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How advertising works on Facebook. Facebook Advertising: A Complete Guide to Getting Started

If you work in the field of internet marketing, you should know that Facebook is one of the most effective channels for generating traffic and leads. In Russia, this is not true for all niches (since Facebook is still inferior to Vkontakte in popularity), but for many. We have already talked about this many times. For example, here is a comparison of the cost of reaching 1000 people through different marketing channels:

Why "Part 1"?

  1. Right on your company page. The easiest way to run ads in a few clicks.
  2. Through Advertising Manager. Facebook's main advertising tool allows you to run multiple campaigns and track their performance.
  3. Via Facebook Power Editor. The most complex and advanced method.

Initially, this article was supposed to be a guide to all three methods, but the volume of information turned out to be such that it was decided to split it into three parts. In the first part, we will analyze the process of creating advertising on a company page, i.e. without the help of Ads Manager and Power Editor.

How to Create Your First Facebook Ad from a Company Page

So, you have a business page, you are actively promoting it and want to try running advertising. Go to your page, select the required publication or create a new one and in the lower right corner you will see the “Promote publication” button.

A window will open in which you can configure your advertising campaign.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the audience. By default, Facebook will set your targeting audience to the settings you chose when you created your page. Using these settings is highly discouraged, so click on the “Create a new audience” button.

Give your audience a clear name to avoid confusion in the future, indicate the gender, age, geographical location of users, as well as their interests. When creating ads on a business page, you have very limited targeting options, so try to make the most of them. For example, you can set up an ad to display not only within one city, but also to those users who are within a certain radius from it. To do this, click on the arrow button to the right of the city you have selected.

Choose your interests carefully. Facebook will give you hints, but remember to pay attention to their categories.

Click on the "Save" button to finish creating your audience. The next step is to set a budget and advertising period. You can either choose a preset period of 1, 7, or 14 days, or manually set an end date for your ad.

Facebook will also show you your estimated reach. Please remember that this is an estimate and not an exact prediction. If the coverage does not suit you, then try experimenting with the settings - for example, expanding or narrowing the audience.

The last thing you need to do is select the currency in which you are going to pay for the campaign. Don't think too much about this step. Select the currency you use for the account that you will later link to your ad account. This setting is for your convenience only and does not affect anything else. You can pay with equal success for a campaign in Russia in dollars, and for a campaign in the USA in rubles.

Once you are done with all the settings, click on the “Raise” button in the bottom right corner. You will be asked to select a payment method.

There are three methods available in Russia:

  1. Visa, Mastercard or American Express card;
  2. PayPal
  3. Qiwi Wallet

Select and configure the option that is most convenient for you. If everything went well, your publication will go to the moderation queue. Facebook is pretty strict about what it promotes, so be sure to check it out beforehand. with the rules of advertising activities. The slightest mistake on your part, and the publication will be rejected. Here's an example from Texterra's practice:

It would seem a harmless post, but it was rejected for two reasons:

  1. There is too much text in the second screenshot;
  2. When you open the second screenshot in full size, you can see that there are phrases in which the word facebook is written with a lowercase letter, and this is prohibited.

Don’t be too lazy to at least briefly study the rules to save yourself time and nerves.

If the promoted post does not violate any of the rules, then it should go through moderation quite quickly - within 10-20 minutes. Congratulations—you've just launched your first Facebook ad campaign.

We've looked at a simple post promotion example to get you familiar with the basics, but you can create other types of ads right from the page.

What types of advertising can be created from a page using the “Promote” button

Go to your page and click on the “Promote” button in the upper right corner.

The first three items in the drop-down menu are ad formats. Let's look at them:

1. Attract more website visitors

This option is suitable for those who want to redirect users to their website or landing page. In the post creation window, you need to specify the URL of your site or page, add an image, its title, and text with a call to action.

You don't have to limit yourself to just one image - Facebook allows you to use up to 5 images in one post. To add additional images, click on the plus sign button in the “Images” section. You can make a unique title for each image. Here's what it looks like in action:

Additionally, you can use videos instead of images. Click on the “Replace Video” button in the “Images” section. Select the required file and wait for it to download. You will be prompted to select a video thumbnail to display before playing. I don't recommend using randomly generated thumbnails. Better use yours. To do this, click on the “custom thumbnail” button.

The last step is to select a call to action button. It appears in the lower right corner of the post and leads to the page for which you provided a link.

It is important: if you select images, the call to action button will only appear in the bottom right corner of the post. If you select a video, the call will appear in the lower right corner, as well as in the center of the video after it ends, or if you pause it.

