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Cool scene from parents. Kindergarten graduation scene

The skits performed by young artists will be useful at any party for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in a child care facility or at a home party. Especially if they fit well into the script plot and the reason for children's party.

We present to your attention a selection "Funny scenes for children's parties", which can be included in the script, for example, or any other event. The skits are based on the works of wonderful children's authors and are full of humor, wisdom and kindness.

1. A skit for a children's party: “We take half the bread and half the bread.”

(based on the poem "Greedy" by Emma Moszkowska)

Frog: A frog jumped up and scratched behind his ear,

The frog broke off the top.

Hen: The chicken came up and pecked the crust.

Duck: The duck hobbled, stood for a minute,

She swallowed the remnants and ran away without looking back.

Barbos: I would give you all a bun myself...

Producer (indignantly): What an unhealthy diet

And no education!

Just a real mafia

We don't need this and what the hell.

Ugh! He even spoke in indecent poetry.

In short, this option is even worse, but I need a positive example!

Director (shows something on his fingers to the assistant, and ingratiatingly to the producer): We took the criticism into account, we took it into account. Here's another option they brought.

Producer (laughs): Well, you started talking in poetry.

Show me what else you have composed?

Director: Motor!

Director assistant: Frame three, take one.

I wanted to relax and bite some buns.

Just suddenly the dog saw

Someone's very cunning nose.

Barbos: Turned around for a minute

And I saw a cat and a duck,

And next to it there is a frog and a chicken,

And the puppy that ran across the street.

They're already salivating, they want a bun.

Barbos looked at the loaf and counted the animals

Then he smiled and said so.

Barbos: Come on over, don't be shy

Help yourself to a delicious bun.

Don't be shy, there's enough for everyone.

(The animals break the bun and smile)

Barbos: Well, I’ll eat a piece!

Director: Stop! Cut!

Producer: Here! Here it is! After all, you can if you want! Let's wind down. Shooting tomorrow.

2. Sketch "The Brave Chef".

(based on the poem by G. Oster “If you are left alone at home without your parents”)

From " Bad advice"Grigory Oster can turn out very well. All you need is to write out the words between the participants and prepare props, if necessary. The proposed skit based on a very famous poem by G. Oster is an ongoing success, although a lot of props are required for its production.


Large (adult) boots

Perfume bottle

A tube of shaving cream (however, it can be any tube)

Bottle labeled "Fish Oil"

Also with the inscription "Black Mascara"

Large saucepan

Large alarm clock, or large hourglass

The main character, “The Brave Chef,” does not utter words, but only follows the tips of his friends. The hints are cunning dreamers who seem to come up with a “recipe” on the fly. They speak their lines without pauses in order to “have time to insert THEIR word,” their FIND .


1st boy: If you stayed at home
Alone without parents
I can offer you
An interesting game.

2nd boy: Called "The Brave Chef"

Or "brave cook".

1st girl: The essence of the game is preparation.

All kinds of delicious dishes.

2nd girl: I suggest for starters

Here's a simple recipe:

1st boy: Need to wear daddy's shoes (takes out shoes from under the chair)

1st girl: Pour out my mother's perfume, (holds out a bottle of perfume)

And then these shoes

2nd boy: (holding out a tube of cream, interrupts the girl) Apply shaving cream

2nd girl: And water them (reads the inscription) fish oil

1st boy: With black mascara in half, (joyfully shakes a bottle of mascara)

1st girl: Throw in soup (drags a huge saucepan) which mom

I prepared it in the morning. (puffs)

2nd girl: And cook with the lid closed (takes out his watch)

Exactly seventy minutes.

1st boy (joyfully): You'll find out what happens

In chorus: When the adults come.

3. Scene "Note".

(based on the story of the same name by Tatyana Petrosyan)




Two boys Sidorov and Rogov take the stage. Sidorov has a note in his hands. He is very excited, walks quickly, waves his arms, and suddenly stops abruptly and Rogov bumps into him.


Sidorov: Well, guess what! I received the note! There was no sadness!

Rogov: What do they write?

