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How to tame a parrot if he is afraid. The easiest and most correct way to tame a budgie in your hands


Moving to a new place of residence It should be remembered that moving to an unfamiliar place and changing ownership is a lot of stress for adult parrot. Therefore, when you bring the bird home, give the parrot the opportunity to move from the carrier to the new cage on its own. Be very careful when doing this and make sure that it does not fly into the room. Do not touch the bird - due to stress, this can cause a persistent negative attitude towards you. Lock the cage and give the parrot the opportunity to come to its senses and examine its new home. Leave him alone in the room and try not to disturb him during the day. Do not be alarmed if on the first day the parrot sits motionless and does not react to anything - this is quite acceptable.

Start taming parrot At the beginning of the second week, you can begin training in taming the bird. Remove the food feeder in the evening. In the morning, when your pet is hungry, wash your hands thoroughly in running water, pour some food on your hand and gently place your palm in the cage parrot. It should be noted that they do not like strong odors and are reluctant to touch their hand if it smells of cigarettes or perfume. Make sure that all your movements are slow and smooth, otherwise the bird may get scared. Wait until the parrot eats all the food from your palm. After this, return the feeder to its place. Repeat this exercise daily. Make sure that the parrot calmly and without fear takes food from your palm. Make the task more difficult - move your palm with food so that the parrot is forced to sit on your hand. After a while, invite him to sit on your finger. Wavy parrot, which calmly sits on your hand and can be released to fly around the apartment. Before releasing the bird, do not forget to take safety measures - close the balcony doors and vents, curtain the windows and cover the mirrors. Do not allow the parrot to sit on the chairs or floor. After this, the cage with the parrot can be kept open.

The parrot is not a stupid bird. Therefore, if you decide to enlist her love and affection, start preparing thoroughly.

It is useful to know that even the smallest parrot has a very dense beak. If a Gray can easily bite off the earlobe of a guest he doesn’t like, then a wavy baby can also cause significant damage. For example, there are known cases when such people bit the finger of the offender. Don't quarrel with the parrot, he will remember and will definitely take revenge.

If you decide to train a bird, first tame it. A tamed parrot begins to work much more actively “with.” Conduct training lessons on an empty stomach, using food as a reward. With the balance of power, the bird thinks faster, and you will achieve the development of skills.

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Has a parrot appeared in your house? Don't rush to start training your pet right away. First, he must get used to the owner and stop being afraid of an outstretched hand. The first day in a new home is very exciting. A change of habitat, transportation, an abundance of unfamiliar smells - all this frightens the bird, causing severe stress. To make it easier for your pet to get comfortable, you need to follow a few simple rules.


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Owners of budgerigars can also boast of a talkative pet, just like the owners of cockatoos or grays. Despite the fact that to teach the wavy one to speak parrot more difficult, you can achieve success if you know a few subtleties of this matter.


Males learn faster than females, although the latter pronounce words more clearly. The parrot speaks only when kept alone.

Young animals are more capable of learning, so you need to buy a parrot under 40 days of age. You can figure out whether it is a male or a male by the pronounced differences. In young females, the cere is white and bluish; there is a light edging near the nostrils. In males it is colored pink.

When the budgerigar gets completely used to it, he begins to speak simple words. It could be a greeting. There is no need to load him with information; let him first learn no more than two words. Better start learning parrot in the morning before feeding. You can let him listen to the recorded sound, but no longer than 40 minutes per session.

After constant training, the budgie will say its first word. The sound will not be entirely clear, but over time the pronunciation will improve. Now you can teach parrot and other words, phrases and even a song. Parrots remember rhyme especially well.

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The first thing to consider when teaching your budgie to speak. The parrot must be very young. The earlier the chick begins to communicate with humans, the greater the chances that the parrot will decide that it is a member of the human community and will want to master human speech. Persistence, love and patience will help you achieve good results in training your winged pet.

Helpful advice

A talking budgie at home is great fun. But for him to start talking, he will have to work hard. There is an opinion according to which a “talking” parrot simply reproduces a set of sounds it hears. Talking budgie in last years became not such a rare occurrence. Keeping a budgie is easier, and it can speak just as well as large breeds. How to teach a budgie to talk?


