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Miracles for the New Year script for high school students. Funny scenes for high school students for the New Year

Presenter 1. Good evening to everyone present in this room!
Presenter 2. Hello, dear guests!
Presenter 1. Hello everyone who came to this hall, and even those who were late for the ball. We congratulate everyone, we invite everyone to let only laughter sound in this hall!
Presenter 2. Happy New Year, with new happiness, we congratulate you again. It's time for us to start a fun holiday and a wonderful evening.
Presenter 1. This is our opening speech, we started everything off well, but now we ask everyone that there is noise and laughter in the hall, that you meet the artists and sincerely applaud them. We haven’t slept for several nights and have prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, it’s somehow out of tune, because this fairy tale is in a new way.
Presenter 1. We ask you, don’t sleep! Hang around in the hall and whistle! They are already sitting on the needles under the tree fairy-tale heroes, we will invite them to this hall for a festive carnival.
Presenter 2. Listen, it’s time for us to shut up and begin our fairy tale! So, the honored artists of our school, 8th grade students, are showing a wonderful fairy tale
(Fairy tale) 7-10 min.
Presenter 1. We thank the 8th grade for their fairy tale. Our festive New Year's program continues. Therefore, more jokes, more laughter are allowed here, everyone dance, have fun, because the time has come for this.
Presenter 2. Today we have fun, we are celebrating the New Year, and we warmly welcome everyone who came to us.
Presenter 1. Do you know, dear friends, that in Japan there is an interesting New Year's custom - on New Year's Eve it is customary to give cards with the image of an animal under whose sign the New Year begins. Before the holiday, you also need to pay off your creditors. The Japanese consider the numbers 100 and 8 to be lucky, so the temple rings 108 bells to announce the arrival of the New Year. With the last blow you are supposed to go to bed in order to get up before dawn, go out and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. And now I invite you to take part in such a procession. For this I will need participants from each class. One group will make up the tiger's head, the other - the tail. The “head” must catch the “tail”.
Music plays and games are played. (3-5 min)

Presenter 2. Our meeting with the fairy tale continues, friends. Listen... this is another story on the doorstep waiting to meet you. (9 cells) (7-10 min)
Presenter 1. The New Year continues, happiness to you! warmth in the house! good friends and the best appreciation, may you be healthy, strong, courageous, hardworking.

Presenter 2. (addressing 1 presenter) Please tell me, do you know how to have fun on New Year’s Day, for example, in Bulgaria?

Presenter1 You know, I’ve never heard of it. There must be something very funny going on there?

Presenter 1. Those who celebrate the New Year in this country are given a rare opportunity to kiss Santa Claus himself. Because, according to a comic belief, this portends special luck. Therefore, many Bulgarians dream about this. We also have one surprise. Everyone knows that dreams come true on New Year's Eve. And today those who take part in the “Dance of My Dreams” competition will be able to realize their dreams.
5 girls and the same number of boys are invited. First, the girls take notes out of the basket and stand in a line in the middle of the hall. Then the boys select notes from the baskets and stand opposite the girls. The first girl is then asked to read the note out loud. She reads: “I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.” The young man whose note says “best dancer” comes out and stands next to the first girl. This is how all other notes are read. After everyone has divided into pairs, the dance begins, to which everyone else joins.
Texts of notes for girls
1. I dream of dancing with the best dancer in our school.
2. I would really like to be invited to dance by the tiger tamer.
3. I would like to dance with a famous film actor.
4. I want to dance with the captain long voyage.
5. I dream of dancing with the chef.
6. I really want to be invited by the world champion in weightlifting.
The boys, respectively, have the best dancer, a tiger tamer, a famous film actor, a sea captain, a chef, and a world champion in weightlifting.
Music sounds (waltz)
Presenter2. Happy New Year to everyone and we hope that all your dreams and wishes come true.

Presenter 1 Happy New Year, friends! New Year is a desired and beloved holiday not only here, but also in other countries. For example, in Scotland, a few days before January 1, musicians and singers take to the streets performing folk songs. Throughout New Year's Eve, street vendors sell toys, whistles, squeakers, masks, Balloons. All family members gather by the fireplace, look at the fire, which symbolically burns away all the misfortunes of the old year, make wishes for the future, and when the clock hands approach twelve, the head of the family silently opens the door wide - while the clock strikes, the Old Year is believed to come out and New comes in. And with it a fairy tale quietly enters... (10-11 grades)

Presenter 2. In Hungary, they also celebrate the New Year in an interesting way. There, on New Year's Eve, children's whistles, pipes, and trumpets disappear from the shelves. According to popular belief, the shrill and not always pleasant sound of these musical instruments drives away evil spirits from the home and brings prosperity and joy into the home. And now we will try to do something similar. But everyone present must take part.
As a musical gift, we have prepared for you a medley of fiery dance tunes. Everybody dance!
The melodies of rumba, cha-cha-cha, rock and roll, lambada sound. Everybody dance.

Presenter 1
The last point of our journey will be Russia. On this day in Rus' they were waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. It's time to call those without whom there is no New Year. I think everyone has guessed who we're talking about? Therefore, all together, let’s call in a friendly manner: “Santa Claus! Snow Maiden"
(Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall)
Snow Maiden: Good evening, dear friends! Happy New Year 2017! With new happiness! Let me congratulate you and sincerely wish you the best in the world!
Father Frost:
God grant, in good time,
May goodness dwell in you!
To have a lot of things
So that your life blooms.
We sow, we weed, we sow.
Happy New Year!
Snow Maiden:
May it be a new year to every school
Will bring enough good
Full of sun, full of laughter
For everyone's joy and pleasure.
Please accept my congratulations
AND best wishes:
Live in health for everyone -
Both big and small!
Father Frost:
May your dreams come true
Everything this year
May fate smile on you
At every step!
Happy New Year!
(award for posters, encouragement for excellent students)

Snow Maiden.
Santa Claus! Look how elegant the Christmas tree is! Make it even more beautiful so that it sparkles with colorful lights!
Father Frost.
To do this, you need to say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!”
Everyone speaks in unison, the tree lights up.
Snow Maiden.
According to popular belief, as you celebrate the New Year, the whole year will be like this. So let's all dance around the Christmas tree and sing so that the coming year will be kind and cheerful.
Father Frost.
I announce a New Year's disco. Everyone dances. (Include the backing track “Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked...)

