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Russian young billionaires. The youngest millionaire in the world

How often for successful start we lack incentive and inspiration... One of the ways to get them is to read the success stories of the youngest millionaires in Russia. Perhaps you too can achieve such success.

Andrey Ternovsky, born in 1995

As a 17-year-old schoolboy, Andrei wrote a small program that subsequently blew up the RuNet. This is Chatroulette (chat roulette), where you can communicate with random users using text, voice and video.

The guy admits that the idea was inspired by conversations with friends through group calls on Skype. Getting down to business with enthusiasm, he wrote his program in just a couple of days. At the beginning of November 2009, the resource was launched and very soon attracted 500 users per day.

Just a month - and this number has increased 100 times. Almost all authoritative Russian and foreign publications have written about Chatroulette, such as New York Times. In the beginning of March next year Andrey said that the total number of users exceeded one and a half million.

At first, in order to develop the project, Andrei took money from his parents, but very soon he returned it with interest. Moreover, he himself no longer worked much on the site; four freelance programmers did this for him. Today the site is still popular, but the audience is strictly over 18 years old.

Oleg Gerasimov and Arkady Khokhlov, born in 1990 and 1993. respectively

One day Oleg saw a waterless car wash in New York, and he really liked the idea. Returning to Russia, he was eager to apply this method in our Moscow traffic jams. The main problem was extremely high price detergents such a plan.

Here, chemist friends came to the aid of the guys, who developed a composition with identical properties, but much cheaper and frost-resistant. A patent was registered and a license was obtained.

Today, Fast and Shine is a partner of many racing competitions. It is developing very dynamically and is already generating profits of more than 50 million rubles a year.

Vsevolod Strakh, born in 1988

At the age of 17, the guy created an online store called Sotmarket, which within a few years made him a billionaire. Until now, the project is growing so quickly that it has every chance of catching up and overtaking Ozon.

It all started in the 2000s, when pictures and music on phones were wildly popular. But they could be uploaded there using a cable. Having found a person who regularly travels to China, Vsevolod began to buy wires from him and sell them on a page on the Internet, which became the founder of Sotmarket.

The peculiarity of Vsevolod’s character is that he passionately wants to develop the business, so he invests almost all the profits back into the project, leaving almost nothing for himself. According to him, he often takes things on credit.

Some believe that at such a rapid pace, “Sotmarket” will not last long and that the project is similar to a teenage hobby. Time will show.

Fedor Tikhomirov and Alexander Koksharov, born in 1988 and 1989. respectively

In 2002, the guys on their own funds They built the only area at that time in St. Petersburg where you could skate and roller skate. First of all, they thought about themselves and their friends; then no one thought that this would develop into a business and even help them become one of the youngest millionaires in Russia.

The first site existed for about a year, and then the guys founded a full-fledged skate park on Valor Street in St. Petersburg. Then they heard rumors that the city government was also going to build a skate park. Fedor and Alexander showed them a project made on a computer, and the officials liked it.

Having received the first order, the guys immediately registered the company. It cannot be said that the path of business development was completely smooth, but difficulties only strengthened them. 5 years have passed since then, and the company has more than 40 sports facilities, that is, half of all those available in St. Petersburg.

Semyon Kibalo, born in 1988

As a university student, Semyon often watched American comedies, and there he liked the characters’ hoodies with their logos educational institutions. It was decided to do similar things for myself and my fellow students.

The guy didn't even need it start-up capital, an advance payment from friends was enough. He designed the logo himself. And then the principle of word of mouth worked. All the other students wanted the same sweatshirts.

Amazingly, a month later the profit from sweatshirts had already reached 100 thousand rubles. I had to open an office and hire employees, the scale had grown so much. Having saved 500 thousand, Semyon opened a company called Unifashion and purchased printing equipment.

Then the guy established cooperation with one of the clothing factories, where his branded sweatshirts are now produced. This led to higher prices, but also to a significant increase in product quality.

Nikolay Saganenko, born in 1988

Nikolai organized his first business at just 16 years old. True, he did not have much success. The boy called people who had placed an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of a car and offered to post an advertisement on the Internet with a photograph for 800 rubles.

But then a much more serious and profitable opportunity turned up. A friend who studied at an architectural institute said that teachers often need models of various buildings.

Nikolay got down to business, called several potential clients and within four days I received my first order. Soon the company “Maket-Master” was founded, premises were rented and several employees were hired.

Today, “Maket-Master” even takes on such complex projects as the layout of an entire city district, which other layout designers refuse. Other achievements are a wooden model of an automatic loader for AvtoVAZ.

