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Firstly, paying taxes. If we turn to Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, then it says that income that a citizen received as a gift is exempt from taxes. But only if both parties to the agreement are relatives or members of the same family in accordance with the RF IC. According to the Family Code, the above category includes spouses, parents and their children, including adoptive parents and adopted children.

Grandmothers, grandfathers and grandchildren. Brothers and sisters, even if they only have a common father or mother.

If relatives have other more distant family ties such as nephews, aunts and uncles, cousins ​​and other types of kinship, then in this case the recipient of this type of “gift” will need to pay 13% income tax.

Secondly, the procedure for registering the donation of an apartment more profitable and convenient in relationships between relatives. If parents make this kind of gift especially to an adult child who is married, then the parents will be calmer that in the event of a divorce, that the second spouse will not be able to claim the donated part in the apartment, or the apartment itself. This norm is spelled out in Article 36 of the Family Code of Russia.

Third, civil Code gives certain guarantees to the donor regarding own life and security, and in case of questionable actions of relatives, the donor can cancel the donation and demand the return of the donated item in safety.

So, how to donate an apartment?

Step-by-step instructions for donating an apartment

What is needed to donate an apartment?

The act of donation can be performed by both physical and legal entities. The process of donating an apartment complex procedure, requiring legal confirmation of the transaction, not only verbally. This is the conclusion of a gift agreement or, as it is also called, a deed of gift.

We do everything according to the law

Based on the law, it is not necessary to complete such a transaction with a notary; you can do it yourself. If you prepare a deed of gift yourself, the process will consist of two stages.

  1. Drawing up a gift agreement yourself.
  2. Register it with Companies House.

When completing a transaction independently, without the presence of a notary, it is necessary to indicate in the contract Full name of participants, their passport details, where they are registered. It is imperative to clearly indicate the subject of the agreement: Name and characteristics of the property being transferred, indicating the title document. The area of ​​the apartment, its address, number of floors. Others individual characteristics and objects. Specific objects must be specified. When drawing up and executing a gift agreement, the price of the alienated property may not be indicated, because the property is transferred free of charge.

Contacting a notary office is necessary when the parties insist on it, or there are some questions or nuances that have not been fully clarified, and a notary will help in these matters and draw up a legally competent text of the document. In this case, you will have to pay a fee for the services provided.

The process of donating an apartment involves visiting a notary, but this is an optional procedure, and interested parties can draw up an agreement on their own. Another important advantage of registering with a notary is that you can always turn to him later for a copy of the contract, for example, in case of loss of a document.

Where can I register the donation of an apartment?

After drawing up the document and detailed formulation of all important points in the test, it is signed by the interested parties, and everyone gathers Required documents, then the transaction is registered in the Department of State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography at the location of the real estate.

Documents for donating an apartment

A deed of donation is one of the documents for registering the donation of an apartment, certifying the free transfer on a voluntary basis by the owner of the apartment (donor) in favor of another person (the donee) of all his property rights or the property itself. In another way, this document is called a deed of gift

There are some peculiarities of drawing up a deed of donation:

  1. When drawing up, no responsibilities should be assigned to the donee. After all, this type of transaction involves a gratuitous donation.
  2. It is also impossible to indicate in the document that the apartment will become personal property only in the event of the death of the donor. There is another document for this called a will.
  3. The recipient may refuse the gift even before the moment of donation.

There are cases when the conclusion of a deed of gift is prohibited:

  1. Representatives of minors and incapacitated people without appropriate permission from the guardianship authorities.
  2. Workers of various medical and educational institutions. Representatives of social protection authorities in which these persons undergo treatment or education.

Family relationships

When registering a deed of gift, you must pay attention to the issue of family relationships. If the apartment for which the donor wishes to make a gift deed also belongs to the spouse and other family members or relatives, then mandatory their consent, certified through a notary, is required.

In some cases, the consent of the trustee or guardian is required if there are minors or incapacitated persons in the apartment. Or you will need to issue an additional power of attorney if the issue of registration will be handled by a trusted person.

If part of an apartment or house

If the donor owns part of the apartment, which is owned by several persons, then in the case of drawing up such an agreement, the consent of all parties will be required, notarized by each party. If minor children are co-owners, then consent to similar procedure must be given by parents or guardians.

You may find it interesting, which describes the procedure for selling an apartment with minor children.

