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Shopping in Britain. What to buy in England: shopping in the UK and approximate prices

I would like to tell you about shopping in the United Kingdom. Marks & Spencer is Britain's favorite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variability of customers from house wives to millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman and the British Prime-minister are just a few of its famous customers. Last year it made a profit of 529 million pounds. Which is more than 10 million a week.

It all started 105 years ago when a young Polish immigrant Michael Marks had a stall in Leeds market. He didn't have many things to sell: some cotton, a little wool, lots of buttons and a few shoelaces. Above his stall he put the now famous notice: "Don"t ask how much - it"s a penny." Ten years later he met Tom Spencer and together they started Penny stalls in many towns in the North of England. Today there are 564 brances of Marks & Spencer all over the world: in America, Canada, Spain, France, Belguim and Hungary.

The store bases its business on 3 principals: good value, good quality and good service. Also, it changes with the times; once it was all jumpers and knickers. Now it is food, furniture and flowers as well. Top fashion designers advice on styles of clothes. Perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy well-trained staff. Conditions of work are excellent. There are company doctors, dentists, hairdressers, etc. And all the staff can have lunch for under 40 pence.

Suprisingly tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells well in Paris, sells just as well in Newcastle and Moscow. Their best selling clothes are: for women - jumpers and knickers (M & S is famous for its knickers); for men - shirts, socks, pajamas, dressing gowns and suits; for children - underwear and socks. Best sellers in food include: fresh chickens, vegetables and sandwiches, "Chicken Kiev" is internationally the most popular convience food.

Shopping in Britain is also famous for its Freshfood. Freshfood is a chain of food stores and very successful supermarkets which has grown tremendously in the twenty years since it was founded, and now it has branches in the High Streets of all the towns of any size in Britain. In the beginning the stores sold only foodstuffs, but in recent years they have diversified enormously and now sell clothes, books, records, electrical and domestic equipment. The success of the chain has been due to an enterprising managment and to attractive layout and display in the stores. It has been discovered that impulse buying accounts for almost 35 per cent of the total turn over of the stores. The stores are organized comprehensively for self-service and customers are encouraged to wander around the spaciously laid out stands. Special free gifts and reduced prices are used to tempt customers into the stores and they can"t stand the temptation.

Shopping in Britain

I would like to tell you about shopping in the United Kingdom. Marks and Spencer is Britain's favorite store. Tourists love it too. He attracts a large number of clients from housewives to wives of millionaires. Princess Diana, Dustin Hoffman and the British Prime Minister are just some of his celebrity clients. Last year it made a profit of £529m, more than £10m a week.

It all started 105 years ago when young Polish immigrant Michael Marks opened a stall in Leeds Market. He didn't have many things to sell: some cotton, wool, a lot of buttons and a few laces. Above the stall he hung the now well-known inscription: “Don’t ask how much - just a penny.” Ten years later he met Tom Spencer, and together they began building "penny kiosks" in many cities in the north of England. Today there are 564 Marks and Spencer subsidiary stores around the world: in America, Canada, Spain, France, Belgium and Hungary.

The store bases its business on 3 principles: good prices, good quality and good service. In addition, it changes over time, before it was jumpers and panties. Now it also includes food, furniture and flowers. The best fashion designers advise on clothing. Perhaps the most important key to success is its happy, well-trained staff. The working conditions are excellent. The company has its own doctors, dentists, hairdressers, etc. And all staff can eat lunch for less than 40p.

It's amazing how tastes in food and clothing coincide throughout the world. What sells well in Paris also sells well in Newcastle and Moscow. The bestsellers are: for women - sweaters and panties ("M and S" is famous for panties), for men - shirts, socks, pajamas, robes and suits, for children - underwear and socks. Best products In food products include: fresh chicken, vegetables and sandwiches, Kiev is internationally the most popular among prepared food products.

Shopping in the UK is also famous for its "Fresh Food". Fresh Food is a highly successful chain of shops and supermarkets that has grown substantially in the twenty years since it was founded and now has branches on the High Street and in every town of any size in the UK. In the beginning, only food products were sold in stores, but in last years they have an extremely diverse range and now sell clothing, books, records, electrical equipment and household appliances. The chain's success was due to entrepreneurial management and attractive design and display in stores. It was found that impulse buying accounts for almost 35 percent of a company's total turnover. The stores are designed for self-service and customers are encouraged to wander through spacious rows of stands. Special gifts and discounted prices are used to tempt customers and they cannot resist the temptation.

