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Correct setup of the direct message. How Yandex Direct works

Yandex Direct is a very powerful tool for promoting your resource through contextual advertising. According to statistics, Yandex is one of the most popular search engines in Russian segment Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are interested in “Direct” on its own.

Yandex Direct features:

    you can set up “Direct” for the country or even a specific city where the potential client lives;

    selection of search queries and their configuration, for which this or that nature will be returned;

    the ability to configure Direct so that you can independently manage advertising in search results;

    drawing up directly by the customer;

    but the most important thing is that the correct configuration of Yandex Direct allows you to reliably assess the nature of search queries, their frequency, wording, and a host of other parameters.

How to set up Yandex Direct

And here the owner of any resource has two options to choose from:

    Seek help from relevant companies that are engaged in comprehensive website promotion not only on the Runet, but also on the Global Network in general. In this case, professionals will take matters into their own hands. However, it is possible that they are unaware of certain aspects of the enterprise that may ultimately affect the effectiveness of requests. In addition, the services of such companies, of course, are not free.

    Find out for yourself in Yandex Direct. Do-it-yourself setup provides a number of benefits. Firstly, the advertiser can flexibly manage the search results. contextual advertising- after all, who, if not the owner of the resource, is aware of all the affairs of the enterprise. Secondly, you can significantly save on the services of third-party specialists.

The obvious disadvantage of this approach is that in Yandex Direct, setting it up yourself requires certain knowledge and skills, and preliminary training.

What to pay attention to before organizing an advertising campaign

Any advertising should sell - this is natural. And at the same time, the costs of it should be more than covered by income. And for this to happen, you need to answer the following questions before starting an advertising campaign in Yandex Direct:

    whether geographic targeting will be used;

    what is the target audience;

    also need to determine semantic core companies - that is, those search queries for which it will work.


In different cases, it makes sense to address both high-frequency and mid- and low-frequency queries. To understand which queries are most in demand, you need to launch the “Word Selection” tool and type the word expected for the query in the text field.

As a result, statistics of search queries per month with this phrase will appear. Based on these results, you need to create a semantic core.

Estimating the advertising campaign budget

Setting up Yandex Direct yourself also involves a preliminary assessment of the costs of an advertising campaign. For this purpose, Yandex has a “Budget Estimation” tool. You need to indicate the region where it will be broadcast and also enter the expected keys on the left side of the field. After that, suggested phrases will appear on the right, which can either be included in the list of queries in the left field, or not included.

Once the audience has been determined, you can proceed directly to the specific steps of creating a campaign and setting it up. Below is a step-by-step setup of Yandex Direct.

Account creation

First of all, you need to create a new user. To do this, you will need to indicate your region of residence and select one of the options: Easy level or Professional. Since setting up Yandex Direct yourself is a rather delicate matter, you can get bogged down in these subtleties and not see the main thing behind them. It is better to first select the “Easy” option.

After this, you need to click on the “Start using the service” button.

Create a Campaign

Next you will need to create a new campaign. On the page you will need to indicate the actual name of the campaign, your name, the start of the campaign and the end date, set up time targeting (hourly time the ad was shown), regional targeting, etc.

Here you can select If you intend to conduct an aggressive but expensive campaign, then you can check the “Highest available position” item. In other cases, it is recommended to “Display in block by minimum price» - in special placement or guaranteed display.

Setting up on thematic platforms (YAN). If only the Yandex search will be used, this parameter can be disabled by setting the parameter to 0%.

You will also need to check the boxes for “External statistics” and “Site monitoring”.

You will also need to provide an address Email, contact phone number, set up notifications via SMS or email.

Submitting an ad

You will need to configure the following items:

    ad title - the title text that will be visible to Yandex users;

    the ad text is, in fact, the very text from which the user finds out what the ad is about, what the company offers, etc.;

    In the “Campaign Source” and “Campaign Channel” fields indicate: “yandex” and “CPC”, respectively.

Now you need to click on the blue “Submit” button.

Setting Keywords

Setting up Yandex Direct continues. The instructions instruct you to enter in the left text field the set of key phrases that are included in the semantic core of the campaign according to the expected frequency of queries, etc.

In order for the ad compiled in the previous paragraph to be shown according to the selected queries, these keywords should be enclosed in quotation marks. The results of queries will be displayed in the right field as they will look directly in search engine"Yandex".

