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A. Individual psychological map

1. In section 6.3. in the “teacher, psychologist” parameter, the educational psychologist makes one of the following entries (there should be no other entries):

– absolutely ready for secondary education secondary school;

– ready to study at a secondary school;

– conditionally ready to study at a secondary school;

– not ready to study at a secondary school.

2. On page 20 in the column “7 years (before school)” in the parameter “Kern-Jerasik Test” the overall score for the results of this test is written down.

3. Before page 23 “for special marks” only the form with the completed child is pasted test task according to the Kern-Jerasik method. Do not paste in any more forms with diagnostic results. They are kept by the educational psychologist of the preschool educational institution and can be transferred to another educational institution or into the hands of parents only upon a written request (application).

4. If, when completing tasks according to the Kern-Ierasik method, the child scores 7 or more points, additional diagnostics are carried out using the method of M.M. Semago “Readiness for school” or according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya “Selection of children for compensatory education classes” (methods are offered to the teacher-psychologist to choose from);

5. If, when performing tasks according to the method of M.M. Semago’s child scored 17 points or less (according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya - the level is below average), i.e. the child is conditionally ready to study in a secondary school; he is presented at the TPMPC.

6. Record in the card in section 6.3. do after TMPK based on her decision.

7. Referral of pupils to the territorial psychological-medical-pedagogical commission is carried out at the request of parents (legal representatives).

8. If parents refuse to submit their child to TPMPC, a record is made in the card on the “for special notes” page about the results of a diagnostic study of the graduate’s readiness kindergarten to schooling.

Kern – Ierasek - total number of points;

MM. Semago - total number of points (if a child has a medical diagnosis of mental retardation, mental retardation - the study of the child’s readiness to study at school is carried out according to the method of N.V. Nechaeva and I.I. Argunskaya “Selection of children for compensatory education classes”)

N.I. Gutkin - describes the identified internal position of the student;

Given a brief description of about the child’s readiness to study in a comprehensive school;

The conclusion indicates the child’s level of readiness for school (conditionally ready for study in a secondary school; not ready for study in a secondary school).

You can indicate a preferred training program of another type, for example, the fourth type (for children with visual impairments), or the sixth (for children with musculoskeletal disorders), the seventh (for children with mental retardation), or the eighth (for mentally retarded children).

A signature, date of completion, and seal of the teacher-psychologist (if available) are placed.

9. Children are also represented at the TMPK if:

The child has not reached six years and six months, and the parents insist on education;

The child is more than eight years old;

10. Preschool teacher-psychologist educational institution It is necessary to fill out the lines with the appropriate parameters on time. Do not use a marker! Next to the correction write CORRECTED BELIEVE, signature.

Criteria for assessing a child’s readiness for school:

  • Absolutely ready to study at a secondary school- (motivationally, intellectually, emotionally ready, also ready for training in the field of communication).
  • Ready to study at secondary school- children have correct ideas about school, but find it difficult to draw correct conclusions and generalizations. Speech development is sufficient, the child understands the educational task, but does not always complete it accurately. At the same time, he has an even, emotionally positive behavior in class. He understands his mistakes and strives to correct them. The child communicates willingly, is recognized by his peers, and is accepted into games.
  • Conditionally ready to study at a secondary school– children who have fragmentary knowledge about school; the desire to learn is based on superficial ideas and is motivated by unimportant factors. They pronounce the sounds of their native language correctly, but grammatical errors are common. Simple sentences predominate in speech. They perceive tasks partially, not always independently, and make mistakes when completing them. The attitude towards difficulties and assessment is not always adequate. Emotional behavior is unstable. The child is observed to be timid and shy in communicating with adults and peers, who in turn are not interested in communicating with this child.
  • Not ready to study in secondary school- Children know certain facts, externally attractive events and phenomena, but often not significant. The child has no desire to study at school; they prefer preschool activities. They do not put any mental effort into the answers or give “I don’t know” answers. Vocabulary is lower than that of peers. The child perceives the task incompletely and incorrectly. Makes significant errors in execution. Inadequately evaluates his work and approaches assessment. Emotionally negative behavior predominates in the classroom. Has a negative attitude towards adults and children, does not see distance in relationships with adults. Maybe closed. Reacts inappropriately to adult comments. Characterized by selfish motivation for communication, irritability, contacts from a position of strength, and the desire to subjugate comrades.

