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New Year's corporate games for adults. New Year competitions: for adults, for children, for a fun company

New Year celebrations traditionally begin a little earlier than the calendar date. So, in the last weeks of December, many enterprises and institutions organize fun corporate parties - with incendiary competitions, games and other entertainment. In addition, kindergartens and schools hold matinees where children receive delicious gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Very little time will pass, and now we will listen to the chimes with bated breath, making our cherished wish on New Year's Eve. Then follows a series of holidays and weekends, when each house receives guests, and also visits relatives and friends. Of course, a generously laid table is considered an integral part and “highlight” of the program of such events.

However, people gather together not only for delicious food and drinks - the holiday should become a bright and unforgettable event. We suggest including in the script the best funny and funny competitions for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019 - for a cheerful company of adults or children. We will be happy to share ideas and videos of table “sedentary” and active entertainment and fun New Year’s games. Happy New Year to you!

Many employees plan long before the New Year holiday script for your colleagues. But now more and more organizations are ordering a professional presenter. If the organization is young and just developing, then you can organize a corporate event on your own.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 - New Year's games and entertainment for children and families

New Year– the most “family” and sincere holiday that unites close people. Thus, the Yellow Earth Pig patronizes the home and children, and simply loves fun entertainment. If you want to respect the future mistress of the year, spend New Year's Eve at home, in a cozy home environment. We have selected the most fun competitions - you can come up with a lot of interesting fun for the New Year 2019! Children, adults or everyone can take part in such New Year's games. Friendly family straightaway.

A selection of New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year of the Pig (Boar)

To conduct this competition you will need a certain amount Christmas decorations– one piece less than the number of participants. Cheerful music plays, to which children “walk” near the table with bright toys. Suddenly the melody stops, and everyone must grab one toy - the one who does not have time is out of the game. The most agile player is declared the winner, who will get the last “prey”. However, as a consolation prize, eliminated participants can be given sweets or a toy pig - a symbol of 2019.

There are several people in the room - adults and children, relatives, friends. The essence of the competition is that the selected blindfolded player must “guess” each of those present. To complicate the task, the main character can wear mittens. All participants take turns coming up for “identification,” which is not so easy to do in mittens. Such a New Year's competition always causes a lot of laughter and fun, helping to establish a relaxed, spiritual atmosphere.

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2019

Scenes can be either pre-rehearsed or unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes turn out to be much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes for corporate events:

  • Knight. The host chooses the most beautiful man and woman. The woman stands on the chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. Moreover, women play male roles and vice versa. It is necessary for the presenter to read a fairy tale, and for the characters to enter a large box or fenced area, like a mansion. You can give participants the words of each character on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade into new way. Participants are selected from the audience; these are the main characters, as in the fairy tale. The scene is supplemented by clippings from modern songs that fit the meaning of a specific segment of the fairy tale.

The coolest competitions for a fun company - for the New Year 2019, video

With the New Year 2019 approaching, I want to arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday. Today we will introduce into the usual New Year's scenario adjustments - in the form of cool competitions and games for a cheerful company of adults and children. The perky and cheerful Pig welcomes an active pastime, so it’s better to prepare cool competitions for the New Year 2019 in advance. On our pages you will find several original ideas for New Year’s competitions, as well as an interesting video with holiday entertainment.

Ideas for the coolest fun competitions for celebrating the 2019 New Year

Cooking competitions are always popular, especially if the company is large. First you need to divide the participants into teams of two people - the more, the merrier. Then one player from each team is blindfolded, and the second is given a set of products for preparing a signature dish. In this case, we choose the same number of ingredients for the teams. Then there is a “tasting” of the finished dish - the participant, blindfolded, must guess as many components as possible that make up the dish. The team with the maximum number of correctly guessed products wins.

For fun big company For the New Year, you can organize a cool vocal competition to identify “hidden” talents. Before the fun begins, you need to prepare small pieces of paper, writing a word on a New Year's theme on each one. For example, “Christmas tree”, “snow”, “Santa Claus”, “deer” - whatever your imagination tells you! Then we place the pieces of paper in a cap or capacious hat, and we invite participants to pull out one “forfeit” at random. According to the terms of the competition, each player must sing a song using the designated word - “ready” or his own composition.

Video with examples of cool New Year competitions for a large company

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes

Competitions can be themed and correspond to the Year of the Pig, or simply interesting games related to the New Year.