At this stage, you can also set up fine targeting and negative keywords - that is, those phrases or words whose entry by the user will be ignored within the campaign.

Selecting bids per click

Here, for each key request, prices for each user transition will be shown - depending on where exactly the display will be carried out: in a special offer or in the area of ​​​​guaranteed display.

You can specify your own maximum price - that is, set a bid. Subsequently, you can change the bid per click. The cost of one transition must be coordinated with how much the resource owner can afford to spend on an advertising campaign.

Submitting an ad

On this page you can either add more requests or send your ad for moderation to Yandex. This is done by pressing the corresponding on-screen buttons.

After some time, a letter with results from Yandex will be sent to the email address specified during registration: whether the ad is allowed to be displayed or not. The reasons for the refusal, however, are not explained, and Yandex does not give any recommendations for changing the advertisement in case of refusal.

It is worth noting that basic knowledge is enough to understand how to set up Yandex Direct. Google Adwords(Google's contextual advertising tool) operates on similar principles. However, there are some differences in terms of interaction with your account and other minor differences in settings.

As you can see, in Yandex Direct, setting up your own is quite possible, and with basic capabilities for opening your advertising campaign Even a beginner will get the hang of it.

Pavel Lomakin

M Many beginners, businessmen, or even SEOs who start advertising in Direct on their own quickly become disillusioned with it. I can’t tell you how many angry comments I’ve seen on the Direct forum, probably hundreds. Of course, I look at such comments with a smile and sympathy. Here are the most harmless of them:

TO how can this happen? There are several reasons, and one of them is a lack of understanding of the operating principle of the Direct auction, so let’s look at it.

D I think it's no secret that Yandex is not Charitable organization and wants to earn money for offering you a service to attract clients to your business and I must say a very good service. At the same time, the system itself does not participate in pricing in any way; everything is done by the advertisers themselves. This is the trick))) If there was no competition, then each advertiser would pay only the minimum cost per click that Yandex offers, but this does not happen. Everyone wants to be on best places, to be more visible, this is where the auction comes into play. The advertiser who offers a higher cost per click is shown in the best positions. But it’s not so simple, it’s not enough to give the best price; your ad also needs to show a better click-through rate among competitors, then Yandex will earn more by showing your ad.

E there are two basic concepts V . Ad quality score (not to be confused with) and bid per click. The higher the quality score and the higher the bid, the higher the ad position, the more clicks and customers. With a high bid and low quality score, the ad position remains low, the number of clicks is low and high price, as a result, there are few clients. But how does Yandex determine the quality indicator, because he is not a person; for him, an ad is a set of symbols and letters. And not quite. Yandex Direct knows exactly which ad will be clicked better and will bring it more money To do this, he uses several concepts. Let's take a closer look at them.

What affects the quality score and cost per click in Yandex.Direct?

  1. First and most important - and maximum cost per click. The higher their work, the more Yandex will “love” you, the higher your ad will be. For new campaigns, the CTR is not defined, so Direct uses the “average” value + its own forecast. Over 300-500 impressions, the “average” indicator is replaced by the “real” indicator, so the cost per click can change both up and down. For “experienced” ads, the CTR is calculated from the history for the last 28 days of operation.
  2. Relevance of the ad to the keyword phrase(how well your ad matches what people are looking for). The ad must contain the phrase that triggered its display.
  3. Domain karma o. If a domain has already been advertised in Direct, Yandex remembers its average CTR and the quality of advertising campaigns. If the advertising campaigns were of poor quality and the CTR was low, then Direct raises the minimum cost per click.
  4. Account karma. Yandex also monitors how you conduct other advertising campaigns, what their quality is, and, depending on this, sets prices per click. There is an Account Quality Score that appears in your account, but it does not affect your CPC.

Conclusion: It is important to immediately create a high-quality advertising campaign, then over time the cost per click will decrease. If your prices per click are constantly rising, the problem may not only be due to competition, but also to the quality of the advertising campaign. You may need .

Why is CTR so important for Yandex?