  • how to teach a budgerigar to speak

All owners of parrots want to see them as more of a friend than just a beautiful decoration in the apartment. In order for this smart bird to make contact, you need to make some effort. After the purchase, the budgie is confused and scared, finding itself in an unfamiliar place. And if you have patience and don’t force things, then soon he will be happy to sit on the owner’s shoulder.


When the parrot takes the seeds from the palm, open the cage and stick the hand with the treat inside. It is important to be patient here; there is no need to extend your hand closer to the bird, as this can scare it. Having dared, he will approach himself, and over time he will willingly climb into the palm of your hand.

Helpful advice

It is better to teach your parrot to take food from your hands in the morning before feeding.

When you let a bird fly, especially for the first time, do not forget to close the window, remove dangerous sharp objects, and close water containers.

A bird must fly, even if it is a domestic parrot that most life leads into cage. A parrot that has the opportunity to get free not only brings joy to itself and its owners, but also lives longer. Constantly being in close quarters cage It is harmful for the bird and walks around the apartment should last at least 15 minutes a day. But at the same time parrot needs to be trained to return to the cage.


The parrot must get used to it. Let him live in peace cage approximately . During this time, he will get used to the house, and to you, and to the fact that your hands will not harm him. He can even learn to take food from your hands and sit on your finger. At first, when human hands approach, birds behave differently. Some hide and become aggressive. Do not pay attention to excessive timidity, but aggression will have to be tolerated, even if your hands suffer from the sharp beak. Do not remove them or make sudden movements, but calmly finish changing food or cleaning cage.

When he gets used to the fact that cage regularly your hands, start to sit on your finger. Just extend your index finger and bring it to your paws. Let him think it's a perch. If it doesn’t work out the first time, leave the bird alone and after a while repeat the exercise again. In the end, everything will work out for you.

When the parrot learns to climb onto your finger and back onto the perch, begin to teach him to leave the cage. Before the lesson begins, close all windows and doors in the room. Open the cage and force parrot move onto your finger. Take the hand with the bird out of the cage. If the parrot does not want to get out and rushes back into the cage, leave him alone, close the cage and repeat the exercise after a while. Eventually the parrot will understand that nothing bad is being offered to it. But she can also escape: fly around the room and climb higher so that you don’t get her.

Release periodically parrot from the cell. Of course, at first he will cause you a lot of trouble, but eventually he will learn to return to the cage on his own.

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After your parrot flies around the room for the first time, you will have to lock the cage very tightly. Parrots do an excellent job with hooks and latches on cages; even small parrots master this. A large parrot will have to be locked;

Do not leave your parrot free and unattended. In a city apartment, he can get hurt or climb into a place where he can’t be reached from later.

Helpful advice

Food and toys should only be in the cage. If a parrot finds entertainment and food in the wild, it will not be possible to put it in a cage.

Taming parrot- a rather labor-intensive and troublesome task that takes a lot of time. But, if you distribute it correctly and practice it constantly, you will tame parrot To finger you will do it much faster.


If this is your first time at home (for example, you just bought it or it was given to you as a gift), then you need to give him time to calm down, get used to it and get comfortable in the room. This may last from one to two weeks.

First, check the degree of tameness of the bird, this is quite simple to do - stick your hand into the cage, if the parrot twitches and backs away, then it will take your hands and taming will take much longer. If he reacts calmly and even begins to reach for his hand, then consider that half the job is done.

Gradually increase the distance and time of your walks. Try to bring the bird closer to your face more often. Soon the chick will want to sit on your head or. It is necessary to behave carefully and kindly.

If a parrot lands on a high cabinet or curtain, then under no circumstances drive it away with a stick or mop, you will scare the bird and it will forever lose trust in you. Standing on a chair, gently place it under your finger so that he can move onto it.

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The first thing loving owners should do is start training their parrot. Without proper upbringing, birds can become simply unbearable. Bird training must be continuous. Only in this case can significant success be achieved.

You will need

  • treat for the parrot.


Determine the amount of the incentive. The parrot gets as much as possible, but you are interested in giving as little as possible in order to prolong the training. You need to find a middle ground that suits both you and your bird. For great success, it is better to give one large reward than for each attempt - many small ones. But in order to feel confident, she needs to be encouraged and praised for any even tiny progress.

