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Capital winter greenhouse. A do-it-yourself winter greenhouse will provide fresh vegetables all year round.

A winter greenhouse is a useful structure for a plot of land that allows you to grow garden crops all year round. It is used both for personal needs and for growing fruit plants for sale.

The most versatile material for constructing greenhouses is polycarbonate. It is this that allows you to use Newest technologies construction, design developments and technical equipment for greenhouses.

Polycarbonate retains heat well and allows enough sunlight to pass through Source

Design differences between summer and winter greenhouses

The purpose of greenhouses is the same for any season - they are designed to protect plants and transfer them enough heat for growth and development. However, in terms of design, winter greenhouses differ significantly from summer buildings:

    Materials used for cladding the frame are resistant to loads, temperature changes and weather conditions. As a rule, this is glass or polycarbonate. In summer greenhouses there is enough durable film.

    Summer greenhouses warm up well during the day and the air does not have time to cool down overnight. In winter greenhouses, a heating system is required to maintain a comfortable temperature for growing.

    Winter buildings require insulation to avoid drafts and loss of thermal energy from the heating system.

    Summer greenhouses are often made in the form of arches; winter greenhouses require a gable roof so that snow does not accumulate on it.

Thus, summer greenhouses work exclusively due to natural factors - long daylight hours, solar heat, and a natural ventilation system. And in order to grow plants in winter, the necessary climatic conditions are artificially recreated in the greenhouse.

For light-loving plants it is necessary to create additional lighting Source

Polycarbonate in the construction of winter greenhouses

The use of polycarbonate in the construction of winter greenhouses is due to its strength and light transmission qualities. The advantages of this material are the following:

    resistance to mechanical damage;

    good aesthetic characteristics;

    light weight of the structure - suitable for any frame;

    conducts sunlight well;

    ease of processing and installation of sheets;

    the material can withstand heavy loads - important when there is a lot of snow in winter;

    tolerates strong heating and cooling, does not deteriorate under the influence of UV rays.

All these factors make polycarbonate an ideal material for the construction of winter greenhouses. It perfectly protects plants from snow and frost and allows you to maintain the correct microclimate in the building.

In a greenhouse, heat-loving plants are not afraid of early frosts Source

Greenhouse design options

The construction market offers a huge selection of shapes and sizes of greenhouses. Therefore, customers always have the opportunity to make it to suit their own needs. When choosing a design, it is worth considering the type and number of plants that you plan to grow in the greenhouse.

A heated winter greenhouse can be quite long or wide. For private land plots, there are standard dimensional grids for turnkey structures.

The base of the greenhouse is usually rectangular or square. The roof is made in various forms Oh:


    single slope;



The main condition for the roof of a winter greenhouse is the presence of a slope so that snow can slide off it under the weight of its own weight and not accumulate on the roof. It is also recommended to make vents in the roof to ventilate the structure.

Vents in greenhouses are most often located at the top point of the roof. Source

Greenhouses, as a rule, consist of one “room”, but experts recommend organizing a heated dressing room. This is done so that with frequent use in winter time, the plants did not suffer from the penetration of cold air from the street.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Stages of construction of polycarbonate greenhouses

Construction of a winter greenhouse made of polycarbonate is quite complex technological process. It consists of several stages that affect both the construction of the structure itself and its internal equipment. Therefore, it is better if a turnkey winter greenhouse with heating is built by experienced hands.


A polycarbonate winter greenhouse has a heavy structure and will require laying a foundation to give it stability. It can be one of three types:





The latter option is most often used in the construction of permanent greenhouses. Laying a strip foundation is carried out in several stages:

    marking the construction site, digging a trench approximately 1 m deep;

    laying waterproofing at the bottom of the trench;

    installation of reinforcement to strengthen the foundation;

    filling the trench with gravel-sand-cement mortar;

    laying heat-insulating material on a dried strip foundation.

After preparing the foundation, anchor bolts are installed into it for subsequent fastening of the frame. Sometimes a layer of brick is laid on the foundation, in which case the fasteners must pass through the masonry and penetrate into the foundation.

Arrangement of a strip foundation for a greenhouse Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer turnkey installation services for greenhouses and similar structures. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Frame installation

To build a frame under polycarbonate sheets, metal profiles, pipes and corners are most often used. This choice is due to the strength and durability of the metal base compared to wood.

Installation of the frame is carried out in several stages:

    securing the bottom lining to the foundation using anchor bolts;

    installation of vertical posts on the casing using bolts or welding;

    connection of vertical profiles with horizontal lining at the top;

    installation of a frame under a pitched roof.

The integrity and strength of the entire greenhouse structure depends on the correct installation of the base. Therefore, it is carried out exactly according to the planned plan and calculations.

The finished frame for the greenhouse remains to be sheathed with polycarbonate sheets Source

Sheathing the frame with polycarbonate

Polycarbonate sheets are selected and cut to fit the frame. They are attached to the profile using bolts. Installation begins from the bottom of the greenhouse from the corner joint. The sheets are constantly leveled using a building level so that there are no gaps or overlaps between them. The joints must be waterproofed from the room side so that moisture does not accumulate in them and fungus does not form. For this purpose, sealants and other building compounds are used.



