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Presentation "Modern means of destruction" in life safety - project, report. Modern weapons Conventional weapons presentation

Modern conventional Modern conventional means of destruction means of destruction Lecturer, organizer of life safety Lecturer, organizer of life safety Degtyarev A.I. Degtyarev A.I.

Ammunition and systems of conventional Ammunition and systems of conventional means of destruction of means of destruction Conventional means of destruction are weapons, Conventional means of destruction are weapons that are based on the use of energy which are based on the use of the energy of explosives (HE) and incendiary explosives (HE) and incendiary mixtures (artillery, missile and mixtures (artillery, missile and aviation ammunition, small aircraft ammunition, small arms, mines, incendiary weapons, mines, incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures), as well as cold ammunition and fire mixtures), as well as edged weapons. weapon.

Precision weapons Precision weapons Precision weapons include: cruise Precision weapons include: cruise missiles, guided ballistic missiles, rockets, guided ballistic missiles, aerial bombs and clusters, artillery aerial bombs and cassettes, artillery shells, torpedoes, reconnaissance strikes, shells, torpedoes, reconnaissance strike, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems. anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems. Cruise missile"Tomahawk" Guided ballistic Aviation Cruise missile "Tomahawk" Guided ballistic Aviation bombs Aviation cluster bombs Aviation clusters missile "Harpoon" missile "Harpoon"

High-explosive ammunition High-explosive ammunition Designed to destroy large ground objects (industrial and administrative facilities (industrial and administrative buildings, railway junctions, etc.). buildings, railway junctions and etc.). The mass of such a bomb can be The mass of such a bomb can be from 50 to 10,000 kg. Fixed assets from 50 to 10,000 kg. The main means of delivering high-explosive bombs are airplanes. delivery of high-explosive bombs - airplanes.

Hand fragmentation grenades Hand fragmentation grenades are actively used both in defense and in the offensive to destroy enemy personnel. enemy. Hand grenades M26, M61 (USA) Fragmentation Hand grenades M26, M61 (USA) Fragmentation grenade M61 (USA) grenade M61 (USA)

Grenade launchers Grenade launchers Currently, every motorized rifle unit is currently armed with hand grenade launchers. Range is armed with hand grenade launchers. The firing range of a grenade launcher depends on the model, 200 grenade launcher shots depending on the model, 200 - 500 meters. – 500 meters. RG25,30under-barrel 6G30revolver GM RG25,30under-barrel 6G30revolver GM 94magazine 94magazine (in the bottom row - RGS50M, AGS17, AGS30) (in the bottom row - RGS50M, AGS17, AGS30)

Aviation fragmentation ammunition Aviation fragmentation ammunition Used to destroy people and Used to defeat people and animals. When a bomb explodes, large animals are formed. When a bomb explodes, a large number of fragments are formed, which fly into different numbers of fragments, which fly in different directions over a distance of 300 meters. sides at a distance of 300 meters.

Ball (cluster) anti-personnel bombs Ball (cluster) anti-personnel bombs bombs Can be the size of a tennis ball Can be the size of a tennis ball to a soccer ball and contain up to a soccer ball and contain up to 200 metal or up to 200 metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. plastic balls with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. The damage radius of such a bomb is 1.5 - 15 meters, depending on the caliber. meters.

Volumetric explosion ammunition Volumetric explosion ammunition They use liquid hydrocarbon fuel as a combat charge: ethylene oxide or liquid hydrocarbon fuel: ethylene or propylene oxide, methane. propylene, methane.

Cumulative ammunition Cumulative ammunition Designed to destroy Designed to destroy armored targets. armored targets. Cumulative effect Cumulative effect

Concrete-piercing ammunition Concrete-piercing ammunition Designed for destruction of airfield runways and other objects, airfield landing strips and other objects with a concrete surface. having a concrete covering.

Incendiary weapons Incendiary weapons Incendiary substances are called Incendiary substances are those substances and mixtures that have a damaging effect as a result of the high temperature as a result of the high temperature created when they burn. created during their combustion. Incendiary weapons are divided into: Incendiary weapons are divided into: incendiary mixtures (napalms); incendiary mixtures (napalms); metallized incendiary metallized incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products; mixtures based on petroleum products (pyrogel); (pyrogel); thermite and thermite compounds; thermite and thermite compounds; white phosphorus. white phosphorus.

