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Skillful hands - learning how to make a cozy nest for a goose. What you need to build a nest for geese with your own hands Do-it-yourself goose nests

The article tells you how to make a nest for a goose with your own hands. To get the largest number of eggs, it is necessary to provide the females with decent conditions: a diet rich in proteins and calcium, isolation from the rest of the population and noise. Not the least role in this is played by nesting boxes, which must be installed a month before the active laying season. During this time, the geese get used to the new place, insulate it independently, and prepare for laying eggs and further incubation.

Briefly about the main thing

As a rule, geese begin to lay eggs in the spring: in late March - early April. But if the barn where the geese are kept is warm and humid enough, and the females’ diet is dominated by protein foods and mineral supplements, then they begin to lay eggs as early as February.

Already at the beginning of the year, you need to make sure that each hen has her own nest. This is ideal, but it often happens that 2-3 geese take a fancy to one nest and lay eggs in it at the same time. In these cases, each masonry is marked with different symbols so as not to be confused.

Types of goose nests

It is recommended to make goose nests different types, so that every goose can choose the right one. To do this, you can use items found around the farm, for example, thick boxes, old fruit baskets, car tires, or large buckets turned on their sides and mounted on a flat base.

Any of these structures should be disinfected before use, covered with bedding material and, if necessary, equipped with a bridge for birds to climb onto.

You cannot use a metal base for the nest, as hens often bury their eggs under the litter. Contact with cold metal can cause the shell to crack and the embryos to freeze.

Other options

Nests made from construction mesh are popular abroad. A pipe is formed from it the right size, fastened with clamps and tightly wrapped in straw, fixing it with a second layer of mesh. The protruding metal edges are cut off, and the nest-pipe itself is strengthened on a stable wooden base.

Even old cabinet furniture, such as an armchair or desk, can be used as nests by removing excess partitions or adding them in the right place. In this way, you can place several hens at once. Read more about how to make nest sections below.

Differences between goose and chicken nests

Unlike nests for chickens, which require a small elevation for the bird to take off and can even be located multi-story, goose nests are placed at floor level. There are often cases when a goose, unable to climb into a high nesting box, lays eggs on the cold ground or concrete floor. And the cold, as we said above, is destructive for future goslings.

In a chicken coop there are usually 3-5 hens per nest, while geese require more space and privacy.

Goose nests are made larger than chicken nests, depending on the size of the bird. They should be secluded enough to retain heat, and spacious enough so that the goose can stay in it around the clock without embarrassment.

Suitable sizes

Standard dimensions of a nest for laying eggs: width - 60 centimeters, length -70 centimeters, height - 60 centimeters. To incubate the eggs, the nesting box is made a little deeper.

Some farmers, in order to take care of their hens, make the nest box very spacious, 100 by 100 centimeters. But whether this option is right for you depends on the amount of suitable space in the house and the preferences of the geese themselves.

DIY sectional nests

Preparing the tools

For a large flock, the ideal option would be to build a sectional nest for geese with your own hands. As a base you can take, for example, plywood, OSB or chipboard. It is convenient to make such sections in 3-4 pieces on a common basis; they are compact and quite simple to manufacture.

To build a sectional nesting box you will need:

  • any particle boards, plywood or lining;
  • support bars 5 centimeters thick;
  • nails or screws (the latter option is preferable - it will increase the shelf life of the socket);
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • drawing with dimensions;
  • hammer or screwdriver.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

Wood scraps and materials do not have to be new, but clean and dry, free of mold.

Step-by-step procedure for making a sectional goose nest:

Cut the planks into pieces of the same size (the optimal dimensions of the nest are indicated above). These will be the side walls and internal partitions. For the roof and rear wall, dimensions are calculated based on the number of sections and the selected dimensions of each compartment.

Nail the planks to the four support rails at small intervals.

The front part remains open and is equipped with a protective threshold 10 centimeters wide. This will prevent eggs and straw from spilling out.

If the floor of the poultry house is insulated with foam plastic, then the box can be placed without a bottom. If the floor is concrete, it is worth making the bottom from the same material as the side walls.

The partitions between the sections are made high enough so that the hens do not disturb each other.

During incubation, the hole is covered with cloth or a thin straw mat, so that it is convenient for the goose to enter and exit the nest.

