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Advego text exchange. Rules of work on the Advego exchange

Hello readers of the site Step by step instructions- Under the Copy.

My name is Catherine Artemova , and I will tell my story of making money on texts and articles, tasks and the Advego exchange store. Maybe you can use my experience.

Faced with the need extra income, I thought about a part-time job on the Web.

When I learned about freelance exchanges, the first thing I did was register on one of them. The most famous and popular this moment text exchange - Advego.

Of course, I did not count on fabulous earnings from the first minutes of registration. But I knew about the real successes of people in such work. I wanted to test my strength.

Registration on Advego is instant, and after a few minutes you can start earning .

How many tasks do you need to complete to get your own store in Advego

Not all tasks are available to beginners on the exchange. In order to demonstrate that you are serious, and not accidentally entered the exchange in search of easy money, you will have to complete ten low-paying tasks (anything at all, the simplest ones).

But after ten paid works, you will have access to your own store on Advego, where you can sell your articles (copywriting and rewriting), translations and other text materials.

The advantage of your own store on Advego is that you yourself determine the price of the work for the number of characters, subject matter, writing language, genre, and more.

The main thing is not to violate the rules of the exchange:

  1. Write without errors (grammatical, syntactic, punctuation, etc.).
  2. Do not post questionable and inappropriate content (immoral, adult, 18+, offensive).
  3. Articles must be unique.

After posting your first article, don't think that a line of buyers will immediately line up behind it, perhaps no one will buy it at all. The correct presentation of the material is 80% of success.

Simple tasks for beginners on the Advego exchange

But back to the initial stage - the implementation of the first tasks.

In the list of available work, you will see a lot of tasks, from which you need to choose those that you can complete easily and quickly in order to receive payment from the customer.

Don't take on a task if you're not sure you can handle it. For non-fulfillment and refusal, your rating decreases, which means that you are trusted as a specialist.

If you want to make good money on Advego, follow your reputation from the very beginning!

Try the simplest ones - “like on Facebook or VK”, “join a group”, “subscribe to a public”, “write a small rewriting”.

Read the terms and conditions carefully! Be sure to fulfill all the conditions of the customer, otherwise you will not be paid for the work, and the rating will go down.

Find the simplest tasks for making money on Advego at a price. The cheaper, the easier it is.

If you were sent an order for revision, modify it in accordance with the requirements; after completion, orders are usually paid.

Don't be discouraged if you have to work for pennies at first. Work every day and diligence will be rewarded.

Soon you will be able to participate in tenders, acquire regular customers and receive high place in the ranking.

For example, in a couple of months I managed to achieve the status of Specialist on the Advego exchange and receive additional privileges:

  • more expensive orders available
  • Customers prefer experts over beginners
  • conclusion Money going twice as fast

Withdrawing money from Advego

You can withdraw an amount from 500 rubles to an electronic wallet. This money can then be easily transferred to bank card and cash out at an ATM or bank.

Getting an online wallet is quite simple, you just need to go through the registration procedure, for example, on WebMoney.

After earning the first money on the stock exchange, and making a transfer, you will have to wait 16 days until it comes to your electronic account.

But if you keep working on Advego and show your best professional quality, then soon you will become a Specialist and will withdraw money within a week. Want to try - REGISTER:

What else do you need to know about Advego?

You will often see assignments only for authors “from the customer's white list”, but what does this mean?

The customer's white list is a list of authors whose work the customer liked so much that he is ready to cooperate with the author in the future. You can be whitelisted if you complete several works of one client and he likes them.

But there is also the opposite of whitelisting.

The black list of the customer is a list of blocked authors for violating the terms of the exchange or a specific task.

Try to fulfill all job requirements and you will never be blacklisted.

Authors from the white list may receive personal orders, for example, I had several such orders from the same author. These orders are valued more expensively and given more time to complete.

