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Recipe for making extruded feed. Recommendations on the effectiveness of using extruded compound feed concentrates in dairy farming

Among in various ways processing of raw materials and production of compound feeds the most promising is extrusion method, in which raw materials are simultaneously exposed to high temperature, pressure, and moisture.

The dry extrusion process takes less than thirty seconds. During this time, the raw material manages to go through several stages of processing.

Thermal. Depending on the type of raw material, it undergoes complete processing at a temperature of +120...+175°C, which increases the digestibility of nutrients, improves the taste of the product, and suppresses the negative properties of the raw material.

Sterilization, disinfection. Under the influence of temperature and pressure, pathogens such as salmonella are completely destroyed. Bacterial toxins and fungal activity are also either completely eliminated or suppressed to acceptable levels.

Increase in volume. It is a consequence of rupture of walls (including fatty ones) and destruction of the structure of granules and rupture of the molecular chain of starch. This increases the energy value of the product.

Grinding, mixing. Although some of the raw material is crushed and mixed before being fed into the extruder, these processes continue in the extruder chamber until the product becomes completely homogeneous.

Dehydration. Within thirty seconds of the raw material being in the extruder, the moisture content is reduced to 50% (of the original).

Stabilization. High temperature and pressure neutralize the destructive effects of enzymes, which, for example, cause rancidity of the product.

Effect of extrusion on proteins

Extrusion processing increases the digestibility of proteins and makes amino acids more accessible due to the destruction of secondary bonds in protein molecules. Thanks regarding low temperatures and the short duration of heat treatment, the amino acids themselves are not destroyed. At the same time, extruders successfully neutralize factors that negatively affect the nutritional value of raw materials, such as trypsin inhibitor, urease and others.

Extrusion Process Protein supplements for ruminants have a particularly beneficial effect, since this increases the amount of protein that is not destroyed in the animal’s rumen; in addition, extrusion ensures more complete digestibility of protein in the small intestine. As a result, livestock productivity increases and feed costs decrease.

Effect of extrusion on starch

During the extrusion process, starch gelatinizes, which increases its digestibility. When leaving the extruder, the temperature and pressure drop sharply, which leads to an increase in final product in volume.

Effect of extrusion on fats

The walls of fat cells rupture, resulting in an increase in the energy value of the product. The stability of fats increases due to the fact that enzymes such as lipase, which cause rancidity of oils, are destroyed in extrusion process, and lecithin and tocopherols, which are natural stabilizers, retain full activity. Raw materials are exposed to maximum temperatures for only 5-6 seconds, and oxidation requires much higher temperatures and longer heat treatment.

Effect of extrusion on fiber

Fiber is crushed during friction and crushing, which increases its digestibility.

The effect of extrusion on taste

Practice shows that extrusion significantly improves the taste of the finished product. There are several reasons for this:

    starch is broken down into simpler, sweeter components;

    when the product exits the extruder, the unpleasant odor characteristic of some raw materials (for example soybeans) disappears;

    the finished product has a uniform structure.

More promising is extrusion not monofeeds, but mixtures of protein and carbohydrate feeds, called BED (protein-energy supplement). It has been found that during the extrusion process, a mixture of soybeans with corn or wheat has a high energy value, even higher than the theoretical value, which is calculated based on the energy value of each raw component. The decomposed starch from corn or wheat, the presence of soybean oil and quality soybeans make this feed ideal for weaning piglets, as well as for young poultry whose enzyme systems are not adapted to the use of complex carbon hydrate complexes. The digestibility of starch by young animals increases from 20 to 90%. In pre-starter feeds, extruded mixtures should replace all grain and meal. In starter feeds, it is recommended to add them in an amount of 30–40%. For feeding adult poultry and pigs, it is also advisable to include extruded mixtures to balance protein and metabolic energy.

Poultry farming is one of the main sectors in agriculture, the development of which should be given as much attention as possible, since this industry provides the population with animal protein. Currently, poultry farmers are faced with two tasks - to improve the productivity and duration of the reproductive period of birds. To do this, they need to be provided with a complete diet that includes all the important microelements.

