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How to print only even sheets in Word. Printing on both sides of the paper (duplex printing)

Although your Brother machine does not support automatic duplex printing (automatically printing on both sides of the paper), you can print on both sides of the paper manually.

  • If your Brother machine is connected to your PC, you must select the printer driver to print on even and even pages. See METHOD A: USING A PC TO PRINT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SHEET
  • If your Brother machine is connected to a Macintosh, you must select the Print Odd Pages and Print Even Pages options in the Print window of the application you will be printing from. See METHOD B: USING A Macintosh TO PRINT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SHEET

For example, if you are using a PC and want to print a 10-page file on 5 sheets, you must first set the printer driver to print all odd pages in reverse order (9, 7, 5, 3, 1), print the odd pages, reload the printed pages into Brother machine, set the printer driver to print all even pages in normal order (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), and then print all even pages.

To print on both sides of the paper from PC, follow the instructions below:

To print on both sides of paper from a Macintosh, follow the instructions below:


  • If the paper is thin, it may wrinkle.
  • If the paper is curled, straighten it and place it back in the paper tray.
  • If the paper is not fed correctly, it may begin to curl. Remove the paper from the tray, straighten it, and then reload it into the paper tray.

About printing documents in Microsoft Office Word 2007, 2010

Word document viewing mode.

Page layout ensures that a document appears almost exactly as it will be printed. Therefore, as a rule, no special preparation of the document for printing is required.

However, if you are working in other display modes, you may need to preview your document before printing.

In addition, you may need to print not the entire document, but its individual fragments, print the document in several copies, etc. In this case, you need to adjust the print settings.

To print and prepare a document for printing, use the command Seal button menu Office and submenu commands (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Printing and setting up printing of Word documents

Document Preview

Preview is used to preview a document before printing it. This mode is especially useful when printing documents that are processed in display modes Ordinary, Web document or Structure.

To enter preview mode in the command submenu Seal(see Fig. 1) select the command Preview.

When previewing, the document is displayed in a special preview window (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Display the document in preview mode

In this mode there is only one tab - Preview.

To view a document page by page, you can use the scroll bar or buttons Next page And Previous page groups View.

The document display scale is set using group elements Scale. You can set to display several pages of a document at once.

  1. Click the button Scale groups Scale(see Fig. 2).
  2. In the window Scale click the button several pages and in the panel that appears, select the required number of pages to display (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Setting the number of pages displayed

Button Shorten to page groups View can be used to reduce the number of pages in a document by reducing font sizes and spacing.

Using group elements Page settings You can customize document page parameters: margins, orientation, paper size, etc.

To exit preview mode, click Close preview window or key Esc.

Printing a document

Print the entire document in one copy

To print the entire document in one copy, just use the button in the menu Office select a team Seal and then the command Fast printing in the submenu (see Fig. 1).

Setting Printing Options

To configure document printing options in the button menu Office you should select a team Seal and then the command Seal in the submenu (see Fig. 1).

Settings are made in the window Seal(Fig. 4)

Rice. 4. Configuring document printing options

In chapter Printer in the dropdown list Name possible if you have several printers connected to your computer or local network, select the printer on which the document will be printed.

In chapter Pages You can set to print one page on which this moment the cursor is located (switch current), or several pages, by entering the numbers of printed pages using the keyboard (switch and field numbers). You can also print only the selected fragment of the document (switch selected fragment).

In chapter Copies in the counter number of copies You can specify the number of copies to print. Check the box sort into copies so that each copy is printed in the order of the pages of the created document.

In chapter Scale in the dropdown list number of pages per sheet You can select the number of document pages (for example, enter 1-4, 5, 9 will print page 1 to 4, page 5 and page 9.) to print on each sheet of paper. Naturally, several pages per sheet will be printed at a reduced scale.

In the dropdown list Type you can select one of the options:

  • Document- document printing.
  • Document Properties- prints information about the file name, the date the document was created, and when it was last saved.
  • Document with corrections- printing of documents from any revision of this stamp.
  • Markup list- Prints a list of edits, insertions and other additions or changes made to the document.
  • Styles- prints style information.
  • Main quests- prints a list of user-defined keyboard shortcuts.

