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What do people use most often? Choosing a product for an online store: the most profitable and best-selling items

The material was partially taken from Sergei Koksharov’s article on the classification of occurrences of keywords, but slightly modified.

  • Add a link to the tool in your statement of work so that authors immediately understand how they will be checked.
  • Send a link to the result so that the person can see for himself what key phrases not yet in the text.
  • Express your wishes to make the tool even more convenient specifically for your tasks: help@site.

Keyword patterns

There are many services for collecting semantics. They provide results in different formats. To make them convenient to use, we created different templates processing keywords. Depending on the selected template, the algorithm will search for key phrases differently.

Sample: key phrase. Example:

  • to buy a car
  • to buy a car
  • buy a tractor

The tool will search for each keyword phrase at least once, even if they are the same.

Sample: key phrase (3). Example:

  • buy a car (2)
  • buy a tractor

The tool will search for the key phrase “buy a car” at least twice and “buy a tractor” at least once.

Sample: key phrase. Example:

  • to buy a car
  • buy a tractor

It differs from the previous one only in square brackets. The tool will search for the key phrase “buy a car” at least twice and “buy a tractor” at least once.

Sample: key phrase - 2*. Example:

  • buy a car - 2
  • buy a moped - 2+
  • buy a tractor - 3 times
  • buy a plane

An asterisk (*) means that if there is a dash and the number “-2”, all further text will be ignored.

The tool will search for the key phrase “buy a car” at least twice, “buy a moped” at least two times, “buy a tractor” at least three times, and “buy a plane” at least once.

If you need a custom template for processing key phrases, write to us at help@site.

Exact occurrence

The key phrase appears in the text unchanged. Case and word order are important.

Example for the phrase “ Marriage Agency”:

There is no ready-made recipe for happiness, but one way to find yours is to contact Marriage Agency.

Pure occurrence

Same as exact. Case is not important. The sequence of words is important.

From official representatives Nokia buy The phone is more reliable than other sellers.

Direct entry

Almost the same as pure, except that some punctuation may occur between key phrases within the same sentence.

Example for the phrase “nokia buy”:

Phones Nokia, buy which are available from us are in great demand.

Diluted Entry

The phrase can be diluted with additional words and punctuation marks within one sentence. Case is not important. The sequence of words is important.

Examples for the phrase “packages in bulk”:

Buy our packages polyethylene wholesale and retail.

Every month we buy packages for garbage, wholesale we don't want to take it.

Morphological occurrence

One or more words from the key phrase have been changed in form by declension or conjugation. Case is not important. The sequence of words is important.

Examples for the phrase “cargo delivery”:

How deliver the goods to your destination as quickly as possible?

Urgent cargo delivery allows you to maintain the quality of perishable products.

Morphological dilute occurrence

Speaks for itself. It means a change in the form of words (declension, conjugation) with possible dilution with additional words and punctuation marks within one sentence.

Example for the phrase “cargo delivery”:

Courier service will provide delivery documents and issuance cargo.

Reverse entry

This is a direct entry only checking the sequence of words in the key phrase from the last word to the first within one sentence. Case is not important.

Buy a smartphone easier than you think.

Reverse dilute entry

Reverse entry with possible dilution with additional words and punctuation marks within one sentence. Case is not important.

Example for the phrase “buy a smartphone”:

Buy new smartphone easier than you think.

Complex entry

Any occurrence in any sequence. Case is not important. The sequence of words is not important.

Example for the phrase “Russian Premier League champion”:

Their only chance is a possible draw, to become champion of the Russian Premier League the team is unlikely to succeed.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

Today we are looking at another basic SEO topic – the occurrence of keywords in the text. Let's figure out what it is, how direct differs from diluted, how you can change the key phrase and all that. To the point.

What are keywords in the text: we explain with examples

First, let's define the concept. These are the phrases that people type into a search engine, for example, “buy furniture.” After the system receives a request, it searches for the most: from all possible ones, it selects those on which this phrase occurs. All other things being equal, a site on which the search phrase occurs a sufficient number of times and in an unchanged form is ranked higher. But this is a general case; in reality there are many more nuances. For example, you shouldn’t use keywords too often and you shouldn’t write texts “for robots.” In both cases, the site will not get to the top because search engines They place emphasis on content that is useful to the user. And it should look as natural as possible.