Applications and benefits of extruded feed

To develop the industry, it is necessary to use non-traditional feeds, since currently there is a shortage of basic raw materials, which would include protein. Not long ago, experts found that extruded feed in poultry farming is a way to improve the development of livestock production.

As practice shows, extrusion has an excellent effect on the properties of the feed and ensures its easy digestibility. That is, such food will benefit the animal much faster and ensure its rapid growth and development. For example, if the digestibility of crushed wheat is 70%, then extruded wheat is 85%. Externally, extruded feed in poultry farming looks like granules that contain several products at once, that is, such feed is more complete.

Such feeds are used in various areas of livestock farming; they are especially in demand for feeding poultry, pigs and dairy calves. The popularity and demand for extruded feed is explained by rising prices for livestock products.

Extruded feed has many advantages, including the following:

  • Easy transportation and convenient, long-term storage;

  • The food is easily digested;

  • It contains all the vital components, which are collected in optimal proportions and small quantities;

  • This treatment destroys all harmful substances that can produce toxins or infect the bird with fungus.

When feeding birds with extruded feed, its productivity increases significantly. In particular, the number and size of eggs increases by approximately 20%, while feed consumption decreases by 30%, and the death of birds from gastric diseases decreases by almost 15%.

Technology for the production of extruded feed in poultry farming

The essence of this technology comes down to producing a product by melting and pressing the material through a special hole. For production, special equipment is used - extruders. In these devices, products are exposed to high pressures.

You can achieve even greater savings in grain production if you add husks, straw or reeds to the feed. Currently, all developed countries agriculture carry out the production of extruded feed for poultry farming. This allows you to increase the productivity of birds and also contributes to their rapid growth. With this processing of grain, its nutritional value increases significantly.

During the manufacturing process, the feed is completely disinfected, which means that the birds get sick much less. The feed material is subjected to short but intense mechanical, thermal and high pressure. The feed is processed at a temperature of 110 degrees and subjected to a pressure of 50 atm. After this, a mechanical effect occurs on the product, as a result of which its chemical and physical structure changes.

At the exit from the extruder, the feed is subjected to a sharp pressure drop, after which the mass greatly increases in size. The food becomes more digestible and nutritious. Now, to feed the bird, you need significantly less product.

That is, during the extrusion process, vitamins and minerals are preserved, and harmful bacteria burn out completely. The process allows processing of any grain; the quality of the result is not affected by grain moisture or contamination with other crops. Even old grain that has an ammonia smell can be turned into complete, high-quality bird feed.

Since when processing grain with an extruder, half of the feed has already undergone the digestion process, it will be easier for the bird’s stomach to cope with the rest. The energy of the consumed feed is completely used to build and maintain the bird’s body.

Another important advantage of extruded feed in poultry farming is that it has a lower cost. The reason for this is that straw or reeds are added to the grain, which are not consumed by birds in their pure form - these substances cannot be digested and do not provide any benefit to the body. For extrusion, you can also use vegetable scraps, pine needles, grain mixtures and pea crops.

Weather conditions always have an impact on the procurement of animal feed. Equipment quickly becomes outdated, and grain harvesting technologies are sometimes violated for one reason or another, which affects the quality of the resulting feed. It contains insufficient nutrients and is characterized by high levels of harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

While researching methods for disinfecting grain, scientists developed the extrusion method. It has been widely used in practice. Very briefly, this method consists in the fact that as a result of barothermal exposure, the toxins found in grains are inactivated, and the grain is sterilized.


Modern technologies have made it possible to widely use extruded feed, which can significantly reduce financial costs and increase the profit of agricultural production as a whole.

Feed crops are the main source of carbohydrates for animals. In addition, grains are used: wheat, barley, corn, oats. Legumes, which include peas and lentils, are used quite rarely.

Animals usually obtain grain crops in the form of a variety of cereals, which are prepared using coarse or fine flour. If the grain has a high level of moisture, aerobic bacteria and mold quickly appear in it. Such raw materials are very dangerous for animals.

Extruded feed is absolutely safe, since even freshly harvested grain, which has low moisture content, contains many microorganisms, and these toxins multiply quickly. Even if such grain has been dried, its moisture content can still reach up to 14 percent.

