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​14 ideas for promoting a medical center. Advertising of medical services: specifics and basic techniques Using advertising in promoting medical services

Advertising today for many is rather a negative phenomenon: it interrupts your favorite movie, distracts, fools your mind... And it was created only for money laundering. However, it may well be useful, shining example- social advertisement.

What is social advertising

To begin with, we note that the concept of “social advertising” is used only in Russia. Other countries use the terms “non-profit” and “public advertising”, with different meanings.

In Russia the concept social advertising enshrined in the Law “On Advertising”. According to it, social advertising is information disseminated using any information means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at solving important public problems, charity or achieving government objectives.

Objectives and features of social advertising

Based on the law, the following features of social advertising can be distinguished:

  1. It is a specific form of influence on the mass audience in order to control their social behavior.
  2. It is positively perceived by viewers and can enhance the reputation of those who create it.
  3. It is produced and distributed on a gratuitous basis; it can be classified as charitable activities as well as the transfer of money for the production and distribution of such advertising.
  • dissemination of information about public services;
  • drawing attention to social problems;
  • propaganda healthy image life;
  • formation of a positive opinion about public services and non-profit organizations;
  • strengthening important public institutions;
  • formation of an attitude towards a positive model of behavior.

Examples of social advertising on posters

  • lack of road safety;
  • Internet addiction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • ecological problems.

Phone wall

The Beijing company Ogilvy clearly showed how gadgets dominate modern man, interfering with “live” communication with really dear people. The slogan “The more we communicate, the less we communicate” describes this situation perfectly.

Your baby is what you eat

At the request of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, the creative agency Paim created an advertising poster demonstrating the impact of the eating habits of young mothers on the health of their babies.

Don't talk while driving

There is no place for drunk people in the water

An organization from Australia - Royal Life Saving - is dedicated to preventing accidents on the water and providing information about basic rescue skills. She came up with an interesting poster about the incompatibility of alcohol and swimming or being in water. He reports that almost half of all adults who drowned were drunk to one degree or another.

You may lose more than your patience

The American agency DDB has created a series of posters to combat violence against children. All posters depict children offended by their parents. Their body parts crumble like porcelain dolls (obviously from a strong blow). “You can lose more than patience,” says the inscription on the poster.

Dirty air kills

One example of social environmental advertising from the agency TheCCW warns about the dangers of air pollution, because it kills more than 60,000 people a year.

About the dangers of smoking

The Australian agency Euro RSCG has creatively warned about the dangers of smoking, which causes premature aging.

Social advertising in Russia

In Russia, social advertising is also developing and gaining momentum: competitions are held for the best posters and videos, popular artists actively take part in filming, and the media provide sufficient opportunities for its placement. Let's look at social advertising in Russia using examples of the most striking recent projects.

Big people

A video in support of the “Big People” project to help adults was filmed to draw attention to the problem of charity to help adults. Almost all charities are aimed at helping children, but many people over 18 also need help. The video shows a situation where a little girl and an adult woman die on the street in absolutely the same situation. Viewers are asked to choose who to save.

Don't lose us

The world of a child is very different from the world of adults. It is filled with games, joy and new discoveries. A social advertisement entitled “Don’t lose us” from the Main Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia shows that losing a child near the road is possible not only literally, but also figuratively. To last moment The baby's life was not affected by the truck rushing towards him, you need to carefully monitor the children.

A country without racism and xenophobia

“By humiliating people of other nationalities, we lose respect for ourselves,” says the social video “A Country without Racism and Xenophobia.” There is no need to be at all afraid of traveling on a bus next to a person of a different skin color or with a taxi driver of a different nationality. Renting an apartment only to Slavs or hiring only people of Slavic appearance is also wrong. There is no need to offend people, no matter what race, nationality, or appearance they are.

Be human

Being human in any situation is encouraged by a video about a homeless young man who is in dire need of money, but catches up with the man who dropped his wallet in order to return the lost wallet. In response, the man shakes the guy’s hand, taking off his glove. "Be human!" This is the name of the video.

Wrong parking

An incorrectly parked car can take someone's life. An ambulance or fire truck will not be able to drive through a car standing “in the middle of the road.” The video “Wrong Parking” warns about this. He also informs that “194 people died in fires in Moscow in 2011, more than a third of them could not be saved due to improperly parked cars.”