Teaching the “back” and “forward” commands should begin in a specially designated room. The parrot must sit on the training stand. To teach the “forward” command, show the bird a treat that is in your hands. Say "go ahead." When the bird learns to come to you and take the treat, slowly place your other hand, clenched into a fist, between the parrot and the treat. You can also invite the bird to step on the edge of your palm. In the early stages, encourage any attempt by the bird to approach you. If your parrot loses its balance or flies away, let it calm down. Then, in the place where the bird is, repeat the exercise again. Do not return it back; in a new place the bird can fulfill the command better. After the bird has taken the food and wants to leave, say the command: “back.” Bring the execution of the “back” and “forward” commands to automaticity. The parrot should follow them everywhere and always without you having to repeat the commands several times or raise your voice.

Move on to mastering the “yes” and “no” commands. Say the “no” command in cases where the bird is doing or intending to do something forbidden. Don't forget to reward parrot for the correct execution of this command. For example, if you caught your pet eating your book, commanded “no”, and the bird immediately stopped doing this, it must be rewarded. If your parrot refuses you, make a small, unexpected movement to get his attention. The parrot will be forced to look at you and stop what it is doing. Praise and reward the bird. As a last resort, use any item you don't like. For example, show a towel, while giving the command “no”. Give the “may” command when you see that the parrot wants to do something that is not prohibited. There is no need to reward for executing this command, since the very opportunity to do this is the reward.

One of the most popular pets. They delight the eye with their bright plumage, are unpretentious in maintenance, and readily breed in captivity. The speech apparatus of these birds is designed in such a way that they can be taught to speak words and even entire sentences.


In order for a parrot to start talking, training must begin with early age. Buy a chick whose birth date has passed from two weeks to. After you bring your bird home, give it a week to adapt. As soon as you notice that the parrot is no longer afraid of you, has gotten used to the cage, is chirping happily and playing with the mirror, you can start teaching him words.

Best time in order to teach parrot talk - morning and afternoon. During the night the bird will get enough sleep, rest and begin to accept everything new with pleasure.

You need to learn the word for 40 minutes 2-3 times a day. The break between lessons must be at least half an hour.

Experienced breeders advise using improvised means in training. Record on a disc or tape the word or phrase you want to teach your bird. During the lesson, simply turn on the tape recorder. Then you don't need to sit next to and repeat the words yourself. Just make sure that the recording quality is at its best. top level. Crackling and hissing noises can greatly inhibit learning.

The hardest thing to learn parrot the first word. This may take up to two weeks of daily practice. Further training will be much easier.

The number of words learned directly depends on the bird’s abilities. Some people learn only 20 letter combinations, and especially gifted individuals - up to 600.

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Tip 12: How to teach a budgie to sit on your hand

is an active, intelligent, but also very vulnerable pet, the process of taming which can give you a lot of pleasure. It’s not for nothing that these birds live in large flocks - they need communication like air. And if there are no other birds nearby, he will gladly “accept you and your household into the flock.” How to ensure that a parrot becomes tame in the literal sense of the word - begins to sit on you hand?


From the first day at your new place of residence, begin to accustom your wavy to your presence. Approach his cage and talk to him. The bird's nest should be placed at your eye level - this will make the bird calmer and more comfortable for you. At first, the parrot will be afraid of you, and this is quite natural. He will get used to the sounds of your home and the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Don't be surprised if you later discover that your pet treats each family member differently - these birds are capable of having their own opinions.

When the parrot is no longer afraid of you, start teaching him not to be afraid of your hands - give him a treat through the bars of the cage. It's better to do this in the morning, when he doesn't mind having breakfast. Perhaps not right away, but the bird will still decide to take the treat from you. After this, start periodically performing some manipulations with objects in his cage - adjust the mirror, secure the ladder, etc. If your feathered friend has stopped shying away from your hand, put a treat in your palm and offer it to him. Keep your hand at such a distance that he cannot reach the contents of your palm from the perch - let him try to jump onto it, or at least

It is unlikely that any parrot owner does not dream of his feathered pet being tame and able to speak (read about that here). However, after you have brought home a cute parrot and transplanted it into a cage, you understand that until the moment your dreams come true, and the bird will not be afraid of you and avoid you, it’s still a long way off. In principle, this is a completely natural and normal process when a newly purchased parrot is afraid of its new owner. Birds do not have love at first sight. Therefore, you just need to be patient and read our publication, which will help you tame your feathered friend - a parrot...