After extrusion, one gram of wheat, for example, contains 10 thousand times fewer microorganisms than before extrusion, and the molds that were contained in the product before processing are completely killed.

Technologically, the extrusion process proceeds as follows. The grain is crushed and moistened in the mixer. Water supply occurs at the rate of 275-400 liters per ton. After moistening, the grain mass enters the extruder, where it is compacted, compressed and subjected to high temperature treatment, which lasts up to 10 seconds.

Features of extrusion

After one and a half months of storage, the number of microorganisms contained in extruded feed remains the same, while in unprocessed feed it increases. Thanks to the moisture-heat treatment of grain through extrusion, its nutritional properties and digestibility are significantly increased. During high-temperature processing, starch is dextrinized, that is, easily soluble carbohydrates are formed in it. Simultaneous availability elevated temperature and moisture causes gelatinization of the grain mass. Dextrins are formed during the processing of crushed wheat under the following conditions: temperature - 180 degrees, pressure - 2.5-3 MPa, moisture - 300.0 liters per ton. With this method, the amount of gelatinized starch reaches 27 percent.

An important feature of extruded feed is that it hydrophilicity. The intensity of swelling is observed in the first ten minutes. Such indicators are very important for the preparation of feed mixtures. When fed to the grid, the liquid mixture falls to the ground, and the associated losses negatively affect the economic side of economic activity.

Why choose extruded feed: pros and cons

Today, the method of processing grain by extrusion can easily be considered one of the best technological solutions. After heat treatment, the resulting aromatic substances improve the taste of such food and increase the activity of enzymes that are necessary for the digestion process. The only condition: during extrusion, the raw materials must be freed from straw, earth, pebbles, and other mechanical debris. Even processing wet, stale grain, which has a pronounced ammonia smell, turns the grain mixture into an excellent feed. After extrusion " dead waste"(for example, buckwheat hulls) can be an excellent feed for sheep and pigs.

Feed digestibility

When comparing extruded and conventional feeds, the disadvantages of the latter become obvious. Only half of the regular feed is digested, and this happens due to the fact that a significant part of the energy is spent on digesting the shell. That is why, in order to maintain the vital functions of animals and obtain high productivity, it is necessary to include large costs in the estimate: this is an obvious disadvantage. The only advantage of conventional food is that it is natural, but if it sits for a while, problems may arise.

The extrusion process essentially does the work of the stomach, or rather the first half of it, so the energy necessary for digestion is conserved. All the nutrients provided by extruded feed are completely used for the needs of the animal’s body, as a result of which, with high productivity, the cost of production is reduced.

Extruded feed is indispensable when raising young animals. Livestock specialists and practicing veterinarians know that 90 percent of young animals die due to various diseases of the intestines, stomach, and infections that enter the body through the digestive system. In this area, young animals are least protected.


After extrusion, the feed is practically sterile even after a long shelf life. If you feed young animals with an extrudant, their mortality from intestinal diseases is reduced by almost half. Even when switching to roughage, animals that ate the extrudant have healthy stomachs and intestines. In feeds with high humidity, the decomposition of vitamins occurs intensively, and in an extrudant with a humidity of 7 to 9 percent, vitamins are preserved for a long time.

Additional benefits

There is one more point confirming the benefits of extruded feed. As practice shows, animals, especially piglets, throw up to 8 percent of their feed onto the litter during feeding. This does not happen with extruded pig feed. It is also important to know that, having absorption properties, extruded food is a good means of prevention for diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Dairy farming

In some cases, the use of extrusion products is the only reasonable way to ensure profitability. This is especially true for dairy farming.

For production in such an industry to be highly efficient, cows must be fed intensively. Animals must receive protected fat and protein that is not broken down in the rumen, but digested in the small intestine.

This method ensures the absorption of the main part of the released amino acids into the blood and their use in the synthesis of milk proteins, and free fatty acids guarantee a high level of metabolic energy.

Feeding cats and dogs

There is controversy regarding the use of extruded dog and cat food, with both veterinarians, and among those who keep animals. Opponents argue that feeding dogs prepared food increases the animal's need for nutrients, fatty acids and vitamins. If they are deficient, your pet may experience health problems.