It is much more difficult to surprise high school students than elementary school students, so it is important to pay attention to the richness of the script and the presence of fun and interesting competitions. To prevent children from getting bored, they should not just be spectators of a stage production, they need to be periodically involved in the course of the action. This can be done with the help of games, or you can add an appeal to the audience to the scene, implying a response or some kind of action on the part of the audience.

We offer the scenario “Santa Claus in Captivity,” which, with proper preparation, is sure to please everyone present. In addition, you can involve high school students themselves, for example, by giving them the role of robbers, sorceresses or other characters. It is also important to pay attention to the costumes of the heroes, since a lot depends on them: they allow you to immerse yourself in the desired (fairy-tale) atmosphere. At the request of the presenters, the characters' remarks can be converted into poems so that they are easier to remember and sound beautiful.

New Year's scenario for high school students “Santa Claus in captivity”

The program is hosted by two sorceresses. In addition, the characters are robbers (or pirates), Father Frost, Snow Maiden and Gypsy.

Issue No. 1: The long-awaited and cheerful holiday has arrived!

Issue No. 2: New Year has come to our school!

Together: We cordially congratulate everyone and look forward to coming to visit us...

Spectators: Santa Claus!

Issue No. 1: We will celebrate the New Year with fun!

Issue No. 2: There will be no bored faces in the hall! Let's start the holiday with a round dance, let the song about the Christmas tree sound!

(the song about the Christmas tree begins, but the robbers appear, and it is replaced by another motive - “The Song of the Robbers” from “The Bremen Town Musicians”).

Person No. 1: Did you hear, did you hear?

R-k No. 2: They gathered to sing songs and dance around the Christmas tree!

Person No. 3: Have you forgotten anything?

R-k No. 4: You didn’t invite us to the holiday - that’s what you forgot.

R-k No. 1: Well, you won’t get away with this, we will take revenge. People are behind me!

(the robbers leave with “warlike” cries, the Snow Maiden comes out to the music)

Sn-ka: Goodbye old year, hello new! How many happy days it will bring, and how many sorrows and adversities the past year will take with it.

Question No. 1: Hello Snow Maiden, hello dear!
Question No. 2: But why are you alone, where is Santa Claus?

Sn-ka: Robber-villains kidnapped him, now the whole holiday is under threat. Who will light the Christmas tree now, who will give the children gifts?

Question No. 1: Snow Maiden, we will gladly help and together we will free Santa Claus!

Question No. 2: We will make sure that the robbers bring him themselves, but for now we will light the lights on the tree.

(The sorceresses light the Christmas tree with the help of the hall, according to tradition, counting down one-two-three. Exhausted robbers appear leading Father Frost)

R-k No. 1: Here is your Grandfather Frost, he is not so white and fluffy.

R-k No. 2: He tormented us with his chatter.

R-k No. 3: And he beat off our sides with this stick, which is called a magic staff.

R-k No. 4: Take your bag too, why is it needed if you can’t open it.

(Snow Maiden hugs Santa Claus)

D.M.: Hello, granddaughter, guys! I became old, that’s why I was captured; I couldn’t distinguish between deception and the truth.

Sn-ka: The robbers will answer for their deception; they will not offend anyone else.

Sorceresses: We will tell them to “freeze” and they will not budge again.

Robbers: No, forgive us, let us stay!

D.M.: Stay!

Sn: Well, the problems are solved, and the audience is already bored. Isn't it time for us to play, because the New Year is just around the corner! And I know who will help us with this!

(a song sounds, Gypsy comes out)

Tska: Hello, guys! Do you want to play?

Sn-ka: Come out into the circle guys, we’ll draw with you!

(participants are given pencils/paints and pieces of paper and are blindfolded)

Tska: Draw a Christmas tree, a snowflake or a funny snowman!

(song plays while children draw)

D.M.: Such works should be exhibited in a gallery. Each participant deserved a prize. (Gives out gifts).

Sn-ka: And now, Gypsy, tell us some riddles!

(riddles can be distributed among all characters).

1. What is the name of the toy that explodes on New Year's Day, but no one is afraid of it. (Clapperboard)

2. She is called the granddaughter of the most famous grandfather in the world. A girl with a long braid and a beautiful shiny outfit. What is her name? (Snow Maiden)

3. Who plays pranks in the house, hits toys on the Christmas tree, laps up milk and loves a ball of thread? (Cat)

4. To whom do all the children in the world write letters? Who carries a red bag with them? Who commands and gives gifts in winter? (Father Frost)

5. He is a loyal friend, although he barks. When we meet, he wags his tail, he loves bones very much and will come to us all this year. (Dog, dog)

D.M.: Well done, you solved all the riddles. It's time for us to dance.

(children do a round dance, can be replaced with a staged dance to a New Year's song, for example, a dance of snowflakes or something similar)

Tska: Let's play “guess the object.” We'll describe something and you guys have to guess what it's about.

1. It has a string and if you pull it, it will explode into colorful confetti. (Clapperboard)

2. Multi-colored and shiny, it hangs on the Christmas tree, it is also used to decorate costumes, and it is very similar to foil. (Tinsel)

3. They are lit for the New Year, although sparks from them fly in all directions, this does not scare anyone. (Sparklers).