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The presentation on the topic “Modern weapons” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: life safety. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 17 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Weapons of mass destruction

Weapons designed to cause mass casualties or destruction over a large area. The damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction, as a rule, continue to cause damage over a long period of time. WMD also demoralizes both troops and civilians. Comparable consequences may occur in the case of the use of conventional weapons or the commission of terrorist acts at environmentally hazardous facilities, such as nuclear power plants, dams and waterworks, chemical plants etc. Modern states are armed with the following types of weapons of mass destruction: chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons

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Biological weapons

Pathogenic microorganisms or their spores, viruses, bacterial toxins, infected animals, as well as their means of delivery, intended for the mass destruction of enemy personnel, farm animals, crops, as well as damage to certain types of military materials and equipment.

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Damage factor

As bacterial (biological) agents to infect people, the enemy can use pathogenic microbes - pathogens of plague, cholera, smallpox, tularemia, etc. and toxins - poisons secreted by some microbes. External signs Bacteriological (biological) contamination is the formation of an aerosol cloud after the explosion of ammunition, as well as the appearance of a large number of insects in places where bombs and containers fell. Shelters equipped with filter-ventilation units, anti-radiation shelters, and equipment protect against bacteriological weapons. personal protection respiratory and skin organs, as well as special means of anti-epidemic protection: protective vaccinations, serums, antibiotics.

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Chemical weapon

Weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the toxic properties of toxic substances, and the means of their use: shells, missiles, mines, aircraft bombs, VAPs (aircraft discharge devices). Along with nuclear and biological weapons, it is classified as a weapon of mass destruction (WMD).

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Toxic chemicals

Mustard Lewisite Phosgene Fluorine Sarin

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Nuclear weapon

A set of nuclear weapons, means of delivering them to the target and control means. Nuclear ammunition is an explosive weapon based on the use of nuclear energy released during a chain nuclear reaction fission of heavy nuclei and/or thermonuclear fusion reaction of light nuclei.

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Classification of nuclear weapons

* “Atomic” - single-phase or single-stage devices in which the main energy output comes from the nuclear fission reaction heavy elements(uranium-235 or plutonium) with the formation of lighter elements. * “Hydrogen” - two-phase or two-stage devices in which two physical processes, localized in different areas of space, are sequentially developed: in the first stage, the main source of energy is the nuclear fission reaction, and in the second, fission and thermonuclear fusion reactions are used in different proportions, depending depending on the type and configuration of the ammunition. The first stage triggers the second, during which the largest part of the explosion energy is released. The term thermonuclear weapon is used as a synonym for "hydrogen".

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Shock wave

The shock wave propagates with enormous speed, so in the first 2 s it travels 1 km, in 5 s - 2 km, in 8 s - 3 km. The shock wave in most cases is the main damaging factor and has great destructive power. The degree of damage to manpower depends on the power and type of explosion, the distance from the explosion site and the use of the protective properties of the terrain, fortifications and standard equipment. The shock wave causes injuries of varying severity. Trenches and other defensive structures are good protection against shock waves. Thus, an open trench reduces the radius of damage by 1.5-2 times.

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Light radiation

Light radiation is a stream of ultraviolet and infrared radiation that spreads almost instantly in all directions from the explosion site. It can cause burns to exposed skin, eye damage, fire of some parts of weapons and equipment, and even melting of metal. Light radiation at night poses a great danger to human eyes.

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Penetrating radiation

Penetrating radiation is a stream of gamma rays and neutrons, spreading from the moment of explosion in all directions within 10-15 s. The damaging effect of penetrating radiation is based on the ability of gamma rays and neutrons to ionize atoms that make up living tissues. As a result, the human body is disrupted life processes and with a large dose, radiation sickness is caused.