How to fulfill orders so that they are 100% paid

  1. Take into work only the order that is completely clear to you, there are no unclear terms or requirements.
  2. Choose orders on topics that are close to you. If you do not understand repair or construction, do not think that in the specified time you will be able to write a 4 thousand-character article about the features of cinder block laying and types of concrete.
  3. Assess your strengths appropriately. If the task needs to be completed in 2 hours, and you are not sure that you can print original text three thousand characters during this time - do not take it.
  4. Start with quantity. The more tasks you complete, the higher the rating.
  5. But don't forget about quality. Remember that customers can whitelist you if they like your work.
  6. Observe the given uniqueness of texts. Customers check the work on Advego Plagiatus, you will also have to download it and pass the work through it.

If you receive personal orders, then do not hesitate to write to these customers in response, offering cooperation. This is how you can find a more stable income.

Remember that how much you earn depends on hard work, but the Advego content exchange is a powerful springboard for every freelance copywriter.

Don't forget to complete your profile with information about yourself after registration. This instills confidence in customers. You are more willing to give orders and pay.

In general, everyone can learn how to make money on articles. You wrote essays in school, didn't you?

Learn a little bit about working with text on the Internet, remember the rules of the Russian language and finally start making real money on texts and articles without leaving your home. Without a strict boss and a long trip to the office.

On the Advego text exchange, you have only 1 boss - you yourself! Try it right now and share your experience in the comments.

The Advego copywriting exchange was my first serious place to work on the Internet. And, despite the fact that after him I went through many other resources that suited me much more, Advego is most grateful.

This does not mean that it will be very easy to make money on Advego, especially for beginners. But the fact that this exchange is an ideal start for starting serious earnings is undeniable.

And here I want to give some advice on how to make money on Advego, and warn novice authors against some mistakes that can not only slow down successful work, but also seriously demotivate. The work of a copywriter is very difficult, so you need to prepare for difficulties.

Getting started on Advego

To work on any content exchange, they do not require special education and training, so you will have to learn in the process. But before you start taking orders, it is better to carefully read the rules, read the forum - it is very informative on Advego. Only this will make it possible to understand what to do and how, and will open the way to real earnings.

After completing the standard registration, you immediately become a performer - without additional tests and exams, which is a plus, but doubtful.

The fact is that Advego has been operating a tender system for distributing orders for some time now. The authors choose the work that they want and can do, but the customers also choose from several performers who have submitted an application. And who will take risks and trust a person who still has neither a reputation nor completed tasks?

Therefore, you should immediately take care of the portfolio, unless, of course, you have at least some articles published on the Internet. You can post your texts or links to them on the forum by entering in the section "Search for customers to offer their services in Advego" new theme. There you can also write about yourself what, in your opinion, will be interesting to a potential employer.

But if there is no portfolio yet, this should not be an obstacle to starting work on Advego. In the same section of the forum, indicate your readiness to complete tasks, your knowledge and skills, topics that you can write about - the customer will definitely respond and give you a trial, possibly inexpensive and simple task.

Do not be shy and apply for participation in the tender yourself. The more you submit them, the more likely it is that your request will be answered. You need to work productively and then the result will be appropriate.

How to search for orders

The interface on Advego is clear and easy to understand. In the upper left corner, click the "Job" button, a little lower - "Job Search".

You will see a page with all currently available orders. As you can see, there are a lot of them, and looking at everything in a row is a waste of time and a missed opportunity to earn money. For a targeted search, there is such a function as "Sort".

Understanding sorting is easier than it might seem. First of all, in the top line you need to select the type of work you want to receive. Orders on Advego are very diverse - from likes and reposts to serious articles and translations. One has only to find what is preferable for you at the moment, which will make it possible to earn both money and reputation.

How to win a tender

For me, the most frustrating part of the job is submitting a “order request”. What exactly to write? How to interest a stranger and make it clear that I can place an order better than others? Especially if you see that a lot of applications have already been submitted.

This is what applications look like. There is no point in writing anything extra. You just need to leave a few words about your readiness to get started and links to existing articles.