Before we start talking about shopping in London, we should distinguish between three groups of “Russian tourists”. The first, not numerous, but very wealthy, belongs to the “classic” category of people for whom shopping is a kind of illness on a psychological level. At the same time, prices don’t matter, the main thing is to buy!

However, both of them often find it difficult to navigate the diverse appearance of large and small stores, of which there are more than enough in England. And, since people of the second and third categories in London can be found more often than the first, the guide is to places with affordable prices.

By following the basic rules, you can eliminate false directions as much as possible and focus exclusively on purchases with 100% efficiency.

Experts and simply knowledgeable people believe that the most preferred range of goods in England is everything related to wool.

That is, you should not pass by shirts and coats, jackets and suits, cardigans and sweaters. English wool has been known all over the world since the Middle Ages and is almost the most important national product, so the concept of quality is revered sacredly in London. As for scarves, and partly shoes, as well as gloves and bags, it is preferable to go to Italy for them.

TK Maxx

The first place to start shopping in London is the TK Maxx chain of stores.. In order to have complete information about them, it would be useful to visit the company’s website.

Here you can find clothes and shoes that have been left behind in shopping centers and boutiques (even in such exclusive outlets as those found on Bond Street). It is clear that this is where you can find the most modern little thing, which the conservative English simply did not have time to appreciate.

The trading floor of the average store of this retail chain is divided by long rows of tightly packed hangers, each with a certain amount of goods. The main thing that shopping at such a retail outlet requires is patience and a little adventurism. And then you can become the owner of the finest Gilliano mohair pullover, which cost 450 pounds in the boutique, but here - only 65.

The abundance of jeans is amazing. Great fitting D&G trousers available for £40. An hour or two - and shopping is rewarded with a pair of beautiful, comfortable and surprisingly inexpensive “pearls”.

COS (Collection of Style)

It is a Swedish retail chain of stores owned by H&M in London. Here you can buy surprisingly inexpensive things that are not inferior in quality to any competitor.

In such stores, shopping is always a journey with a happy ending in the form of a pleasant surprise. Fully true to the name, COS stores are not only about quality, but also about style. Unlike other popular places in England, here instead of the Chinese you can meet the Japanese, who are famous for their passion for everything stylish.


An excellent opportunity to get rich with things cheaply, on the verge of a foul, is to visit one of the stores of the most famous retail chain in London. It's actually a flea market. You don’t have to buy anything, but visiting it while in England is like visiting the pyramids in Egypt.

Primark is a great opportunity to buy gifts in bulk for all your friends and acquaintances.

Shopping centers and outlets

Before you go to any of them, it is wise to go to the website and see how the prices are doing, what exactly you should buy and what floor it is on. Such a preliminary virtual tour is a great time saver, and after that shopping doesn’t seem like such an overwhelming task.

A great place for leisurely shopping and luck - outlets or sale villages. Absolutely contrary to their name, such “villages” look extremely modern. Here you can buy items that have just emerged from the trend at breathtaking discounts.

Usually the prices here are very different. A great opportunity to have a blast for a shopper who missed out on the cool London sale. It is better to go to an outlet that you have chosen in advance from the Internet with a reserve of time. Crowds of Chinese tourists attacking shelves with Zegna, Ferrogamo and Gucci products are somewhat tiresome. It can be a good idea to check in advance whether there is convenient parking nearby.

Portobello and Camden markets

The first of their number, where shopping will be a pleasure for everyone, is Portobello.. In fact, this is a kind of mixture of an antique market and a souvenir market, or, even more simply, a flea market.

This place is well known in England and beyond its borders, so the crowds of people should not frighten the staunch “Russian tourist”.

The market is inexpensive and is a narrow street literally crammed with junk shops and antique shops. A mass of motley audience flows through it like a deep, slow river.

Finding it in London is easy: take the metro to Notting Hill, and from there walk along Pembroke Road.