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Radioactive contamination

Radioactive contamination is formed by the division of a nuclear charge and radioactive isotopes formed as a result of the impact of neutrons on the materials from which nuclear weapons are made, and penetrating radiation - into some elements that make up the soil in the area of ​​​​the explosion. Radiation from radioactive substances also causes radiation sickness in humans. The damage is determined by the amount of radiation dose and the time during which it was received. Protection against ionizing radiation from radioactive contamination is provided by various engineering structures and other shelters.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should only contain Key information, the rest is better to tell the listeners orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

BALL ANTI-PERSONNEL BOMBS AND MINES They can be the size of a tennis ball to a soccer ball and contain up to 200 striking elements measuring 5-6 mm. The radius of destruction of one such bomb is from 1.5 to 15 meters. Used in cassettes containing 96 - 640 bombs. The radius of dispersion of damaging elements is up to 250 thousand square meters. They can be the size of a tennis ball to a soccer ball and contain up to 200 striking elements measuring 5-6 mm. The radius of destruction of one such bomb is from 1.5 to 15 meters. Used in cassettes containing 96 - 640 bombs. The radius of dispersion of damaging elements is up to 250 thousand square meters.





NAPALMS The most effective fire mixture is considered to be NAPALM. It consists of gasoline (%) and thickener powder (3 - 10%). Napalm ignites well even on wet surfaces and is capable of creating a high-temperature fire (1000 - 1200 degrees) with a burning duration of 5 - 10 minutes. It is lighter than water, so it floats on its surface, while retaining the ability to burn. NAPALM is considered the most effective fire mixture. It consists of gasoline (%) and thickener powder (3 - 10%). Napalm ignites well even on wet surfaces and is capable of creating a high-temperature fire (1000 - 1200 degrees) with a burning duration of 5 - 10 minutes. It is lighter than water, so it floats on its surface, while retaining the ability to burn.

Metallized incendiary mixtures "Electron" - an alloy of magnesium (96%) and aluminum (3%) and other elements ignite at 600 degrees. And it burns with a dazzling white or bluish flame, reaching a temperature of 2800 degrees. It is used to make casings for incendiary bombs. “Electron” - an alloy of magnesium (96%) and aluminum (3%) and other elements ignites at 600 degrees. And it burns with a dazzling white or bluish flame, reaching a temperature of 2800 degrees. It is used to make casings for incendiary bombs.

THERMITE COMPOSITIONS Pressed powder of aluminum and oxides of refractory metals. Burning thermite heats up to 3000 degrees. At this temperature, concrete and brick crack, steel burns. Pressed powder of aluminum and oxides of refractory metals. Burning thermite heats up to 3000 degrees. At this temperature, concrete and brick crack, steel burns.

WHITE PHOSPHORUS is a translucent wax-like solid. It is capable of self-ignition by combining with oxygen in the air. The flame temperature is 900 - 1200 degrees. Used mainly as a napalm igniter and smoke-forming agent. It is a translucent wax-like solid. It is capable of self-ignition by combining with oxygen in the air. The flame temperature is 900 - 1200 degrees. Used mainly as a napalm igniter and smoke-forming agent.

If the fire mixture gets on personal protective equipment or clothing: Clothing or protective suit must be quickly discarded; Clothing or protective suit must be quickly removed; A small amount of incendiary substance on clothing or open area cover the skin tightly with sleeves, hollow clothing, turf, soil, sand, silt, etc.; Cover a small amount of incendiary substance on clothing or an open area of ​​skin tightly with sleeves, hollow clothing, turf, soil, sand, silt, etc.; You can't run because... this will intensify the combustion process and lead to more severe damage; You can't run because... this will intensify the combustion process and lead to more severe damage; If a person is exposed to a large amount of fire mixture, then they throw a cape, jacket, burlap over him and press him to the ground. If there is a body of water nearby, you need to immerse yourself in the water without taking off your clothes; If a person is exposed to a large amount of fire mixture, then they throw a cape, jacket, burlap over him and press him to the ground. If there is a body of water nearby, you need to immerse yourself in the water without taking off your clothes; A fire extinguisher should not be used on a victim to extinguish napalm. A fire extinguisher should not be used on a victim to extinguish napalm.

