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How to speed up execution. How to speed up project completion and increase productivity? Project performance indicators have improved

When it comes to fulfilling desires, every person dreams that all his desires will be fulfilled as soon as possible, forgetting that even the Universe takes some time to carry out an action. What happens to a person during the waiting period?
I want to tell you a story.

A woman came to me for help. At one time, her business brought in good income. But then, expanding her business, she began working with a companion, and little by little problems began. She came to me when everything was already starting to collapse. She didn't hope that anything could be saved, she just wanted to know why this happened.
After reviewing the situation and finding out all the reasons for the impending collapse, I told her that the person she was with this moment works, is not suitable for her as a business partner for many reasons.

The fact is that in many countries, and even in our country, there is such a practice: they select employees specifically, after calculating and checking all the person’s data, they create such a team so that people work and there are no conflicts, so that everyone is comfortable and the company, the company prosperous, not unprofitable. And everyone who wants to succeed knows: you should never hire a person who came to you from a failed company.

A friend of mine had a relative successful person. His business flourished. But at one not very wonderful moment, he hired the chief accountant from a bankrupt company. A year later, his company also became bankrupt, and he had considerable debts. He does not believe in extrasensory perception, magic and did not turn to anyone. He was never able to restore his former luxury. So he gets by from penny to penny.

I worked with this woman, and to consolidate the result, we performed a ritual with her. When she came to me six months later, she, laughing, told me how all her friends reacted to the “Square of Good Luck and Happiness.”

She came to me when the company was on the verge of collapse, there were large debts, and she could not complete the renovations in her apartment. And when she hung up a “square” with drawings and all kinds of notes about well-being and the fulfillment of desires, about the completion of repairs, prosperity in business, and so on, some of her friends decided that that was it, it was a serious case, that due to the collapse of her business she had problems with head. And one of her friends even wanted to film this “disgrace.”

But Larisa bravely endured all the ridicule and talk, and things improved for her. She broke up with her business partner, made repairs, improved things in the business, and everything else she wanted and strived for, everything came true. She is happy, now her friends come and ask her how everything changed so dramatically for her and how she was able to pay off her debts and improve her affairs in such a short period?

The answer is simple: a person believed in himself, in his strengths and realized that he deserves all the best in this life. He believed that if you sincerely want to be happy, you will become it. He believed in miracles and learned to create miracles for himself.

And magic, and extrasensory perception, and bioenergy exist regardless of whether people believe in it or not. And if a person does not accept this Great Knowledge, then this means that he does not yet understand that the entire Universe lives according to the laws of the universe. And the acceptance or non-acceptance of these laws only further distances a person from the truth of the laws of existence. A person closes himself off from wise knowledge. Maybe this is beneficial for someone, because it is easier to manage and command unintelligent people who do not know much.

But a person who wants to become the master of his destiny learns what he needs. True knowledge, which opens up human capabilities and can work miracles, is never flawed.

Someone can use a chisel to make a work of art, and someone can kill a person, but this does not mean that it is necessary to prohibit the use of a chisel. A cook can use a knife and fire to prepare a wonderful dish, or you can burn a person on fire. Sometimes cruelty occurs precisely because a person does not want to learn the truth, be educated and have his own personal opinion on everything, without regard to anyone.

Live with God in your soul, do good, love and appreciate the world, be merciful, wise. Don't be a hypocrite, be honest with yourself, and don't dismiss the knowledge of the ancients, which can work miracles. And everything in your life will be beautiful and wonderful!

Therefore, first of all, learn to wait! After all, the ability to wait is the ability to trust and believe in yourself, to trust the Universe. Know how to see with your heart. When the heart is open, a person believes in miracles, a person sees miracles, a person creates miracles.

A person himself creates the events of his life, with his choices, feelings, emotions, words, thoughts. Take responsibility for yourself and your life. Do right choice Always think carefully about every decision you make, every decisive step. And remember that your choice and your decision can make significant changes in your life. Contact specialists if you doubt the correctness of your choice or decision. But do not use the advice of strangers, especially those who cannot figure things out in their own lives, but who nevertheless advise you to abandon the implementation of your plans only on the grounds that they are not immediately fulfilled.

Learn to wait! Create your own destiny, and do not allow anyone to invade your life, without your desire and permission. You are a free person, and you decide your own destiny. Create for yourself a territory of happiness, love and success. Attract good luck to yourself, radiate joy and love into the world around you. And know, remember that thought has the energy of materialization. And if you sincerely and strongly want something, it will certainly come true. Because all the forces of the surrounding world will respond to your sincerity, and all your desires will come true and your life will be filled with joy, light and goodness.

