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Social assistance for elderly people at home - how easy it is to receive and apply for it. What is a social worker? What duties does he perform? Who is entitled to a social worker?

Some Muscovites have the right to receive free help from a social worker in Moscow. Let's figure out what is needed for this and where to go

Photo: Roman IGNATIEV

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A retired family lives in our house. Since they have no close relatives, their neighbors help them in any way they can. Recently my grandmother fell ill and now cannot go outside without help. We heard that social workers help older people. I would like to know who is entitled to such a service and what is needed to apply for it?

Vera Egorova. Eastern district.

Free assistance from a social worker in Moscow is available to some residents in social service centers or patronage departments at inpatient social service institutions. As explained in the capital's mayor's office, citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-care and need specialized care are entitled to social, medical, patronage, and sanitary and hygienic services (see list below). The following beneficiaries can receive them free of charge:

Victims in emergency situations, armed international (interethnic) conflicts;

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War;

Widows of disabled people and war veterans, participants in the defense of Moscow;

Awarded with the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;

Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention during the Great Patriotic War;

City residents whose average per capita income on the date of applying for social services will be below one and a half times the subsistence level in Moscow per capita (currently this amount is 15,786 rubles).

At home or in a social service center, free assistance from a social worker in Moscow is also available to Muscovites:

Incapable of self-care due to old age, illness, disability, and having no relatives who can provide them with help and care;

Those in a socially dangerous situation or difficult life situation;

Minors, as well as adult incapacitated or partially capable citizens who are in a difficult life situation;

Disabled people from childhood who are in inpatient institutions social services on a five-day stay.


The list of social, medical, sanitary and hygienic services includes:

Health monitoring;

Performing medical procedures, dressings, injections as prescribed by the attending physician;

Assistance in conducting a medical and social examination, and, if necessary, in hospitalization;

Hospital visit;

Assistance in arranging vouchers for sanatoriums and holiday homes. The complete list is from the Department of Labor and Social Protection of Moscow.


If desired, for a partial or full fee, Muscovites who, on the date of applying for social services, have an average per capita income exceeding one and a half times the subsistence level in Moscow per capita can receive help from a social worker at home. For example, these could be elderly Muscovites and disabled people living in families with relatives of working age and having children of working age, as well as in other cases at their personal request. Citizens receiving home care and wishing to receive assistance beyond the territorial list of state-guaranteed social services are also entitled to use social services for a fee.

The monthly fee for social services at home is calculated based on the tariffs for social services. The amount cannot exceed 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the beneficiary and the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge. A complete list of tariffs for social services is on the website.

In any case, in order to use these services, you must be recognized as in need of social services and have an individual program for the provision of social services (IPSSU).


Those wishing to receive an individual social services program must contact the social protection department of their area with the following basic documents:

Personal application from the beneficiary or his legal representative with a request to receive social services;

Passport or other identification document, including a birth certificate for a minor under 14 years of age. The document must indicate the place of residence in Moscow. If such data is not there, then you will need a certificate confirming your place of residence in Moscow;

A document with data on circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a city resident;

A medical report on the state of health, including the absence of diseases for which social services are not required;

Federal certificate government agency medical and social examination confirming disability (for a disabled person - a certificate of social services);

Conclusion medical commission a psychoneurological dispensary or hospital with a detailed diagnosis and an indication of recommended social services;

Certificate of income of the resident and his family members for the last 12 calendar months preceding the application for registration of social services (except for data on the amount of disability and (or) old age pensions, which are paid by the branch of the Pension Fund in Moscow and the Moscow region). If necessary, specialists may need additional information and extracts. Documents must be brought in originals or officially certified copies, or copies with presentation of the original documents.

One of the most important functions state system is support for people who are unable to solve their problems on their own. This is needed by single elderly citizens, low-income families, orphans and others. Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 enshrines the right of any person to turn to government social protection agencies for help.

Depending on the situation and income, it will be provided on a paid or free basis. So, In most cases, social assistance at home for elderly people is provided without charging money.

To become a recipient of social services, a citizen must independently contact the government agency and provide documents confirming his status.

