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At the moment, my daughter is already 11 years old, and her success in education began when she was early age. At 2 years old, she spoke quite clearly in compound and complex sentences. And at the age of 5 I was already reading books on my own. The entire period between these ages was spent teaching my daughter to read. Is it a lot or a little - judge for yourself.

How to teach a child to talk is a separate topic; today we will only focus on how to learn the alphabet correctly. Word "Right" in this case it has a subjective connotation, since I will only share personal advice that has worked in life. But if you are a supporter of scientifically based methods, then they are also available. I will list them very briefly. And only then I will share my experience.

Methods for learning the alphabet

Most often, such developments are called by the name of the author. If you want to get to know them better and use them in your practice, then finding their descriptions will not be difficult - they are all available on the Internet.

Bakhtina's technique

Learning the Russian alphabet is based on creating a visual image or association. Simply put, you need to find an object that looks like a letter and at the same time begins with it. For example, the letter "B" can be associated with a hippopotamus, which has a big belly.

Montessori method

Memorizing letters according to this scheme occurs with the simultaneous operation of three types of analyzers: tactile, visual and auditory. That is, the child must see the letter, hear its sound and hold it in his hands. In this case, it is recommended to make letter layouts rough.

Zaitsev's technique

The study begins immediately with the syllables that are written on the game cubes. That is, we can say that the stage of familiarization with individual letters is not the first. Many teachers find both pros and cons in this.

Polyakov's technique

The main idea of ​​this development is the study of letter signs in consonant pairs. For example, “A – Z”, “O – E”. Vowels are considered first, then consonants. The latter also rhyme: “BA - BYA”. All paired combinations are summarized in a table for convenience, and the letters themselves should not be pronounced, but sung.

When to start teaching your child letters

This question does not have a clear and categorical answer. Child psychologists and teachers call different age levels. Some people think that you should start learning at 2 years old, others recommend at 5-6 years old. I remember when Lera went to first grade, one of the parents asked our teacher at the first meeting: “Does a child have to be able to read by the age of 7?” To which our teacher replied: “Don’t worry, we will teach you everything.”

It is believed that the sooner a child masters new knowledge and skills, the better. The development of thinking, logic, and memory is more active. Later, it is easier for the child to study at school and absorb information from different areas of knowledge.

However, this point of view is not shared by everyone. Some psychologists believe that there is no need to rush - you need to acquire new skills according to your age. In particular, learn letters and start reading at the age of 6-7 (as programmed by the school curriculum).

In my opinion, one conclusion suggests itself - in relation to your child, you have the right to choose any development path. If a baby shows curiosity, a desire to learn new things, he has the potential for more active development, then should he be restrained and wait until he is 5-6-7 years old? And, conversely, if the child is not yet ready to voluntarily master the alphabet, does not show interest and lacks perseverance, then one should not rush things.

The criteria by which it is determined that it is already possible to start learning letters:

  • The child speaks well, pronounces all sounds clearly and pronounces words correctly.
  • Shows perseverance or, in other words, concentration.
  • He expresses interest in information that is new to him.
  • The child has a good memory (primarily visual).
  • He loves to look at books and loves to have books read to him.

If you put a plus sign under all the points, then it’s time to start learning letters. Although regarding the last thesis I would not be so categorical. Life shows that not all children love books. And waiting for them to love them is pointless. For such kids, you can find other ways to learn letters, fortunately there are many of them.

As for my personal experience, then my daughter and I started learning about letters at about 2.5 years old. None modern techniques I didn’t use or even spend time reading and mastering them. And it all started very unobtrusively - with the gradual reading of the alphabet. There were no special 10-15 minute lessons. I only used these things and techniques that I recommend to you:

The order of mastering letters

Most often there are recommendations to start studying with vowels. And lastly, master the letters that are considered difficult - “Ш”, “Ц”, “Ч” and the like. You may or may not follow this rule. As for me, I did not adhere to such a principle. My daughter and I studied the alphabet randomly and the first ones were both vowels and consonants. Only “Y”, “b”, “b” were left for the finish line.

Pronunciation of letters

The child needs to name the sound that the letter makes, and not its name according to the Russian alphabet. That is, the abrupt “B”, not “Be”, the short “M”, not “eM”. It is also necessary to read the alphabet correctly, but this can be left “for later” (closer to the age of 7 or already at school), when the child learns the alphabet strictly in order.


Don’t just name the letter to your child, but ask him to repeat it. Even sing the sound together. Those letter signs that the child has already become familiar with can be found anywhere for reinforcement. For example, you are walking down the street, you see a sign “Pharmacy”, ask what the first letter is. If you bought cookies in the shape of the alphabet, ask your child to find familiar letters. While walking around, ask, among other things, what the word “Peacock” on the sign begins with.