The heating system in a plant greenhouse can be solved in several ways. The most budget option is to install a stove with pipes in which hot smoke circulates. Heating occurs by heating air from the chimney pipe. The disadvantage of such a system is manual control, which does not allow leaving the greenhouse unattended.

Water heating is considered a more convenient option. It can be organized by installing a gas boiler in a greenhouse, or connecting a pipe from a residential building. The air is heated from conventional radiators installed along the wall of the greenhouse. In some cases, they make something like a “warm floor” from polypropylene tubes underground, through which the air circulates. hot water. This allows you to warm the soil and plant roots in winter.

Another type of heating system is combined. It includes the following elements:

    Infrared lamps for lighting and heating plants from above;

    Polypropylene tubes filled with coolant, buried in the soil.

The joint work of these system elements allows the air to be evenly heated in the upper and lower parts of the room. Another advantage is automatic control. The system is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors and can independently regulate the microclimate in the room.



In winter, daylight hours are short, so the plants in the greenhouse do not have time to receive enough UV rays. This slows down their growth and leads to various diseases.

To improve the efficiency of the greenhouse, additional lighting is installed in it. Its level is selected depending on the crops grown in the greenhouse - for greenery and seedlings a little light is required, for berry and fruit plants it should be strong enough.

For lighting, sodium lamps are used, which provide photosynthetic irradiation, that is, they produce ultraviolet rays that imitate sunlight. They are installed directly above beds or shelves with seedlings. Ordinary fluorescent lamps are sometimes used, but they are less efficient.


All wiring lighting fixtures must be equipped with protection from moisture, since the air in greenhouses is very humid and drops of water can settle on all surfaces.


To organize watering of plants in a greenhouse that does not require manual control, it is equipped with irrigation systems. The most universal of them is drip irrigation. It consists of a reservoir with liquid and pipes stretched along the perimeter of the beds. Such a system is installed at the stage of constructing the greenhouse frame.

In some cases, sprinkler valves are mounted on top, above or to the side of plant beds. The irrigation option is selected depending on the needs of the crops grown in the greenhouse.

In order not to walk with a hose throughout the greenhouse, you can also make a water supply layout during design. Source


A good winter greenhouse with heating is impossible without a greenhouse ventilation system; it is an important part of creating a comfortable microclimate for plants. Although a polycarbonate greenhouse is considered a winter greenhouse, it is usually used all year round. IN summer time It is very important to prevent overheating and over-humidification of the air - for this, the building needs a ventilation system.

In polycarbonate greenhouses, several opening window modules are made in the roof or upper part of the wall. They are equipped with automatic valves that open and close the windows depending on the air temperature. This allows you to ventilate the room and keep the plants fresh.

It is desirable that the ventilation provides for the possibility of strong and weak ventilation Source

Video description

How to choose the right greenhouse, watch the video:

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A few more words about choosing high-quality polycarbonate:


Winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate with heating are widely used both in private households and on large farms and enterprises. This structure allows you to grow various crops throughout the year without fear of weather changes. Calculation and installation of a greenhouse is a complex process that should be trusted to professional construction companies.

A modern and properly built greenhouse will allow you to grow vegetables, herbs, berries and receive predictable yields with early spring and until late autumn. Typically, greenhouses are created by gardeners in order to provide themselves and their families with environmentally friendly and natural products. But in this article we will consider the construction option winter greenhouse as a business with high profitability, affordable investments and low time costs. Similar business can be organized both in the village and in summer cottage- standard six hundred square meters will be enough to get a stable profit.


Today, more and more people are trying to lead healthy image life, eating natural and tasty products. Practice shows that there is a serious shortage of environmentally friendly goods on the market in many Russian cities, including megacities. Therefore, you can always occupy this niche without much effort. competition. All you need is a desire to earn money, hard work and certain entrepreneurial skills.

It is best to build a greenhouse from polycarbonate

To grow food not only in spring and summer, that is, not to depend on the season, you need to think about building a winter greenhouse. In it you can grow almost everything you find on the market - peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, herbs, flowers, seedlings and much more. Plants will be protected from temperature changes and frosts, natural phenomena, insects and pests, and you will be able to establish constant supplies to grocery stores or to the markets, receiving a stable profit.

There is a wide selection of quality greenhouses on the market today in various shapes, sizes and types. Which one should you choose for a novice businessman? First of all, you need to decide what exactly you plan to grow and in what volumes. There are several basic designs:

  1. Wall-mounted, adjacent to the house, barn, outbuildings. Its advantage is that you will save on one wall and heating, but at the same time you will lose some of the lighting due to a blank partition.
  2. Arched, with a semicircular roof. It is considered optimal for winter use due to the even distribution of snow and good light transmission.
  3. Triangular, composite, etc. (classic “house” and its variations). It is also suitable for growing plants in winter, but its light transmission is somewhat worse due to the difference in levels and uneven refraction.

You should also think about what to use as a covering material. There are three options:

  1. Polyethylene film. Advantages - low cost, high transmittance of sunlight. Cons: short service life, low strength. It is practically not suitable for winter options - the snow will simply break through it and the plants will die from the cold.
  2. Polycarbonate sheet. Advantages of the material: high strength, long service life, low thermal conductivity, light transmittance of 85%. Among the disadvantages, we can highlight its relatively high cost and the need for annual maintenance (you need to wash the surface with warm water and soda to remove plaque and fungus that forms in warm and damp rooms).
  3. Glass from 4 mm thick. It has a high cost, but at the same time it is almost eternal. It transmits sunlight well, which can be a problem (in glass greenhouses, plant burns are possible). Requires maintenance in the form of annual washing, as in the previous case.

