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How to take a selfie correctly. How a guy can take the coolest selfie photo

If your life is not full of events, then you are familiar with the situation that there is practically nothing to post on social networks except selfies. But rows of monotonous photographs also look ridiculous. How to get out? Make your selfies varied and take interesting poses!

By the way, if you still think that you’re bad at taking selfies, this material is also for you. You probably just can’t choose a good pose.

Open face and nothing more

Raise your face up a little, and also point the camera from above at a slight angle. Make sure that the shoulder looks natural and does not show that the arm is extended. Take several shots from different angles - so you will find the one that definitely suits you. By the way, remember this: when taking pictures with friends, you will be able to quickly take a good pose in order to definitely look good in group photos (which will be posted without your knowledge).

Direct look

Original angles are fraught with a lot of dangers. If you lift the camera a little higher, you’re already saying hello to the photo shoots of almost ten years ago, when girls took massive photos from under their brows. It looked creepy, and nothing has changed since then.
If the phone is a little lower, you may find yourself with a second (third, fourth...) chin and giant cheeks. And in general, the “front camera accidentally turned on” effect best describes the problem of photographing from below.

Half turn

This pose can help out a lot of people - this is how you can hide your unloved face shape and nose. And besides, add variety to the same type of photographs. Pay close attention to what degree of rotation you should stop at - the half of your face that is further from the camera may turn out to be completely without light, and the shadow will fall so that bags under the eyes, nasolabial folds and other troubles will magically appear.

Laughter and smile

Capturing sincere laughter means creating cool photo. An important detail: laughter should be natural. If you have doubts about the naturalness of the selfie you took, it’s better to try again.

Poses for selfie in the mirror

If sometimes you take pictures in full height, remember the rules for selfies in the mirror.
Standing relaxed and awkward is a bad idea. Everyone already knows that you are taking a photo, the effect of a random shot and “I didn’t mean to” will not work here. Therefore, straighten up, straighten your shoulders, hold the phone just below your shoulder. Look at the phone screen - most likely, looking in the mirror in the photo will look creepy.

It is important to choose correct angle, if possible, adjust the light, disguise flaws, highlight advantages and take 10-15 photos. Next, you choose one of them - the most attractive one, in your opinion - and publish it on a social network. Should I use filters or not? Shape your lips like a duck or take more mature photos? Should I add erotica or hold off on it until adulthood? Let's figure it out.

How to take a selfie: TOP 5 rules

1. Choose the right angle

Strict full face and profile - not The best decision. In most cases, a 3/4 head turn is recommended. However, it is important to consider individual characteristics your physique. If you have a double chin or your neck seems short and full, lift your chin and move your shoulders back slightly. If, for example, there is a scar on your left cheek, take a photo from the right side, and so on. Remember also that half of our faces are asymmetrical - choose the one that seems most attractive.

2. Setting up the camera

Bloggers and smartphone reviewers periodically conduct surveys to determine the percentage of users who have looked at the camera settings at least once. But your phone probably has something to configure. This is not only the usual brightness and contrast, but also sharpness, focusing, color saturation and individual shades, textures, specularity and much more. Experiment and choose best modes, settings and filters for selfies.

3. Select the background

Photos in toilets, against the backdrop of carpets and life-worn sheets, are frankly boring for most social network users. Show a little respect to those who will look at your photos - take care in choosing the background. It should be simple and concise, but not shocking, banal or alienating. Then all attention will be directed to you and the viewer will not experience any visual discomfort.

4. Setting up or looking for light

The light source should be located in front of you, but not behind you. If you take a selfie during the day, stand in front of the window. If you are outside, turn your face to the sun. Be careful: the sun's rays should not make you squint; you do not need to look at the sun.

You should also be careful with artificial lighting: it often makes the face look older in photographs, especially if we're talking about about outdated incandescent lamps with yellow light.

5. Emphasize strengths and hide disadvantages

We won’t lecture you and talk about the need to get rid of complexes. If you consider yourself plump, lift your chin and photograph your face with your arm outstretched and slightly raised up. If you don't like the position of your face, try turning it about 45 degrees - for most people this is the most photogenic position.

