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Testing laboratory. Laboratory

Today, when purchasing a product, buyers do not always look at the label, and no one even talks about the quality certificate for products. Few people know that it is possible to conduct appropriate research and do microbiological studies of food products. For example, in the Vesta testing laboratory.

According to famous world scientists, the main reason for the poor health of people, especially those who live in a metropolis, is the poor ecology of products. They are conventionally divided into two types: plant and animal origin. For faster growth and development, agricultural crops are generously flavored with fertilizers. They are often used in uncontrolled quantities. The quality of the land that is used for these purposes also plays an important role.

On modern enterprises and factories in production widely use dyes, preservatives, as well as flavor and aroma enhancers. Microbiological studies of food products confirm the negative impact of all these additives on the human body; they can cause kidney and liver diseases. Therefore, food quality control is a mandatory measure.

Useful information for customers:

  • TR CU 034/2013 “On the safety of meat and meat products” dated October 9, 2013.
  • TR CU 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products” dated October 9, 2013
  • TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products” dated December 9, 2011
  • SaNPiN “Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products”

Our advantages

IL "Vesta" is accredited in the Russian Accreditation system to carry out testing work in accordance with the scope of accreditation.

Implemented and operating QMS.

Has a License Federal service for supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being No. 01.07 dated 01/29/2007 for activities related to the use of infectious disease agents (work with microorganisms of 3-4 pathogenicity groups).

Availability of our own vehicle fleet (7 cars). All are equipped refrigeration equipment, to comply with all methods for delivering samples to the laboratory.

The latest analytical equipment, constant replenishment of the instrument base.

Trust from large retailers.

3.2 / 5 ( 35 votes)

Food examination is a procedure absolutely necessary in cases where we're talking about not just about the discrepancy between the contents of the packaging and the declared level of quality or other gross violations consumer rights. Dangerous excess of nitrites or nitrates, chemically aggressive substances, pathogenic microorganisms - check food products often prevents a whole range of problems associated with high risks of poisoning or other serious harm to health. But a simple express analysis using a tester rarely gives satisfactory results.

It will be much more effective and reliable to entrust this type of work to specialists from sanitary services.

A simple examination of water or food products, wine, or other types of goods that can be harmful to health when identifying substandard components can protect your health from serious danger. And the help of qualified experts in this case will be very useful. After all, the analysis must be carried out exclusively in a sanitary laboratory certified to perform this type of work.

Why do you need to contact the laboratory?

Checking products for quality is a rather complex process. It is, of course, possible to conduct rapid tests using regular soda - as many advise in case of doubt about the quality of milk. But they are unlikely to help identify the authenticity of the wine or prove the fact of falsification of a product under a well-known brand.

Rospotrebnadzor quite clearly points out the specifics of conducting expert research. They must be carried out taking into account established regulations. And in conclusions and when presenting reports orally, experts can tell and explain many subtleties regarding the percentage of certain substances, including dangerous, toxic or harmful to health.

Experts give advice:

An analysis by any method, be it the study of microbiological indicators of food or the search for nitrates in vegetables, should only be carried out by a specialist with experience and the necessary qualifications. It is dangerous to trust random people to carry out work based on an advertisement in a newspaper. Such “experts” often turn out to be banal sellers of expensive disposable testers.

Which products require special attention?

An examination of the quality of food products can be carried out both at the request of consumers and at the request of the manufacturer itself or supervisory authorities. Among the priority areas of research are:

  • seafood;
  • dairy products and milk;
  • meat and offal;
  • fruits and vegetables.

The use of artificial raw materials, the use of antibiotics when raising farm animals, exceeding the standards for the content of toxic and poisonous substances - all this is relevant for both meat and fish that end up on the table of the Russian consumer. Needless to say, the nutritional value of such “healthy” and “natural” products does not stand up to criticism. And the very first check of product quality affects the reputation of the seller or manufacturer itself.

What are the purposes of expert research?

There are many reasons to submit samples of food or the raw materials from which it is made for testing. Among the most common arguments mentioned in cases where product examination is carried out is the desire to ensure the safety of agricultural products used for food. Those same “cucumbers from the garden” are often filled with nitrates to such an extent that they cause severe allergic reactions in adults and children. And fresh meat, sold suspiciously cheaply through friends, simply did not pass veterinary and sanitary control. But stereotypes still make this product of dubious quality popular and relevant.

