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How starting your day right can change your life. Beautiful wishes for a good day A good start to the day pledge

Morning is important time when the key mood is laid for everything that happens to you during the day. If you use this time correctly, you can change life for the better.

Popular sayings: “How you start the morning is how you will spend the day”, “You got up on the wrong foot” only confirm this.

You can learn from this material how you can benefit from starting the day correctly and what practices and morning rituals will help you.

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It is important to set the right mood for the new day, especially if you are engaged in spiritual development, make sure that the level of your unique vibration is maintained.

This skill will be useful to others too. I will give a few arguments why it is necessary to tune in to a new day:

  • The right start to the day will bring more joyful, happy events into your life, new opportunities.
  • If you want to attract prosperity, abundance, more love, good luck into your life, take care of the beginning of the day. Think about what you fill your morning with, what emotions.
  • A conscious, correct start to the day will allow you to enter the flow, and your intentions will be more quickly manifested.
  • You increase stress resistance, you will react less to external stimuli. Every day we face environment, with vibrations, the mood of other people, which are not always positive.
  • By starting your day right, you will broadcast positive, kind emotions into the world, rewriting the mood of those you meet during the day.

I think the benefits are obvious. Now let's get started practical recommendations to tune in to the new day.

Simple solutions that will make your life brighter.

How to start the day to change your life

Be alone with yourself

After waking up, do not jump out of bed, even if you overslept or your morning is timed to the minute.

Don’t immediately remember things to do, you’ll still have time to do it. First of all, feel yourself, your body, “scan” every part of it, every organ.

While consciousness is still slow, is at the alpha frequency, try to remember what you dreamed about, what important realizations you received in your sleep. And immediately after waking up, write it down, if possible.

This is especially important to do if you asked your mentors a question the day before.

Many answers come in a dream, in the morning, but due to a sharp awakening from an alarm clock and the inability to wake up correctly, most of awareness is lost.

If you immediately plunge into the hustle and bustle of a new day, they will disappear. That is why sometimes a lot of time passes before you receive an answer to your question.

The next stage of awakening is breath of acceptance. Take a deep breath with the intention that you gratefully accept whatever the universe has in store for you. Say an intention or setting for today. For example, one of these:

“I accept with gratitude and anticipation whatever the universe has in store for me today.”

“I am open to new opportunities that smoothly flow into my life.”

If you are working on a specific area in your life, say your intention to help you move forward in developing and resolving your issues.

Do a Thanksgiving Practice

Gratitude is a great way to start your day.

Thank life for what you have. Try to truly feel grateful for another morning in your life.

You are alive, surrounded by loved ones. And it doesn’t matter what the relationship is between you, send them rays of gratitude and love from your heart.

Every time you do this, you heal, drop by drop, bit by bit, what is unfavorable between you. It may not be so obvious right away, but over time you will understand that you did it for a reason.

After all, what you send out, you will receive back in multiplied form.

Do energy exercises

To get a boost of energy in the morning, do energy gymnastics. These are simple exercises that can be performed standing, and even lying down, while taking a shower, and while in transport on the way to work.

Their implementation gives an immediate effect and adjusts your vertical - establishes a connection with the spirit.

Perform your favorite morning rituals

But if you have the time and desire, include other morning rituals in this set of activities. Or add mindfulness to your morning routine.

Below I will list some actions that you can make your mandatory morning rituals.

These are not instructions for implementation, but only ideas with which you can add meaning to your usual procedures.

  • Go to the window and greet the new day.
  • Do the “Breathing into the Sky” practice from the introductory course.
  • Drink a glass of water pre-charged with positive intentions for the day.
  • Take time for breakfast, which you eat consciously, enjoying the process itself.
  • Add mindfulness to your shower by focusing entirely on the physical sensations.
  • Complete the Morning Pages, a practice from The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. The author suggests pouring out your thoughts on paper immediately after waking up. This helps clear your mind of unnecessary husks and tune in to the creative process.
  • Add the Surya Namaskar technique or other exercises to your complex of morning activities for the youth and beauty of your body.
  • Play inspirational music.