Is it possible to tame a parrot

Before we answer the question, how to tame a parrot and ensure that the bird is not afraid of you– let’s answer the question: is this possible to achieve at all? Well, animal psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. And they think that

any parrot - regardless of its species (more about), which sits in a separate cage (this required condition), you can tame it and get the bird to sit on a person’s hand or shoulder, even without fear or fear.

But, for this you need to act correctly, and also follow small recommendations (we will talk about them today), be patient and persistent. In 99% of 100% purchased parrots become tame if you act correctly. As for that 1%, there are still wild individuals that do not need to communicate with humans, therefore, it is useless to tame them and count on their favor. However, as you may have guessed from the statistics, such parrots, fortunately, are still very rare.

Taming a parrot - main stages

Well, after you and I learned that yours is still wild bird can become manual, we suggest moving from theory to practice. However, we would like to immediately warn you that the process of taming a bird consists of several stages, and it is very important to follow the sequence of mastering them and not skip over one of the stages. Since this may negatively affect your friendship with the bird and you may not achieve the expected result.

Stage 1 - Accustom the parrot to your presence

So, you brought the bird home, put it in a cage - by the way, you need to place the cage in such a way that it is at your eye level, and you are not looking at the bird from bottom to top or top to bottom. Now you need to ensure that the bird gets used to you and does not shy away from corner to corner of its cage when you approach. To do this, you need to try to avoid sudden movements and loud exclamations when you approach the cage. You must gain the parrot's trust and he must stop being afraid of you. This takes time; for some, this period of adaptation and habituation takes 7 days, while for others it lasts a month. But, the result of the fact that you have successfully completed this stage will be the bird’s calm behavior when you approach its cage.

Stage 2 – get your parrot used to being handled

Now that you have successfully completed the first distance, it’s time to move on to a new stage. You must accustom your parrot to your hands. To do this, take his favorite food or treat in your hand (find out here), and without making sudden movements, carefully push it between the bars of the cage. In this case, you need to affectionately call the parrot by name and talk to it. At first, the bird will be afraid of you, but as soon as it realizes that you do not pose any threat to it, it will come closer to you and, lo and behold, it will take the treat from your hands. As a rule, the bird will initially snatch the food from your hands and run to the other end of the cage, but over time, it will stop rushing. When you achieve this result, try opening the cage door and feeding the bird from your palm. By the way, as experience and practice show, parrots love pieces of white bread soaked in milk, sweet tea or even coffee (although the latter option is not very beneficial for their health),

Stage 3 - remove the parrot from the cage

When the bird sits in your palm for a long time without fear, you can move on to the most important stage of taming it. Try to carry the parrot on your hand out of the cage. At the same time, you should not try to detain the bird, grab it by the feathers in the hope of holding it in this way - this way you can injure the bird (more about). In the future, it is on your hand that the parrot will have to leave the cage or return to its confines, otherwise the bird will become too independent and poorly controlled.

Features of taming parrots

Ah, now we would like to draw your attention to some important points. First of all, it is better to tame a bird when it is hungry, since on a full stomach the parrot may refuse to make contact with you, and your delicacy will not attract it. It is necessary to accustom a parrot to treats only when it is in a cage, otherwise the bird may not become tame. As for who is easier to tame, a female or a male, birds of both sexes can be tamed equally well, but female parrots are more likely to talk, not males.

When a budgerigar chick appears in the house, the room is filled with noisy and joyful chirping. But few parrot owners will be content with their cute pet sitting in a cage all day long: a tame bird is much more interesting. However, in order for the parrot to sit on your hand without any problems, you will have to work with it. This process will take some time. But the main thing you will need is patience and “calm, just calm.”

How to establish a trusting relationship with your feathered pet and get him to sit on your hand without fear? Place the cage with the parrot at eye level - this will make it easier for him to get used to your presence, and it will be much more convenient for you to communicate with him. At first he will inevitably be afraid of you, give him time to get used to the sounds of your house, and to the situation in his own house. Parrots are selective in their communication, so your pet will not treat all the inhabitants of your apartment equally. The first days of a bird in the house are very important in terms of establishing a trusting relationship.
Approach the cage, talk kindly to your pet - over time, he will no longer be afraid of your approach. At this point, you can already think about how to accustom your parrot to your hands.

