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Creation of a control program for cutting words, logos, toppers in the ArtCAM program. Flat-relief wood carving on CNC machines

6. Possible defects when milling flat-relief threads on CNC machines and methods for its prevention.
7. Practical work. Creating a program for CNC (creating a vector model of a thread element in CorelDRAW X7, creating a control program in ArtCAMPro 9). Thread visualization.

It should be immediately noted that the quality of the tool that is used on CNC machines for milling flat-relief threads plays a very important role. great importance. It is highly recommended not to use a low-quality tool from an unknown manufacturer. From my own experience, I can say that using a low-quality tool can lead to a number of problems. For example, with rapid wear of the cutting edge of the tool, non-compliance with the declared geometry of the tool, poor quality of surface treatment of the workpiece, excessive chipping during processing, excessive raising of the pile during processing, etc.
Types of cutters used in carving engraving.
First of all, these are engravers (engraving cutters). The following engravers are used: 30? - 60 degrees, 90 and 120 degrees. See Fig. 25-26-27

Cylindrical end mills with a flat base with a diameter of 1 mm to 8 mm are also used.
Engravers select the lateral inclined walls of the thread, the middle lines, petals, and undercuts at intersections. Cylindrical end mills are used to select backgrounds; these cutters are also used to trim threads along the contour if necessary (if the thread is overhead or slotted). See Fig. 28

By personal experience When engraving flat-relief threads on CNC machines, I suggest using the following cutters. Dimar company, country of origin: Israel. And it is their new line of carbide replacement engravers. See Fig. 29.

It is advisable to have several holders for engraving plates 30-60-90 degrees. These engravers can mill the center lines, petals, and side walls of the thread. Also, for milling the sidewalls of carvings for hardwoods (maple, ash, oak, hornbeam), I would recommend an all-solid engraver with three cutting knives. See Fig. thirty

For sampling backgrounds and for cutting along contours, I recommend cylindrical end mills with a flat base from SGS Tool Company. 2-way for cutting and 3-way for sampling blind backgrounds. Country of origin: USA.

5. Creating a control program for flat-relief carving in ArtCAMPro 9.
These recommendations will also be relevant for later versions of ArtCAM. After the drawing of the future thread is created in CorelDRAW X7. It must be exported to Adobe Illustrator 8.0 format. Next in the ArtCAMPro 9 program. Create new model with the necessary parameters (height, width, resolution). See Fig. 31-32

Import the previously saved vector drawing into ArtCAM. “File” - “Import” - “Import vectors” See Fig. 33.

Often the engraved design consists of a large number of elements to which different engraving methods will be applied. For the following reason, it is more advisable to arrange the drawing in layers. This will also help to quickly change certain engraving parameters (plunge feed, working feed, safety plane, etc.). For example, when milling a thread in a body (not through), you can create the following layers with the names: “Middle lines”, “Backgrounds”, “Petals” ", "Pruning". In order to create a new layer, you should have an attached “Vector” window in the right corner of the screen. See Fig. 34. (If this window is missing, press the F7 key on your keyboard)

In order to create a new layer, you need to click the leaf icon (the first one in the left corner of the attached window) See Fig.35

Next, give the required name to the new layer; to do this, double-click the left mouse button on the layer name and enter the name. See Fig. 36.

Next, select the thread elements one by one (holding the Shift key) and move them to the desired layer according to the logic. Right-click on the selected objects, then select the “Move to layer” menu item, then select the desired layer from the drop-down list. See Fig. 37


Note! Also notice the light bulb icon next to the layer name. By clicking on this icon, you can enable or disable the display of vectors located on this layer. It is very convenient for group selection of the desired vectors using the lasso method. See Fig. 37(2)

Once the vectors have been laid out into layers, you can proceed directly to creating control programs.

Let's look at the use of engraving tools in ArtCAMPro 9 using a practical example. Vector drawing for execution practical task you can download it for free here. See Fig. 38

Engraving backgrounds.

Turn off all layers, leaving only the “Backgrounds” layer. See Figure 39.