The settings for the audience, budget and campaign duration are no different from those already described above, so let's move on to the next type of advertising.

2. Promote your business locally

This type of advertising is designed to promote a business within a specific radius. Targeting settings are very limited - you cannot create an audience based on interests. You are asked to select the gender and age of users, as well as their location.

You can set the center point and targeting radius (from 1 to 70 km). A notable feature of local advertising is the functionality of call-to-action buttons.

Available calls to action:

  • Like the page– the simplest option, in which users will simply subscribe to your page;
  • Call– suitable for those who want to receive incoming calls. You must provide a phone number. This call to action can only be used on mobile devices;
  • How to get there– when you click on this button, a map with the location of your organization opens;
  • More details– a button that redirects users to the link you specify. For example, to your website;
  • send a messagea good option, allowing users to immediately send a message to your page. Use it if you constantly monitor the page's incoming messages.

The main disadvantage of this type of ad is that you can't add multiple images or replace them with video, but it makes up for it by allowing you to add a map of your business's location to your post. To do this, check the “Include card with map” option.

This is where the features of local promotion end. Let's move on.

3. Get more Page Likes

  • The last feature is that if you choose to use a video instead of an image, the ad will not appear in the right column.

What types of advertising can be created on the page through the publication creation form

At the very beginning of the article, I described the process of creating a simple advertising publication directly on the page. Through the same form with which you make all the entries on the page, you can launch several more types of campaigns. Let's look at them.

Creation and promotion of "Canvas"

Go to the page and in the post creation form, click on the “Photo/Video” button.

In the drop-down menu you will see five options for photo/video publications.

The first four are nothing new:

  1. Upload photo/video– allows you to create a regular publication with a photo or video. In this case, you cannot add a link (in fact, you can, but it will look like a regular link in the text, i.e. without a snippet);
  2. Create a photo album– the same thing, only the publication will contain several photographs at once;
  3. Create a photo ring gallery– an interesting format in which you can add several photos and for each make a separate clickable signature, as well as a title. I have already described something similar above;
  4. Create a slideshow– Upload a few photos and have Facebook make a video out of them. You cannot add a link.

But let’s dwell on the fifth point in more detail. “Canvases” or Facebook Canvas – the new kind posts on Facebook, designed for mobile device users. This is what it looks like:

To get started with Canvas, click the Create Canvas button in the Photo/Video drop-down menu, then click the + button in the bottom right corner.

The Canvas Designer will open:

First, give the Canvas a name and select color scheme– black or white, or set the color manually using custom settings.

The next element is Header (or “cap”). The recommended image size for the header is 882 x 66 pixels. You can also set the background color and matte.

Here's what I got:

  1. Fit to Width (linkable)– the image will be aligned in width. You can make it clickable by adding a website link or app link to App Store;

  1. Fit to Width (Tap to Expand)– the image will be aligned in width, and when clicked it will open in full size. You cannot add a link;
  2. Fit to Height (Tilt to Pan)– the image will be aligned in height, and users will be able to scroll it left or right by tilting the phone in the desired direction.

I chose the third option and here is the result:

The last block, which is by default, is Button, i.e. button. With its help, you can redirect users to your resource or application in the App Store. Compose and design a call to action, choose a button color and add a link.

Congratulations—you've just created a basic Canvas. But if you want to impress users, then this is not enough. What else can you do to make your Canvas stand out?

  • Customize the block sequence using the arrow buttons

  • Add additional blocks

Click on the "Add Component" button at the bottom or +Component in the top left corner. In addition to the blocks that are already in Canvas, you have access to a text field, video and carousel gallery.

In the carousel gallery, you can add from two to ten images. Select the Fit to Width display option to align them to width and add unique links to them. Select Fit to Height if you want your images to be aligned in height so you can view them by tilting your device (but you can't add links).

In the text field you can add a small note. Formatting options are very limited.

In the video block you can upload a small video file. There are no special restrictions, but Facebook experts recommend using subtitles if necessary, and not uploading videos longer than 2 minutes. As in previous cases, you can choose width alignment or height alignment. The second option is best used for background videos without a plot.

Once you have added, configured and sorted all the blocks, click on the Save button in the upper right corner.

There are three more buttons in the same panel:

  1. Preview – sends a preview version to your mobile device. To watch it, go to Facebook through the official application;
  2. Share – the same thing, only the preview can be sent to any other administrator of the page you are working with;
  3. Finish – Click on this button to finish creating the “Canvas”.