Let's summarize

The occurrence of a keyword is a search query organically included in the text.

What are the occurrences of keywords in the text?

In general, they are divided into:

  • straight;
  • diluted.

The first type includes phrases written into the text as is, without changes, and the second type includes all the rest. Let's take a closer look.

Exact and direct occurrences of keywords

As we have already said, in this case the phrase fits in without any changes: with the same word order and in the same word form. For example, we have the key “wedding organization”:

The company "Zhenis-Zhenis" iswedding organizationin Moscow and Moscow region.

The wording is so-so, but not the essence. The main thing is that we entered the keywords in their original form, which means this is an exact entry. The word forms are the same as in the original, there are no punctuation marks between the words, and their order is preserved.

Direct occurrences of keywords are slightly different - they may contain punctuation marks, but the word form, as in the first case, is preserved. Let’s take the “custom cakes” key as an example:

At the confectionery “Sdobnaya bun” you can buy anycakes: to order according to your recipe , classic or branded.

Direct and exact occurrences of keys are excellent material for headings. Let's take the same example with cakes:

Cakes to orderin “Butter Bun”: why you should choose us

Here it also turned out to be accurate. An additional benefit is that keywords in headings are valued more highly than keywords in the rest of the text. The logic is clear - headings are needed to briefly tell what the block of information will be about.

Direct and exact occurrences of keywords are not so common, because it is almost never possible to leave all word forms unchanged. Most often they act as anchor text for links and are used in contextual advertising or in meta tags. In the latter case, you get the following snippets:

What are diluted occurrences of keywords and how to work with them

These are occurrences in which phrases change almost any way. For example, you can:

  • add additional words;
  • change word form;
  • change word order;
  • combine it all.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

As examples, we use the keys “engine repair” and “buy a TV.” A query entry diluted with additional words looks something like this:

"Uncle Vasya's Garage" is a workshop for repair of gasoline engines .

The store manager will help you choose and buy a modern TV with good technical characteristics.

Now let's look at the change in word morphology:

We specialize in engine repair.

We changed the form of the word “repair” because it’s easier to fit the phrase into the text.

The word order can also be changed:

Choose the right one TV and buy it in two clicks

In addition to the “reversal” of the key phrase, we changed the form of the verb “buy” and added the conjunction “and”. In the eyes of the search robot, almost nothing has changed - it almost does not take into account conjunctions and prepositions, and is as loyal as possible to changing the form of a word. Here's an example:

The site is in the Saratov Yandex top for the request “apartment renovation”. The entry is diluted with a preposition and a modified form of the word “repair”. Another example, already hypothetical:

To buy practical lawn mower "Senokos-2000", leave a request on the website.

There is also dilution and a change in morphology. Page optimization will not be affected in any way. The main thing is not to separate the key with a dot.


All examples are conditional, I came up with them for visual demonstration. Real sales copy can (and should) be better.

Which is better: diluted entry or direct entry?

Formal, direct, and even better, precise. According to the logic of search engines, they correspond 100% to the user request, which means the entire page is more relevant. But in practice everything is different. If you work only with them, you will end up with unreadable and unnatural text. Keys can and should be changed and diluted, because the “naturalness” and “humanity” of the text is as important as SEO optimization. And sometimes it’s more important.

Naturalness creates user confidence in the page, and this is better than a couple of extra points for direct occurrences of keywords. What’s the point of calculating the exact number of characters between key repetitions and trying to enter them as accurately as possible if no one will read the page and you’ll get a ton of “rejected” traffic? This will undermine the behavioral factors of the site and all the work may be in vain.

Don't be dramatic

It is worth noting that search robots are not so strict: the difference between direct and diluted occurrence of a keyword is not too great for them. Yes, it exists, but it is not critical.

What other occurrences of keywords are there?