Sidorov: What do they write? What do they write?!!! ...What to do?!!!

Rogov: Yes, explain it clearly!

Sidorov: Well, read it yourself.

Rogov (reads slowly): "Sidorov, I love you!" Cool! And who is it?

Sidorov: How do I know? Looks like everything is here (points to the guys in the hall).

Rogov: Look like that's it... (Looks around at the sitting guys) Oh, Vorobyova is gone!

Sidorov: Do you think she is?

Rogov: Don't know. What are you going to do?

Sidorov: I don’t know myself... Tell me, please, what does it mean to love?

Rogov: Let's think logically. For example, what do you like?

Sidorov: Pears. I love it, which means I always want to eat it!

Rogov: I remembered! Vorobyova has chickenpox!

Sidorov: Well, I'm friendly! Should I eat it for acne?

Rogov: No need to eat anyone! Get a hold of yourself!

Sidorov (looking carefully at your hands): Dirty!

Rogov: I am not talking about that.

Sidorov: Me too. I still love my parents. But I never intended to eat them.

Sidorov: Mom bakes delicious pies...

Rogov: Here you go, learn! If you feed her sweet pies, you’ll see I’ll get some too!

Sidorov: Yeah, I love eating pies. And fiddling with the dough all day long (looks at his dirty hands again)... Brrr!

Rogov: Let's try to approach from the other end. Do you love dad?

Sidorov: (thoughtfully) Yeah!

Rogov: Well? For what?

Sidorov: Dad often carries me around his neck.

Rogov: Here!

Sidorov: What do you mean that I will have to carry it around my neck?

Rogov: Hmmm... It's going to be a little hard for you. She's not an inch at all...

Sidorov: Yes, I’ll fall off with her on my neck at the first step!

Sidorov: ABOUT! I love our dog. Bobby! Especially when I train him or take him out for walks...

Rogov(busy): Then you need to buy a collar and learn how to serve.

Sidorov(perplexed): And walk on your hind legs?

Rogov: Certainly!

Sidorov: Are you out of your mind?

Rogov: Oh! You yourself confused me! Don't get distracted, think further!

Sidorov: I love Murka the cat, especially when you blow right into her ear ... No it's not that! (In desperation he continues faster) I like to catch flies and put them in a glass...

Rogov: But this is too much. You won't fit in the glass!

Sidorov: I love toys that you can break and see what's inside...

The guys freeze, imagining Vorobyova dismantling Sidorov. Sidorov resolutely tears off a piece of paper from the note and hastily writes something. Then he gives the folded note to Rogov.

Sidorov: Here, take it to Vorobyova!

Sidorov: Read it, don't mind!

Rogov(reads the note): "Vorobyova, I love you too." And what?

Sidorov: Let her suffer now, but enough is enough for me!

Rogov: Well done, great idea! Well, did I run?

Rogov runs away.

Sidorov (wipes sweat from forehead): It’s not for nothing that they say that love is evil!

4. Sketch "Graduation Gift"


School board, chalk


Petrov and Sidorov - graduates of the Kindergarten


Petrov: Why not funny?

Sidorov: Better not ask!

Petrov: Yes, come on, it’s a holiday!

Sidorov: Yes, well, it would have been better not to have.

Petrov: What's the matter? What happened?

Sidorov: Yes, that's the point. What nothing.

Petrov: I don't understand you...

Sidorov: What is there to understand? What will they give you as a gift?

Petrov: Rollers.

Sidorov: Rollers?!!! And for me... ice cream.

Petrov: Fuck you!

Sidorov: I was already walking, walking... But I didn’t get there. You see, last year I asked my dad to buy me.... He promised that if I learned to read and write this year.

Petrov: That's how you learned. You read better than anyone else.

Petrov: Yes, you write normally, I remember the card you wrote for my birthday.

Sidorov: It was my mother who helped me. And it turns out that I myself don’t know how to write at all. Listen, I reminded my dad about the gifts, and he said: “I don’t mind. Just write down all your wishes for me so that I don’t forget.” I wrote...