Before publishing, the “Canvas” will look like this:

It’s not enough to create a beautiful “Canvas” - you need to make sure that users actually want to click on it. If necessary, click on the "Upload Image" button to change the thumbnail. In addition, do not forget to change the caption for “Canvas”, because... Facebook automatically loads it from text blocks.

After you have made the final touches, click on the “Post up publication” button. The audience, budget, and expiration settings here are the same as if you were raising a regular publication. And this is what your “Canvas” will look like in the news feed for mobile users:

By the way, you can see the experimental “Canvas” that I made for this article at

Facebook Advertising – good source traffic to the site. But it is difficult for beginners to understand this topic - there is little sensible information, and almost no one writes about setting up advertising. The reasons are simple: Facebook’s advertising account is constantly changing, and structuring knowledge is difficult.

We create a general portrait of the target audience for advertising on Facebook

  • Age
  • Place of residence
  • Family status
  • Education
  • Job
  • Prosperity
  • Interests

Please note that this is not a definitive portrait of the target audience, but only a general description. Still need to work with him

Segmenting your target audience for advertising on Facebook

Users should be divided into several unique categories based on demographics and behavior.

The target audience behaves differently in reality and on the Internet. For example, you are selling plastic windows, expensive. Your main customers are men 25-50 years old with above-average income. But who sifts through a bunch of information on the Internet, chooses a product and says “buy it, buy it”? Their wives. This means that we will show advertising to them.

And these wives can also be of different ages and interests. They are motivated by different things and this needs to be taken into account. Create separate ads for each audience segment:

  • at 40 years old, a woman may not be aware of the latest trends, but wants to install normal windows to make the house warmer;
  • at 20, she may be more interested in interior design and wants windows for a shabby chic room.

Select one parameter in each interest column in the advertising manager. This way you will more accurately reach your target audience.

Don't forget to go into behavioral criteria. There's a lot of interesting stuff there: for example, you can select only those people who view Facebook on an iPhone. Or those who perceive new technologies faster than others. Sometimes this setting can be decisive.

Determining your Facebook advertising budget

I recommend the second option: the cost of a click will directly depend on the quality of your ad. If you choose the right audience and correctly compose a teaser, a click on the site will be cheaper than you might think.

Should you limit advertising display by time of day? It's up to you, depending on your service. Perhaps you should only advertise in non-working hours or only on Tuesday morning. If you are advertising throughout Russia, it is better not to limit your time. We have many time zones.

To avoid wasting money, place an ad for a week with a budget of 400 rubles. A day later, see the first results. If you are satisfied, increase the time and budget. If you don't like it, turn it off.

Evaluating the benefits of Facebook advertising for users

The fourth point in order, but not in importance. Remember: no one cares about a product/service/company if it doesn’t solve a problem and change life for the better.

Each audience segment has its own “pain” and its own approach to it. Try to determine why your offer is interesting to these people. Understand how you can use your product or service to solve their problem.

We select a teaser for website promotion on Facebook

Facebook offers two ad options:

Select images only in good resolution, interesting and not cropped anywhere. Avoid standard staged photos from photo banks.

When composing the text, think about what “pain” you will relieve? Ask the person a question. Identify the problem, offer a solution. Laconic and short.

Don't praise yourself, write about the user.

Specifics of placement in Facebook advertising.

Where to show the ad? There is no recipe or magic formula that will tell you where it is better to place an ad. But there are trends:

6 Steps to Proper Facebook Advertising

Let's summarize. To bring good traffic to your website from Facebook:

  • We draw up a portrait of the target audience, taking into account general demographics and interests;
  • we segment the target audience, specify the segments of the target audience by interests, income, age, etc.;
  • we formulate the value of the offer for the target audience;
  • we select nice images and texts, we involve a designer in the work;
  • choose the right placement. This can be fixed when the ad is already running, so we test different options;
  • We pay Facebook money.

For dessert, here are a few of my results, which are several times, and sometimes tens of times, cheaper than traffic from the context (as happened, for example, with advertising for PVC windows). Click on the pictures.

The modern world can no longer be imagined without advertising on the Internet. This method is the most effective for promoting any goods and services. In social networks alone, the flow of users reaches 1 billion people around the world within a day. It is not surprising that many are interested in the question of advertising on Facebook, how to place it and how much it costs? Let's look at all the details and find out the price.