The procedure for giving a gift to a minor has some subtleties. Everything will depend on the age of the minor. If the child is not yet fourteen years old, then all documents drawn up are signed as usual by his legal representatives - parents or guardians.

If the child already has fourteen cases during the transaction period, then documents must be signed by the child himself and his guardians. Both the minor and his guardians must be present at the time of the transaction. The donor’s application may stipulate special conditions and the moment of full ownership of the apartment: marriage or receipt higher education. And until these conditions are documented, the donee cannot take full possession of this property.

It happens that at the time when the donor wants to formalize a gift transaction, a minor child lives or is registered in the apartment, then permission from the guardianship authorities is necessary to complete such a transaction.

Is it possible for the donor to retain the right to the donated living space? The donor is the same at the time of donation and the owner can reserve the right to own a certain part of the housing and live in it until a certain point in time or for life.

All conditions and rights of the donor are indicated in the deed of gift.

Cancellation of deed of gift special cases . In practice, it is almost difficult to mark a gift agreement. This entire procedure must be challenged in court, with the following evidence provided.

  1. That there was a loss of health of the donor or a deterioration in his standard of living as a result of these actions.
  2. The donee commits illegal acts against the donor.
  3. The recipient refused the apartment.

You can challenge the cancellation of a deed of gift within the first three years after the transaction and if the grounds are sufficient. Most often, a deed of gift is disputed when there was complete fraud.

When drawing up a deed of donation, the donor must clearly and clearly understand that he is alienating the property belonging to him during his lifetime in favor of another. And if the donor still intends to transfer the apartment after his death, then it is better to make a will.

The gift agreement does not specify such conditions. It is then considered invalid.

If the donor does not want his donated apartment to become the property of his heirs after the sudden death of the recipient, then it is possible to stipulate in the gift agreement that at the time of such a case the agreement loses its force. If old man If you would like to donate your apartment to someone who will take care of it, you can enter into a rental agreement. Under a rental agreement, an apartment can also be alienated free of charge; with this type of agreement, donation rules also apply.

The apartment received as a result of the act of donation is subject to personal income tax. In this case, the 3-NDFL declaration is filled out and submitted to tax office, in which the recipient of the gift must confirm that he received income and pay tax. It should be noted that in paragraph 18 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation there are clarifications that indicate that if the donee is a close relative of the donor, then this person is exempt from paying taxes.

Relationship must be documented with the provision of these documents to the tax office. If the relationship is not very close, uncles and aunts and their nephews or not relatives at all, then it is necessary to file a declaration and pay tax. The printed and submitted declaration must be accompanied by copies of your passport and deed of gift, which must indicate the market value of the donated apartment.


After completing a transaction between the parties, all participants must submit an application to the registration chamber for the recipient of the donation object in order for the donation of the apartment to be registered. The following documents are also attached to the application.

List of documents for donating an apartment:

  1. Statement.
  2. Identification documents of participants - passports.
  3. Deed of donation, in several copies. For each participant and for Rosreestr.
  4. Marriage agreement, if one of the participants is married.
  5. Documents that establish ownership of an object.
  6. If the owner of the apartment is married, then a notarized permission is required for the gift to the other spouse or co-owner of the apartment.
  7. Tax payment certificate.
  8. Cadastral passport (issued by BTI).
  9. If one of the participants is a minor, then the consent of the guardian or guardianship council is given.
  10. Power of attorney when executing a contract by an authorized person.

When registering a deed of gift, an agreement is drawn up for some part of the apartment or its share, taking into account the following points.

  1. Passports of all parties to the agreement.
  2. What part of the total living space will be owned by the recipient; it is even possible to donate some part of the existing share.
  3. Address where the apartment is located, floor.
  4. The number is indicated square meters, calculated from total area housing.
  5. Certificate about the number of co-owners in this apartment.
  6. Additional terms and conditions. At this point, the donor can indicate that he will remain to reside on some part of the share for a certain period, or for life.

Further steps for registering a deed of gift are the same as for full registration. In this case, the state duty on the deed of gift is paid in the amount of 1000 rubles.

After paying the fee and accepting all available documents, both parties sign an application drawn up by the registrar.