Features of building a winter greenhouse

For the most part, winter greenhouses are built from polycarbonate - this material lasts for 7-10 years, after which the frame is re-sheathed with sheets. Winter designs imply that the room will be additionally heated or heated. For this, various ovens are used, including electric ones - we will talk about this a little below.

Large greenhouses pay for themselves faster and allow you to establish sustainable sales channels

The greenhouse must be placed taking into account the cardinal directions so that the plants inside receive as much ultraviolet light as possible. Usually it is built from north to south - with this arrangement, the northern part practically does not suffer from cold winds due to its small area, and the sun illuminates the structure from early morning until evening. Wall-mounted greenhouse options are bad because it is rarely possible to orient the greenhouse to the cardinal points, and the main wall blocks solar radiation.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the size of the greenhouse. For a normal business, you will need an area of ​​at least 100 m2, but for starters you can get by with a classic design 4 meters wide and 6-8 meters long. In it you will learn how to grow plants, try out the whole process, make contacts, after which you can expand by placing one or two more buildings nearby.

Attention: There is no point in working with small structures - you will not grow enough goods in them to recoup the costs. Serious volumes are needed to make a profit - experienced farmers' greenhouses occupy 300-500 m2.

Before you considerlet's figure out what other requirements are put forward for a winter greenhouse. It must be strong enough to withstand snow and ice in winter without collapsing. It is necessary to maintain a temperature above 13 degrees in order for the plants to develop and bear fruit. And most importantly, it must be well insulated. It is placed on the foundation, lifting it above the ground. The foundation is insulated so that the cold does not pass underground and kill the roots of plants. The covering material should also retain heat well, so polycarbonate is the best choice for building winter options.

If you plan to grow herbs, berries, and other short plants, you will need to consider creating a shelving system. Shelving allows you to save space - by placing several rows of shelves, you can grow 2-3 times more than on the ground. This trick will not work with tomatoes and cucumbers - they need a lot of space to grow. Usually the racks are placed parallel to long walls, the first floor is at a height of 80 cm, the second - 140, but it all depends on what exactly will be grown. The distance between the racks (as well as between the beds) should be chosen to be at least 60 cm, so that you can safely walk through and take out boxes with finished products.

Attention:If you want to spend a minimum of time caring for plants, then consider a competent watering system. Typically, drip irrigation is used, which supplies moisture directly to the roots.

How to warm

Various options are used for heating: stoves, boilers, electrics, etc. Let's consider several of the most popular options:

  1. Classic solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets, sawdust, peat) and air heating method. Buleryan or its equivalent is installed in the greenhouse, the hot air supply hoses are opened and the operation of the stove is monitored. One bookmark in the buleryan is enough for 6-10 hours, so you will have to adapt to the operation of the system - if you forget to add firewood and the flame goes out, then after a few hours the structure will cool down and the plants will die. Buleryan is usually placed in the center so that air flows evenly over the entire area.
  2. Solid fuel and water heating. Pipes with radiators or registers are stretched along the perimeter of the frame, and a boiler is placed at the entrance. The boiler heats the water in the expansion tank; due to the difference in height, it moves through the pipes and heats the air in the greenhouse. The efficiency of such a system is higher than that of an air system, and the inertia of the system is greater, especially if you use cast iron radiators. One way or another, you will have to monitor the supply of solid fuel, but due to the high inertia, the greenhouse will not freeze even if the flame goes out for a couple of hours.
  3. Using gas or diesel fuel for water heating. The same system is created as in point 2, but instead of firewood, gas or diesel fuel from the tank is used. In this case, there is no need to monitor the burning of solid fuel.
  4. Electric heating based on the “warm floor” principle. An electrical cable is laid between the plants. When turned on, it heats up, warming the soil and air by convection. Such a system allows you to automate the heating process, but the costs of its creation will be quite significant.

Heating a winter greenhouse with an electric convector

There are other heating schemes - a greenhouse is “parallelized” with a house boiler, an air heating system is created (a fire burns outside, warm air from which is supplied inside), infrared emitters are installed that warm the surface and the plants themselves.

Attention:The heating issue must be thought through in advance. If you want to automate the process, then choose gas or electricity. If you are constantly present on the site, then you can use firewood or pellets - in most regions of Russia this will be cheaper than gas and electricity due to the availability of raw materials.

What can you grow?

So, we have already dealt with the question of what kind of greenhouse it should be and how it can be heated. Now let’s look at what can be grown in winter structures and what is used most in demand among the population.

We recommend that you carefully study the information about what is grown in winter. The fact is that certain plants are dormant in winter, and even heat won't make them wake up. Such plants include classic onions - you can grow them in winter, but in very limited quantities. Therefore, for salads, certain varieties of onions are grown that do not have a dormant period.

In December-January, you can sow cucumbers and tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, cabbage, root vegetables, etc. At the same time, think about the placement of plants - for example, onions and cabbage can be planted between cucumbers and tomatoes, compacting them, which will allow you to use the greenhouse area more economically.

