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Script for a transport company. Cold calling technique

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a telephone sales tool as a script.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a script for talking with a client on the phone;
  • How to write a telephone sales script correctly;
  • What types of telephone sales scripts exist? .

What is a telephone sales script?

For a marketer, a telephone is not only a means of communication, it is also an excellent channel for the promotion and distribution of products.

To understand how to sell a product using only a telephone conversation, you need to remember the specifics of communication over the phone:

  • Solution. Usually, modern man makes calls to find out or agree on something, in other words, to solve a problem;
  • Brevity. A conversation on the phone is always shorter than a conversation on the same topic in person;
  • Dialogue. A telephone conversation always involves a dialogue between two people.

Not every sales manager is able to briefly describe to the client his proposal to solve a problem that needs to be identified during a telephone dialogue with the client. Therefore, in order for the conversation between the seller and potential client turned into sales, it is advisable to use pre-written dialogue scripts or scripts.

Script – a dialogue scenario between a sales manager and a client, designed to increase the efficiency of the former and attract the latter.

You need a telephone sales script if:

  • Do you sell over the phone?
  • Your office employs at least three managers to implement telephone sales and provide telephone consultations to clients (a smaller number is easier and cheaper to train to work without scripts);
  • You want to improve your overall telesales performance. At the same time, the effectiveness of individual managers may decrease.

If you agreed with each point, then we need to move on and decide what types of telephone sales scripts are suitable.

In total, there are four types of scripts, depending on the level of development of the client and the market in which the client is represented. Each type of script involves its own telephone sales technique.

Warm customer base

Cold customer base

Consumer segment

A “warm” script is used if you call a potential client who has recently performed a targeted action in relation to your company: made a purchase, registered on a website, visited a store, and so on. That is, you know that this client interested in your product.

The manager’s goal is to remind about the company and offer products that may be of interest to this consumer, convince him of the usefulness of this product

In this case, you are calling “blindly”. Your interlocutor probably doesn’t know about your company or product at all.

The manager’s goal is to inform the interlocutor about the company, identify the client’s problems and offer solutions to these problems. That is, the manager must get a completely new client for the company

Industrial segment

Any of these types is based on the following principles:

  • Equality. You and your client are partners. You should not persuade the client to take the target action or agree to unfavorable conditions. Your job is to see the client's problem and offer a solution. It is up to the client to refuse or agree. Otherwise, you will lose the client's respect for your company;
  • Cooperation. You should not argue with the client, you must prove to him that he really needs your product and the purpose of your call is to help. To do this, you need to ask your potential client questions to which you know the answers in advance. For example, manager: “Do you use a lot of paper per month?”, client: “yes”, manager: “you buy a new pack of paper every week”, client: “yes”, manager: “would you like our company delivered paper to your office every week at a time convenient for you?”

IN in this example We offer a solution to the client’s problem and at the same time use the law of three “yes”;

  • Knowledge. A sales manager must know the specifics of the company and understand its products and services.

Script structure

Now that we have decided on the types of script, let's decide on its structure. Since the scripts for consumer market differ significantly from the scripts for industrial market, we will analyze them separately. Let's start with the consumer segment.

Script structure for the consumer segment

To clearly show what the difference is between scripts for a warm and cold customer base, we will display the structure of the scripts in a small table.

Warm base

Cold base


Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)

Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning)


“Client name”, my name is “manager name”, I am a representative of the company “company name”

“My name is “manager name”, how can I address you? I am a representative of the company “company name”, we are engaged in ....”

There is no need to mention the client's name, even if you know it!

Finding out the circumstances

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

We find out whether it is convenient for the interlocutor to talk now (if not, then we discuss the time when it will be possible to call back)

Clarifying questions

We remind the client that he recently purchased our product or performed another targeted action. For example: “last week you purchased our product “name”. Did you like him?

We identify the client’s need: “Are you familiar with the problem...?” “Would you like to get rid of her?”