Look at this world with love and a smile. Know how to enjoy the sunrise, the grass, the moon, the stars, the rain... and everything that surrounds you. Love this world, our beautiful planet, love yourself. Truly love yourself and realize that you are worthy of all the blessings that you want for yourself. As soon as you change your attitude towards yourself, your life will begin to change. You will be surrounded by the energy of love, joy and prosperity.

Therefore, if you are not living the way you would like, pay attention to your thoughts and what and how you say. With the help of thoughts and words, we create for ourselves the life we ​​have. Because everything we say creates our reality. We live and act, build our lives according to our beliefs. And beliefs are created according to our thoughts and words. This means that with the help of our thoughts, words (beliefs) we can create for ourselves the reality that we want.

It turns out that the process of building destiny occurs spontaneously in our lives. We have imagined something, often unconsciously, and attracted certain situations to ourselves. What if we take control of this process and change many of our imaginary situations to more favorable ones? Then we will attract events to ourselves that we desire. This means that our living conditions will also change. We can be happier.

So let's build a prosperous life for ourselves. Let's create a favorable destiny for ourselves. Verbal codes of a positive orientation, repeated by you constantly, create the preconditions for changes in your life, in yourself.

I always have time for productive rest.
I always have enough reliable and up-to-date information to make the right decisions.

My work is a great channel, but not the only one financial security.
I constantly improve the level of my knowledge. I have many opportunities for this.
The universe is rich in knowledge and wisdom. She generously reveals to me everything I need.

I respect other people's spiritual experiences.
I love me. I heal myself on every level of my being.
There is always room for positive change in my life.

The Light of Truth fills and enlightens me.
My life is blossoming every day.

This is a very simple question, but unfortunately I'm stuck and don't know what to do. My program is a simple program that keeps taking 3 numbers and outputs the largest of the 3. The program keeps running until the user enters a character.

As the title says, my question is how can I do this faster (there will be a large amount of input data). Any help, which may include using a different algorithm or using different functions or changing the entire code, is accepted.

I'm not very savvy with C++ Standard and therefore don't know about all the different functions available in different libraries, so please explain your reasons and if you're too busy try it and provide a link.

Here is my code

#include int main() ( int a,b,c; while(scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c)) ( if(a>=b && a>=c) printf("%d \n",a); else if(b>=a && b>=c) printf("%d\n",b); else printf("%d\n",c); ) return 0; )

It works very simply. The while loop will continue to execute until the user enters a character. As I explained earlier, the program takes 3 numbers and outputs the largest one. There is no other part of this code, that's all. I tried to explain it as best I can. If you need anything else from my side, ask (I'll try my best).

I'm building on an internet platform using CPP 4.9.2 (What does it say)

Any help would be highly appreciated. thanks in advance


Input is handled by the computer, so there is no input lag.

Also, I will accept answers in c and c++.


I would also like to ask if there are any common library functions or algorithms or any other advice (some things we should do and what we shouldn't do) to speed up execution (not just for this code, but in mostly). Any help would be appreciated. (and it’s a pity that I asked this awkward question without providing any reference materials)

A month, two or even six months have already passed since you registered for or friend site for making money on the Internet by clicks , and the amount earned on the counter in your account is quite modest. Why? After all, you have more than once read something completely different on the Internet - “A dollar or two dollars an hour without much effort!”

Practice shows that this is not what most “shills” promise when asking to become their referral. After you become a referral, you usually receive trivial help or instructions from your referrer - you need to complete tasks faster and take those that are more expensive. That's where it all ends. And then you are left to your own devices.

Let's analyze the proposed recommendations, seemingly “iron” and undeniable. What does it mean to complete tasks faster? The overwhelming number of authors of assignments on earnings from clicks require you to spend time navigating through the pages of the author’s website and advertising (as a rule, these are advertisements from Google and much less now from Yandex or other advertisers) certain time. If the performer (read you) does not fulfill this requirement, then the author of the task sends it back for revision. In this case, an icon with a reddish arrow appears on the main page of your account under the main menu (this icon will be the second one on the left).

You, as a performer, have a reaction to such a notification - irritation and an irresistible desire to write something harsh on the “wall” of the author of the task. And in vain, because poor performance of the task leads to the fact that the author of the task does not receive compensation from the advertiser and, of course, he has a 100% argument to refuse payment to you. This must be clearly understood and accepted as an axiom. Only quality and once again the quality of completing tasks. How can you speed up completing tasks and earn more?