What girls and boys should consider

For girls . Most of all, girls are afraid of appearing overweight and plump in photographs. To avoid the effect of fullness, do not pull your head into your shoulders - this will guarantee the appearance of a double chin. Also try not to take pictures of yourself from below. To avoid looking older than your age in photographs, try to avoid wearing bright red lipstick. artificial lighting and frowning eyebrows - all this visually ages your face in photographs.

For guys . Young people are most afraid of appearing feminine and overly thin. If you do not have the desired muscle mass, try to avoid taking photos in short-sleeve T-shirts - a long sleeve, cardigan, or sweater will be more suitable solutions. It is not recommended to use “classic” techniques like crossing your arms over your chest to “increase” your biceps or suffer from “broad back syndrome”. The position of the body should be natural, there should be no artificiality, no feeling of being tight.

What photos should you avoid?

  • With a terrible background. Don't want your photo to be included in the collection of fails on entertainment sites? Do not take pictures of yourself in the toilet, against the backdrop of carpet or curtains, in shabby apartments and hallways. Choose a simple, uncluttered background.
  • With the wrong people in the photo. Such photos should not be posted even out of revenge. Firstly, you risk ruining relationships with friends who didn't turn out well. Secondly, the overall impression of the photo is spoiled, even if you look luxurious in it.
  • With pouting lips. This trend is long gone. There are a bunch of other current positions that are no less strange and dubious. Anything but pouting lips - they will cause nothing but negativity towards you in most people.
  • With artificially enlarged biceps and chest. There is no need to use your last strength to squeeze your chest with your forearms and cross your arms over your chest “until powerful biceps appear.” Be natural, don’t show your complexes on social networks.
  • Over-filtered. People have been achieving accurate color reproduction for decades. Appreciate it and don’t deprive your face of human features by adding crazy filters. A white canvas with contrasting lips and eyes, but without a visible nose, has not been fashionable for a long time.

Extreme photos: pros and cons

Where to take selfies if you want to get cool and rare photos? While skydiving, abseiling, mountain climbing, river rafting, or freeride snowboarding. Extreme selfies are spectacular, interesting and original; they always attract attention. If you are constantly involved in any extreme sport, you can try taking pictures like this. After all, you probably have enough experience to reduce the risk of injury.

But if this is your first time skydiving or rafting on a mountain river, this is not the time for selfies. Unless, of course, you want to win the Darwin Award for the most ridiculous death.

Extreme selfies on an iPhone are cool, worthy of attention and admiration. But the pictures from the emergency room are unlikely to be as joyful.

Try to soberly assess the risks and never start taking photographs if it poses even the slightest threat to your life or your health. Only a sober look at things will help you avoid serious injuries.