Purpose of the call

We indicate the purpose of the call: “Yesterday we received a new product, complementing “the name of the product that has already been purchased previously.” It will allow you to achieve a double effect and save you from the problem for a long time...” Here the consumer either purchases the product or objects

We offer our product/service to the client. If the client objects, we move on to the next stage

Reply to an objection

We use all the positive characteristics of a product or company to convince the consumer of the need for this product

We identify the reason for refusing to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused, as a rule, it is necessary to solve three such problems

We say goodbye

“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye"

“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye"

Structure of a cold calling script for an industrial client

In this case, it would be advisable to omit the conversation script with the industrial client from the warm base. Typically, it matches the conversation script for the warm base of the consumer segment.

for industrial clients will consist of the following steps:

  1. Preliminary. We send to email potential client your commercial offer. This must be done half an hour before the call. We write down the goals of the conversation;
  1. Search for a contact person, who makes a decision in the client company on your issue;
  2. Secretary's rounds. As a rule, the secretary of the responsible person will answer you first, who has his own script for refusing people like you. You need to get around it. To do this, adhere to the following rules:
  • It is necessary to show by intonation and manner of speaking that the person in charge needs this cooperation more than you;
  • Clear, correct, confident speech;
  • The following phrase should be heard in the conversation: “Who can I talk to about this issue” (“Contact me with the person responsible for this issue”).
  1. Conversation with the decision maker. Structure of a script for talking to responsible person company will look like this.




Introductory phrase: good afternoon (evening, morning) “Name of interlocutor”


Say your first and last name

Clarification questions and product introduction

Do you use communication services from our company “name”? Now we have a new offer, for regular customers it will cost half as much. It will allow you to “name those benefits that are of interest to your interlocutor.” For example, for the boss - cost reduction and profit, for ordinary employees - simplification of work

Work with objections

We identify the reason for refusing to purchase the product. We solve the problem for which the consumer refused. Typically, there are three such problems that need to be solved

We say goodbye

Thank you for your time, we will be glad to cooperate / see you / tomorrow our specialist will come to you at the appointed time

An example of working with objections

At the end of the article, I would like to focus on this block, since it is the most dangerous from the point of view of losing a client.



We don't need this product

“The product can solve the problem with...”. Doesn't help, can you suggest alternative product and name its useful qualities for the client

I have no time to talk (after the clarification stage)

“It won't take more than 10 minutes. I can call you back at another time. At your convenience?"

We already have a supplier, he suits us

“We do not propose to replace your current partners, we propose to supplement them so that everyone can work comfortably and problems such as “listing the client’s problems” do not arise.


Many of our clients pointed to high price, but all questions were resolved after they tried our product. Let us give you a 20% discount on your first order so you can be sure of this

In fact, there may be many more objections; we have given only the most common options. It is important to think through each one and work it out so that the manager can give a clear response and not lose the client.

Sample (example) telephone sales script

Finally, here is a complete telephone sales script. Let's say we sell shampoo for dry hair to a cold customer base.

  1. Greetings: Good afternoon
  2. Performance: " My name is Anna, how can I contact you? I am a representative of the Volosatik company, we produce natural hair care products. “Customer Name, we have a special offer for you.”
  3. Clarification of circumstances:“Are you comfortable talking now?”
  4. Clarifying questions:“Are you familiar with the problem of dry and brittle hair?”, “Would you like to get rid of it?”
  5. Purpose of the call:“Great, we offer natural shampoo for dry hair. The fact is that licorice, which is included in its composition, retains water, and the absence of sulfates allows you to preserve the structure of the hair. Did you know that 90% of shampoos in stores contain sulfates, which destroy the hair structure, slowing down growth and making it brittle? (No Yes). When making our shampoo, we focused specifically on the absence of harm to hair. At the same time, the price of our shampoo corresponds to the market average and is 500 rubles per 400 ml.”
  6. Work with objections: Examples of working with objections are given in the table above.
  7. Saying goodbye:“Thank you for your time, we will be glad to see you in our store. Goodbye".

Video about telephone sales scripts

Psychologists say that a person remembers only 20% of what he hears, so every word counts when calling clients! To avoid losing face, sales scripts are used. These are behavioral scenarios for a manager, which describe step by step what he should say and in what situation. Let's figure out what should be in effective script sales and consider several ready-made templates.