4. Be sure to put them in a vase for the New Year. It is impossible to imagine without their aroma New Year's celebration. (Tangerines)

5. She can’t dress herself, even though she’s not little anymore. Every year they dress her up and dance around her. (Christmas tree)

Final part

Before announcing a New Year's disco (if one is planned), each of the characters addresses the audience with a congratulatory and farewell speech. You can write one text and distribute it across all characters in several lines. Congratulations in prose from each character are also suitable. Also in the final part, Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to all children. Traditionally, before receiving a prize, the child is asked to recite a poem or sing a song. But even if he has not prepared anything, he should receive a gift just for his presence.

1. Good evening! Good New Year's evening!
We are pleased to welcome you to the wonderfully decorated hall on this New Year's Eve evening! Most lovely,
the most long-awaited, wonderful holiday of the New Year! So we have gathered in this hall to celebrate
old year and celebrate the arrival of the New Year 2017 - the Year of the Rooster! I hope you didn't forget to take with you
good mood, your most charming smiles.
2. Finally there is a holiday at school,
Finally a carnival.
And, believe me, it’s not in vain
Everyone was expecting it!
There will be competitions, jokes,
Awards, prizes.
Disco very soon
He will tell us: “Don’t slow down!
1. We are tired of studying.
So go ahead! to the masquerade!
But first, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!
On New Year's Eve with love
We send you our regards.
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!
2. By silver white powder
The old year is gone!

On a quiet New Year's night.
May the New Year be a magical fairy tale
He will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
He will bring it to you as a gift!
1. This could happen on New Year’s Eve.
A fairy tale will come to your home
He comes up carelessly and knocks on the door
And it will ignite hope.
2. New Year is a fairy tale!
New Year is joy!
New Year is a miracle and everyone is waiting for it. We will now show you one of these miracles. . We don't
We didn’t sleep for one night and prepared a fairy tale for you, don’t blame me, it’s somehow not right, because this fairy tale is for a new
High school student: Oh! New Year is coming! I bought some firecrackers, we’ll shoot at the New Year’s party.
I'll try one. (He pulls the string, the firecracker explodes. A man appears outwardly
looks like an astrologer)
High school student: - Who are you? Where did it come from?
Wizard: From your firecracker, dunce! I'm actually a wizard from the 18th century, I can do one thing
any of your wishes.
High school student: Wow, why just one wish? In fairy tales, wizards have several wishes

Wizard: You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, limits have been cut, energy potential
only enough for one wish per month.
High school student: - Yes. We need to think about what to order. No matter how much money I order -
will end someday. Need power. Wow, I came up with an idea, I want to be a big boss.
Wizard: Have it your way. Abracadabra, simsalonym. Now you are the king.
High school student: Like the king? What are you doing? I asked you to become a director.
Wizard: You see, I’m actually from the 18th century, and I don’t know who the director is, but I know the tsar.
High school student: - Ugh, you dumbass! The director is the head of the school. Let's fix it
Wizard: - I can’t, the limit is over, I can only do it next month. (leaves)
High school student: - Damn it, what can we do? I don’t have a damn clue about this royal matter.
Anyway! As the song says: Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked. So, it turns out that I am the king now!
(The song suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked)
Happiness is suddenly in silence
There was a knock on the door
Won't you come to me?
I believe and I don't believe
The snow was falling, the dawn was floating,
Autumn was drizzling
So many years, so many years
Where have you been?
Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked
So now I'm the king
I never dreamed about this
What should I do if I knew
I learned something at school somewhere
I just forgot everything
If only it weren't in vain
Everything in the world was not in vain
It was not in vain.
Here it comes, here it comes true
Happiness without an answer
I had a chance to be a king
To me in this world
The one who waits will demolish everything,
No matter how life hits you
If only that's all, that's all
It was not in vain
(The royal servant, who is also the clerk, runs in. He falls to his knees and hits his head on the floor.. Wizard
The Tsar's servant: - Oh, Tsarbatushka, they didn't order execution, they ordered mercy, where are you, Your Majesty?
disappeared, so you don’t have royal clothes, the infidels didn’t strip them, your Majesty, oh no
ordered to execute.
Tsar: Yes, okay, get up, what’s your name?
The king's servant: Lord have mercy! I lost my memory. They call me Fedka, Tsarbatushka, I
With your royal favor, I serve as both a clerk and an assistant, they just forgot.
King: Yes. Something happened to my memory, nothing less than sclerosis.
The Tsar's servant: Just order the Tsar, we will cut off this Sclerosis's head in an instant.
King: Oh, and the darkness! Your village is not asphalted. There is no need to execute anyone.

