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Statuses about life in prose. Aphorisms

“What are we fighting over? And what are we bothering about? We don't know how to value the most important things!
And we remember in passing and “by the way”, What a happiness it is to simply LIVE!”
Alena Tokareva “Live!”

“I built a house. He planted a tree from which he built a house. My wife gave birth to a son, who helped plant the tree from which I built the house. My friends are one dog and a family of cats (a cat, the cat’s wife and their daughter). By communicating with me, they teach me to tolerate people. I'm either a cynical wiseguy or a smart cynic. I work as a janitor for pleasure (I don’t like garbage) and as a freelance journalist (I’m looking for freedom, that’s why I work as a janitor). What do I do for a living? This is how life earns from me.”
Andrey Selyukhov

“How is a road measured: hours or kilometers?
- Impressions."

“What’s especially surprising is the speed with which everything happens.
including life itself..."
Gerchikov Ilya 08.11.2011 11:42

“If it is impossible to do what needs to be done,
We need to do something that is impossible.”
Meir Kaminsky “Thought N11”

“And a philosophical thought was born to me. Philosophical thoughts now often appear in my empty head based on accumulated knowledge. These thoughts are the result of observations and reflections on the destinies of humanity. Although my vision is not what it used to be, and without glasses I see people as if in a fog.”
Igor Telok “Oldism 3. Life choices”

“Your desires have long since met your capabilities. We talked, agreed and moved on. Each in their own direction. That is, opportunities went where desires came from. And desires go where opportunities come from.
What didn't you understand? You will have fewer and fewer desires, but more and more opportunities. Live for your own pleasure, chew bananas and hazel grouse. Wait for your last day."
Andrey Gavrikov “Anti-crisis of midlife”

“It’s just that even at his age he retained curiosity and a genuine interest in the renewed life. But for some reason, some aspects of it - and there were more and more of them every year - remained inaccessible to him, and this irritated him. It was as if someone invisible had pulled a thick screen in front of him, behind which, by the way, a lot of interesting things were happening.”
Pashnev “An incident in a smoking room overlooking a bar”

“When you’re old, your brain is so full of memories that you can’t remember where you put your glasses.”
Gerchikov Ilya “Moralisms-15”

“Therefore, there is no need to rush to conclusions, because our life is nonsense, an absurdity of accidents from the moment of birth to the end. The most incredible nonsense can sometimes say more and better than a logical scientific joke. After all, a strict construction of life is an invention inherent in human idealism or idiocy.”
Alik Zaitsev “Kozma Prutkov? Like not Kosma Prutkov"

"104. You speak, they don’t listen, and if they listen, they don’t understand. And if they understand, then it’s wrong.
And if they understand correctly, they do the opposite. And if they do it right, then it’s already so late that it would be better if they didn’t do it.”
Nikolay Kladov “Aphorisms”

“Justice will certainly prevail - in the unattainable “bright future”.”
Gerchikov Ilya “Moralisms-7”

“Without knowledge, life is probably boring.
Often, it is simply impossible.
Best of all, time teaches us
but it also kills..."

“22.A smart person learns from his mistakes. A fool doesn’t even learn from his own people. But the mistakes of a genius move humanity.”
Nikolay Kladov “Aphorisms”

“Human life is based on feelings. A person strives to avoid unpleasant feelings and achieve pleasant ones.”
Alik Zaitsev “Kozma Prutkov? Like not Kosma Prutkov"

“We are initially interested in each thing only in its relation to us in the sense of pleasure or pain.”
Nietzsche "Human, all too human"

“There are so few people around with whom a thread connects.
A friend died - and I suddenly realized: I have no one to talk to..."
Vladimir Tsiglitsky “Scams”


Showing 1-18 of 74

A writer who loves the perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow ponderous and clumsy composition in his prose. He will strive for proportionality of parts and rigor of the verbal drawing. He will avoid an abundance of decorations that dilute the prose - the so-called ornamental style.

Indifference is prudence. Don't move - this is your salvation. Play dead and you won't be killed.

Every Russian, deep down in his soul, does not like a single foreigner.

Vices are included in the composition of virtues, like poisons in the composition of medicines; prudence mixes them, weakens their effect, skillfully uses them as a remedy against life’s adversities.

There are people who are favored by fortune. In any case, those around them are sure of this, and they feel fierce envy mixed with admiration towards the minions of fortune. In fact, their share of blows of fate is no less than smiles; it’s just that the lucky ones never get discouraged or complain. They shrug off misfortune with a bewildered shrug, and wrap themselves in happiness as if in a dazzlingly elegant cloak. They do not deserve to notice adversity, and so on until death. If anyone on earth should be envied, it should be the owners of this wonderful gift.

