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Fifth generation submarine – between evolution and revolution. Clip with "Zircons": why Russia needs a fifth-generation nuclear submarine 5th generation boats




The Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering (TsKB MT) Rubin has already begun work on the creation of the fifth generation of both nuclear and non-nuclear submarines, Rubin General Director Igor Vilnit told RIA Novosti on Monday.
The basis of the submarine fleet of the Russian Navy now consists of third-generation submarines. Fourth generation submarines of the Yuri Dolgoruky type (Project 955, Borey) or St. Petersburg (Project 677, Lada) have just begun to enter service with the fleet.
“The formation of the appearance of the next generation ship has begun and is taking into account comments and suggestions that are received during the operation of ships of the previous generation and the lead ships of new projects,” said the general director of the Rubin Central Design Bureau.
According to him, research work (R&D) is now being carried out to determine the appearance of the future ship. Along with the main design bureau, specialized institutes of the Ministry of Defense and the Navy of the Russian Federation, as well as Rubin's counterparties - the main developers of hydroacoustic systems, electronic equipment, and missile and torpedo weapons - are participating in this. The results of such work, in particular, have already been the creation of the Borei-A nuclear submarine project, the modernization of Project 636 for the Russian Navy, and the improved Lada submarine project, he noted.
The head of the design bureau emphasized that the duration life cycle boats take about 50 years from the research design stage to disposal. “Therefore, designers working on a new project must carefully calculate everything and make the right decisions, starting from the very early design stage,” Vilnit said.
In Russia, on March 19, a professional holiday will be celebrated - Submariner Day.
RIA News

Fifth-generation submarines will be smaller in size than fourth-generation nuclear submarines and will become much less visible due to the introduction promising developments, believes the head of the Rubin Central Design Bureau group, responsible for the creation of nuclear submarines, Sergei Sukhanov.
“The fifth generation ship will be much less noticeable, even than current boats. As for the power plant, they can be of a new type, including fully electric. Changes may also affect other subsystems of the submarine, which on fifth-generation ships can change their traditional appearance,” Sukhanov said.
At the same time, in the future it is possible to abandon nuclear energy in submarine shipbuilding, since air-independent power plants (VNEU) are being created. various types, Sukhanov recalled. “The autonomy of boats with such installations can be quite sufficient - a month or more,” the designer added.
RIA News

Russian submarines should receive a coating that significantly improves their camouflage from enemy sonars. Information contained in open documents on the development of the Navy, confirmed in the St. Petersburg Central Research Institute named after. Academician A.N. Krylova. It is here that research on hydroacoustics of submarines is being conducted and know-how is being developed that will make Russian submarines invisible. IN new material Active sensors and piezopolymer plates will be built in to neutralize sonar signals. While maintaining the noise indicators achieved in the fourth generation ships (Ash, Borey), this will reduce visibility Russian submarines three times. News