Timely inspection of the quality of products helps to identify sources of potential danger and provides opportunities to identify non-compliance of their quality with the stated standards and regulations. Using laboratory testing, it is possible to identify irregularities in the composition of the product.

Where is the examination carried out?

Today, laboratory research can be carried out by both public and private organizations that have managed to obtain the necessary permits Rospotrebnadzor. Licensed specialists conduct inspections of drinks, prepared foods, semi-finished products, examine mushrooms and berries (wild), and check grocery products to identify violations in their composition. Based on the results of the experts’ work, reporting documentation is drawn up, which sets out information about the results of the identified violations. A sanitary and epidemiological examination of dietary supplements, microbiological testing, and a search for traces of GMOs can also be performed.

Our concrete-mixing plant BETONBASE has its own laboratory, which allows us to produce consistently high-quality products. Each stage of concrete production takes place under the careful supervision of qualified employees. Every day they check that the proportions of raw materials are correct and monitor the process of mixing the concrete solution.

All described processes are performed on modern equipment foreign production. This equipment helps employees improve the composition of concrete and create new, previously unused mixtures. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that new concrete mixtures have high resistance to compression, and for this purpose, a strict selection of constituent components is carried out in our laboratories. Thus, only high-quality materials are allowed for the production of raw materials: crushed stone, concrete, sand.

Price list for laboratory services

Concretes/mortars. Unit measurements Cost of work (rub.)
Determination of moisture content of concrete and mortar. 1 sample 200
Determination of water absorption of concrete. 1 sample 250
Determination of the water resistance of concrete according to the test. arr. and determining the water resistance of the structure. (express method). 1 test From 2,000 to 10,000
Compressive strength test of concrete (mortar) cube samples. Concrete 250
1 sample 700
Solution / 3 samples
Determination of workability of concrete (mortar) mixture. 1 test 400
Determination of porosity (air content) of the concrete mixture in the Contractor's laboratory. 1 test 1 500
Determination of delamination of concrete (mortar) mixture in the Contractor's laboratory. 1 test 1 500
Determination of the shelf life of a concrete mixture. 1 test 2 000
Selection of concrete composition, mortar from the Customer’s materials 1st class / brand 45 000
Laboratory support of concrete mixture at the site at the request of the Customer. Based on the Customer's materials
1 hour / 1 day 600 / 5000
Statistical strength control according to the Customer's data. 1 person
1 stamp 3500

Cement quality control

In our laboratories, all batches of cement that are subsequently supplied to production are thoroughly tested for compliance with the state standard. During the inspection of raw materials, the following is determined:

  • grinding fineness;
  • setting time;
  • density;
  • brand;
  • uniformity of changes in the volume of concrete mixture.

Our company BETONBASE ensures that the sand we use in production is carefully filtered from unwanted debris. The head of the laboratory personally makes a control sample of sand from the quarry before putting a batch of raw materials into production. Then the laboratory engineer determines the properties of the samples taken, such as:

  • humidity;
  • compound;
  • fineness module;
  • filtration coefficient.

Crushed stone quality control

Testing of crushed stone begins at the stage of unloading raw materials at the plant: the relevant employee takes a sample and determines compressive strength, frost resistance, studies the composition and determines the brand.

Concrete mix quality control

The list of our services includes assessing concrete in terms of water resistance, frost resistance, its compressive strength, optimizing the composition of concrete mixtures, checking chemical additives for compliance with requirements state standards. Based on these data, laboratory technicians make a conclusion about compliance with the requirements for the material.

Product testing is necessary to confirm the conformity of goods subject to certification and to subsequently obtain a declaration of conformity with the requirements, technical regulations, GOST and other regulatory documents.

Activated carbons.

Activated carbon is used in everyday life to purify water in filters, cleanse the body and lose weight. In industry, activated carbon is used to purify water and air as a sorbent along with molecular sieves. To assess the effectiveness of coal, the total volume of pores in water, the abrasion strength of granules, mass fraction moisture. Coal is obtained from different sources: in the Russian Federation, charcoal and coal are mainly used. Coal of coconut and birch origin is imported to Russia. The laboratory has developed a method for determining the origin of coal, which allows its identification when imported into the territory of the Russian Federation and the correct execution of a customs declaration.

Read more about the tests of activated carbons carried out in the Testing Laboratory in the section

Vegetable oils, fats and emulsifiers.