Petrov: And what?

The long-awaited May has finally arrived - school is ending, and preparatory groups kindergartens say goodbye to their beloved teachers. Last days Springs are rich in children's holidays - students in grades 4, 9 and 11 spend their last calls, starting a new period in their lives. Every schoolchild wants to go on summer vacation in high spirits, remembering the past academic year only with the best side. This is very simple and fun to do - together with their parents and teachers, the children can put on the most funny scenes for graduation, delighting the audience gathered for the holiday with cool humorous texts from mini-performances. For boys and girls finishing primary school, a funny skit about Vovochka and the guys’ dance performances are extremely popular.

The funniest scenes for 11th grade prom night

May has arrived, and with it the time has come to say goodbye to school forever. What plans do 11th grade students make? How do they see their future? Do they plan to continue their education by entering colleges and universities, or are almost adult boys and girls thinking about future work? All these serious issues will be resolved a little later. Now graduates joke a lot, prepare the funniest skits for their prom, learn roles in mini-plays, improvise and rejoice at the end of such a significant period of life for them.

Examples of the funniest graduation scenes in 11th grade

What or who can you write the funniest sketch about and present it at your 11th grade graduation? Of course, about school life with all its twists and turns, jokes and funny incidents. Small theatrical productions about teachers and lessons, and the incredible adventures of graduates during exams are very successful. An excellent example The mini-performance on the occasion of the end of school will be a modern fairy tale-fantasy on the theme of the future life of the children.

The funniest graduation scene in 11th grade - Video of the Unified State Examination performance

A funny sketch about final exams in 11th grade - “Unified State Exam” - turns out to be very funny. Several children take part in a small performance. The mini-performance begins with the invitation of the first examinee to the Unified State Exam. For literally three minutes, schoolchildren, demonstrating their acting skills, portray “gopniks”, a “major boy”, a glamorous lady, a wild schoolboy who is already mentally on a beach holiday. After watching the video of the production, you can easily present this funny performance to the audience.

Graduation skits for 9th grade - Very funny

The 9th grade graduation party will definitely be fun if the kids show the assembled guests funny skits about lessons, teachers, breaks and cool events that took place within the walls of their home school. Finishing the ninth grade, many students do not say goodbye to their classmates - they will continue their education in the 10th grade. However, many teenagers have already made their choice - they will soon have to go to college or even start a career by taking the first job in their life. Small humorous performances performed by young artists will tell about all the upcoming events in their lives and about the nine-year period of study.

Examples of very funny skits for 9th grade graduation

Finishing 9th grade, the children will delight the schoolchildren gathered for graduation with very funny skits dedicated to school life and teachers. Teenagers can show the guests of the ball a concert consisting of several miniatures - humorous numbers. The more students take part in the performance, the more interesting it will be to watch the production. If the children decide to act out a fairy tale, then their parents should help them sew the costumes of their heroes and put on the actors’ makeup before the performance. Best examples You will find skits for ninth graders on this page.

“OGE” - Video of a very funny scene at graduation in 9th grade

All ninth-graders, even excellent students, are worried about the upcoming OGE exam. However, 9th grade students can't stop joking about exams. The musical sketch “OGE” will turn out to be very funny. Here the actors do not need to learn the texts of the roles: the main thing is to show their stage talent. The mini-performance takes place without words; Each of the miniatures is voiced by a corresponding passage from a popular song. As a result, the audience will see a funny production and laugh at themselves! Watch the video of the skit and you can write your own script for a short play.

Funny skits about school for graduation in 4th grade

Probably the happiest school graduates are the 4th grade students. They know for sure that it will start soon interesting life, filled with acquaintances with new subjects and teachers. When finishing primary school, boys and girls present funny scenes to the first teacher, parents and guests who came to the holiday about lessons and breaks, about lazy students and “nerds”, about jokes in physical education and fun outdoor trips.

