
Service and civilian weapons, if their movement in a vehicle is prohibitedIn any form
Hazardous waste and toxic substancesIn any form
Drugs and psychotropic substances, except for cases of their medicinal useIn any form
Human organs, tissues, blood and so onIn any form
Restricted scrap metalWhen exported in any form
Raw precious metals and stonesWhen exported in any form
Wild living animals and some wild plants(excluding trophies) more than 3 piecesWhen exported in any form
Tools for extracting aquatic biological resourcesWhen imported in any form
Alcohol and alcohol over 5 lWhen imported in any form
Tobacco products exceeding the established limit (200 cigarettes and so on)When imported in any form
Alcohol, tobacco, weaponsWhen imported by postal service
Live animals (except bees, leeches, silkworms), plants, seedsWhen imported by postal service
Cultural and historical valuesWhen imported by postal service
Drugs, psychotropic drugs, medicationsWhen imported by postal service

Let us draw the attention of those who are interested in what . Taking into account all of the above, without restrictions (except by post) any medicines that are not narcotic or psychotropic can be imported/exported. However, even such drugs can be imported if there are documents confirming the disease and a prescription.

Returning to general prohibitions: importing prohibited items into the territory of the Russian Federation may result in both administrative and criminal liability. So, according to Art. 16.3 of the Administrative Code, for such actions a fine of 1-2.5 thousand rubles may be imposed with confiscation of prohibited items. In more serious cases, according to Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code, a penalty of 7 years in prison and a fine as an additional penalty may be imposed.


The legislation of the Customs Union defines a specific list of things and their volumes for personal use that can be imported into the Russian Federation duty-free and do not require declaration. If the established limits are exceeded, the legislator requires that the objects be included in the customs declaration and the payment of established duties. In addition, a list of things is regulated, the movement of which requires permission or which are prohibited for import and export. In case of their unauthorized movement, both criminal and administrative liability may arise.

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2020; we recommend finding out information about the existence of debt using a trusted service

The conditional line limiting Russian land is defined as the customs border of the Russian Federation. It defines the limits of the legislation of that power. Also, the customs border of the Russian Federation divides the customs lands of neighboring powers.

The external customs border divides the territories of neighboring powers. There is a coincidence with a single external state line. The specific Russian regime is being updated on a single external line.

Internal customs borders are located in the very depths of the country. They are formed due to the operation of customs regimes. The main functions of the border are contact and barrier.

Where are the products passed through?

There are three types of checkpoints in total. They perform their own functions. There are such concepts as:

The concept of a multilateral checkpoint also implies border crossing by individuals who do not have citizenship. This concept also involves vehicles crossing the state line. This type of pass also involves the transportation of animals.

The concept of a two-way checkpoint implies crossing the state line only of neighboring powers. The concept of special The checkpoint also involves crossing the state line along with animals.

Principles of border crossing

If the prohibited goods have not been exported from the country, then, in accordance with the basic principles of the code, they must be sent to a temporary warehouse. In this case, the person who owns the goods does not receive any compensation.

The basic principles of the Labor Code state that goods may be exported from the territory of the Russian Federation. There are also commercial products that are subject to limited export from the country. These items are allowed to be exported from the country only if certain international criteria are met.

What you need to know about movement

There are important features of moving across the customs border that everyone needs to know about. There is a separate movement procedure for those who transport commercial products across the customs border of the Customs Union.

There is also a definition customs procedureYou cannot import products that can harm people, such products include narcotic drugs and ammunition.

Customs clearance procedure

The procedure intended for transportation across the customs border of the Customs Union involves the passage of five main stages in 2020:

The existing procedure notifies service employees regarding and commercial items. The registration procedure involves the provision of pre-prepared certificates. The reference form for the procedure depends on the type of vehicle. In the simplest cases, it is necessary to provide an invoice for the vehicle.

What individuals need to remember

There is a special registration provision, according to which the procedure for registration of the following items is provided:

Baggage that is not accompanied and that belongs to individuals means personal products of individuals. Accompanied baggage means carry-on baggage.

Declaration of personal products is carried out by individuals during their presentation to authorized employees. Transported valuable items must be included in the declaration.

If an individual transports paper cash in the amount of 10 thousand dollars. USA, then they must also be declared. The declaration form can be obtained from an authorized employee.

Funds stored on the card do not need to be declared. In this case, you simply need to provide a certificate from the bank. When transporting a travel check, there is also no need to provide a written declaration document.