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What name to give a child to make him happy. Read online “how to name a child to make him happy”

For your relationship to be strong and lasting, it is very important to make your man happy. After all, only those who feel good and comfortable will not go anywhere. He will hurry home, wait to meet his beloved and appreciate every moment he spends with her.

How to make a man happy next to you

When a loved one wants to do something nice, please, give pleasure, it will not go unnoticed. The main thing is to know what pleases your loved one, what he likes most, because everyone has their own taste and preferences. He will also perceive the desire to learn about this as a gift, because people love to talk about themselves and those who listen to them and are sincerely interested in what worries and pleases them are the best in the world for them. They feel warm, cozy and comfortable with them. Such women do not leave or cheat; they are the ones who create conditions for men that help them live in harmony, do not disturb them or irritate them.

True, this is appreciated only by those men who know how to love. Others may perceive it as a woman’s duty to create comfort for him, without thinking that it is also important for the woman herself that her loved one thinks about how to make her happy, to do what depends on him.

In order for your man to be satisfied with life, it is important to understand that it depends not only on what you do. He himself should be happy and satisfied with life. You have the power to decorate his life, give him a lot of pleasant moments, surround him with attention and care, and make him feel like the very best. But this is a pleasant addition, a decoration of life together.

If he himself is dissatisfied with what he does, what he has achieved, is dissatisfied with himself, does not accept himself, suffers from self-doubt, your surprises, of course, will cheer him up, but not for long. He will still continue to suffer from internal problems, break down and do things that can upset and even destroy your love. But you shouldn’t try to fix him or force him to do it.

Accepting him for who he is, with all his strengths and weaknesses, is necessary for him to feel happy next to you. If this does not happen, and the woman is constantly trying to adjust him to herself, instead of either accepting or leaving and finding someone who suits her, nothing good will come of it. And no matter how hard she tries for his pleasure, all this will cancel out her desire to break him, turn him into someone he is not and does not want to be.

Therefore, it may often seem from the outside that a woman does for the sake of a man everything that he would not wish for, that he is lucky, but in fact she does this not so that he is satisfied, it makes him feel good, but in order to get what he wants, for the sake of for her own benefit, so that he changes and becomes what she needs, and it doesn’t matter whether he wants to become someone else.

Don’t try to change them, don’t think that you will succeed as soon as he officially becomes your husband. He is who he is, and he can only be happy when he is accepted with all his experience, habits and behavior. If you are not ready to come to terms with the way he behaves, it is better not to start a family.

In order for a man to be happy next to you, it is very important to be happy yourself; instead of disappearing into your chosen one, it is important to remember your interests and dreams. And for this, make sure that your life is a joy for yourself, that the relationship brings pleasure, and this depends not only on how your loved one behaves. Since you want to make him happy, then everything suits you, but how do you feel about yourself, are you satisfied with everything? It is impossible to please your loved one when you yourself are not happy with yourself or with the way you live, in other words, when you don’t love yourself. After all, due to the inability to love yourself, no matter what beautiful words you say to him, it is impossible to love another if you do not know what true love is, how it is expressed.

For those who do not love themselves, love can be expressed in suffering, sacrifice, patience, willingness to endure insults, assault, betrayal, manipulation, and complete disregard for their interests. No matter how strange and incredible it may sound, many people are accustomed to the fact that this is how love for them is expressed and therefore they are subconsciously ready to connect their lives with those who behave coldly and distantly, indifferently and cruelly, just like their parents once did, so that finally deserve the love they so lack. Only they don’t realize it, believing that everything is fine with their taste, these are some different partners. It is this wrong attitude towards oneself, the inability to love oneself first, the desire to earn love, and not receive it just like that, that leads to the fact that people will be unhappy, no matter who they cast their lot with.

In order not to make unnecessary mistakes, it is important to realize that it is not possible to create normal relationships with everyone. Therefore, it is important to realize and accept the fact that you really like worthy men who are worth making happy.