Vegetable oil is now widely consumed. The production of vegetable oil is quite labor-intensive and expensive, which is why there are a lot of fake oils on the market. Many creams and sauces are made from vegetable oils. The quality of oil is very difficult to determine. Requirements to ensure that purchasers are not misled include determination of peroxide number, acid number, composition of the fat phase (amount of unsaponifiable substances and non-fatty impurities), analysis of triglycerides and preservatives. To determine the falsification of oil, GOST 30623-98, GOST 30624-98 and the fatty acid composition are used, which can be used to determine the composition of the oil.

The quality of fats included in various products is determined Federal law dated June 24, 2008 No. 90-FZ “Technical regulations for fat and oil products”.

Read more about vegetable oils analyzed in the Testing Laboratory in the section

Essential oils.

Essential oils are produced from many types of raw materials. The use of essential oils is also varied: they are used for treatment, aromatherapy, and in perfumery as additives. The analysis of essential oils is carried out according to GOST 14618.1-12-78 and SanPiN The main method for analyzing essential oils is gas chromatography, which makes it possible to determine fragrant substances and the products of their synthesis. Other properties of essential oils are determined by other documents on specific types products. In the laboratory, to check the quality of essential oils, STO 18393365 004-2010 “Natural Essential Oils” is used, the laboratory staff was directly involved in the preparation of this standard.

Read more about essential oils tested in the Testing Laboratory in the section

Testing of products of the wine, liquor and alcohol industries.

For analysis alcoholic products it is necessary to conduct tests on various physical and chemical indicators.

In particular, indicators of the quality of vodka are: strength, alkalinity, content of aldehydes, fusel oils and medium esters. The safety of vodka for consumers is determined by SanPiN, in which the safety of vodka is tested based on the content of methanol and metals (mercury, arsenic, lead and copper). The examination is carried out using chromatographic and chemical analysis methods. Quality control of cognac is carried out in accordance with GOST 51618-2009, determination of the authenticity of cognac is carried out according to a method developed and approved in a testing laboratory.

The quality of wine is determined in accordance with current technical regulations and GOSTs. The volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, mass concentrations of sugars, titratable acids, volatile acids, total sulfur dioxide, citric acid and the given extract are determined in wine. The safety of wine for the consumer is determined by the amount of toxic elements.

Testing of production products soft drinks and mineral waters, including compositions, concentrates, concentrated bases for soft drinks.

Expertise of mineral water and testing of soft drinks is carried out according to various physical and chemical indicators and an organoleptic assessment is carried out. The content of various ions in drinks of this group is determined, and sweeteners that are harmful for diabetes are studied. As with other alcoholic drinks, a safety analysis is carried out.

Drinking water from centralized and decentralized drinking water supply systems; for preparing drinks; food products, edible ice. Food ice. Drinking water packaged in containers. Natural water. Waste water. (since January 21, 2016, carried out as part of research work)

Water quality control is very important in all areas of activity. Chemical analysis of water is carried out according to a whole range of indicators: water hardness and oxidability are determined, inorganic elements are studied: iron, calcium, magnesium, arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury. Water examination includes the determination of pesticides, petroleum products and phenol. Water quality indicators and methods for their determination are reflected in GOST R 52109-2003, SanPiN and SanPiN

Atmospheric air. Air emissions. Work area air. (since January 21, 2016, carried out as part of research work)

Air analysis requires sophisticated equipment. The content of ammonia, dust particles, nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, formaldehyde and other volatile impurities is determined in the air. Air sensors are used to monitor the state of the air environment. Air pollution occurs due to unfavorable conditions environment, and in production due to emissions of substances into the air of the working area. Air conditioners, air fresheners and air ionizers are often used in apartments, the use of which does not always lead to desired result. To purify the air, you need to know exactly what impurities it contains. Air Quality Regulations settlements specified in GOST, rules for establishing permissible emissions of harmful substances industrial enterprises GOST are installed.

Soil and bottom sediments. (since January 21, 2016, carried out as part of research work)

Soil analysis is an important step in the design of buildings and structures. The soil is checked according to GOST, which specifies General requirements to methods for determining pollutants. In the soil, the mass fraction of organic compounds, petroleum products, benz(a)pyrene and other compounds is determined. In accordance with SanPiN, the content of toxic elements in the soil is normalized: mercury, arsenic, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium. The content of pesticides HCH (α-, β-, γ-isomers), DDT and its metabolites is also standardized.