In the dropdown list Turn on You can select one of the options to print all pages, even pages, or odd pages:

  • All range pages- prints all pages, or all pages in the document or in the range you specify.
  • Odd pages- print all odd-numbered pages in a document or in a range that you specify.
  • Even pages- prints all even-numbered pages in the document or in the range you specify.

Enter the number of copies you want to print the document in Number of copies.

Click Fit to page with the down arrow and select the paper size for which your document should be expanded. For example, you can select A4 when printing documents on A4 paper.

When you have selected all the options you want and are ready to print your document, click OK.

Printing in Microsoft Office Word 2003

To print the active document (the document you are currently working on), click Seal on the toolbar (a row with buttons and other controls that are used to execute commands. To open the toolbar, press the key ALT, and then the keys SHIFT+F10.)

Here are some additional ways to view and print your document.

Note. If your document does not print, the printer you are trying to print the document with may not be installed.

Display each page as it appears when printed
Document Preview
On the toolbar, click the button Preview. To exit the mode preview(Preview. The mode of displaying the document as it will be printed.) and return to the previous mode, press the button Close.

Print all or part of a single document
Print a range of pages
On the menu File select team Seal. In field Pages specify the part of the document you want to print. When you select the option Numbers You must also specify the page numbers and ranges you want to print.
Note. You can also print a selected portion of the document. On the menu File select team Seal and then the parameter Selected fragment.

Print only even or odd pages
On the menu File select team Seal. On the list Print select value Odd pages or Even pages.

Printing specified pages and sections
It is possible to print specified pages, one or more sections (Section. Part of a document that has specified parameters page formatting. New section is created when it is necessary to change parameters such as row numbering, number of columns, or headers and footers.), as well as a range of pages from one or more sections.
On the menu File select team Seal. In Group Pages select option Numbers. In field Numbers enter additional instructions to print one of the the following options. Several pages apart
Enter page numbers separated by commas. If you need to enter a range of pages, use a hyphen to connect the first and last page numbers in the range.
Example: To print pages 2, 4, 5, 6 and 8, enter 2.4-6.8
Range of pages within one section
Enter p page number s section number.
Example: To print pages 5 to 7 from section 3, enter p5s3-p7s3
Whole section
Enter s section number.
Example: enter s3
Several sections separated
Enter section numbers, separated by commas.
Example: enter s3,s5
Range of pages in several sections in a row
Enter a range of pages along with section numbers, separating the first and last pages of the range with a hyphen.
Example: enter p2s2-p3s5

Print a document in a different format
Printing a draft
Draft mode does not print formatting and most of graphic objects that slow down printing speed. Some printers do not support this feature.
On the menu Service select team Options and then the tab Seal. In Group Mode check the box Chernova.

Printing document pages in reverse order
Document pages can be printed in reverse order, with the last page printed first. Do not use this mode when printing envelopes.
On the menu Service select team Options and then the tab Seal. In Group Mode check the box In reverse order.

Printing multiple pages on one sheet of paper
To see how multiple pages of a multi-page document will fit together, you can print the entire document on one sheet of paper. To do this, the pages are reduced to the appropriate sizes and grouped on one sheet.
On the menu File select team Seal. In Group Scale select the desired option from the list Number of pages per sheet. For example, to print a four-page document on one sheet of paper, select the 4 pages option.

Print to file
Printing a document to a file makes it possible to print the document on any printer.
For example, if you need to print a document using professional printing equipment, you can print the document to a file and then print it on a printer that provides high resolution.
Note. When printing to a file, you must first select the printer, such as PostScript, on which the file will ultimately be printed.
On the menu File select team Seal. On the list Name specify the printer on which you intend to print the document. Check the box Print to file and press the button OK. In the dialog box Print to file in field File name enter a file name. When printing to a file, line breaks and pagination are saved (Page Break. The place where one page ends and another begins. In Microsoft Word automatic pagination is performed (insertion of “soft” page breaks), but you can independently break the text into pages by placing “forced” (hard) page breaks.) and data on the fonts used.