The registrar takes all the necessary documents, copies and originals, except passports, and receipts are issued to the parties, which will indicate the dates when they can come for certificates certifying the right to transfer ownership of the apartment or its share. After the recipient receives the certificate, he already becomes the legal owner of the apartment donated to him.

Apartment gift tax

Is it taxable?

The Tax Code considers receiving gratuitous gifts as income, and income, as everyone knows, are subject to income tax of 13%. Therefore, the donee must pay the above tax. But this issue also has its own nuances.

No tax is paid. If the donor and recipient are close relatives. Husband and wife, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, as well as brothers and sisters who have only one parent in the family: mother or father.

You will also be interested to learn about calculating personal income tax when selling an apartment - more on that in.

Amount and calculation

At 13%. If the donor and recipient are not close relatives. This is related to the standard question “what is the tax when donating an apartment?” What about the not-so-standard ones?

Non-resident must pay 30%. A non-resident is a person who is a citizen of another state. Also a citizen of the Russian Federation who was in Russia for less than 186 days a year. Although the rate can be clarified in accordance with international contract law. Some countries conclude additional agreements to avoid double taxation.

The basis for calculating the amount of tax is the cadastral value of the donated apartment or share in it. As usual, the gift agreement does not indicate the value of the donated real estate.

If the recipient has no reason not to pay tax, then he must submit an income tax return to the tax service after the end of the year in which the gift was made to him, but no later than the end of April. If the declaration is not filed, you will have to pay a fine.

Tax payment when donating an apartment must be paid before July 15 next year after signing the contract, or a fine of 20% of the tax amount will be imposed.

Ways to reduce

In order to avoid paying tax if the apartment did not come from a relative, you can also enter into an agreement for the sale of the apartment, without transferring money to each other. Then the donor will already act as a seller, and the recipient of the gift will be a buyer. One nuance must be taken into account so that the seller has owned this property for more than three years, then the tax is not paid.

If the property is owned for up to three years, then you will have to pay 13% if the transaction amount is more than 1 million rubles. If the contract specifies a cost of 5 million rubles, then it will be necessary pay tax on 4 million rubles.

It should be borne in mind that the tax in this type of transaction, as usual, must be paid by the donor. But sometimes it is in the donor’s interests for the recipient to pay the tax.

How to determine the cost of an apartment? A person who has received an apartment or part of it as a gift can be provided with a certificate of appraised value from the BTI, or an opinion from an independent real estate appraiser. But it should be noted that tax service calculates the tax based on the prevailing market prices for real estate.

Other state duties and expenses

Other expenses include:

  1. Payment of state fees when drawing up a deed of donation with the help of a notary.
  2. Payment for notary services.
  3. Payment of state duty when donating an apartment in the amount of 1000 rubles when submitting an application to the registration chamber.

In general, it should be noted that the process and procedure for donating an apartment is a rather complex and multifaceted issue in which it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the pros and cons, especially since the participants often become fairly close relatives who may still have to have close relationships for many years. And therefore it is necessary to try as much as possible to take into account all the existing and possible nuances in the future.

It would be best if the interested parties to the upcoming agreement study all the various points in more detail and consult with specialists who are knowledgeable and have practice in such matters. Still, it is better to conclude an agreement of this nature with a knowledgeable notary. After all, donating an apartment is not a daily purchase.

A deed of gift is a procedure for the gratuitous transfer of real estate between people, regardless of family ties. Actively used for transactions between close people.

But there are situations when lonely elderly people arrange an apartment as a gift to complete strangers. This is most often due to the fact that neighbors provide care for them, social workers, private individuals. There is an agreement between them that lonely old people are under the supervision and care of strangers, and as payment for services they transfer their property to them. Such an agreement has two sides to the coin:

  • Executing a gift agreement is an advantageous offer for the recipient. Compared to the cost of housing, the costs of registering property are relatively small: state duty for registration actions and income tax in the amount of 13% of market value apartments.
  • On the other hand, this is a rather dangerous real estate transaction for the donor himself. Immediately after drawing up the agreement and registering it with Rosreestr, the donor loses all rights to his property. From now on new owner has the right of ownership of the residential premises.

It should also be noted that civil servants, social and medical workers do not have the right to participate in these transactions as the receiving party.

What are the requirements for participants in a deed of gift transaction?