Russia is very close to creating submarines (with a non-nuclear power plant) of the next in line, the fifth generation. Information about this appeared with reference to the leadership of the United shipbuilding corporation. . In particular, according to information from the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Equipment, which is part of the corporation, the base for the updated submarines could be boats of the previous class - a project under the index 677 and with the name "Lada", which was previously developed by this Central Design Bureau. It is interesting that today in the world continues to talk about the advisability of the presence of diesel-electric submarines in the fleet, while, it would seem, their more powerful and representative in all respects nuclear-powered counterparts should completely rule the roost. However, the tactics of using naval forces show that it is premature to abandon this type of submarine. Stealth cameras "Lada" and "Varshavyanka" After the Great Patriotic War According to the projects developed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau for MT, three generations of diesel-electric submarines were built for the Russian Navy. The current, third project under the name “Varshavyanka” is known throughout the world due to its unique tactical and technical characteristics, primarily exceptional low noise, achieved through a single-hull design, reduction in the dimensions of the ship, the use of a special electric motor and vibration isolators. Submarines of this class have even received the nickname “black hole” in the ocean": no one has yet been able to detect it with the enemy's acoustic means before the boat itself reveals the one who is watching it. The fourth generation of domestic submarines, also developed at Rubin, is called "Project 677 Lada" . The first ship of this class was launched at the Admiralty Shipyards in 2004 and, under the name "St. Petersburg", was sent to Northern Fleet. These submarines, as well as the boats of the 636th project, provide guaranteed proactive detection of enemy ships, and the set of weapons included in the Lada’s arsenal makes it a formidable guardian of the seas.
The submarine's combat weapons include not only torpedoes and mines, but also anti-ship missiles. A navigation complex with an inertial system is responsible for positioning accuracy. The power plant is also unique here: diesel generators, while the ship is in a periscope position, not only charge the batteries normally, but are also capable of providing an accelerated charging mode. The Lad's cruising range can be up to 650 miles without ascent and up to 16 thousand with recharges. This diesel-electric vessel also has an impressive speed, including underwater speed - over 20 knots. The depth to which the ship can dive when performing tasks is 250 meters. At the same time, the 677th project strengthened the “traditions” of low-noise boats of the previous generation. And without that low level the visibility of the ship is increased here thanks to the use of a new anti-hydrolocation coating on the hull, as well as the introduction of various innovative technologies and materials.
Physical fields in the ocean Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin" says that the boats of the 677th project are capable of effectively solving the problems facing modern non-nuclear submarines, both in the ocean and, importantly, in coastal zone. The bureau is especially proud of the fact that in the process of creating this ship, more than 200 research and development works were carried out. Their result was, for example, the introduction of a complex of electronic weapons, characterized by minimal energy consumption, the use of a new integrated automated system management technical means and the ship’s weapons. “The Project 677 boat has accumulated latest achievements shipbuilding science and technology,” says Rubin General Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences Igor Vilnit. “The results obtained during trial operation correspond to our expectations and confirm the broad prospects for ships of this class. The order of the Russian Ministry of Defense for two Ladas indicates that the fleet has set the task of increasing the potential of non-nuclear submarine forces, which we are obliged to fulfill.”
It is on the basis of the Lada that a promising series of improved ships will be created, says Igor Vilnit. According to him, the fifth generation ship will be much less noticeable than even current boats. “Moreover, this inconspicuousness will also affect those physical fields that previously received relatively little attention,” emphasizes the head of Rubin. – As for the power plant, it can be of a new type, including fully electric. Changes may also affect other subsystems, which on fifth-generation ships may change their traditional appearance. An important feature of the new generation will be the widespread use of uninhabited underwater vehicles. The dimensions of the boats, as before, will determine the requirements for their characteristics from the Russian Navy.” Close range battle One of the elements of the “renovation” of the 677th project in the future boat of a new type will be the use of an air-independent power plant (VNEU). It should extend the time the ship is continuously submerged. According to Rubin, the export version of the Lada - the Amur 1650 submarine - is already offered in a version with VNEU, which provides for the use fuel cells and processing diesel fuel to produce hydrogen (as fuel) directly on board. “This is a good prospect for project development“, - the general director of the Central Design Bureau MT is sure. Interestingly, the ships that will be built with such a power plant do not need major alterations: we are only talking about inserting an additional compartment into the serial hull.
The St. Petersburg Maritime Engineering Bureau "Malachite" is also working on the creation of VNEU. Moreover, according to him general director Vladimir Dorofeev, we are talking about a power plant specifically for non-nuclear submarines. “We have created a working bench sample. For example, it simulates the operation of an underwater installation in a closed cycle. The stand must confirm real job installations for various operating models, including long-term ones,” notes Vladimir Dorofeev. In general, Russian developers of underwater equipment have no doubt that diesel-electric submarines will continue to be in demand by the fleet on a par with nuclear ships. The same Igor Vilnit notes that if nuclear strategic missile carriers - the naval component of our nuclear shield - represent the most viable component of the nuclear triad, then effective anti-submarine weapons are in demand in the near sea zone.
“Unlike the USA, Great Britain and France, closed and marginal seas, such as the Barents, Okhotsk, and Japanese, are important for us, where to use nuclear boats“excessively expensive and not always reasonable,” notes the head of Rubin. “What is needed here are compact, stealthy, and non-nuclear submarines with high search potential, such as the Lada.” In addition, they are needed in the Baltic and Black Seas, which have nuclear-free status.” The popular American publication The National Interest.
In his article with the symbolic title “They Can Sink the US Navy: Deadly Invisible Submarines,” the publication’s author, Center for National Interest expert Harry J. Kazianis, notes that the new diesel-electric boats that Russia is developing “will be even more dangerous than existing ones.” "In particular, as the American expert points out, the new air-independent power plant will allow the boat to remain submerged for up to 25 days. According to the author of the publication, the United States Navy must respond to this new challenge, including by building its own diesel-electric submarines, with an emphasis on manufacturing primarily “ultra-quiet” models.