We are talking about synthetic hormones added to feed to stimulate growth, as well as meat flour, for the production of which waste glands of the fetuses of pregnant cows are used.

If extruded grain feeds receive mostly positive reviews, prepared animal feeds receive more negative reviews. Waste meat production, which are part of extrudants, as a rule, contain a large amount of hormones, which can contribute to the development of tumors. These hormones remain active for a long time. High levels of hormones are especially dangerous for cats.

When can you give your pet ready-made food?

It is recommended to use extruded feed only when necessary, for example, when traveling. But not all the time! If for some reason the owner wants to feed his pet such food, he must choose it very carefully! You need to study the ingredients.

For example, dogs should not be given dry food if they drink little - choose exclusively canned food. You should not separately supplement balanced food with microelements and vitamins, since it already contains the complete set that the animal needs.

Vitamin overdose

Adult animals should not often be given food intended for small pets, since it contains many minerals and vitamins. Therefore, feeding adult pets with extruded puppy food often leads to their obesity. It is not allowed to give food that is intended for animals belonging to one weight category to pets of another category.

An overdose of any vitamins can lead to serious problems health related. Ready-made feed can be used as a mineral supplement when feeding cereals and meat. They can also be used as a fortified supplement when feeding grain products and meat industry waste.

With the constant use of ready-made feed, there is no need for additives. Always pay attention to the content of vitamins A and D3 in the food. Their excess often leads to negative consequences.

IN modern conditions In livestock farming, the economical use of grain used for feed purposes becomes important. The most rational way to use feed grain is in the form of mixed feed, balanced in protein, amino acids and other biologically active substances.

The use of nutritionally balanced feed in animal diets allows for an increase in animal productivity by 10–12%, and when enriched with biologically active substances (amino acids, microelements, antibiotics, etc.), productivity increases by 25–30% or more .

Compound feed is a complex homogeneous mixture of feed products (grain, bran, animal feed, mineral additives, etc.) balanced with each other.

Based on their nutritional value, compound feeds are divided into: complete feed, feed concentrates, balancing feed additives (protein-vitamin, protein-vitamin-mineral) and premixes.

Complete feed contains all the necessary nutrients that meet the physiological needs of animals during high level their productivity and reducing nutrient costs per unit of production.

Compound feed concentrates are intended for feeding to animals in addition to the main diet.

Balancing feed additives (BVD, BMVD, urea concentrate, etc.) are homogeneous mixtures of high-protein feed and microadditives crushed to the required degree. They are used mainly for the preparation of feed based on grain fodder. BVD and BMVD are introduced into the grain mixture in an amount of 10–30% of its mass.

Premixes are mixtures of various substances (mineral feed, amino acids, vitamins, antibiotics, etc.) and filler crushed to the required degree of coarseness, used to enrich feed and protein-vitamin supplements. Premixes are introduced in an amount of 1–2% by weight of the mixture.

Mineral supplements. These include table salt, shells, bone meal, feed phosphate, limestone, sapropel (lake silt), phosphorus-calcium supplements, tricalcium phosphate, feed precipitate, etc. The industry produces special briquettes consisting mainly of table salt with the addition of the necessary microelements.

Vitamin preparations. To meet the vitamin needs of animals, concentrates of vitamin A and carotene are added to the feed. Fish oil is obtained from cod liver by adding concentrates of vitamins A and D. Nutritional yeast, containing vitamins D2 and group B, is produced by irradiating a yeast suspension with ultraviolet rays.

Protein deficiency in feed rations for ruminant animals is compensated by feeding urea. Urea (urea) is a white crystalline substance that does not contain protein itself, but as a result of hydrolysis in the animal's rumen it releases nitrogen. Under the influence of rumen microorganisms, this nitrogen is synthesized into bacterial digestible protein.

However, a simple addition of urea to feed can be toxic due to its rapid hydrolysis and intensive formation of ammonia. Therefore, urea on farms is used in very limited doses, and the effectiveness of such use is low.