We begin to teach him not to be afraid of your hands. All “educational” activities are best carried out when the pet is hungry, for example, in the morning. First, try handing him food through the bars of the cage. Not right away, of course, but the parrot will begin to take from you favorite treat. When you realize that he is no longer afraid of hands, continue to “master” the cage. Adjust the objects in the cage with your hands, move something - let the parrot get used to you. When you see that he is already calmly reacting to your hand, offer him his favorite dish, placing the treat in your palm. Now, in order to get the “yummy”, the bird will have to stand on your hand. The parrot may not immediately decide to take such a desperate step, but if you have a trusting relationship, sooner or later it will happen.

Don't be upset if taming takes longer than expected. And don’t try to force things: having scared the chick once, you risk returning to where you started - mistrust and fear, and the second time it will be much more difficult to win the bird’s favor. Therefore, do not rush your parrot and never approach the cage if you are not in a good mood.

The next stage is taming outside the cage. You need to switch to it when the pet fearlessly moves along the hand inside its home. Just take your hand out of the cage. Pre-prepare the room for the parrot to safely stay in it - curtain the windows, close the vents.

To accustom your parrot to being handled outside the cage, again call on his favorite food to help. After placing a treat on your hand, call the bird by name, and your parrot will happily fly in to eat. Over time, he will begin to fly even when you don’t have anything tasty for him in your hands: parrots are very sociable, and if this bird has recognized you as its owner, friend and comrade, it will happily settle on your hand, just to chat about it about this

The younger you get a parrot, the more likely it is to become tame. But even if you got the bird as an adult, with some effort, a lot of patience and love, you can accustom it to your hands.

Read in this article

A budgerigar can perfectly fit into a family and become a true friend. Birds are especially appreciated by small children, who love to place their pet in their arms. Not immediately, when your pet gets home from the market or pet store into a cage, is it ready to make contact. And then most owners are confused about what if he is afraid. A few basic recommendations below will help you tame the bird and quickly make friends with it.

After a budgerigar gets into a new home, it needs to be given time to get used to its surroundings. It is advisable not to disturb a family member for at least 1-2 weeks so that he gets used to his house and gets used to it. If you buy a bird from a breeder, then there will be no problems with taming, since most often they pre-train the animal. It is not recommended to take a budgie from a pet store, as in this case there is a risk of taking an already adult individual. IN such a case the risk of disease in birds increases if it long time lived with other individuals.

"Attention! It will be much easier to tame a chick than an adult. In the first case, the wavy will learn in 2-3 weeks, and in the second, it will take several months. It’s better to train a chick from a young age, without waiting for it to mature.”

Your pet will become tame much faster if you carry out training regularly. It is important to be patient and consistent in your lessons. The parrot likes to be treated kindly and friendly. If you do not train the bird systematically, then you cannot count on quick results.

Let the bird get used to it

Don't forget that sitting in a person's arms is stressful. After purchasing a pet, you need to give it time to get used to its new shelter a little. Making sudden movements or shouting loudly near the cage is not recommended in the first few weeks. You shouldn’t expect that a new family member will become tame in just a couple of days - you need to be patient. Cleaning the cage, changing the water or feeding bowl should be done carefully and smoothly, without sudden movements.

It is best to place a budgerigar's house in a place so that the animal can clearly see its owners and can recognize members of the household. Don't forget to talk to the bird, repeat its name, speak calmly and friendly.

For those who do not know how and when to tame a budgie if it is afraid, you should pay attention to the following fact. If a pet calmly eats its food in the presence of its owner and does not panic, then this is a good sign. The bird should also not react negatively to movements from the side of the cage and calmly go about its business. This behavior indicates that it is time to move on to learning.

Taming process

The best way to teach your budgie to sit on your hand is to offer him a treat. At first, it is best to give treats through the bars. There is no need to worry if your pet refuses the treat at first, as after a few days he will begin to approach and take food with interest. When giving your pet complementary foods, you need to affectionately call him by name and not behave harshly.

You can continue taming according to the following scheme:

  • In the morning, give a treat by hand, pushing it into the cage. First, complementary foods should be offered to the budgie while holding the food between your fingers, palm up.
  • After this, the treat is placed on an open palm and carefully pushed into the cage. The pet must get used to eating from the palm of your hand.
  • Train your parrot to sit on your finger. Extend your index finger and gently bring it to the place where it sits. If the bird does not sit on your hand, then you should bring your finger to the belly (between the legs) and lightly touch it.