The Tsar’s servant: Oh, the Tsarina has missed you so much, little Tsarbatushka, she’s toiling in her little room, that’s all
I cried my eyes out!
King: - Queen? Get to work! I wonder what she's like? Come on, beauty! Let's call her here!
The Tsar's Servant This minute, sir, this minute.....! (The Tsar's servant leaves, the Tsarina enters.)
Queen: Oh! Thank God the Tsarbatushka is alive. It's been three whole days since he disappeared and not a word has been heard from us,
didn’t care what to think.
Tsar: Disappeared, but I did not disappear, Where then is the real king? (Addressing the queen) - I’m on business
Mother was absent from the government; she was on a business trip to exchange experiences.
Queen: You are all in business and in worries, Tsar Father.....
Tsar: Well, you think it’s easy for us kings. Not enough money, Inflation, taxes, meetings, press
conferences, consensuses, ugh, you probably missed something... Well, how are we doing at home?
Queen: Yes, it’s high time for the sons of the princes to get married. The adults have arrived!
Tsar: It’s crazy, I also have adult sons! Yes, I’m still young myself. (Addressing
queen.) Well, let's call them here.
(Three princes enter, line up)
King: Yes. The king had three sons (approaches the eldest, pats him on the shoulder) The eldest was smart
kid, (approaches the middle one,) the middle son and this way and that, (to the younger one) - the youngest one seems to be not a fool.
So, my sons, it’s time for you to get married, go look for brides. How is it in a fairy tale? Well, you're welcome
merchant's courtyard, you go to the boyar's courtyard, and you know in the swamp for a frog.
Younger Tsarevich: I don’t want a frog, then run after it to the distant kingdom, help out
Kashcheya. I'll look for something else, more interesting.
Tsar Well, go, go. New Year is coming soon, we need to make arrangements for the ball. Fedka, come on
there, order that the New Year will be in the first category, there will be Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, order.
The Tsar's servant: OH, they didn't order execution, they ordered mercy, Father Tsar, we are in trouble. All heralds in Rus'
They rode off to look for you, there was no one to send for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Tsar: Oh, if I were in my time, now there would be at least two Snow Maidens with Santa Claus on the Internet
ordered. (a girl with pigtails appears, dressed very modernly)
King Who are you?
Aska: Aska I am an instant message - a product of new technologies!
Royal servant: What? What product?
King: Quiet! The people are not educated! What a class! Here you are, then you will call Santa Claus with
Snow Maiden! Well...what are you worth?..
Aska: So you need to send me!
Tsar: Well... so... go already... leave...... in the end!
(Snow Maiden is on stage, preening, Aska appears)
Snow Maidens: Who are you going to be?! Where did it come from?!
Aska: Aska, I am an instant message - a product of new technologies! Snow Maiden has a message for you.
Snow Maidens: (hesitantly) What product?
ICQ: Product new technology! You and Santa Claus are urgently waiting for a meeting in a fairy tale
New Year.
Snow Maidens; What? Both? Oh, we've been waiting for this message for a long time!
Aska: The message has been delivered, I’ll hasten to inform you about the delivery...
Snow Maidens: So, what are you standing for? Run!
ICQ. So, you need to send me!
Snow Maidens: Well, get out of here!
ICQ Another thing, I’m already running! (Asuka runs away)
(There is a conversation between the snow maidens Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2.)
Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up? A!
Snow Maiden 2: How to where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Santa Claus to congratulate the children on their
holiday, giving gifts.

Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that you would go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters
Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!
Snow Maiden 2: I'm younger. I have to go. Why do we need a junk like you at a party?
Snow Maiden 1: Better look at yourself, you’ll also send me a gift for the holiday! It would be better
snow piled up!
Snow Maiden 2: Am I worse than snow? The snow will melt, but I will stay!
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, a gift like you, no matter how drawn you are, you can’t erase it with any bulldozer
You can’t turn around, you can’t go around on a crooked mare!
Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my eldest sister, Snow Maiden is a veteran! Don't turn up your nose. Here
Grandfather Frost will come, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: Listen! Let's call him! Grandfather Frost we are waiting for you! (3 times)
Snow Maiden 2. Well, why are you a fool, you work the old fashioned way. According to modern times it is necessary. Learn! (
knocks on the door) Listen. Grandpa, snoring is good! The corporate party is waiting!
Snow Maiden 1. Wow! It worked! (A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts behind his back.)
Santa Claus: I slept for almost a whole year, although things were busy. It's time to go to work: go and
congratulate on the holiday, give gifts.
Snow Maiden 2. Grandfather, everything is fine, we’ve heard about it a hundred times.
Father Frost. Why are you so rude and gloomy today, what happened, what happened?
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandfather, some here believe that they can make their
presence of any holiday. To be, so to speak, an utter gift!
Santa Claus: Why? They have already given me gifts. Look - a whole bag! (Puts the bag in plain sight
Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, don’t worry! The fact is that I think that I should go to the holiday with you from
we are the youngest, the most blooming.
Snow Maiden 1: And you don’t take my centuries-old experience and experience into account at all? Just imagine,
When you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children won’t even recognize you, they’ll be scared. But I’m a completely different matter!
Santa Claus: Granddaughters, don't quarrel!
Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandfather! It's a shame. I've been waiting for a whole year, congratulations for a whole month
I was cooking, dressing up...
Snow Maiden 1: I was on a diet all day...
Snow Maiden 2: And you spent the whole day doing makeup, covering up wrinkles...
Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was I... Yes, I you... (Santa Claus grabs the bag and
runs away, and the Snow Maidens rush after him)
Snow Maidens 1. 2. Grandpa, wait for us!
(The Tsar and Queen are sitting, flirting) (Aska appears with a comical step)
Aska: I would like to inform you that the addressee read the message you sent...
King: I hear! Not deaf! Class! The process has begun, we will be waiting for our dear guests!
Queen (walking around Aska) Still, she’s kind of strange!
Tsar: Don’t be afraid, it’s not real, it’s electronic. Well, go away! Don't bother the government
take care of business!
Tsar Hey Fedka, come here!.. Listen. Do we have a wizard in our state? Oh, then I, something,
The Tsar’s servant: But of course, Tsarbatushka, there is!…. Is he just very stingy?
Tsar. So what are you standing for? Bring the stingy one here! (An old familiar wizard appears)
Tsar: Yeah, I see, you’re an old friend again.
We have already called Father Frost and the Snow Maidens ourselves, so let us organize something fun,
festive, magical!
Wizard: I can’t, I told you the limit is over.
Tsar That’s unfortunate, so come up with something.