Scripts exist for all occasions, or rather, for every type of work with a buyer, but today we will look at the most popular one - a script for cold sales over the phone.

Let's look at the scripts piece by piece

Sales scripts have been around for decades, and if you don’t want to use the random method, you can arm yourself with the most effective algorithm that has been refined over the years. Your script may not win an Oscar, but it will attract clients.

Let's start with b2c sales, that is, by calling individuals. Sales scripts for sales managers will be built according to the following scenario:

Stage Description
Greetings Introductory phrase.
The manager says his name and company, and then clarifies whether the interlocutor is comfortable talking.
Identifying problems The manager starts talking about the problems that the product/service he offers can solve, trying to get the client to recognize the presence of these problems.
Purpose of the call The manager offers the client his product or service.
Reply to an objection If the client refused at the previous stage, then you need to identify the reason for the refusal and try to convince the interlocutor.
Parting The manager discusses the next step of interaction with the client: a new call, a meeting, and so on. If the negotiations were unsuccessful, he simply says goodbye to the interlocutor, thanking him for his time.

Script structure for the b2b sector when organizations are ringing, it’s almost the same. The difference is that before starting a conversation, you need to “get in touch” with the decision maker. The secretary will most likely pick up the phone, and you need to bypass him, proving that cooperation is more beneficial for the client than for you. And only when you are connected to the head of the department or the main boss, you need to start working according to the above script.

Some companies bypass the secretary by deception - they pretend that they are calling about employment - and only after contacting the right person do they reveal their cards. It’s up to you to decide whether to do this or not, but we recommend maintaining the company’s reputation as “clean” as possible. You will still need it.

By the way, according to statistics from the b2b research company Sirius Decisions, the middle manager gives up trying to contact the person in charge on the second attempt. At the same time, to successfully generate a lead in the b2b sphere, you may need from 7 to 13 contacts. Be persistent!

7 Best Ways to Make a Client Hate You

Above we described the standard course of a sales call. This is the basis on which you can “put” your chips: use the client’s main pains, list competitive advantages your product, competently, and so on. Only by testing different versions of scripts will you gradually formulate the most effective algorithm that will show the best effect specifically for your company.

Thus, There is no single recipe for how to talk to a client; it’s easier to say what NOT to do.

So, you want to piss off your client and not sell him anything? Take advantage of our bad tips:

  1. Conduct a conversation in the form of a monologue. Do you call to listen to the client's opinion? It's too much. But he should learn about your proposal in every detail. Don’t let him get a word in, or you never know, he’ll refuse again.
  2. Chat. Faster! Time is limited! You definitely want to cram as much information as possible into a few minutes! Or better yet, one! Learn to speak quickly and spray your client with machine-gun shots of words.
  3. Show who's boss here. Business is a wild jungle. Here you need to dominate. Show the client that you are in charge here. Press, insist. Don't be a compliant weakling.
  4. Improvise. Why prepare? Each situation is individual. Just call and hope for the best.
  5. Damn tact. Every polite word takes away precious seconds of persuasion from your client.
  6. Speak without emotion. God forbid you show your client that you are positive. He may think that you are doing better than him, and therefore refuse your services on principle.
  7. Tell us more about the company. Don't limit yourself to talking about the product. The client needs to know as much as possible about where you work, what connections you have, partners and where your supervisor vacationed this summer.

Sales script templates: just don’t write them off!

The sales script templates below are just examples, do not rewrite them one by one, but change them to suit your needs. There is no universal solution for all occasions, because each company and its product are unique.

Please note that at some points these example scripts go against the rules of conversation that we talked about at the beginning of the article.

1. In-scale marketing agency script

Stage Actions
Greetings – Hello, *client’s name*.
When greeting, be sure to say your name; this indicates preparedness.
Presentation and clarification of circumstances If a company's area of ​​expertise may cause a potential client to be negative, then simply:
– Horns and Hooves Company.
If not, then:
– A company of such and such profile “Horns and Hooves”.
We don’t ask if it’s convenient to talk, so as not to provoke a refusal.
Identifying problems One of three techniques is used:

"We you":
– *Client’s name*, you work in such and such an area, and we are engaged in servicing this area. That's why we're calling you to...