A cruise missile is usually unmanned aircraft single launch, equipped with wings, a guidance system and an air-breathing engine. At the same time, there were designs that had rocket engines, and controlled by suicide pilots. Outdated names: aircraft-projectile, gliding bomb. unmanned aerial vehicle with an air-jet enginerocket enginesunmanned aerial vehicle with an air-jet enginerocket engines US Tomahawk cruise missile in flight P-800 "Onyx" anti-ship missile, Russia

A ballistic missile is a type of missile weapon. Most the flight takes place along a ballistic trajectory, that is, it is in uncontrolled movement. missile weapons flight with a ballistic trajectory According to their field of application, ballistic missiles are divided into strategic and tactical. You can often find a division of missiles by flight range, although there is no generally accepted standard classification of missiles by range. strategic tactical short-range ballistic missiles short-range ballistic missiles (up to 1000 kilometers). kilometers medium-range ballistic missiles medium-range ballistic missiles (from 1000 to 5500 kilometers). Intercontinental ballistic missiles Intercontinental ballistic missiles (over 5500 kilometers). Intercontinental and intermediate-range missiles are often used as strategic missiles and are equipped with nuclear warheads. Their advantage over airplanes is their short approach time (less than half an hour at intercontinental range) and higher head speed, which makes them very difficult to intercept even modern system PRO.PRO

Anti-aircraft missile systems MIM-104 "Patriot" (eng. MIM-104 Patriot, translation from English Patriot) anti-aircraft missile system, used by the US Army and its allies. English anti-aircraft missile systemUSA 2K22 "Tunguska" (GRAU index 2S6 and 2S6M) Soviet and Russian anti-aircraft missile and gun system (ZRPK), anti-aircraft self-propelled gun(ZSU) developed by the Tula Instrument Engineering Design Bureau. GRAUSovietRussian anti-aircraft missile and gun complexanti-aircraft self-propelled installation of the Tula Instrument Engineering Design Bureau The name was received from the Yenisei tributary of the Tunguska River, similar to the ZSU-23-4 “Shilka”. YeniseiTunguskiZSU-23-4 “Shilka”

Aviation guided bombs GBU-28 BUNKER BUSTER. The GBU-28 Guided Bomb Unit was designed to destroy fortified Iraqi command posts located deep underground. Bomb equipped laser system guidance The body is made from artillery barrels.

ATGM ATGM anti-tank guided missile. The former name of the ATGM is “anti-tank guided missile.” The ATGM missile is a solid-fuel missile capable of adjusting the flight path according to the operator’s commands or its own seeker. The warhead is cumulative; now there is a tendency to use tandem warheads. cumulative

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modern conventional weapons

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Conventional means of destruction
Conventional means of destruction are weapons that are based on the use of the energy of explosives (HE) and incendiary mixtures (artillery, rocket and aviation ammunition, small arms, mines, incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures), as well as edged weapons. At the same time, the current level of scientific development makes it possible to create conventional weapons based on qualitatively new principles (infrasonic, radiological, laser).

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Precision weapons
Among conventional weapons, a special place is occupied by weapons with high accuracy of hitting the target. An example of this is cruise missiles. They are equipped with a complex combined control system that guides the missile to the target using flight maps prepared in advance. The flight is prepared on the basis of information stored in the memory of the on-board computer from reconnaissance artificial earth satellites. When performing a task, this data is compared with the terrain and automatically adjusted. The control system allows the cruise missile to fly at low altitudes, which makes it difficult to detect and increases the likelihood of hitting a target.

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Precision weapons
Precision weapons include: cruise missiles, guided ballistic missiles, aerial bombs and cassettes, artillery shells, torpedoes, reconnaissance and strike, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missile systems. High precision in hitting targets with these means is achieved by: pointing guided munitions at a visually observed target (using on-board video equipment); homing of ammunition using radar detection by reflection from the target surface (using an on-board radar station); combined guidance of ammunition at the target, i.e. control using automated system over most of the flight path and homing at the final stage. The effectiveness of precision weapons has been convincingly proven in local wars.

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Precision weapons
Iskander cruise missile
Complex of protection against high-precision weapons "Shtora - 1"
SU-39 with the Vikhr missile system with a laser beam guidance system
Exhibition of precision weapons at the Liburg Air Show

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Types of unguided munitions
The most common ammunition classified as conventional weapons are various types aerial bombs - fragmentation, high-explosive, ball, as well as volumetric explosion ammunition.