The Russian Navy hopes to receive new fifth-generation nuclear submarines in the 2030s, as stated by Vice Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy for Armaments.

“The fleet will begin to receive fifth-generation boats in the 30s,” Bursuk told the TASS agency on November 30. Very little is known about this new Husky submarine program. It is expected that the Malachite design bureau will present the first draft design in the summer of 2018.

Presumably, the new type of boat will be presented in three versions: a nuclear multi-purpose submarine, a nuclear submarine equipped cruise missiles and a nuclear ballistic missile submarine. All three variants are expected to have the same hull design, as well as the same sonar systems and propulsion systems.


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The National Interest 10/21/2016 The displacement of the new boat will be from 4 to 6 thousand tons, depending on the version, although the version with ballistic missiles will probably be significantly larger, since intercontinental ballistic missiles take up a lot of space. But as Russia today begins building a new type of ballistic missile submarine, the Husky class boats have the least chance of being built.

Last month, Russia launched the first Project 955A Borei-A submarine cruiser, a class of missile submarines. strategic purpose"Yury Dolgoruky". The Russian Ministry of Defense is already working on an even more modern version of this project called Borei-B. By 2025, Russia intends to build a total of eight Borei SSBNs. Among them are three Borei class boats and five Borei-2 class missile cruisers.

The new Husky boat will obviously have many new elements, such as improved noise reduction systems from the Borey and Yasen boats of Project 885-M. Given the lack of financial resources, one of the main goals in creating the Husky will be to reduce construction costs as much as possible compared to Soviet-built predecessor boats.

The Husky boats will likely carry fewer missiles than the Yasen submarines. Construction of the Husky submarines will begin immediately after work on the last Yasen submarine is completed. Currently, five submarines of the Yasen-M project are being built, and only one submarine, the K-329 Severodvinsk, has entered service with the Russian fleet.

According to reports Russian Ministry defense, the last boat of the Yasen project should enter the Navy by 2020. But as I noted earlier, Russia is unlikely to commission more than two Yasen-M boats by 2020 due to budget restrictions. They are among the most expensive weapons systems ever created in Russia.

The Rubin Central Design Bureau, which designed the Borey project boat, completed the preliminary design of a new fifth-generation non-nuclear submarine of the Kalina project in July. The basis for this diesel-electric submarine should be the Project 677 Lada attack submarine.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy assured that work on the 5th generation submarine in Russia continues. But what it will be like is still unknown.

There is no news with the word “continuing”. News is an accomplished event. And “continues” is an ongoing action. That is, not an event at all.

However, the statement by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Vladimir Korolev, was an event. Although it was he who said the word “continue.” Because it is not often confirmed at this level that the new, fifth generation of domestic submarines is no longer a discussion, but a process.

Work continues and that's good

“Work continues on the creation of the next, fifth generation of nuclear submarines,” the commander-in-chief said. And... he immediately switched to 4th generation submarines, of which, according to him, as many as 11 units are now being built!