Advertising formats

In order to start effectively advertising on Facebook, a person does not need to have special knowledge in the field of computer technology. Special tools of this social network make this easy to do. The format is like this:

  • Photos. This method perfectly helps to express your brand and make it attractive to customers. This format is very simple; it allows you to post pictures and descriptions of them in 90 characters, even on your own page.
  • Videos. Their use helps to communicate the advantages of your organization with a unique description of goods or services. Training videos are also very popular; they make it easier to promote pages.
  • Slide show. This format is designed to accommodate the fact that not everyone has a high-speed Internet connection. Facebook users will be able to view pictures in the form of slides with descriptions even at low speed.
  • Collection. Here you can place both photos and descriptions in the form of videos in one ad. This allows potential clients to personally determine the most comfortable viewing format.
  • Circular gallery. This is an excellent opportunity to create a group of ads into which you can insert no more than 10 video files with pictures and links to them.
  • Text format. Thus, it will be possible to interest the public with text of up to 500 characters.
  • Canvas. Makes it possible to display pictures, videos, galleries, as well as blocks with texts according to the advertiser’s preference.

To promote on Facebook, there are many formats that allow you to create publications. It all depends on the user’s goal, it can be sales, promotion or public promotion.

Place an advertisment

To post ads on Facebook, users can use the following three types:

You can publish an ad in a group yourself using Ads Manager. Even a beginner can do this. This manager has a clear interface and there will be no problems understanding the settings. There is a function to control the number of users who clicked on the ad and other useful features.

The advantages of posting ads yourself are:

  • The user controls finances.
  • If the target audience on Facebook is not defined, then the advertiser can try it himself various ways settings and choose the most effective option.
  • The advertiser has the opportunity to personally analyze and predict their product or website and remove them at the right time.

To maximize the effect, it is better to use several methods, but first you should advertise in thematic communities, and then personally conduct an analysis and choose the most suitable method. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to place an advertisement yourself:

  • Step 1. In your account, you need to click the triangle in the upper right corner, and then the “Create advertisement” menu item. After that, Facebook will ask you to select a goal. It should be chosen depending on the expected result. You can learn about each of them in the “Help” section. The first 3 options on the list are best to start with.
  • Step 2: Now you need to create a campaign. If you want to direct traffic to your website, you should select "Increase website conversions." If you need to create an advertisement for a group on Facebook, then you need to select the first 2 points.
  • Step 3. Next you need to configure advertising account. FB selects the country and time zone automatically. The user must indicate to whom the advertisement will be shown, which target audience.
  • Step 4. Now you need to determine the budget and advertising location. Facebook independently offers best option according to your budget, but it can also be customized. In the “Placement” section, you need to choose from four options for advertising placement.
  • Step 5. Now you need to create an advertisement. You need to choose one or more images, attach a Facebook page (if it doesn’t exist, you need to create one), come up with ad text, select a call to action button (optional).
  • Step 6. Set up a payment method.

How much does it cost and how to pay for it

  • Payment for 1 thousand ad impressions. This means that the advertiser can independently set the advertising budget rate and determine his own target audience. The administration of the social network allows the possibility of going beyond the advertiser's budget by 25%.
  • Pay for the number of clicks. The price of advertising may vary depending on the specific purpose of the ad and which targeting option is selected. The cost of clicking on the link ranges from 8 to 20 rubles.

What happens if you don't pay for advertising?

Placement, as well as publication of your own advertisements on the social network Facebook, is carried out on the basis of prepayment. They will continue to appear until this loan is completed. After this period, the administrator may decide to stop displaying advertising until the debt is fully repaid. The advertiser's account may also be blocked.

Cost of advertising through the community

To, post advertisements in groups, you need to negotiate this with their administrators. The average price is from 1 to 2 thousand rubles per 1 day. Then it is removed. If the advertiser paid for the placement of an ad on an ongoing basis, then this service costs at least 2 times more than a daily subscription.

Advertising setup

So that a Facebook advertising campaign gives maximum effect, it must be configured correctly. This social network has all the tools for this. They allow you to ensure that advertising is shown to the target audience. The advertiser can independently choose who exactly to broadcast it to. When setting up an ad, you need to clearly indicate the following parameters:

  • Which audience is the user interested in?
  • Selecting the age category, gender of readers and language of communication.
  • Selection of target audience based on place of residence. Here you can set the country, region, city.
  • Selection by demographics. There are settings for education level, marital status and other similar indicators.
  • Hobby customization. The advertiser can select a target audience based on interests such as travel, cinema, fashion, music and more.
  • Setting up ad displays based on time of day.

This is not the entire list of parameters by which you can set up an advertising campaign on Facebook. But it’s worth considering that the choice of who the advertisement will be shown to depends on its effectiveness. The fact is that the social network analyzes in detail how users behave, what they write about, and what groups they subscribe to. FB accurately determines who exactly to show advertising to. Correct settings will help the advertiser use his own funds as efficiently as possible.