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High explosive ammunition
High-explosive ammunition is designed to destroy large ground objects (industrial and administrative buildings, railway junctions and so on). The mass of such a bomb can be from 50 to 10,000 kg. The main means of delivering high-explosive bombs are airplanes. They often have delayed fuses that go off automatically some time (minutes, hours, days, months, or even years) after the bomb is dropped.

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High explosive ammunition
125-mm ZVOF36 round with high-explosive fragmentation projectile ZOF26
High explosive incendiary bomb
280 mm high explosive rocket mine
100 kg high explosive bomb
85-mm high-explosive fragmentation artillery round "Type 62-85TS"
Anti-personnel high-explosive pressure mine "black widow"

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Hand fragmentation grenades
Widely used in Armed Forces Russia received hand fragmentation grenades. They are actively used both defensively and offensively to destroy enemy personnel.

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Grenade launchers
Currently, each motorized rifle unit is armed with hand grenade launchers. The grenade launcher's firing range, depending on the model, is 200 - 500 meters. If there are shots for a grenade launcher, the grenade launcher can fight simultaneously with both armored vehicles and manpower.

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Grenade launchers
RPG-7V1 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and rounds for it: tandem PG7-VR; thermobaric TBG-7V; fragmentation OG-7V (USSR, 1989)
30-mm anti-personnel automatic grenade launcher system AGS-30
30-mm anti-personnel automatic grenade launcher system AGS-17
DP-64 hand-held anti-sabotage grenade launcher

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Fragmentation bombs.
Fragmentation bombs are used to kill people and animals. When a bomb explodes, a large number of fragments are formed, which fly in different directions at a distance of up to 300 m from the explosion site. Splinters do not penetrate brick and wooden walls. Fragmentation munitions are designed primarily to kill people. Some countries are carrying out intensive work to improve conventional high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. One of the most illustrative examples is the creation and widespread use of various ammunition with ready-made or semi-ready lethal elements. The peculiarity of such ammunition is a huge number (up to several thousand) of elements (balls, needles, arrows, etc.) weighing from 1 to several grams.

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Aviation fragmentation ammunition
280-mm aviation high-explosive fragmentation projectile ARS-280 "Buran"
Kh-35E high-explosive fragmentation cruise missile
High explosive fragmentation bombs FUAB-250
Microwave ammunition based on the MK-84 fragmentation bomb

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Ball (cluster) anti-personnel bombs can be the size of a tennis ball to a football and contain up to 200 metal or plastic balls with a diameter of 5 - 6 mm. The destruction radius of such a bomb, depending on the caliber, is 1.5 - 15 m. These bombs are often called cluster bombs because they are dropped from aircraft in packages (cassettes) containing 96 - 640 bombs. Due to the action of the expelling charge, such a cassette above the ground is destroyed, and the scattering ball bombs explode over an area of ​​up to 250 thousand square meters. They are equipped with various fuses, inertial, push, pull or delayed action.

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Ball (cluster) anti-personnel bombs
In the same way, cassettes can be used in anti-personnel mines. When they hit the ground, wire-tendrils are thrown out of them. When you touch them, the mine flies up to the height of a man and explodes in the air. Such ammunition open area cause many injuries (hail effect) to manpower over large areas. To protect themselves from the effects of such ammunition, people must take refuge in any protective structures.

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Ball (cluster) ammunition
Disposable bomb cluster RBK-500 with aerial bomb AO-2.5 RTM
Aviation cassette RBK-500
Ball bomb discovered in South Ossetia

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Volumetric explosion ammunition
Volumetric explosion munitions are sometimes called “vacuum bombs.” They use liquid hydrocarbon fuel as a warhead: ethylene or propylene oxide, methane. Volumetric explosion ammunition is a small container that is dropped from an aircraft by parachute. At a given height, the container opens, releasing the mixture contained inside. A gas cloud is formed, which is detonated by a special fuse and instantly ignites. A shock wave propagating at supersonic speed appears. Its power is 4-6 times higher than the explosion energy of a conventional explosive. In addition, with such an explosion the temperature reaches 2500 - 3000 C. At the site of the explosion, a lifeless space the size of a football field is formed. In terms of its destructive ability, such ammunition can be comparable to tactical nuclear weapons.