Tip number one: when entering the territory of the market and immediately finding yourself in its “tourist” zone, you should not rush into shopping. In this part of the market, traders focus specifically on ignorant people in order to sell their goods at a higher price.

Tip number two: you should buy any product by initially reducing the proposed amount by 70 percent, and then bargain until the last penny. In England, such markets have long adopted the eastern traditions of this gambling “bazaar game”, so a tourist who does not bargain is considered a sucker.

An excellent world-class market for gothic, punk and “metal” products in London is in Camden (see the metro station of the same name), and to get to it you need to walk to the canal.

For the complete enjoyment of those who love shopping, Camden is open daily. There is no better place in England to buy a high-quality, stylish costume if you are going to Halloween, to a fashion club or just to a party. Here you can get the coolest tattoo or piercing in London.

And for those who are thoroughly tired of shopping, there is good food from all over the world, and the prices, like everything else, are the most reasonable. In terms of attendance, this place is on the list of the best in England after Buckingham and the Tower.

There are several markets here, they are connected to each other using bridges, tunnels and passages. Inexpensive accessories (belt, scarf, hat, bracelet) are available here in abundance. You might stumble across a unique piece of bronze or wood, jewelry, or just buy some incense.

Rules for returns/exchanges and just good manners

Unlike your home country, in England returning or exchanging goods is done pleasantly and easily. You can collect a bunch of clothes, come to your senses, get upset, and bring them back with a sad smile on your face.

English shopping provides such an opportunity, and without a passport, a consumer statement or a dissatisfied person. All you need to present is this cash receipt. You can come within a month after purchase, and not only in a “real” store, but also on the Internet.

Another thing is that not all retail chains provide money back. Some people ask for an exchange. For this procedure, you should learn the words “refund” (return the money) and “exchange” (I want to change).

England is a country of European culture, with well-established traditions. Therefore, it would be useful to remember the addresses to the buyer “ar yu o-key” and “need any help”. This is how sellers in London offer help. The dissatisfied answer “know” is not accepted here, it is better to say “aim o-kay, senk u”.

The common appeal “lukin for samsin partikyula?” - this is a question of whether something specific interests you. You shouldn’t be surprised when you hear “how ar yu?” at the checkout, you just need to smile and say “aime fain, senk yu.”

At the checkout they also ask the question “do you want cashback”, which translates as an offer to give out a purchase by bank card"change" in cash, up to £50.

Happy shopping!

Shopping in England is one of the main entertainments in the country. England is a diverse country and therefore travelers can find a variety of products, both local and international, while here. Well-known retail chains have branches in all major cities of England. Shopping in England can be done in expensive shops and boutiques of leading designers, as well as in small shops at reasonable prices.

London is one of the main shopping centers England is home to a large number of shops international networks, fashion houses and designer boutiques. The city is one of the largest shopping centers in the world, like New York or Paris. Shopping areas and centers in London boast a wide range of products, from clothing, household items, cosmetics and perfumes to leather goods and accessories. Most shopping centers are located in the city center. On the streets of London there are also small shops, where local brands are sold at reduced prices.

In addition to London, other popular shopping centers are Manchester, Bournemouth, Birmingham, Bristol, Eastbourne East Bourne, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Southampton and York (Bournemouth, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Newcastle, Southampton). Stores in these cities showcase a variety of local and international brands in electronics, accessories, food, casual wear and sportswear.

In small towns you can also find large shopping centers. Antique stores and shops are also very popular, and you can find wonderful relics and items in stores such as Christies and Sotheby's. Almost all stores accept major international credit and debit cards. While traveling to popular tourist spots, you can buy various items at fairly low prices. The huge selection and variety of goods in England have made shopping one of the important parts of travel.

Store opening hours in England

Most shops in England are open 6 or 7 days a week.

Typical store opening times in England:

  • Monday-Saturday from 09:00 to 17:30 (some shopping centers are open until 20:00)
  • Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00 or from 11:00 to 17:00 (Sunday shopping has become very popular, but despite this, by law, shops can only be open for 6 hours on this day)
  • Large supermarkets are open 24 hours except Sunday
  • Many smaller supermarkets are open Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 22:00, and from 10:00 to 16:00 on Sundays

IN holidays some stores open and some don't. Before the holiday, there will be a notice on the door of any store indicating opening hours during this period.