DIY wicker nest

Required Items

Another DIY goose nest option is a round wicker basket made from willow vine. This variation is suitable for small households where there are few hens. Geese really like such nesting boxes; they are well ventilated and keep warm.

To accustom a goose to such a place, usually no additional tricks are required, because the basket imitates the nest that the bird builds in wildlife. However, in this case, the partition separating the hens will have to be taken care of separately.

To make a willow nest you will need:

  • fresh willow vine - thin and thick twigs;
  • a metal ring with a diameter of 75 centimeters (can be made from thick wire);
  • awl and knife.

Step-by-step assembly instructions

First, a cross-base is made, giving it a round shape.

Thick rods are sharpened with a knife to 3 centimeters and inserted into the base at an equal distance in an odd number; these will be the side stiffeners. They continue to be braided in a circle.

The round base is woven up to a diameter of 70 centimeters. Then the thick beam rods are bent upward. At a height of 20 centimeters from the base, a metal ring is fixed inside so that it clearly holds the shape of the future basket. The rays are tied at the top in the center into a bun, for convenience during weaving.

Continue weaving the sides in the same way. Having reached the level of the ring, the rods are untied and cut, leaving 7-8 centimeters in length.

Now they braid the edge. To do this, take one of the cut rods, bend it around the adjacent one and, next to the third, insert it vertically inside the sidewall, threading it into the weave and cutting off the protruding piece. Then do the same in a circle with each rod.

Preparation for use

Disinfection and bedding material

Before use, the nest must be treated with a disinfectant solution. It can be prepared from caustic soda (2%), formalin (1%) or bleach (2%). Or buy a ready-made substance that is safe for animals. For example, “Virocide” or “Ecocide”.

To prevent the eggs from rolling out in the corners, several small depressions are made in the middle of the litter, sufficient to accommodate the entire clutch without the eggs clumping together.

One bird per year requires about 35 kilograms of bedding material, so it is worth taking care of it in advance, as well as the conditions for its storage. Straw, grass, etc. should be stored on wooden pallets in a well-ventilated area. Regular turning will save the bedding material from dampness and mold.

Additional terms

Geese lay eggs in the morning, once every two days, so the bedding is replaced in the evening so that it is clean all the time and does not become damp or moldy. An excellent help in keeping bedding material dry is fluff lime, which is used to treat wet areas of the poultry house when dampness appears.

In addition to droppings, the shell can become dirty with protein from eggs that the hen breaks if the embryo in them is frozen. Clogged pores in the shell prevent normal air exchange and reduce the chances of the chicks hatching successfully.

Eggs stained with droppings can be cleaned 2 hours after laying, and while the hen is not near the nest. To do this, use a slightly colored solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. To avoid damaging the eggshell, use a soft cloth when cleaning. All movements must be careful - you cannot press on the shell.

Arrangement of the nest

Selecting a location

Whatever design you choose, it should be installed away from cold walls and drafts, in a corner with moderate lighting, preferably on the south side of the house. In this case, the nest should be open for viewing, ventilation, changing bedding and collecting eggs.

Ventilation should be given special attention, since good development Fetuses need fresh air. And the geese themselves do not tolerate stuffiness well.


Goose fat protects birds' bodies well from the cold, allowing them to withstand temperatures below zero. However, the embryos of future goslings die at -4 degrees. Therefore, in winter, if the poultry house is not heated, sections with nests are properly insulated with straw, polystyrene foam, and natural fabric: cotton, linen.

If the room temperature is below zero, laid eggs should not be left in the nest. They are taken out twice a day (in the morning and evening time), still warm. After which it is cooled to a temperature of 12-18 degrees and then stored in a dry and clean container, free of foreign odors and mold.

It is impossible to completely remove the clutch - in order for the goose to continue to lay eggs, real eggs are replaced with dummies.

Lighting and diet

Daylight hours during laying should last 14 hours. In the dark seasons it is maintained electric lighting from 6 am to 8 pm.

During the period of laying eggs, the goose must be fed properly. The physical condition of the female and future offspring, as well as the proper formation of eggs, depend on the diet. The menu for laying hens consists of protein, mineral and vitamin supplements, and feed fats.

What should be included in the diet of geese during laying is described in the article.