"1000 Roads" is an amazing deck!!! I immediately understood: mine! It’s tempting to work with her, look at the pictures, look for the meaning of the suggested fairy-tale roads and directions. It is interesting that even those cards that at first glance seem negative, thanks to questions, help to find a way out of the situation. I recommend it to everyone!!!

Lisovets Elena

Ilyina Ksenia

My thanks to the authors for the “1000 Lives” deck and for the workshop! I bought this deck on the advice of a friend, who used these cards to draw up a portrait of her future husband, and then was surprised to find him among her work colleagues. I work in sales, where I often have to meet clients in person, so I used cards as a way to approach different types of people. And I’ll tell you that I’m not disappointed with the results, I was able to learn to think in other people’s terms and have already been able to persuade even those whom I considered an impenetrable wall!

Olifirenko Evgenia

At some point in my life, I suddenly realized that everything around me seemed to begin to depreciate. The relationship with my husband, which initially gave me strength and drive, has turned into some kind of set of mutual habits and phrases, in my career there is a ceiling - I work for leadership position in a wholesale and retail company (we sell electrical appliances). The work is quite profitable, but tough, in the “plow-plow-plow” mode. I couldn’t refuse it, because... The admission of two sons to universities was imminent. Not to mention the fact that my elderly mother literally hung on me, whom I still love and must be with her. I won’t say that the cards felt like a mountain had been lifted from my shoulders, but a certain positive effect I feel. I mean the 1000 Roads deck. They were the ones who helped me open my eyes to my mistakes, the main one of which was the desire to keep everything and everyone under my control, as well as the fear of losing everything. Many thanks to the authors!

Zvereva Nadezhda

I would like to say thank you to the authors of the methodology for the work that was put into the 1000 roads deck. When I saw them for the first time, I literally fell in love! Amazing elaboration of metaphors, amazing drawings, amazing depth! These cards are like my mirror, which will immediately tell you what’s wrong with me and where to direct my strength! I use them almost every day, at first I worked on basic exercises, but I realized that the potential of the technique is much greater than I could imagine! Therefore, I’m going to attend one of your upcoming trainings in Moscow to enrich myself with new knowledge!

Salmina Natalya

The cards gave me the main thing - the ability to better understand myself. I still don’t fully understand how this happens, but somehow they immediately “catch you”, force you to plunge into introspection and give the correct answers. More precisely, you seem to feel the right answers yourself. They give me self-confidence, with them I understand that a way out can be found in any situation, and all dead ends are my weakness, my justification and my reluctance to change something. It was after this thought that I decided to move to another city and make big changes in my personal life, and now I understand that I made the right choice.

Kolomiets Margarita

My agency is engaged in the selection of qualified personnel for large and medium-sized companies. When interviewing candidates we use different methods assessments, including the Thousand Ideas cards. Standard creativity tests have long been known to everyone, and therefore are not effective. Maps help not only to determine whether a candidate can think creatively, but also to assess how quickly he navigates an unfamiliar situation without causing stress. I recommend using cards when interviewing people for any creative vacancies - from sales managers to marketers.

Nevzorova Elena

I purchased two sets at once - 1000 lives and 1000 roads, at first I used them separately, but then I realized that they are perfectly compatible! If “roads” help me choose a direction, gain inspiration or make some kind of decision, then I use “lives” for specific situations as a cure for quarrels and misunderstandings with relatives on the part of my spouse, by the way, I had to buy this deck three times - as a gift to my friends and cousin.

Today I will talk about the documentation of a psychologist.

It so happened historically that the psychologist does not have any documentation as such and this post can end. This happened because:

In our country there are no regulations on the work of psychologists (the only exception is education, where there are a lot of regulatory documents and various law enforcement agencies such as customs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations). In principle, in Moscow there is a law on psychological work, developed at the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service, but it seems to me that it was created for show. Everything else is based on adequacy job descriptions in the place where you work.