Andrey Pryakhin, born in 1985

Andrey is the founder of the game design studio “Kefir”, which has had a hand in creating a huge number of flash games, in particular, applications for social networks. Moreover, the guy was fond of computer games his entire adult life.

His very first toy was called “Saakashvili’s Mission” and was full of black political humor. We can say that Andrey played with fire, but nevertheless, he even managed to earn extra money on the application. At this stage he was programming with a friend.

At one point, the developer took a risk and introduced VKontakte monetization for the game. He was surprised that people were willing to pay. These incomes allowed him to create his own studio, “Kefir”.

Several more or less popular applications were created, but “Tyuryaga” deserves special attention - a project that ranks among the top in popularity on VKontakte. The first million users installed it within 2 weeks after launch.

We conclude that to become a millionaire, you need determination, intelligence and a bit of luck. And age is not a hindrance at all.

Dustin Moskowitz, 29, the third member of the Facebook project, is worth $6.8 billion this year. Although he left Facebook in 2008 to launch his Asana project, his stake in the company is 7.6%. Taking second place in the ranking of the youngest rich people, Moskowitz lost ground: in 2010. Forbes recognized him as the youngest billionaire - then, however, his fortune amounted to $3 billion.

Mark Zuckerberg

In third place is Moskowitz’s colleague, the well-known Mark Zuckerberg. He will turn 30 this May. He continues to serve as president and CEO of Facebook. Despite the difficult times for the company, according to Forbes, the American programmer’s fortune totals $28.5 billion.

Anton Kathrein

In fourth place in the list of young owners of large sums was Anton Kathrein Jr., a representative of the third generation famous entrepreneurs(Kathrein family), who have been producing various kinds of antennas for several decades. Kathrein-Werke AG has more than 18 production sites around the world. Kathreins create jobs for almost 7 thousand people. Katrein Jr.'s fortune is now estimated at $1.35 billion.

Drew Houston

A respectable fifth place was taken by “Silicon Valley wonder boy” Drew Houston with $1.2 billion. He is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Dropbox, which pioneered the creation of “cloud” servers - data storage facilities that allow users to share files with each other. Drew Houston's success could be expected: he was interested in computers from the age of five, and as a schoolboy, the teenager participated in all possible projects related to programming.

Albert von Thurn and Taxis

In sixth place in the top ten young billionaires was 30-year-old Albert von Thurn und Taxis. He first appeared in the Forbes ranking at the age of eight, when he inherited a large fortune from his relative. Now the crown prince's capital is $3.8 billion. His assets include several castles in Bavaria, 36 thousand hectares of forest in Germany, as well as one of the largest forest holdings in Europe.

Scott Duncan

Seventh place in the ranking is occupied by 31-year-old Scott Duncan. He and his three brothers inherited the fortune of their father, pipeline owner Dan Duncan. According to Forbes research, in 2014. Scott Duncan became $1.2 billion richer than a year earlier: his capital now reaches $6.3 billion. This was due to the rise in share prices of Enterprise Products Partners. Currently, Duncan is one of the most eligible bachelors: the American press often includes him in ratings of the richest bachelors in the world.

Eduardo Saverin

Another person who stood at the origins of Facebook and became rich is Eduardo Saverin. He, along with Zuckerberg, co-founded the world's most popular social network, now he owns 5% of the company's shares, it is valued at $2.5 billion. Saverin's total wealth as of 2014 is: estimated at $4.1 billion. The world press knows few details about the billionaire - he prefers not to lead a public life. Eduardo Saverin was born in Brazil and now lives in Singapore.

The youngest millionaire in the world, who earned such an impressive amount solely through his work and ingenuity, is an eight-year-old Canadian boy, Ryan Ross.

An ordinary guy from an ordinary family began his business journey at the age of three. At first, Ryan organized a small chicken farm in the backyard of his parents' house. Taking a loan from his parents, he bought sixty laying hens. He didn’t have a clear business plan (and what kind of business plan is there for three years), but the guy had a clear idea of ​​what he would do next.

His daily income from the sale of eggs, which he sold near the church by the way, was about $15 (450 per month). Next was breeding decorative rabbits. It would seem that what else does a three-year-old boy need; he has already earned money for a bicycle, chips and Coca-Cola. But the youngest millionaire did not want to stop there. The boy invested the accumulated profits from the chicken farm into a new business, which consisted of providing services for mowing and watering lawns.

Young businessman bought necessary equipment and hired workers who did all the “dirty” work, for which they received 50% of their earnings. The guy invested eighty percent of his profits in business development, and over time, when it grew enough, Ryan began investing in real estate. Today, eight-year-old Ryan Ross owns a thriving business, six buildings in Ontario and British Columbia, and is the youngest millionaire in the world.