  • Pig race. It is necessary to use tapes to divide the hall into three paths. Participants put on pig masks, get on all fours and crawl to the finish line; whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner.
  • Devoted friend. An interesting and unusual competition that allows employees to become friends and understand each other better. During the competition, three pairs must be selected. It is desirable that these are opposite-sex partners. After this, you need to ask the participants to get on all fours. A fabric ball is attached to one of the partners in the “tail” area. And the second member of the couple must remove it with his teeth. Whichever pair can do it faster wins.
  • Beauty exhibition. It is better to hold the competition when all participants are already drunk. Those interested are chosen to participate, preferably both men and women. You must ask the pigs to stand on all fours and attach their tails. Now you need to ask the participants to wag their tails. The one who wags his tail more naturally wins. Pieces of fur of different colors are suitable for the competition.

Competitions for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Pig

It is best to transfer the jokes and entertainment to the second part of the holiday, when all the participants of the corporate party have already met and had fun. Gags should be low-active, that is, carried out at the table. This is necessary to give the participants a rest.

Fun and entertainment:

  • Alphabet. It is necessary to prepare cards with letters. Each guest chooses a letter. The other box should contain transcripts. For example, “O” is “Huge salary”, and “K” is “Cool vacation”. Try to choose cool statuses.
  • Lottery. A simple and fun competition. Buy inexpensive and cool gifts in advance. These could be fun pig themed trinkets. For example, a collar, a ball or a food bowl. Place the gifts in one bag and pieces of paper with numbers corresponding to each gift in the second. Let each participant pull out a paper with a number and receive their prize. It's quite fun to receive gifts for pigs.
  • Never. It is necessary that each of the guests say something that he has never done in his life. For example, I have never scuba dived or played basketball. Those of the guests who brought this to life should have a glass. Make sure that the glasses are small so that guests don’t get drunk.
  • Dialogue of the deaf. The presenter invites the manager and his subordinate. The boss puts on headphones. The subordinate tries to ask various questions that relate to work and salary. At the same time, the boss does not understand or hear what his colleague is saying, since he is wearing headphones and loud music is playing. The leader must try to answer something that he cannot hear. It turns out fun and funny.

New Year's jokes and entertainment for celebrating the New Year of the Pig

Fun games for the New Year's corporate party 2019 with jokes

New Year's corporate party is a place for fun and jokes. Accordingly, various games will help to bring subordinates closer together. Incentive prizes and gifts will not be superfluous.

Games for corporate events:

  • Animals. An interesting game that involves guessing each other's hero. The leader attaches the name of the animal to each person’s back. And everyone, based on their neighbor’s description, must guess which animal is encrypted.
  • Guess the employee. Each person is given a sheet of paper and a pen. And the guest must write on a piece of paper a little-known fact about himself from childhood. The packages are put into a box and then taken out by the leader. Guests must guess who it is about on the paper.
  • Buttons. 2 teams of 4 people each participate. Groups of participants stand behind each other. Large buttons and cardboard (4 pieces for each team) should be placed next to the teams. At a distance of 5-6 meters from the participants there are large reels on which a 5-meter long rope is wound and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.
  • Shepherds. The game involves two colleagues. To play the game you need 2 chairs, which are located at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, 10 balloons in two colors (for example: 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the animator’s command, 2 “shepherds” must drive their “sheep” (balls of a certain color) into their “pen” (chairs) plastic bottles. This needs to be done quickly, without losing a single “sheep.”

Fun games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes

Funny corporate competitions for the New Year - 2019 - for adults, ideas

The days before New Year's are filled with pleasant chores and activities, because there is a lot to do before the holidays. However, in the whirlwind of everyday life, it is important not to forget about rest - the time for New Year’s corporate parties is just beginning. Bright and noisy, such events add a touch of variety to a busy office schedule and put you in a festive mood. To organize an unforgettable corporate event, we suggest including funny competitions for the New Year 2019 in the script - adults will definitely like our ideas.

The best ideas for funny corporate competitions and games for the New Year

New Year always means a Christmas tree, tinsel, carnival costumes and, of course, Santa Claus with gifts. We are sure that among the male employees there will be several “volunteers” who are ready to temporarily transform into this fabulous New Year’s character. So, we will need props - a variety of scarves, handkerchiefs, handbags, hats, ribbons, gloves, wigs and artificial beards. According to the terms of the competition, using these items you need to “make” Santa Claus, using maximum imagination and a little effort. Women will act as stylists, each of whom will present her own creation in the finale - the most creative Grandfather Frost and his Snow Maiden will be the winners.