There is no single psychologist’s passport or other document that forces you to work in certain methods. Everything here relies on books, for example, when working in social media. protection, buy a book by a certain psychologist, a specialist in your field, and rely and refer to it.

Having accepted any psychological position (again, with the exception of the above-mentioned organizations), you will most likely have to write all future work from scratch. As a rule, after dismissal, a psychologist takes all his work with him, not because he is afraid that it will be stolen, but rather because he understands that conveying experience is a long and difficult task.

A completely diverse understanding of the issue of the result of a psychologist’s work. In some places, psychologists report for initial appointments, and in others for achieving the client’s request. And if we're talking about about children or families, everything becomes even more complicated.

However, I I will give a short list of documents that seem mandatory or desirable to me. But remember that the question is not to keep as many papers as possible, but to find some option that suits you (the golden mean). I divided the documentation into categories. Let's start with the tastiest:

Advisory work (face-to-face):

1) An application for consultation in your name or the director's name is a controversial point, and I do not use it. Nevertheless, it can help novice psychologists, because if there are difficulties with the client in the future, you can always “raise” the application. It is easier to do it on a computer and allow people to enter their data and sign. By the way, never forget that consultations with a psychologist are always carried out on an application basis, that is, you cannot forcibly communicate with a psychologist. Also, you should not write a request in the application, but instead you can simply write a category in the paragraph - the reason for the application (for example, a person in a difficult life situation).

In case of working with difficult clients(depression, suicide, etc.) do not forget to take the phone number of the client’s closest relatives or organizations caring for the client.

2) Primary questionnaire - the most important and necessary questions that are related to the activities of your organization. For example, in education, the child’s academic performance will be important, and in social services. protection category of the applicant. In general, instead of remembering what I haven’t asked yet, just do a questionnaire that you will conduct at the first consultation. You could also include a depression questionnaire or something like that.

3) Consultation journal - everything is simple here. I keep a journal for the 2 departments in which I consult. In other departments I don't keep a journal because I'm lazy. The log shows in a structured form all consultations for the reporting period, with information about the client, reasons for contact and forms of work. Since I do not take applications, I simply ask at the first consultation to sign the client’s autograph in my journal. It is more comfortable.

By the way, both the application and the journal and the questionnaire should be kept in a place accessible to your colleagues or superiors, so that based on these papers they can draw up a report during your absence. These 3 points relate to the elementary “report” documentation of a psychologist. The following points apply directly to you as a specialist.

Also, do not forget that there is now a law on non-disclosure of personal data. Which you should be familiarized with when applying for a job. And if, due to the fact that you keep the notes from the consultations open on your desk, someone uses the data received, then the claims will be against you. As a result, remember - you work with people who disclose data to you, and you can disclose the received data exclusively to colleagues during supervision at your own free will and in court (if you are pressed). No one else anywhere should know who comes to you and why. It is advisable to ask clients whether they would be in favor if you told their case during supervision in order to improve their work. If you don't remember when the principle of confidentiality may be violated, read about it in textbooks.

4) Your notes from consultations. Previously, I kept them in the form of 2 columns - verbal and non-verbal. Now I'm just recording important points. And if during the first consultations I write a lot, then starting around the fourth, I work more than I write. It is advisable to indicate in the records each time: the request, the start time of the consultation, the date, the person’s condition at the time of arrival and departure. Everything else you write is mostly related to the direction in which you are working. Also don't forget about your homework.

All consultation notes should be kept in a safe! A psychologist must have a safe!

Please note that if something happens to you (death, incapacity, dismissal) all your records must be transferred to your colleague psychologist. In this regard, it is worth writing a statement indicating where your records should be transferred in the event of your death or illness. This can be categorized as romance in psychology.

By the way, I make audio recordings all the time. These records are the best guarantee of your peace of mind and based on them it is best to analyze your work. And by the way, these are the ones that should be passed on first of all to your colleagues in the event of your death.

Date of consultation

Full Name _____________________________________

Age..17 years

School No. 45

Class 11-B

date 18.11.04

Health status:

A) healthy +, b) functional abnormalities, c) chronic diseases

Conclusion from the teenage doctor: Almost healthy. He is not registered with a dispensary.