If you have been practicing energy and spiritual practices for a long time, you probably already have your favorite ones. If you wish, share with us in the comments.

How to “fix” a bad start to the day

It’s not always possible to wake up and be in complete silence in the morning, especially if you have a large family, you are woken up by small children or noisy neighbors.

If everything didn't go the way you wanted in the morning, you always have the choice to stop and switch to another wave.

If you parted with your child or husband on a bad note in the morning, mentally return to that moment and rewrite the situation. How you would like things to happen. What would they say, what would they do instead of the actions that they did.

Send a ray of love from your heart and wrap it around your loved ones. It doesn't matter that you did it in your imagination. You have rewritten the vibrations of that event.

The past lives in our memories, whatever colors you paint it with, that’s how it will remain for you.

By rewriting the emotional background of the situation, you heal it, yourself and all participants. You move to another line of life and erase the possible consequences that could occur if you left everything as it is.

Every day is the beginning of a new life. You turn the page and write a new novel. Where you start, what feelings and thoughts you choose for your journey, such events will happen to you.

Think about what kind of life you want to see in the future and strive for it, taking here and now those actions that bring you closer to your desired reality, and not further away.

Ending the day properly is also important if you want to wake up rested and full the next day.

But this is a topic for a separate article. We will be happy to tell you next time.

We all know that the mood for the whole day is set in the morning. That is why you should spend your first hours after waking up as productive and positive as possible in order to fill yourself with strength and energy for subsequent work. And if for you the morning usually passes in a hurry and grumbling, then it’s time to radically change your approach.

Everyone has their own tricks on how to wake up and start the day... good mood. Let's try to offer you something new.

Why is morning mood so important?

Each of us makes our own choice on how to greet a new day. When we wake up, we can smile at the world around us, or we can suffer from a deliberately spoiled mood.

But the fact is that a good morning is the foundation for a successful day. The week depends on each such day, and the month depends on it. Well, successful and unsuccessful months add up to years.

It seems to us that we allowed ourselves quite a bit bad mood. But, if you take a closer look, it turns out that most of our lives pass in sadness and despondency.

That's why it's so important to be positive in the morning. And if possible, share your good mood with your family and friends.

10 ways to start your day well

How to stay positive throughout the day

Of course, a productive morning does not guarantee that your day will go as smoothly and efficiently. That is why the morning hours should be perceived solely as a start, setting a certain pace that you will have to adhere to. It will probably be difficult at first, but over time you will eventually develop a strategy that will allow you to remain in a good mood from the very morning until the end of the day.

Psychologists believe that the main key to a successful day is a competent alternation of work and rest. If you want to achieve significant results at work, then include mandatory breaks in your schedule. If you are engaged exclusively in mental activity, then periodically find time for physical exercise.

In addition, do not forget about communicating with your colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. Sometimes just a minute of sincere conversation can relieve fatigue and lift a low mood.

Thus, starting your day in a good mood is not at all difficult. With just a little effort at first, a perfect morning will soon become an enjoyable norm.

Good morning and good mood!

Video: Song “The Morning Begins” (from the film “The Scarecrow-Meow”)

Beautiful wishes Have a good day in prose they can surprise a person, amaze him and charge him with a good mood for the whole day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website We have collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and family in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has arrived and it brings something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries within himself, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a good day you!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily gets me up in the morning, because I look forward to spending every new day with you. Have a nice day, my beloved little man.

Wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you a kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will delight your soul for a long time after this. Let the day begin cheerfully, in the company of pleasant people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day begin with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this beautiful day, let only wonderful people surround you today and let the world give you a boost of vigor for the whole day. Let your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All work is going smoothly, and the day will go just fine. Have a good day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, have a fun day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. I kiss you warmly, hug you and send you a breath of inspiration!