You need to write only the truth, without lengthy reasoning - the customer is not at all interested in reading that you are a fifth-generation copywriter, a specialist in all areas, etc. All your advantages will be visible after completing the first task.

But you can and even need to ask questions to the employer.

First, you clarify all the nuances of interest. Secondly, show your interest in both the order and the customer's resource, and your willingness to work seriously and earn money.

And of course, the text of the application must be literate! Do not be lazy to re-read it, even an accidental typo can cause rejection. Experienced copywriters have certain rules communication with customers (more).

What are the best jobs to start with?

There are also such orders on Advego that can be taken without a preliminary application. Basically - the most simple, and, therefore - cheap. For example, write a comment on the forum, join a group, put a like. Is it worth taking on this job? Worth it, if only for the growth of the rating on the stock exchange.

It's not even that such tasks give little in terms of earnings - they take a lot of time. You need to find them, register on the site, fill out a questionnaire there, and be active. Income - 5 cents. You should not count on these orders, despite the fact that there are a lot of them on Advego. But if something suitable comes up in the search, then why not do it. By doing this, you will not only earn a small amount, but also let the customer know about yourself.

The main income and experience comes from writing articles, that is, copywriting and rewriting. And these orders on Advego are also not so hard to find, even in the public domain. Of course, you need to realistically assess your strengths, but you should not be afraid of failures - everyone has them.

But it’s not worth it to “get stuck” on small, insignificant tasks! You won't be able to earn a lot of money from them.

Article Store

The site has the opportunity to sell your articles on any topic, written, so to speak, by inspiration. There are no restrictions on the subject and number of articles, but moderation is quite strict there. Texts must be error-free and unique. By the way, you can make money on the resale of articles.

How much can you earn on Advego by selling articles? It's up to you.

But I must say that articles are selling well, and any of them, most likely, will be bought, even on the most unexpected topic. That's just when? It happens that a dozen texts "hang" in the store for a year, and then they are bought in one day, and different buyers. There is no need to make predictions here.

Money for Advego

The main criterion for evaluating a job is salary. How much can you earn on Advego? It depends on the quality of work and activity.

Activity does not only mean the number of completed tasks. In order to be noticed, you need to communicate on the forum, update and supplement your portfolio with the most successful publications, and participate in order discussions.

Getting into the "white list" to as many customers as possible is a great success. In this case, you will no longer have to look for a job, you will be given personal tasks.

Money from the Advego system is credited to the account immediately after the acceptance or purchase of your article. The minimum withdrawal amount is $5 per WMZ wallet. The first transfer may take several days, subsequently the funds are credited to the wallet almost immediately after the order. Here is my earnings as a copywriter:

As you can see, I started out pretty briskly, and then everything went downhill - I went to other exchanges. Why? Because Advego disappointed me more and more, and the working conditions of competitors seemed much more attractive. A copywriter can earn $ 300, and this is not the ultimate dream ().

Advantages and disadvantages of the content exchange

But I didn't leave Advego at all. There are disadvantages that are not easy to put up with:

  1. Not the most user friendly interface. In addition, it often changes, and not for the better.
  2. Lots of inappropriate assignments. I am not averse to sometimes performing “microtasks”, but even among them there are strange ones - to leave a comment or post not on the customer’s website, but on a third-party or my own website or blog. Moreover, payment will be charged only if your post is not deleted.
  3. A lot of time is spent looking for orders. Despite the fact that there is sorting, you have to “screen out” unnecessary ones yourself.
  4. If you can’t quickly find good employers and come up with your own earnings algorithm, then labor activity Advego gets bored very quickly.

The advantages include the popularity and honesty of the exchange, the sociability of both authors and customers - I often go to the forum for answers to difficult questions. It is impossible not to mention the article store again.

Well, everyone uses the check of uniqueness, spelling, text analysis. For example, customers from other resources often require verification on Advego.

The main thing is to "catch the wave". Many of those who have succeeded have been working there for years, making very good money and would not trade Advego for any other exchange.