II. Information content about the world of professions:

A) full +

b) insufficient

c) absent

III. Availability of a professional plan:

Profession: nurse educational institution Donetsk Medical School

IV. Formation of professional plan:

A) formed +

b) partially formed

c) not formed

V. Consciousness of choice of profession. The profession was chosen consciously, independently.

VI. Leading motives. Gaining knowledge about clinical manifestations, preventive measures and methods of treating diseases. Learn to practically apply the acquired knowledge in order to provide medical care sick people.

VII.Information from the “Optant Questionnaire”:

favorite activities: traveling.

Preferred professions: doctor, nurse, programmer.

work experience: no.

success of training in disciplines:

natural: excellent accurate: excellent

humanitarian: good...................labor: excellent

VIII. Interests and inclinations of DCO:P 3 T 4 H 5 3 5 X 2

Map of interests:

IX.Communicative and organizational aptitudes: Kk - 1,2,3,4,6;

K0-- 1.2, 3.4, 5.

X. Expression of professional interests and inclinations:

a) clearly expressed (in what field of activity?) in medicine

b) not expressed

XI. Features of behavior: communication, tolerance, organizational skills.

XII. Conclusion of a professional consultant:

A) the optant does not need in-depth professional consultation (the professional plan is justified, the professional plan was formed during the consultation process)

b) the optant needs in-depth professional consultation

field of activity, profession work in the field of medicine: doctor, nurse; psychologist.

Ways of professionalization: medical school, medical institute; psychology faculty.

A fallback option for professional choice is a teacher.

Homework: attend open days at universities, get acquainted with the work of health workers in practice, for example, during the holidays, get a job as a nursing assistant in a hospital.

Contraindicated areas of requiring physical exertion.

Psychologist-professional consultant:..Litvinenko O.O.

Conclusion: The optant is well informed in the world of professions, professional plan formed, a profession has been chosen, ways to obtain it have been thought out, and there is confidence in the correctness of the choice. The choice of profession is conscious, as can be seen from the optant’s questionnaire - the plan corresponds to cognitive interests, professional orientation, individual psychological characteristics of the individual, adequate motives for choosing a profession are indicated and realized.

When analyzing the study using a differential diagnostic questionnaire, the subject’s orientation towards professions in which the subject of labor is a person is clearly visible, which also corresponds to the correct choice of profession.

Analyzing the data obtained during the diagnosis of cognitive interests using the “Map of Interests” developed by A.E. Golomstock can note a pronounced interest in medicine, mathematics (+6), as well as in physics, chemistry, technology and law (+5), and in such areas as metal and woodworking, geography, geology, transport, aviation, foreign languages and performing arts interest is denied (-6).

To assess the potential capabilities of an individual, using a questionnaire of communicative and organizational aptitudes, a result was obtained (4 points), indicating that the optant belongs to the group with high level manifestations of communicative and organizational inclinations that do not get lost in a new environment, quickly find friends, constantly strive to expand the circle of their acquaintances, help relatives and friends, show initiative in communication, and are able to make an independent decision in a difficult situation. These qualities correspond to the chosen profession.

Therefore, the optant’s intentions must be supported, approved, and perhaps additionally informed about existing educational institutions, admission rules. As homework It is necessary to note the importance of learning foreign languages.

It is also necessary to develop a backup option - in my opinion, this is the profession of a psychologist or teacher. And also determine the area of ​​professional contraindications - these are professions associated with physical activity; not recommended areas - performing arts, construction, metal science.

When a client visits a psychotherapist, every self-respecting specialist keeps a history of working with this person. Of course, this is not a “case history” or “instructions for use,” but still it gives me a lot of information. In particular, about how the process is going (and whether it’s going at all) or where to “point your skis,” for example.

If you are interested, then you can read such a Client Card performed by a Gestalt psychologist and get an idea of ​​what we record when we sit smartly in front of our clients with pens and notepads or voice recorders.

I recently wrote a client report template for work at the PersonaGrata Psychological Studio. Using this template, you can easily structure your thoughts about your current or completed work with a client. The template will help present a case for supervision or intervision, and will simply support the therapist in thinking about the client. If the therapist takes notes (and he should) then the template can be used as a basis. Since many students of Gestalt institutes read me, I thought that the text might be useful here too. The template is written in a humorous form: not because of disrespect for human suffering, but only to soften the clerical style.