Facebook provides ample opportunities to set up and launch an advertising campaign. With its help, millions of people were able to significantly increase product sales, attract customers and promote their own brand.

At first glance, it seems to users of the social network that setting up an advertising campaign is too difficult, but if you look carefully, this is not so. Anyone can understand all the nuances in just an hour. If for some reason this does not work out for him, then you can turn to specialists. They can set up advertising quickly and for a small fee, on average 500 rubles. To find them, just visit specialized freelance exchanges, for example, Kwork. Posting ads on Facebook is the best promotion tool.

Internet advertising – modern and effective method promotion of news pages, many products and services. On social networks alone, the flow of people reaches a billion per day! The chances of going unnoticed are minimal, and posting an ad does not require great effort and capital investments. Let's look at one of the most popular social networks on the Internet Facebook as a platform for advertising.

Facebook Ad Formats

Facebook is a truly powerful paid traffic channel. Effective advertising placement does not require extensive programming knowledge. Available formats and necessary tools will help you create attractive publications that will allow you to quickly achieve your goal.

  • Photography is a great way to express yourself, make your brand more recognizable and attract the attention of users. One of the simplest formats that can be placed even on your page. A short description of up to 90 characters can be added to the picture.
An example of an advertising photo.
  • Videos – with their help they tell about the advantages of their company with an original description of the product or service. In addition, training videos are extremely popular, bringing popularity and promoting page promotion.

Ads on facebook
  • Slide show. When targeting users, it is important to remember that not everyone enjoys high speed Internet. For people who want to keep abreast of all the news and do not have the opportunity to watch a video, Facebook provides the option of reviewing a product using slide pictures and a short description for them.
  • Collection (selection) – placement in one ad of both photographs and descriptions of them in the form of videos, which allows the user to determine a more convenient viewing format.

The types differ in that in the first case the advertiser negotiates with the administrators in the groups, and in the other two, Facebook must pay for the placement directly.

The advantages of publishing in communities on Facebook are:

  • , who not only fits the targeting criteria, but enters the group and is interested in the product;
  • more active responses, therefore – increased spontaneous sales;
  • the advertising block is placed in the TOPs for at least an hour a day - more active purchases occur during this period;
  • Until the administrator removes the ad, it produces results.

Advertising account on Facebook

The benefits of self-hosting are:

How much does Facebook advertising cost and how to pay for it?

Facebook offers the following methods for setting prices for posting ads.

  • Payment for 1,000 impressions. The advertiser sets the daily budget and determines the target audience. The standard auction procedure is carried out, the administration allows 25% to go beyond the budget.
  • Pay per click. Depending on the purpose of placing an ad, the cost of advertising differs. The price for clicking on a link ranges from 8 to 20 rubles. Costs may increase depending on your targeting options.

Payment options are presented by bank card(Visa, MasterCard, Discover) and PayPal payment system.

What happens if you don't pay for Facebook advertising?

How much does it cost to advertise through the community?

Typically, the administration of groups sets the price from one to two thousand rubles per day. Subsequently, the publication must simply be removed, of course, if the advertiser did not pay for its permanent placement without subsequent removal (this service will cost approximately twice as much as a daily “subscription”).

Setting up Facebook ads

As mentioned, the post is created using Facebook Ads Manager. It offers many settings options that allow you to attract the right users, determine your budget and display time.

  • Preparatory stage: creating a working page and website, if necessary, make a link to it, choosing a bright slogan and association picture.
  • Next, you need to decide on the purpose of creating the publication. This could be advertising a page or website, promoting messages, or a set of “likes.”
  • Selecting the target audience. Facebook provides many targeting options, showing how many people can view a post.
  • Decide on a daily budget, as well as a schedule for displaying your ad. The system automatically determines a certain amount that can be adjusted.
  • The advertising format is selected and the publication is finalized.

There is absolutely nothing complicated about the Manager settings. It is possible to control everything using the reporting function of the number of users interested in the ad, while adjusting the display options.

If problems arise with promoting a page, there are special Facebook advertising exchanges - services where social network posts are posted for a fee in order to promote them. These are kind of intermediaries who use many platforms. The most popular is the Plibber advertising exchange; besides it, Forumok and SocialTask ​​are also known.

Facebook provides truly ample opportunities for advertising. Posting and competent setup their display helps to significantly increase sales of goods, attract potential clients or become more popular on the Internet.

Not really