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The true story of a genius, Walter Isaacson. "Steve Jobs

Name: Steve Jobs
Writer: Walter Isaacson
Year: 2011
Publisher: AST
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 840 pp. 29 illustrations
Genres: Popular about business, Foreign journalism, Foreign business literature, Documentary literature, Biographies and Memoirs

About the book "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson

Everyone wants to be successful and rich. Numerous book stalls are full of books on this topic. How to choose from many options, exactly the one that will help you? But what could be more instructive and practical than showing real story a person who has achieved everything you could dream of - fame, success and wealth. Walter Isaacson in his book describes the biography truly legendary person, known to many - Steve Jobs, founder of the most powerful Apple Corporation and the Pixar film studio, showed the difficult path to human prosperity, whose products are used by millions of people around the world. A man who was abandoned by his biological father and mother became one of the most famous and... successful entrepreneurs peace. The impossible is possible - this is the phrase that describes the whole life path Steve Jobs.

This book is based on interviews with the businessman himself, his relatives and friends, business partners and even enemies, people with whom he had extremely difficult relationships. This creates a complete, objective picture of this truly outstanding personality. Steve Jobs was not an angel in the flesh, he was a complex person with despotic habits, frequent mood swings and aggressive outbursts of emotions, but shouldn’t a person be like that, with his own shortcomings and advantages? And Steve Jobs also had many advantages. In his work, the author draws attention to one aspect of this person’s life. About strong determination and the ability to not give up even when everything goes wrong. After all, how much moral strength is needed to survive what Steve Jobs experienced. After he lost control of his own company, he didn't break down or lose faith in himself. Gathering all his will into a fist, he was not afraid to build his life anew, from a new leaf. Isn't this an example for everyone of how to survive in difficult, difficult situations?

The book is divided into chapters, each of which tells about certain stages in the life of this great man, who with his intelligence and great hard work took everything he could from life. As you read this work, you will observe how this famous entrepreneur goes through all the stages of his personal and professional development on the path to self-improvement

The Apple Corporation is a whole philosophical system, the interconnection of the personal and career qualities of its founder. Steve Jobs really created quality goods in the world of cheap consumer goods. He was a true, dedicated fanatic of his work, work was above all else for him. He had unshakable confidence that his product would make a real revolution in the world information technologies. This is what happened after the death of this incredibly talented and intelligent man.

Walter Isaacson's book "Steve Jobs" is not just a story about a certain... famous person, this is a desktop, applied manual for every entrepreneur, a real call to action that will help you reconsider your position in life and achieve success, sweeping away any difficulties along the way.

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Steve Jobs. Biography . The True Story of a Genius Walter Isaacson

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Title: Steve Jobs. Biography
Author: Walter Isaacson
Year: 2011
Genre: Biographies and Memoirs, Documentary literature, Popular business stories, Foreign business literature, Foreign journalism

About the book “Steve Jobs. Biography". The True Story of a Genius Walter Isaacson

Book “Steve Jobs. Biography" caused a lot of thoughts in me, primarily because I had never read such lengthy biographies before. I want to say right away that I have never had a passionate desire to buy myself an iPhone, iPod, iPad or any other gadget with a logo in the shape of a bitten apple. I did not understand the general euphoria regarding the appearance of a new model of Apple device. Therefore, I guarantee that I am writing a review of the book “Steve Jobs” without rose-colored glasses.

You can download the book itself at the bottom of the page in rtf, epub, fb2, txt format.

You may ask why I needed to read the biography of Steve Jobs if I am not a fan Apple technology? Everything is very simple: this man, be that as it may, really made a large-scale revolution in digital world. I was very interested in how he managed this, and in general, what it’s like to have innovative thinking, to actually predict the future.

Walter Isaacson was able to tell the story of Jobs' life in a very interesting and, for me, even more important, truthful way. Yes, geniuses are characterized by strange behavior; sometimes it can be very difficult to be with them, especially to those closest to them. It was the same with Steve: his changeable moods, ruthlessness on the path to perfection, coldness towards his daughters or ability to offend a worthy employee - all this made him more of a technical tyrant than a master creator.

I really liked that Steve put quality of work above all else. The fact that he himself could be proud of his product was the highest reward for him. And for Jobs, unlike many of his competitors, it was important first of all to create perfection, and not to sell poorly made consumer goods.

Yes, I don’t argue, sometimes Jobs went too far in his desire to control absolutely everything. However, this did not stop him from creating high-quality and more modern computers, tablets, phones and players. Perhaps not everyone liked it - but that was Steve's character.

Walter Isaacson very well noted that Jobs may have developed a desire to be first in everything after he learned the story of his adoption. The fact that his parents abandoned him at one time only made him stronger. Although this is also the merit of the father who raised him: it was Paul Jobs who taught his son to be neat and perfectionist, showing that every detail in a product is important. It seems to me that he taught Steve to really love his job.

Perhaps Walter Isaacson's book Steve Jobs. Biography" will ever become part of . I sincerely believe in this. In general, I recommend it to anyone who would like to become as successful and talented a businessman as Steve Jobs.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Steve Jobs. Biography". The true story of one genius Walter Isaacson in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Steve Jobs. Biography". The True Story of a Genius Walter Isaacson

"The problem for Apple is that they're still trying to sell caviar in a world where everyone's happy with a cracker and cheese."

Praise be to the madmen. To the rebels. Troublemakers. To the losers. To those who are always inappropriate and out of place. For those who see the world differently. They don't follow the rules. They laugh at the norms. You can quote them, argue with them, glorify or curse them. But just ignoring them is impossible. After all, they bring change. They push humanity forward. And let someone say: madmen, we say: geniuses. After all, only a madman believes that he is able to change the world - and therefore changes it.

It seems to me that all religions are just different doors to the same house. Sometimes I believe this house exists, sometimes I don't.

Madmen, confident that they can change the world, actually change it.

“He who has finished being born begins to die.”

We did the impossible because we didn't know it was impossible.

Remembering death is the best way I know of to avoid the trap that the idea of ​​having something to lose puts you in. You're already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

If you want to live your life creatively, like an artist, you shouldn't look back often. You must be willing to throw away everything you have achieved and who you have become.

Nowadays there is a temptation to believe that all projects can be developed in emails and chats. But this is crazy. Ideas are born in chance meetings and outside conversations. You bump into someone, ask how they’re doing, get excited, and soon you’re bubbling with a million ideas.

Chapter: ,

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Publisher: ,
City of publication: Moscow
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ISBN: 978-5-271-39378-5
Size: 1 MB

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Business book description:

This biography is based on conversations with Steve Jobs himself, as well as with his relatives, friends, enemies, rivals and colleagues. Jobs had no control over the author. He answered all questions frankly and expected the same honesty from others. This is a story about a life full of ups and downs, about a strong man and a talented businessman who was one of the first to understand: to succeed in the 21st century, you need to combine creativity and technology.

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