Attention:When choosing varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., it should be taken into account that natural pollination by insects will not work in the greenhouse. Choose hybrid and self-pollinating varieties.

Seedlings should be planted for the winter in late September-early October. At this time, you will just remove the summer harvest and old bushes, replace the soil with more fertile one and be able to grow food for the New Year and Christmas.

Depending on what you plan to grow, the temperature regime should be observed. For cucumbers, a temperature of 20-22 degrees is needed, for peppers and tomatoes - 10-15 degrees (the temperature is also divided according to the growing phases - you need to understand this issue in detail). For seedlings, one temperature is required, for fruit ripening - another. The issue of combining different crops is also important - tomatoes do not like being next to cucumbers, since they select the same useful elements from the soil. For example, Dutch greenhouse growers recommend not mixing crops at all - tomatoes grow in one greenhouse, cucumbers in a second, cabbage and greens in a third. But this is an option for those who already have several designs - it is not suitable for a beginner.

Where to sell

You need to think about where you will sell your products before they grow. Usually all this is calculated and thought through at the stage of drawing up a business plan. There are several options here:

  1. Deliver products to small stores located in residential areas.
  2. Opening your own farm store (and later expanding to a full-fledged chain).
  3. Deliver products to markets, sell them among friends, relatives, and colleagues.
  4. Conclude an agreement with supermarkets or bases.

For beginners, the option with markets, small stores and friends is suitable - you will sell small batches until you can get on stream. Then you need to strive to get into supermarkets - they buy everything in bulk, offering interesting terms of cooperation.

You can grow almost any vegetables and root crops in a greenhouse

How cost effective is it?

Composing you need to assess the risks, calculate the level of costs and expected profits. It is quite difficult to name exact prices and calculate profitability, since everything depends on the region of your residence, the presence of competitors, the price level for vegetables, the cost of firewood or gas, the selected volume of the greenhouse and the availability of land in the property. Let's look at a classic example that you can adjust to suit your realities.

  1. Construction of a polycarbonate greenhouse measuring 4*8 (2 pcs.) with the correct foundation and insulation - 80-100 thousand rubles.
  2. Buying a boiler and creating an irrigation system - 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of seed, other costs for importing land, fertilizer, etc. - 20 thousand rubles.
  4. Fuel for heating - 30 thousand rubles per season (firewood).

Thus, to start you will need approximately 200 thousand rubles (the useful area of ​​​​the greenhouses will be 60 m2).

1 kilogram of tomatoes in the winter of 2018 in the central part of Russia cost 150 rubles, in Siberia - 200-250 rubles. Over the winter, you can grow up to a ton of tomatoes on 60 m2, i.e., if you sell this volume, you will receive 150*1000=150,000 rubles. And this is just for the winter - you will also have spring, summer and autumn. If you organize the process correctly, grow what is popular and update the plants on time, then you will fully recoup your investment in 1 season and receive a stable profit. By expanding the number of greenhouses, you can hire a person who will cultivate the land, collect the fruits and send them for sale, in order to free yourself from routine work.

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Further in the article we will talk about how to heat and heat a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter, spring and autumn, how to make a winter one with heating, which heater is better (stoves and infrared heating) and other nuances of heating.

Year-round polycarbonate greenhouses

Polycarbonate panels– one of the best materials for creating greenhouses, including year-round ones. This material strong enough and not subject to destructive influence external environment(for example, temperature changes, high humidity).

At the same time, working with such material is very convenient - it is mounted on the greenhouse frame using self-tapping screws and bends well.

The most important advantage of such greenhouses– this is an opportunity to use it all year round, grow plants and get fruits all the time. This can be a variety of greens or other vegetables.

Having installed all the necessary systems, you can create any necessary temperature conditions inside. In addition, such a greenhouse does not need to be cleaned after each season.

What should a greenhouse be like?

All greenhouses have a similar operating principle. Winter greenhouses have some features that must be observed during construction.

Winter polycarbonate greenhouse– the building is stationary and requires the creation of a high-quality foundation and a strong frame.

A prerequisite for creating a year-round greenhouse is a solid foundation. A wooden foundation is not suitable, because it needs to be changed periodically.

Most best option - This is a foundation made of concrete, brick or block. The strip foundation is created along the perimeter of the structure, is quite simple to install and at the same time relatively inexpensive.

Second important point is the frame of the greenhouse. Use in winter requires periodic snowfalls. The accumulation of snow on the roof leads to very strong loads on the frame, which can lead to the destruction of the entire structure. The frame can be made from wood or metal.

Both materials are subject to destruction and will require preliminary preparation, and subsequently - prevention and periodic replacement of unsuitable elements.

Preparation for construction

You can find a lot on the Internet ready-made solutions for the construction of greenhouses and adapt them to your needs. You can also create your own drawing based on your needs and wishes.

Exist special programs to create drawings. They allow you to see the finished model of the future structure.

In any case, when creating a greenhouse with your own hands, you need to pay attention to several factors.

First of all, you need to choose a place for further construction. You need to choose based on three main factors:

  1. Illumination. The greenhouse should receive the maximum possible amount of solar energy.
  2. To obtain the maximum amount of sunlight, the greenhouse can be placed lengthwise from west to east.