It is impossible not to get dirty while cleaning up the dirt - Fandorin had to listen to this judgment quite often, especially from law enforcement practitioners. However, he established long ago that only people who do not have the ability for this delicate craft reason this way. Those who are lazy search simple ways when solving complex issues, they do not become real professionals. A good janitor always wears a snow-white apron, because he does not shovel dirt with his hands, standing on all fours, but has a broom, shovel, dustpan and knows how to use them correctly.

You know for sure: in books there are fairy tales, but in life there is only prose.

The more cold, calculating, and circumspect we are, the less we are attacked by ridicule. Selfishness may be disgusting, but it is not ridiculous, for it is reasonable. However, there are people who love themselves with such tenderness, are surprised at their genius with such delight, think about their well-being with such tenderness, about their displeasures with such compassion, that in them selfishness has a funny side of enthusiasm and sensitivity.

It is better for the writer to understate than to say too much

They have invented a means that acts with retroactive force and thanks to which any stupidity can be considered as if not perfect or can even turn into wisdom. This remedy is completely simple, and it consists in declaring that the stupidity is committed or said in an ironic sense. This is how everything in this world moves forward: stupidity becomes irony, unsuccessful flattery becomes satire, natural stupidity becomes skillful parody, true madness becomes humor, ignorance becomes brilliant wit.

Precision and brevity are the first virtues of prose. It requires thought and thought, without which brilliant expressions serve nothing.

Love is not a hothouse flower, but a free plant, born on a damp night, born in a moment of solar warmth, rising from a free seed thrown near the road by a free wind. A free plant, which we call a flower, if by chance it blooms in our garden; we call it tares if they bloom in the wild; but whether it is a flower or a chaff - there is always freedom in its smell and colors!

After all, it is so mysterious and unknown, this country of tears.

There is an opinion that there are words-shackles, there are words-destroyers, and there are words-wings. And, if the first and second should appear in our vocabulary as rarely as possible, then the latter can shape our lives and our worldview. But their function is much more. Let's get to know them, find out what they are and how to use them. “Wings” also include beautiful quotes. What are they about? What power do they have? And why should you pay attention to them?

Graceful sayings

Wings are what allow birds to fly and soar. So, beautiful phrases help us to believe in our own strengths and break away from the dullness and everyday life of thinking. They have strength and courage, they have confidence and kindness. The main purpose of such sayings is to help.

If you love, love with all your soul,
If you believe, then believe until the end.
And then they will be with you
Your happiness, love and dream!

To find out where your heart lives, pay attention to where your mind wanders during moments of daydreaming.

When you look for yours happiness, don't take it from others.

Don't complain about the cold outside, if you yourself haven’t put a drop of heat into it.

Everyone wants a beautiful rose, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose with its thorns, the night with its mystery, a friend with all his problems.

Someone hesitates to confess their love? Tell them the inspiring message: “You will succeed!”, and he will overcome his internal doubts, no matter how frightening they may be. If a friend has a big decision to make, reassure them of your support by using beautiful sayings. Tell him that no matter what decision he makes, you will be there and help you overcome everything, give him wings so that when he takes off, he can look at the situation from the outside. This will help him be calmer and more confident.

A woman shouldn't tell a man that that loves him. Let her shining, happy eyes speak about this. They speak louder than any words.

Some people enjoy the rain others just get wet.

We think God sees us above y - but he sees us from the inside.

Elevate your words not a voice. Flowers grow from rain, not from thunder.

May this day be happy
And everyone's dreams come true.
May the sun shine on you everywhere,
And the flowers smile...

It doesn't matter what face you have– what matters is what it expresses. It doesn’t matter what kind of voice you have, what matters is how precious your words are. It doesn't matter how you talk - your actions speak for themselves.

A person needs wings so that, armed with them, he can become richer. So that the whole world becomes closer to him. They expand his horizons so much that the first thing he sees, analyzing beautiful aphorisms, is himself. He understands what he is really capable of and how to use all the potential that he has!

Love is when you want it experience all four seasons with someone. When you want to run with someone from a spring thunderstorm under lilacs strewn with flowers, and in the summer you want to pick berries and swim in the river. In the fall, make jam together and seal the windows against the cold. In winter - to help survive a runny nose and long evenings...

Love is a bath you need to either dive headfirst or not get into the water at all.