What else you need to know about the masonry period

There is always a way out

When the goose chooses a place for laying, it will begin to pluck fluff from its own plumage. In this way, it insulates the nest and ensures better contact of the eggs with the body.

The female will get used to the new nest better if she lays her first egg in it.
Sometimes, despite all the owner’s tricks, the goose refuses to choose from the options offered to it, or at the right time there is simply no place for it.

Then she can settle down directly on the ground or concrete. The farmer can only make such a nesting site comfortable and safe. To do this, construct a ceiling from slate or a wide board, placing it at an angle to the wall, and the bottom is insulated with foam plastic and bedding material.

Each goose has a separate place

Usually the goose prefers to lay eggs and hatch them in the same nest. Therefore, it is good when each female has her own place.

If birds are raised in families, each of them needs to have a separate corner in the house.

As a rule, there are 3-4 geese per gander; in this case, one spacious nest per family will be enough. You just need to protect the family from other birds. If geese are raised in a common herd, there should be enough seating space for each head.

It is important to ensure that during the breeding season the females do not fight for space, and the males do not distract the hens. At this time, ganders are not allowed to go where the nests are located.

The appearance of chicks

Hatched ducklings are immediately taken from the nest to avoid the loss (death) of the young. If the goose is too massive or clumsy, the pecked eggs are also taken out, keeping the further hatching process warm. It usually lasts about two days.

If the goose is used for breeding chicks again, it is necessary that she remains in the nest to which she is accustomed, and that, in turn, stands in the same place. Otherwise, even a diligent hen can become capricious.

If a goose with a brood is placed near the place where the eggs were hatching, she will most likely return to the empty nest, abandoning the chicks. Therefore, after incubation, it is better to remove the nest from the barn. It must be stored in a clean, dry room until the next laying.

Backyard breeding and garden plots Geese are very profitable, since their maintenance requires relatively little cost and money. Already in early spring Geese almost completely switch to pasture. They are not afraid of cold weather and are very unpretentious. The main condition for keeping geese is an abundance of bedding. Unlike other types of farm poultry, geese mature later: sexual maturity occurs at the age of 8-10 months. With age, geese egg production increases - up to the age of three, by an average of 10-20%. During the spring-summer period, you can get up to 100 eggs from one goose. Well-fed young animals aged 2-2.5 months weigh up to 3.5 kg.

Goose breeding begins with the selection of pairs. When choosing females and males, you should pay attention to their origin; you should not purchase a related bird. The gander is usually 1-1.5 kg heavier than the female; it should have two small feathers (“scissors”) on its wing. In the autumn, the female chooses a gander for herself, and here we must ensure that there is no family connection between them. If the female has chosen a gander from someone else's flock, it is better to purchase it or exchange it for another bird. When selecting males, in addition to their reproductive ability, you should pay attention to their combativeness and ability to protect their herd from strangers. A good gander should have ten primary and second order flight feathers, and the same number of upper and lower tail feathers. You cannot leave a gander to be slaughtered by geese. Every year the flock of geese is replenished by 20-30% with young birds.

Geese are kept in winter period on deep bedding with a thickness of at least 30 cm. The room is fenced off with several nooks in which old and young ganders and geese are kept separately. To get more fertilized eggs from geese, the bird should be constantly walked. For each gander you need to leave 3-5 geese. The service life of good, proven ganders is 8-10 years. If there are only young ganders in the herd, then for insurance purposes the load on them is reduced. Ganders that fail to prove their worth are slaughtered for meat in the fall. During the breeding season, it is better to keep the ganders separately, as they can fight with each other. In order for the ganders to live together, in winter they are fed separately from the geese. All ganders except the leader are fed from a common feeder. In the spring, the ganders stay and feed separately with their families, and after they are replenished with young animals, all families unite into one herd.

During the breeding season, nests are installed, which are best blocked off so that the geese sit quietly and there are no fights. From late February to early March, geese begin laying eggs. Layed eggs should be carefully collected and stored in a dry place at a temperature of 7-13°C. Eggs are transferred daily and stored for no more than a month. To increase the hatching of goslings, eggs are placed under the brood goose no later than 10 days after they are laid. The herd usually keeps not only brood geese, but also geese that do not incubate eggs well, but are distinguished by high egg production. From such geese they get a lot of eggs, which are placed on the hens. We must try to ensure that all the geese sit down to incubate their eggs almost simultaneously, which will allow us to obtain broods of the same age. If any of the geese sat down earlier than the others, then do not bother her, but give her one egg. When the rest of the geese sit on the eggs, then lay the eggs on this goose, and take the first one (preferably the lining). It is good to place eggs under the geese in the evening.