N Despite the fact that Yandex formally writes off money for clicks, in fact it receives money for impressions. For example, people search for the query “custom wardrobes” 300 times a month. This means that for 300 impressions, Yandex must earn the maximum possible amount from advertisers. If, for example, one advertiser has every tenth person clicking on his ad with a bid of 0.11 USD. and a quality score of 1, and another advertiser with a bid of 1.u. and a quality indicator of 0.1 every hundredth person clicks on an ad, then on Yandex this means that for 300 impressions the first advertiser will bring Yandex 3.3 USD. (30 clicks for 0.11 USD), and the second advertiser 3 USD. (3 clicks for 1 USD). Therefore, it is more profitable for Yandex to show above the first advertiser and give him as much as possible more possibilities get clicks.

But here are two secret secrets that many do not understand)))

  • Just because you have a high CTR does not mean that you will be included in the Special Placement. Yes, you will pay less, but in order to get into special placement you need to go through a selection process among other advertisers.
  • Once in special placement, advertisers are ranked in descending order of their cost per click, so the advertiser who is higher than you always pays more by at least one minimum auction step. All sorts of supports are built on this nuance, such as to drain a competitor’s budget, but they can be easily circumvented if you make one correct setting in the parameters. Which one? I will write only to those who leave a comment under the article!

As proof of my words, I provide a screenshot of the response from the Direct representative:

Conclusion: The CTR (click-through rate) of your ads is very important indicator! The higher it is, the cheaper the cost per click will be, and the more clients you will get. But the cost of a click is affected not only by CTR (after all, it is not determined at the start of ads), but also by other quality indicators. CTR is only the first of the parameters that affects the position of displayed auction ads.

Sergey Arsentiev

How to set up Yandex Direct correctly

Advertising on Yandex is perhaps the simplest and affordable way start advertising products or services online. Compared to Google, the cost per click is lower, and setting up an advertising account in Yandex is much simpler and clearer.

To avoid these and other mistakes and not spend a lot of time managing an advertising campaign, you can entrust some of the operations to automated services, for example, Rookee contextual advertising autopilot. It will flexibly manage advertising based on your goals.

You can click on the button and see in more detail what kind of autopilot this is.

Well, for those who want to set up their own advertising or have already set up their own account in Yandex, you can read my recommendations and compare: did you do everything right and didn’t make those annoying mistakes that I’ll tell you about now.

The first and most important mistake when setting up advertising in Yandex is to take all the requests indiscriminately that Yandex itself offers, as long as they are at least slightly related to the topic.

This is often a consequence of how keys are selected or, scientifically, “compilation of a semantic core.”

Many website owners simply don’t know that they need to study Yandex statistics, many are simply too lazy to do this, and buying and mastering a program supposedly just to launch one advertising campaign is irrational.

Therefore, in most cases, keys are selected “on the fly” from Yandex suggestions.

And Yandex suggests as best it can, and far from best options, trying to increase the breadth of requests, because it is very profitable for them.

By the way, not only Yandex, but also Google is guilty of this. For example, yesterday I was setting up advertising on Google, and he really wanted a campaign for electric warm floors add requests and water heated floors, although the organization is not even close to this: these are completely different technological processes.

But if Google queries are formed into groups and they are easy to sort, throwing out the unnecessary, then Yandex offers everything mixed up and therefore, when adding what is offered en masse, a lot of garbage flies into the campaign:

As you can see for a rather narrow request " frame house", such hints as "log house", "log houses", "house designs" and "sauna" are pouring in.

That is, in this case, only 5 out of 10 queries (only 50%!) in the tooltip are relevant to the advertiser’s task, the rest should be excluded and added to negative keywords.

So what to do? Carefully collecting keys is the basis of a successful advertising campaign. Yes, and they will be useful in SEO.

One ad for all words

When I am invited to check whether advertising in Yandex or Google is configured correctly, I with enviable consistency observe something like this: there are many keywords and a modest one ad that is shown for all these requests.

Here's what it looks like: the ad is the same, but the requests are all different.

The fact is that setting up Yandex.Direct usually happens like this: the site owner logs into his Yandex account, writes some kind of ad, adds all the keys to it en masse according to the prompts (see above) and it is considered that the ad setup is complete.

That is, when a person types in a search for “house made of natural materials,” he sees “frame houses.”

But is that bad?
Yes, this is very bad for advertising effectiveness. Even if we assume that all queries are relevant, they carry completely different concepts. That is frame house And affordable housing- it's not the same thing. And man customized to receive information on a request of interest, completely not configured for analysis and thoughtful consideration of other information.