Wizard: I don’t know, only next year!
King: What!!! That's it, I'm not going to babysit you. I give you 20 minutes, think about what to do, don’t
If you come up with an idea, I'll have you executed. (The wizard bows and leaves; his sons and brides appear,
The eldest and middle sons have modern brides in fashionable clothes. And the youngest has a whole harem from the East, all
in burqas.)
King: Wow! So the sons and their brides have arrived!
Senior Tsarevich Here, meet Tsarbatyushka, this is Zemfira. Singer! (Zemfira bows and sings.)
I was looking for you
for years and years
I was looking for you
dark courtyards
in magazines, in movies
among friends
the day I found it
lost her mind
I was looking for you
Tsar - Yes, of course, somewhat extravagant, but how do you know how to live.
Middle son: (introduces his bride) Here is my Tsarbatushka Allochka, he took it from Kirkorov or from
Galkina, well, oh well, in general it doesn’t matter... who has it. (Tsarevich and Alla Borisovna also sing)
Be with me a boy, a fluffy bunny,
Fragile baby or don't be with me.
Be a master with me, be a gangster with me
I'll be a girl, or don't be with me.
Whether or not to be, do something.
To be or not to be, to be or not to be. (2 times.)
Tsar Come on son, she’s already good enough to be your grandmother.
Alla Borisovna: (Indignantly) But even though you are a king, I ask you to be more polite with the prima donna, I’m between
Other than that, I look younger than your queen.
Tsar: Well, God bless you, live as you wish. (Addresses the third.) What kind of team is yours?
Youngest son: Yes, I want to start a harem for the Tsar, Nuka Gyulchatay, Zulfiya, and the rest,
Lord, I’ve already forgotten how, open your faces and show yourself to the Tsar. (Harem belly dance)
Tsar: Well, are you really a fool or not, What the hell, you have so many of them! - probably mother-in-law
as many?
Youngest son: Well, the mothers-in-law and nannies are still on the road, they will arrive tomorrow.
Tsar: Well then, deal with them yourself, don’t come to me to complain. (Santa Claus appears and
Snow Maidens)
Tsar: Oh, here comes Santa Claus! and even two Snow Maidens?
Santa Claus: Forgive me, Father Tsar, I raised my granddaughters poorly, and I don’t want to tell you,
how they fought. They don’t want to give in to each other!
Tsar. God bless them, let them both be at the holiday rather than neither. (The wizard returns)
Tsar: Well, the underfunded magician, has he come up with anything?
Wizard: Yes, of course! Here she is, she knows what needs to be done next.
Well, everything has worked out for the king, the Queen is nearby, the sons have found their chosen ones, Santa Claus is with
Snow Maiden, even with two, showed up on time! But the holiday doesn’t end there, it continues!
Let us, dear artists, all in unison congratulate the people on the upcoming New Year! And you
Dear viewers, applaud our artists, they played great! And we will continue our
entertainment program!

COMPETITION (2 participants and more from each class) “Fork”
You will need: FORKS (one for each participant), thread. Each of the participants
tied to the fork belt (To increase complexity, it is better to tie from behind). From the fact
How long the thread is depends on the difficulty of completing the task. In any case, everyone
Fork players must be tied at the same level. To cheerful music, players should (who
faster), facing each other, hook with forks. The pair that completes the task wins
Snow Maiden: We invite everyone to a quick dance.
Father Frost:
A dense forest, a blizzard field
This holiday is coming to us.
So let's say it together:
“Hello, hello, New Year!”
Happy New Year
And with all our hearts we wish
Much health to you all:
Both big and little ones.
Snow Maiden:
Our holiday will be wonderful,
We brought you again
Lots of dancing, lots of songs -
You can’t sing and dance everyone!
Now it's time to congratulate the class. S________________________ speaks
Competition (2 people each) “Dance with a ball”
Each pair is given one ball, which they place between themselves and, holding it with their bodies,
perform a dance. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. It will be a lot of fun if you prepare music
in advance, “cutting” it from different styles and pace. It is advisable to start the competition with a slow melody,
then replace it with rock and roll, polka, lambada, folk dances, making the task more difficult for the participants.
Those who drop the ball leave the game.
Competition (1 person each) “Sledding” Tie a piece of cardboard to a string and place it on it
balloon. Run, dragging these improvised “sleds” behind you so that the ball does not
flew off the cardboard.
Competition (1 person each). “Snowflakes” You need to blow on a flying feather, which will symbolize
the first snowflakes falling to the ground. The feather should not fall to the ground within 30 seconds.
Contest. (1 person each) The presenter asks the competition participants to put an empty matchbox on their nose.
It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.
Class performing ______________________________________________________________
Father Frost
On New Year's Eve with love
We send you our regards.
We wish you happiness and health,
And new joyful victories!
Snow Maiden:

By silver white powder
The old year is gone!
Let everything anyone wants come true
On a quiet New Year's night.
The time has come to say: “See you again”
The New Year's carnival is over.
We visited cordial guests,
Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.
D.M. See you soon next New Year.
(Snow and D.M. leave, and they are seen off with firecrackers and fireworks)
And now the New Year's disco

New Year's evening scenario for high school students

MKOU Krinichanskaya secondary school

The song sounds based on the song “Three White Horses”

1. The rivers froze and the earth cooled,

It's hot time at school:

Christmas tree holiday - New Year we meet,

The best holiday is celebrating the New Year

How wonderful it is that it’s winter outside!


Let winter take away all sorrows completely

And the old year is already passing.

Only in the new year I will come back to school

Old class best class is waiting for me.

2. Together we are gnawing on the granite of science

And we gain our minds.

Autumn and spring come to school,

Every year they always come

But, of course, winter is dearer to us all!


3. And at school it’s New Year’s Eve again:

Silver rain, tinsel!

Fluffy snow flies outside the window,

It distracts us all from studying.

This is how we will remember school time!


Presenter 1.

Good evening friends!

Presenter 2.


Presenter 1.

Today we have gathered in this hall to spend the old year with a cheerful mood, with charming smiles and celebrate the happiest holiday - the arrival of the new year!

Presenter 2.

There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

Presenter 1.

He gives us faith in a good chance,

On the first day and on a new turn,

Helps you become better

Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

Presenter 2.

Louder laughter and joyful hugs.

And flies from all latitudes of the earth

Clock chime. We are all each other's brothers!

There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!

Together: Happy New Year!

Presenter 1.

Celebrating the New Year is an amazing time, always exciting, always joyful, and these simple words: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we say them with a special feeling because they can only be said once a year!