The nests are made of wood measuring 60X70 cm, the height of the walls is 15-20 cm. A bedding is laid on the bottom, with goose down placed on top. Geese usually sit in nests from mid-March, which depends on weather conditions and the keeping of the birds. Layed eggs are stored in a vertical position with the sharp end down, and the eggs are turned over periodically. Usually after 3-5 days the eggs are placed under the goose. After 10-12 days, the eggs are carefully removed from the nest and examined on an ovoscope, removing fat and dead parts. On the 28th day, the eggs are sprayed with water, on the 29th day, pecks appear, and on the 30-31st days, the entire hatching occurs.

A plank barn (see picture) with walls 3 cm thick can be used as a goose house for year-round keeping of geese. Two boards are side by side, and the third overlaps, closing the gap between these boards.

The height of the front wall is 220 cm, the back wall is 170 cm. The roof is also made of boards and covered with two layers of roofing material.

The goose barn is divided into two sections by a solid wooden partition with a door. In the first section there is a door 220 cm high, 70 cm wide, and next to it there is a 30x25 cm hole so that the geese can enter to lay eggs. The barn should have a lush bedding of straw, especially in winter. For the winter, all the cracks in the barn need to be covered with a damp mixture of clay and mullein in equal parts, since geese are afraid of drafts, not frosts.

At the beginning of egg laying, nest boxes for geese are placed in the dark corners of the goose coop (see picture). Boxes can be made from slats or boards. The distance between the slats should be such that the goose's head cannot fit through. A hole is made in the end of the box across its entire width. The bottom should be solid, with a good bedding of straw or hay. In such a nest the goose is protected on three sides.

Winter. Severe frosts are still holding back mating, but the ganders are already eyeing the geese. At this time, a hierarchy is established in the herd, which is why the first skirmishes occur in the new year, in the new season... At this time, it is worth carefully observing the geese, this is the only way to understand their true status in the herd and accurately select individuals for one or another family . Let me remind you that a group of geese that contains one gander and three geese is called a family. A lot depends on you, the owner of the bird. You need to decide what to do: complete the families or leave the geese to live in a group - one herd, but then they will reproduce young animals, the parents of which are difficult to determine. Your actions depend on whether you want to breed geese for meat or keep purebred birds and breed breeding young animals. If you are raising geese for meat, then the breed of male and female is not so important. The hatched young animals will still be sent for slaughter. In this case, the geese can be kept in a group. But with purebred breeding, when it is necessary to take into account the individual productivity indicators of a particular individual, geese should be kept only in families and care should be taken to ensure that they do not intersect while walking. Then you can accurately control the number of eggs laid by a particular goose and their fertilization, which will indicate the reproductive abilities of the gander. With such maintenance, it is better to raise the young under brood hens, because, as a rule, there are three geese in a family, and they get along more peacefully with each other than females in a large group. It is also possible to control the origin of young animals obtained from different families, and then form a new, unrelated family.

Keeping geese in groups also has its pros and cons. It’s good, of course, and there are fewer worries when a group of geese lives together, they feed and walk in one herd. Although ganders engage in skirmishes, as a rule, a hierarchy is established, weak individuals are inferior to stronger ones, and then the fertilization of eggs in the herd is low. high level, especially if you arrange a large paddock for the geese. With this type of care, it is better to hatch goslings artificially - in an incubator. After all, geese kept in a group usually lay eggs in several of their favorite nests. It is extremely difficult to train each female to lay eggs in “her own” nest; hens often abandon nests.

That is why I recommend that beginning goose breeders combine these two methods of keeping poultry, as is done on my farm. Geese live in families with me. Each family has its own room or fenced off corner in the barn. They all walk together on the street, which allows me to be on the safe side during the breeding season: the ganders mate with different geese on the run, thereby increasing the fertilization of the eggs. But it’s difficult to track how many eggs each goose laid when it started incubating. It is almost impossible to determine the father of the goslings, since all the ganders mate with different geese while walking. But for me this is not so important. The main thing is to get goslings in the spring, and for this it is necessary to ensure high fertilization of eggs and create geese good conditions for incubation. Thus, by combining two methods of keeping geese, I manage to obtain a high yield of young animals. But it is worth considering, of course, other factors.