What can help here is the effective use of intervals while waiting for transitions to be completed on the pages of the website of the author or advertiser of one task for the parallel execution of transitions in another task. Of course, in this case, some transitions have to be delayed a little, both in one and in another task, since it is not always possible to complete the transition in a task within a strictly specified interval, but this, in the end, will still take less time in total, than doing two tasks consecutively.

And besides, if the time required to complete the task slightly exceeds that required by the author, then this is only a plus for the performer. In order to know that the transition time in one task has expired, you need to use stopwatch programs, of which there are a great many in the depths of the Internet.

You can, for example, run these stopwatches in two tabs in your browser, set for a certain period of time, after which a signal will sound indicating its end. Thus, you will be able to maintain the required interval, move on to another task and at the same time perform two tasks efficiently and, of course, earn more.

When developing a new product and bringing it to market, efficiency and time are critical. This requires a project management system that embraces uncertainty and, without monetary incentives, encourages employees to work quickly and efficiently. This approach was used in one company and, due to its unusual nature, attracted the attention of experts who studied it 1. What is the essence of the approach, its results and the potential for accelerating project delivery in various contexts?

The company deals with equipment for the production of industrial and residential windows and doors and has two business divisions. One of them produces skylights with built-in solar technology. The fabrication and installation of a typical roof window project occurs on a modular platform consisting of many elements, such as solar thermal applications, automatic closing mechanisms and ventilation devices. In addition, the company's products must comply with stricter energy regulations, which is important for customers who want to receive subsidies for energy savings.

To maintain market share, the company periodically develops new models and products that are presented at annual exhibitions. Therefore, the company's portfolio contains many orders for projects. For example, in the solar technology business unit, 25 product development (NPD) design engineers are working on an average of 20 projects in parallel, with several more projects pending. In this situation, problems began to arise during the implementation of projects. Therefore, the company decided to review the existing project management system.

Changed the approach to project implementation

Project management and sequencing are based on the monthly determination of a priority new product. For this purpose, the company created a management committee consisting of heads of the business unit and other departments, namely NPD, purchasing, production and product management.

The standard new product development process begins with a thorough understanding of customer needs and customer interviews. After developing a business plan and detailed project specifications, a weekly schedule for its implementation is drawn up in the form of a control chart. It links the overall project plan to certain types activities for its implementation and a report on the status of the project. Although the chart was presented for everyone to see in the meeting room, the engineers were not responsible for the accuracy of the data, so it did not reflect the actual state of affairs in the project and the control chart was not actually used. Project managers heard the status directly from the engineers, so there was no need to update the data in the chart. At the same time, during the implementation of projects, problems often arose that were discovered late, took a long time to resolve, and the project schedule was violated.

For a long time, the company's management tried to find a way out of this situation, studying various approaches to project management. Finally a solution was found.

The control chart was transferred to the design bureaus, adding the engineer’s main tasks for each day. To monitor their implementation, two cards were introduced, reflecting the current state of the project. A green card means that all tasks are on schedule, a red card means a possible delay due to a problem. At the same time, engineers had to raise a red card like a flag to warn management and colleagues about the problem.

However, the red card concept initially created distrust and apprehension among the engineers, who feared being criticized for incompetence and felt uncomfortable. In addition, a red card in football signals the expulsion of a player from the field, so such a card in the company did not cause a positive reaction among project implementers. To create comfortable conditions for working with cards, the head of the NPD department promised the following:

    do not criticize or blame those who raise a red card;

    provide them with assistance in solving any manager's problem within 30 minutes.

If a solution is not immediately found, a task force, the “red card team,” will be created from selected specialists from all relevant technological and functional areas to find a solution.

In fact, centralized system project management at the company level was transferred to the level of the NPD department and a red card process was built into it, meaning mutual assistance in the implementation of projects.

Project performance indicators have improved

The first red card appeared when the drawing was detained window profile. Working alone, the project engineer failed to complete the product design, but the team created found a way to resolve the problem and the project was completed on schedule. The innovation was soon accepted as a normal process, and within the first ten months 30 cards were used. Subsequently, the rate of their appearance was reduced by approximately half.

What is the point of innovation?

Red cards are a visual management tool. But when they also have an assistance process behind them, as part of a project management system, they allow problems to be identified and resolved more quickly. Now even the suspicion possible problem immediately leads to a red card being raised. At first glance, the changes appeared to be relatively simple and did not require new information or a new planning method. However, this was enough to influence productivity and improve project performance indicators (see table).