Outdoor games and competitions are a great opportunity to take a break from table gatherings by taking a “physical education” break. So, all participants stand in a circle and, at the leader’s signal, begin to pass a pine or fir cone to each other. However, this is only allowed to be done in a certain way - using the backs of the hands. If you wish, you can create two teams by organizing a New Year’s competition, and the winners will be awarded souvenirs and prizes.

Table funny competitions and games for the New Year - sedentary entertainment for a corporate party

The unique atmosphere of a corporate party encourages pleasant communication and universal unity. So, funny “sit-down” competitions for the New Year can be held right at the festive table, in the pause between toasts. Among table entertainment, we decided to highlight several of the most interesting options– we are sure that all corporate party participants will be delighted.

Options for sit-down funny competitions for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

To conduct this simple and funny competition, all participants need to be given sheets of paper and pens. Each player must describe his own appearance in any form - for example, “beautiful smile”, “gray eyes”, “mole on the cheek”. The pieces of paper are then placed in a brightly colored hat or box. The presenter reads each description out loud, and the participants must use the “evidence” to guess who it is about. we're talking about. The competitor who guesses the most is declared the winner.

Many associate the New Year with the fulfillment of desires and positive changes in life. So, a humorous table competition can be organized at a corporate party or with the family, having prepared in advance many small prizes with symbolic meaning. Each item needs to be beautifully packaged, including a piece of paper with a “forecast for the future.” We place all the prizes in a fancy bag, from which the participants take them out one by one and read the prediction out loud. As prizes you can use a banknote, a key, a small container of alcohol and other items with “subtext”.

The most fun competitions for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019 for adults – ideas, videos

The eastern symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig (Boar), a kind and cheerful animal. It is known that the new mistress of the year does not tolerate boredom, loves to be the center of attention, as well as fun activities and games. The most fun New Year competitions for adults will fit perfectly into entertainment program corporate event or friendly gatherings. Quite a lot interesting ideas You will also find New Year's competitions on video - enjoy watching and implementing them!

A collection of ideas for fun New Year competitions and entertainment for adults

It is impossible to imagine any festive feast without alcohol - the menu usually includes several types of “hot” drinks. Such a fun New Year's competition is best organized at a corporate party or in another adult company. For entertainment, you will need a checkers board, with stacks of checkers placed in place. Before the start of the game, we pour white wine into one of the “checkers”, and red wine on the opponent’s side. Then the participants play the usual giveaway games, only the opponent’s eliminated “checkers” need to be drunk. Instead of wine, you can also pour stronger drinks - such a game can only be played by real champions, seasoned in battle.

The New Year always brings with it a lot of positive things, the most fun and vivid impressions. We invite you to take a break from the feast by taking part in a funny competition with a sports twist - “Running in a Bucket”. Each team (with an equal number of players) is given a bucket and mop. According to the terms of the competition, each participant must run a distance with one foot in a bucket and hold a mop in the other. You can hold the bucket by the handle with your free hand. An unforgettable spectacle awaits spectators and fans.

Video kaleidoscope of cool competitions for adults for the New Year

Funny competitions for kindergarten - for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019, video

On New Year's Eve, the children enjoy learning poems and songs in order to perform at the kindergarten matinee. Here you will find a video with ideas for New Year's competitions - they can also be included in the festive scenario of any kindergarten group. Such funny competitions for the New Year of the Pig (Boar) 2019 will cheer up children and adults invited to the holiday. At the end, all little participants can be given sweet gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Video with cool competitions in kindergarten for the New Year

The best competitions for the New Year 2019 for school - video with ideas

New Year's holidays are the most favorite and long-awaited time for schoolchildren. Before going on vacation, children will have to attend a festive masquerade party with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus. Funny round dances, songs, riddles and gift distribution - a lot of interesting things await participants! The best funny competitions for the New Year 2019 from our video selection will make the holiday bright and unforgettable.

New Year's competitions for schoolchildren on video

Competitions for the New Year 2019 will add a touch of celebration to any event - be it a corporate party for adults or a matinee in kindergarten, school. Our selection of funny, cool competitions will add a touch of variety and fun to any New Year's scenario. Here you will find the most best games for a large cheerful company - seated and active table entertainment, ideas on video. Happy New Year 2019 of the Pig!