The young millionaire spends his free time from business reading books, which he buys almost wholesale. The Canadian prodigy also loves to play basketball. The site where the chicken farm used to be is now occupied by a basketball court, which is transformed into a hockey court in winter. Speaking of hockey - “ When I earn my first billion, in order to be able to play in the NHL, I will definitely buy myself a hockey team or even two“- the young talent shares his plans with journalists.

At such a young age, the boy does not forget about charity; once a year he travels to Cuba to personally help children in need.

According to Savannah Ross, Ryan's mother, her son's classmates do not believe that they are studying in a class with the youngest millionaire in the world, and all his stories are perceived as ordinary boasting.

Huge capital is not always the result of tireless work throughout your life. Sometimes it’s enough to be in the right place at the right time and make money on something that others simply don’t think of making money on. A living example of this top 10 young and rich. IN Lately, thanks to the development of computer technology, many promising newcomers managed to catch their chance. All of them are under 35 yet.

9.10. Fahd, 30, and Ayman, 32, are each worth $1.5 billion.

7. Sean Parker - $ 1.6 billion

6. Albert von Thurn und Taxis - $2 billion

  • inherited the fortune in 2001, today it is valued at 2 billion dollars.
  • Lives in the family castle,
  • is making plans to build the largest solar power plant in the world, choosing Bavaria in southern Germany for this purpose.

5. 34-year-old Yoshikazu Tanaka - $2.2 billion

2. Yang Huiyang - 3.1 billion

is the main shareholder of China's largest real estate company, Country Garden Holdings. She is the president of her father's company. She is 29 years old and has a net worth of $4.1 billion. Young graduated from Ohio University with a degree in marketing and logistics.

Scott Duncan's father, Dan Duncan, grew up poor and started his business with two trucks, and left it to his son capital of 3.1 billion and a pipeline empire. Scott Duncan is 28 years old and owns 49,000 miles of pipelines.

1. The youngest and richest - Mark Zuckerberg $13.5 billion,

which is 238% more than last year. He is 27 years old and has been involved in computer programming since school. At the same time, he rejected potential employers AOL and Microsoft, entered Harvard to study psychology and, together with Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz, created Facebook. In 2010, his story became the basis for the film " Social network“, although Zuckerberg himself has nothing to do with the project. Zuckerberg rightfully ranks first on the list of the young and rich, being also the most famous among them.

Mark Zuckerberg

Unfortunately, he is still not included in the list, but I think he will soon take his place there.

These are the young millionaires of today. Whether they were heirs to huge fortunes, or simply passionate geniuses, the young and rich, having achieved a lot, did not rest on their laurels, continuing to work and implement new projects.

Video – Documentary film young millionaires

Recently, the famous Forbes magazine published a ranking called “The World’s Youngest Billionaires.” It included 29 people whose age did not exceed 40 years. At the same time, 10 rich people work in the field high technology(four of them represent the social network Facebook). There is also a Russian among the list participants. Unfortunately, it is impossible to talk about all 29 rich people within one article. Therefore, we list those who are the most popular.

1. Perenna Kay (24 years old) - $1.3 billion

This Chinese woman, who tops the World's Young Billionaires list, owns approximately 85% of Logan Property through a family trust and various companies. General Director and the chairman of the board of directors of this company is her father, Ji Haipeng. Kay, known to many as Ji Paley, serves on the board of directors of Logan Property. In December 2013, the company held an IPO. Perenna graduated from the University of London with a BA in Finance and Economics.

2. Anton Kathrein Jr. (30 years old) - $1.35 billion

It's one thing to be born, like Kay, in rich family, and it’s quite another to successfully continue the work of your father and grandfather. This is exactly what Anton Kathrein, who ranks second in the list of “Young Billionaires of the World,” did.

In 1919, Anton's grandfather founded the Kathrein-Werke company, specializing in the production of automobile antennas. The company was a pioneer in this area. The case then passed to the young man's father. And after his death in 2012, Anton Kathrein Jr. began managing the company. Now, in addition to the company, it has begun to produce terrestrial and satellite communication systems, electronic components and antenna systems for mobile phones, as well as radio antennas.

3. Dustin Moskowitz (30 years old) - $6.8 billion

Third place in the “Young Billionaires of the World” ranking belongs to Mark Zuckerberg’s former roommate. Dustin stood at the origins of Facebook, was its third employee and held the position. He left the company in 2008 to devote himself full-time own project- software manufacturer Asana. Moskowitz recently married Kari Thune, a former Wall Street Journal journalist.