Hearts are like flowers- they cannot be opened by force, they must open themselves.

Thousands of candles can be lit from one single candle, and her life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it.

Don't throw out phrases rashly, There are words stronger than a hurricane.
Wounds from a knife heal, but wounds do not heal from words...

Every person needs beautiful phrases that can tear one away from the earth, because we are all sometimes overcome by fears and doubts, some are haunted by gossip, bad wishes, and envy. How to overcome everything? But there is no need to fight, otherwise you will easily be drawn into the cycle of complexity and swamp uncertainty. Flap your wing, read the beautiful words, and soar, soar above these difficulties. They are not worth spending a minute of your life on these insignificant things.

Where there is a lot of love, there are a lot of mistakes there. Where there is no love, everything is a mistake.

The best shot is a random shot.
The best thoughts are your own.
The best feeling is mutual.
The most best friends- faithful friends.
Most best person- for each one.

Even though life is not tied with a bow, it's still a gift.

In thunderstorms, in storms,
Into everyday shame,
In case of bereavement
And when you're sad
Seem smiling and simple -
The highest art in the world.
S. Yesenin

People may forget what you said. They may forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel.

Know how to rejoice, know how to understand your significance and the significance of certain events and people in your life. Those of the people you need, let them stay in it, do not let others put shackles on you to destroy your personality and your life. What will help with this? Wise and beautiful aphorisms. Start the day by reading them, and when problems arise, read the strengthening sayings again.

Everyone has a quiet corner in their soul,
Where we don't allow anyone.
And at the same time we anxiously dream,
For someone to cross the threshold.

Failure doesn't mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

I am the air don't try to hold it back. Breathe while I let myself breathe!

I'm not asking for a lighter burden., and so that the shoulders are stronger and the heart is wiser.

Sayings with magical powers

Magic is the ability to transform a wonderful moment into a lifetime. It is precisely the magic of transformation that words-wings possess; they transform disbelief into confidence; fears – in force; beautiful aphorisms transform losses into gains. How do they do it?

Not being able to live forever, we have the opportunity to live brightly.

Nothing will ever go away until it teaches us what we need to know.

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we don’t see the most beautiful things in life, but feel them with our hearts...

About some words and expressions we can safely say: appetizing; wise; peace-loving; filled deep meaning. And each point very accurately characterizes beautiful phrases.

Don't be afraid of changes in life,
All the more inevitable.
They come at that moment
When they are necessary.

Tasty or colorful, juicy, beautiful phrases, those that call for action. If we want to praise someone, encourage them to be active, or give a compliment, we use special vocabulary. Vocabulary in which expressions that completely capture the attention of the interlocutor, turn on his imagination and motivate him to act.

A husband and wife should be like hands and eyes:
When your hand hurts, your eyes cry, and when your eyes cry, your hands wipe away your tears.

True love is when you love not the one you would like to meet, but the one you don’t want to part with.

Happiness can't be loud. It is quiet, cozy, dear...

Don't teach your children to be rich. Teach them to be happy. When they grow up, they will know the value of things, not their price.

So often we all lack balance in everything, in desires, in aspirations, and in relationships. It is beautiful quotes that help you find harmony in yourself and in your outlook on life. Simply put, they help you become wiser and teach you through examples of the experience and knowledge of worthy people.

How easy it is to offend someone!
He took and threw out a phrase angrier than pepper...
And then sometimes a century is not enough
To return an offended heart...
E. Asadov

- that time of year, when people should warm each other: with their words, with their feelings, with their lips. And then no cold is scary.

You can always close your eyes to what you see, but you cannot close your heart to what you feel.

Learning to resolve issues kindly is a talent that deserves respect. What will help us with this? Beautiful phrases. At any conflict situation such talent is the only thing that will help us remain real people. In the family, at work or in an informal meeting, each of us needs to show that the first thing we value is peace. And on this basis we can build strong relationships.

Wise, filled with deep meaning

Beautiful aphorisms are deep waters that are useful to explore and pleasant to enter. Their waters carry our thoughts away from familiar and ordinary things into the depths of consciousness. It is there that we find the true goals for which we live and strive for.

The day is over. What was in it?
I don’t know, I flew by like a bird.
It was an ordinary day
But still, it won’t happen again.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself.
Without masks, omissions and ambitions.
And take care of them, they were sent to you by fate.
After all, there are only a few of them in your life.

To be remembered by children tomorrow, need to be in their lives today.

Don't trust those who speak beautifully there is always play in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.