What is included in social assistance

Elderly people are provided with support through specialized institutions - territorial centers. The size and type of services depend on the applicant’s needs. In particular, low-income people can count on the following free services:

  • home care;
  • inpatient services in boarding houses, boarding houses and others specialized institutions;
  • urgent one-time support measures;
  • receiving advice;
  • other.

New methods of state social policy are built on the principle comprehensive service. In practice, this means that the social center client must receive all possible types of support from a specialist:

  • household (if necessary);
  • on interaction with government agencies;
  • on medical care;
  • on employment;
  • for solving psychological problems.

Moreover, the person served at the first stage should interact only with a social worker. The latter becomes for the senior citizen personal assistant in the decision various problems. To organize such a big job it is necessary:

  • train social workers;
  • create powerful support centers (the problems of the persons served are very diverse);
  • establish interaction between social workers and other government services and institutions.
Hint: at the local level, territorial centers closely interact with local administration and self-government bodies.

What services are available to pensioners?

The amount of assistance to a person in need is determined based on the needs. For example, if a lonely person is very sick, then he needs to bring groceries, do the cleaning, accompany him to the clinic, and more. The recipient can count on the following maximum amount of assistance:

  • support in everyday matters:
    • cooking food;
    • purchase of food and essential goods (including medicines);
    • organization of leisure;
    • cleaning of living quarters;
    • washing clothes;
    • carrying out cosmetic repairs;
  • furnace firebox (if there is no central heating);
  • delivery of drinking water in the absence of running water;
  • payment utilities and other accounts;
  • calling a doctor;
  • accompaniment to vacation spots;
  • other.
Important: the social worker makes purchases and pays bills at the expense of the person being served.

Special attention is paid to disabled people. After all, these people are often unable to carry out hygiene procedures on their own. They are supported by a social worker.

His responsibilities include the following:

  • accompanying the ward to a medical facility;
  • carrying out hygiene and other procedures;
  • support in passing a medical and social examination, including collecting and submitting the necessary documents;
  • legal advice.

Who cares about pensioners

Social service centers operate in municipalities. There may be several of them, including:

  • municipal;
  • private.

According to the new rules, the function of caring for elderly people can be transferred to a specialized enterprise or individual entrepreneur. Such structures are financed from the budget. Therefore, their activities must be licensed. As a rule, a list of structures that provide support to those in need is posted on the official portal of the municipality.

By law, the responsibility for organizing support for people in need has been transferred to regional authorities. Consequently, each subject of the federation solves organizational issues in its own way.

For information: get necessary information a citizen in need can:

  • social protection;
  • multifunctional center.

Submission procedure

The procedure for formalizing cooperation for the purpose of providing/receiving social assistance is described in Article 8.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999. A contract is concluded between the parties. The document describes the following important points:

  • duration of action (from three months to a year);
  • list of services and their scope;
  • preferred outcome;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • order of changes;
  • grounds for termination.

The initiative to formalize the agreement belongs to the citizen. An applicant for social assistance must independently declare this in writing. The government agency was given ten days to make a decision. If additional examination of the applicant’s living conditions is necessary, a response will be provided within a month.

Hint: the response to your application will come:

  • in general, after 10 days;
  • in some situations - in a month.

Who are the services provided to?

An enterprise providing social services is given the right by law to select applicants.
Thus, people of retirement age are required to receive services:

  • women who celebrated their 55th anniversary;
  • men after 60 years of age;
  • disabled people of any age.
For information: orphans, low-income families who find themselves in difficult situations, wards and guardians, and other categories of citizens can also apply for social support.

Who will be refused?

The law allows not to provide social support to persons potentially dangerous to the health of others. These generally include:

  • mental patients prone to aggressive behavior;
  • people suffering:
    • infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
    • open tuberculosis;
  • having an addiction:
    • alcoholic;
    • narcotic
Hint: if there are no available employees, the company may also refuse the applicant social support.