Absolutely all stores are closed on Christmas Day (December 25) and some stores are closed on New Year's Day (January 1). However, an increasing number of stores are opening on the second day of Christmas (26 December). Most shopping centers are closed on Easter (usually a Sunday).

Sales in England

Big red “Sale” inscriptions will not leave anyone indifferent. Sales in England occur constantly throughout the year. During off-season sales, discounts reach up to 60%.

The best time for shopping is the Christmas period. Pre-holiday sales begin in November with discounts of 10-20%. In many stores during this period the discount amount can reach up to 90%. IN last days before Christmas there is nothing left on the windows and counters.

The next period of major sales begins after the New Year celebration. They sell everything to everyone. Maximum discounts, minimum prices. Even in expensive brand boutiques.

But don’t forget: during these periods you need to be as fast and arrogant as possible, otherwise the product you like will disappear from under your nose. Happy shopping!

Tax Free in England

VAT refunds are available for all visitors who do not have British citizenship and are not residents of EU countries. The tax refund amount is approximately 15% of the purchase. In order to receive money, when purchasing, you must ask the seller for a VAT refund form with stamps and a signature. Upon arrival at the airport, you must go to the Global Refund point, fill out a form and provide your receipts (sometimes you may be required to show the goods). Payment is made on the spot or transferred to a bank card.

The content of the article

Despite the fact that shopping in the UK can cost a pretty penny, it will still be much cheaper than here. “Fashionable” will talk about the advantages of shopping in this country, as well as their features.

Stylish and fashionable items at affordable prices. Going shopping in England is not only interesting, but also quite economical. As for clothing, there are enough stores of both simple mass brands and boutiques with unique designer works. For example, in large cities in England, including, you can find stores that sell designer clothes from as yet unknown artists. There are also many boutiques where you can find clothes from all over the world famous brands, both American and European.

Clothing in regular sizes. England is a country where you can easily choose the right size for yourself, especially if you do not have a thin model figure.

Vintage. Great Britain is very popular for vintage shops and markets, where you can buy a variety of things, clothes and all kinds of second hand goods. If you're a fan, you should consider shopping in the UK.

Large cities are the concentration of many shops. Of course, there are a lot of representative offices in London large companies, famous crazy boutiques and all kinds of shopping centers. In addition to the capital, Manchester, Liverpool, York, Newcastle, and Southampton can boast of such shopping diversity. Provincial towns also have shops, but there are significantly fewer of them than in large cities.

Supermarkets and spontaneous markets. Typically large supermarkets in England are located on the outskirts of cities. If you need to go shopping, it is better to do it at Sainsbury's, Tesco and Marks & Spencer, but it is better to buy seafood at Iceland.

The UK is known for its spontaneous markets, which suddenly appear and also disappear in city squares. And yet this schedule can be found on the official websites of the cities.

In English stores, usually fixed prices, which cannot be said about the markets - it’s worth trying to bargain here. Despite the fact that local merchants do not like to haggle, if you find a seller with eastern roots, he will be able to give in on price.

Tax-free check. If you make purchases in this place for more than 30 pounds, you should definitely issue a tax-free check, which will be useful at customs.

Based on this receipt, the UK can return about 12 percent of purchases.
You can pay in Foggy Albion with cards from common payment systems, which are accepted almost everywhere.

Store opening hours

Typically, shops in England are open all week, except Sunday, from nine - half past ten in the morning to half past five - half past seven in the evening. Sometimes before major holidays their work can be extended until eight in the evening. Small outlets may close at lunchtime for a break. Convenience stores are found in major cities.

Large supermarkets are open all week from nine in the morning to eight in the evening, and on Sunday from ten to eleven in the morning until four to five in the afternoon.

Top shopping in the UK

1. Chocolate with the taste and shape of an orange - terry`s chocolate orange, a slice of which can be obtained by knocking on the delicacy.

2. Famous English cheeses, packaged in packs of 100 g, can be found in any store. You should definitely buy Blue Stilton blue cheese, the ancient variety Cheshire cheese, as well as Gloucester, Caerphilly and Wensleydale.

