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A bird knocks on the omen's house. Sign of a bird knocking on the window, what does it mean? The seagull doesn't bring good news

Significant events in a person’s life always have an omen. Birth, death, troubles, loss of health and money - everything can be predicted by observing the signs around us. They are different: good, bad, but they all make adjustments to our lives and warn us about something.

You should take the so-called bad omens very carefully. The sound of a knock can be attributed to such signs.

Knocking on the window people have never associated it with anything good. This sign always promised grief.

If you hear a knock on the window, then depending on its characteristics, it could be: an omen of an imminent serious illness; financial problems and loss of money.

A loud and persistent knocking foreshadows serious troubles in the business sphere.

A lingering knock is a difficult test that can arise in personal and public life.

A loud knock is startling news, but it won't come as a good surprise.

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Signs when a bird hits the window.

There are a lot of rumors and signs associated with birds. Birds have always been intermediaries between heaven and earth, which is why they are considered mystical creatures.

In general, any bird is a messenger. How much good news awaits a person can determine the behavior of the bird and specific type. Birds often hit the window and fly away. Sometimes this means nothing other than that the glass is so transparent that the bird simply did not notice it. But most often there are many signs associated with the bird.


  • The bird hit the glass and flew on. This good signal, which talks about resolving old problems.
  • Perhaps good news awaits you.
  • This may indicate that you will soon receive the debt back.

In fact, everything here is also contradictory. Our ancestors have long believed that birds are possessed souls of the dead of people. Accordingly, if a bird knocks on the window, this is a bad sign. This is actually not true.

Why is the bird knocking on the window:

  • Pigeon. This is a kind bird that can be a guide between worlds. If a pigeon knocks on the glass and walks on the windowsill, this does not bode well. Most likely, good news awaits you.
  • Sparrow or other bird. If you have children in the house, look at the baby's behavior. If a child rejoices at the appearance of a bird, then everything is fine, nothing bad will happen. If she cries, then perhaps bad news awaits you.
  • Magpie or crow. If such a bird knocks on the window, it promises trouble. It is believed that a crow flies for someone's soul.
  • Wagtail. This bird is a symbol of tears, so most likely you will have a quarrel with a loved one. It is also bad for a bird to meet a pregnant woman.

It matters what kind of bird is knocking on the window or walking on the windowsill. Some birds bring good news, while others bring evil.

Birds that bring good news:

  • Tit
  • Pigeon
  • Martin

Birds that bring bad news:

  • Magpie
  • Sparrow
  • Owl

In ancient times, people were very afraid when an owl knocked on the window; this warned of possible diseases and epidemics.

It is important what time of day the bird arrived. If a dove knocks on the office window in the morning, it means good news and financial success. If an unmarried girl works in the office, then soon she will become married. If a bird knocks in the afternoon, it means a quarrel or trouble.

If there is a nest under the office roof, then the signs do not work. Most likely the birds came for a treat.

The wagtail is not the most pleasant bird; many bad omens and superstitions are associated with it. But what if this bird knocks on the glass for several days in a row? There is a fairly simple explanation for this. Most likely, small midges have settled on the window. And the bird simply collects insects.

Don’t rush into hysterics, nothing bad will happen. Perhaps you will meet old friends, and most likely it will be a feast. If this is a dove, then you will be present at some kind of holiday or feast. A dead sparrow speaks of modest gatherings in a cafe. If you're really worried about this, invite 2 friends home and share a bottle of wine with them.

Do not drive out or kill a guest under any circumstances. If a bird becomes entangled in a frame or grille, carefully free it. Sprinkle some bread crumbs on the windowsill and feed the bird.

Actions if a bird knocks on the window:

  • Hang a red ribbon on the handle
  • Sprinkle grains or crumbs on the windowsill
  • Sprinkle the frame with holy water
  • If the glass breaks, replace it
  • If there are traces of the bird left, remove them with a cloth and wash the window
  • Go to the church and feed the pigeons near the temple
  • Place it under the window and say: “Come for food, but not for your soul.”
  • If a forest bird, such as an eagle owl, cuckoo or owl, knocks on the window, perform the rite of blessing the home

If one of the “bad” forest birds (eagle owl, owl, cuckoo) hits the glass, you need to perform a ritual of symbolic leaving the home and re-populating. This will help turn away the trouble and start over with a clean slate. To update your home, you need to put a board on the windowsill under the window from the outside and leave the house. The board will mean boarded up windows of the house from which the residents of the house have left. Soon you can return home and let the cat pass first. Since ancient times, it was considered a good omen to first let a cat into the house during a housewarming party, so such a reception will fully mean a new move into the house. The cat, as it were, sanctifies the house and removes evil spirits from it.