Special cases

Law No. 122 provides a rule that allows an elderly person to be placed in an inpatient facility. The procedure for making such a decision is as follows:

  • if a person is lonely, then you need:
    • his written consent;
    • or a court decision;
  • if he has relatives, then consent is taken from the latter.
Hint: people who are unable to:
  • move independently;
  • take care of yourself.
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Rules for drawing up a social contract

The law provides for the drawing up of an agreement between the social service and the recipient of services. The algorithm for developing the terms of the document is as follows:

  1. A person writes an application and provides documents confirming the need for third-party care.
  2. The package is sent to the appropriate institution (depending on regional rules):
    • social security department;
    • territorial or district complex center.
  3. The documents are reviewed by the commission. The body has the right:
    • request Additional information from a citizen;
    • conduct a survey of living conditions;
    • decide whether to enter into a contract or not.
  4. The commission is obliged:
    • develop a program to solve the stated problem;
    • determine the amount of assistance needed;
    • prepare a draft agreement.
Hint: get acquainted with the draft contract:
  • recipient of services;
  • a social worker who takes care of an elderly person.


The contract is drawn up between two parties:

  • an enterprise providing such services;
  • recipient:
    • directly by an elderly person;
    • his close people.

According to legal norms, the contract is valid until the end of the year. Then a new decision must be made. However, in the case of pensioners, the validity of the document is automatically extended. After all, the problems of a social assistance recipient will not disappear within one period.

Hint: the decision to extend the social contract is made by the commission. The pensioner does not need to write a new application and collect certificates.

Do I need to pay for services?

The law stipulates that persons with a small monthly income can become recipients of free social assistance. The income of a family or a single pensioner is compared with the cost of living established for the region of residence. If the pension is less, then they will not take money from the elderly person.

Reference: the pension benefit of most recipients has been brought up to the subsistence level in the region. Such persons are entitled to social support without charging a fee.

In addition, the social service does not have the right to take money from other beneficiaries. The full list is determined regional authorities. As a rule, it includes:

  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • persons who have crossed the 80-year-old threshold.

Other recipients of social assistance are required to pay for it. In this case, the amount of payment is specified in the contract. Usually, the amount does not exceed 250.0 rubles per month.

List of documents

An applicant for social assistance must submit an application (drawn up on a form with the help of a social worker) and the following documents:

  • passport and its copy;
  • a certificate from the Federal Migration Service about the place of registration (or a document on home ownership);
  • certificate of income (except pension);
  • document confirming benefits:
    • certificate of a participant or disabled person of the Second World War;
    • certificate of disability;
    • other;
  • information from the hospital about the need for rehabilitation (for disabled people).

The pensioner's representative is required to provide the first copy of the power of attorney. In addition, a document confirming family ties is required. For example, a pensioner’s child provides his birth certificate.

Will help everyone

Those who have circumstances that worsen or may worsen their living conditions now have the right to help from a social worker. These are people who have completely or partially lost the ability to care for themselves and move around. And it doesn’t matter why this happened - due to injuries, illness or age.

Families with disabled people of any age who need constant care, including disabled children or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation. And also families where there are conflicts, violence, dependent family members - drug addicts, alcoholics, gambling addicts. Families with mentally ill people will also be placed under social care.

People without a fixed place of residence also received the right to help from a social worker. This also applies to children under 23 years of age who have left orphanages and boarding schools for the big life and do not have a job or a means of subsistence. There may be other circumstances that worsen the lives of Russians. Which ones will be determined by the regions. You can check with the social security authorities in your hometown whether you are among those eligible for a social worker.

Free choice

Social services will come to the aid only of those who ask them to do so and write a corresponding application to the social protection authorities. Social services will be provided on the basis of an agreement that will be concluded between a person and the organization that will provide them. And also extremely important point- no one will anymore impose this or that institution on a person. He himself will be able to choose the organization that will serve him.

And a lawyer, and a cook, and an agent

For the first time, social workers will not just come to people in need to sweep their floors or buy groceries. Now the social worker will literally accompany his client. For each person, an individual program will be drawn up, which will clearly outline what services a person needs, their volume, frequency, conditions, terms. And assistance will be provided according to the plan.

If the family situation is bad, there are dependent people and parents or children need help from a psychologist, narcologist or other specialist, a social worker will assist in organizing such a service.

In addition, the social worker will now help in matters of employment, employment, retraining, in resolving legal issues, medical issues, with the preparation of any documents, including benefits, with the acquisition technical means rehabilitation, including wheelchairs. And even with the installation of handrails in the apartment, if the tenant needs them. Naturally, one person is not capable of being a specialist of such a wide profile. Therefore, the role of a social worker is to be a link between the ward and the organization whose help he needs.