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Volumetric explosion ammunition
Since the fuel-air mixture of volumetric explosion ammunition spreads easily and is capable of penetrating into unsealed rooms, as well as forming in folds of the terrain, the simplest protective structures cannot save them. The shock wave resulting from the explosion causes injuries in people such as cerebral contusion, multiple internal bleeding due to rupture of connective tissues internal organs(liver, spleen), rupture of eardrums.

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Volumetric explosion ammunition
The high lethality, as well as the ineffectiveness of existing protection measures against volumetric explosion munitions, has led the United Nations (UN) to classify such weapons as an inhumane means of warfare that causes excessive human suffering. At a meeting of the Emergency Committee on Conventional Arms in Geneva, a document was adopted in which such ammunition was recognized as a type of weapon requiring prohibition by the international community.

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Volumetric explosion ammunition
Volumetric detonating aerial bomb ODAB-500PMV
300mm. 9M55S rocket with a thermobaric warhead. This projectile is used by the rocket system volley fire(MLRS) Tornado.

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Cumulative ammunition
HEAT ammunition is designed to destroy armored targets. The principle of their operation is based on burning an obstacle with a powerful jet of high-density gases with a temperature of 6000 - 7000 C. Focused detonation products are capable of burning holes in armored floors several tens of centimeters thick and causing fires. To protect against cumulative ammunition, you can use screens made of various materials located at a distance of 15 - 20 cm from the main structure. In this case, all the energy of the jet is spent on burning through the screen, and the main structure remains intact.

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Cumulative ammunition
Sectional view of unitary cumulative ammunition
Diagram of a cumulative fragmentation projectile (tank ammunition). Numbered: 1 - body, 2 - fairing, 3 - cumulative funnel protection, 4 - fuse equipment, 5 - cumulative funnel, 6 - explosive, 7 - stabilizers, 8 - initiating charge

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Concrete-piercing ammunition
Concrete-piercing ammunition is designed to destroy airfield runways and other objects with a concrete surface. The Durendal concrete-piercing bomb weighs 195 kg and is 2.7 m long and has a warhead mass of 100 kg. It is capable of piercing a concrete floor 70 cm thick. Having pierced the concrete, the bomb explodes (sometimes with a delay), forming a crater 2 m deep and 5 m in diameter.

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Concrete-piercing ammunition
Concrete-piercing aerial bomb BETAB – 500U
Main 152.4-mm howitzer shells (for M-10 and D-1 howitzers): 1 - OF-530 high-explosive steel fragmentation grenade, 2 - O-530 steel cast iron fragmentation grenade, 3 - G-530 concrete-piercing projectile

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Incendiary weapon.
Incendiary substances are those substances and mixtures that have a damaging effect as a result of the high temperature created when they burn. They have the most ancient history, but received significant development in the 20th century. By the end of the First World War, incendiary bombs accounted for up to 40 percent of the total number of bombs dropped by German bombers on English cities. During the Second World War, this practice continued: incendiary bombs dropped in large quantities caused devastating fires in cities and industrial sites.

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Incendiary weapon.
Incendiary weapons are divided into incendiary mixtures (napalms); metallized incendiary mixtures based on petroleum products (pyrogel); thermite and thermite compounds; white phosphorus.

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Incendiary weapon
Incendiary bombs
Rocket infantry flamethrower "SHMELE"

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Napalm is considered the most effective fire mixture. It is based on gasoline (90 - 97%) and thickener powder (3 - 10%). It is characterized by good flammability and increased adhesion even to wet surfaces, and is capable of creating a high-temperature fire (1000 - 1200 degrees) with a burning duration of 5 - 10 minutes. Since napalm is lighter than water, it floats on its surface while retaining the ability to burn. When burning, black toxic smoke is produced. Napalm bombs were widely used by American troops during the Vietnam War. They were burned out settlements, fields and forests.