–*Client’s name*, we work in such and such an area and would like to work with you. What do we need to do for this?

"Is there any reason":
– *Client’s name*, tell me, so as not to insist in vain on the meeting and not waste your time, are you doing this and that (the conditions that you need to cooperate with the company are called).

Purpose of the call If you are agreeing on an audit or meeting, then you can move on to the purpose of the call, if about sending commercial offer, then you should first ask a few clarifying questions (no more than three) in order to send exactly what you need. Next you need to make an offer:

–*Client name*, based on your answers, our product is ideal for you. In order not to immediately insist on a meeting and to save your time, I propose to do this: I will send you a proposal by email, and tomorrow afternoon I will call you back and clarify the decision. If you're interested, we'll work on it, if not, another time. I'm writing down my email.

Reply to an objection Proceed according to the following algorithm:

Agreement with the claim:
– Yes, we have such and such disadvantages (for example, high price).
- That is why…
– We are chosen by those who (for example, are ready to pay once, but for quality work)…
– By the way, have you already determined the approximate volumes for the month (or similar, depending on the situation)?

Parting You need to record the outcome, specifying what time you will meet, write, or call.

2. Seurus call center script

Stage Actions
Greetings - Good afternoon, company is such and such, name is such and such. How can I contact you?
The client gives his name, we make sure that this is exactly the decision maker we need.
Presentation and clarification of circumstances
Identifying problems Let's ask the obvious question:
– Do you use such and such?
Making the transition:
– If you use this, then you have such and such a need (for example, to replenish goods or for service).
Purpose of the call We briefly outline the proposal using the following levers of pressure:
1) Shares (Only for the next couple of days there will be a 50% discount on our services).
2) Link to the client's words (You said earlier that you have such and such a need, right?).
Reply to an objection Work with objections in this script is based solely on arguments related to the features of your product, and therefore cannot be given. A couple of common situations:
- We are satisfied.
- Everything is relative.
– Our managers already work well.
– Great, so let them work with the clients we bring.
Parting The contact is transferred to the supervisor for further processing.

3. BusinessTG business school script

Stage Actions
Greetings First you need to ask the person what he wants to be called - and then address him in exactly that way.
- Good afternoon. How can I contact you?
Presentation and clarification of circumstances – Hello, *previously mentioned name*. I am so-and-so from so-and-so's company.
Next you need to make a link:
– Such and such a person used our services and offered to contact you.
- I was informed that you are doing such and such. Perhaps we might be interested in the benefit we offer?
Next you need to ask permission to communicate:
- Can you talk now?
Identifying problems Questions should be asked open type:
– What are your employees doing to achieve their goals?
– How do you solve such and such a problem?
– How can you increase the flow of customers even more if you improve their service?
Purpose of the call – Our company does this and that, we serve such and such areas, including yours. We offer such and such a product or service, thanks to it you will have the following benefits. However, we will take on all the difficulties and technical issues.
Reply to an objection
Parting Outline the agreements:
– Thank you for your time. Please leave me yours contact information so that we can send you additional information. If you are interested, find out what day you can call to discuss information or even come by.

Which sample sales script should I choose? It is best to create your own based on examples. But if you want to use a ready-made one, then you should try everything one by one, assessing its effectiveness and suitability for your type of service.

Integration of scripts into CRM

If you conduct sales through , then you can integrate scripts for convenience successful sales directly into the program interface. So that when working with a client, the manager sees a detailed scenario in the CRM - what to say at each stage of the sales funnel. To be fair, we note that not all Russian CRM solutions have such functionality. As an example we can name.