Of course, 1 visitor out of 100 will carefully review all the ads, go to each site, analyze how it matches his request and choose best option. But only a few will do this. According to statistics, 90% of all Internet users, if they click on an advertisement, do so first of all on the one that matches their request. This is a subtle psychological point; here another example would not be out of place.

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. Let's say you need to buy a kettle. Moreover, urgently today. That is, all your thoughts are focused on the kettle: which one to choose, where to buy, so that the delivery is good and the store is normal.

You go to the search engine and type in “inexpensive kettle in Minsk.”
And you see 2 ads:

Look at one and the other. Which one is closer to you? Which one would you most likely click on if you really need to buy a kettle now? Of course, the one that meets your request!

According to statistics, the click-through rate of ads that contain a user request is 2-3 times higher!

Therefore, especially if you have a competitive topic, you simply need to use your own ad for each request. But how to do this quickly if there are thousands of requests? Order and watch my video course, in it I talk about how to create an advertising campaign in just an hour with virtually no limit on the number of key queries.

Impressions for additional keywords

This is an important parameter in the Yandex.Direct campaign settings. It is enabled by default and can automatically show your ad for phrases that are so broad that they only vaguely resemble the original topic.

For example, if you sell skis, your ads will also appear to those looking for sleds or snowboards. In most cases this will be redundant and therefore ineffective. You can disable it in the campaign settings:

The main purpose of this parameter is to help Yandex, and not you, make money. And you can leave it turned on only if the advertising budget is unlimited, then the use of additional phrases will be effective.

Where is this street, where is this house...

After all, advertisements containing the words: “Address and telephone number” + The city looks more solid, reliable, and visible. See for yourself:

I understand that many online stores or entrepreneurs simply do not have an office, but for Yandex this is not a problem at the moment.

If Google checks your physical address (sends a special letter by regular paper mail with a code, yes!), then Yandex does not do this and it is simply a sin not to indicate at least some address in advertising. Of course, you shouldn’t lie and write nonsense, but even if you don’t have an office, you live somewhere - so indicate this address, who will come to you?

The right advertising strategy

This is a way for Yandex to automatically change bids to keep an ad in a certain position on the page and it would be a shame not to use it.

It is clear that the choice of strategy depends on marketing plan every campaign, so there is simply no universal advertising strategy. However, in most cases, the advertiser is faced with a fairly specific task: to increase the volume of orders. The client is ready to invest $1000 and earn $2000.

And in this case, the most winning strategy is in the Yandex settings: “Display in a block (special placement) at the lowest price.”

This is what it looks like:

I'll try to explain why.

Being first is, of course, cool, but also extremely expensive. Therefore, this strategy (by the way, it is used by default) must be changed to something more economical.

Being last is, of course, cheap, but there is no special return: that is, you invested $20, earned $40, and you won’t be able to develop a business with this difference.

Being in the middle is good: not very expensive, not very cheap, but there are different advertising blocks and they have different middles. First block: at the top of the page before the search results, second block: at the bottom of the page or on the right. And since we remember that the cost of a click in Yandex directly depends on the click-through rate of ads (CTR), then those ads that are below are barely noticeable and have low click-through rates. That is, they have impressions, but very few clicks.

As a result, a paradoxical situation arises from the point of view of the average person: those who are in the middle of the top block often have a high CTR (they are in the first screen) and as a result lower cost per click compared to the lower block.

Hence the conclusion is drawn that the optimal place for advertising is the first block, but not the first, but the second, or even better, the third place in it. Since advertising is visible, has a high CTR, and the client pays less for it than the first two advertisers. This is the “Display in block at minimum price” strategy. Naturally, special accommodation is chosen as a block.

More answers

Yandex.Metrica counter

If you run a campaign in the same account that is used for the counter, it will work automatically. And if the accounts with advertising and Metrica are different (which most often happens), then you need to copy its number and set it explicitly in the Direct settings:

You can get it in the Metrica settings or extract it from the site’s source code; it comes after the phrase “id:”.

  1. If your site suddenly crashes for some technical reason, you won’t have to frantically turn off advertising, because your clicks will be wasted. Yandex itself will understand that the site is unavailable and will disable advertising. And when the site becomes available, it will automatically turn on. Convenient and saves money.
  2. When Metrics is enabled in the settings, ad statistics will automatically begin to show the depth of page views for a particular key. That is, you will be able to see for what queries,
  3. And finally, the most important: when correct setting Yandex Direct and Metrica can track real orders from the site. You will know which keys sell and which ones simply waste your budget.