Photo: what makes a man happy

How to make a man happy

  • People are happy when they are loved, cared for, thought of, listened to, heard, noticed, believed in, supported, protected, when they know for sure that they can count on help and understanding in a difficult situation.
  • Knowing that he can talk to his woman about everything that worries him helps him feel secure.
  • It is important for men to feel cared for by their loved ones, to feel support, faith in them, admiration, and to catch an admiring glance.
  • They like compliments spoken in their ear, or in the company of friends. Men are pleased when women appreciate what they do, admire their achievements, encourage and encourage them.
  • They are happy when people are waiting for them at home, they are welcome. Men will always rush to where they do not spare pleasant words, affection and attention. Indeed, it is often precisely because of the unwillingness to understand that love requires attention, care and respect that people begin to experience dissatisfaction, irritation, and they have complaints where there might not be any.
  • Refuse the director's tone and criticism, especially in the presence of other people; it is more correct to say that you are upset than to blame him for making you uncomfortable or causing pain. If he is guilty, he will understand it anyway; it is not necessary to punish him harshly for it. He will be grateful when you don't make him humiliate himself to ask for your forgiveness if he did something wrong or forgot to do what you asked.
  • When it’s hard, it’s important for them to feel the invisible support of their loved one. Her questions are not so important to them, sometimes they themselves do not want to say anything, but feel the touch of her hand when he is tired, tired. He is not relieved of tension and anxiety, at this moment to see her nearby, to hear that they are worried and thinking about him. And it will be clear to him that she loves him without words.
  • They are happy when women do not blackmail them with intimate relationships, trying to punish them or get what they need. They are pleased when they also enjoy it, share what they like, cause bliss, are not ashamed of their body, and are ready to hear the wishes of their loved ones and give them pleasure, as well as be active.

Photo: what makes a man happy

  • Don't forget about his favorite foods. Find time at least once a week to pamper him with something that he loves most; someone will be happy with his favorite cake, which awaits him not for his birthday, but on an ordinary weekday morning, for a delicious dinner. Someone is happy when his chosen one knows that he has to work all night and brings him a snack.
  • After a hard day at work, there is nothing more pleasant than a warm bath, a delicious dinner, a smile on your loved one’s face and a massage that allows you to relax and unwind. A bath prepared for him, a smile, joy when he comes home, all this is as important as night and, especially morning communication.
  • Attention to what he is interested in, does, where he works, to his dreams, hobbies, plans for the future, sincere interest and desire to help, support, and if he is wrong, gently suggest that there may be another option for achieving what he wants - this is what what makes any man happy. Everyone likes it when people pay attention to them and show care towards them.

If you want to be happy and enjoy love, do not forget about the happiness of your man. Pamper him, pamper yourself, remember your pleasure, remember his pleasure. And then you won't have to a lot of work make your man happy, because, first of all, you know how to be happy yourself.

Not everyone is ready to fight for their love, preferring to wait for the man to be the first to confess his love. But is it worth doing this when time passes and nothing happens? He might still take a risk and find out the truth, rather than waste time, worry and hope. But here it is better for everyone to decide for themselves what is more suitable: waiting patiently so as not to find yourself in an unpleasant situation if they suddenly offend you, or to find out everything at once, so as not to suffer and wait anymore, but to find out whether there is hope for reciprocity or not and continue to live.

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We know for sure that close person deserves the most best words in the world. But often we find ourselves in situations where it is difficult to correctly express what you feel.

website shares with you phrases that psychologists recommend saying to loved ones so that the relationship is strong as steel.

1. I understand

In a tense situation it is important adapt to the mood of the interlocutor. Sad? You can be a little sad together to let him know that you are on the same wavelength. Even in the most bleak monologue, you will find a couple of points with which you want to agree. And then you can move on to fun topics.