The legality of the procedure for registering the donation of an apartment is of particular importance in this case. Here you need to pay attention to some requirements that apply to both parties involved in the transaction:

  • Age restrictions. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person under 18 years of age cannot act as a donor. If the recipient is a child under 14 years of age, he does not have the right to sign. In this case, all documents for accepting the apartment as a gift are signed by parents, guardians, and legal representatives. Children over 14 years of age have the right to sign all legal documents independently.
  • Civil law. An apartment donation agreement cannot be signed by persons who are incapacitated and registered in a psychoneurological dispensary. All actions with real estate can be carried out by their legal representatives and guardians. They also have the right to sign documents of a legal and legal nature. A deed of gift can be invalidated if the donor, at the time of the transaction, was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Also, if a deed of gift is issued to an incapacitated person, then all documentation of acceptance of the gift is confirmed by the signature of the guardian.
  • Both parties must express full consent to the transaction.
  • Property is accepted as a gift only during the life of the donor. Otherwise, the apartment is an inheritance, which changes the conditions for registering it as the property of the new owner.

Failure to comply with one of the above conditions allows you to cancel the transaction.

How is a deed of gift drawn up between relatives?

Registration of a deed of gift for an apartment between relatives is carried out on a general basis. They are subject to the same requirements as when making a transaction between strangers. There is a small circumstance here that allows you not to register a document with a notary. The deed of gift can be submitted along with the rest of the documents to the property registration authority. You must have a receipt for payment of the state duty with you. An important requirement is the presence of both parties when transferring documents to Rosreestr.

It is also important to consider the degree of relationship. When making real estate transactions, belonging to the first line matters, namely:

  • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
  • Parents, adoptive parents;
  • Children are natural or adopted;
  • Grandchildren;
  • Brothers and sisters are natural or half-siblings, that is, having one common parent.

Persons included in this list, when receiving property as a gift, are exempt from paying income tax, which is 13% of the cost of the apartment. In all other cases, regardless of family relations, the recipient must pay the tax in full.

What documents are needed to register a deed of gift?

A deed of gift, like any real estate transaction, requires the preparation of an appropriate package of documents for registration of ownership to a loved one, namely:

  • A gift agreement drawn up in free form or notarized. It is preferable to have a legally correct document, which will serve as a guarantee of the irreversibility of the transaction, even in court.
  • Passports of all participants, including guardians and legal representatives;
  • A document defining the marital status of the donor;
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment;
  • Technical and cadastral passports for residential premises;
  • Conclusion on the appraised value of real estate;
  • If an incapacitated person is involved in the transaction, then documents from the guardianship authorities are required;
  • An extract from the house register, if necessary, a photocopy of it;
  • An extract from the EIRC confirming the absence of utility debts;
  • Certificate of absence of encumbrances;
  • Written, notarized consent of other owners of the premises, subject to their availability;
  • Certificates of legal capacity of the parties to the transaction from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries.

What are the validity periods of the deed of gift?

The property is transferred to the new owner as a gift after the final registration of ownership with the relevant authorities. Here's what you need to remember:

  • The gift agreement has a validity period of 12 months. After this time, it loses its legal force. If the apartment is not registered as the property of the recipient, then the contract must be drawn up again.
  • The agreement has legal force only during the life of the donor. If during this time the property is not re-registered, then the apartment then has the status of inheritance and cannot be transferred as a gift.

The time frame for re-registration of real estate differs in different regions. The average time for registration of registered property is 7 - 18 days. If you need to pay income tax, it is important to remember that you must submit your declaration to the tax authorities within the deadlines established by law.

A donation agreement for an apartment is drawn up when it is necessary to transfer residential premises to someone free of charge according to the rules provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The rules of Art. 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Chapter 32 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The deed of gift is considered one of the most reliable documents. It is difficult to challenge; it requires compelling reasons.

However, to prevent this from happening, it is important to compose it correctly. Particular attention should be paid to the points that should be in the text of the document:

  • information about the donor (full name, passport details, place of residence);
  • information about the recipient;
  • characteristics and definition of the subject of the transaction. If this is housing, then it is necessary, on the basis of title documents, to indicate in the contract the area, location address, number of rooms and other important data;
  • the presence of special conditions. If the donor wishes to retain the lifelong right to reside in the donated object, he has the right to indicate this in the text;
  • date of transfer of the gift or promise of future transfer;
  • signatures of the donee and the donor.