Non-state assistance

For the first time, the law provides for the possibility of providing social services by non-governmental organizations - public structures, individual entrepreneurs, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Currently, registers of providers and registers of recipients of social services are being formed in the regions. This means that on the Internet on the website of the authorities responsible for social work in the territory, lists of organizations that you can contact for the provision of social services will appear.

It is worth noting that this is a very common world practice. In Europe, many social services are provided by private companies. And the state pays for their work. And this is considered correct. After all, in order to receive a tranche from the budget, an organization must prove through deeds that it is better than others capable of caring for socially vulnerable people. In the end, everyone is happy. Both those to whom these services are provided and the people who do it. A similar practice will now be introduced in Russia - for the first time this year, 160 million rubles will be allocated from the federal budget to subsidize business projects for the construction of nursing homes. Also, for organizations working in the field of social services, a zero income tax rate has been established.

Provides for the law on social services and the development of practice charitable activities, spreading volunteerism. Volunteers are people who help others unselfishly.

What do we pay for?

They will help minor children, those who have suffered as a result of emergencies or armed ethnic conflicts, completely free of charge. And also to all other people in need, if their income is below 1.5 times the subsistence level in the region. That is, if the cost of living in a subject is set at 8 thousand rubles per month, and the income of a social services ward is, say, 11.5 thousand, he has the right to receive social services for free. But if he receives a thousand more, for example 12.5 thousand rubles, then he will have to pay extra for some services.

However, regions can set their own standards and make social services free for those with higher incomes. These could be war veterans, distinguished figures or honorary citizens. If they previously received services for free, then new law will not worsen their situation: all previous benefits will remain.

Regions will set prices for social services themselves. But they should not be high, if only because they have a low cost. In addition, some categories will pay less depending on their income. For example, a single mother will pay no more than 50% of the difference between her income and 1.5 times the cost of living. If the income exceeds the minimum tens of times, then this person may have to pay for the service in full. If it slightly exceeds the subsistence level, then the payment will be small.

From this article you will learn:

    In what form can social assistance be provided to older people?

    How to apply for social assistance for elderly people at home

    What documents do you need to provide for this?

    Do you have to pay for it, or is the help provided free of charge?

According to statistics, many older people now suffer from various diseases and/or are in difficult life circumstances. Finding themselves in a difficult situation, alone with their problems, they often give up and do not know how to “get out” of the current hopeless (in their opinion) situation.

In fact, there is always a way out. All Russians of retirement age who are in dire need of state social assistance are entitled to it. What is meant by the concept of “social assistance for elderly people at home”, how to apply for it and how much will it cost? This article has answers to all these questions.

Types of social assistance for older people

Due to their age characteristics, older people constitute the most vulnerable category of the population. That is why they need government help.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates measures to provide social assistance to elderly people, in particular, provided:

    providing social assistance to older people at home;

    services in hospitals (boarding houses, boarding schools and similar institutions);

    provision of semi-inpatient care in various day care institutions;

    provision of urgent social assistance of a one-time nature;

    social advisory assistance that facilitates the adaptation of disabled people in the public environment.

To guarantee the elderly unhindered support from the state, separate territorial centers have been created in the country. Their responsibilities include not only the direct provision of necessary social assistance, but also the identification of elderly people who are in dire need of it and have the right to receive it.

The degree of urgent need to provide one or another type of social assistance is assessed by territorial centers with the direct appeal of the elderly (or those who represent them).

What laws regulate social assistance for elderly people at home?

In the modern legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several laws that control the provision of social assistance to the elderly and disabled.

We are talking, in particular, about such legislative acts, How:

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2063 of December 25, 2000 “On additional measures to improve the living conditions of elderly citizens and disabled people in state and municipal stationary and semi-stationary social service institutions.”

    Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ (latest edition).

What is included in social care for older people at home?

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, social assistance to elderly people at home can be expressed in helping:

    improve living conditions and organize leisure time for the elderly;

    purchase medicines, food, goods household chemicals etc.;

    deliver drinking water and light the stove (if people live of advanced age in a private house without central water supply and heating);

    in daily cleaning and cosmetic repairs of the house/apartment;

    pay utility bills, visit various vacation spots and travel to sanatorium-resort treatment;

    call the attending physician at home.