Next, we will diagnose the vectors for errors (checking for intersections, coincidence of vector points, the presence of loops). To do this, select all the vectors related to the backgrounds by throwing a lasso with the left mouse button, then in the top text menu select the “Vector” - “Vector Diagnostics” tab. See Fig. 40

Next, click the “Detect” button, uncheck “Save original”, then “Correct errors”. Errors that could not be corrected automatically are corrected manually. See Fig. 41

In the next steps, select the “NC” tab from the bottom left - 2D NC, then the “Engraving” tool. See Fig. 42-43

Next, we create a list of tools that will be used when engraving this ornament (the “Add” button). In this particular case, this is a cylindrical end mill with a diameter of 1 mm (for milling backgrounds) and a 30-degree engraver for forming the walls of the thread. See Fig 44

Let's set up each of the cutters. First, the general parameters for all cutters are “Initial pass”, “Finishing pass”, “Accuracy”, check the boxes next to the parameters “Vectors on the surface”, “Cylindrical tool offset”. It is also necessary to set the “Safety height” parameter (individually, depending on how the workpiece is secured and how much the equipment protrudes) See Fig. 45

Next, we will set up a cylindrical end mill with a diameter of 1 mm. Let’s set up parameters such as “Step”, “Depth per pass”, “Working feed”, “Plunge feed”, “Rotation speed”, “Allowance”, “Machining strategy”. And we will also indicate the thickness of the material being processed. After setting all the parameters, do not forget to click the “Calculate” button UE See Fig. 46.

Next, let's set the engraver to 30 degrees. Let's set the following parameters as “Step”, “Depth per pass”, “Working feed”, “Plunge feed”, “Rotation speed”, “Allowance”, “Machining strategy”. Also, be sure to check the box next to the “Cutting corners” option. I would also like to pay attention to the next parameter as “Profile only”. Set this parameter if you do not want the engraver to clean up the background behind the cylindrical cutter. For numerical settings of the engraver, see Fig. 47.

To make sure that all cutters are configured correctly, make a visualization (simulation) of the UE. To do this, select “UE” in the top text menu - “Simulation of all UEs” See Fig. 48

The next step is to set up the cutter to cut the center lines. Let's turn off the display of the UE, and also turn off the layer with the backgrounds. In ArtCAMPro 9, select the 2D NC tool “Engraving along the center line” See Fig. 49

Next, we will select an engraving tool, in this case it is a 90 degree engraver (it should be noted that if you want to get deeper center lines, then select a 60 degree engraver), then we will configure the necessary parameters of the cutter and the “Center Line Engraving” tool. See Fig. 50.

Next, we calculate the maximum depth and width by clicking the “Middle Line” button. See Fig. 51

The next step is not to forget to calculate the UE.

The final stage for this practical example these are the formations of intersections of the so-called “undercuts”. Hide the layers containing the backgrounds and midlines. Let's leave only the layer containing non-closed vectors that will form clippings. See Fig. 52

Next, select the 2D NC tool “Profile Processing”. Let's select the required cutter. In this case, it is a 30 degree engraver (the same as when engraving the background), the milling depth is 1.2 mm. The rest of the instrument settings are as in the figure. See Fig. 53

It should be noted that sometimes the vectors need to be rotated to form intersections so that the cutter passes on the side of the vector we need. In order to expand a vector, select it, then right mouse button, in the menu that appears, select the “Expand vector” item. See Fig. 54

Run the final visualization of all UEs. If you did everything correctly, you should get something like the picture. See Figure 55

You can create an image of a word, topper, logo in any program, for example, CorelDRAW, and then transfer it to a file (UP) that is understandable to the machine, according to these instructions, starting from step 10.

This article describes an example of creating a project for cutting a word, starting with the creation of the image itself, in the ArtCAM program.

1. Launch the ArtCAM program, select File -> New -> Model... from the menu (shortcut keys for Ctrl + N), Figure 1.

Figure 1 Creating a project in ArtCAM

2. In the window that opens, set the size of our workpiece in the “Height (Y)” and “Width (X)” fields, Figure 2, and click “OK”.

Figure 2 Creating a new model in ArtCAM

3. In the Editing vectors menu, select “Create vector text”, Figure 3.

Figure 3 Font selection

4. Select the desired font, Figure 4.

Figure 4 Font selection

5 And we dial required text, Figure 5.

Figure 6 Ungrouping the vector

7. If necessary, you can make the necessary adjustments, for example, move the letter “e” slightly to the right, Figure 7

Figure 7 Moving a letter

8.In the “Editing Vectors” field, select the “Cut Vector to Intersections” tool, Figure 8.