3. Despite the fact that English tea can be bought in every store, it is still better to purchase elite varieties, which are sold in special places “Whittard of Chelsea”. Usually such teas come in interesting packaging. For example, in the shape of a red double-decker bus, in tins with images of cities, famous people and scenes of their lives.

4. Porcelain dishes from England are a special purchase. In this country you can buy porcelain from Royal Doulton and Wedgwood. You can buy either a whole set or one mug. In any case, you will be extremely pleased with the design of the porcelain. The blue crystal tableware from Bristol Blue Crystal is also worth special attention.

5. You can get acquainted with local exotic food by tasting Marmite sandwich paste made from brewer's yeast with herbs and spices, which you can buy in a small jar.

6. Among alcoholic beverages, traditional ale of such varieties as Bitter, Porter, and Barley Wine will become very popular. The English drink is usually poured into Toby Jugs in the shape of interesting characters or celebrity figures. It is also worth trying the famous Scotch whiskey, which is a rather strong drink.

7. In memory of your trip to Edinburgh, you can buy a kilt and a blanket, but this is a rather expensive purchase.

8. Fans of Sherlock Holmes can visit his museum, where they can buy interesting souvenirs - caps, pipes, chess with characters from Conan Doyle's stories. The museum is located in London next to the Baker Street underground station.

9. An excellent gift for children would be Paddington Bear, figures of guardsmen or a police helmet.

Discounts and sales in the UK

In the UK, discounts on sales reach 70%, and sometimes prices can drop by two or three times. Typically, this is the period from the second half of November to February, the peak of which falls at the end of December-January, as well as from the second half of June to the end of summer (July is a “hot” time). You can find out about new prices on store websites.

Before the sale starts, come to the stores in advance, taking with you a sleeping bag and a thermos. And it’s not surprising, because most of the goods are sold out in the first days, leaving not very popular items later.

However, if your visit to England did not fall during the sales period, you should not be upset, because in most stores small sales on last year’s collections continue all year round.

Sales do not pass by London either, which take place here twice a year - in the summer and in new year holidays. Discounts reach 50-75%.

Outlets in the UK

To find out where grand sales are taking place in England, you should check them out on the Designer Warehouse Sale website before your trip.
For example, DWS is a large London sale of women's and men's clothing happens once a month and lasts several days. On the outskirts of London, a huge hangar displays products from several hundred stylish brands with discounts of up to 80%. At such an outlet it is possible to buy current items at reduced prices. These are, for example, outfits from fashion shows, things that clients did not pick up, and more.

In the UK there are also so-called sale villages. One of the most popular is located an hour's drive from the capital - Bicester Village, Oxfordshire, which belongs to large network Chic Outlet Shopping. There are more than 120 boutiques here, including Diesel, Hugo Boss, Dior, Fendi, Dolce & Gabbana.

There are large outlet centers of the McArthurGlen Designer Outlet network in the cities of Ashford, York, Cheshire, Bringend, and Swindon.

Another outlet, Dalton Park Outlet Shopping Centre, is located between Newcastle and Middlesbrough. The place is characterized by mid-priced stores, for example, Adidas, Marks & Spencer, Gap, Levis, Nike, Radley and others. There are about 60 boutiques in total, which offer products from two hundred brands with a discount of more than 50%.

Branded outlets are also common in England, which can be found on the websites of your favorite companies.

Shopping etiquette

Another good thing about shopping in the UK is that it is quite pleasant to be a buyer here. After all, the service here is at the highest level. If for any reason the purchased item does not suit you, it can be returned to the store without any problems. The main thing is the presence of tags and a receipt, and you don’t even need to mention the reason for the return.

In addition, in boutiques you can try on any items, except, in unlimited quantities. In other countries, on the contrary, it is usually allowed to take only up to four things into the fitting room. If the item you like does not fit the size, upon order it will be delivered to the specified address within the city.

British shoe stores offer an interesting service: at the entrance, guests are given a special number with a number. If the number matches the number that will be displayed on the display or the seller will call it, then he will be served in a queue and will be shown shoes until the client makes a choice. Surprisingly, with such a service, clients will not leave without new things.