The majority of disabled pensioners are unable to care for themselves and maintain basic personal hygiene. Therefore, “social assistants” are obliged to provide them with the help they so need. For example,

    assist the old man in obtaining medical care;

    help carry out various hygiene procedures;

    if necessary, assist in passing a medical and social examination;

    visit medical facilities together to receive appropriate assistance.

In addition, “social assistants” can explain various legal issues to elderly people, help them obtain any certificates and papers, and even support them in obtaining higher or secondary education.

Who can count on social assistance at home?

Pensioners are entitled to receive social assistance at home, in particular:

    women over 55 years old;

    men over 60 years old;

    disabled people regardless of age.

Social workers are obliged to provide social assistance to older people at home only if they are truly unable to care for themselves.

The decision on the need to provide social assistance to older people at home is made by a specially created commission, which also has the right to refuse to receive social assistance.

Elderly people who have certain “contraindications” may also receive a refusal from the commission.

These include:

    mental illness, the consequences of which pose a threat to the life and health of the social worker;

    alcohol abuse;

    drug addiction;

    venereal or quarantine-type diseases;

    tuberculosis or other similar diseases that must be treated in closed medical institutions.

Quite often, social assistance for older people at home may be denied due to a basic shortage of unemployed social workers or due to the applicant’s uncertain place of residence.

If the court decides, then under certain circumstances the elderly person will be sent for treatment or permanent residence to special government institutions.

But this also happens not by a court decision (in the absence of relatives or with their consent).

The reason will be that the elderly person cannot move freely or perform the simplest manipulations to comply with the simplest hygiene rules.

How to apply for social assistance for elderly people at home

To apply for social assistance at home, an old person (or his representative) must contact the social service center (at his place of residence).

This institution provides all the necessary social assistance to elderly people at home. To receive it, an elderly person will have to write an application and collect some necessary papers.

Documents for registration of social assistance

To receive help at home, a pensioner fills out an application on a certain form provided by an employee of the social service center.

Then the old man collects a package of documents, namely must be provided:

    original and copy of the applicant’s passport;

    a document confirming the applicant’s right to receive social assistance (disabled person’s certificate, etc.);

    power of attorney, if the registration of social assistance for elderly people at home is carried out by a third party or a close relative of a person in need of state support;

    an extract from the passport office regarding registration at the place of residence;

    a medical certificate of health, certified by the head physician, and a rehabilitation program (if necessary);

    income certificate, if a pensioner in need of social assistance receives income in addition to the pension, on which he pays taxes.

As you can see, in order to apply for social assistance for elderly people at home, you just need to collect a few documents. But actually getting it can be quite difficult. Sometimes it is not known why such “blatant disgraces” occur. For example, in some regions there are not enough social workers, while in others they completely refuse help for no reason, as they say, “without comment.”

Rules for registering social assistance for elderly people at home

After the elderly person has submitted a package of documents, he/she gathers special commission to make a decision on providing the most necessary types social assistance. In each case, an individual program is developed according to which a specific social worker will act.

The decision on social assistance for elderly people at home is made no later than ten days after the elderly person submits an application.

After the appropriate decision, an agreement is concluded on the provision of established types of social assistance.

Contract for receiving social assistance is concluded between the elderly person (or his authorized representative) and the social authority, comes into force after signing and is valid throughout the current year. After the next year, it is extended automatically, that is, it does not need to be drawn up again.

Now a social assistant is required to visit an elderly person at home every day or two to three times a week. The frequency of visits depends on the health status of the sponsored person.

Social assistance for elderly people at home is provided free of charge

Social help for elderly people at home can be either partially paid or completely free.

Since January 2015, elderly people whose monthly income does not exceed or is even below the subsistence level established are entitled to free social assistance local authorities authorities.

Participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War have a guaranteed and unconditional right to receive social assistance for older people at home.

All other categories of citizens for such a service as social assistance for elderly people at home must pay no more than 250 rubles a month, and this amount does not depend on what kind of assistance is provided.