Presenter 2.

The floor for congratulations goes to the school director L.A. Tyuterev.

Congratulations to the school principal.

Presenter 2.

Let me introduce you to our New Year's jury.

(Introduction of the jury members)

The song "Snowflake" is playing

Presenter 1.

The year begins with blue twilight,

An old Christmas tree tale,

The flickering and sparkle of candles,

Hidden hope: of course, he will be good.

And prickly frost, and a scattering of star paths.

Presenter 2.

And the snow keeps flying, showering powder.

And a star lit up above every tree in the forest.

The year is starting - well, of course it will be good,

And with happiness he will make friends with you forever!

Presenter 1.

But before we begin our holiday, we must ask the audience present: “Are you ready to celebrate the new year?”

The audience answers: “Yes!”

Presenter 2:

Yes, friends, are you really ready to celebrate the new year? Are you ready to meet him?

Spectators: "Yes!"

Presenter 1:

But it seems to me that something or someone is missing for a real New Year celebration. Without whom does the New Year not come?

Presenter 2:

Of course, without Father Frost and Snow Maiden! So let's call the main characters of this wonderful New Year's action!

Spectators and presenters call Father Frost and Snow Maiden 3 times.

But 3 girls come out.

Fairy tale "Three maidens..."

A Teenage Girl, a Glamorous Girl and a Bitch are sitting at the table.


Three dudes under the window,

New Year's Eve,

The talkers were talking

And they talked about the future.

Teenage girl:

If I were a queen,

Everyone would have to get into a club

Discos day and night,

They'd light it up, that's for sure!

Glamor girl:

If I were a queen, -


Her sister says

Glamor girl:

Glamor girl:

I would be more glamorous than everyone else

She led the fashionistas with her!


If I were a queen, -


The sister blurted out the third, -


I would take revenge on the men,

She twisted them into a ram's horn.

And so as not to hang around women

And they were doing housekeeping!


I just managed to say -

The door creaked softly,

Santa Claus is coming, king,

The sides of that sovereign.

Father Frost:

Oh, girls, so girls!

Real queens!

Young, wonderful,

Very interesting!

Who here wants to get married?

Here I am, already matured!


Yes, we can’t bear to get married!

You won't find a groom,

So with a penthouse, with a car

And the director of the JSC!

Glamor girl:

Santa Claus, you're single,

Promising (even gray-haired!),

Well, we are beauties

Even without vodka!

Teenage girl:

You're a pensioner with us,

Lovelace is a millionaire,

You miss your wife

You take pictures of girls.

You would be with a frisky girl

I would have a blast in Hilsa.

What, grandfather, choose

But don't deprive me!

Father Frost:

Well, cool bride,

And she belongs in the penthouse!

To relieve boredom,

He will sing and dance!

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and a teenage girl walk around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and the teenage girl arranges a loud disco, a lot of people come running, everyone is making noise...

Santa Claus is returning.

Father Frost:

How to understand this?

I want to run away quickly!

Well party, well it sucks

We are divorcing you!

The teenage girl leaves, the glamorous girl comes.

Father Frost:

Oh, girl, just a miracle!

I will marry this one!

After all, with a beautiful wife

I will be forever young!

Marry me

I already love you!

Glamor girl:

For the king? Well, great

I tried not in vain:

I went to the cosmetologist,

Visited a massage therapist

And dressed in haute couture

I'm cool... purr-purr-purr...

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and the Glamorous Girl walk arm in arm around the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and the Glamorous Girl takes a wad of money and sits down at the table.

Glamor girl:

I'll buy a limousine

And not alone,

Beauty salon,

A carriage of jewels,

There are a lot of expensive clothes -

How I dreamed about them!

Santa Claus is returning.

Father Frost:

Who's spending the money here?

And clogs everything up with rags?!

You'll leave me in a thong

And you will become rich yourself!

That's it, we're getting a divorce, goodbye

And take all the rags!

The glamorous girl leaves, the Bitch comes.

Father Frost:

Damn, another one has arrived!

O-O-O, that’s what I dreamed about!


I'm not a copy of my sisters,

You can enjoy it with me

And in good at work,

And a beautiful soul

(You won't want to run away

From me you are under the bed!)

Let's be husband and wife

My passionate Santa Claus!

Father Frost:

Well, let me persuade you,

There is not enough strength to argue!

The wedding march sounds, Santa Claus and Bitch walk around the tree arm in arm.

Father Frost:

Well, business is calling me

Well, you manage here!

Santa Claus leaves, and Bitch takes out a whip and puts on a leather suit.


I'll destroy the old man

I hate the man

I can't stand all louts

I love only myself!

I will arrange a life like this,

That he will howl in horror,

There is no better intriguer

Curse the whole world!

Santa Claus is returning home.

Father Frost:

What type? Tell me please?

You have changed so dramatically!


Oh, come on, get it,

Where did you climb? Answer!

The bitch hits Santa Claus with a whip, and then hits him on the back with the handle of the whip.

Father Frost:

Have you completely lost your mind?

Or maybe you're mad!

Get out of the house! I'm getting a divorce!

All! I won't marry again!

The bitch leaves. The Snow Maiden is coming.

Snow Maiden:

I came running from a fairy tale,

I got to the Krinichan school

And what kind of man is here -

This is the truth, not flattery!

Father Frost:

I'm seriously fascinated!

What a sweet moment!

Here comes the princess of dreams,

I'm seriously in love now!

Will you marry me?

We will celebrate for three days!

Snow Maiden:

The wedding will be just what you need

And we'll dance until we drop,

After all, we will marry you

On your main winter holiday!


Santa Claus: - New Year will come for everyone, -

Snow Maiden: - Happiness is walking around the world! -

Santa Claus: - Who suddenly decided to get married, -

Snow Maiden: - Don’t rush, suddenly the devil has confused you,

Santa Claus: - Always wait for your love, -

Snow Maiden: - If necessary, wait a year!