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Incendiary weapons (napalm)
213mm incendiary NUR
The first sample of napalm
Napalm explosion
Napalm victim
American M67 flamethrower tank in the Vietnam War. 1966

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The pyrogel consists of petroleum products with the addition of powdered magnesium (aluminum), liquid asphalt and heavy oils. Heat combustion allows it to burn through a thin layer of metal. An example of a pyrogel would be the metallized incendiary mixture “Electron” (an alloy of 96% magnesium, 3% aluminum and 1% other elements). This mixture ignites at 600 degrees and burns with a blinding white or bluish flame, reaching a temperature of 2800 degrees. Used to make aviation incendiary bombs.
Electronic thermite rifle grenade: 1 - electronic alloy body; 2 - electronic alloy plug; 3 - gas exhaust holes (they are also ignition holes); 4 - igniter composition; 5 - transitional composition; 6 - termite
Modern incendiary artillery shell: 1 - spacer tube, 2 - screw head, 3 - incendiary elements, 4 - body, 5 - diaphragm, 6 - expelling charge

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White phosphorus
White phosphorus is a translucent, poisonous, wax-like solid. It is capable of self-ignition by combining with oxygen in the air. The combustion temperature reaches 900 - 1200 degrees. Used primarily as a napalm igniter and smoke-generating agent. Causes burns and poisoning.

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Incendiary Weapon (White Phosphorus)
Phosphorus grenade explosion
Russian heavy rocket-propelled 30-barrel multiple launch rocket launcher TOS-1 "Buratino" mounted on a tank chassis
Post-war Soviet flamethrower tank TO-55
Aircraft pour-out device (VAP)

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Incendiary weapon
Incendiary weapons can be in the form of aircraft bombs, cassettes, artillery incendiary ammunition, flamethrowers, and various incendiary grenades. Incendiaries cause very severe burns and burnouts. During their combustion, the air quickly heats up, which causes burns to the upper respiratory tract of people who inhale it. Incendiary substances that have come into contact with personal protective equipment or outer clothing must be quickly thrown off, or covered with a sleeve, hollow clothing, or turf to stop the burning. You cannot knock down the burning mixture with your bare hand or shake it off while running!

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Incendiary weapon
If a person is hit by the fire mixture, they throw a cape, jacket, tarpaulin, or burlap over him. You can plunge into water with your clothes on fire or knock out the fire by rolling on the ground. To protect against incendiary mixtures, protective structures are being built and equipped with fire-fighting equipment, and fire-extinguishing means are being prepared.

“Personal protective equipment for the population” - Self-rescuers. Cotton-gauze bandage. The meaning of antidotes. Types of medical equipment. Classification of RPE. Additional (hopcalite) cartridges. Civilian gas masks and respirators. Medical sanitary bag. Application of IPP-8. Rules for using a gas mask. Classification of PPE. To protect your feet, it is best to use rubber boots.

“Collective Defense Equipment” - Shelter Plan. Emergency exits of shelters. Ventilated protective suit and light protective suit L-1. Gas masks GP - 7 and civil defense training. Shelter plan. Self-rescuers "Condor" and "Phoenix". Respirators RU – 60, RPG – 67, “Lepestok”. Gas masks GP - 7. Plan of a prefabricated shelter. Protective gas mask for children PDF-2D(sh).

“Personal protective equipment for organs” - Types of means of providing primary care. Respiratory protection equipment (gas masks). Individual first aid kit. Individual dressing package. Filter-type personal protective equipment for skin. FPK (filter-absorbing gas mask box). Medical property. The simplest skin protection products. Tools at hand.

“Means for protecting the population” - Basic principles and methods of protecting personnel of economic facilities. Medical protection measures. Emergency work in emergency zones. Combined arms protective kits. Principles of public protection. A man with his constitutional rights. Basic principles of organizing and conducting civil defense. Civil defense.

“Human personal protective equipment” - Cotton-gauze bandage. Civilian gas mask gp-5. The products can be used in all climatic regions. Filtering gas masks GP-5 (GP-5M and GP-7, GR-7V). Gas and smoke protection kit. Respirators R-2, ШБ-1 (petal). Anti-dust fabric mask. Determination of size. The gas mask is produced in 2 modifications GP-7 and GP-7V, differing in the design of the front parts.

“Protective equipment” - Personal protective equipment. Respiratory protection means include gas masks, respirators, and cotton-gauze bandages. Protective suits are means of protecting the skin from harmful sources. Eye protection includes special glasses. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a product designed to protect the skin and respiratory system from the effects of toxic substances and/or harmful impurities in the air.

There are 12 presentations in total