2. I like it!

We perceive the achieved result as only half the success. The second half is when the triumph is recognized by those around you and, most importantly, by your loved one. Only after approval we get complete satisfaction from achieving the goal, we feel successful and happy. But that’s exactly what you need, right?

3. What do you plan to do?

When people talk about a problem, they do not expect guidance, but rather emotional support. Instead of unsolicited advice, it is better to express your participation with a simple question: “What do you plan to do?”

4. You are so... caring / determined / brave

Compliments are a valuable “currency” that costs us nothing, but sets us up for success, inspires strength and gives support. It has been proven that the brain perceives compliments Also, as a monetary reward for the work done.

5. Maybe you should spend time with your friends today?

Everyone in a couple needs personal space. If your partner needs to be alone with himself, you should give him time to restored energy.

6. Do you remember how we...

7. What is your happiest childhood memory?

8. I'm sorry

It's normal to quarrel. The main thing is to bring back peace, leaving grievances in the past, because no one wants to live in a “combat” zone. In a quarrel there is no one person to blame, and the sooner one admits his part in the wrong, the higher the likelihood of waiting for a reciprocal apology.

9. Thank you

Psychologists note that gratitude is one of the most positive emotions. When a person feels that he is grateful for something, he tunes in do This is even better for the sake of the very fact of gratitude. Simply by thanking for something, we form the necessary feelings and intentions in our partner, in addition to his conscious control.

In 2012, the UN General Assembly established the International Day of Happiness. It is celebrated on March 20, so there is time to prepare. By establishing such an amazing holiday, the UN wanted to support the idea that every person should strive for happiness.

The proposal, by the way, was introduced by the country where the world’s first Ministry of Happiness was created, and even the concept of gross domestic product was replaced there by “gross national happiness.” That country was Bhutan. His government not only declared its main goal the desire for the happiness of every resident of the country, but also enshrined this idea in the Constitution.

Some other countries decided to follow Bhutan’s example, for example, the United United Arab Emirates(UAE). Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, who visited there a couple of years ago, suggested studying the interesting experience and thinking about creating a similar ministry in Russia:

“The point is that we need to make every person happy, build happy schools, provide services to the population so that every person is happy. This is a kind of supra-departmental body that, when making any decisions, will consider them from the point of view of whether it will make people happy. He said that everyone happy man can also then make the unhappy person happy, so that the happy person will not strive to become a terrorist.”

Are the people happy?

The idea of ​​the Ministry of Happiness has not yet passed in Russia, but sociologists regularly measure happiness indices. And at the end of last year, Gallup International surveyed almost 54 thousand people in 55 countries to calculate the global index of happiness of the planet's inhabitants. In Russia, the Romir research holding also surveyed one and a half thousand people.

Global Look Press/ Aquila

It turned out that 59% of the planet's inhabitants consider themselves happy. In general, a lot. Moreover, only 11% of respondents call themselves unhappy. Another 28% of respondents feel neither happy nor unhappy.

Thus, the happiness index in 2017, according to sociologists, amounted to 48 percentage points. (percentage points) versus 59 p.p. a year earlier. That is, in general, the results of 2017 are less positive.

At the same time, in Russia, according to their data, the situation with happiness has hardly changed over the year.

“There are no more unhappy people in our country - 5% of our compatriots still feel like they are. And 55% of Russians called themselves happy. Thus, the happiness index in Russia amounted to 50 percentage points. against 51 p.p. a year earlier. Russians turned out to be happier than the average inhabitants of the Earth,” the study showed.

Moreover, for the first time, the happiness index in Russia exceeded by 2 percentage points. global level.

Vice President of Gallup International Andrey Milekhin:

“Despite the often discussed uniqueness or peculiarity of Russians, the happiness index, like many others, shows that Russians are rather average earthlings. Moreover, over the course of three years, the happiness index has reached complete stability. Analysis of the World Happiness Index indicates that there is no direct correlation with income and overall well-being. There is more of a sense of development and justice. Therefore, we observe that the happiest people also live in poor countries, where the gross domestic income per capita does not exceed ten thousand dollars. And vice versa, among the outsiders in the ranking, countries experiencing real shocks, there are quite financially prosperous ones, where the population experiences persistent social depression.”