I would like to pay special attention to feeding adult geese.

You should feed geese in January almost the same as in December. The rule remains unchanged: less grain (let me remind you that this is 100-150 g of oats per head) and more vegetables. On the paddock you can already install knitted bundles of hay, which will also good source vitamins for geese. I don’t give synthetic vitamins to geese.

During this period, geese should be as slender as possible so that they can lay full-fledged eggs. But the ganders can be fed additionally already in January. This procedure is not simple, but necessary. I will share my experience on how to do this. So, we leave the gander in the barn, and let the geese with whom he is kept go out for a walk. In front of the gander we place a bucket with high-calorie grains (I use corn, wheat, peas). Of course, the first time the gander will scream and call the geese. However, later, having tried the food, it quickly gets used to it and in the future willingly stays indoors and waits for feeding. Good egg fertilization can only be obtained from a good gander that does not lose body weight during the breeding period. After all, if a male’s live weight decreases, then the fertilization of eggs decreases. Therefore, the gander should not be allowed to lose weight and become weak. How many times have I noticed how a gander, after a good day, goes out for a walk and immediately begins to look after the geese, and a hungry gander will not waste his energy on the females! Let me remind you that geese must have a walk during this period, even in the most severe frosts. Rarely on frosty days do geese not want to go out for a walk. They are not afraid of the cold: they sit on the snow and hide their paws in their warm feathers. When walking, I set out buckets of water - one per family. Although geese make up for their need for water with snow, in severe frosts they still want to drink warm water. Even in cold weather, I bring water to the geese, not only to give them something to drink, but also to give the birds the opportunity to clean their feathers. True, when it is -15 °C outside, it is better not to let them splash in the water. I don’t leave the water overnight; I replace it with snow in the trough.

In January it's time to install goose nests so that they take a closer look at them and choose the ones they like. After all, the breeding season of geese will soon begin. It is better to install nests for each family separately, and one more than geese, so that they have a choice. This should be taken responsibly, since it should be comfortable for the goose to lay eggs and incubate eggs in the nest. I use boxes for nests and believe that the nest should be large and spacious. The size of the nests that I install for geese is 1x1 m. Even the largest goose feels comfortable in such a nest. There are other nest options. You can, for example, use wicker baskets - geese like them the most. Geese like their nest to be in a secluded place. This means that it needs to be placed so that the other goose next door does not disturb it. It's even better to install a partition between the nests. You can simply place a sheet of slate in the barn at an angle to the wall so that the goose can build a nest there for itself. And believe me, she will do it very well. It is convenient to use old car tires for the nest. There are many options, but the main thing is that it is convenient for the geese to lay eggs, and for you to care for the nests. You need to put soft straw in the nests. Exactly straw, not hay! Well, the goose will complete the nest herself. There are stubborn geese that just make a nest in a corner on the floor. Then I put a piece of foam plastic or other material under the nest so that it does not get damp, but this is also unnecessary, since the goose knows what it is doing. Instinct tells me. She is a caring mother and will not harm her offspring.

My geese start laying eggs early - they lay their first eggs already at the beginning of February. Therefore, by February I have to be ready for the poultry breeding season on my backyard. In January you need to take a closer look at the ganders, especially the young ones. Monitor whether all males mate with geese. After all, every year, leaving a young gander, the owner risks not getting enough young in the spring due to low egg fertilization. All that remains is to wait for the result. So don't rush to kill the good old gander! It should be deprived of its manufacturer status no sooner than after 8 years. But in geese, reproductive abilities decrease, as a rule, after five years.

How to properly make and equip nests for geese so that egg production and hatching are optimal?

To accustom geese to lay eggs in a place prepared for this, a month before the active egg-laying period, a Various types nest

There are many options for such designs: you can simply put a large wicker basket with straw or adapt an old one for this purpose car tire suitable diameter, filling it with sawdust or other bedding. It is important to take care of the bridge through which the goose can get into such a nest.

Craftsmen also use slate construction. The bottom of such a box is made of wood, with sides holding eggs and straw, and the side walls and roof are made of slate sheets attached to a wooden frame.

The original version of a straw nest in the shape of a pipe can be found on American websites. A suitable piece of welded construction mesh is used as a base. Having formed a pipe of a suitable diameter, it is fixed with clamps and covered with straw, securing it with the remaining part of the mesh. The edges of the reinforced base are tied with wire. The end edges are not cut, tucking the straw inside to create a denser edge; only the ends of the wire are trimmed. The nest-pipe is tied with wire to a wooden base board.

But with a large number of livestock the most best option– compact ground wooden sections, which are made from plywood, planks, slabs, and chipboard. One nest can be beautifully decorated in the form of a small dog house. If there are a lot of birds, it is better to make a compact block of 3-4 sections on a common platform.

Video - What goose nests look like

Features of goose nests

The arrangement of places for laying eggs and hatching offspring in the poultry house must be taken with all responsibility so that the goose feels comfortable being there long time. The goose is a large bird, and its nests differ from chicken nests.

Standard sizes for test sockets.

Nest parameters, m
Bird speciesFor one nest, goalwidthlengthheight
Chicken3 0,3 0,4 0,3
Turkey2 0,4-0,5 0,7 0,6
Duck1 0,3 0,4-0,5 0,2
Goose1 0,4 0,5 0,5

Standard sizes for regular nests.

Nest parameters, m
Bird speciesFor one nest, goal.widthlengthheight
Chicken5-6 0,3 0,4 0,3
Turkey4-7 0,4 0,7 0,6
Duck3-4 0,3 0,4 0,4
Goose2-3 0,4 0,6 0,5

When constructing nests from scrap materials (boxes, baskets, tires), they must be disinfected with a 2% solution of caustic soda, 1% formalin or 2% bleach.

Prices for a nest for laying hens

Nest for laying hens

Where should the sockets be installed?

A stubborn goose that didn’t like the standard sections or simply didn’t have enough space at the right time can make a nest right on the ground or concrete base, in a secluded place. For comfort, you can place a sheet of slate for it at an angle to the wall, and insulate the floor with clean bedding or polystyrene foam.

Unlike their chicken counterparts, goose nests are installed directly on the floor. You should choose a dark place, away from drafts. Sections must be constantly dry and well ventilated.

The goose prefers to lay eggs and hatch chicks in one nest. Ideally, each laying hen should have her own personal “apartment”.

If a breeder raises geese in families (3-4 females per goose), then each such family should have its own corner and its own nesting area in an unlit area. It is advisable to arrange the entrance on the south side. Birds that are raised in a common flock must also have the required number of seats.

Nest sites should be accessible for regular inspection, egg collection, and litter replacement. To prevent eggs from becoming contaminated (which impairs their hatching capabilities), it is important to change the bedding every day. Dirty eggs must be cleaned no later than two hours after they are laid. A solution of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate are suitable for this purpose.

How to properly arrange a goose's nest

Geese tolerate freezing temperatures well, but if the nest is 4 degrees below zero or below, the eggs freeze and the chicks will not hatch during incubation. That's why it's so important to winter time equip high-quality insulated nests in unheated rooms.

Until daylight hours approach 14 hours, to increase egg production, you need to turn on the electricity from 6 to 20 hours.

It is important to keep ganders away from brood hens. It should also be monitored to ensure that birds do not fight or confuse their nests.

If a goose is used repeatedly to hatch eggs, it is strictly not recommended to transplant it to another nest. This will be seriously stressful for her. To ensure that a caring mother does not refuse to hatch her offspring, place someone else's fresh (no more than 10 days old) eggs in her usual environment.

The goose will quickly get used to its new house if it lays its first egg in it. Confirmation that she has chosen him may be the fluff that the female plucks out while covering the selected nest.

To awaken the brooding reflex, farmers place special dummies in the nests.

Creating general comfortable conditions for geese will help consolidate the result: birds do not tolerate stuffiness and high humidity. The length of daylight hours should also be adjusted using additional lighting.

We build a nest for laying eggs

Making a nest is not difficult, and you can always use materials available on the farm. It is not recommended to make nests from metal, since laying hens sometimes hide their eggs under straw and when they come into contact with a cold surface, especially in winter, they break or freeze. We will need environmentally friendly material: in the first option, wooden lining, in the second, willow twigs.

Design dimensions.

Number of eggs hatched
Bird specieschickenturkeygooseduckNest dimensions (width, length, height, cm)
Chicken11-13 17-19 3-5 7-9 40x30x40
Turkey17-19 15-17 9-11 15-17 60x60x70
Duck- - - 11-13 40x50x50
Goose- - 9-11 - 60x75x60

Option one: nest in the shape of a wooden box

Compact rectangular sections with several nest boxes, occupying a minimum of poultry house space, are indispensable in large farms, where the flock of geese numbers several hundred heads. Making such a nest does not take much time and effort.

Tools and materials:

  • planks, lining, OSB - everything that was found on the farm. You can use wood that is not new, the main thing is that it is free of mold and rot;
  • bars for support - 4 pieces, 5-6 cm in diameter;
  • fasteners (screws, nails, etc.);
  • tools: hammer, tape measure, saw;
  • plywood or board for the bottom (if desired, install it).

Detailed instructions

Step 1. Prepare the slats. It is necessary to cut the planks or lining into identical fragments. For the side walls, the length of the slats will be 60-70 cm. Two of these need to be prepared. You will also need two end blanks 50 cm long, in one of them you need to make a hole for the goose.

Step 2. We sheathe the frame. Planks are nailed to the four supporting bars at small intervals. The gap can be 5-6 cm, the main thing is that the goose’s head does not fit into it.

Step 3. Decorate the front wall. The three walls should be identical in appearance, and a free entrance should be left on the front, limiting it with a pair of slats on top and a small (10 cm) threshold on the bottom so that eggs do not roll out and straw does not fall out.

Step 4. Nail the bottom. You can install the box directly on a foam-insulated floor. On a bare concrete base, it is better to make the bottom from wooden boards or plywood.

Step 5. Protect the wood. To extend its service life, the wood is treated with protective agents. Choose products that are not toxic to birds.

Step 6. We build a bridge. To make it easy for the clumsy goose to climb, you need to build a wooden bridge across the width of the nest. The ladder is attached to the threshold.

The nest is ready. Make them in the required quantity and place them away from drafts in a semi-dark part of the house, without leaning tightly against cold walls. Most often, nests are located on the side walls of the poultry house.

Prices for OSB (oriented strand boards)

OSB (oriented strand board)

Option two: wicker nest

At a dacha, in a small household plot, the flock of geese is usually not numerous; for several geese you can make a wicker nest. Geese really like these baskets: warm natural material, familiar round shape, like in the wild, lightweight design, well ventilated.

Tools and materials:

  • fresh willow twigs of various thicknesses and lengths (thick ones are needed for the base, thin ones for the sides);
  • metal spacer ring (diameter – 75 cm);
  • Step 2. Formation of the frame. Three rods are cut in the center and 3 more rods are inserted into the resulting hole. The seventh rod is attached to the side of the cross. All rays are aligned. On the other side, a braiding rod is placed into the cut.

    Step 3. Making the bottom. The crosspiece is braided in a criss-cross manner. The coils are applied closely, and the ends are hidden next to the rib. The base is woven until it reaches the desired size of the nest. In our version, the bottom radius is 35 cm.

    Step 4. Making the side of the nest. Round and large rods are selected for the side frame. The end of each rod is sharpened with a knife. The selected base will require 29 guide beams, which are located at the same distance from each other.

    Step 5: Edge processing. The edge of the nest is braided. You can take material of different shades, then the drawing will turn out more interesting. All ends of the braided rods are brought out so that they can later be cut off.

    Step 6: Insert spacer ring. The beams are bent, the ends of all the side rods are collected into one bundle and secured with wire. A ring is placed inside the structure, fixing it on the sides.

    Step 7. Edge decoration. Now you can release the tied rays in order to braid the edges of the basket with these ends. They wrap one edge around another, bend 5 cm near the adjacent one and trim the tip. All that remains is to tuck the end in. Braid the last rod and trim off all protruding ends.

    The health and productivity of geese depends not only on the choice of a promising breed, but also on the conditions of their keeping. When arranging nests for geese, you need to focus on the climate zone, the characteristics of the room, the number of birds, and the availability of suitable material. The goose is not a capricious bird, and with good care and proper equipment in the poultry house, it will certainly delight you with its high egg production.