My beloved person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunbeams will lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and have a good day. May you be able to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

This wonderful night has ended, and a new interesting and promising day has begun. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds float, how the birds sing and how the sun shines and your soul will feel so good! So may every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish you have these on this day geographical discoveries- a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, peak of popularity, lake of hope, waterfall of emotions and volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you want!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, may it give you a joyful mood and positivity, surprise you with pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, may this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you .

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out great. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, let the work bring joy. I adore you and are always with you in my thoughts!

Good day you! – I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted, and two days ago, and three... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your arms. Have a good day! You want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the best morning and a clear day, despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes glow with joy, and let your positive mood roll in in its bright waves. May everything be wonderful and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night has passed, giving way to a new day. Let it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it will illuminate your path and protect you from difficulties. May your day be filled with bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly feel sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give you a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.

"A good day starts with good morning" In a world of constant rush and bustle, many forget about such a simple truth. It’s much easier to say that the morning is never good, but the whole day can pass in a senseless expectation that everything will suddenly change for the better. It's a pity, but pleasant accidents happen only to those who turn over a new page with a good morning. Therefore, quotes about a good day and morning will give you a little confidence and optimism.

It all depends on thoughts

The Strugatsky brothers said that 83% of all days that make up a year begin the same way: the alarm clock rings. But this is no reason to despair. This is just a statement of fact - the alarm clock rings in the morning. But not the period of time that starts with the alarm clock and ends with the TV. It begins and ends with a person's thoughts. So why not take an example from Winnie the Pooh?! While talking to Piglet, he uttered an interesting phrase: “Today is my favorite day.” It’s so simple and ingenuous: today is your favorite date.

At one time, Turgenev said: “Life must be built so that every day is significant.” Every new dawn is another chance to change everything. And you don’t need to hate the alarm clock that interrupted a sweet dream, the lines at the store, or the unpleasant words of your boss. A good day is not a specific date, it is our attitude towards the next period of time that comes after the alarm clock rings.

Quotes about morning

Morning is always a dilemma: continue to sleep or get up and make your dreams come true. So, what did the figures of the past give us? It is best to remember the saying of Marcel Achard: “Success comes to those who wake up in a good mood.” The morning should always start with positive thoughts. Even if it’s gray and slush outside, and there are still many difficult things planned for today. A positive attitude is the only thing that turns a dull alarm clock into a start.

He once noted: “According to the advice of the Pythagoreans, you need to look at the sky every morning. This allows us to remember that everyone has their own purpose, the main thing is to stay true to your path.” This may not cause optimism, but it gives confidence that the coming dawn is special.

How to make a good day

In quotes about a good day you can often find tips to make it better. The main thing to remember: a new date is another start and it doesn’t matter what happened the day before. Morning has come, which means there is a chance to start life from scratch. As children, we woke up and perceived the coming date as another miracle. But adult life makes its own adjustments. People find it difficult not to think about the future or leave the past behind. So it’s time to relearn and make them good every day.

Quotes about a good day:

  • “You have to work hard to have a perfect day.”
  • “You have to do something that scares you every day.”
  • “If a day passes without laughter, it can be considered lost.”
  • “Every day can be perfect, the main thing is to share it with someone.”
  • “The next date will be better if you put on a happy face in the morning.”
  • "Every day is a little life."


Every day a person makes a choice: leave everything as it is or change something. They say that life is striped, but everyone must paint it in their own colors.

Sayings about having a good day can be quite contradictory. said that anything can happen in a moment: “In a day a person is born and dies. In a day he can fall in love and change his life forever.” Whether the next dawn will be good or bad depends on everyone's choice. But the new day is successful simply because it has arrived, and in quotes about a good day this is mentioned more than once.

Nadya Yasminskaya once said: “Every new day is a kingdom to be conquered.” Whether he will be good or bad, whether the fortress of the kingdom will fall before a desperate knight, depends only on the person. No matter how many aphorisms about a good day you read, only one conclusion can be drawn from them: each date is a small life, it cannot be exchanged or returned, and everyone decides what it will be like by simply waking up in the morning.