  3. Wind conditions. Strong and gusty winds are not only a risk of structural collapse, but also large heat losses. Therefore, wind protection is necessary. For example, you can place a greenhouse next to the wall of the house or plant low perennial plants at a distance of 5-10 meters.
  4. Convenience. Access to the heifer should be sufficiently wide and convenient, which will greatly facilitate the maintenance of the structure.

Then you need choose a roof shape future building. Most often it is a gable or arched roof.

The shape of the roof should prevent the accumulation of snow during the cold season. A gable roof is the easiest to install.

It is also important frame material. The strongest and most durable material is metal.

But it is important to remember that creating a metal frame will require welding to construct the structure. On the other hand, wood does not require special tools or skills and is very affordable.

And if you additionally cover it with several layers of paint and varnish, it can last for many years. By slightly strengthening the structure, you can achieve high strength and stability.

It is also worth saying about choosing polycarbonate. What thickness of polycarbonate is required for a winter greenhouse? If a fairly thin sheet (6-8 mm) is suitable for an ordinary greenhouse, then for winter greenhouses panels with a thickness of at least 8-10 mm are required. Otherwise, there is a risk that the panels will not withstand the load, and heat will not be well retained inside the building.

One of the key features of winter greenhouses is presence of a heating system. Which polycarbonate greenhouse heating to choose in winter? How to make heating in a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter with your own hands? How to heat and insulate a polycarbonate greenhouse for the winter with your own hands using stove heating?

Heating using electrical appliances, such as infrared heaters, is becoming increasingly popular. How to heat a polycarbonate greenhouse with infrared heaters?

Installing such a system is very simple - you just need to connect the electrical network to the greenhouse and connect the electrical appliance. You will need to spend money on the heater itself and electricity.

Infrared heaters for polycarbonate greenhouses, they are installed on the ceiling and are capable of ensuring an indoor air temperature of up to 21 degrees Celsius, and a soil temperature of up to 28 degrees.

An alternative to it is the old and traditional stove heating method.

It is much cheaper and easier to install. However, its disadvantage is the strong heating of the walls; it will not be possible to grow plants near it.

Finally, the foundation of the entire building must be made solid and stable, because the strength of the entire structure depends on it. Its creation does not require any complicated steps and can be done by anyone.

Construction work must be carried out in dry weather with above-zero temperatures.


How to build winter greenhouse made of polycarbonate with your own hands?

  1. Creating a foundation.
  2. For a stationary greenhouse it would be optimal strip foundation. To install it, you need to dig a trench about 30-40 cm deep around the perimeter of the future building. A small layer of gravel and small stone (5-10 cm thick) is poured onto the bottom. Then the entire trench is filled with a layer of concrete.

    When creating a solution best quality will provide a mixture of one part cement and three parts sand.

    After the solution has hardened, you can start installing the next layer. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the foundation layer (roofing felt is suitable). Then the base of the greenhouse is formed. A wall of small height is laid out of brick. The thickness of the walls is one brick. Not only new, but also previously used bricks are suitable for construction.

    After creating the base and completely hardening the solution, you can proceed to the installation of the frame.

  3. Frame installation.
  4. The simplest and most affordable option creating a frame is a frame made of wood. Its installation does not require any special knowledge or skills, or welding work. It is important to pre-prepare the wooden elements before installation.

    First you need to clean the elements from dirt and adhering soil with a brush, then sand them with fine sandpaper. Then rinse with running water and let dry completely.

    After this, you can proceed to applying paint and varnish coatings. The best paint for exterior use is one that is resistant to high humidity and different temperatures. After the paint has dried, you can apply a couple of layers of varnish on top.

    A good way to protect wood is to impregnate it with epoxy resin before applying paints.

    Now a beam with a section of 100x100 mm is installed along the perimeter of the foundation. To create a roof, you can use timber with a section of 50x50 mm. When building a roof, you must avoid areas without support larger than 1 meter. Also along the ridge you need to place several supports to further strengthen the structure.

    To achieve maximum strength, you can also create a frame from boards.

    The elements are attached using self-tapping screws and metal tape.

    You can add a small vestibule at the entrance to the greenhouse. This will reduce heat loss when entering and exiting the greenhouse.

  5. Installation of communications.
  6. The next stage is related to installation of a heating system, lighting and other necessary communications.

    Lamps sufficient to illuminate the entire room are installed along the roof ridge. For convenience, it is best to place all switches near the entrance.

    When installing stove heating a chimney is being installed. It is important to remember that when the stove is operating, the chimney pipes become very hot and can melt the polycarbonate panels.

  7. Installation of polycarbonate panels.
  8. The final stage of creating a winter greenhouse– this is the installation of polycarbonate sheets. The sheets are fastened together using an H-shaped profile. A U-shaped profile is mounted on the panel at the ends. The sheets themselves are installed vertically, then moisture flows down them better.

    Not worth attaching sheets are too hard. Polycarbonate expands when heated, and installation that is too rigid can lead to cracks.

    Polycarbonate secured with self-tapping screws with a seal. The seal prevents moisture from penetrating through the holes. Before installation, holes are made on the sheets with a diameter slightly larger than the self-tapping screw. A special sealing tape is placed between the frame and the panels.

    After that the greenhouse ready for use.

    Creating a winter greenhouse is somewhat more complicated than an ordinary one, but anyone can do it and does not require any special skills.