Examples of funny skits about school for graduation in 4th grade

Saying goodbye to elementary school and their first teacher, 4th grade graduates can give their classmates and teacher an excellent gift - show a small concert consisting of miniatures: jokes, funny short songs, humorous poems. Since fourth-graders cannot yet write a script for a graduation play on their own and act out the roles, their parents and older friends help them with this.

Video “Big Break” - Funny scene for school graduation in 4th grade

Watch the video "Big Change". Here, 4th grade graduates perform a real performance consisting of anecdotal situations that often occur at school. For this production, it is necessary to select appropriate catchy music that sounds in short breaks between scenes.

Texts of sketches for the graduation party in kindergarten

Graduation in kindergarten It will be a real fun holiday for every preschooler, teacher and parent if future first-graders show the guests of the ball entertaining scenes from the children’s lives. Children learn the texts of such short performances by role together with the teacher and parents. You will find examples of ready-made skits for children with words on our page.


/two girls and two boys are participating/

1st girl

We'll go to school in the fall and become students.

They've already bought everything for me for school.

2nd girl

School is all serious, of course you can play there,

But if the bell rings and class begins,

1st boy

If you know a lot, you can become a scientist,

I love to dream so much!

2nd boy

But my neighbors, future first-graders, dreamed of becoming testers.

1st boy-

What did they experience?

2nd boy


Everyone (surprised)

Balls? ! Oh, how interesting?

2nd girl

Listen to how it happened.

Dev: The brothers got up early in the morning and didn’t even have breakfast.

Run secretly from your parents to the balcony

2nd boy

They wanted to test whether briefcases could fly

In hot air balloons, like birds in the clouds?!

1st boy /admiringly/

- Wow!

- So what, the briefcases flew?

Let's fly! Let's fly-and-and...


Let's fly-and-and (flapping their arms like wings, drawing out the letter i-and-i)

Straight (pause) down!

1st boy /admiringly/:

2nd girl:

— The briefcase hung on the branches, on the branches of the maple tree.

2nd boy:

Oh, they're shouting from the balcony, oh, don't hesitate an hour,

call the steeplejack!

Everyone chants cheerfully, playing palm games with each other, repeating:

Oh, don’t hesitate for an hour, call the ver-ho-laz!

1st boy (with interest)

What about the other briefcase?

2nd girl:

- And the other one got stuck in the bushes, you can hear loudly: Bang! Bang!

Everyone cheerfully repeats: Bang! Bang! Salute to the testers! /play, squeezing their palms rhythmically/

2nd girl:

— The briefcase fell straight into the pond!

Everything / fun / Where to?

1 girl: (cheerfully)

To the frogs in the pond!?/everyone is laughing/will the frogs go to first grade?!

1st boy:

Imagine frogs with briefcases marching in formation /and continues (in a thin voice)/

Oh, don’t hesitate an hour / conducts with index fingers / call the diver!

(all together in a bass voice) Call the diver!/chanting/

Boy 2: (continues)

There is a loud roar on the balcony, / shows, rubs his eyes /

The roar of two students, the testers are offended,

They tried in vain, you can see right away.

2 girl /sad/ The flight was unsuccessful,

And at the door /pause//all together with regret/ dad is waiting for them!

1st boy:

— I hope they didn’t get too badly into trouble?

2nd girl:

Yes, no, not really, it was just an educational conversation.

2-boy -/joyfully/I think the boys will become astronauts.

All together: Definitely!! They will!

“Vovochka’s Dad” ― Video and text of the skit for graduation in kindergarten

The skits where kindergarten graduates play the roles of adults are very popular with young viewers and their parents. A funny production of “Vovochka’s Dad” will make everyone who watches this short performance laugh. According to his scenario, for the first time in five years, Vovochka’s dad, not burdened with meetings, meetings and work, decides to pick up his son from kindergarten. Unfortunately, the father does not remember in which group his child is being raised, searching in vain first among the younger and then older children. The scene ends with dad’s “insight” - the parent finally remembers: his son has gone to school!

Text of the skit for graduation in kindergarten - Performance about Vovochka

Today, the humorous sketch “About Vovochka” is very popular among kindergarten graduates. This performance features actors playing the roles of Vovochka, returning home from school with a bad grade, a mother, worried about her son’s ugly behavior and his terrible academic performance, and a father, ready to grab his belt in order to teach the child “smartness.” You will find the text of the skit by role on this page.

Scene “Vovochka” (for graduation)

Scene "Vovochka"

I have a briefcase in my hand

With a huge milking in the diary!

Heavy deuce in the diary,

And everyone walks lightly,

And near house number two,

There is a bus number two

And a ship from afar

For some reason I gave two beeps,

And my legs barely drag,

And my head hung down

Like the head of the number two.

Mom comes in:

Oh father, my light,

My strength is gone.

The house is full of chaos,

The briefcase is here, and the books are there.

How to raise men

Tell me 100 reasons

They will give me an answer right away.

There is no truth and no words.

Well, are you a father? What do you say,

Maybe you can tell me?

Why is our son a slacker?

Why is it on Monday

Did you get three deuces?

Did he break the window in the classroom?

Doesn't sit down for lessons

Is your son always lazy in everything?

Answer why?

(mom takes the newspaper from dad's hands)

Warm up, mother, better dinner!

Cool down, don't pester me!

These are the times, this is the punishment!

And when for education

Will you take our son?

When will you get down to business?

Well, tell me what's going on?

Where were you looking?

Here I am. Didn't you know?

What are we here,

We were kicking the ball!

Don't put noodles on your ears

Don't talk about the soup.

Why are there books under the chair?

Why is there a hole in my pants?

Well, answer quickly,

Well, quickly give me the diary!

Vova (approaches mom):

Mom, what happened to dad?

The boss didn't give dad a salary?

Mom: Don't be smart, please.

Vova: Well, I’m bringing it, I’m already bringing it! (the boy brings the diary to his dad)

Here, take it, I don’t understand.

Is there any news there?

As always the same

You know how difficult it is at school,

Multiplication, division, boredom!

Well, no patience!

What's wrong with our behavior?

Should I expect disappointment again?

It's better for me to sit on the hedgehog -

My son stabbed me to death without a knife!

Mother, admire, there are only twos and ones on the pages!

Mom: So you will be punished!

Vova: Yes... Just like that, punished right away!

So you won’t go for a walk!

Work out day and night!

Otherwise I'll take off my belt

I'll beat the laziness out of you!

Okay, right by the belt

In fact, how could it not be laziness?

First graders need will.

I would cancel all schools

I'm tired of studying

Brothers, I need to get married!

(read book)

(scene over, musical accompaniment)

“About Vovochka” - Video of a kindergarten graduation scene

Despite the fact that in the main text of the play about the boy Vovochka there is no role of the presenter, his task in the sketch is to attract the attention of preschoolers to what is happening on stage, to prepare the hall for the appearance of the little artists. Pay attention to the video of the performance - here the actors perform in costumes prepared in advance by their parents or their older comrades. It is better for mom to wear an elegant, even sophisticated dress, and for dad to wear a formal suit. The role of Vovochka should be played by a kindergarten graduate who can not only memorize long texts of poems, but also has acting talent.

Cool scene for kindergarten graduation from parents

Parents can prepare a fun gift for children graduating from kindergarten - show it to graduates cool scene. The script for the mini-play can be written by moms and dads themselves, or you can find ready-made words for the production on the Internet. Today it is easy to find collections of humorous sketches for children of all ages on sale. Small pantomimes accompanied by popular music always look great.

Fairy tale “New Teremok” - A cool scene from parents at a kindergarten graduation

When congratulating children on graduating from kindergarten, parents can show them a cool sketch “New Teremok” at the graduation party. According to the script of a small modern play for children, the production involves the characters of two Russians at once folk tales- “Teremok” and “Kolobok”. After watching the video skit, you will understand how to distribute roles between mothers and fathers who want to take part in congratulating the children.

“Parents go to school” - Video of a cool scene from parents at a kindergarten graduation

Fathers and mothers will amuse the boys and girls who came to the prom in kindergarten by showing them a funny scene “Parents go to school.” According to the production script, adults play the roles of first-graders appearing on the threshold of their class for the first time. However, not all modern children, as it turns out, are like diligent, timid first-graders! Some of them have already entered into the role of a hooligan, others consider themselves real princesses, and others immediately declare themselves to be the soul of the party. The role of the teacher can be played by the mother of one of the graduates or a teacher.

A wonderful scene from parents at graduation in 11th grade

When congratulating 11th grade students on their farewell prom, parents must prepare a real surprise for future students - an unusual scene. Videos posted on popular resources have become fashionable today. They can be viewed by anyone who looks at the Internet page with the video. You can shoot clips with both a smartphone and a camera. Schoolchildren always respond with a bang to wonderful musical numbers performed by moms and dads pretending to be teenagers.

Examples of skits from parents for the 11th grade prom

A real surprise for 11th grade graduates will be a flash mob prepared by parents for a holiday or a dance performance by moms and dads. Using a selection of songs popular among teenagers today, you can write a script for a modern musical performance. Mini-plays about humorous situations occurring at school always turn out successful.

“Gypsy coming out” - Video skit from parents at graduation in 11th grade

A wonderful congratulation to the 11th grade graduates will be the musical mini-play “Gypsy Girl Coming Out.” Dressed in colorful gypsy outfits, the parents of schoolchildren perform, with a guitar, altered songs to the tune of the popular work “What Can I Say?” You can write the text of the sketch yourself or use one of the options we offer. The words of the song and videos of speeches by parents of graduates will help you make the right choice.

(To the tune of the song “What can I say?”)

Tell us your fortune, gypsy, on the cards,
We graduated from our college,
We answer the last lesson.
What does fate have in store?
And what twists of fate?
We live, trusting in you,
And we are just waiting for you to tell us.

Well what can I say? Well what can I say?
That's how people are built.
They want to know, they want to know,
They want to know what will happen.

Tell your fortune for the teacher too,
No matter how strict he is with us.
After all, today is an unusual day,
After all, today is the “last call”.
Very soon we will leave school,
We will remember her for a long time,
Tell your fortune, gypsy, on the cards!
We want to know everything that will happen.

9 or 11 years of school life fly by even faster than the years spent in kindergarten. Traditional balls for fourth-grade students graduating from primary school have recently begun to be held with particular pomp. The funniest graduation scenes prepared by parents and students themselves become a wonderful end to the celebration. You will find the texts of cool mini-performances and videos of humorous performances on our page. Help little graduates, future first-graders, learn the words of the sketch “About Vovochka.” Let every child meet the coming summer holidays in a great mood!

School graduation in May 2019 is one of the most important holidays in your child’s life. Both graduates, the teaching staff, and the parents themselves approach the preparation of this event with special attention. Parents' speech at the graduation ceremony usually includes warm words addressed to the school administration and teachers, and parting words to the children entering adulthood.

To make this event bring more positive emotions and be remembered for a long time by all its participants, you can approach the preparation of parents’ response at the 11th grade graduation with humor: perform perky graduation ditties about your children and act out funny scenes about school.

Funny scenes from parents at 11th grade graduation

The theme of such an event is always the same - graduation from school, farewell to beloved teachers, the beginning of a new one life stage. This holiday is also a great occasion to remember the school years of your sons and daughters. Therefore, ditties from parents on a school theme will be especially relevant at the 11th grade graduation.

We know a lot of ditties -
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.

Hey, laughing mothers,
Sing some ditties,
Sing more cheerfully
To please the guests.

Mom laments loudly:
— How the program is changing!
According to the notebooks of Vasya’s son
I don't understand what class he is in.

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,
Cabbage pies –
Petya learned his lessons,
Everything and even oral!

Dad, mom dear,
What kind of allergies do you have?
How do you take notebooks?
Everyone is shaking with fever.

Oh, how timely my dad
All so bald,
Otherwise, looking at my diary,
He would have gone very grey!

The diary, son, is not visible,
Lost him again?
- No, I gave it to Seryoga,
Scare your ancestors!