Under no circumstances should you rush to learn the alphabet, especially if you started learning early - from 2, 3 or even 4 years old. Excessive pressure on your part can suppress interest and desire to learn letters. And don't forget to praise your child! A compliment received from you is an incentive to move forward!

Proceed to familiarizing yourself with and memorizing the next letter only after the child has firmly memorized all the previous ones. And reading and putting into syllables should be started only after the child knows the entire alphabet (even if not in order), that is, can name each letter without hesitation.


You should not overload your children with such activities. Still, for preschoolers, learning the alphabet is not a primary task. If you see that after five minutes the baby has lost interest in learning a new letter, switch his attention to something else. And come back to the alphabet another day. It will take months to learn letters with your child, so take your time.

What you need to learn letters

Books and ABCs

It is impossible to do without these helpers. Buy your child several different alphabet books (at least two). They should be bright and colorful. It is better if each letter is described in poetic form - children perceive rhyme faster.

Now there are alphabets in which sound applications are mounted. That is, you press a button in the book and a letter sounds. With such books, the child will be able to study independently.

Read to your child as much as possible so that he develops an interest in books. And you need to start reading from birth, and not wait until X hour. And books should be different in design and quality. For example, in our home library there were several colorful books with CDs on which the text of a fairy tale from the book was recorded. I turned on the disc, and my daughter sat with a book in her hands, listened and “read,” turning the pages in time. She could not read then, but I think that the desire and desire were spurred on well.


The easiest way to learn letters is by playing. And children do this type of activity all the time, so all you have to do is play along with your baby. There are many ready-made games and creative supplies that can be adapted for learning letters:

  • lotto;
  • mosaic;
  • coloring books;
  • colored crayons;
  • constructor;
  • plasticine.

Didactic material

This includes various cards with written letters, a magnetic board, cubes, posters with the alphabet (including sound ones). Many of these things will come in handy later, when you have to add syllables and words. We had magnetic letters, and later even the refrigerator was covered with words from them - from a child’s point of view, it turns out that this is more interesting than on the board.

If with a choice of alphabet and another printed products If you have problems learning letters, you can look for something suitable here this showcase. There are many wonderful colorful alphabet books and manuals, so choosing the materials your child needs will not be difficult. We had many of these things at home.


It’s hard to imagine a child’s life without cartoons. And it’s great when they can be combined with homeschooling. To reinforce the new letter, turn on the desired cartoon series for your child.

Nowadays there are a lot of different animated series on this topic. These are the episodes with Luntik, with Auntie Sovunya, with Leva’s truck. There are other, less famous cartoons. Here's one of them. See how the letter “A” is introduced in this cartoon:

I hope that you will not have problems learning letters with your child. And you will do it correctly, focusing not only on the advice, but also on the temperament and abilities of your baby.

I wish you success! Nadezhda Goryunova

Despite the development of new technologies, video and online learning without the ability to read well to modern man It is impossible to achieve success in any business. That’s why caring parents are so eager to teach their kids to read and write, and this needs to start with learning the Russian alphabet. But what if the child doesn't want to learn letters? Then we learn letters for children 5-6 years old by playing with the alphabet.

There are completely different opinions regarding the age at which children should start learning the alphabet, each of which is accompanied by convincing arguments. Supporters early development They encourage you to start as early as possible - at least a year. Other experts convincingly prove that such an early introduction to the alphabet is pointless: the baby’s brain has not yet matured and he is unlikely to read at 2 or 3 years old.

Even knowing the letters, correlating them with sounds, children are not yet ready to put them into syllables at 2-3 years old. Therefore, without going to extremes, teachers advise starting to introduce children to the alphabet at the age of 3. Do this at first simply by paying attention to them and naming the sounds that correspond to them. Teach through play, without requiring the child to memorize.

You can start learning the alphabet and numbers from the age of 4, so that you can slowly, calmly master it and learn to read and write a little by school.

How to easily and quickly learn letters with your child?

No matter what age you decide to teach your preschooler the alphabet, the main thing is not only to teach, but also not to instill in him an aversion to the learning process itself. Therefore, classes should be short and take the form of a game. Today, to help parents teaching children 3-5 years old the Russian alphabet, there are songs, educational games, cartoons, and videos that can be watched online. All this helps to teach your child the alphabet and numbers in a fun and easy way. This needs to be done correctly.

  • Do not try to learn the entire Russian alphabet with your child at once. It is advised to start with vowels and learn two letters throughout the week. When the children have learned them, move on to the next ones.
  • When introducing children to consonants, you need to pronounce the sounds correctly, not as the letters are called, but as we pronounce them: B, not BE, V, not VE. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for a 4-5 year old child to put them into syllables.
  • When teaching the alphabet with children 4-5 years old, be sure to associate letters with words so that the child hears them in the word and understands what they mean. For example, we introduce U and clearly say “U-litka”, “U-ho”, etc.
  • Learning and remembering occurs best through own actions child, so let him sculpt, color, cut out the alphabet and numbers.
  • When learning, use the association method, when each letter is associated with some image - a sound or a picture.
  • When the child learns even a few letters from which they can form a word, start doing this.
  • Don't forget to praise your baby.