Only those who know how to live treasure every dawn. A good day starts with a good morning. Yes, it’s not always possible to wake up in a great mood. Often everyday worries weigh down with their unbearable burden, trying to extinguish the spark of faith that the next day is not so bad. But one does not mean that the whole life is bad. Days have a way of ending... Tomorrow there will be another dawn again, another chance, another new beginning. You just need to wake up in the morning and allow the coming day to be good.

Every morning is a clean slate. This is an opportunity to change one day for the better. And it’s days like these that make up our lives. If you want to achieve your goals, ask yourself: what do you do after waking up and how do you feel?

1. Don't reset your alarm

We are used to hating the sounds of the alarm clock, so we press the reset button or pause it: we feel good, we don’t want to get out of a warm bed. Although 10 extra minutes of sleep make us feel worse.

Evolution is a slow process, and humanity as a species is not yet accustomed to waking up from artificially created noise. So we just ignore it.

When we wake up, our body begins to produce dopamine, a chemical that suppresses feelings. Its effect is comparable to drinking a cup of coffee or energy drink. When we sleep, serotonin is produced - the hormone of pleasure.

After the alarm is reset, two hormones with opposite effects begin to be produced simultaneously. Due to such a load on the body, we wake up disoriented and inhibited.

2. Consider more than just the reward.

To motivate ourselves to do a certain action, such as waking up early in the morning and going to the shower, we use rewards. But according to Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit, reward alone is not enough to make a habit stick.

You need to identify the signal that leads to unwanted behavior and replace it. For example, instead of pressing the end button on your alarm clock and falling back asleep, you can reward yourself with a cup of aromatic coffee. The smell of coffee in the room can serve as a signal for this action. If you live with someone, ask them to brew a drink every time they wake up.

3. Follow the appropriate strategy

On average, an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep, but some people get enough sleep in 6 hours, while others don't get 10. To perk up, one person needs a shower, while another needs a cup of coffee. Determine which category of people you belong to, and it will be easier for you to create your own strategy and understand what advice to follow.

Gretchen Rubin, in her book Better Than Before, writes that all people can be divided into four groups depending on how they are motivated by reward:

  • Adherents of rules and order: always follow the rules - both external (established by their superiors) and internal (which they invent for themselves).
  • Bound by Promises: They work well only under pressure from authority and when they feel justified obligations to other people.
  • Seeking common sense in everything: for every business they need intrinsic motivation, some meaning for themselves, if they find it, they do the work.
  • Rebels: any task makes them want to do the opposite.

4. Wake up to natural light

In one experiment, a group of adults suffering from diabetes were sent on a camping trip for a week. In a few days without artificial lighting The experiment participants not only began to fall asleep faster, but also got up easily in the morning. The inertia of sleep has almost completely disappeared.

The organizer of the study, Kenneth Wright, came to the following conclusion: to sleep soundly at night and wake up easily early in the morning, you need to get up after the sun.

It is quite possible to do this in a city: sleep in a room with a window, or better yet, place the bed closer to the window to receive the maximum amount of light in the morning.

5. Meditate

Meditation is for everyone. At the same time, it should proceed differently for everyone. There are dozens of its varieties - conscious, transcendental, yogic. But no specialist can say for sure which one is right for you.

But the benefits of meditation are quite obvious: anxiety levels decrease, work productivity increases, and memory improves.

For example, using MRI, scientists discovered a decrease in beta wave activity in the brain after a 20-minute meditation session Calming The Mind.. This means that during meditation, the brain stops processing distracting information, so we calm down.

If you don't know where to start, try one or use the Headspace app.

6. Minimize decision making

We are all susceptible to decision fatigue. This process takes away our strength, so in the future it becomes increasingly difficult for us to make choices.

As you can see, I only wear gray and blue suits. So I'm trying to make fewer decisions. I don't want to waste energy thinking about what I'm going to eat or what I'm going to wear. Because I have too many other things to deal with.

Barack Obama

To simplify the process, Obama uses special notes that are divided into three piles on his desk: “agree,” “disagree,” and “let’s discuss.” This method speeds up the cycle significantly feedback This means that things get completed faster.