Exact Quotes

Why not make beautiful sayings the basis of your life? They illuminate the path for us to follow. They make adjustments accurately and accurately, pointing out our mistakes and suggesting how they can be corrected. That’s why it’s worth reading beautiful aphorisms every day. Read them yourself and forward them to your friends, post them on social networks and try to actually follow their simple wisdom. What will you gain by paying such attention to these statements? Wings!

The one who is to blame for disappointment is always the one who was enchanted, but not enchanted, so do not scold the glass that seems like a diamond to you.

Three things never come back: Time, Word, Opportunity. Therefore... don’t waste time, choose your words, don’t miss the opportunity.

Before you judge someone, put on his shoes, walk his path, trip over every stone that lay on his path, feel his pain, taste his tears... And only after that tell him how to live!

My guardian angel... I’m tired again... Give me your hand, please, and hug me with your wing... Hold me tight so that I don’t fall... And if I stumble, You lift me up...

Let them tell me: “All the trains have left,
and it’s too late to expect anything from life.”
And I will answer - this is nonsense...
There are still ships and planes!

The best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke? Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why bother your loved ones with your problems? But is this right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times if not our dearest people. They will support you in word and deed, your loved ones will be by your side, and everything that has been bothering you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses are also a kind of advice about the most important things in every person’s life. Go to and choose the most interesting statements of great people. The wisdom of humanity is collected in great books such as the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude towards every living creature - all this worried people both in ancient times and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary of those great sayings that even today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous personalities!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern megacities, it is difficult to discern when day turns to night, as the light of thousands of street lamps and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you just want to watch starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or simply count the stars. But we are always in a hurry, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the tallest building in the city. And in the summer, falling in the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who care!

Most statuses in in social networks either cool and humorous, or dedicated to the theme of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a decent status without jokes. Interesting statements and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical discussions about the future of modern civilization. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person cannot be satisfied with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of “loving pranksters” and find worthy “food for thought”, then collected here wise statuses will help you with this. Truly significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away without leaving a trace. Wise sayings of great people make us think, stick into our consciousness and can help solve a particular problem. We have collected a wide variety of statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.

We ourselves choose our thoughts, which build our future lives. 97

In order to learn to tell the truth to people, you need to learn to tell it to yourself. 132

The surest way to a person’s heart is to talk with him about what he values ​​above all else. 120

When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself the reason for it - and your soul will feel better. 72

The world is boring for boring people. 116

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. 127

If our paths in life diverge from someone, it means that this person has fulfilled his task in our life, and we have fulfilled his task in his. New people come in their place to teach us something else. 161

What is most difficult for a person is what is not given to him. 58 - phrases and quotes about life

You only live once, and even that cannot be certain. Marcel Achard 62

If you regret not speaking once, you will regret not speaking a hundred times. 56

I want to live better, but I have to have more fun... Mikhail Mamchich 28

Difficulties begin where they try to simplify. -2

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No person can abandon us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves. 74

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not welcome 60

I may not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives meaning to life. 45

Life only has value because it ends, baby. Rick Riordan (American writer) 24

Life is more often like a novel than our novels are like life. J. Sand 16

If you don’t have time to do something, then you shouldn’t have time, which means you need to spend time on something else. 55

You can’t stop living a fun life, but you can make it so that you don’t want to laugh. 25

Life without illusions is fruitless. Albert Camus, philosopher, writer 19

Life is hard, but fortunately it is short (p.s. very famous phrase) 14

Nowadays people are not tortured with hot irons. There are noble metals. 31

It is very easy to check whether your mission on Earth is over: if you are alive, it continues. 33

Wise quotes about life fill it with a certain meaning. When you read them, you feel your brain begin to move. 41

To understand means to feel. 85

It's so simple: you have to live until you die 16

Philosophy does not answer the question of the meaning of life, but only complicates it. 34

Anything that unexpectedly changes our lives is not an accident. 40

Death is not scary, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. We should not be afraid of the dead, but feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose lives were interrupted without allowing them to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever to mourn the departed. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies 42

We don't know what to do with our short life, but we still want to live forever. (p.s. oh, how true!) A. France 20

The only happiness in life is constant striving forward. 62

In the tears that each of the women shed by the grace of men, any of them could be drowned. Oleg Roy, novel: The Man in the Opposite Window 34 (1)

A person always strives to be an owner. People need to have houses in their name, cars in their name, their own companies, and spouses stamped in their passports. Oleg Roy. Web of Lies 28

Now everyone has the Internet, but there is still no happiness... 48