How to take beautiful selfies: TOP 7 secrets

  1. Avoid shadows. A shadow can hopelessly ruin even the most impressive photo. To avoid it, learn to catch the light. Avoid placing light sources behind your back. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the shadow even with the help of graphic editors - only with professional processing. Pay special attention to shadows on the face and body - they can create questionable visual effects.
  2. Use the functionality of your phone. Understand your phone settings and select optimal mode, if necessary, manually adjust the brightness, contrast, and color saturation. If you have enough time, conduct a series of experiments - take pictures with different settings. How to learn how to set up your phone and do nice photos? There is no universal instruction for all smartphones. Read individual expert recommendations given specifically for your model.
  3. Choose the best camera. You can take a selfie not only with the front camera, but also with the main camera. Don't forget about the ability to use a countdown timer - even in 4-6 seconds you can actually take the most advantageous position and take a photo with the main camera. Ideally, you can install the phone statically. It doesn’t have to be on a stand or tripod – it can be mounted on any flat surface with support. Then the pictures will not be blurry and will become clearer.
  4. Remember the 45 degree rule. How to take a selfie correctly if your photogenicity is far from ideal? Try using the 45 degree rule. Its essence is to refuse full-face photographs - they are better left for documents. Turn your head left or right 45 degrees. According to experts, this position is the most photogenic for the vast majority of people. Try turning both ways and choose the one that seems most attractive.
  5. Take photos at arm's length. Do not reach towards the camera or move your face away from it - select the optimal angle using an outstretched arm or a selfie stick. In this case, the coverage of the image will be greater, and the potential for choosing the optimal angle will be significantly wider. How high should you hold the camera? It's up to you to decide. In each specific case, the optimal height will be different and can only be selected through trial and error.
  6. Watch your facial expression. Photography should convey mood, not artificial emotions. How often do you see on social networks pictures of girls from a neighboring village with the expression of a British duchess or a luxury-savvy model? Do you feel any dissonance? Strive for natural emotions that are characteristic of you. It is strongly recommended not to depict, let alone demonstrate, grief. Social networks are not the place to look for solace. Try to show your subscribers only positive emotions to avoid unnecessary questions.
  7. Make yourself look slimmer. A little slimmer never hurt anyone. Don't take pictures from below, don't pull your head into your shoulders. To achieve a more wide-eyed look, a narrow chin and noticeable cleavage, hold the camera just above eye level at arm's length. If the photo is “with legs,” you can adjust the width of the hips by slightly turning your knees inward. Remember also that a slight tilt to the side and a hand on the belt visually slims the silhouette.


The secret to taking a perfect selfie lies in choosing the right lighting, angle, camera setup and head position. But experts recommend using filters with extreme caution. The application stores offer hundreds of programs for every taste. Some of the most popular are Valencia, Afterlight, FaceTune and many others. Be careful: after processing the photo, your face should not lose key features, especially the nose and eyebrows.

Taking selfies was invented quite a long time ago, but selfies gained real mega-popularity with the development of Internet technologies and mobile phones. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in taking a selfie. Just point the front camera of your smartphone at yourself and press the corresponding button.

It is quite possible that for regular photo this will be quite enough. But for quality - no. Everything is much more complicated here. How to take a beautiful selfie? What nuances should be taken into account? What is most important – the right angle or good facial expressions? Perhaps there are some secrets to effective photography? More details about this in our publication.

What is the point of a selfie?

The popularity of selfies is understandable. After all, such photos are the most in a simple way Capture yourself almost anywhere at any time. Using a selfie, it’s so easy to share your emotions and moods with friends. But it’s much more pleasant to do this when the photo turns out to be of high quality. After all, in modern world social media have special meaning.

There are several rules, following which you can certainly get a high-quality selfie and a beautiful selfie on your photo. Let's look at them in more detail.


The ideal option for shooting is natural lighting. The fact that even eminent professional photographers, who have very expensive equipment in their arsenal, always prefer shooting outdoors says a lot. The secret is that in such conditions you will be evenly illuminated. In addition, you will get the ideal contrast of the photo. But here too there are some nuances. For example, when shooting on a bright sunny day, annoying glare is possible. Therefore, you will have to act carefully. You shouldn’t shoot with the sun shining straight into your back; it will be difficult to correct such a photo.

But sometimes it turns out that you have to take pictures indoors at home or at work. What to do in this case? It is very important to come closer to the light source, your face should be directed towards it. But other options are possible: the source will be located on the left or on the right. Selfies that are obtained when a person slightly tilts their gadget when taking pictures are very effective. Another option for taking a picture is when you tilt your head slightly, to the left or to the right. Experiment like this, finding the most successful ideal angle in which the face looks best higher up.

Photographers do not recommend holding the phone above head level when taking photos. The exception is those shots in which there are several people. It is not necessary to look directly into the lens when taking a photo. You can glance to the side. This produces very impressive and somewhat mysterious photographs.

Facial expressions

A few years ago, selfies with pouting lips were quite popular. But times change, and now such pictures look, at a minimum, funny and ridiculous. It is important to be sincere in the photo. A smile or laugh should be natural, not forced. Recognizing a fake smile is easy. In this case, the eyes “do not shine” and there are no facial wrinkles.
To look younger, don't smile only with your eyes. Be yourself - there is nothing more effective than natural laughter and fun. Photos with sunglasses always look great. Especially in cases where you don’t know how to work with your eyes correctly.