December brings a feeling of magic, fairy tales and hope that life will soon go only in a white stripe - the New Year is coming. The once family holiday has confidently migrated to other areas of life modern man. New Year's corporate parties have become a fun tradition. It’s good if the company is thriving and management can order a restaurant or some kind of exotic look recreation. And if not, then you can perfectly celebrate the New Year in the office.

The occasion is special, it is worth preparing and involving the maximum number of employees in creating a festive atmosphere. Collective brainstorm by developing a script, it will turn gatherings at the table into an unforgettable “New Year’s party” for adults.

In this article:

Decorating the office for the New Year: stylish, original, fun

Atmosphere New Year's holiday is already in the air, but no one has canceled the work environment in December. Therefore, an abundance of mismatched jewelry is not comme il faut. But Christmas balls of one, two or three colors (preferably matte) and a small amount of matching tinsel is just what you need.

The Christmas tree is the main attribute of the New Year. Naturally artificial, so as not to sweep up the needles every day, especially since you can choose any color for such a beauty, even one that matches the company’s symbols. If you have some imagination, you can make a Christmas tree from products that the company sells or produces.

And if there is very little space in the office space, then the solution will be. Such a Christmas tree is attached in any convenient place and is made from the same balls, tinsel, garland, branded business cards, badges, and pens. You can even create it from colored paper or stickers with wishes.

We spruced up the beauty and looked around. If the clutter on the tables is in dissonance with the festive atmosphere, it is better to get rid of it. After all, general cleaning before the New Year is a common thing. And after that every workplace You can decorate it with a small Christmas tree, a vase of sweets or a figurine.

What to cook for the holiday table?

The sources of New Year's abundance on the table can be different:

  • management takes the task upon itself, orders food for delivery,
  • a certain amount is allocated, employees must use it at their own discretion,
  • participants contribute to the general cash register, the amount is spent as agreed,
  • everyone is given a task to prepare a certain dish,
  • Let's bring something from home.

If you have decided on your order ready meals, then the issue is resolved. All that remains is to discuss the quantity and quality of drinks, but if the chef is in charge of the buffet table, then this is fine.

The last option can turn into quiet horror. It is possible that the table will be lined with assorted plates and vases with Olivier salad and jellied meat, which is trembling or already spreading from the fear of being eaten.

Walnuts are laid out on chairs, covered with newspaper, and the ladies sit on top. Each person’s task is to determine the number of nuts under them.

Men can play Russian roulette. Dishes with eggs are solemnly brought out and it is reported that all are boiled, but one raw one is lost among them. The daredevil must break the egg on his forehead. The next hero does the same. The tension builds, awaiting the climax. But the secret is that there is no raw egg there.

And the real decoration of the office holiday will be the dance of little swans. Especially welcome when performed by large ladies and men. The main thing is to behave relaxed and not be afraid to make your colleagues laugh.

Fantasize, take an active part in the preparation and holding of the corporate event. It depends only on you whether it will become a bright event that all colleagues will remember for a long time, or a trivial pastime.

Every New Year comes with special anticipation. All people are preparing for it with impatience. If you celebrate this holiday with your employees and colleagues, you should take care of the choice interesting competitions to make this holiday unforgettable and fun. Don’t forget about one of the latest traditions - dressing up in the style of the animal of the coming year. This tradition can be played out quite interestingly in 2020 if you give free rein to the white rat to enter your life, at least in the form of competitions. Therefore, we decided to collect the most funny Games and competitions for the New Year's corporate party for 2020 Rats.

Funny New Year's competitions for corporate parties

New Year brings a lot of fun and gifts. it's the same perfect time to wish your colleagues and employees successful endeavors in all matters. New Year's Eve with your employees is not just food and drinks, but also a fun time with dancing, songs, games and, of course, competitions. Therefore, we offer you several interesting and fun competitions for corporate events.