To spend your morning more productively, think about what decisions you can make automatically every day. Here are a few simple steps that will help you: choose an outfit before going to bed, eat the same thing for breakfast, get up early to avoid traffic jams.

7. Eat a frog

Psychologist Brian Tracy in his book Eat the Frog! 21 ways to learn to keep up” writes that each of us has our own frog - the biggest and most important task on which we procrastinate.

If you eat a frog in the morning, the rest of the day promises to be wonderful, since the worst of the day is over.

Mark Twain, writer

That's why you should eat your biggest frog first thing in the morning, even if you don't feel like it. Our reserves of will are limited, so we need to start the day with an important task while we still have the strength.

In addition, creativity levels are higher in the morning. Research confirms this: after waking up, people experience increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for creativity.

8. Do one important thing

Psychologist Kevin Kruse, studying the habits of millionaires, Olympic champions and entrepreneurs, found that none of them mentioned a to-do list.

There are several disadvantages to keeping a to-do list:

  • Time is not taken into account. When a person sees a long list of things to do in front of him, he starts tasks that will take less time. Therefore, tasks that require consistent, long-term completion remain unfinished (about 41% of tasks from the entire list, according to iDoneThis).
  • There is no distinction between urgent and important matters. Again, succumbing to impulse, we rush to do the urgent and ignore the important.
  • Stress levels increase. A to-do list provokes something known in psychology: unfinished tasks cause annoying, uncontrollable thoughts to appear in your head. That's why we feel tired all day and have difficulty falling asleep at night.

Instead of a list of tasks, choose just one thing you need to complete today. After completing it, you will feel satisfied and will easily deal with the remaining less significant tasks.

9. Get ready the night before

How you feel when you wake up and throughout the day will depend on how well you slept.

Numerous studies show that electronic devices contribute to disrupted sleep cycles. If you regularly experience problems, try turning off all devices 2-3 hours before going to bed (this also applies to e-books).

The cold glow of screens makes it difficult to produce melatonin, a hormone that coordinates our internal clock.

In the evening, you need to not only get enough sleep, but also decide how to spend the next day.

Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism. The Path to Simplicity,” recommends that before planning your next day, first write down in your diary how your day went today. If you don't figure out what you did right and wrong today, you won't be able to create a productive action plan for tomorrow.

How to plan things? We have already mentioned that successful people rarely use a to-do list. However, Cruz noted that almost all of them use a calendar.

The method of planning tasks in a calendar is devoid of all the disadvantages of the to-do list that we talked about earlier:

  • you can manage your time;
  • you can schedule the most important things at the beginning of the day, when you still have reserves of willpower;
  • You'll avoid overexertion because you can schedule scheduled breaks into your calendar.

10. Shower to Wake Up

Misogi, or awakening shower, is a ritual practiced by the Japanese samurai. Every morning they poured a bucket of cold water over their heads.

The domestic analogue of misogi is a contrast shower, when we alternate flows of hot and cold water.

Research shows that such hydrotherapy has a positive effect on health: stress is reduced, the immune system is strengthened, the body begins to burn fat better and fights depression more effectively.

If you decide to try a contrast shower for yourself, follow this order:

  1. First, shower in the shower at normal temperature. Then turn the faucet handle until the water turns ice cold. Stand under a cold shower for 30 seconds.
  2. Now turn the tap until the water becomes very hot. Under such a shower, capillaries open and blood circulation improves. Stand under it for 30 seconds.
  3. And again switch to cold water, under which you stand for another 30 seconds.

It seems that everything is very simple, but at first you may experience a real shock.

Every morning Benjamin Franklin asked himself the question: “What good can I do today?” Before you get to workplace, you must recuperate and prepare for the new day. This is the only way you can do anything significant.

Everyone will have their own ideal start to the morning. Some people like to listen to music in the morning, others like to read and check their schedule. Create your ideal routine. We hope our recommendations will help you with this.