    In addition, the creation of such a greenhouse does not require serious financial investments. And the result in the form of fresh products throughout the year is worth the effort.

    Useful video

    Here you can watch educational videos about winter greenhouses and heating for polycarbonate greenhouses.

    Tips on building a heated polycarbonate greenhouse with your own hands.

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Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


In spring and summer, many people grow vegetables and fruits. However, this is also possible in the cold season thanks to a structure such as a winter greenhouse, for example, made of polycarbonate, which will allow various heat-loving crops to grow year-round, even in winter. The advantages of this design are obvious: in addition to obtaining vitamins for yourself and your family, you can build an entire business on growing various plants.

What is a winter greenhouse

Greenhouse for winter period must have a reliable design: a strong frame (preferably made of a metal profile), a good foundation and thick walls. In any greenhouse of this type, you need to pay special attention to:

  • lighting – no plant will grow without light, close to sunlight is recommended;
  • heating - a rare crop will bear fruit without heating;
  • ventilation - creates a favorable atmosphere for the growth of vegetables and fruits;
  • Watering is the most important point in caring for plants.

The name of this building contains the word “winter”, which emphasizes the difference with the summer version. Below are recommendations on how to build a greenhouse for winter growing:

  1. Film cannot be used as a material; durable, thick glass or polycarbonate are better suited.
  2. The thickness of the walls of the greenhouse for winter should be much greater than for summer.
  3. The winter version must have a very reliable frame; wood is not suitable.
  4. Heating a polycarbonate greenhouse in winter is simply necessary so that the plants do not freeze and grow well.

Greenhouse design for winter growing

By appearance The shape, shape, and type of construction of greenhouses for summer and winter are similar. The main difference is in the materials used and communications, which will be discussed below. The size of the structure depends on personal preference, but many experts in this field believe that the minimum area of ​​the structure should not be less than 50-60 square meters. m., and optimally – 100 sq. m. However, if people just want to grow vegetables for themselves, and not for sale, then 20-30 square meters will be enough. m.

When starting to design a greenhouse for winter, you should immediately think about its location. Experts recommend installing the structure on a hillock, then excess water will drain away and snow will melt faster, in addition, it is warmer there than in the lowlands. If it is not possible to place the building on a hill, then you can pour a layer of soil on the beds. The ideal soil for growing different crops should contain the following layers: sand, turf soil and humus.

When a location has been chosen, it is necessary to dig a pit for the greenhouse; 600 mm is enough. An important component is a reliable foundation, which is not present in a summer greenhouse. This is explained simply: the winter structure is heavier, the walls are much thicker and more massive, because heavier material is used. The construction of the frame has great importance, it must be strong and resistant to weather conditions. There are options for arched structures; it is better to use a metal frame.

Winter greenhouse projects

The most popular modern greenhouses for growing in winter are made of polycarbonate; this material will properly insulate the structure. As for the shape, a gable greenhouse would be convenient. The most budget-friendly and simplest option is a greenhouse in winter with glass walls. This material is the most affordable, the price depends on the thickness of the glass. Advantages of glazing:

  • relatively low price;
  • light penetrates well.

However, there are more disadvantages:

  • fragility of glass;
  • poor thermal insulation;
  • heaviness of the material.


A popular material is polycarbonate; it is durable, adheres well to the frame, flexible and lightweight, and is airtight. The base for it does not have to be very strong. Winter greenhouses made of polycarbonate with heating – a good option, cellular polycarbonate is especially relevant. It is a polyethylene film containing microscopic air bubbles, which provides additional thermal insulation. In addition, it is installed in two layers, between which a phosphor is placed. This substance enhances the light that enters the greenhouse.


A good option for a roof is a gable roof; water and snow drain from it without any problems. In this case, the optimal tilt angle is 20-25 degrees. A transparent material is attached to the walls, which is either double glass or cellular polycarbonate. The latter option will allow the gable winter greenhouse to serve for at least 12 years. To prevent water from flowing under the transparent walls, you need to make a canopy that extends 6-8 cm from the walls. To warm up the greenhouse in cold weather, for example, gas heating is installed.

With earth filling

Such a lean-to winter greenhouse is sunk into the ground. The foundation pit for construction must be at least 80 cm deep. In this case, agronomists recommend that the long wall of the greenhouse be on the east side, and the greenhouse frames should be directed to the south. It is better to sheathe walls with carbonate sheets. The advantages of such a structure:

  • water drains well;
  • a lot of light penetrates from the eastern and southern sides;
  • during operation it will be noticeable that the design is reliable;
  • good thermal insulation.

Budget greenhouse

To save on heating costs, you can install a greenhouse next to some structure that is constantly heated. In addition, this saves space on the land plot. There is no point in reducing foundation costs. If you make a poor wooden frame and foundation, then under the weight of snow the structure may become deformed or even break. To use less building material, you can build a small lean-to greenhouse, and the width should not be more than 3.5 m.

Two-story greenhouse

Such a greenhouse for the winter will allow you to grow more crops, because the space is used not only on the ground, but also on the walls. You can attach trays of soil to them or make entire racks of soil. This arrangement is suitable for growing greens or small crops. It is recommended to install the second tier at a distance of 1 m from the ground, then it will be convenient to water and weed the plants.