Father Frost.

Well, now let's have fun!

Snow Maiden.

Let's continue the holiday!

Let's all dance together!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Snow Maiden.

The chime of the clock floats above the sky,

The lights in the windows are not extinguished by the cities!

I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Always be happy in life!..

Father Frost.

May this year

With new happiness

To you on a dark night

He will enter the house.

And along with the smell of spruce

It will bring goodness and joy.

Snow Maiden.

And now the 8th grade students have prepared a New Year’s dance for you.

8th grade dance

Presenter 1.

New Year is knocking at the gate,

May it bring you a lot of happiness.

And good luck and success,

And cheerful friendly laughter,

And hope and warmth for everyone.

Presenter 2.

On New Year's Eve outside the window

The snow is falling quietly.

Let at your table

There will be joy and laughter.

Happy New Year!

Song "Winter Months"

Father Frost.

You've been waiting for him for a whole year:

“Well, when will he come?”

And when it comes,

It flies by so quickly...

Snow Maiden.

Don't waste a moment

We need to make a wish.

And meet him with a smile,

Be sure to really believe

That dreams come true

Wishes come true!!!

Sketch “The Family Celebrates the New Year” - 11th grade.

Presenter 1.

The colorful balls on the Christmas tree are shining,

And the threads of rain sparkle like silver.

I wish you a happy and bright holiday,

May he be happy for you!

Presenter 2.

May the year be successful and happy,

May all your dreams come true.

And may your cherished wishes come true,

What will you wish for on New Year's Eve?

Song "Winter-cold"

Father Frost.

Why on New Year's

So anxious in my chest -

Everyone wants to know

What's there ahead?

Snow Maiden.

On New Year's Eve with love

We send you our regards.

We wish you happiness and health

And new joyful victories!

10th grade skit “Come on!”

Presenter 1.

New Year is a magical holiday!

There is a leapfrog of smiles in it,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

Presenter 2.

So let's have fun

I'm going through troubles in spite of everyone,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a festive carpet.

Song "Silly Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden.

May the New Year bring you good luck,

Complex problems will be solved.

And success will bring with it,

Happiness and love to boot!

Father Frost:

Let, despite the snow and cold,

Warmth lives in the heart,

And next to you will be the one who is dear,

And the dream comes true.

9th grade skit.

Presenter 1.

And says goodbye to the past year

The soul is calm, without difficulty.

Let there be a new one good year,

Good luck, happiness and goodness!

Presenter 2.

For the New Year, for the New Year

The blizzard worries the hearts.

Let your dream call you into the distance,

Let everyone love each other!

Song "Unusual"

Presenter 1.

Health, joy and good luck

May the new year bring you.

May happiness be a light snowflake

It will fall into your palms.

Presenter 2.

May the sun always shine on you!

May your life last up to 100 years!

Let never come to your doors

Sadness and grief don't knock!

Dramatized song “Tractor Driver” - 11th grade

Father Frost: I completely forgot about the gifts, here they are! What's in the bag, I wonder? Some kind of disks, flash drives, DJ? What would that mean?

Snow Maiden: This means that our gift is a New Year's disco!

Father Frost : DJ, DJ, let's call him together, guys.

(Everyone shouts along with the guys. The DJ comes out).

Here you have, young man, discs and flash drives for the disco, I hope that everyone will be satisfied with the music.

Dancing. Games. Competitions.

Scenario development for the New Year for high school students “Leapfrog for the New Year”

Description: High school students, like younger students, are also looking forward to the New Year. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch a childhood that has not yet gone far. The scenario development of “Leapfrog for the New Year” will help entertain even adult schoolchildren. It is possible to show this performance at New Year's events for middle-level students (where the artists are high school students), and for high school students (where the artists are the same age). The production of “Leapfrog for the New Year” was successfully held at the New Year's Light for 8th and 9th grades, the artists were 8th graders. Teachers of Russian literature and music workers were involved in working on the script and production.
Scenario development may be of interest to teachers additional education, teachers-organizers, class teachers, music workers.
Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, head of the department for core activities, State Educational Institution “Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students”, Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Target: involving students in the tradition of celebrating the New Year.
- create a festive mood;
- create conditions for personal self-realization;
- create conditions for artistic creativity students.
Characters: Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Baba, Grandfather, Ryaba Hen, Mother, Little Red Riding Hood, five Robbers, five Hedgehog Grandmothers, Mouse, Voice-over.
1. It is desirable that male roles be played by females, and female roles by males.
2. Involve musical workers in the production.

Scenario production

It sounds like polka. A guy dressed as the Snow Maiden runs out. Dancing.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! Why are you laughing so much? Did you recognize me? Yes, it's me, Forest Beauty. I wish you a Happy New Year. He dances and runs off stage. The light goes out. Then it lights up.
Mother and Little Red Riding Hood appear on the stage.
My daughter, hear me,
Take the pie to your grandmother.
To your grandmother, to your grandmother.
Don't forget about grandpa.

Little Red Riding Hood (preening):
Leave me alone, can't you see that I sharpened my skis for the date?
Well, aren't you ashamed,
You answer rudely
You don't respect your mother
All just to take a walk.
Little Red Riding Hood:
We do not care,
We do not care
We are not afraid of either the wolf or the owl...
Anyway. So be it. I'll take the pies.
That's good. That is great. Just watch out, Little Red Riding Hood, be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood (takes a basket and sings while dancing):
If it's long, long, long
If it's long along the path,
If you drive along the path for a long time, stomp and run...
Leaves the stage. Darkness. Ominous sounds.
According to reports from the police department.
A gang of robbers appeared in the forest.
Robberies and attacks have become more frequent.
Comrades! Be careful!
Robbers emerge from the darkness.