In the program, you can use the settings to write step-by-step scripts for each stage of working with a client. Thanks to this, in each transaction card the manager will see detailed guide- what needs to be said and what to do to successfully move the deal to the next stage. Scripts are displayed in CRM in the form of a convenient checklist, which the manager can work with directly during negotiations with the client:

Screenshot of the SalesapCRM program: a deal card with a checklist for the manager is shown

To see with your own eyes how it works in SalesapCRM, and your managers will always work using ready-made sales script templates.

One of the main ingredients for good sales is a quality script. Despite the fact that most companies work with different target audiences and sell completely different products and services, the rules of communication are the same for everyone. Most companies undertake to make scripts themselves and after managers do not produce results they come to the conclusion that the managers or the product are bad, but, often, the problem is precisely in the script. Today we will give an example of a universal script template that fits most projects. When used correctly, conversion can increase significantly.

1) Secretary bypass block

In our company, we have a rule by which you can instantly determine the quality of a script. If a secretary bypass block is specified in the script, the script is bad. It's simple - to get around the secretary, you can't be a salesman. If you start explaining to the secretary all the benefits of your product, you have lost. The secretary, who receives 137 calls every day, has his own laconic script: “Thank you. All offers are sent to the email address indicated on the website.” If management needs to buy something, the secretary looks for it himself. He absolutely doesn’t care what benefits you bring and what benefits you promise. So just look for a way not to lie, but also not to show your intentions to sell. Break the pattern in any way until you are sure that you are communicating with the decision maker* (decision maker).

Example: Selling our sales outsourcing services

Manager: - Hello, hello. Secretary: - Hello, Prostonyashino company, how can I help you? Manager: - You have a vacancy at HeadHuntere. Position sales manager. With whom can I clarify the terms of employment? Secretary: - Just a second, I’m connecting.

They bypassed the system, hacked the password, our people are in the enemy camp.

2) Greeting

Manager: - Good afternoon, *COMPANY NAME*, *MANAGER NAME*. How can I contact you? Possible decision maker: - Valery. Manager: - Tell me, are you responsible in the company for *insert what you need* Confirmed decision maker: - Yes, what did you want?

It is very important in the first seconds to confirm that the decision maker is the decision maker and find out his name. Otherwise, at the end, when contact has been established and he agrees to cooperate, it will be awkward to ask.

3) Confirm demand and determine if there is a problem

It is necessary to confirm the demand, and not to convey the supply. Even before you start offering something, you need to block the person’s access to the opportunity to refuse and establish primary contact with him. All this must be done exclusively by ASKING QUESTIONS. The questions should be simple, to which you know the only possible answer is yes. You need to confirm with the person that he needs your product that solves his problem. 2-3 questions are enough, the first of which is from “Captain Obvious”.

Example when selling a pen:

Manager: - Tell me, do you write with a pen? Decision maker: - Yes. Manager: - Do you write with a pen quite often or occasionally? Decision maker: - Often, what do you want to offer? Manager: - If you write with a pen, it means you have it periodically runs out, and you need to go and buy a new one? Decision maker: - Right, what did you want?

I think everything is clear here, but for those who don’t, call us and we’ll explain)

4) Offer a solution to the problem

Based on the questions, you smoothly move on to the essence of the proposal that helps solve the problem, the presence of which the person has already confirmed. No one will ever admit that they lied, so your interlocutor can no longer deny the fact that they need to solve the problem. This means that the proposal will not face the objection “we don’t need anything” and you will be listened to. The main thing to remember here is that brevity is the sister of talent. So your proposal should be as short as possible and explain exactly how it solves the problem. You can read more about how to properly prepare a proposal in ours.

5) Promotion/special. offer

To make an offer effective here and now, use leverage. Classic examples work well here: the opportunity to try a product before paying, a 50% discount valid for only a couple of days, etc. By creating urgency and limiting time, we speed up decision making, otherwise it could drag on for a long time, and we really don’t want that.

A similar technique was actively used on landing pages, installing stock counters (and some people still install them), but lately this has hardly worked on landing pages.

6) Re-confirmation of demand

It is necessary to remind the decision maker of his own words. The fact that at the beginning of the conversation he himself confirmed the existence of a problem now gives us a serious trump card. You ask the same questions again and get the same answers again. In fact, you are forcing him to admit that he needs what you offered him.