Print multiple copies or multiple documents
Printing multiple copies
On the menu File select team Seal. In field Number of copies enter the number of copies you want.
Note. To start printing the first page of the next copy after the first copy of the document has finished printing, select the Disassemble into copies. If you would prefer to print all copies of the first page first, and then all copies of each subsequent page, clear this check box.

Print multiple documents at once
On toolbars click the button Open. Open the folder containing the documents you want to print. Select the documents you want to print. Click the button Service and select a team Seal.

Although your Brother machine does not support automatic duplex printing (automatically printing on both sides of the paper), you can print on both sides of the paper manually.

  • If your Brother machine is connected to your PC, you must select the printer driver to print on even and even pages. See METHOD A: USING A PC TO PRINT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SHEET
  • If your Brother machine is connected to a Macintosh, you must select the Print Odd Pages and Print Even Pages options in the Print window of the application you will be printing from. See METHOD B: USING A Macintosh TO PRINT ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SHEET

For example, if you are using a PC and want to print a 10-page file on 5 sheets, you must first set the printer driver to print all odd pages in reverse order (9, 7, 5, 3, 1), print the odd pages, reload the printed pages into Brother machine, set the printer driver to print all even pages in normal order (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), and then print all even pages.

To print on both sides of the paper from PC, follow the instructions below:

To print on both sides of paper from a Macintosh, follow the instructions below:


  • If the paper is thin, it may wrinkle.
  • If the paper is curled, straighten it and place it back in the paper tray.
  • If the paper is not fed correctly, it may begin to curl. Remove the paper from the tray, straighten it, and then reload it into the paper tray.

Printing on both sides of a sheet of paper is called duplex printing. Most printers have the ability to automatically print on both sides of a sheet of paper (automatic two-sided printing). Other printers include instructions that allow you to manually reinsert pages to print the second side (manual duplex). First, check with your printer manual or manufacturer to see if your printer supports printing on both sides of the paper (duplex printing).

To find out if your printer supports duplex printing, check its user manual or contact the manufacturer. Additionally, you can do the following:


If your printer does not support automatic two-sided printing, you can print all the pages that should be on one side of the sheet, and then (when prompted) turn the stack over and load it back into the printer.

In Word, do the following:

    Open the tab File.

    Click the button Seal.

    In chapter Options click Print all pages Print only odd pages.

    Click the button Seal at the top of the collection.

    After the odd numbered pages have been printed, turn the stack over, and then in the section Options click Print all pages. At the bottom of the collection, select Print only even pages.

    Click the button Seal at the top of the collection.

    Note: To print even and odd pages in the correct order, click File, Options, Additionally and in the section Seal set the switch Print on the front side of the page when printing on both sides or Print on back side sheet for duplex printing.

Determining whether the printer supports automatic two-sided printing

To determine whether a particular printer supports duplex printing, do the following:

If your printer supports duplex printing, follow the instructions in your printer manual to make duplex copies.


    If you are using a printer combined with a copier, and the copier supports two-sided copying, then the printer probably supports automatic two-sided printing.

    If you have multiple printers installed, it is possible that one of them supports duplex printing and the other does not.

Setting up the printer to print on both sides of a sheet of paper

If your printer does not support automatic two-sided printing, there are two options: possible ways print. You can perform duplex printing manually or print odd and even pages separately.

If your printer does not support automatic two-sided printing, you can check the box in the dialog box Seal. Microsoft Office Word will print all the pages that should be on one side of the sheet, and then prompt you to turn the stack over and feed it back into the printer.

Printing even and odd pages

To print on both sides of the paper, you can also do the following:

Note: Depending on your printer model, printing on the back of a stack of sheets may require turning the stack over and reordering the pages.

Before printing, you can preview your document and specify which pages you want to print.

Preview and print your document

Print specific pages

Two-sided printing

Duplex printing is easiest done on a printer that supports it. You can find out whether your printer supports two-sided printing (also called duplexing) by checking its user manual or contacting the manufacturer. Additionally, you can do the following:

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    Check the box Copies and pages, and then select Microsoft Word.

    Select an item Only odd pages.

    After the odd numbered pages are printed, turn the stack of pages over, reload them in the printer, repeat steps 1 and 2, and then select Even pages only.

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    Check the box Copies and pages, and then select Microsoft Word.

    Select an item Only odd pages or Even pages only.