Hello again! Welcome to my channel! My name is Anya, I make a video about life in England. In today's video I will talk about shopping in the UK, namely about the stores that I discovered here. Many of these brands will be purely British.

I'll start with clothes and shoes, and the first such store is Karen Millen. I was simply delighted when I first walked into the store and saw this variety of dresses and styles. For any figure, you will find a simply stunning dress with an interesting design and you will feel simply at your best. If you have an event for which you need to buy a wonderful dress, then I highly recommend checking out Karen Millen.

Another store that captivated me from the first time I met it is Ted Baker. I liked it because of its interesting prints, good quality, variety of materials and cuts. Baker has a large collection for men and I also love their accessories, bags, wallets for both women and men, and toiletries.

Another store where I also really like to buy clothes is Monsoon. It is part of the Accessorize store, that is, an accessories store that exists in Ukraine. But Monsoon, as part of this brand, was not represented in Ukraine, I don’t know how it is now. Monsoon is a store for very feminine girls, since all the clothes there are very delicate cuts, materials, and patterns. There is also often very beautiful embroidery and some decorations. The quality of these clothes was not always the same high level, I noticed that some dresses changed shape after washing, but overall I am very pleased with this brand.

My favorite shoe store is Clarks. I want to say that, unlike those models that are exported to our countries, Ukraine, Russia, there are more casual shoes here. At the same time, you can still find very beautiful and comfortable models, and the quality of these shoes has never let me down.

Another brand is TK Maxx. This stock store, where you will find an outlet of various brands, that is, all designer items with huge discounts. Moreover, this will include clothes, household items, and I even saw some food. That is, a wide variety of designer products.

The last clothing store I want to mention is Primark. This is a unique store. When I got there for the first time, I was shocked by the number of people, the amount of clothes, the chaos that reigned there, especially if you go to Primark, which is located on the main street of London or other big city. The reason for all this chaos is that the prices are simply cheap by local standards. Clothes at very affordable prices, home decoration, shoes, jewelry, etc. What's good about this store? The clothing collection is updated very, very often, models are copied from famous brands, you will really find some interesting options there. Yes, the quality of the clothes will not be the best, and you need to be prepared for the fact that after a couple of washes your item will lose its color or shape, the threads will stick out. But you don’t have a lot of money, you moved to a new place, and you need a lot of interior items or household supplies, like a blanket, bedding, pillow. There you can safely buy all these things. They won't be the same best quality, but for the first time this is what you need. The catch with this store is that when you see these low prices, you start taking, taking and taking, and in the end the bill at the checkout turns out to be higher than expected.

Among cosmetic stores, The Body Shop comes first for me. I discovered it several years ago and was simply amazed by the ideology of this store. He promotes ethics in trade, that is, supporting the population in third world countries where raw materials are produced. Therefore, you will find a lot of cosmetics with various extracts, oils that were purchased in African countries and other low-income countries. And The Body Shop has always said that they support this population in such a way that the majority of their revenue goes to returning these resources to one country or another. Of course, all the processes of globalization and commercial processes have not escaped The Body Shop. I read interesting article that L’Oreal acquired this brand from its founders. From this point on, questions began to be raised about whether their products or their ingredients were tested on animals. If you are not very concerned about these points, then I highly recommend purchasing The Body Shop care cosmetics. Decorative cosmetics also at a decent level, but it is the care that is business card brand. That is, all face and body creams, various oils are very popular.

And a few words about these chain stores, like Boots and Superdrug. These are stores where you can find various departments, including prescription and non-prescription pharmacies. But you can also buy various brands of cosmetics there. Boots and Superdrug are stores where, depending on the size of one store, it may only have cosmetics, while another may only have a pharmacy. But there are huge stores where you will find exclusive cosmetics, more affordable cosmetics, a pharmacy, and sometimes in these same stores you can even get yourself vaccinated. You can get advice or get a flu shot at Boots. Or there may be an optics department, sometimes you can even print photos there. But I want to note that I like Boots because they have a loyalty program, and every time you purchase their products, you accumulate points from each purchase, and then with these same points you can buy something in this store very profitably . At the same time, you can purchase perfumes and cosmetics from exclusive brands at good prices.