Every superstitious person fanatically believes in omens, dreams, wishes and forecasts. Secret signs seem to him everywhere that foresee his future. Partly, this makes some sense, unless, of course, you are fanatical about signs.

But who knocks on the window at night? If this is not a dream, then anything can be. For example, a bird, neighbors, echo, self-hypnosis and increased fearfulness. In any case, it is necessary to correctly decipher this secret sign: and the sooner the better.

Signs can be very diverse, however the main task a person - not to ignore them, but to respond in a timely manner to such messages from the unknown. We all know that a bird flying into a window is news; but not everyone knows what knocking on a door or window means. That's right on this topic and it’s worth understanding in more detail in order to avoid unpleasant moments and tragic life situations in the future. When interpreting this sign, it is worth adding a dose of skepticism, otherwise such signs will clearly not end in anything good.

A knock on a window at night is a bad omen, which in light of upcoming events does not bode well. Some interpret it as a harbinger of illness; others consider it the beginning of financial difficulties and thoughtless spending, while others even promise complete troubles in life in all endeavors. In any case, you don’t have to expect anything good, and such a night phenomenon can also frighten you. If the sign is repeated, then serious mental disorders cannot be ruled out, which then require the help of a specialist in the field of psychiatry.

But still, the worst thing is that a knock on the window at night can foretell someone’s death, and after such a signal the person will walk around in a state of disbelief, materializing this terrible prediction with his thoughts. That is why you should not take everything to heart, because sometimes such knocks are a coincidence of circumstances and nothing more.

Very often, different dream books give different interpretations, however, for the most part, night knocks for everyone indicate problems and serious troubles. But we should not forget that a knock can simply be a dream, even if a person seems to be awake. Anyone can dream of such a dream, and the task of the sleeping person is to remember it in all details, and in the morning reproduce it out loud and be sure to look in the dream book.

If you are wondering why someone is knocking on the window, then you should not educate yourself, since the slightest nuance, misinterpreted by an illiterate person, can radically change the forecast, which will also be very erroneous. A person will not only miss an important prediction in his life, but will also overwhelm himself with heavy thoughts and subconsciously expect something inevitable, and soon. Such difficult thoughts will not leave until the most unpleasant forecast comes true, but it is possible that even then problems will only attack.

If the knocking on the window does not stop for the second and subsequent days, then it’s time to get alarmed. There may be several interpretation options, but it’s worth starting with the most proven in practice.

A loud and persistent knocking on the window indicates impending troubles that can strike at the most inopportune moment. A lingering knock predicts trials that may arise in both the personal and public spheres of life. A loud knock promises stunning news, which, alas, will not be a pleasant surprise for a person. a barely audible knock reminds you that in life there are people who not only do not mean well, but can also betray at the most unexpected moment. It turns out that such a sound at night is bad luck, but how to avoid such bad weather? There are no special spells, and it all depends on how much a person believes in such predictions. It is best to immediately think about this secret sign, and then let it out of your head, especially since it is still impossible to avoid evil fate.

If at night a knock on a window is a dream or a dream, then there are several options: hearing a knock clearly means trials, a bird knocking on a window means unexpected news, waking up due to a knock on a window means grandiose changes in your own destiny, but a changeable knock indicates that in real life someone needs the help and support of the dreaming person.

However, the interpretation alone should not be immediately taken at face value, since much depends on the period when the dream occurred, the day of the week and the lunar phase. So it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to make an accurate forecast on your own, but there will definitely be a person in the family who understands all these signs and dreams.

Someone knocks on the window at night, how to behave in this situation? Firstly, do not panic, since wild imagination and internal fears will not only provoke insomnia, but can also lead to a heart attack in a weak-hearted person. Secondly. You should not focus on the sound and try to independently determine its source, since panic in this situation will definitely take over. Thirdly, if this is a dream, then it is extremely important to remember it in the smallest detail in order to reproduce it in full in the morning.

And the last thing: after waking up, it is advisable not to tell anyone about your night vision, but to wait until lunch to discuss it. In the afternoon, this sign is less dangerous, but also realistic.