How to build a greenhouse

To decide how to make a winter greenhouse, you need to think through all the options in advance and study several types of construction. In some areas you can make a shed adjacent to the house, somewhere you need to make it recessed into the ground. Or you can build a high two- or three-slope roof on a hill. A place on the site must be chosen so that there is a maximum amount of light from the east and south, and rainwater and snow do not accumulate and go down. The type of soil is also important: if it is dominated by sand, then you need to bring turf and fertilize it with humus.


Experts recognize the best foundation as a strip foundation. In order for such a base to serve for a long time and properly, all stages of laying should be followed:

  1. Decide on the dimensions of the building and mark them on the ground.
  2. Dig a trench, the depth of which should be 50 cm and width 20 cm.
  3. On the side walls of the trench you need to make formwork from wooden panels.
  4. The bottom is covered with sand; this layer should be 30 cm thick.
  5. Concrete mixture is poured into the trench.
  6. To strengthen the structure, it is necessary to reinforce the concrete screed.


On the north side, experts recommend constructing main walls in one brick, because from this side almost no light penetrates and does not in any way affect the growth of plants, and heat can be retained. For other walls you need to use polycarbonate with a thickness of 8-10 mm. As additional insulation, you can line the inner perimeter with greenhouse film. Important point– transoms must be equipped with the possibility of ventilation, because it is important for plants to be able to ventilate the room.


The optimal solution would be to make a gable roof, which will ensure good drainage of water from the roof. This will reduce the load on the entire building. The tilt angle should be within 20-25 degrees. Key points of roof construction:

  1. The lower strapping beams are attached to the side walls on top of the roofing felt.
  2. The ridge beams are connected to the strapping beams using paired rafters.
  3. The roof is covered with the same polycarbonate or glass as the walls. Some compartments should be made opening to allow ventilation.


Final finishing

When arranging a winter greenhouse, we must not forget about such important options for warming up the room as stove heating, water, biological or electric heating. At the final finishing stage, the main internal structures are installed:

  1. If the greenhouse has a vestibule with an additional door, then you should following works: the outside door can be insulated using, for example, polystyrene, and the inside door can be made transparent - with a polycarbonate coating.
  2. Install a heating system: boilers with radiators.
  3. An irrigation system is equipped, it is best to use a drip irrigation system.
  4. Install lighting lamps under the ceiling.
  5. The beds are being laid; in harsh climates, it is desirable to use heating technologies for optimal soil temperature (biofuel, electric or water heating).
  6. You can consider additional infrared heating.

Construction of a winter greenhouse

A winter greenhouse must meet basic requirements: a large amount of heat, moisture and sun. In the cold season, these conditions will have to be created artificially. It takes a lot of effort, but if vegetables are grown for business, it will soon pay off. It is best to try to automate all systems so that water and light flow into certain time and in the right quantity, and the heat supply never stopped.

Watering and moistening

Depending on the size of the greenhouse, the water tank must be appropriate. If water comes from a well, then pipes need to be laid from there at a depth of 1.5 m (for a temperate climate). If the winter greenhouse is large, then it is best to dig a well nearby or in the vestibule. Inside, you need to install containers in which the water will be heated; they should be on an elevation for better pressure when watering. Heating can be either natural, from the sun, or artificial, if you install heating elements. The containers are open, so the air is also humidified.


In winter, there is not enough sunlight for seedlings, so you need to equip an additional lighting system. Gas-discharge lamps DNaT and DNaZ are suitable for these purposes. The number of lamps depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse, it should be calculated as follows: per 1 sq. m – 100 W of electricity. You need to know that such lamps get very hot, so they need to be installed under the ceiling in special lamps that can reflect light.


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Winter greenhouse - design, foundation, choice of materials for construction

Whatever they say about the variety of greenhouses, in fact, there are only two types: capital and non-capital. All others are varieties. Greenhouses also differ in their design: wall-mounted, covered with wood, large arched type and small arched type.

A winter greenhouse is not just a place for planting vegetables and flowers, but also an indicator of the skill of a gardener. Organizing and equipping a winter greenhouse is a very difficult process, requiring knowledge, special skills and training.

Types of winter greenhouses

  • Capital type of greenhouse must be built with a foundation. A trench is installed in the center, a deep passage necessary for accumulating cold air, preventing it from reaching the roots of plants. The design of the greenhouse allows it to warm up quickly, which makes it possible to plant seedlings 2-3 weeks earlier.
  • Conditional capital ( non-capital) the type of greenhouse makes it easy to dismantle and move the structure to any other place. To manufacture this type, polycarbonate, metal profiles, and bolted connections are used. The basis is piles. In all other respects, the entire structure is similar to the capital one, but without thermal insulation and a central trench.

All other types of greenhouses are transitional options. But only in a permanent greenhouse it is possible to organize both lighting and heating.

Winter greenhouses differ according to the following parameters:

  • By functionality. You can grow not only traditional vegetables, but also exotic crops. Before building a greenhouse, it is important to decide what crops will be grown. The entire process of arranging a greenhouse, external and internal, depends on this.
  • By location to the ground. All heated greenhouses are divided into 3 main types: deep into the ground, made on the surface, equipped on the top of the building (barn, garage, etc.)
  • By architectural decision. Among the existing options for greenhouses, single-, double-, triple-sloped, arched, wall-mounted, and combined ones stand out.