Some good ideas for spectacular selfies

How to take a beautiful selfie at home? As easy as pie. It's not difficult at all. It is enough to use a few successful ideas.

Selfie with a pet

Photos with animals always look impressive. But you shouldn’t look for exotic things on some islands; a photo with a pet may turn out quite good. It doesn’t matter who exactly it will be - a cat or a dog. After all, such animals are all very photogenic.

Wind and photo

Selfies in the wind are simply amazing. Hair and clothes that fly away under the influence of air currents create a special effect, adding a certain zest to the photo. The result is a more expressive look, and the face, slightly hidden behind strands of hair, will look incredibly beautiful.

Together with your loved one

Selfies of lovers turn out very beautiful. Agree, girls love to take pictures, but guys - sometimes it’s simply impossible to get them to pose for the camera. In this case, a selfie would be the ideal option. In this case, a huge number of successful poses are possible.

Selfie spontaneously

Often it is these spontaneous photos that are the most successful. And you shouldn't expect any special moment. Appreciate what you have right here and now. You can take a selfie with your phone on the bus, in the office, on the way home, or in a cafe. These unexpected photos are often better than the ones you planned in advance.

With kids

Children always look spectacular in photos. And selfies with them certainly turn out very good. In principle, it is difficult to find an unsuccessful photo of a child. Yes, and adults next to him will look directly and emotionally.

Lying down

Photo lying down has its important advantages. When you lie down, your body is as relaxed as possible. It is in this position that the face will look especially beautiful and impressive. It is better to take this photo with the hair lying softly on the pillow. In addition, it is important to choose natural makeup with an emphasis on natural beauty.

Unusual image

Photos in an unusual atmosphere and an atypical image always look especially impressive. They will certainly attract everyone's attention. As a rule, such selfies are taken at parties.

In a men's T-shirt

This selfie will look incredibly attractive and sexy. Especially if you focus on contrasts - a men's shirt or T-shirt several sizes larger and incredibly beautiful makeup.

In underwear

Another option for an incredibly attractive selfie is in underwear or a swimsuit. But here it is important not to cross the fine line beyond which sexuality gives way to vulgarity and lack of taste.

F editors

Getting a masterpiece instantly by simply pressing a button is almost impossible. But you can achieve this effect using modern photo editors. You don't have to use a computer to do this; it's enough to use software, which is installed on your smartphone. For example, you can apply one filter or another, hiding all sorts of technical flaws or flaws in the picture.

Main conclusions

In fact, there is no single solution or biggest secret to taking the perfect selfie. It all depends on the specific situation. However, it is important to be able to use your imagination. After all, it’s always the most unexpected decisions, those that surprise are the most valuable. Always try to capture your most important life events, emotions, experiences and joyful moments, everything that our life consists of. So that later, years later, you can be content with bright and high-quality photographs, which will revive all these unforgettable moments of happiness and joy.

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You can endlessly take pictures of yourself, but what's the point if out of thousands of pictures you can hardly choose at least one decent one! Think you're not photogenic? No, you just don’t know how to take beautiful selfies! Selfies, or so-called selfies, gained popularity in the late 2000s when phones introduced camera features. Modern fashionistas can no longer imagine their Insta-life without smartphone self-portraits. By the way, according to statistics, it’s the “selfies” that get a record number of likes! Do you want your selfies to delight and make your friends jealous of such excellent shots? Just follow our simple tips, and then you will definitely learn how to take selfies correctly!

Find your corner

First you need to find the “working” side. It's simple: take a selfie different hands, bringing either the right or left side of the face closer to the lens. The side that hides shortcomings and emphasizes advantages will be the “working” side.

Try tilting your head at a 3/4 angle, this will make your eyes look larger, your cheekbones more expressive, and your jawline will not merge with your neck.