Such lapidary behavior, according to Tsargrad’s source in the naval field, can be explained quite simply: even if the creation of a new generation of submarines were not surrounded by a completely legal thick veil of secrecy, then there would be nothing to tell the person. Because work on both existing projects of 5th generation boats is at the design stage, and what will happen in the end can still be seen in fairly general terms.

These projects are “Husky”, for a nuclear multi-purpose submarine, and “Kalina” for a conventional one. Little is known about them, either about one or the other.

The first binding statement about their development was made back in 2013 from the general director of the Rubin Central Design Bureau, Igor Vilnit. He said that his design bureau had begun work on projects for both nuclear and non-nuclear 5th generation submarines, both nuclear and non-nuclear.

Then there was “white noise” around these works for a long time: officials People of all ranks were talking about one thing and then another - either research work was underway to “determine the appearance” of the submarine, then they had started designing, then about the appearance of their own projects at Rubin’s competitor, the Malachite design bureau. One thing was clear: these statements, in general, were in the same “cloud” - that work was underway. That is, “continues.”

Specifics can be seen in the cloud

In this vague information cloud, cloudy vague ideas gradually emerged about two main areas of work on 5th generation boats.

The Husky project is conceived for two variants of nuclear submarines - anti-submarine with Kalibr anti-submarine missiles and anti-ship with Zircon hypersonic missiles. We were talking about a ship with a displacement of 12 thousand tons, two-hulled, little noise and little visibility, with the latest means of communication and detection.

There were also rumors that such 5th generation submarines would be unified for the use of both cruise and ballistic missiles.

However, one of the most prominent naval experts in Russia, chairman of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement (DPF), Mikhail Nenashev, only laughed in a conversation with Tsargrad at such, in his words, “fantasies.” “Ballistic missiles for the Husky multipurpose submarine are absurd,” he said. – As for the fact that they allegedly plan to make it modular for two options - multi-purpose and strategic - then there was such an experience in the Soviet period. But then they abandoned it, recognizing it as ineffective.”

As for the second project, Kalina, sources in the Navy even told the press the year when it will be laid down - 2018, this year. This boat will have to be equipped with an air-independent power plant, that is, one that will not require external oxygen. Scientifically speaking, an anaerobic plant. Moreover, its noise level, as stated, will be comparable to the natural background of the ocean.

In addition, it is also promised “in principle new complex» radio electronics, navigation and weapons control. As a result, the boat will combine serious combat power with a large power reserve and extreme stealth. A kind of underwater cat that you can’t hear, but if you hear it, you won’t catch it, and if you catch it, it will seem all made of claws and teeth.

In general, we must admit that the specifics known to the general public about 5th generation submarines are no more specific than the faces that playful clouds in the sky draw and then erase.

It's hard to say what will happen because it's hard to say what's needed

It's not just a matter of secrecy. The main problem is that no one understands exactly the nature of a future war at sea. For, say, the way everyone has seen it so far, we need performers of an evolutionary nature. Whether it’s the 5th, 6th, or 10th generation, these are the same underwater monsters, reducing their audibility to the limit and increasing their potential and ability to detect the enemy. Maybe they'll end up making the sounds of plankton squelching in baleen plates blue whale. And to detect the enemy with the help of psychics assigned to the crew. But they will still be the same good old submarine ships, where they pour a glass of red wine to cheer up the crew.

But there are assumptions about a literally approaching revolutionary path for the development of the future submarine fleet. Based on the unfounded suspicions of analysts, as many admit, that the submarine war itself will be completely different from what was previously imagined. Namely: the war will be akin to the current land war, where small units hunt each other, which, nevertheless, perform completely monolithic tasks.

Because they are network-centric: everyone is separate from each other, but everything is in one controlled information system, where the Chief of the General Staff himself can sit in the soldier’s ear and look at the battle through his eyes through a camera in his helmet, the tank will search for the enemy using a drone, and aim at him through a satellite. At the same time, spitting away from the “smart” bombs with active protection charges, and the plane above him will suppress his will to resist using electronic warfare.