Info: full name, age, family and social status, special information (transgender, expat, retired astronaut, refugee, alien, former prisoner, retired killer, has a psychiatric (somatic) diagnosis: what kind, history of the disease, is it observed...), which may be important.

Background and History: What historically brought the client to you? Everything was fine and suddenly I began to suffer from insomnia. Or things were always bad, and a friend advised me to contact. Or he fell, woke up, got a cast, finally decided to deal with the loss of memory and passion for smoking araucaria stems (as soon as he smokes an araucaria, there is a loss of memory and then finds himself in an unseemly form: tired of it!)

Complaint: what exactly did the client come with? Wants to change planet, gender, age, overeats sweet corals (quit smoking araucaria). Confused, doesn't know where to start. Depression due to the fact that sweet corals do not grow on our planet. The trauma of losing your beloved Snusmumrik. Loneliness: there is no one here to discuss issues that concern aliens. I want to prepare for the move to Pluto, it’s alarming, and PTSD after the previous move from the planet Plyuk haunts me: poor sleep, no appetite, I don’t even want sweet corals (...)

Request: What exactly did you agree to work with? With a study of the origin of the desire to change age (obviously, you discussed with the client that this need cannot be primary); with increasing awareness of true needs; with the search for support resources; with the question “what need do I eat with corals and smoke with araucaria?”; with the consequences of the trauma of resettlement from Plyuk?...

Process analysis: Where did you start, to what, how and through what did you come? We investigated the desire to change age (smoking araucaria, eating corals), and discovered anxiety underneath it. They examined her and discovered dissatisfaction with herself. They investigated dissatisfaction and discovered narcissistic injury. We remembered how my mother fed her younger brother sweet corals and said: “But you, Valproj, are not supposed to, your proboscis has not yet turned blue, and yet you are already eleven!” (...) We worked through the narcissistic injury, came back, discovered that I still wanted to change my age, however, the motivation had changed: to become five years old again, joyfully take away sweet corals from my younger brother and not worry about it. Or: they changed their minds about changing their age, realized a strong desire to change the planet and calm down for a while. (...) We worked with the complaint “I want to change my age.” We generated a request to “understand how such a need arose.” We worked with fusion (I don’t know why, but I want to) and introjection (it’s always better to be young!). And with merging with introject (Yes, I’m sure it’s better to be young, but what?). We worked with the body (how I feel when I say that I want to change my age, etc.), with (dis)trust in the therapist (All therapists work for money, and so they don’t care about us), we came to distrust and the distancing that serves it. We studied ways to distance the client using devaluation and negative projection. Once the client-therapeutic rapport was established, it became possible to recall the early trauma. We experienced trauma and assimilated the experience gained. (...) Then we looked at what was behind the desire to change age. It turned out that there is a fantasy of “fixing everything”, “getting a good mother.”

(...) We grieved for 4 sessions about the fact that there would be no good mother. They accepted their limitations, defects, and imperfections. The therapist admitted that he also suffered from this, which further strengthened the relationship. Suddenly we realized that we no longer wanted to change our age. I would like to go to Venus, my younger brother and his family live there (yes, the client forgave his brother). I wanted to settle down and set up a coral plantation on Venus. Get a goat and name it Snusmumrik, after the wombat the client had as a child.

End of therapy: what the client said about how his life had changed. What the tests said. For example, he himself says that he began to sleep better, his appetite appeared, and his affection for his family returned. The idea of ​​changing age has been forgotten. Other desires appeared. (...) What the tests say: depression decreased by 38% (Pupkind questionnaire), anxiety by 60% (Vaskind questionnaire). Sigitova-Gaverdovskaya codependency test: the indicator is 20% lower. A decision was made to interrupt therapy until such a need arises. A follow-up meeting was scheduled in a year with follow-up testing on the specified tests.

Therapeutic Growth: What specific requests in supervision arose most often with this client? What did the therapist learn during this therapy? What areas of growth have you discovered in yourself?

WITH Best wishes, Natalia!