So Metrica is a mandatory tool that should be enabled immediately when setting up an advertising account in Yandex.

Conclusions and results.

Setting up Yandex.Direct, unlike Google.Adwords, is simpler, however, it also has its own subtleties and nuances that must be known and taken into account when creating an effective advertising campaign.

You must always remember that Yandex has its own interests in advertising, and the advertiser has his own. And therefore, you should not thoughtlessly use all the tips and settings enabled by default in advertising account. I recommend first finding out what this or that parameter is responsible for and making a decision more clearly, which is what we have now tried to do.

Let me remind you, this is advice for those who are “lazy” or who don’t have much time but want to do a campaign wisely. To avoid the main mistakes listed in the article and not spend a lot of time managing an advertising campaign, you can entrust some of the operations to automated services, for example, the same Rookee Contextual Advertising Autopilot Check the inflated rates in Yandex.Direct or the end of the era of the “impressions in a block at the lowest price” strategy “This is exactly the message Yandex today greets those account owners who previously used the most popular strategy “display in a block at the lowest price.” Now this strategy will not be available for selection, and the most popular will be “display in the highest position”. ...

  • July 3, 2017

According to statistics, the Yandex system serves more than 50% of search queries of Russian-language Internet users. This giant corporation today is no longer just a search engine, it is a whole marketing mix for website promotion on the Russian Internet. That is why web specialists and owners of their own resources must be able to work with Yandex.Direct, the main tool for SEO promotion on the Internet. In this article you will find detailed description how Direct (Yandex) works, what functions it provides and how to connect them step by step.

Why should you choose Yandex.Direct?

So, if the reasons: “Yandex is the most global search engine in Russia and the CIS countries” are not enough, then here are a few more arguments to promote your resource through such contextual advertising. Let's discuss how Direct (Yandex) works:

  • your ad is shown only to interested parties, which means there is a much greater chance of getting a real buyer;
  • by using the contextual advertising service, you will notice an influx of visitors from the first days;
  • targeted spending of funds - you spend money on advertising only based on user transitions (clicks), which means you can calculate statistics - how effective is advertising placed through Yandex.Direct;
  • the possibility of narrowly targeting advertising - you can place an ad in a search based on a specific criterion, for example, geographical - “phone repair in Samara”;
  • advertisements are published only on high-quality, proven resources;
  • Yandex saves your time, so you can launch an advertising campaign within an hour and quickly change it if necessary.

The benefits are obvious. Now we’ll find out how to work with Yandex.Direct - the instructions tell you about connecting contextual advertising, setting up retargeting, creating an auction and summing up the results of an advertising campaign using web analytics.

How to create an advertising campaign in Direct?

The first step towards promoting a resource is registering an account. Enter “Yandex” - “Direct” in the search bar, follow the first link and click “Register”. Here you enter all the necessary data, indicate the country and select the “Professional option” “Yandex.Direct”.

To create an advertising campaign, go to the appropriate tab, select the start and end date, and indicate contact information. If a strict geographic reference is required, select the appropriate field in the “Specify” menu. We also indicate negative keywords, that is, those requests for which you will not be reflected, in order to exclude untargeted traffic and ineffective waste of budget on clicks.

Determining sites

Specify the campaign budget and select the platforms where the ad should be displayed. How does Direct (Yandex) work in this case? If you are a seller of complex medical equipment, and do not check the box next to “Do not take into account user preferences,” then your ad will be seen by users of different resources, regardless of whether they need the line for pharmaceutical plant or not. You want the ad to be received only by interested users, for example, from thematic medical sites, so in this case it is necessary to take into account user preferences. Accordingly, you need to check the box opposite the required line.

And vice versa. For example, you are a pizza seller. It is very difficult to find a thematic resource specifically for your advertising, since everyone eats pizza - both visitors to the medical forum and people looking for movies online. Therefore, in this case, it is not recommended to check the box “Do not take into account user preferences.”

There are also more in-depth settings, for example, stopping an ad when the site is down, betting odds for users mobile phones, unwanted sites and addresses where you would not want to see your ad. After that, proceed directly to creating it.