4. (30 years) - $28.5 billion

This year marks the 11th anniversary of the creation of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg, the director and founder of this social network, ranks fourth in the list of “Young Dollar Billionaires of the World.” In May 2012, the company held a not very successful IPO, which slightly slowed down its development. But over the next 12 months, Facebook shares rose in price by 130%, which allowed Mark to double his fortune. This is despite the fact that at the end of 2013, Zuckerberg gave away 18 million shares to charity, sold 41 million shares and exercised options for 60 million shares.

5. Drew Houston (31 years old) - $1.2 billion

In fifth place in the “Young Billionaires of the World” ranking is the CEO and co-founder of Dropbox, Drew Houston. He was barely in his thirties, and his name was already in the top ten richest people in Silicon Valley. This happened due to the “infusion” of new investments into his company. As a result, Dropbox was valued at $10 billion. Drew founded this cloud storage of information in 2007, taking Arash Ferdowsi as a partner. The newly rich man was interested in computers from the age of five, and started his first startups as a schoolboy. Dropbox is Houston's sixth project. Drew is as persistent and purposeful as the world's first billionaires. Thanks to these qualities, he earned his fortune.

6. Albert von Taxis (31 years old) - $3.8 billion

Sixth place goes to a representative of princely blood from the Thurn and Taxis family. Albert appeared on the list of billionaires at the age of eight. Then he inherited a huge fortune. But the official entry took place in 2001, when the prince turned 18 years old. Albert's assets include art, real estate, several thousand hectares of land in Germany, etc. The bachelor lives in the Bavarian family castle and takes part in auto racing.

7. Scott Duncan (31 years old) - $6.3 billion

This eligible bachelor from Texas rightfully ranks seventh in the “Young Billionaires of the World” ranking, the list of which is presented in this article. Scott is one of four heirs to his father, Dan Duncan, who made his fortune in pipelines. Over the past year, the young man became richer by about $1.2 billion, thanks to an increase in the value of Enterprise Products Partners shares and good dividends. In 2010, Scott's father passed away at the age of 77. At that time, the country had a one-year moratorium on inheritance tax collection. This allowed all of Dan Duncan's sons to receive their shares without the interest being at least 45% if their father had died at another time.

8. Fahd Hariri (33 years old) - $1.2 billion

Eighth place belongs youngest son Rafik Hariri. In 2004, Fahd graduated from the Paris School of Architecture. And after the death of the prime minister in 2005, he inherited the Saudi Oger conglomerate, specializing in housing construction and telecommunications in Lebanon.

9. (33 years) - $4.1 billion

Ninth place in the “Young Billionaires of the World” rating, the list of which is published annually by Forbes magazine, belongs to another co-founder of Facebook. Eduardo Saverin was born in Brazil. He was financial director company and its first investor. It was Saverin who introduced Zuckerberg to Sean Parker, who later took over as president of the social network. He also helped Facebook move to Palo Alto. At a certain point, Eduardo moved away from Mark, and the latter tried to “dilute” Saverin’s share in the company. This forced Eduardo to defend his right to Facebook shares in court. In 2012, he renounced his American citizenship and moved to live in Singapore. There, a young man actively invests in various startups. Recently, the Internet giant Yahoo bought Qwiki (a mobile video service) from Saverin for $50 million. Now the billionaire very rarely logs into the social network. In 2013, he said at a conference in Singapore: “I don’t want to devote my life to creating another Facebook.”

Yang Huiyan (33 years old) - $6.9 billion

Tenth place is occupied by a woman who is considered the richest in China. She received her share in the Country Garden company, specializing in the construction of luxury housing, from her father in 2007 on the eve of the IPO. In addition, he appointed her vice president. It is noteworthy that Father Ian started out as a simple farmer, then became a builder, and a few years later he registered a company that brought him billions. Now he and his daughter continue to manage the company.

Yvonne Bauer (37 years old) - $2.4 billion

The owner of the largest media holding in Europe is in penultimate place in the “Young Billionaires of the World” ranking. IN this moment Yvonne owns 85% of the shares of Bauer Media Group. She headed the family company for the fifth generation. The media holding itself was founded in 1875. It currently publishes almost 600 magazines.

Maxim Nogotkov (38 years old) - $1.3 billion

This talented one Russian businessman closes the list of “The World’s Youngest Billionaires.” At school Maxim was engaged in sales cell phones and computer programs. To build own business, he quit his studies because it took up a lot of time. Soon Nogotkov founded Svyaznoy, which later became the largest cellular retailer in Russia, selling the services of mobile operators, electronics, cell phones, as well as digital photo and audio equipment. Maxim also owns the Pandora chain of jewelry boutiques.