Project performance indicators have improved

In addition, as a result of these changes, it has become more realistic long-term planning projects. At the same time, planned projects that did not require urgent implementation and were counted as “spare work” were also completed on time and were not delayed, as before. Design engineers explained this progress this way: before, they solved problems on their own and built a certain reserve (buffer) of time into the plan for this. Now there is no need to do this, because they are trying to avoid problems, they prevent their occurrence in advance, so they are resolved faster and at lower costs.

Solving problems in a team of specialists of various profiles had a number of other positive consequences, namely led to:

    reducing costs for the development and implementation of engineering projects, including their modification;

    reducing the duration of the project and its implementation schedule;

    increasing the efficiency of finding solutions.

Shorter project completion times were made possible by increased productivity and experience, which in turn allowed assistance to be provided over a longer period of time. high level. The team's capacity to resolve problematic issues gradually increased, and at the same time the capacity of the business unit to work with projects increased. Over time, the amount of time required to resolve red card issues has also decreased (see figure).

Let us note that the system with red cards is designed to solve not operational problems, but new, previously unknown problems, the results of which are not yet clear and have yet to be obtained. Such problems are considered complex because they arise from many different interactions between multiple product components or tasks. Therefore, a successful process for solving them depends on flexible collaboration, sometimes requiring solutions to fundamental problems.

Factors promoting the acceptance of mutual aid and its effects

What attracted the attention of experts in this management innovation? First of all, the fact that the creation of conditions for providing assistance in the problem-solving process has been sufficient to increase labor productivity and the efficiency of project implementation without the introduction of monetary or other formal incentives. This prompted experts to study how this could be possible.

First, the experts assessed the dynamics of the use of red cards and how the behavior of the participants changed. project work. Factors contributing to the adoption of the new process and its consequences were then identified. The results of innovation are manifested, as a rule, in many areas and in many ways. Such changes and effects, as well as the relationships between them and their causes, must be studied in order to objectively evaluate the innovation and understand the mechanism of its action.

Studying the process of project implementation over three years, experts visited the business unit and held telephone and video conferences. They also interviewed key individuals, including general director, the NPD lead, six project managers, nine project engineers and design engineers in groups of two or three with the same seniority in the company without the presence of superiors to get unbiased answers and opinions. They even interviewed 11 functional managers. Based on the material received, management actions, motives and behavior of project participants, as well as project performance indicators were described. And this is what turned out.

At the initial stage, it became clear to management that red cards were not a tool for assessing people, but for identifying the need for resources to complete project work. Over time, engineers began to perceive the cards not as a threat, but as a source of help. According to one of the managers, it has become easier now because everyone is working together and helping each other.

Finally, after an initial heavy use of red cards, this leveled off at 1.5 cards per month. What happened over time?

After all, the ability to help others is limited because all employees are responsible for performing their core tasks. And to avoid delays in completing their tasks, they will tend to help others less. This behavior sets a natural limit to the number of cards processed. Nevertheless, the activity in solving cross-functional problems and collaboration of “red card teams” in cross-functional projects in practice contributed to the development of positive relationships between project workers, and they began to independently regulate the number of red cards used. Not wanting to burden their colleagues with unnecessary calls for help, since sooner or later they themselves might actually need support from others, they viewed such work as a give and take process in which significant imbalance was undesirable. Finding a reasonable balance over time led to an equilibrium behavior in which the balance between asking for help without overburdening colleagues ended up being around 1.5 red cards per month (see figure).

When interviewing experts, project participants invariably named two changes in their behavior:

    weakening tendency to create personal protection in terms of time to solve project problems;

    expanding cooperation between task and project executors.

Design engineers cited the importance of assistance as a reason for these changes. To cooperate in solving an identified problem, they must be confident that they will receive help and will not be blamed. Employees were willing to share their information when they felt psychologically safe, as sharing information was considered a risk. Help in solving difficult problems encourages workers to be more proactive and disclose problems and increases psychological safety, which has contributed to the adoption of red cards by engineers as a standard support mechanism that can be used without fear of punishment or damage to reputation. In addition, psychological safety was reinforced by the rapid experience of workers that they would no longer be left alone with problems.

Another factor relates to increased productivity of NPD workers. Based on a sense of psychological safety, workers were willing to reduce their personal time buffer when planning. In addition, collaborative problem solving helped identify problems in the project early, and their resolution typically took less time and effort. Red cards helped to extract Operating efficiency specialists at the initial stage of the problem.