Another trick is to raise the camera above you. This technique will visually narrow the face, allow you to emphasize clothing, the décolleté area, or capture the background.

Let there be light!

Lighting plays a huge role in creating a quality selfie. It is best to use natural light. To do this, you can go to the window or go outside. The light source should be located above eye level, and not shine from behind your shoulders directly into the camera. You can use a thin curtain to create soft, enveloping lighting. In low light conditions, you can use artificial light, but not flash! She will give you red eyes and distort reality.

Show your emotion

A “selfie” where you smile sweetly is the easiest trick to charm your insta audience. But if the mood is autumn and there is sadness in your soul, you can experiment, show thoughtfulness, surprise or even fear. It's up to you. The main thing is that the emotion seems sincere and not feigned!

Makeup won't hurt

When it comes to selfies, the first thing your eye catches is your lips. Make them stand out with red, purple or pink lipstick. And please forget about duckface! You will also need a highlighter. Apply this fabulous remedy to your cheeks, bridge of your nose, chin and forehead. The skin will instantly transform, become more fresh, radiant and healthy. Highlighter is an irreplaceable must-have for those who like to sleep longer! Apply it instead of a full-fledged make-up, and you are incomparable.

Sorry, what's the background?

Concentrating on themselves, many forget that behind there is a clothes dryer, a street dump, as well as other things or people that do not fit into the self-portrait. It’s great if you take a selfie against the backdrop of picturesque nature, original interior, landmarks, turquoise sea, palm trees or unusual animals. The right background can attract as much attention as your flawless face. Well, if you manage to catch a celebrity in the lens, it will be absolutely cool!

Use apps

Let's say you got the selfie the first time. But how to even out the tone of your face, remove the yellowness of your teeth and that pimple on your forehead? Don't be shy, use photo editors and improve yourself! Luckily, they now have something for every taste! Here are some of them:

  • FaceTune. A godsend for selfie lovers! It can do almost everything: whiten teeth, remove red eyes, make hair brighter, correct the shape of the face, blur the surrounding background. Forgot to put on makeup? Do your makeup right in the app!
  • Perfect365. A great app for retouching photos and adding makeup. A large selection of settings allows you to change the color of your eyes and hair, correct the shape of your face, whiten your teeth, eliminate skin defects, remove bags under the eyes and much more.
  • CamMe. For those who are tired of selfies with an outstretched arm! Set a timer, place your smartphone on a plane about 5 meters away from you and shoot, shoot, shoot. The application is controlled by gestures, so there will be plenty of time to set up.
  • Retrica. More than 100 filters in real time! There is also a timer. One click, and your photo is a work of art.
  • . Easily transforms even the worst photo. No magic, only technology! Temperature, contrast, sharpness, transparency, many filters: everything for the perfect selfie.
  • Pixelmator. Almost magic. This is a kind of Photoshop, but with a more intuitive interface. It has everything you might need to edit your photos: filters, effects, professional tools for retouching and color correction, etc.
  • YouCamPerfect. A perfectionist's dream! The application allows you to remove wrinkles and other skin imperfections, remove shine, refresh your complexion, give radiance to your eyes, and even “surgically” correct different parts of the face and body.

And remember:

  • Always wipe down your camera before taking a selfie. This way the photo will not be blurry.
  • Taking pictures in the mirror is not comme il faut. Don’t post photos on social networks that show off your smartphone. Better use the above-mentioned CamMe app.

  • Try not to use the front camera for selfies. It loses image quality. Turn your phone over and set a timer. 2-3 seconds is enough to take a winning pose and choose the appropriate facial expression. If your gadget has a “portrait” function, you are incredibly lucky. Feel free to use it!
  • Don't shoot yourself too low, you risk getting a double chin. And if you overdo it and stretch your arm high up, you will distort the proportions of the body.
  • Stand out, find your style! Maybe your thing is to be photographed wearing hats, driving a car, or showing off luxurious curls and fashionable accessories.