In addition to Advego, there are other content exchanges. A lot of useful information can be found in

Advego- exchange of articles and content №1. The presented project is one of the first in the Internet space. At the moment, the project is the largest portal that brings together authors and customers, so do not delay getting to know the project, the opportunity to prove yourself, and therefore.

Exchange articles Advego video:

To start working on a project, it is not at all necessary to have special knowledge and skills. Figure out how to make money on Advego content exchange absolutely not difficult and accessible to anyone who has such a desire.

Before registering, be sure to clean cookies . This procedure is simple and takes very little time.

Cleaned up? Press:


In the top right corner of the site, click Registration:

In the form that opens, enter the Alias ​​and the current address Email, press Register:

An activation letter will be sent to the e-mail that you indicated, follow the link indicated in it, in the form that opens, create a password for working in the project and click Save:

Congratulations, you have registered. Now go to section Settings, to enter your details:

Be sure to fill in all the data about yourself and upload some memorable avatar for yourself, not necessarily a real photo, so customers will start to recognize you over time. Enter your number in the Payment details section Z-wallet webmoney and fill in all the remaining details. Click below Save:

Done, now we can actually start working.

How to make money on Advego

Click tab Work:

T Now you can choose the type of work. To find an order already placed by the customer that you can fulfill, click Job search:

In the very impressive list that opens, you will find all orders that are available for execution at a given time. The following options for available orders will be detailed:

  • price per 1000 characters;
  • content requirements;
  • required uniqueness;
  • deadline, etc.

If you liked some task and you decided to complete it, click take a job or Apply for participation if you decide to participate in any tender for writing this or that content:

Now it's up to you - carry out the task taken.

If you have a rich imagination, know how to write well and competently, and you also have something to tell people, you have a direct path to content exchanges. For beginners, the Advego exchange is best suited.

    • What is Advego?
    • What ways of earning does the Advego exchange provide?
    • Tips for novice authors Advego
    • Conclusion

What is Advego?

If to speak in simple words, then Advego is a site where you can buy or sell content on various topics, or perform any task related to writing articles. Among everything variety of exchanges existing on the Internet, Advego stands out for its affordable prices and a large selection finished articles, which is undoubtedly main reason influx of customers.

  1. Before you start working, the exchange does not require passing special tests. Just registration is enough.
  2. You can both take orders and work with the article store. True, in order to post your first article, you need to complete at least 10 works and get paid for them.
  3. You have the option to submit your resume.
  4. You don't have to pay to access orders like some other exchanges.
  5. To withdraw money from your account, it is enough to collect only 5 dollars.
  6. You can discuss all your questions regarding the work of the exchange on a special forum.
  7. The exchange provides an opportunity to check the content for uniqueness and the absence of errors directly on the Advego website.

Getting acquainted with the Advego article exchange

As you can understand, such a number of pluses is an excellent argument in order to join the ranks of the authors of Advego. However, like everywhere else, this exchange also has its drawbacks. And it is better to learn about them before you start work:

  1. Very low rates for writing articles. When you are just getting started as a copywriter, this may not bother you much. But more professional authors, having gained experience and knowledge, as a rule, leave the ranks of Advego authors and start looking for higher earnings.
  1. For an inexperienced copywriter, there is a risk of doing the work for free. Unfortunately, the administration of Advego does not meet the needs of the authors in all cases. Therefore, you still need to prove the illegality of the refusal to pay. However, fortunately, this rarely happens.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties, then the next thing that will interest you will be the question of how make money writing articles on Advego.

What ways of earning does the Advego exchange provide?

There are several ways to make money on this exchange. Over time, you will choose what you like best.


This is the most easy way earn money. This is where most authors start. You will need to leave your comments and posts on social networks or forums. The money for such work is small, but in order to earn a rating for yourself and understand how the exchange works, posting is quite suitable.


This work consists in rewriting one or more articles while maintaining the main idea. Your task is to achieve high uniqueness, while retaining the main idea of ​​the text. This work is very similar to writing a summary in school. You are given a text that you need to paraphrase in your own words, but the meaning of the article should not suffer.