Mutual assistance is the best way to manage an innovation project

Other factors, such as management attention, visual management, and weekly detailed planning for each employee, could also influence the results of the changed project management system. However, in a thorough study, these factors were excluded for the following reasons.

The experts excluded the fact of attention from management, since during the study of the innovation, the assistance process entered the normal mode of self-regulatory work of employees and did not require special attention from management, which only carried out regular monitoring of red cards.

Compared to the previous centralized project management scheme, red cards as a visual management method helped quickly detect problems at the NPD department level. And although visualization was useful, it also does not explain the change in approach to problem solving. Based on the interviews received, experts noted that individual workers were previously reluctant to share their problems and tried to solve them alone, not because of insufficient visualization, but because they were afraid of being accused of their incompetence. According to one project engineer, the visualization itself, in this case a red card with no guarantee of help, would not promote proactive behavior because the design engineers were constantly trying to weigh the benefits of help against all the possible stresses associated with picking up the card.

The visualization method can help in solving complex problems when compressing and aggregating information, since with an increase in the perceived volume of information, the visual ability to solve a problem increases.

And even a detailed breakdown of project tasks into individual problems does not explain the reduction in time for their planning and implementation. Detailing tends to lead to conservative estimates of project completion time. As the project progressed, the opposite was true: project time estimates became shorter, and detailed task presentation did not lead to more time being planned for them. In addition, design engineers themselves always cited the importance of having help as the main reason for changing their behavior.

The results obtained on the projects were caused only by the functions of the new process of planning and execution of projects - the implementation of the process of mutual assistance as a management method innovative project. At the same time, experts identified two key factors that influenced the changes.

First, the project management system established a trust-based process for dealing with red cards, which resulted in assistance being provided. Management's promise that managers and design engineers would not be blamed or pressured, and the subsequent fulfillment of these promises, increased the level of psychological safety for design engineers to more comfortably and timely share information about problems and possible solutions. And the guaranteed assistance process and its efficiency, in turn, increased security.

Secondly, the identified problems were solved through the joint efforts of a team formed from various specialists from different projects. In the course of such work, the interdependence of project tasks was revealed, which contributed to the unification of design engineers and more effective use potential of specialists. They began to accept mutual assistance, and not limit themselves only to their areas of responsibility.

1 Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Cambridge Judge Business School at University of Cambridge, Roto Frank Bauelemente GmbH. MIT Sloan Business Review, February 2015.

How to speed up program loading?

Master's answer:

The Windows operating system is a very complex multidisciplinary program. It happens that downloading the necessary programs can take a very long time. What can be done to speed up this process?

First, defragment your hard drive. OS performance decreases due to changes in various files. Files often break up into separate parts, and are concentrated in a continuous area. Open the Start menu and click on the All Programs link. Look for the “Standard” tab, and then “Service” - there is also a “Disk Defragmentation” link. It is necessary to defragment operating system Windows regularly.

Secondly, identify those programs that launch at the same time as Windows; you need to cancel the simultaneous launch of programs that are not needed at the moment. Check out tabs like Startup. Open the Start menu, then Run, then enter msconfig in a new window. You see a list of programs that start with Windows at the same time.

Third, make the OS boot process optimal. You need to check the installed antivirus - maybe this program scans system files and slows down the system boot. It is necessary to disable constant scanning and set the antivirus to turn on regularly. In this way, you can speed up the loading of the Windows operating system and create opportunities for more fast execution other operations.

If, when the computer starts, system testing begins and parameters are updated, you need to disable this check. Open the Start menu, then click on the Settings option and the Control Panel link. Click on the "System" tab, look for the "Performance" item, then the "File System" tab. Find the “Floppy Disks” tab, and uncheck the box next to “Detect if a floppy drive is connected.” Click on the “Apply” option and do not forget that you need to restart your PC.

Check your network settings regularly. The problem that appears most often is the lack of matching settings. The computer cannot boot if it is waiting for a response from the server. It is necessary to disable protocol binding to your network card. Use the “Control Panel” line and look for the “Network” link, then the name of the network card and click on the “Uninstall” option. Keep in mind that first, you need to consult with the network administrator, and then make changes to the PC’s network settings. Change BIOS settings if you already have the necessary knowledge. Regularly check the settings, which most often determine the speed of execution.

You can speed up the boot process if you eliminate the OS's preliminary access to the floppy disk. By selecting drive C as such an element, you prevent a virus from infecting the system from a floppy disk.