Reverse printing

    On the menu Word select item Settings.

    In chapter Output and sharing select Seal.

    In chapter Printing options check the box In reverse order.

    Advice: To change the orientation on all pages after the cursor without selecting the text, click where you want the new orientation to start. On the menu Format click Document, and then - Page settings, OK. On the menu Apply select until the end of the document.

    On the menu Format select item Document.

    Click Page settings at the bottom of the dialog box.

    On the menu Orientation select the desired orientation and click the button OK.

    On the menu Apply select item to selected text and press the button OK.

    On the menu File select item Seal.

see also

Preview before printing

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    Click the button View.

Printing a document

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    In the popup menu Printer select the desired printer.

    Select the options you want, such as the number or range of pages to print, and then click Seal.

    Advice: If the Advanced Print Options dialog box Seal missing, click the blue downward arrow icon to the right of the pop-up menu Printer.

Print individual pages or sections

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    In the popup menu Printer select the desired printer.

    Set the switch to position Page range and enter in the field Page range data as below.

    Printed data

    Follow these steps

    Non-adjacent pages

    Enter page numbers separated by commas. If you need to enter a range of pages, enter the first and last page numbers separated by a hyphen.

    For example, to print pages 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8, enter 2,4-6,8 .

    Entire section

    Enter s and section number.

    For example, to print section 3, enter s3.

    Non-contiguous sections

    Enter s and the section number, a comma, and then s and the number of the next section.

    For example, to print sections 3 and 5, enter s3,s5.

    Range of pages in multiple sections

    n s n-p n s n

    For example, to print the range from page 2 in section 3 to page 3 in section 5, enter p2s3-p3s5.

    Range of pages in a section

    Specify the range in the following format: p n s n-p n s n, where the letter p is placed before the page number, and the letter s is before the section number.

    For example, to print pages 5 through 7 from section 3, enter p5s3-p7s3.

  1. Click the button Seal.

Printing on both sides of the paper (duplex printing)

Duplex printing is easiest done on a printer that supports it. You can usually check the printer's documentation or view its properties to determine whether your printer supports duplex printing. Some printers allow you to automatically print on both sides of a sheet of paper (automatic duplex printing). Other printers provide instructions on how to manually turn the pages to print text on the back side of the paper (manual duplexing). Some printers do not support duplex printing at all.

Advice: If your printer supports duplex printing and you're having problems with it, the pop-up menu Copies and pages select item Layout. Then in the popup menu Two sides uncheck the box Disabled.

If your printer does not support automatic two-sided printing, you can manually print on both sides of the paper as follows.

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    In the popup menu Printer select the desired printer.

    In the popup menu Copies and pages select item Microsoft Word.

    Select an item Only odd pages.

    After the odd numbered pages are printed, turn the stack of pages over, reload them in the printer, repeat steps 1 through 3, and then select Even pages only.

    Depending on your printer model, printing on the back of a stack of sheets may require turning the stack over and reordering the pages.

Print only even or odd pages

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    In the popup menu Printer select the desired printer.

    In the popup menu Copies and pages select item Microsoft Word.

    Select an item Only odd pages or Even pages only.

Reverse printing

If your printer outputs pages upside down, you can make sure they print in the correct order. Follow the steps below to print your document starting from the last page.

    On the menu Word select item Settings.

    In chapter Output and sharing select Seal.

    In chapter Printing options check the box In reverse order.

Change the orientation of pages in a document

Changing the orientation of individual pages

    On the menu View select item Page layout.

    Select all text on the pages you want to change.

    On the menu Format select item Document.

    Click Page settings.

    In chapter Orientation select the desired orientation and click the button OK.

    In the popup menu Apply select item to selected text and press the button OK.

    If necessary, Word inserts a section break before and after the selected text and changes the orientation within the sections.

    On the menu File select item Seal.

    Note: To change the orientation on all pages after the cursor without selecting text, click the desired location in the document to place the cursor there. On the menu Format select item Document, then - the command Page settings, select the desired orientation and from the pop-up menu Apply select item until the end of the document.

Change the orientation of a specific section

Important: To be able to change the orientation of a specific section, section breaks must be inserted into the document.