Why can’t the same network-centric war unfold at sea? A flock of relatively small boats, or even robotic boats, fly under the water in flocks, like some kind of herring, each performs part of its task, but all together - no, they are not herrings. Piranhas.

And what will submarine cruisers become then, if not doomed victims? Maybe this is the path to the 5th generation? Not whales, but ideally sharks?

Mikhail Nenashev in this regard is inclined, rather, to the second option. “According to the estimates of various experts with whom I spoke,” he told Tsargrad, “in 10 to 15 years we can expect developments on completely different bases. This will be associated with the development of drones, cyberspace, and robotics. The creators of weapons and naval equipment are moving along this path today.”

Another interlocutor of “Tsargrad”, who has repeatedly proven his highest competence, expressed not only a more pessimistic, but a more uncertain assessment of the future. Or – a certain one, depending on how you look at it.

“Today no one can say anything for sure regarding the nature of the future war and the future military equipment, he said. – As long as there is no war, you can assume anything. But the war will show everything - what it will be like, and what it will require.”

The Husky fifth-generation nuclear submarine project is one of the most ambitious military programs of modern Russia.

Change of generations

Recently, information about promising Russian aircraft carrier became less. And this is not surprising. In conditions of constant economic difficulties, such a ship looks like an overly expensive “toy.” It is much cheaper to build nuclear submarines (nuclear submarines). Perhaps this is why the press is increasingly talking about the project of a Russian submarine with the designation “Husky”. There is also great interest in this submarine because it could become the first fifth-generation submarine in history.

Here, however, we need to be clear. What are generations of nuclear submarines? Unlike fifth-generation fighters, which are already in full flight, there are no fifth-generation boats yet. And the fourth generation is considered the most recent. Such nuclear submarines are distinguished mainly by their even greater quietness. This is achieved by placing propellers in ring nozzles or using water-jet propulsion systems. In addition, engineers have widely used new types of sound-absorbing coatings and a number of other measures that sharply reduce the chances of detecting such boats. In general, it is the noise of the submarine that is of paramount importance. The boat will live as long as it can remain undetected. It is, of course, possible to escape persecution, but this (taking into account the development anti-submarine weapons) quite hard.

The first fourth-generation submarine in history was the legendary American Seawolf. It was put into operation in 1997. True, because high price Only three such nuclear submarines were built. The fate of the Virginia turned out differently: they want to build about 30 of these fourth-generation multipurpose submarines.

Russia in this sense is somewhat behind the United States. The first Russian boat of the fourth generation entered service with the Navy only towards the end of the 2000s. It's about about the strategic missile carrier K-535 "Yuri Dolgoruky" - the lead ship of Project 955 "Borey". Even later, the first Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarine of the fourth generation, Project 885 Yasen, was put into operation. Currently, the Navy has only one such submarine, but a total of eight are planned.

Husky makes eyes

In general, it is Project 885 that is needed to understand what the Russian submarine of the future will be like. In the “ideological” sense, it will most likely become the successor to “Ash”. The Husky nuclear submarine will probably be similar in appearance to this submarine.

One of the first specific mentions of the new boat dates back to 2013. It was then that the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy (now ex-Commander-in-Chief) Viktor Chirkov announced that serial production of 5th generation submarines would begin in Russia after 2030.

First, experts will finally determine the appearance of the future submarine. In March 2016, the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) announced that they were already working hard on this issue. “Currently, work is underway to shape the appearance of the new nuclear submarine; the Navy is developing technical specifications to carry out the preliminary design of the ship,” said a source representing USC. The corporation also hinted that the new submarine will be smaller in size than the current submarines (including Yasen). This will likely be achieved through even greater automation and a reduction in crew size. It is expected that the formation of the appearance and the creation of a draft sample can be completed within two years. The shipbuilders are not planning an option with an all-titanium hull, but titanium elements will be present.