Figure 8 Editing vectors

Using the scissors tool, remove parts of the vectors at the intersection of the letters, Figure 9.

Figure 9 Vector clipping

We get text without intersections, Figure 10.

Figure 10 Text without intersections

9. Select all the vectors along the perimeter (click on each one while holding down the "Shift" button) and select "combining vectors by merging end points", Figure 11.

Figure 11 Combining vectors

Specify the accuracy of 0.01 and click the "Merge" button, Figure 12.

Figure 12

10 In the 2D processing menu, select “Processing by Profile”, Figure 13.

Figure 13 Profile processing

Select a tool and set its parameters, Figure 14

After specifying the tool parameters, they are saved and when you select it further, you do not need to specify the parameters.

Figure 14 Editing a tool

11 We save the project, to do this, select “Save CP” in the “NC” menu, transfer the necessary trajectories, in our case, put the “hole” trajectory first,
select the post-processor and save the UE, Figure 15.

Figure 15 Saving Output File

All that remains is to run the resulting file for cutting in the MACH3 program.

Video of cutting words on the Modelist3040 machine. Material - 4mm plywood, 3mm cutter with chip removal downwards, feed speed 1000mm/min.

Word length 40cm, cutting time 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Received word

Video of word cutting on the Modelist6090 machine . Word length 40cm, cutting time 2 minutes 45 seconds.

Material - 4mm plywood, 3mm compression cutter, feed speed 1000mm/min.

Photo of the result of the work.

The cleanest cut is obtained when cutting with compression cutters or cutters with chip removal downwards.

In the photo, the top word was cut with a milling cutter, removing chips downwards without cleaning, the middle one with a traditional milling cutter, removing chips upwards and then removing large pile with sandpaper, the bottom word was cut with a milling cutter, the top two words were cut with conventional cutters, the bottom with a compression cutter, without processing.

If you have ever wondered “what can be done on a CNC milling machine,” then this article is for you. Interesting products today self made are very highly valued and in great demand.

Products for sale or for your own use can be made efficiently and quickly using.

As a result, you can get a variety of wood products:

  • decorative items;
  • furniture;
  • souvenirs and other products.

We also have an article on our website about, which may be useful in the production of this type of product. For this production, you only need certain equipment and some experience working with it.
And by the way, that's pretty good way earnings. After all, such products are always in demand and have a high price.

Preparation of raw materials for products

Almost all solid materials can be used as raw materials:

  • wood (including plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, MDF);
  • various types of plastic (acrylic, PVC);
  • metals;
  • polycarbonates;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polystyrene and other materials that can be machined.

It is very popular now, as it is used to make fashionable interior details, household items and many other products for the home.

Wood is the most common raw material for processing on CNC machines. program controlled.

The best option would be to use the following breeds:

  • Ash: has a lot in common with oak. However, the degree of resistance to deformation, viscosity, and impact resistance are higher for this type of wood. Ash wood is highly valued in furniture production, where it is equated to mahogany.
  • Pine: It is resinous, durable and hard, resistant to rotting and fungal attack, excellent for processing. Highly valued due to the small number of knots and slight change in diameter along the length of the trunk.
  • Larch: it is characterized by high strength, resistance to external influences, pleasant color and structure.

The choice of breed depends on the products. Particular attention should be paid to such characteristics of wood as moisture and strength. Because they greatly influence the quality of the finished product.

Advantages of working with a CNC milling machine

Milling cutters have a fairly large number of advantages, including:

  • the ability to produce a wide variety of products from materials that are completely different from each other (which cannot be processed in any other way);
  • precision and evenness of the cut, making the product neat and beautiful;
  • opportunity to do the required form, depth and even shaped cuts;
  • work can be carried out on both vertical, horizontal and inclined surfaces;
  • high speed;
  • a wide variety of parts: flat, three-dimensional, and even 3D;
  • repeatability of a larger number of products, which is practically impossible with other processing methods;
  • the ability to cut, do rough calibration, mill grooves and other types of connections used in assembling the product.

Main products

Today there are a huge number of items that can be made using a CNC machine, such as:

  1. Unique furniture made from various materials, including precious woods.
  2. Souvenirs: various boxes, photo frames, figurines, etc.
  3. Advertising products: beautiful massive letters, signs, etc.