They say we are byaki-buki,
How can the earth bear us?
Give me some cards or something
Tell fortunes for the king.
Oh-la-la, Oh-la-la,
Tell fortunes for the king
Oh-la-la, Oh-la-la,
The robbers are dancing.
The voice of Little Red Riding Hood is heard.
Little Red Riding Hood:
If it's long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa!
And in Africa the rivers are this wide!
And in Africa the mountains are so high!
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
A-ah, monkeys, sperm whales,
Ahh, and a green parrot!
Ahh, and a green parrot!
The chieftain orders the robbers to hide.
Little Red Riding Hood appears on stage. Robbers surround her.

Oh, what a pretty girl! Shall we take it for ourselves?
Let's take it!
The robbers grab the girl and take her away. Little Red Riding Hood screams. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden:
Where are our grandparents?
A tall, fat woman and a little grandfather come out.

Do you remember how I went to the mowing?
Do I remember how you went to the hayfields!
I remember your thick girlish braid!
I remember your head wasn’t bald!
Embracing together:
Even if it was just a dream, it is dear to me.
Where is our granddaughter? Let's go meet her.
They leave dancing a waltz.
Snow Maiden:
And they had Chicken Ryaba. And the neighbor’s rooster got into the habit of visiting her, and this is what came of it all...
A chicken runs onto the stage, cackling and flapping its wings. A rooster comes out behind her. The chicken flirts with him.

You'll wake me up at dawn
You will go out without shoes.
Will you never forget me?
You'll never see me!
The rooster turns around and leaves. The chicken is crying.
Voice behind the scene:
The bird cried and grieved, and a day later it laid an egg.
The hen takes the egg and begins to rock it.

Dark Glade
The night is as bright as day
Sleep, little egg, sleep as I slept.
The chicken falls asleep.
Snow Maiden:
And here is our hooligan Mouse.
And I'm a little bastard
And I'm a little bent.
And I ate toadstools
And I strive for mischief.
And I’m such a bully, I love shame and shame,
And I'm a little bastard, and I'm a little bastard.
What could I do that could be so bad?
Well, what's wrong with doing that?
Aw! egg!

He sneaks up and breaks the egg. The chicken jumps up and starts crying.
Again misfortune, again trouble.
No, I will never get my eggs back.
Oh, mouse, mouse! O demon of evil!
She broke the egg and took away her happiness.
The chicken runs away crying.
Snow Maiden:
And here come the Hedgehog Grandmothers!
Granny hedgehogs run out.

Stretch the accordion bellows.
Hey, let's play it out
Sing ditties, grandma hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
1st Grandma-hedgehog:
I was flying on a broomstick
The devil has become attached to me.
The man thought, what the hell!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the accordion bellows.
Hey, let's play it out
Sing ditties, Granny Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
2nd Granny Hedgehog:
I walked through the forests, walked home,
The devil is coming after me again
I spat on his baldness
And she sent it to the devil!
Chorus all together:
Stretch the accordion bellows.
Hey, let's play it out
Sing ditties, Granny Hedgehog
Sing don't talk!
Grandfather and Baba come out. Grandfather stops their singing.
Beauties, young ladies! Have you seen our granddaughter here, Little Red Riding Hood?
The healthiest Baba Yaga comes out, approaches her grandfather, hugs him, and he hugs her.
Baba Yaga:
Come with me. I'll show you the devil, the devil, and Little Red Riding Hood
Baba tries to stop Grandfather, but Baba Yaga pushes her away.
Grandma-hedgehogs run away singing, and Baba, crying, trudges after.
Snow Maiden:
New Year is coming, but my Santa Claus is still missing. But wait, I hear his voice.
Santa Claus appears on stage.

Father Frost (addresses the audience):
Well, dear guests, are you ready for the New Year? Ready? Well done!
Is everything good in our fairy forest, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden:
No, Grandfather Frost, we cannot celebrate the New Year. There is trouble in our forest! The robbers stole Little Red Riding Hood, took Baba Grandfather away, broke the chicken's egg...
A whistle is heard.
(When actors appear on stage they remain on it)
Father Frost:
Well, wait, Snow Maiden, let’s hide and let’s see...
The robbers come out and lead Little Red Riding Hood with her hands tied.
Let there be no stake and no yard,
But they don't pay taxes to the king
Knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.

We are walking around our native land.
We are looking for passers-by from night to morning,
Other people's boots rubbed their feet
To the knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.
We don’t want to live, oh, differently
We don’t want to live, oh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, along the edge
We are walking around our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, along the edge
We are walking on the edge.
The tongues of the fire are licking our heels,
Why do they dislike touch-me-nots so much?
Knife and ax workers,
Romantics from the high road.
We don’t want to live, oh, differently
We don’t want to live, uh, differently,
We walk, we walk along the edge, along the edge
We are walking around our native land.
We walk, we walk along the edge, along the edge
We are walking around our native land.
Father Frost:
Well, let go of Little Red Riding Hood, otherwise I’ll freeze you!
Here, here, take it, girl, just don’t freeze!
Father Frost:
Promise that you will never bring harm!
We promise, we promise.
Baba comes out and cries bitterly.
Oh, woe, woe is me. They took away the worthless ones! But he was such a good old man!
Father Frost:
Hedgehog grandmothers! Come on, fly here!
Granny hedgehogs run out.
Yes, we were joking, we don’t need him. Take your old man!
Father Frost:
That's better!
Ryaba the Hen appears.
Misfortune again...
The Evil Mouse broke our testicle.
Grandfather and Baba begin to cry.
Father Frost:
Don’t cry Baba, don’t cry Grandfather, the Hen will lay you not an ordinary egg, but a golden egg.
He takes out a golden egg and gives it to the chicken.
Everyone joins hands and sings:
There is no need to be sad, your whole life is ahead of you.
Your whole life is ahead, hope and wait!
Father Frost:
Happy new year friends!
With new happiness!
The artists make a general bow and leave the stage.