Such work is already considered more difficult. You will be required to write unique content using only your own knowledge and experience. Of course, you can search for information on the Internet, because no one will be able to check where you got it from. However, your article should not be like any other.

At first glance, this task seems difficult. However, if you have a wealth of experience, a great imagination, and you understand what you are writing about, you can handle copywriting as well.

SEO copywriting

Many novice authors are afraid of such assignments. Although in fact there is nothing complicated in them. You are given keywords - the usual set of words or phrases that you need to insert into the text. At the same time, a third-party person who will read your text should not guess how these words or phrases sound, they should be so harmoniously inscribed in the article.


A great way to earn money, if, of course, you know foreign language. Orders for translating articles are well paid and the competition in this work is not so high.

Writing articles for the ready-made content store Advego

Apart from fulfillment of orders, you can also write articles for the Advego ready-made content store. To do this, you just need to understand in which topic you are the strongest, and start writing an article. This kind of work has its advantages. First, you are not limited in time. That is, write when and how much you want.

We recommend online earning course: Learn more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

Secondly, you yourself choose the topic of the article and write about what you want. But there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is that you will have to wait until your brainchild finds its buyer. It may not take more than one week. It all depends on how popular the subject of your articles is.

You can have a wonderful style, be able to write unique articles and know a lot of useful and interesting information, which can be transferred to people, but, unfortunately, this does not guarantee you success on the Advego exchange.

Checking the uniqueness of texts written by you through Advego

In order to achieve recognition and become a good writer, you need to know some secrets, which we will discuss next.

Good Orders Are Rarely Shared

Most often, the customer creates a tender and chooses the author himself, with whom he will work. Do not neglect such tenders. Be sure to leave applications that you would like to work with this customer. Of course, while you have little experience and written articles, and the likelihood that you will be chosen is low. However, it's still worth trying!

Take on only the work that you are guaranteed to do.

Never take on something that you might not be able to handle. Otherwise, refusal to pay will lower your rating, and, as a result, will scare away other customers.

Feel free to ask questions on the forums

The more you know, the easier it will be for you to work. However, do not swear on the forums, sort things out and complain about other customers. Don't forget that forums are read not only by Advego authors. Accordingly, your behavior may not have the best effect on your rating. Maintain a friendly, courteous and positive attitude.

Ask to be whitelisted

If you have successfully completed the work, ask the customer to add you to the white list. Just do not bother much - few people like it either.

Be careful with the terms of the order

Do not forget that you are given a limited amount of time to complete the work. If you do not have time to turn in the work on time, it is automatically considered not completed, and you have another refusal to pay.

Always check your work for grammatical and punctuation errors

Sometimes we admit them simply out of inattention. But in the work of writing articles, they are simply unacceptable.

Before taking the first order from the customer, check his profile

To do this, simply click on his name. You will see what percentage of failures and improvements it has. This is very useful information. Then you can decide for yourself whether you should work with this customer or not.

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A high percentage of refusal to pay indicates the pickiness of your potential employer. Of course, the Advego exchange guarantees payment for your work, but only if it is done correctly. All disputes are resolved through the administration of Advego and if it turns out that your work has even the slightest mistake, the refusal to pay is recognized as justified.

Spend as much time as possible on the Advego website

Good orders sell out very quickly. And, if you visit the exchange 1-2 times a week, you will have little chance of catching a good order.

Be sure to consider the uniqueness of your articles

It is checked by a special program Advego Plagiatus. Although the exchange considers an article to be unique if it has a score higher than 90%, some customers require a higher uniqueness rate, for example, 95% or more. If you can't meet this target, you may be denied payment. And such a refusal will be considered quite justified by the Advego administration.

It is harder to achieve high uniqueness scores in highly specialized articles, for example, in recipes, product descriptions, articles on medical, legal or other topics. At first, try to avoid such work so as not to spoil your statistics.