If in point 3 we asked questions about interest in purchasing at a better price and they confirmed it to us. Then, after announcing the action, we ask something like this:

“You said that you were interested in better purchasing conditions, right?”

Think at your leisure how you would “dodge” such a phrase and offer something of your own.

7) Dealing with objections

The last window through which a client can get out is working with objections. Model all the nuances and prescribe answers to the client’s possible questions to the manager in advance. This part depends solely on knowledge of the hardware and on the manager having the right arguments.

8) Manager

Even the most Best offer, aimed at a specific target audience may not bring any results if the manager does not know how to present it competently. If you want to kill a beast, you need a hunter, not a shepherd. One competent salesperson will bring you more profit than 10 students working for results. You can raise a professional, but it requires effort, money and time. Or you can hire someone who is ready to outsource. Here you choose between what you really want - save more or earn more;)

And finally, an example of a complete script for cold calling and offering services to our company (forgive me those who do not like the text formatting, the functionality here is far from Word):

Secretary's rounds

Good afternoon I found an advertisement on the Internet for a vacancy for a sales manager. Who can you talk to about the vacancy and clarify the terms of employment?

Switches to decision maker

Good afternoon, my name is Konstantin, Seurus company. How can I contact you?*

Client response

(It is necessary to confirm that his managers are not ideal. What can be better. At the same time, one cannot say that they are bad) Do you have sales managers? Do you think your sales managers are doing their best or can they do even better?

Client response

Would you like your sales managers to work for results? OUR COMPANY is engaged in hiring remote sales managers who are already trained and experienced in various products and services. Are you satisfied with the quality of your sales managers? Do your managers work for a salary or results?

Client response

We work on a balance payment system. 35,000 rubles balance, which is spent in three areas:
FIRST: Creating a database: that is, searching for companies from the target audience on the Internet 10-20 rubles. for contact. SECOND: Creation of a project 15,000 rubles. Writing a sales script, training a manager, determining an effective Target Audience. THIRD: The result is a client interested in purchasing. That is, we find out from you who is a hot client and assign a reward for him. In the future, work is carried out exclusively for the result. No salaries or living expenses. Sales only. Only hardcore. If payment is received this month, we are ready to launch your project in 2 days.

Client response

You yourself said that you can sell better. We are ready to demonstrate this to you. Our managers are the best in their field and have extensive experience in this field. Let me send you the contract and you take a closer look at the conditions. Will I call you back tomorrow and answer all your questions?

Client consent

Work with objections

We have our own managers, everything suits us!

Everything is relative. Do you think that it is impossible to sell better than your managers and your company gets maximum profit?

My managers sell perfectly and profits are at their maximum!

Well let your managers handle the interested clients we bring! After all, they know your product in detail, and we will bring hot customers - ready to buy.

We have a specific product!

We sell everything: from website development to diesel generators! If we sold equipment for water utilities, then we can sell your product. The main thing for you is to confirm interest in your product. You can tell us about your product without us. Our task is to interest you!

How many calls can you make per day?

It all depends on the project! On average 100 calls, you yourself understand that selling honey is different from selling real estate.

*If interest is confirmed, transfer the contact to a supervisor for further processing.*

That's basically all! On the one hand, everything is simple, but on the other, it’s not quite) Don’t listen to “armchair experts,” and if you’re not sure whether you’re doing everything right, it’s better to call Seurus! -

May profit be with you!

Transport services are one of the most useful services, without which wide retail chains could not fully exist. This is especially felt when it comes to delivering a consignment of goods to a fairly remote place. As a rule, transport services are used when the company has a wide production network and the finished product needs to be delivered to its destination in stores. Some companies create their own logistics departments for this, and some use the services of other companies.

Sale transport services companies

Not really large companies, whose business is conducted in a relatively small area, most often, practically do not need to provide them with transport services; in extreme cases, they have their own small transport services (pizza delivery to pizzerias, etc.). More people need transport services large manufacturers goods or trading companies that need to transport goods to at least another city. Such companies are the main client for transport companies.