Let's take a closer look at each of the proposed options.

Designer furniture. It surrounds us everywhere: bedrooms, kitchen, children's room. Modern furniture manufacturing very well thought out and highly accurate.

Steps to create a product on a CNC machine:

  1. Sketch development. For this item, there are a large number of programs that help virtually simulate the situation. To create a 3-dimensional layout of a drawing, use computer programs such as CAD. The prepared computer files will make it possible to obtain a furniture product at milling machine CNC.
  2. Preparing the model for the machine. A ready-made sketch in 3D as a basis for the manufacture of any set of parts. To this sketch it is necessary to add a ray function (a vector that will be responsible for the direction of the cutter relative to the workpiece). There is also automatic model formation, which is quite convenient and will help save your time. Modern equipment simplifies the manufacturing process and conveys even the smallest and most difficult lines.
  3. Selection of the type of cutting tools, setting the power and processing mode.
  4. Loading files into the machine's memory, installing cutting tools, securing the workpiece and starting production. The CNC milling machine does further work independently according to an already specified program.
  5. Final assembly. It will take a small amount of time, there is no need to adjust parts.

Promotional Products. Its creation is a relevant type of activity today, in which the use of milling machines with numerical control is very popular. Such machines cope well with tasks such as the production of light boxes, stands, panels, curly inscriptions and outdoor advertising signs, as well as the preparation of structures for exhibitions.

A CNC machine helps to perform the following operations that are related to advertising products:

  • cutting wood, acrylic and other materials;
  • engraving/cutting of massive inscriptions;
  • creation of a logo, emblem;
  • production of signs, stands, etc.

To summarize, we can say that the number of products that can be made on CNC milling the machine has a huge number. All you need is equipment, a desire to work and a little experience.

Interior items decorated with carvings are always aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, noble and, as they say, forever. Wood is an unpretentious material and does not require special care. But it can easily “revive” the interior and emphasize its uniqueness. Our specialists are ready to cut any pattern on wood, as well as produce any products using CNC machines. We work not only with our own catalogs, but also with your individual sketches.

Features and advantages of working on CNC machines:

Orders are completed extremely quickly and accurately, as they are not done manually. CNC wood carving service(computer numerical control) is extremely popular. This smart machine is capable of turning any idea into reality with the smallest precision, which will exceed any expectations! There are no restrictions for the machine; it cuts out even the most complex, intricate shapes with a large number of small elements. Found a picture on the Internet? Have you chosen something from our catalog, but want to add other details? Or did you come up with your own pattern? Contact us! We'll do anything! At the same time, the price remains quite favorable!

Mostly carving is carried out on the following materials- natural wood and MDF. In some cases, using a special router, we perform carvings on other materials.

There are several techniques for making carvings using a CNC machine:

Relief surfaces are processed with ball cutters sequentially with small steps,
- flat multi-level patterns and geometric shapes are made using cylindrical or profile cutters.

Precision manufacturing is guaranteed by computer control. However, after the machine has done its job, there are still many improvements that are done manually. Craftsmen carefully polish and perfect the carved product, varnish or paint it.

Wood carvings of different types:

The use of wood for interior decoration is very popular today. Many working techniques have been created, thanks to which it is possible to create products that decorate the interior and have artistic value. Moreover, wood is becoming fashionable again, as is the interior with the “eco” prefix. CNC wood carving allows you to create truly amazing products! Flowers and leaves can bloom on the tree, geometric or abstract patterns, any shapes and letters can appear - anything!

Depending on your goals, you can choose the appropriate type of material. For example, linden is a very soft wood, perfect for making small items with many small elements. While oak, on the contrary, is a species with “character”, hard, for massive products that will last for many years. Walnut is also a very hard wood, but can be modified and processed. Birch is a material that will look advantageous on the front parts of objects. All due to its unique and expressive texture. Alder is perfect if you want to pass off a not-so-expensive tree as a valuable species. The noble color will deceive the eye.


Our company offers some of the most favorable conditions. The cost depends on the complexity and depth of the relief, on the type of product, its size, on the selected tree, and is calculated individually in each case. You can check the preliminary price for carving using a CNC machine in advance!

Contact us in any convenient way or immediately send your design by email. We will respond in as soon as possible! Or call toll-free throughout Russia: +7 812 336-36-76.