  • Save candid selfies in a towel after a shower, in underwear, or immediately after sleeping in bed for your personal photo archive.
  • Try to relax, look as natural as possible. A casual selfie without makeup with a cute expression on your face can get more likes and will cause a storm of compliments than staged photos in expensive outfits.
  • Dilute the same type of selfies with collective self-portraits. Let everyone know that you are not only beautiful, but also funny!

  • In order not to be considered complete ignorant, devoid of any morality, under no circumstances take pictures of yourself at a funeral, against the backdrop of someone else’s accident, next to a homeless person, in holy or tragic places.
  • Before you take a self-portrait, make sure that no one is lurking behind you in hopes of ruining the shot.

Now you know how to take selfies correctly! We hope that your new selfies will blow up your Instagram, and your subscribers will appreciate your photo skills.

What is the perfect selfie? Photos that get tons of likes? But how is this possible? Why are some photos quoted and liked by subscribers, while others are not? Grab your camera right now. Take a look and remember how your selfie turned out the last time. Most likely it was from 5 to 450,000 frames until the right one was found. We all do it. And all because choosing the perfect selfie is not easy - it’s about the right combination of light, angle, composition and photo filters.

Selfie experts (celebrity bloggers and makeup artists) know how to take a good selfie.

Rule #1.
Natural light is the key to success

A good selfie requires good lighting. Daylight. “Light is undoubtedly the best beauty product you don't have to pay for,” says vlogger Jordan. Even in the absence of makeup, natural light will give a beautiful and healthy shine.

Avoid fluorescent lighting! Instead of sitting in front of a computer or TV screen, face a window with natural light. It's much better to go outside, bask in the sun (don't forget the sunscreen!) and get some fresh air. Good lighting will hide dark circles and a tired look.

“If you’re taking pictures indoors, find a window,” advises beauty blogger Michelle Fan. “I usually use a blank piece of paper and hold it under my chin, which creates a natural lighting effect and also reduces the appearance of a double chin.”

When it’s impossible to find natural light, whether it’s a party or watching a movie at home, how to take a cool selfie with flash? This is where Snapchat comes in handy. The app has a flash feature for the front-facing camera, while the iPhone camera does not have such a feature. Tap the small lightning bolt on the top left corner, and then take a selfie. Voila! Don't expect the photo to look perfect - under no circumstances. But at least you can see your face.

Rule #2.
The best selfie is early in the morning

In the morning, the face is clean, the makeup is fresh, and the hair lies naturally, without having time to become disheveled due to wind/humidity or going to the gym. So it's really optimal time for selfies.

Rule #3.

The best selfies have an interesting background. Whether it's a random photo or a photo while skydiving (cool!). Experiment.

But don't forget, even if you, like Kendall, pose in the mirror, people see the surroundings around you through it. So before you take a selfie, take a look around.

Rule #4.

If there's one piece of advice you should take from Kim Kardashian, it's this: When it comes to selfies, keep your chin down and your camera up. All faces are different, but as a rule, this particular angle is considered the most successful. And to achieve the effect of a seductive beauty, you just need to slightly tilt your head to the side, says Kai.

Rule #5.
Awaken your inner goddess

For hot and steamy photography, the main rule is to stop being shy. Pout your lips, raise your eyebrows, smile and talk with your eyes. Liberty advises opening your lips slightly and breathing through your mouth in a relaxed manner. He also recommends keeping your eyes closed until the shot takes place. - “The look is better when the eyes seem fresh.” you can find out on our blog.

Rule #6.
Light! Camera! Angle!

The perspective is very important, do not forget about it. You can smile directly at the camera, or you can raise the phone a little higher. Then the photo will turn out less intense, and by varying the shooting angle you can find a good angle.

Rule #7.
Be true to your filter

If you find a suitable filter that perfectly conveys the atmosphere, try to use it for all photos. This is the secret of bloggers to make the channel look harmonious.

Rule #8.
Sunglasses - the optimal solution

If you are shy in front of the camera or simply don’t want to take 457 photos in order to then choose the “ideal” one, keep your sunglasses handy in advance. All you have to do is make your lips, and let's face it, you will look stylish and cool in sunglasses.