Method No. 2

There are times when you have to spend more time (than 3 weeks) to tame a pet so that it becomes tame. If the situation with food does not give results, then you should try handing the feathered a mirror. Wavys really like to play with an imaginary friend, so gradually the bird will begin to get used to the hands. You need to insert the mirror into the cage carefully, without sudden movements.

You can play with your pet while taming it by using other objects. This could be a pen or bottle cap. The toy is first carefully offered through the bars, and when the bird is interested, it is pushed into the open cage.

A tame parrot is a true joy for all family members, as you can lift your spirits with it. If the pet calmly sits on your finger, then it’s time to let the pet fly (after closing the windows, doors and removing sharp objects). If a pet sits on a cornice or chandelier, there is no need to scare it by waving your arms. It is enough to offer the bird food so that it sits on your hand and lowers it into the cage. During a walk, the house should be kept open so that the animal learns to return to the middle.

Quite often, owners of wavy birds complain that the bird is afraid to sit on the palm of their hand. How to tame a parrot so that it becomes your faithful friend forever. There are a few simple rules that, if followed, can quickly gain the trust of your feathered pet.

Cute birds do not immediately get used to their new owner. So you will need a lot of patience. First you need to establish contact with them - this may take several weeks. For taming to be successful, you need to choose the right pet. There is only one rule - it is easiest to train young parrots. Therefore, experts recommend buying chicks under five months of age. Older birds are much more difficult to train. But this task is also doable if you are persistent. It is advisable to choose a pet not from a pet store, but from professional breeders. Parrots that are kept in a cramped cage are constantly stressed, so difficulties may arise in the process of raising them.

Cute birds take a long time to get used to their new owner

It is very important to wean the bird away from the flock. It is believed that if she is with other birds for a long time, she will be more wild. Some people manage to train several pets at once. The main thing is to pay a lot of attention to them. To do this, you need to periodically release the birds into the wild and talk to them often. If you rarely work with wavy animals, they will not make contact for a long time. In this case, problems are possible - if you release the parrot from the cage, you will not be able to return it back later. The best option– buy one chick. Subject to constant communication with him, training will take three to four weeks.

Raising a mature bird is not easy, but it is quite possible. If before that she lived in good conditions, but had almost no contact with people, you need to pay a lot of attention to her and talk to her every day for an hour. If the parrot has experienced stress or been abused, the chances of success are minimal. Such birds are afraid of humans and are even capable of biting. Of course, love and affection can change their attitude, but you will have to show maximum care, do not make sudden movements and under no circumstances shout. All this will scare the pet even more.

You need to pay a lot of attention to the parrot and talk every day for an hour

It is much easier to raise small chicks. From good breeders, they get used to being handled from birth, as the owner regularly takes them for regular inspection and placement in other cages. In your new home, they can become your loyal friends from the very first days. Tame budgerigars can be distinguished from wild ones by their habits, and when purchasing, you can immediately understand which parrot is the calmest - you can easily pick it up. This pet is perfect for you.

Where will the bird live and how to quickly raise it? These issues need to be addressed before purchasing a pet. The parrot should live in a spacious cage, where everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Among the required elements are a drinking bowl, a feeder, and perches. The pet must remain in the cage for several days to adapt. When he gets acquainted with the new environment, you can accustom him to holding him. In the future, you can pamper your pet with various toys. The table shows everything that should be in the cell:

After purchasing the parrot, it must be transported to the house in a pre-prepared carrier. This can be a regular cardboard box with holes for ventilation. It is presented in the door of the prepared cage, and the bird itself moves to its new home. You can release a parrot into the wild only where it cannot fly out into the street through a door or window.


After placing the chick in the cage, give it some time to get acquainted with objects unfamiliar to it.

The first days after purchase the bird experiences severe stress. The reason is the new environment and separation from fellow humans. She usually sits hunched over and hardly eats. In a couple of days everything should change.


Before you communicate closely with a bird, you need to determine what its temperament is. If you watch her, you can understand how to quickly tame a smart budgie. However, all birds have their own character. Some pets are very playful, others are calmer. The first one makes contact easily, as they are distinguished by their curiosity. Independent birds are more difficult to tame, but with the right approach they will definitely trust you.

During the first few days, you should not let your pet out of the cage - he is not yet completely accustomed to his new home and returning him will be problematic. If you try to catch a bird, don't knowledgeable hand and not knowing how to return to its home, it will be difficult to catch it. She will fly under the ceiling and hide on cabinets, where it is almost impossible to get her. In addition, a frightened pet may fall and get hurt.