  1. « New Year's greetings" Often on New Year's Day, one of those present plays the role of Santa Claus. This competition is timed to coincide with the distribution of gifts, which everyone present at the corporate party can bring with them and put in a special gift bag. After which Santa Claus says that he will give gifts to everyone, but only after all the people have said their congratulations, which begin in order with the first letter of the alphabet. That is, the first person can wish “A car to everyone!”, the second - “great luck”, the third - “jam and sweets in your life”, etc. The fun begins when it comes to letters, where it is most difficult to find congratulations. If there are not many people, then you can go in a circle.
  2. « Guess who am I?" Each of the participants must write something about themselves on paper, so that no one knows about it. All the pieces of paper are put into a box, and then everyone pulls them out in the order of their turn, reads what they have written, and the participants guess whose piece of paper their colleague pulled out.
  3. « Christmas tree outfit" Women or, conversely, men act as oil trees. Decorate a person for a certain time and determine the winner of this “beauty contest” by voting.

Funny games for corporate events

Competitions are always interesting for amateurs active entertainment. They have the nature of competition, learning new information and simply having a good time. Any competitions, as a rule, are not only fun, but also become the basis for further discussions in the company. Games with colleagues are always good idea, when you need to interest a large company in something, and with our competitions the new year 2020 will go with a bang!

  1. « TV guide" Participants were given cards with 5 unrelated words written on each card. For example, “lamp, album, chess, New Year, flu,” “president, door, hand, stapler, vodka.” In general, any set of incoherent words. The task is to come up with one speech for 30 seconds, which will be similar to the news, and all words in it should be used as important information about the incident. You can also add your own nouns. For example: “On New Year’s Day, a rare breed of beaver-chess player was suddenly struck down by the flu in the capital’s zoo.” Fun guaranteed!
  2. « funny guys" The presenter gives a certain set of words associated with the New Year holidays and winter. For example, garland, snow, sparklers, Christmas tree and so on. Then he goes around all the participants, asking them questions: “Who are you?”, “What are you doing,” “What do you have?” (Pointing to lips or other parts of the body), "What's dripping icicles?" and so on. The more interesting the questions, the better. Participants must then introduce themselves as they answered the question. For example: “I am a snowflake, flying in the air” or whatever they answered. In this case, none of the participants should laugh; if someone laughed, he is removed from the competition.
  3. « Two truths and a lie" This game is a twist on the classic game of True or False, where guests must try to figure out where other guests are lying or telling the truth. However, all guest stories must be exclusively for the past year. Required condition: The story must contain two true sentences and one lie.
  4. « Game of names" This is an easy New Year's Eve party style competition that is great for a large group of adults looking for fun in a slow game. For this game, each guest must write some names in a large bowl. These could be the names of celebrities, fictional characters, historical figures, and even the people in the room. Party guests are divided into teams and take turns trying to guess the names on a piece of paper, giving each other clues.
  5. « Loaded Questions" Loaded Questions - Fun new Year party, which is best suited for adult couples. This competition is based on the popular adult board game "Adult Questions." Here you will find a bunch of interesting questions that you can write down on pieces of paper to find out how much men or women know about their partners. You can choose questions such as “What would embarrass your spouse?”, “What outfit would you like your wife to wear for Halloween?” and so on.

Competitions for adults only

And finally, we have selected a few vulgar and more frank ideas for corporate events for 2020. No one will forget this New Year's Eve because they will talk about it all year long in 2020. You don't need to rush to spend money on various entertainment. As a rule, you already have them all at home or at work. Adult pageants are extremely easy to plan because there are no costs involved.

  1. « Let's switch roles" 2 participants are elected - a man and a woman. She plays the role of her husband, who has already celebrated the birth of a child, and the man plays the role that his wife has just offered. According to the scenario, the wife stands behind the glass, and the husband cannot hear anything, so she shows him gestures. The husband should ask different questions: “Who was born?”, “Who is he,” “How is the child?” etc. The more varied the scenario questions, the better.
  2. « Race for champagne" To do this, players need to fill their champagne glasses using only a teaspoon to transport the champagne from the large bowl to the glass. The first person to fill the glass the fastest gets up and drinks the champagne. The winner receives a New Year's toast in his honor.
  3. Paper dances. For this game you will need several papers measuring 20x20 cm. Guests form pairs and begin to dance as brightly as possible than their competitors, covering all their private parts with cardboard. The fun comes when the most unusual pairings are made. The winner is selected by voting. The losers drink a penalty glass of wine or some other alcohol.
  4. "Don't drop your hat." A simple game, all you need is a Santa Claus hat. All players sit in a circle without a set of outer or underwear (to choose from) and try to pass the hat from head to head without using their hands. If a player drops his headdress, he leaves the circle. The last player remaining wins this cap or another small prize.
  5. "Track". All players are divided into two or three teams, after which they take turns trying to remove as much clothing as possible and lay it out side by side on the floor. The team with the longest clothing line wins. Each member of the losing team drinks a glass of vodka in one gulp.