How to write an ad correctly?

Those who understand how Yandex.Direct contextual advertising works do not need to be explained how to correctly compose an ad. But if you are a beginner, you definitely need to know how to choose key phrases and what are negative keywords for?

A keyword or phrase is what the user is looking for in the search bar. How to find them? It's simple: you don't need to show limitless imagination and sit with a large notepad in your hand, remembering synonyms - just turn to Wordstat "Yandex", enter what you offer, and select the most suitable ones from the list.

Negative keywords help filter out unnecessary queries so as not to waste your advertising budget. For example, if you sell pizza without home delivery, then your minus word will be “delivery.”

What else? You can carefully place a call to action in your ad, for example, “Buy today - save tomorrow!”, as well as attractor words: “discount, free, promotion” and the like.

How to set up retargeting?

Today, for high-quality website promotion, it is not enough just to create a selling ad and place it on the Internet. In order to really understand how Yandex.Direct works and what its effectiveness is, you need to know about such a thing as retargeting.

Imagine the following situation: Some visitor found you through a search or through an ad. He would have purchased the product, but the user was distracted by something or finances did not allow it, and the person decided that he would come to you another time, but after a while he forgot about it.

The retargeting function, which can be configured in Yandex. Direct" allows you to track such users and bring them back using harassing advertising. That is, a person who visits your site once, while on any other resource, will see your ad in the place for advertising from Yandex.

How to set it up? First you need to install a visitor counter from Yandex. Metrics". Next, in the “Retargeting conditions” line, click the “Add” button and set the condition by which users will be grouped. For example, those who were interested in delivery or a specific product.


In addition to how Yandex.Direct (advertising) works, it is also necessary to understand the operating principle of the Yandex. Analytics". This is necessary in order to assess the effectiveness of the campaign. For this purpose, Direct offers several tools - general, time, geographic statistics, in which you can view the number of clicks, impressions and bounces, citation index, average advertising cost, and total budget expenditure. Using Yandex. Metrics" you can not only track how many users came to the site, but also what they did there, what material they looked at, for how long and with what result. You can also use external systems statistics - Open Stat and Live Internet.


The last question remains - how much does such advertising and promotion cost? The answer to the question: “what is the Yandex. Auction” will help us with this. Direct, how does this system work and who sets the prices?”

An auction is a bidding by advertisers, the results of which determine the price per click in currency. It is determined for each type of advertising - special placement, dynamic and guaranteed impressions. Thus, the established cost is mutually beneficial for both the advertiser and Yandex.

Thus, we have analyzed how Direct (Yandex) works, how to configure its most important functions and how the cost of a click is formed. Happy conversions!

Good afternoon, comrades!

Yandex.Direct is the most popular system for placing contextual advertising on the RuNet. Almost all entrepreneurs who go online primarily post on Direct, and for many it is the main source of clients.

In order for advertising campaigns to bring you high-quality traffic to your site, conduct it correctly. A lot depends on this stage. And the more competently the semantic core is compiled, the more targeted visitors you will have.

Of course, quality traffic needs to be converted into customers, which is what your sites do. However, not all visitors turn into buyers, only a certain percentage. And all website owners without exception want to increase this percentage. Various widgets that engage the visitor in a dialogue can help with this, thereby increasing the conversion by at least 3 times.

I recommend installing an online consultant from YamiChat ( The fact is that basic version The widget is completely free. In addition, there is no limit on the number of operators. This way, you can save your advertising budget while increasing conversions from your website.

Well, now let's move on directly to setting up the first advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct.

I think that there will be no problems with the setup, everything is quite simple and clear.

Step 6. Virtual business card.

In the seventh step of setup, we will fill out the virtual business card.

Enter everything here necessary information about your company. Why is this necessary? Then, to visually expand the ads. If you have a filled out business card, your ad will look like this:

And if not, then like this:


This will help you increase the click-through rate of your ads.

Step 7. Site monitoring, Metrics counter, link marking.

On the seventh, we’ll connect Direct with Metrica and talk about site monitoring and yaclid link marking.

Great! Today you learned how to do this, and then you need to learn this tool more and more, so subscribe to the blog and receive free lessons by email!

In the next lesson I will tell you. Yes, yes, you can also create campaigns for Direct in Excel, and believe me, doing this is much more convenient than in the interface.


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