Knocking on the window is a common phenomenon that most often occurs to representatives of the fairer sex. This is not surprising, since many women have a more subtle sphere of perception, and intuition works much more subtly than that of men.

So, if you dreamed of a knock on the window, then you need to figure out what this prediction means. There is no need to expect something good, but it is also not recommended to panic prematurely. The answer will be found in the morning after waking up.


An unexpected knock on a bird's window not only frightens people, but also makes them think about what they should beware of and where to expect trouble from. If a bird knocks on the window, this sign can have several meanings, and they will not necessarily be negative.

The emergence of signs

However, biologists object to such folk wisdom and reassure the most impressionable with the fact that birds approach people’s homes only when they are hungry. And a dove knocking on the window is not at all a harbinger of trouble, but simply asks for food.

Who brings good news

  • A swallow knocking on the window brings only good news. A family planning to continue the family will soon have a baby.
  • The knocking titmouse also brings good news. If the tapping is persistent and prolonged, then a streak of success awaits ahead.
  • The dove is the main bearer of good news, a symbol of peace and hope. If it hits the window, then you should expect guests. if this bird also holds a twig in its beak, then expect gifts.
  • A white bird knocking on the window. portends an imminent wedding if there is a girl of marriageable age in this family.
  • If a magpie knocks on the window, then this is a harbinger of good news, imminent guests or the recovery of a long-sick person.

Bad news

One of our relatives who have passed on to another world can send us news with birds.

For example, according to legend, a seagull is the soul of a sailor or fisherman who died at sea. The heartbreaking cry of this bird is perceived as the cry of a deceased person. According to the sign, the persistent knocking of a seagull on the window means that the deceased is calling to himself and that soon one of his relatives is destined to leave this world.

In addition, crows, jackdaws, owls, and eagle owls warning about the loss of a close relative. If these birds not only knock, but also accompanied by screaming, then the whole family should be careful.

A cuckoo knocking on the window is a harbinger of ruin or serious illness, sometimes incurable.

What to do if a bird knocks on the window

If a bird knocks on the window, then under no circumstances should you give up. You need to act by taking a number of measures to ward off trouble from your home.

  • You need to tie a red ribbon to the window that the bird knocked on, or rather, to its handle;
  • collect all the bread available in the house and feed it to the birds on the street;
  • As a talisman, you can hang bunches of rowan berries on the windows;
  • you should wash the windows with holy water and read a prayer;
  • Bring the small change collected in the house to the crossroads, throw it on the ground over your right shoulder, saying: “Take the money - save it from harm.” You need to leave this place without looking back.
  • By placing a board outside the window, you can thus symbolically “block” the window from harm.

If a bird lands on a window, such a sign can carry both sad and joyful news. Regardless of whether a person believes in it or not, it is still worth treating a bird with grain or bread.

Windows and mirrors have always been mystical things that evoke fear in humans. Especially if you hear a knock on the glass - this is the most frightening thing for any person. And, if such a sound is heard in an apartment that is located on the fourth or fifth floor, it is very difficult to remain calm. The sound may be caused by a bird knocking on the window. On the one hand, nothing like that, especially when you live in a city where there are millions of them. But not everyone knows the signs of why a bird is knocking on the window.

Why is this happening?

Birds sometimes show a sudden interest in glass coverings and that is why they knock on it. They do this in order to understand what it is. Or some insect landed on the glass and the bird decided to eat it, and at the same time made a strange sound, like a knocking.

But there is a small “but”, the bird is considered a messenger of news. Often, they fly in to convey the news, but it’s hard to understand whether it’s good or bad.

The main sign is news

The main sign that a bird is knocking on the window is that it brought news with it. It is believed that if a bird knocks on the glass, most likely it has arrived to convey a message from your deceased relatives. After all, it is believed that birds are messengers from God who fly from the world of the dead to the world of the living. Thus, your loved ones are conveying some news to you, and it does not have to be bad.

Perhaps this is not even just news, but the most ordinary: “Hello.” They want to show that they are always close to you and watching, sometimes it happens that they want to congratulate you. This may be on a birthday, the bird may arrive a little earlier than the appointed day, or, on the contrary, be late.

Good omens

Not many people know why a bird knocks on the window and what it is a sign of. In fact, there are quite a few good signs for this plan. And most of them are related to the fact that luck will smile on you or you will learn good news, you will have a long-awaited child.