If, Petya, you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!

This sketch can be an original surprise prepared by parents for display at the holiday Last call or prom. The scene will especially benefit if it is made completely costumed - you will need costumes for the doctor, nurses and some kind of funny costume for the Virus (the best option is to make it based on any inflatable costume)

A costume skit for graduates “The Virus of Not Giving a F*ck” is a theatrical performance that will become a decoration of the festive program or a lead-in to the presentation of a gift to the school and teachers, or a preface to a parting speech to graduating students.

Sketch "The Virus of Not Giving a F*ck" - Congratulations from parents.

The Virus of Not Giving a F*ck comes onto the scene.


I am the Virus of school not giving a fuck!
I wander around school day and night.
And funny behavior
I supervise graduates.
From the heights I look at the people,
I can even touch them.
Believe me, I'm much closer
What people might think.
As soon as the morning begins,
I quickly go around the school.
I try with all my heart for you:
I make a mess everywhere.
The director is shocked, no doubt.
Teachers take pills!
And the children, without exception,
They play, dance and sing!

Everyone forgot about exams

And that’s just what I need,

And everyone fell in love with idleness,

Nobody cares, but it’s a joy for me! (Leaves.)

The doctor on duty appears on the stage with a telephone. Teachers' voices are heard in a recording, which must be made in advance.

Director's voice: The first call has already been made, and you just arrived! Now I will collect the diaries!
Mathematician's voice: The class has gone crazy! I don't know what to do with them!
Chemist's voice: I have never had so many problems with any class! Neither in my nor in the last episode they did this! All! I'm leaving!
Voice of a foreign language teacher: If you weren't at the last lesson, that's no reason not to do it. homework! Since in England there are no blondes and force majeure!
Physicist's voice: What kind of nonsense is that?!

Slides appear on the screen showing that the children have no time for exams. The slides come with comments.

Doctor on duty (grabbing his head): The situation is serious, but not hopeless! We need immediate help so that the Virus does not prevent children from passing the Unified State Exam! Call the brigade!

Music from the film “Brigada” is playing. Four Nurses come out.

1st nurse: We must immediately create a vaccine against indifference!
2nd nurse: (putting a large box on the floor). Let's determine what qualities children need to successfully pass the Unified State Exam!
3rd nurse: Firstly, hard work. (Places a pillow in the box.)
4th nurse: Secondly, knowledge of the program. (Puts a newspaper with a TV program in the box.)
1st nurse: Good memory. (Puts down the system unit.)
2nd nurse: The ability to achieve success. (Puts down the baseball bat.)
All: We do magic! We do magic!
We can help the guys!
Woman do magic, grandfather do magic!
Let’s say “no” to no one! (Take a test tube out of the box.)
3rd nurse: The vaccine against not caring is ready! I think we need to do a test!
At least in this hall.
4th nurse: Let's! And bring the Virus of not caring here!

They bring in the Virus of Not Giving a F*ck, they hold his hands very tightly on both sides, like G. Vitsina in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” He's trying to break free. One of the Nurses wets a handkerchief with liquid from a test tube and sprays it into the room.

1st nurse: Now let's check the effect of the serum!
Everyone in the hall, don’t be bored,
Answer the questions!
Who forgot their diary this morning?
Well, of course… (Student.)
2nd nurse: Who teaches your classes?
Who reads the lines of poetry?
Who is the bearer of scientific secrets?
Surely… (Teacher.)
3rd nurse: Who looks very strict
Meets everyone at the door?
Terrible, although not an inspector?..
This is definitely our... (Director.)

As the audience answers correctly, Virus wilts and reluctantly takes the textbooks from the nurses. He is taken backstage.

4th nurse: Hooray! We won! The vaccination against indifference was successful!

Parents (rapping):

Today everyone is together in this place.
The whole school gathered, but we don’t need flattery!
All honor to honor! We'll just be glad
And we really wish you to pass the exams.
If you clap, wave your hands
To the beat, to the rhythm of the word,
Then we will know: we are ready for the exam!