How to gain trust

To establish contact with the wavy, all your manipulations should be associated only with something pleasant, for example, a treat.

When starting training, extend your hand with food into the cage.

When starting training, extend your hand with food into the cage. If the bird is in the wild, immediately close all doors and windows, remove animals from the premises that can scare it. Give your pet time so that he can stop being nervous and get hungry. After five hours, the parrot will want to eat and will approach the house with food and water. Usually birds climb into hard-to-reach places, so there is no point in chasing them. Leave the door open and equip the entrance with comfortable perches. When the pet stops being nervous, he will be able to fly up to the home and enter it. Watch him carefully, but do not show obvious interest. When the bird is in the cage, slam the door.

How to tame a parrot outside of a cage

If an untrained pet is in the wild, you can try to tame it outside the house. To do this, after a few hours of the incident, bring your palm with food to the bird. Brave parrots immediately understand that the hand is a source of food and try to sit on it. Some individuals even peck grains. Feed the bird and move it into the cage. At the same time, repeat the name affectionately and say pleasant words. Sometimes the wavy birds sit on a perch on which they are moved to the house. If your parrot is very scared, bring the cage to him. Seeing her up close, he usually climbs inside. Knowing how to tame a budgie if it is afraid, you can quickly establish contact with it.

If an untrained pet is in the wild, you can try to tame it outside the house

If your pet does not come to you for a long time and does not want to go into the cage, use a proven and safe method of catching. When darkness falls, one person stands at the switch, and the second stands near the place where the bird is. At a certain point, you need to turn off the light and pick up the parrot, and then carefully transplant it into the cage. This way you can quickly achieve success, since birds cannot see well in the dark. The light can be turned on when the bird is in the house. It is interesting that after this she will not be afraid of the person at all, since she will not understand how everything happened.

The field of adaptation, when the pet gradually gets used to the owner, you can begin regular training. It is very easy to determine a parrot's readiness - it does not hide from people, it can sit on a hand, and when it leaves it it returns on its own.

Every day, bring an open palm with grains or other treats into the house several times. Over time, the bird will stop being nervous. What to do if the parrot is afraid of its owner? Please be patient. Hold your hand in the cage to make sure there is no danger. After some time, the wavy will come closer, and then it will boldly peck at the food. After a few weeks of simple manipulation, the bird will begin to fearlessly approach you. Gradually, the pet can be taken out of the cage and trained in the wild.

Every day, bring an open palm with grains or other treats into the house several times

It is better to conduct classes in the morning, when the bird is hungry, cheerful and cheerful. If you remove all the food at night and feed it from your palm in the morning, the taming process will be much easier. To quickly establish contact with a parrot, it is not advisable to wash your hands with scented soap and lubricate them with cream - foreign odors repel him. All classes should be done gently, without putting pressure on the pet. As a result, you will get a friendly and loyal friend.

Unusual ways

If you have no idea how to teach a parrot to sit on your hand, try an unconventional teaching method. To do this, it is enough to trim the flight feathers on the wings. The bird will not be able to fly and will be forced to sit on the palm. But after the feathers grow, there is no guarantee that the bird will be tamed.

There is another recommendation that allows you to train a parrot in just a few days. Place both palms into the cage at once and keep them there. When the pet gets tired of fluttering, he will climb into your arms. On the fourth day of such experiments, the bird gets used to its new owner. But this method is not suitable for everyone, as it puts a strong strain on the psyche. The parrot will sit on your hands, but will still be afraid.

When taming a pet, do not wave your hands over its head. This is due to the fact that they have a reflex that a flicker from above is a shadow bird of prey. As a result, an association will arise: hand - danger. It will be impossible to retrain the bird.

Training is a rather lengthy process. Some wavy animals become tamed only at one year of age. You cannot punish a bird if it bites. This is an adequate reaction to an invasion of personal space. Or the pet is defending itself. In such a situation, try to calm the parrot in an even voice or move away from him. After some time, the procedure can be repeated.

You should not lure the bird with treats when it is just starting to leave its cage. In addition, you should not grab it suddenly. The purpose of taming is to make the pet not afraid of your palms. If you do everything right, you can quickly win the love and trust of your feathered friend.