Among the most unfortunate countries are Iran and Iraq. In addition, Ukraine became an outsider. Residents of Greece, Hong Kong and Brazil are not very happy either.

How much is happiness today?

Experts offer their ranking of countries in the world by level of happiness research project international program United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network They also took into account Gallup data in their research.

“When compiling the rating, such indicators of well-being are taken into account as the level of GDP per capita, life expectancy, the presence of civil liberties, a sense of security and confidence in tomorrow, family stability, job security, levels of corruption, as well as indirect indicators of the state of society, such as the level of trust, generosity and generosity,” the report says.

According to the UN, Norway has the highest happiness index, with Denmark and Iceland slightly behind. Russia ranks 49th here. But the list of 155 countries is completed by Tanzania, Burundi and the Central African Republic.

Global Look Press/ünter Lenz

The question of happiness in Lately seems to be very popular. So, Purdue University (USA), again in collaboration with Gallup, was puzzled by it. According to the BBC, researchers surveyed 1.7 million people in 164 countries.

As a result, scientists have calculated the optimal level of income that will allow a person to be completely satisfied with his life. It turned out that on average for the world this figure was $95 thousand per year (5.3 million rubles).

At the same time, requests from residents of Western and of Eastern Europe differ by more than 2 times - $100 thousand and $45 thousand, respectively.

It's interesting that the most high price happiness in Australia and New Zealand ($125 thousand), as well as in the countries of the Middle East and North Africa ($115 thousand). It is cheapest in Latin America and the Caribbean - only about $35 thousand.

Interestingly, salary increases that occur after income levels that promote happiness decrease life satisfaction. Scientists associate this opposite effect with concern for social status, which leads to an increase in anxiety levels.

“People begin to compare themselves to others, and this leads to a decrease in the level of satisfaction with their well-being,” the BBC says about the research results.

According to scientists, the findings suggest that the influence of money on happiness is very limited. The higher the income, the higher the responsibility, the less free time and opportunities for recreation.

And by the way, scientists are finally convinced that a woman needs more money to be happy. However, we always knew this.


There are no exact instructions on how to do this correctly. In ancient times, everything was much simpler - people were guided by the calendar, naming the child after the saint who celebrated his name day on this day. But these times have sunk into oblivion, a new age of freedom of choice has arrived.

When choosing a name for your child, do not forget that this is the word a person hears most often throughout his life. Any name is a combination of sounds of different pitches, which are a certain irritant for the human brain. Under the influence of these sounds, the child’s character is formed. For example, firm, tough-sounding names such as Zhanna, Dina, Igor and Dmitry develop in their bearer perseverance and stubbornness, independence, independence and determination. Light, soft, chanting names can guarantee a flexible and obedient child in advance. If you want your baby to be calm, name him such as Svetlana, Irina, Natalya, Mikhail, Vera, Sergey, Alexey and Alexander.

It’s good if the name is easy to remember and pronounce. It should also be harmoniously combined with the middle name. Difficult to pronounce combinations can become an obstacle to communication, because... will cause excitement in the one who is addressing, and a feeling of awkwardness in the one being addressed. The end result may be that your child suffers, especially when he or she is vulnerable. childhood, provoking the development of an inferiority complex.

It is equally important that the name and patronymic are harmoniously combined with each other, pronounced softly and not difficult to understand. When choosing a name, try saying all the options you are considering out loud. You will immediately feel the difference when pronouncing, for example, Alexey Mikhailovich and Dmitry Stanislavovich. The sound will be harmonious only if the stress in both words falls on the same syllable, and there are not a large number of vowels or consonants at the junction of the words.