With typos

Everyone makes mistakes. Therefore, misspelled words are often typed into the search bar. And these requests sometimes end up in Yandex and Google statistics. You don’t need to do anything special with them - most often search engines correct errors themselves. But in any case, you need to check the results: sometimes search engines believe that what they see is not a misspelled word, but something new and unknown. The output is appropriate.

This also includes various borrowings of foreign words. Example - the word “blogger” in English is written with two “g”s, and in the Russian version with one “g”. But in practice, most users write “blogger” and this is where the pandemonium begins. Google generates the same results for both queries. But Yandex does not behave so wisely: most of results are the same, but some sites are lost. It's the same with ""/"Twitter".

With abbreviations

For search engines “RF” or “GIBDD” is the same as “ Russian Federation" or " State Inspectorate Security Road Traffic" Therefore, abbreviations can be used to optimize a website - they will help diversify the text and avoid overspam.

With synonyms

It's the same here. Words in key phrases can be painlessly replaced with synonyms - search engines will also take into account their occurrences. This way you can fight spam or improve the readability of text - everyone likes a variety of vocabulary. An additional plus: you can inadvertently expand semantic core pages, but it won't hurt.

What's the result?

Occurrences of keywords in the text can be direct or diluted. In the first case, the key does not change in any way: if you found the phrase “dinner with delivery” in Wordstat, then you need to enter exactly that into the text. If you enter the key with dilution, then you can take liberties: conjugate verbs, add new words and change their order. The main thing is not to separate the keywords with a dot and not to smear them too much throughout the sentence. You also need to watch out for spam - keywords should not be repeated in the text too often, search engines don’t like this.

The main thing that distinguishes SEO articles is that they correctly use the search query. However, not everyone knows in what forms a key phrase can be used in the text. In this article I will talk about the types of occurrences of search queries.

This classification will help to better represent the types of occurrences of key phrases, diversify them and define terminology.

I will divide the types of occurrences into two groups: basic and additional. In the article you need to use one or two of the main types of occurrences (several times), and it is advisable to use several additional ones (one time at a time).

Main types of occurrences


The search query must appear in absolutely precise form. No changes are allowed. Example for the query “key phrase”:

Key phrase can be used in ten types of occurrences.


Pure occurrence is a more refined type of exact occurrence (sorry for the tautology). It involves using a query without punctuation. Example for the query “keyword phrase”:

SEO article contains keyword phrase


Direct entry differs from pure entry in that it may use punctuation marks. Example for the same “keyword phrase” query:

SEO article contains keyword - phrase which sets the theme of the material.

That is, the dash sign, which is required there according to the rules of the language, makes a direct entry from a pure one.

Direct and exact types of occurrences are more valuable, since they are as close as possible to the original query and are grammatically correct, while pure occurrences lack the necessary characters.

Additional types of occurrences


A diluted entry involves inserting other words and necessary punctuation into the original query. An example for the query “Yandex keywords”.

INSEO article used keywords, which Yandex provides in the serviceWordStat.


If one or more words change in the query, then these are morphological types of occurrences. Example for the phrase “wordstat statistics”:

In order to select a key phrase, you need to study statistics WordStat .


As is clear, such an occurrence of a search query represents changes in the query words themselves, and the addition of new words to the query. Example for the query “wordstat keywords”:

An important part of preparing to write an article is selecting keywords via Yandex serviceWordStat.


Synonymous types of occurrences allow you to change one or more words of the original query to a word that is similar in meaning - it can be a synonym, an abbreviation, or a slang expression. An example for the phrase “the computer has broken down”:

If PC broke

If computer broke down, then it needs to be taken in for repairs.


Changing one or more words in the original typo request is also allowed, although this is not correct from a linguistic point of view. Example for the phrase: “seo agency”:

SEO agency You can perform website promotion.


These types of occurrences allow you to reverse the order of words in a query. Example for the phrase: “make a website”:

To earn money you need make a website.


Each of the above types of occurrences of key phrases can be used in combination. This is a complex entry, or mixed.

Most often from additional types occurrences are diluted, morphological, synonymous or mixed. They show maximum efficiency. But you can experiment with others too.