Educational cartoons for children. Learning letters ABC in verses Alphabet from A to Z

Coloring pages

One of the most simple ways To associate a letter in memory with the baby’s personal action is to print out coloring pages with the alphabet and give them to him. You can do this for free by finding coloring pages on the appropriate sites and downloading them.

Artists select pictures that will strengthen the association with this letter and thereby help to visually remember it better. When the child traces and colors the letter, he is simultaneously preparing to write it. These educational coloring pages can be printed, or you can find coloring books online.

Flash games

Training is best done in real life, but today many educational games, cartoons, videos can be found and used online. This should not be the main way of learning, although children really like educational cartoons, videos, and flash games. They can be a good addition to your regular learning activities - modeling, playing with blocks, coloring, reading poetry and learning songs.

There are several types of flash games that teach children the alphabet.

  1. Search for objects starting with the required letter.
  2. Place it in the right place.
  3. Find the letter.
  4. Find a pair of letters, etc.

When a preschooler plays online, parents should be nearby and help him. And also make sure that the baby does not play for too long.

Very tasty letters

It’s good if the alphabet is associated with something pleasant and fun, and not boring and difficult. One way to achieve this is to make the letters edible. There are many ways to do this:

  • Bake “alphabet” cookies;
  • Cut out pieces from apples and bananas (sticks, circles, halves of a circle) and put them together in the alphabet with your child;
  • Use jam and condensed milk to draw the alphabet on pancakes or pancakes.

Board games with letters

Today you can buy different board games with the alphabet, starting with cubes and ending with lotto, puzzles or dominoes. When purchasing such games, choose ones with simple, clear pictures and clear lettering. The simpler it is, the easier it is for the child to remember them.

Hello, precious readers!

Kids are able to quickly remember information, so learning letters in a playful way will go almost unnoticed for them, but will significantly facilitate the further process of learning to read.

The main thing is that the classes are interesting and fun, in this case the child will start classes with pleasure, and they will not turn into a routine.

Rules for conducting classes

When should we start?

It is better to start learning letters from 3 to 4 years old; at this age the baby can concentrate well and the mother will be able to convey the meaning of what is happening.

There are methods that suggest starting studying from 1 to 2 years old; do not rush and overload.

But in order to become familiar with letters and words from about 2 years old. It is useful to hang cards with the names of objects around the house, and on occasion, read them and draw the child’s attention to the word and the object it represents.

This method will help the baby visually remember the word and, during future learning to read, read already familiar words faster, without dividing them into syllables.

To facilitate the learning process, it will be useful to purchase the alphabet in the form of a book or board. The letters can be magnetic or drawn on cards; show them periodically and pronounce the sounds.

Hang a colorful alphabet poster in your child's room so that your child can easily approach it.

In order for the process to become a game, you need to choose an unusual way of presenting information.

For example, offer to collect letters from the picture, from different objects: cereals, small toys, pebbles, sand.

Mom can draw a stencil of a letter on a small cardboard card and ask her to color it, covering it with plasticine, or use glue and improvised means to decorate the letter with beads, bows, cereals, and sparkles. You can sew a beautiful alphabet from felt, for example.

It will be a pleasure for your child to study with such a homemade alphabet.

For children over 5 years old, offer the game “Find the Letter”, print out a small text and ask them to underline or circle a certain letter that you have started learning, and then use a different color to indicate those letters that the child already knows.

Great fun and in an effective way A song will help you quickly learn the alphabet. Rhymed text is much easier to remember.

Of course, parents should purchase various developmental aids. There are many tasks in them, by completing which the baby will remember letters, words and, most likely, will begin to add syllables.

There are several methods that teach reading not through letters, but with the help of words or syllables.

Zaitsev’s technique also offers specially developed material in the form of cubes, which differ in color, shape and, of course, composition. You can collect words from them and easily teach your child to read.

Examples of activities

  1. If your child already has some reading skills, you can use a little trick to motivate him.
  1. Ask for help. Children are very responsive, and a son or daughter will definitely want to help mom remember letters or words that she unexpectedly forgot.
  2. Swap places. Offer to play school, only you will become a student, and the baby will be a teacher who will teach mom to pronounce letters or read.

Children are inventive and perhaps in the process of playing you will learn a new method that you yourself will resort to in the future.

  1. Go to group classes. Some children need an example or a competitive moment; the group will be motivated to improve their knowledge.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that there is no need to put pressure and demand too much.

If for some reason the child does not succeed or has no desire, there is no need to insist. Try a different game or stop trying for a while, but don't stop completely.

Try and choose what your baby likes. Each child is individual and will learn everything in their own time.

Smile and develop, write in the comments how you learn letters with your child.