An agreement on the transfer of property as a gift can be drawn up in a simple writing. The law does not oblige the parties to the transaction to notarize it.

The procedure for drawing up an agreement depends on whether it is drawn up independently, or whether the parties have turned to a notary for help.

Procedure for drawing up an agreement for an apartment

The gift agreement is drawn up in a certain order. Moreover, the sequence of actions of the parties to the transaction is determined depending on whether they draw up the agreement themselves or turn to a notary for this.

Independent registration of a deed of gift for an apartment

If the parties decide to draw up an agreement document on their own, they must be guided by the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and use a sample document. It is enough to draw it up in simple written form and sign it by the donor and the recipient.

  1. Contact the MFC or the registration authority at the location of the property.
  2. Payment of the state fee for issuing a certificate.
  3. Submitting an application for registration with the required documents attached. In exchange for the papers received, the employee who accepted them will issue a receipt and indicate the date of application for the result.
  4. Waiting for registration and contacting the registration authority on the appointed day. You must have a receipt for accepting documents with you.
  5. Obtaining a completed certificate or a reasoned refusal to issue it.

If we receive a refusal, we correct the shortcomings and resubmit the application.

The package of documents that must be submitted for registration includes:

  • statement;
  • a document of title confirming that the gift was the property of the donor;
  • passports of the parties to the transaction;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • other papers required in a particular case.

After receiving the certificate, registration of real estate ownership is considered completed. However, if the recipient is not a close relative of the donor, you will have to pay 13% of the value of the gifted object as tax.

When contacting a notary to draw up and certify a deed of gift, the following advantages are revealed:

  • no errors in the content of the document. The notary will draw up everything correctly and take into account the legal requirements for the deed of gift form;
  • reducing the chances of challenging the deed of gift;
  • independent work of a notary with documents and state registration.

However, drawing up a gift agreement with a notary has disadvantages. All of them consist of increasing the cost of drawing up a contract, which will consist of:

  • payment for the services of a specialist who has the right to charge cash for consulting and other services;
  • payment of state duty. It is charged for certification;
  • tax on income from a gift if the donee is not a close relative of the donor;
  • state duty for registration of rights. When registering with a notary, if he himself draws up the state registration, the state fee is paid to him, and he will pay it to the registering authority.

Gift to a relative

An agreement to transfer property free of charge in favor of a relative is drawn up in the same way as in favor of another person. The difference lies solely in the cost of registration. Moreover, what kind of relative the recipient is is of decisive importance.

If registration takes place in a notary's office, then a significant difference is in the amount of the state fee. Namely, in favor of parents, children, spouse and grandchildren, the rate of the state duty for certification of the deed of gift is equal depending on the value of the gift:

  • up to 10 million rubles the duty will be 3,000 rubles + 0.2% of the estimated value of the donated property;
  • more than 10 million rubles – 23,000 + 0.1% of the assessed value of the property, which is over 10 million.

For donations in favor of other persons, the amount of the duty is depending on the value of the donated property:

  • less than 1 million rubles – 3000 rubles + 0.4% of the estimated amount;
  • from 1 to 10 million – 7000 rub. + 0.2% of the estimated value of the donated property, over 1 million rubles;
  • more than 10 million rubles – 25,000 rubles + 0.1% of the amount, above 10 million rubles, but in the end no more than 500,000.

In addition, the existence of the obligation to pay tax depends on the presence and proximity of the relationship. If the donee is a close relative of the donor, he is exempt from paying tax on the income received as a result of the transaction.

Where to draw up an agreement

The deed of real estate does not require mandatory notarization. This is what gives the parties to the donation the right to make a transaction anywhere. Further actions of the participants in the gift transaction should be based on the need to register ownership. The recipient must contact the registration authority, where the registration of ownership of the apartment will continue and will end with the receipt of a certificate of state registration of title.

Agreement to donate an apartment for my son

Drawing up an agreement to transfer property as a gift to a son does not differ from the standard procedure. As the donee, you must register your son’s details: his full name, passport details, etc.

Drawing up such a paper allows you to avoid paying tax on income.

This is due to the presence of close family ties between the parties to the transaction.

In addition, if the transaction is executed by a notary, the state fee for certification is paid at a reduced rate.

How to register a gift share of an apartment

The agreement can be drawn up not only for the entire living space, but also for a share. The donor, owning the whole apartment, has the right to donate part of it. In addition, the donor himself can only be the owner of a share of the real estate that he has the right to donate.