And another example of social advertising Russian production. “Every child needs a dad. Real, not just a word.” These are the words that end the social video “Dad”, in which the young man imagines a white man in place of his dad. balloon. He walks with him on the playground, plays football, swings on a swing. But in the place of the ball there should be a father who can raise a real man from the boy.

Social advertising about Internet addiction

Functions of advertising in healthcare:
- information - link of the market medical services between the producer of medical services and the consumer;
-positive psychological perception of the medical service (product) by the buyer (patient);
- cultural and social impact on the entire society (provided that it is civilized advertising).
The task of advertising is not only to communicate about a product, services, or medical goods, but also to evoke the necessary consumer reaction.
The main stages of advertising health care facilities are:
1) establishing the goals and objectives of advertising;
2) establishing responsibility (decide who is responsible for advertising - your own advertising unit or an external advertising agency);
3) selection of channels for distributing advertising messages;
4) development of an advertising message;
5) volume determination Money necessary for advertising;
6) assessing the effectiveness of the program advertising activities.
For advertising to be effective, it is necessary:
- inform potential patients that this service it turns out in your institution that the methods of providing it have specific advantages, that it will be provided at the specified address, at a certain price;
- make the patient think about the possibility of using this service, giving arguments in favor of such a “purchase” (rational advertising);
- awaken a desire to use this service, evoke mental images of its results.
The ultimate goal of advertising related to the provision of paid medical services is considered to be to increase the income of a medical organization. But in advertising policy you can set more specific goals:
- formation in patients of a certain level of knowledge about medical services;
- formation of a certain image of a medical organization among patients;
- encouraging consumers to contact this medical organization;
- encouraging consumers to receive a specific medical service;
- formation from others medical organizations partnerships.
When choosing the type of advertising, you need to determine the category of patients it is aimed at. For example, advertising of expensive medical services (cosmetology, services, etc.) can be placed in expensive printed publications.
But with all this, we must remember that advertising of medical drugs and services should not ultimately harm the consumer. What we mean here is anti-advertising. It must be clearly remembered that:
- only those registered in the in the prescribed manner medications And nutritional supplements;
- only over-the-counter drugs (30% of identified precedents are advertising of prescription drugs, mainly antibiotics, hormonal agents and antidepressants);
- in advertising you cannot refer to the recommendations of doctors, pharmacists, medical institutions and public medical organizations, as well as persons not involved in medicine, who, due to their fame, can encourage the uncontrolled use of medicine;
- advertising should not mislead that you can do without consulting doctors by using “miracle” drugs (example advertising “Panadol”: a child has a fever, but don’t worry, and it doesn’t matter what the fever is from: a cold or an exacerbation of appendicitis);
- advertising must be comprehensive and contain all the pros and cons of the application, not forgetting the side effects (for example, Panadol);
- advertising should not make it clear that the safety and effectiveness of a product is guaranteed by the fact that it is a natural or herbal product;
- advertising cannot contain therapeutic recommendations for diseases such as tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, infectious diseases that, if self-medicated, can develop into epidemics, as well as cancer, metabolic diseases, diabetes, mental illness;
- advertising of preventive and hygiene products should not guarantee the full effect and cause a feeling of fear when refusing to take the drug (for example, McLeans toothpaste, claiming that the use of only this toothpaste guarantees against tooth loss, implying gingevitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease; or an advertisement for shark cartilage-extra claims that “... by the end of the century in Russia there will be a death from cancer every minute and a half...” and describes the effectiveness of the drug “blocking the growth of tumors”).
Reconciling economic and social interests in healthcare is quite difficult. For example, private medical institutions have obligations to shareholders, they must provide a rate of profit comparable to that in other industries, attract additional capital, pay for loans and interest on them, etc., therefore shareholders and managers of private clinics cannot afford to maintain unprofitable medical treatment facilities. diagnostic units. In addition, the global scale of health care forces us to choose the necessary social priorities - for example, the development of disease prevention or measures to protect maternal and child health, etc. However, in the healthcare system, despite the influence market economy, the influence of social factors prevails, and only then come economic ones, especially when we talk about ambulance and emergency care. As a result, the question of using the principles and approaches of social marketing in healthcare is especially relevant. The variety of types of institutions in healthcare and the alternative forms of meeting needs only strengthen the potential of healthcare and are an important means of implementing social policy.

Questions for self-control: 1.
Give the concept of advertising and its meaning. 2.
Describe the main features of advertising. 3.
List the purposes of advertising. 4.
Classify advertising in accordance with accepted criteria. 5.
List regulations regulating advertising activities. 6.
Give examples of subjects of advertising activities. 7.
List the tasks advertising policy in healthcare. 8.
Name the stages of an advertising campaign for healthcare facilities. 9.
Name the features of advertising activities in healthcare, the combination of economic and social interests of health care facilities.

  The medical Internet is updated with new information every day, and the number of users is growing. The monthly Internet audience in Russia has reached 85 million people.

  Every 10th search query is related to a medical topic. This is quite expected:

  • Firstly, people are always interested in health and beauty issues, many strive to obtain relevant and objective information, and the Internet is a huge knowledge base.
  • Secondly, today any successful business is unthinkable without full representation on the Internet. And this is especially true in the field of medicine, beauty and health.

  Medical advertising on the Internet is a great way to talk about your product or service., increase sales and build audience loyalty. After all, the Internet gives people what they are looking for – information. In a huge flow of all kinds of data the quality of information is very important.

  The "doclvs" portal approaches advertising placement with all responsibility.

  We create and host medical advertising on the Internet, combining the desire for quality product promotion and the desire to be useful to users by correctly providing them with important information about goods and services in the medicine, beauty and health segment.

  Cooperation with doclvs is a range of services: from developing a concept and creating an advertising company to promoting services on the Internet.

  We understand the specifics of the medical services market, know the features of promoting products in this industry, and understand the needs of the target audience.

  At the same time, our specialists not only serve your advertising, but also use it for brand promotion to its full potential:

  • it is profitable to buy an article on a medical website,
  • post media advertising on the best sites,
  • the ability to use non-standard methods of advertising a product or service.

It is profitable to stay with us because:

  • the consumer interests of our readers coincide with the interests of many brands (the core audience is 18–34, the top 10 interests include treatment, disease prevention, joint pain);
  • We work directly with the advertiser - you save the percentage that the agency takes;

Our formats

  • banners,
  • native materials,
  • ordering an article according to your requests,
  • website branding.

Features of accommodation

  • we are loyal to all advertisers whose activities do not violate the law,
  • placements without concluding a contract are made on 100% prepayment

Website branding

  Website branding is the most striking way to announce a product or service. Great for promoting medical brands, institutions, salons, events, technology and much more.
  Colorful website design in the style of your brand, on the one hand, attracts the attention of visitors, and on the other hand, does not cause rejection in them, as it fits into the usual structure of the page.

Advertising on social networks

In contact with

  • Number of participants: 30,000
  • Coverage: 15,000
  • Cost: 1000 rub.
  • Number of participants: 25,000
  • Coverage: 10,000
  • Cost: 1000 rubles
  • Number of participants: 15,000
  • Coverage: 5,000
  • Cost: 500 rub.
  • Cost: 3000 rubles
  • Coverage: from 4,000
  • Publication period: 1 week

Banner advertising

Banner banners:

  • Formats and CPM (base price excluding seasonal factors):
  • 100% × 90 - 600 rub/week.
  • 100% × 250 - 700 rub/week.
  • 100% × 500 - 800 rub/week.

Banners right/left:

  • Where it appears: on all pages
  • Formats and CPM (base price excluding seasonal factors)
  • 300 × 300 - 650 rub/week
  • 300 × 500 - 700 rub/week
  • 300 × 600 - 800 rub/week

To receive it, you need to send a request to the postal address vs@site. In the body of the letter, be sure to indicate contacts, as well as the login of your Yandex account, to which we will assign rights.

Consent to the processing of personal data

  By filling out this form, in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, I confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data entered into the form by the person providing services on the basis of this form (hereinafter referred to as the Operator), including:
1) full name;
2) address Email;
3) telephone number;
  I grant the Operator the right to carry out all actions (operations) with my personal data, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating, modification, use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction.
  Purpose processing of personal data is provision of services to me based on the completed form.
  The Operator has the right to exchange (receive and transmit) my personal data using computer media or via communication channels, subject to measures to ensure their protection from unauthorized access.
  This consent is valid indefinitely, the storage period of my personal data is not limited.
  I reserve the right to withdraw my consent by drawing up an appropriate written document, which can be sent by me to the Operator by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or delivered personally against signature to a representative of the Operator.

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