You should not choose a name that sharply contrasts with your last name. For example, the combination of a beautiful rare name with the most ordinary surname will sound funny and absurd. It is unlikely that your daughter will be happy to turn out to be, for example, Ariadna Sidorova.

It is better to choose a name for which it is not difficult to choose a diminutive form. So, Alexander can be called Sashenka, Sanechka or Shurik.

Under no circumstances should the name evoke unpleasant associations in people. You should not condemn your child to a hard life by naming him after some significant event or great person. Revolution, Olympics, Stalin or Napoleon - not best options name for the child. Also, you should not name your baby after your favorite movie characters or great people, especially if the middle name or last name is the same. The child may not live up to the big name, which can subsequently cause ridicule from others.


The book provides comprehensive information to give your child the “right” name that will attract health, wealth and success to him. Everything is important: the meaning of the name; a namesake saint who will become your baby’s guardian angel; numerological aspect; “good” and “bad” diminutive derivatives and pet nicknames. Do you want your child to be happy from cradle to old age? Then use the advice of Sister Stephanie when calculating his name. Don’t let such an important process as naming a baby go by itself! The point is not what name you like, but how much it will help your baby find himself in life, become rich, successful, a beloved PERSON!

Sister Stephanie

The child’s name is the code for his success

Preliminary work by name generation

What rules should you follow when choosing a name for your child?

The name you choose should not be a burden to your child!

Rule 1. Determine the meaning of the names you choose for your child

Rule 2. The names of the parents and the child should not be discordant!

Rule 3. When choosing a name, consider the time of year in which the child was born

Rule 4. Weigh the pros and cons when deciding to name your child after one of your relatives

Rule 5. Consider the energy of the person who proposed the name for the child

Rule 6. Observe the baby's reaction to the proposed name.

Calculating the baby's lucky name. Numerology of numbers of names and birthdays

What is numerology

Meanings of digits and numbers

Elementary numbers and their corresponding numbers

"Majority" or "dominant" numbers

What numbers influence a person’s destiny?

Step one. Calculating your birth number or personality number

Step two. Counting the number of the name

Step three. Compare birth number and name number

Measures to enhance the happy influence of the name and neutralize the negative influence of the “wrong” name

Attach a personal guardian angel to your child!

Give your child (and yourself too) a happy diminutive name

Diagnosing the “wrong name” and replacing it with the “correct” one

Step one. We define natural characteristic person

Step two. Finding out the influence of a name on personality development

Step three. Finding the happiest diminutive name for your child

Step four. We correct the name, replacing it with a diminutive

Step five. We carry out rituals to cleanse the full name

General ritual for cleansing a child's name

A ritual of cleansing the name borne by deceased relatives from bad energy

Rite of name cleansing through prayers

My advice to adults who have an unlucky name

To the readers

Appendix 1. Orthodox calendar of names by month

January birthdays

February birthdays

Birthdays of March

April birthdays

Birthdays of May

Birthdays of June

Birthdays of July

Birthdays of August

Birthdays of September

Birthdays of October

November birthday people

December birthday people

Appendix 2. Meanings of male and female names

Male names

Female names

Sister Stephanie

©Sister Stephanie, 2007

©Series, design, “Prime-EVROZNAK”, 2007

©Prime-EVROZNAK, 2007

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private and public use without written permission copyright owner.

©The electronic version of the book was prepared by liters company (

The child’s name is the code for his success

All parents want to see their child healthy and happy. We raise children and invest our souls in them, believing that they will grow up successful and will constantly please us. But for some reason, some parents have healthy, successful, cheerful, smart children, while others have sick, unlucky, whiners and lazy children. This seems unfair: the conditions seem to be approximately the same, but the output is “two big differences.” Unhappy parents of children who have “let us down” in life ask themselves: “Why is my child so lazy (stupid, slob, loser)? What am I doing wrong, what am I not giving him? Dear moms and dads! Looking ahead, I’ll tell you: you’re probably doing almost everything right. Almost everything - with a few exceptions... We will talk to you today about how to correct this exception.