You can promote transport services in the following ways:

  • Internet and television;
  • Direct contact with company representatives;
  • Connections, acquaintances, word of mouth.

The latter works best. There are two ways to get recommended:

  • Do the job better than the customer expects (does not always work);
  • Ask for a recommendation (works in most cases).

For some unknown reason, novice managers are afraid to “start word of mouth” on their own. To find clients online, you can use techniques such as cold calling and telesales of transportation services.

A transport services sales manager must be able to find a client, win over and earn trust, conclude an agreement, correctly evaluate and study competitors. Finding a client and offering him your services is only half the job.

How to increase sales of transport services?

All companies, no matter what type they are, strive to increase profits. Transport services are not a niche in which you need to focus on quality. The emphasis should be on price and service, which can be fundamentally better than that of competitors. You can agree on minimum price for rental of transport (if you rent transport) in order to reduce the total cost of the service.

It is difficult, problematic, but it is possible to negotiate with companies to purchase fuel in large quantities at a cost below the standard. This would be a serious bid to beat competitors in the price segment. Also, a good way to increase sales would be to expand the transport network, because a transport company that can provide its services in 10 cities will have much more clients and, accordingly, sales than a company that has a network in only 4 cities. What can we say about transatlantic freight companies that operate between continents. The technique of selling transport services is developed with experience, and the experience of the entire company depends heavily on the experience of its employees. Experiment where possible and gain new experience.

Why use ready-made scripts if you have a team of experienced managers?

Because sooner or later newbies may appear without experience and skills in working with objections. And a script can help out a manager if he is confused, lost in thought and the client is about to lose his temper, but there is no time for thinking and improvisation.

A script is a ready-made script that can be used to build a dialogue with a client and get the expected result. Needed if there are regular telephone sales and a desire to improve call efficiency.

What are the disadvantages

A script can limit a manager and be the reason why sales fail when it is written incorrectly or there is a strict attitude to follow only the written algorithm. A step left or right means execution. The script is average universal solution, following which the likelihood of a positive outcome of the conversation is greater. But this is not a 100% guarantee. Having a script does not mean turning off your imagination and following only a memorized algorithm.

Managers often make mistakes when calling clients.

  • Poor presentation and lack of a clearly formulated proposal.
  • Transition to price without voicing the benefits of the product for the client’s needs.
  • Weak arguments in favor.
  • The goal of the conversation was not achieved. The manager answered the questions and made no attempt to engage the client (offer to send a CP, schedule a meeting).

If there ready-made template for calls, there is less chance of making a mistake.

Universal script for sales

The basic stages of any script are:

1. Establishing contact. Greeting + introduction

"Hello mMy name is Natalya, I am the manager of the company "N", we are engaged in repairs industrial equipment. How can I contact you?" (Semyon Semenovich). "Semyon Semyonovich, is it convenient for you to talk to me for 3 minutes now?”

2. Identifying needs or problems. "Tell me, what equipment do you use in your work? How often do breakdowns occur? How long does it take to eliminate them?"

3. Product presentation with a focus on how it can help. " We offer... We give a guarantee... We fix it for free in case of repeated breakdown... Our specialists will come and do it at a time convenient for you...".

4. Answers to questions. Work with objections

" With us you will receive the additional advantage of...".

5. Target action. Sending a proposal, scheduling a meeting, arranging for the next call.

6. Ending the conversation."Thank you. Have a nice day".

If everything is done correctly at the problem identification stage, then the presentation of the product will not raise any objections.

For b2b, the script will be approximately the same, but a preparatory stage will be added

  • Collection of preliminary information. Finding someone responsible for purchasing or making a decision official+ his email. If you can’t find it via the Internet, you can, for example, find out by calling the secretary: “Tell me how to correctly spell the manager’s full name...”, “We want to send a personal invitation to an industry exhibition for the full name, tell me which address is best?”
  • Sending a commercial proposal.
  • Call + visiting the secretary.