The famous American military expert Dave Majumdar recently expressed his assumptions about the Husky. He believes that the new Russian nuclear submarine will be equipped with a reactor with liquid metal coolant. Such reactors on a lead-bismuth alloy were installed on Soviet submarines of the Lyra project and were examples of advanced developments. The Lyras were superior to all other nuclear submarines in terms of speed and maneuverability, but required special maintenance. Majumdar notes that nuclear reactors with liquid metal coolant are much more productive and compact than water-to-water ones. Installing such a reactor will make the boat compact, but will require the creation of specialized port systems.

Now the new boat is being developed by the Malachite design bureau. Let us note that it was with the help of this design bureau that “Lira” was created. As for the Husky’s weapons, it is already known that, in particular, it will be the Zircon hypersonic missile that is currently being created. The speed of this product will exceed the speed of sound by 5-6 times. This is very important, because in this case it will be very, very difficult to intercept a launched missile.

As you know, aircraft carriers operate as part of an AUG (carrier strike group), which has excellent air defense. However, the presence of Zircon missiles in the Husky could significantly complicate the life of American sailors. We will have to at least reconsider the AUG defense tactics. The missile's range is 400 km. This is a lot, although somewhat less than that of the old P-700 Granit anti-ship cruise missile. The latter, in particular, are used on Project 949A Antey submarines, main task which is the fight against aircraft carriers.

Not only the Husky will receive a new hypersonic missile. Even earlier they want to arm nuclear power with it missile cruiser"Peter the Great", which is sometimes called the "aircraft carrier killer". The same missile will replenish the arsenal of its twin, the Admiral Nakhimov, which is currently undergoing modernization.

By the way, on March 17 of this year it became known about the successful testing of the Zircon rocket at one of the Russian test sites. So the chances that the Huskies will receive a decent weapon are quite high. Unfortunately, the Zircon was not shown to mere mortals, but previously there was a version that this missile could have much in common with the Russian-Indian BrahMos-II missile. In addition to hypersonic missiles, the new boat will obviously receive new mines and torpedoes, as well as equipment that allows it to effectively track enemy nuclear submarines.

Two in one

In April 2016 it became known, possibly main feature"Husky." According to the head of USC Alexei Rakhmanov, the new nuclear submarine will combine the capabilities of a multi-purpose and strategic submarine. “This will be a boat that will be unified - strategic and multi-purpose in a number of its key elements", he said.

This information is extremely important: now nuclear submarines are clearly differentiated according to the range of tasks they perform. Strategic submarines carry ballistic missiles on board and in the event of a nuclear war they would have to wipe out cities and countries. The tasks of multi-purpose boats are more “humane”. Such submarines are needed for the destruction of surface ships/submarines, reconnaissance, as well as striking ground targets with high-precision weapons.

The unification described by Rakhmanov has one goal: to make the project cheaper. Indeed, the creation of one submarine, which will replace both the Yasen and the Borey, will require much less capital investment than the design of two boats. On the other hand, the new submarine, as a rule, is positioned as a “multipurpose” submarine. Therefore, it is not yet entirely clear what exactly the new ship will be for its purpose.

By the way, Russia is not the only country that is working on the creation of promising nuclear submarines. Similar work is underway in the USA. The Americans, however, are faced with more specific tasks: they want to replace the rapidly aging third-generation Ohio-class strategic submarines. The new carrier of ballistic missiles will be SSBN-X. This submarine is not positioned as a fifth-generation boat, so Russia, in theory, could become a technological leader in this industry. A kind of “trend setter”. At the same time, the American Navy will still be quantitatively superior to the Russian fleet. We must not forget that the Americans now have about 40 Los Angeles-type multipurpose boats alone. They are old, of course, but they will soon be replaced by dozens of new Virginias. In such realities, an analogue of the US Husky may simply not be needed.