By following all these recommendations, you can easily earn money on content writing and become a good copywriter. The exchange gives everyone the opportunity to earn money. And with diligence, the amount of your monthly earnings on Advego can easily exceed your current income. However, do not forget that easy money can only be won in the lottery, but this, unfortunately, does not happen often. In other cases, you have to work.

If you have landed on this page, it means that you are planning to start making money on the Internet and are looking for all kinds of ways to increase your profits. This is not surprising, because such activities are very popular and profitable. In this article, we will introduce you to a reliable and fairly common exchange for work - Advego. This is a convenient and proven site on which thousands of Internet users earn money. If you want to become one of them, then this article is for you. You will learn about what types of work are offered on this service and how payments are made. We will also provide detailed instructions for registration and help you deal with the site interface. Learn new information and replenish.

Step-by-step registration on the Advego exchange

Now more than two million users are actively earning and posting tasks on this site. This suggests that the service is worthy of the attention of all beginners and advanced freelancers. This platform allows users to earn good money while being at home. This is a great option for those who want to get a good and stable income on the Internet, as well as develop their skills and knowledge in this area.

To get started on this site, you need to register your personal account. This procedure is simple and takes only a few minutes. All you have to do is follow some simple steps. You are given the opportunity to log in through social networks (among the proposed options are Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, Google, etc.). You can register on Advego without social networks. For this it is enough:

  • enter the e-mail that you use (in the future, various system notifications, important messages and site news will be sent to this address);
  • come up with your nickname (this is the name of your account, which will be visible to all other users);
  • read the terms of use of the site (be sure to read Terms of use, study all the points) and check the special box;
  • confirm that you are a real person (check the box or enter a captcha).

After entering these data, you must click on "Register". A confirmation message will be sent to your email address. This email will contain a link that you will need to click on to verify your email and register.

It is worth noting that the login password will be generated automatically and sent to your mailbox. These characters are quite difficult to remember, so it is recommended that you first change your password to enter the profile settings.

What types of tasks exist on the exchange?

Many perceive Advego as. However, this is not entirely true, since here you can find not only writing jobs, but also a variety of tasks that can be performed on the Internet. For example, you can find these jobs:

  • (translations, writing articles, reviews, etc.);
  • distribution of advertising links on various Internet resources;
  • work with search engines etc.

Most of the tasks are related to writing articles. You can find work of different levels of complexity: rewriting, copywriting, translations. These are the jobs that pay the most.

If you are new to this area, then you should start with rewriting. It involves rewriting already finished material in your own words in order to end up with a new unique text. Sometimes the original articles that need to be rewritten are provided by customers. But more often you need to search for them on the Internet yourself. When handing over the text, you will need to check it for uniqueness using the program provided by the Advego service for downloading to a computer.

When choosing other tasks, carefully study the order cards, which describe in detail the essence of the task, its terms and payment. When performing, make sure that all customer requirements and deadlines are met. Only in this case you will be able to quickly achieve success and reach the desired level of income. Next, we will consider directly the work with tasks for Advego.

How to take orders for work?

The first difficulty that many novice users face is the reluctance to understand the site interface and understand how and where you can view available orders. To prevent this from happening, we recommend that you immediately familiarize yourself with how to select an order and take it to work.

Unlike other exchanges, there are many tasks here that you can immediately take on, without waiting for the approval or selection of your candidacy by the customer. This mainly concerns cheaper tasks that anyone can handle, including a beginner.

When looking for jobs Advego exchange to you the following algorithm of actions should be performed:

  1. At the top of the page you will see the "Work on the Internet" tab, you need to click on it.
  2. The Job Search tab will appear below, click on it.
  3. You will see all available orders and you can filter the search results.

You can implement the primary filter immediately. So, you can select all orders, personal or tenders (the latter are the need to leave a request for the task and wait for the customer to choose). It is also possible to filter orders by type of activity: select only copywriting or advertising, etc.