"Funny toasts in alphabetical order." This one is well suited for those cases when all the standard wishes have already been made, and raising glasses just like that is not interesting. Each participant in the feast must make a toast that begins with a certain letter, for example:

  • Z - “Good health in the New Year, so that we can gather at more than one corporate event!”;
  • E - “If we don’t eat enough, then at least we’ll get drunk!” For this we will empty our glasses!”

You can start the game in a circle so that everyone gets the letters in turn, or you can prepare cards with the alphabet in advance, put them in a box and let everyone draw them out at random. The winner will be the one who, in the opinion of the majority of those present, will make the funniest or most original toast (one or more).

Advice. To diversify this entertainment, we can draw an analogy with the popular city game: in this case, each next toast will begin with last letter congratulations sounded earlier.

“How little you know about me.” All competitors should be given pens and small sheets of paper. Everyone should write a fact about themselves that is little known among their colleagues, something that is usually not customary to talk about at work. For example, during school years someone broke a glass with a ball. Some were destined for a career as a famous football player, but due to an injury they had to enroll in the Faculty of Economics. All notes need to be rolled up and placed in a box, and then taken out one by one and read aloud. Those present must guess who they are talking about. The one who turns out to be the most insightful will win.

"What is my name?". For this entertainment, you need to prepare in advance small signs with interesting and not so interesting in simple words: for example, “excavator”, “charm”, “multi-cooker”, etc. Each participant in a corporate party should receive a sign at the beginning of the evening, which can be attached to their forehead or back. The players' task is to find out as quickly as possible what is written on their sign. To do this, you need to ask everyone around you questions to which they will answer “yes” or “no.” The winner will be the one who quickly understands what “nickname” he got.

Advice. Another version of this game is to write the names of famous actors, singers, athletes, etc. on signs.

“Everyone sings!”. All those present are united into several teams. It would be good if each of them included representatives of different generations. Next, everyone together chooses a common theme: seasons, love, animals, etc. The essence of the task: take turns remembering theme songs and humming several lines from them. The team that lasts the longest will win.

"Remember all". Another board game for which you will need to prepare in advance pens or pencils and sheets of paper with categories written on them: “city”, “country”, “plant”, “female/male name”, etc. Those present can participate in the competition individually or in teams. Having received the leaves in their hands, they need 1-2 minutes. write as much as possible more words for each category. The winner is determined by simple counting.

For lovers of active recreation. Mobile competitions for corporate events

"Big races". You need to organize a kind of path on the table or floor: arrange dishes or other objects in such a way as to create several paths. You need to hit small balls (for example, for table tennis), blowing on them through a cocktail straw. The winner is the one who brings his car to the finish line first. You can arrange a knockout game where the loser takes the place of new member.

"The snow is spinning." For this have a fun competition You will need to prepare small pieces of cotton wool or paper napkins. They need to be distributed to everyone who wants to participate in the fun. At the signal, everyone who received a “snowflake” must begin to blow on it so that it does not fall to the floor. The winner is the one who can hold a piece of cotton wool or napkin in the air the longest.

« New Year's round dance» . This is a team competition, and the team that completes the task funniest than the rest will win. Each group is given a piece of paper indicating which round dance should be depicted. This could be an event organized by:

  • in kindergarten;
  • in the army;
  • in a psychiatric hospital, etc.

To win, you need to artistically and wittily get used to the proposed roles. The most talented actors can be awarded prizes.

A corporate party is a good reason to make the team even closer, and even the preparatory stage, joint discussion ideas and preparing props will help with this.

When choosing competitions for the New Year's holiday among colleagues, do not forget that you need to support a healthy spirit of competition among employees by awarding prizes to the winners. Such gifts are usually symbolic: small stationery, sweets, souvenirs, etc. You can prepare small gifts with the company logo, and reward particularly distinguished employees with funny, original certificates. The main thing is that celebrating the New Year's corporate party is fun, and remembering it is not a shame.