Choosing the right option

Choice the appropriate option depends entirely on taste and financial capabilities; the size of the greenhouse will also be important. Greenhouses also differ:

  • By appearance building materials . For the manufacture of greenhouses, brick, wooden materials, metal or PVC frames are used. Glass and polycarbonate coatings are also often used. Combined designs are very popular.
  • By heating type. There are solar greenhouses, biofuel greenhouses, greenhouses with technical heating (stove, gas, electric, water).
  • For planting. Plants in a greenhouse are planted directly into the ground or into special containers placed on racks.

Choosing a location for a greenhouse

When choosing a location for a future greenhouse, 2 main factors are taken into account:

  • Lighting. For normal growth and development of plants, good lighting is necessary. If there is insufficient lighting, it will be impossible to grow light-loving crops (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers). The best place for the equipment of the winter greenhouse will be located in length from west to east. This point is especially important when constructing a solar greenhouse.
  • Wind direction. If cold winds prevail in the area, then protection of the greenhouse will be required. At proper organization you can significantly save on heating. Access to the greenhouse should be wide and convenient. This is necessary for construction and subsequent operation.

In the presence of fencing should be taken into account important factor. The fence should not be close to the greenhouse to avoid turbulence from wind currents. If the height of the greenhouse is 2.5 m, then the distance between the greenhouse and the fence should be at least 7-8 m. The most ideal option would be a distance of 15-20 m.

Construction of a gable in-depth greenhouse

This is the most universal a greenhouse that is suitable for both mid-latitudes of Russia and more severe climates. In greenhouses of this type, you can easily grow vegetable, horticultural, and exotic crops. A gable greenhouse is convenient and has a long service life. The construction is reliable and economical.

Gable The greenhouse consists of 2 rooms: a vestibule and a greenhouse.

The vestibule serves as a workroom where the heating system (boiler) is installed, and if all greenhouse maintenance processes are automated (watering, lighting, ventilation), then so is the control unit. The area of ​​the vestibule should be at least 1.5 m (optimally 2−2.5 m).

Also vestibule used for preparing earthen mixture, for storing garden tools, etc. Brick is used for the construction of the vestibule. For thermal insulation the best material will be polystyrene or mineral wool. The vestibule roof is covered with an opaque material such as corrugated sheeting, roofing iron, etc.

Partition between the vestibule and the greenhouse it is made permanent. The material can be a plastic or metal-plastic profile.

When building an in-depth greenhouse structure, the main rule should be observed - the soil is selected to a depth of 80 - 90 cm (depth of the freezing layer). This rule is also used for the foundation of non-deep greenhouses.

  • Foundation. On dense soil, the foundation is poured to a depth of 45 - 50 cm.
  • Walls. When building walls in a greenhouse, one brick masonry is used (the wall thickness should be 25 cm).
  • Window for installation of frames, they are located at a height of 50 - 60 cm above ground level. The width between the windows should be 50 - 75 cm or 2 -3 bricks. This will provide the plants with additional lighting. Ventilation transoms are required.
  • Roof. The gable roof shape is one of the most convenient. It ensures unhindered water flow. Tilt angle 20 -25 degrees.

To equip the roof, the lower trim beams are laid on the side walls. Then the tracing beam is attached to the strapping beams using rafters.

Materials required for the roof:

  • Strapping beams and ridge beam (section 120×150 mm);
  • Rafter-beam (section 70×100 mm).

To ensure free penetration of light for the roof, 4 mm thick glass is traditionally used. The roof glazing is carried out using grooves (40×75 mm) with gutters for condensate drainage.

One of the most popular roofing materials today is polycarbonate honeycomb. If you compare it with glass, then glass is very inferior in many respects. A polycarbonate greenhouse will last at least 15 years. This is a warm and safe room.

The glass is laid from the lower framing beam, moving upward. For putty, compositions based on drying oil or plastic mixtures are used. To protect the walls from water leakage, a canopy is installed. The distance of the canopy from the wall is 6-8 cm.


Choice heating for a greenhouse depends entirely on the size of the room. For greenhouses with an area of ​​15−20 sq. Stove heating is also suitable. But for heating large greenhouses there are the following options: electric, biofuel, water heating.

With the system water Heating uses a water heating boiler, pipes and a tank. The pipes are placed either directly into the ground (at a depth of 40 cm), or from above, under the racks.

Electrical heating is divided into 3 types: cable, air and infrared heating. The cable room is equipped like a heated floor. Air is provided using fan heaters. IR heating is produced by infrared heating devices placed under the ceiling.

Heating biofuel is the most economical type of heating. The soil and air warm up as heat is released during the decomposition of organic matter. Among the most used biomaterials are:

  • Horse manure - maintains a temperature of 33-38 degrees for 70-90 days;
  • Cow dung - 20 degrees 100 days;
  • Rotten bark - 25 degrees 120 days;
  • Sawdust - 20 degrees 2 weeks;
  • Straw - 45 degrees for 10 days.

Biofuel placed in the ground, under the fertile layer. When using biofuels, you need to remember about the acidity level, it affects the quality of the land. Cow manure has the most optimal level (6−7 pH). Bark and sawdust create acidic environment, horse dung - alkaline. Biofuel after consumption can be used as humus.

If all technical standards were observed during the construction of the greenhouse, then it will delight you with good harvests for many years.