Urea concentrate allows you to significantly increase the efficiency of using urea; Urea is fed to animals not in its pure form, but in the form of an amidoconcentrated additive (ACD), consisting of mixed feed or barley flour (70–75%), urea (20–25%) and sodium bentonite (5%). The mixture prepared from these components is thoroughly mixed and pressed in screw presses. high pressure- extruders. In the extruder, under the influence of high pressure (1.4–1.5 MPa) and temperature (+130...+150°C), gelatinization of starch, melting of urea, absorption (absorption) of molten urea by bentonite and diffusion of the melt (molecular introduction of nitrogen) into mass of gelatinized starch. In this case, the urea particles are covered in a thin film of starch, and, once in the animal’s rumen, they do not hydrolyze immediately, but gradually, over 3–4 hours. This increases the overall efficiency of its use and eliminates the possibility of intensive ammonia formation and poisoning of the animal.

ABOUT high efficiency The use of AKD is evidenced by the following experience: uncastrated bulls of the Simmental breed during the growing period received from 240 to 320 kg of AKD. Animals I control group They were given the basic diet, and experimental diet II was given 0.5 kg of AKD instead of 1 kg of concentrates. The bulls of group II gained an average of 1096 grams of weight per day in 77 days, which is 17.8% more than the control group. Increased protein digestibility is accompanied by an increase in nitrogen deposits in the body by 12–17%, as well as better utilization of it.

Thus, AKD is a high-protein concentrate, which, in combination with microelements, makes it possible to obtain high daily weight gain, reduce feed costs by 21–26% and save up to 31% of concentrates. As a result of the use of extruded feed in feeding:

the digestibility of feed increases by 20–40%, since the process of extrusion hydrolysis converts proteins and starches into a form more accessible to the animal body, extrusion hydrolysis destroys active anti-nutrients in legumes, which increases the metabolic energy of feed;

extrusion hydrolysis sharply reduces the amount of glycosides, a high concentration of which can cause poisoning of animals, especially cattle and sheep;

Increasing the digestibility of feed makes it possible to provide greater productivity of animals in both the meat and dairy industries with smaller volumes of feed;

Improvement in the palatability of mixed feed occurs due to the fact that heat treatment improves the taste of many feed products, as pleasant-smelling aromatic substances are formed;

The feed can contain up to 80% legumes, up to 90% rye and up to 30% potatoes, which contain a large percentage of starch, since extrusion breaks down starch into dextrins and sugars;

Short-term exposure to high temperature has minimal impact on protein and amino acid quality;

By introducing chopped clover, alfalfa, and pine foot into the feed composition, the cost of extruded feed can be reduced by 20–40%.

The use of extruded feed in feeding allows:

Increase milk yield by 18–40%;

Increase average daily weight gain by 15–20%;

reduce feed consumption by 8–12% and at the same time increase its absorption by 20–40%. One of the most effective technologies for the production of compound feed is extrusion.

Extrusion is based on three processes:

Temperature treatment of feed under pressure;

Mechanochemical deformation of the product;

"explosion" of the product in the shock discharge front.

After heat treatment, the taste of the feed improves, as various aromatic substances are formed, etc., the activity of enzymes in the digestibility of feed increases significantly, as well as the neutralization of some toxins and the death of their producers.

Technologically, feed production takes place at pressures of up to 40 atmospheres and temperatures of up to +200°C. After this, an expanded, porous product emerges from the extruder in the form of a rope (strand) with a diameter of 20–30 mm, with a volumetric mass of 100–120 g/dm³ and a moisture content of 7–9%.

Along with heat treatment profound destructive changes in nutrients occur. This is how starch is broken down into dextrins and sugars, and proteins are denatured. As a result of such complex processing, an extrudate with a pleasant bready taste and smell is obtained. It must have a degree of starch dextrization of at least 55%, have an explosion coefficient of at least 4, and also have a degree of crystallization (swelling) of at least 35%. After processing in a grain extruder, the nutritional value of the feed practically doubles. In addition, the extrusion process is practically not affected by such factors as the humidity of the processed product, contamination with seeds of other crops and weed seeds - everything goes into effect. In other words, bypassing the drying and sorting process, excellent livestock feed is produced. The only requirement for raw materials during extrusion is the absence of soil, stones, and other mechanical debris in the grain.