Since ancient times, people have tried to guess the secret of a happy fate. Palmists, astrologers, and fortune tellers predicted the future for a person. But to predict is, at best, to warn. But is it possible to attract happiness and good luck to your child - so that he grows up to be a healthy, strong, charming person, who has everything in his hands, who easily finds a common language with everyone? What is the secret you need to know for this?

This secret is simple, everything lies on the surface. Remember: “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float”? It's the same with a child. It is the name that we give to the baby that carries the strongest energy charge and information about the properties that its bearer is endowed with.

You will say: but thousands of people have the same names and at the same time have different destinies, they belong to polar social strata. There seems to be a contradiction? Nothing like this! If one Roman is homeless, and the other is Abramovich, this means that the name given to these people at birth had a different impact on their fate. Why is this possible? Because how a name will affect a person depends on many factors: date of birth, surname and patronymic, the names of relatives, and even the presence or absence of diminutive names and which of them the person is called at different periods of his life.

It turns out that if you want to attract happiness to your child, you need to take into account a lot of nuances when choosing a name for him. Calculating the optimal, “happy” option is not very difficult. I'll teach you this. It is clear that today's parents are completely unaware of how to choose the “right” name for their child. I constantly give consultations on this issue, but recently I realized that it would be better to put everything I know on this issue into a book so that every parent can use it. I am convinced that if everyone has the “correct” names, then there will be no unhappy people left in the world. This means that we will all move closer to the golden age, the quality of life of people all over the world will improve, there will be no wars, poverty and diseases, we will come to an era of prosperity. But this, you understand, is a super task. And in this little book of mine, I give you information on how to choose a happy name for your child.

For you, information about the influence of a name on a person’s fate has been summarized by me in simple diagram. I am giving step by step instructions choosing the “right”, that is, happy name for the child. This is exactly how you have to move in your choice - step by step, because nothing is unimportant in the process of choosing a name, everything matters. So don't miss anything, be careful. It's not difficult for you at all.

From my book you will learn about the origin of different names, about the Orthodox tradition of naming babies, what kind of “family” load a name carries, and whether it is possible to name a child after the names of deceased or living relatives. I will tell you how the combination of first name and patronymic influences the fate of a child, and will also introduce you to the secrets of the magical science of numerology. Each person, without having fundamental esoteric knowledge, can calculate the desired meaning of the name for his child so that he is healthy and successful.

If your child is already old enough and has the “wrong” name, do not despair. And this situation can be dealt with. I will tell you what can be done to “cleanse” the negative influence of the name.

Use my advice, everything is in your hands: if you really really want it, you can radically change the fate of your child, ward off evil fate from him, make him a real darling of fortune!

Preliminary work on generating names

Everything in Natalia’s life was going well: graduating from school with an excellent certificate, then a honors diploma at the institute, a successful placement in a prestigious company, a career and... finally, a happy marriage. All that was needed for absolute happiness was a child. However, time passed, and the pregnancy still did not occur. Three years after her marriage, a terrible misfortune befell Natalya - her older brother German died. She was very worried about this death. Her husband consoled her as best he could, and literally a couple of months after the tragedy she became pregnant. Natalya thought that this was no accident, and decided to name her son after her late brother. My husband didn't mind.

The child was born strong and healthy. Natalya was beaming with happiness, preparing to be discharged from the maternity hospital, there was plenty of milk, a well-equipped nursery was waiting for the baby at home. But they had to stay late in the hospital: one of the nurses was not paying attention, and the child fell from the changing table. Fortunately, everything worked out, and after observation, mother and son were discharged home. At home, little Hera was surrounded with attention and care, he grew quickly and gained strength, but troubles constantly happened to him: he would either stumble upon a sharp object and injure his eye, or fall in the yard and get seriously injured, or try...