Example of an incoming call to a real estate agency

If a client calls, the manager’s task is to demonstrate excellent knowledge of the product and its scope. The questions can be very diverse and you need to be prepared for them. If there is a script, it is easier to navigate.

A: AN "May", good afternoon. My name is Svetlana. How can I help?

TO: Hello. I am interested in buying an apartment on Lenina, I found your ad on Avito. Is it still relevant?

A: How can I contact you?

TO: Leonid

A: Nice to meet you. Leonid, can you specify the advertisement number?

TO: 2#189324#67

A: Thank you. Apartment on Lenina, 14, 70 sq.m. On the 9th floor. It's like that?

TO: Yes.

A: The announcement is current. Do you have questions or want to watch it right away?

TO: Yes, tell me, are there meters installed there? Is there a telephone and internet? Is it possible to install an electric stove?

A: Yes, it's all there. There is already a gas stove, but you can also install an electric one.

TO: I would like to see.

A: Great. When would it be convenient for you to arrive today within two hours or tomorrow afternoon?

TO: Better today?

A: Call me when you are there and I will meet you.

TO: Fine.

A: Thanks, see you.

Example of a cold calling template

What is the difference between these calls? The client knows nothing about the company or the product. The manager’s task is to briefly form an idea of ​​the company, identify the pain of a potential buyer, and tell how to solve it with the help of the product.

1. Greeting."Good afternoon".

2. Getting to know each other. Employee name + company name with a brief explanation of what they do. For example, “Our company supplies furniture accessories. We have a large assortment to suit any needs and reasonable prices.” And we find out the client's name.

3. Establishing contact. Make sure this is the person who will make the decision on cooperation. And clarify whether he now has a few minutes to talk or is it better to call back at another time (which?). For example, "Are you using this product?" and then “Then you probably often have difficulties with...”. Questions that will help reveal the client’s pain.

5. Answers to questions. Arguments and more arguments. " Why does the client need your product?"

6. Ending the conversation."Thank you bye". Based on the results of the call, the contact moves to the next stage.

Learn more about handling objections

Most often these are statements such as: “We don’t need this”, “Expensive/No money”, “We have been working with the same supplier for a long time”, “We will call you back”, “Send the proposal”.

In the response template, you can pre-prescribe several convincing options for arguments in favor, which will make the work of managers easier. For example:

- “I understand that now you have no time for me and want to hang up quickly. Let’s meet and in a calm atmosphere I will tell you about our product, you can ask questions and decide whether you need us or not.”

- “I’m not suggesting that you abandon your suppliers, I’m offering you a choice, the opportunity to compare whose conditions are better. You yourself will decide who is more profitable to cooperate with. Let’s meet and perhaps our offer will interest you...”

- “Yes, you’re right, there’s always not enough money, but let’s calculate how much you’ll save/earn for the company if you accept our offer...”

- “What needs to be done to cooperate with you?”

What a manager needs to remember when cold calling

1. The initiative should always remain with the manager. Use the counter-question tactic. The client's task is to find out necessary information and hang up. The manager’s task is to schedule a meeting, agree on the next step, and finally sell. Questions help you break through a client's defenses and avoid objections.

3. Remember the purpose of the call(make appointment). If you tell all the information over the phone, the client will no longer be interested, he found out what he wanted. The manager’s task is to intrigue and bring the client to a meeting.

IMPORTANT! If you work in , you can configure

  • And managers will be able to make and receive calls, having before their eyes a ready-made script with possible answers and examples of working with objections.
  • During a conversation, you can simultaneously fill out the data received from the contact into the card.
  • If the client is already registered in the CRM database, his data will be automatically inserted into the text of the script when calling.
  • During a conversation, the manager can quickly move through the branches of the script.

Even in the industry, you can set up step-by-step scenarios for different situations: cold calls, receiving incoming calls from new clients, etc. This way, your managers will always have ready-made recommendations, which will increase the success of negotiations.


A good script is a cheat sheet, not a rigid set of rules. It helps the manager:

  • Quickly navigate and choose best option response to direct the conversation in the right direction.
  • Avoid difficult moments, don’t get stuck if you are stumped by a question.