  1. Many people say that if a swallow knocks on your window, then wait for the keys to heaven. And when she arrives and sits on your windowsill, and then knocks, just wait for happy news. And, if the dream of a child lives in your hearts with your soulmate, then very soon you will hear or find out what you have wanted for so long. The rod brings the same news about an imminent pregnancy.
  2. If a titmouse is beating or flying in, it means that unexpected news will be brought to you, but it will be very joyful and will bring only happiness. If it goes on for a long time and persistently, it means that a long and very powerful good line has come, which will only bring joy and joy. good omens. In this way, the bird delivers a message from the other world so that you are ready. You may also notice that she is sitting and looking at you, this is normal.
  3. Pigeons are considered the most important transmitters of news - this is the most important sign. It is advisable that your window is open, then the bird will have the opportunity to look in and tell us the news. If you believe the superstition, it means that when a bird hits the window with its beak, it means new guests. And, if the bird has some kind of grass in its beak, expect very kind and generous guests who will bring with them a bunch of gifts.

A few tricks

In addition, there are signs among the people that if a bird is white and it looks or flies up to the window, it means that soon someone in this apartment will get married or the girl will be proposed to, and how she responds will depend only from the bride herself.

And, if a dark-colored bird crashed into the window, it means that fate itself is hinting to you, listen to your inner feelings and your “I”. If the bird starts hitting the glass, listen to your feelings at that very moment. If these are disturbing feelings, call your family and friends, ask how they are morally and physically. Often, it is the name that immediately appears in your head that needs your help and support.

The same must be done if the pigeon is not just looking or sitting near the window, but is directly persistently beating with its beak. The person whose name comes to your mind is immediately at risk of a serious illness. Visit this person, perhaps, if something worries him in terms of pain, force him to visit a doctor. In such cases, one must say: “Everyone has their own time, and I am sure that this person’s time has not come. You're just not for us. Amen". To make sure it works, feed them something you didn’t buy at the store.

Another good omen is if a magpie knocks on your door or flies in. This may involve several events:

  • great news;
  • guests you have been waiting for a long time;
  • if someone in the apartment has been sick for a long time, they will soon get better.

It is believed that a magpie will never just fly up to the windows and make itself known.

The seagull doesn't bring good news

It is considered a bad omen if the bird was just sitting on your windowsill, and then suddenly flew away or fell. Superstitions about this say that perhaps something in the house unexpectedly frightened her. It means that there is something bad in your home. We need to clean it, call a priest to baptize the house. If a bird hits the window, this means that you should expect trouble at work or health problems. Often, this means that the dead in the form of a bird flew in to notify you of bad events.

It is believed that a seagull is a bird that carries the souls of dead people to the sea, and if it sings or flutters at you, most likely you may suffer from such an element as water. So, beware of water in the near future, because it is water that will take your life. Or she was flying in front of you - this may mean that something will happen in your life that you won’t even be able to notice. This will happen very quickly and lightning fast. In this case, the danger does not necessarily have to be water.

If a seagull looks in or sits by the window - this is a bad omen, it is interpreted - your loved ones are calling you to their place, this may mean that you may soon become seriously ill and die. If she was fighting around your house, it means she is trying to warn you about something bad, but higher powers are preventing her. And, if she screams, she is trying to tell you something, but she cannot.

Other bad omens

If a crow flies into your window, this may indicate that you may soon lose someone close to you. Also, if a small bird flew several circles around the house and constantly flew past your window, it is interpreted as death loved one. In this case, a ritual is performed that can ward off this dashing misfortune from your relative or loved one.

If your window is attacked by a cuckoo, this may indicate that your family may be very disappointed. In addition, this may signal that your family may be affected by various diseases and some of them may be fatal. If this happens, you should never give up, you need to act. Perhaps they envied you and caused damage to you, or they specifically turned to the grandmothers and brought mortal damage to the family. Think about who you could cross the path of so much.

Also, there is also a folk method - you need to collect all the little things that you have in the house, put them in one bag and take them to the intersection. But you need to not just pour it out, but throw it over your right shoulder, while saying the following words: “Take this money, because I don’t need it. You better grant joy, happiness, health and longevity to me and my loved ones. May success accompany us everywhere.” Today there are more than enough signs associated with the appearance of birds in homes, but not all of them are bad. To believe in them or not is up to you to decide. In any case, it will not be difficult for you to treat the bird with something tasty when it flies up to the window, so that it will not give you bad news, but only good ones.