On the right you will see a column with more advanced filters. There you can specify the desired cost of the task (in full or for 1000 characters, if we are talking about writing texts). You can also specify the desired deadlines, select more precisely the category and type of work (or mark several positions at once). For regular users there is good opportunity select orders of specific customers or specify the nicknames of customers whose orders should not be displayed. This is very convenient for those who have already worked with many customers on the Advego website.

By clicking on the "Search" button, you can apply all the specified filters and get access only to those tasks that are of interest to you and meet all the specified parameters.

When you see an interesting task for yourself, be sure to read all the conditions and requirements. To do this, you can click on the name of the task or click on the "Show full text" button. If the conditions (the essence of the work, terms, payment) triple you, then you can safely click on the “Get to work” button or on the “Apply” button if you want to participate in the tender.

It is better to participate in the tender when you already have some kind of rating in the system, a good portfolio, customer reviews, etc. When submitting an application, you will need to briefly describe your experience, skills and knowledge in order to convince the customer to choose you as the contractor.

At the top of the site there is a convenient section where new messages, notifications, personal orders and more are immediately displayed. This is where important notifications will be displayed immediately. In particular, you will receive a system notification from Advego if you are selected in the tender and appointed as a contractor.

When you're ready to surrender finished order, click on the "Execute" button. If your task was to write the text, then insert a unique article into the specified field, enter the title separately. If you had to repost or write a comment, then links or screenshots are often required as confirmation.

Keep in mind that it may take some time for the customer to check the job. Usually it is indicated in the order card. Funds will be credited to your account immediately after the customer checks and accepts your work.

If you already have experience in writing articles, then you can not only take ready-made tasks for work, but also place your articles in the store. Customers can view them short description and buy your articles. At the same time, you can set the cost here yourself, which is a significant advantage. As practice shows, even beginners' articles with a low rating are bought. The main thing is to set an adequate cost that matches your skills.

As you can see, finding a job on Advego is not at all difficult. A huge variety of tasks will allow you to choose the best and most interesting options for yourself. And then the work will bring not only money, but also pleasure.

My review of the Advego exchange

I met this exchange a few years ago when I was looking for a good site with many different tasks. I started, like many others, with low-paying jobs, gradually moving to more expensive ones. I received my first earnings and was able to withdraw a few days later.

If anyone doubts the reliability of this service, then I assure you, your fears are in vain. Small tasks are usually checked within a few hours. Immediately after verification, earnings are credited to the account. The only thing that is not very convenient is that you can withdraw at least 500 rubles. Withdrawal to wallets is quite fast, from 3 to 16 days. I am posting a screenshot of the payment as confirmation that the exchange is reliable and proven.

Now I am working with various projects and I can say that the Advego exchange is one of the the best options especially for beginners. Therefore, do not be afraid to try your hand, register and start earning!

Making payments

To withdraw your earnings, you should go to the "Service" tab located at the top of the site. Then click on "Withdrawals". You will see a field where you need to enter the amount that you want to transfer to an electronic wallet. If, after registration, you filled in all your personal data, including payment information, the system will prompt you to immediately click on your WebMoney wallet number.

To specify the data of payment systems, you need to go to the "Service" tab, then click on "Personal data", select the "Payment data" tab and enter the numbers of wallets on WebMoney or Qiwi. You can also enter your bank card number.

In the withdrawal section, you will have access to information about the possible terms. If you are withdrawing money from Advego for the first time, then the terms can be 16 days. In the future, this procedure will take up to three days. In addition, instant withdrawal is available to users. However, you can withdraw at least 100 y.e.

Be sure to pay attention to possible commissions that may be charged when transferring to a card or for instant withdrawal. In general, the procedure for withdrawing money is simple, it takes a few minutes. The main thing is to specify all the necessary data immediately after registration.

As you can see, the site is quite user-friendly. To understand the features of the interface, a few minutes are enough. We hope that this article has become useful for you, and you were able to discover a new proven project for making money. Register in Advego, view the available tasks and complete them in your free time. Thus, you can provide yourself with a good additional income.