Corporate competition: video

This competition is good to hold at the beginning of the holiday. The team is divided into two teams. The presenter asks interesting and humorous riddles. One correct answer - one step to the table. The distance for placing teams is selected depending on the number of participants. Example riddles for the competition could be:
- what can be seen when a woman raises her leg, this word is made up of 5 letters, starts with “p” and ends with “a” (heel);
- the hairy head fits deftly into the cheek (toothbrush);
- who doesn’t get their hair wet in the rain? (bald);
- Why does the goat have sad eyes? (because the husband is an asshole);
- takes it to one place, and gives it to another (ATM) and so on.

New Year's greetings from the President

Each of the guests for a minute becomes the president of the country and each forfeit gets his own 5 words, which he must organically insert into his New Year's greetings. The words must be unusual to make the congratulations funny, for example, crane, duck, Chinese, bananas, worm; airship, Turks, mole, broth, radish; cinquefoil goose, glass, peas, Kirkorov, teeth and so on. The president will receive a prize for the most cheerful and harmonious congratulation.

Everybody dance

Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter plays a cheerful and lively song, or vice versa - a slow and smooth one. Participants will need to dance, but not just dance, but only with a certain part of the body. To do this, everyone chooses a card on which a specific part of the body will be written. For example, fingers, head, legs, butt, stomach and so on. As soon as the music starts playing in the hall, the participants join the dance with their specified part of the body. The most eccentric and artistic person is awarded a prize.

Let's remember our childhood

The boss or leader in this competition acts as Santa Claus, to whom the children - all employees - will take turns telling their rhyme. Only you have to come up with a poem yourself and do it in such a way that you get funny lines with a request to your boss, for example^
Good Grandfather Frost - a beard made of cotton wool,
Let's increase our salaries in the new year.
Or this:
Santa Claus, red nose,
Let's not work too hard.
And so on. Whichever employee proves himself best and whose verse is recognized as the best, Santa Claus promises to fulfill his wish.

Movie, movie, movie

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people and in 5 minutes of preparation each team must show their miniature from a Soviet film about the New Year, for example, “The Irony of Fate”, “Sorcerers”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Carnival Night” and so on . For the most best performance the team will receive a bottle of champagne or a kilo of tangerine.


Each of the participants is invited to pull out one card, on which the name of one of the horoscope signs will be written, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Everyone’s task will be to show, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, what kind of sign they came across; the rest will guess.

To a meeting on skis

The game can be played both for teams and for individual participants. Guests are late for an important meeting, but the roads, as luck would have it, are covered with snow. Therefore, you need to get there on skis. Each participant receives two album sheets and two sticks. At the “start” command, the participants get on their skis (on two landscape sheets: one foot on one sheet, and the other on the other) and begin to move towards the goal in such a way that the sheets do not disappear from under their feet. The participant who arrives at the meeting the fastest will win.

Drawing a New Year's boss

For the competition you will need a large Whatman paper (a piece of wallpaper) and a marker. Each of the participants takes turns taking out his forfeit, which indicates a specific detail of the boss that he must draw, for example, the left eye, right hand, left ear, nose, shoulders, hat, suit, and so on. And each participant, in turn, with his eyes closed, goes to whatman paper and draws what he has, only the boss must be “New Year’s”, that is, if the costume is a Santa Claus costume, whoever draws the face or chin must also draw Santa’s beard Frost. Each employee must show not only his intuition and correctly position the body parts, but also supplement the drawing with New Year's details: you can draw a sleigh, bells, a bag of gifts, and so on. A Picasso-style painting should please the boss.

Get away from your significant other

Friends, anything can happen at a corporate party and therefore it is better to think through various excuses for your significant other in advance. Each of the participants takes out their own forfeit, which indicates a specific situation for which the participant must come up with the funniest excuse. For example, you have three lipstick marks on your shirt; you came home wearing men's shoes; you have a napkin in your pocket with Natalie’s phone number and name; you have a man's tie in your purse and so on. There is a prize for the most fun and interesting excuse.

Santa Claus Corporation

Each participant gets a job for a few minutes at Santa Claus's corporation, where gifts are wrapped. Each guest is given matchboxes, A4 sheets and a roll of tape. At the “start” command, participants begin to wrap gifts (wrap matchboxes in paper, like wrapping cabbage rolls, and glue a strip of tape at the junction to prevent the gift from unwrapping. The participant who can pack more gifts in a minute than the rest is recognized as the best assistant to Santa Claus and an active employee of his corporation.