Even processing wet, stale grain with an extruder, which already has the smell of ammonia, turns the grain mixture into an excellent feed.

Good results were obtained after feeding mixed feed, which included 20% extruded wheat and 20% extruded peas, while it is possible to replace up to 50% of animal feed in the diet of weaned piglets. Based on experiments, it is recommended to use up to 30% of extruded peas in milk replacer instead of skim milk for older calves.

Now what is happening is that can be compared to feeding animals candy in a lead shell - the animal absorbs only half, since almost all the energy is spent on digesting the “wrapper”. As a result, we simply support the vital activity of animals, receiving scanty weight gain and milk yield.

During extrusion processing of grain and grain waste, half of the work of the animal’s stomach is performed by the extruder and therefore the energy of the feed is entirely used to build the animal’s body.

As is obvious from the above, extruded feed is indispensable for fattening young animals: pigs, horses, cattle, rabbits, etc. The use of extrudate is no less productive in obtaining increased milk yields, which reach from 18 to 40% on various farms.

It is no secret for practicing veterinarians and livestock specialists that 90% of the death of young animals occurs due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or infections acquired through the digestive system. Animal in early age This is where it is least protected. Thus, during repeated studies of feed obtained in a grain extruder, we were convinced that the feed was practically sterile after 3–4 months of storage under normal warehouse conditions. Even meat and bone meal, the most susceptible to bacterial contamination, does not change its properties during storage (introduced into the extrudate).

When feeding young animals with extrudate (strands), the death of animals from gastrointestinal diseases is reduced by 1.5–2 times. But even in the future, when switching to roughage, an animal at an early age, not exhausted by intestinal disorders, significantly outstrips its peers in growth.

At a feed moisture content of 12–14%, the natural decomposition of vitamins occurs much more intensely than in strands (7–9%). When processing grain in an extruder, the impact high temperatures occurs over a duration of 10–12 seconds; during this period of time, vitamins are not destroyed. The extrudate, in addition, has good absorbent properties, so it can serve as a prophylactic for gastrointestinal disorders. Rye is not traditionally considered a feed crop due to its high acidity and the presence of enzyme inhibitors. After extrusion processing, it can be fed to animals up to 90% of the total diet.

Legumes (peas, vetch, chickpeas, soybeans, etc.) are rich in protein, amino acids and vitamins; they make up no more than 5–7% in the diet of cattle and poultry.

After extrusion, the digestibility of legumes increases more than 10 times and up to 80% of them can be included in the diet.

During extrusion, under the influence of temperature and pressure, a profound transformation of the structure and properties of nutrients occurs, which allows the production of a high-quality product with the following properties:

taste qualities are improved due to the uniformity of the composition, unpleasant odor is eliminated, the proportion of sugars increases due to the destruction of polysaccharides;

Gelatinization of starch occurs, which increases its digestibility;

The availability of amino acids increases due to the destruction of secondary bonds in protein molecules, proteins are better protected from fermentation in the rumen, and microbial protein synthesis increases;

under thermodynamic processing conditions, fat melts evenly distributed throughout the entire mass and simultaneously combines with starch 1:10, resulting in its high adsorption on the surface of the product, which leads to a slowdown in the rate of breakdown of starch in the rumen, the formation of methane and the rate of ammonia formation are reduced, thanks to which increases the absorption of energy and protein;

During the extrusion process, enzymes such as linoxidase, which cause rancidity of oils, are destroyed, and lecithin and tocopherols, which are natural stabilizers, remain fully active, thereby increasing the stability of fats;

under the influence of temperature and pressure, feed is sterilized, thereby improving its sanitary status;

the influence of anti-nutritional factors and their negative impact on animals is eliminated or significantly reduced;

as a result of extrusion, a more structured feed is obtained, specially adapted and better suited to the needs of animals, the negative effect of processing is reduced to a minimum (destruction of vitamins, fats and amino acids) due to the speed of the operation, the time of passage of the product through the extruder is 30 seconds, and under the influence of maximum temperature is only 5–6 seconds.