Registration of a transaction for a share of living space is carried out according to general rules inherent in drawing up a deed of gift. However, in the text of the document it is important to correctly indicate exactly the share that goes to the donee.

The amount of state duty and all other expenses arising during the transaction are calculated in the same way as for other types of property.

Thus, a gift agreement can be drawn up for many types of property, both in favor of a relative and in favor of another person. Expenses when drawing up a gift agreement arise depending on various factors. If the deed of gift is drawn up independently, then the costs will be minimal. If a notary is involved in the case, then the costs will be higher.

There are several ways to draw up an apartment donation agreement. Legislatively, the choice of method falls on the shoulders of the parties involved in the transaction.

The parties have the right:

  • conclude and sign an agreement independently without the participation of professional lawyers, notaries, etc.;
  • contact a notary for certification and assistance in drawing up the registration.

The form of the apartment donation agreement is provided as a simple written one.

What documents are required?

What is needed to draw up a deed of gift for an apartment? To draw up the text of the gift agreement, the parties need to prepare. To do this you should:

  • passport of the donor and data of the donee;
  • consent to make a gift of property purchased during marriage from the second spouse;
  • power of attorney, if a representative is involved in the case;
  • papers on the property being donated. This includes documents on ownership and the method of obtaining an apartment (purchase and sale, donation, certificate of inheritance);
    documents of the legal representative, if he is involved in the case.

Usually no additional paperwork is required. However, in order to issue a deed of gift for an apartment, it is necessary that all collected documents meet the requirements of reality and authenticity.

Where to submit?

After signing the contract, you must submit it with all papers attached to Rosreestr.

This is required for state registration of the right to the received apartment.

After submitting the papers, the responsible employee will issue a receipt, with which you should apply for the finished result.

Receipt times

After the documents are submitted to state registration, interested parties you will have to wait up to 14 days. This period is allotted for checking documents and preparing a certificate of ownership.

The period may be shorter if the employment of Rosreestr employees is relatively low.

Cost and state duty

For registration of a deed of gift for an apartment without the participation of a notary, no fee is charged. However, if his consultation, certification of a contract or legal advice was required, then you will have to pay for the corresponding services.

How much is the state duty? In other cases, the obligatory payment will be the state duty on the gift deed in Rosreestr in the amount of 2000 rubles.

It is unlikely that anyone can refuse to draw up or certify a deed of gift.

However, under certain circumstances, this agreement may be invalidated in the future.

Registration of rights may be denied if the complete package of documents is not submitted or they are compiled incorrectly.

If the deficiencies are eliminated, interested parties can apply again.

Features and nuances

When drawing up any contract, difficulties and various difficulties arise.

Besides, The emergence of nuances depends on the choice of method for drawing up a deed of gift And controversial issues.


How to draw up a gift deed for an apartment yourself? When filling out the text of the deed of gift yourself attention must be paid to correctness and accuracy.

If any errors are made in the text, then subsequently the risk of challenging the transaction increases. In addition, the donor must have full legal capacity.

At the notary

When registering through a notary, the parties you just need to provide the correct data and documents. The notary will carry out all the necessary actions independently. The parties only have to pick up the certificate of registration of the right after it is ready.

Is it possible to draw up a gift deed without a notary?

If the parties do not want to draw up an agreement themselves, but also do not want to contact a notary office.

In this case, you can issue a deed of gift for an apartment without a notary, using the services of the MFC.

There they carry out all the necessary actions and hand over the package for registration.

The main feature of this method is payment MFC services, which entails additional expenses for transaction participants.

If you are in another city

How to issue a deed of gift for an apartment in another city? If any of the parties is away, it is better to use the services of a representative by proxy. In this case, there will be no obstacles.

However, it is better to choose someone you can trust, and also draw up a power of attorney correctly. It specifies a list of actions entrusted to the representative and the validity period.

Thus, You can draw up a donation agreement for an apartment yourself or with the help of a specialist. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. However, it is important to properly prepare for drafting and registration so that the transaction is not challenged or invalidated in the future.

Now you know how to make a deed of gift for an apartment and how much it costs, we hope our article was useful to you.

Useful video

You will learn everything you need to know about registering a deed of gift for an apartment in this video: