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The topic is why I want to become a lawyer. Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law

Surely this question worries the minds of many young men and women who will soon receive a matriculation certificate. In general, choosing a specialty through which a person plans to “get a piece of bread” is a responsible and serious matter. And young people who are at the crossroads of what to do professionally in the future must take into account three circumstances. Firstly, the chosen field of activity should be of interest to the school graduate. Secondly, the profession must be in demand on the labor market. Well, and thirdly, the chosen type of activity must be correlated with the available opportunities. And if you dream of becoming a lawyer or a judge, then without certain qualities the dream will remain a dream.

Historical reference

Those young people who are trying to understand: “Why am I choosing to become a lawyer?” must understand that this has been prestigious for many centuries. Since the formation of the Roman state, the formation of legal system, which was the basis for all the others.

Paul, Ulpian, Modestine - these names will forever go down in the history of law.

Lawyer in modern conditions

Today, when asked why I choose to become a lawyer, many answer: “Because it is prestigious today, and my parents advised me to become a notary.” Of course, they are right, but you cannot become a lawyer just because it is a highly paid field of activity. It is also necessary to take into account that for many a lawyer is a calling. The salaries of investigators and interrogators are relatively low and, naturally, graduates of police academies become detectives not in order to become rich and famous, but in order to provide real assistance in reducing the crime rate. Of course, the labor market today is oversaturated with legal specialists. But the profession of a legal adviser is in demand today more than ever. But the real ones can be “counted on one hand.”

Currently, there is a certain percentage of those who have not particularly thought about the question: “Why am I choosing to become a lawyer”? About their fate and future career Wealthy parents took care of it and secured a “warm” place in a reputable company for their offspring in advance.

Such young men and women do not bother to attend lectures and seminars, passing the exam for a “bribe.” Of course, they will receive a diploma, but which of them will be specialists later? Who can they then protect from criminal prosecution? This problem is acquiring gigantic proportions today.

Description of the profession

So, today few people can clearly formulate the reasons why I chose the legal profession. An essay on this topic could be included in school curriculum for high school students, so that everyone can understand exactly how they can help people by becoming a prosecutor or lawyer. Lawyer in in a broad sense is a specialist versed in all branches of legal science. He is an investigator, a notary, a lawyer, a legal adviser, and a prosecutor all rolled into one. All these legal specialists are united by knowledge legislative framework and the ability to apply it in practice.

Of course, even the most experienced and authoritative expert in the field of law should know for himself: “Why did I choose to become a lawyer”? It would not hurt to recommend writing an essay that would give a detailed answer to this question to first-year students of universities preparing specialists in jurisprudence.

A legal expert must not only be able to find the right law and apply it correctly. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Don’t be treated by a doctor who messes with books, and don’t leave a lawyer who does it.” The skill of “remembering everything” comes later.

He must also know how to obtain evidence in the case and, based on them, correctly classify this or that act. And of course, a lawyer must have certain qualities, which will be mentioned above.


Of course, quite often a young person may ask himself the question: “Why do I want to be a lawyer”?

More than one essay has already been written on this topic. And in fairness, it should be noted that not all boys and girls find the above specialty necessary and in demand. They say that the result of a lawyer’s work is practically invisible to humanity in the broad sense of the word. Well, he helped one person avoid criminal liability - did this make it any easier for society? And here, it would seem, newcomers to the field of jurisprudence may begin to have doubts about the correctness of the decision they once made, they say: “Why did I choose this legal profession?” But, in reality, the above position is fundamentally wrong, because if there is an opportunity to help at least one individual, then life has not been lived in vain.

A lawyer, in a sense, is comparable to a doctor who can cure a person if he has health problems. A lawyer helps people if they have problems with the law. Life modern man so unpredictable that it can be very difficult to protect yourself from illness and crime. As they say: “don’t swear off scrip and jail.”

And yet, you need to try to be a law-abiding citizen.


So, the young man declares: “I have chosen the profession of a lawyer.” What prospects does she bring to him? Money, fame, a “good” career? Absolutely yes. But only on condition that the young man is a real guru in the field of law. Society has always respected legal professionals. Suffice it to recall such names as Plevako and Koni.

It just so happens that currently in our country, people with a legal education are primarily applying for highly paid and prestigious vacancies. There are many examples where ordinary legal advisers, showing special hard work and gaining precious experience, turned into authoritative judges and prosecutors general. Naturally, they made their own way along career ladder, taking care of an impeccable reputation and solving the most high-profile cases.

Of course, because you have another opportunity to help a person or get him out of trouble.


Today, a higher legal education is a launching pad for realizing oneself in many areas of life. A huge number of legal scholars find their calling in scientific, teaching, public service, politics. They also become businessmen, bankers, competent managers commercial structures. Is it understandable why people choose to become a lawyer? But again, only those legal specialists who know the laws perfectly, have a broad outlook, and know how to conduct business can realize themselves in prestigious professions. business meeting, competently resolve conflict situations. Moreover, the range of specialties in which lawyers successfully conduct business is expanding today.

New Horizons

New areas of activity are emerging to protect consumer rights, protect the market from unfair competition, copyright protection. Moreover we're talking about about increasing vacancies, where it is impossible to do without special knowledge in the field of jurisprudence.

For many, this is another powerful argument in favor of why I chose the legal profession. And at present there is an urgent need for qualified personnel. A significant jump in the crime rate amid numerous social processes negative nature forced to expand the level of investigators, operational staff and the number of prosecutors.

It should be taken into account that when finding employment, potential employers give preference to young specialists who graduated from well-known universities, but this does not mean that graduates of the “ordinary” educational institutions have no chance of getting a position as a legal adviser in a prestigious company.


Of course, the question is: “Why did I choose to become a lawyer?” For a certain part of young people - yesterday's schoolchildren - remains debatable. But, it should be emphasized once again that not every boy or girl (even if they really want it) is destined to become a professional in the field of law. You can often hear from representatives of the younger generation: “My future profession is a lawyer.” But then they take entrance exams to a university, receive the coveted diploma and turn out to be unsuitable for the profession or, at best, very “mediocre” specialists. Why is this happening? Why do some “grow” into experienced detectives, while others turn out to be “would-be jurists” who don’t even know what the Basic Law of our country is called? It's all about the qualities possessed by a person who has decided to devote himself to jurisprudence. Professions such as judge, prosecutor or lawyer require compliance. Lawyers who apply for them must have high level intellectual development, be stress-resistant, sociable, have organizational skills, be proficient in public speaking, and so on. Also, in the legal profession it is very important to have a certain level of social adaptation.


Of course, a lawyer will appear in the top prestigious specialties for many years to come. Today, specialists in this profile are needed by almost every company doing business. But only real legal experts who clearly know why they came to this profession will be in demand.

And therefore, the graduate will be able to clearly answer the question: “Why do I choose to become a lawyer?” Working as a lawyer Some people, on the contrary, would prefer to work as a lawyer - a specialist who provides qualified legal assistance. He can work with both individuals and legal entities. It is the lawyer who represents the interests of a person or the whole organization in a court. This profession is one of the most in demand. Working as a lawyer has undeniable prospects career growth, the possibility of obtaining a fairly high wages. Also, specialists in this profile are relatively independent. All this can also serve as arguments in the essay “Why do I want to become a lawyer?” Since the range of responsibilities in this profession is quite wide, the entire legal profession is conventionally divided into two large sectors - criminal and civil.


But, it should be emphasized once again that not every boy or girl (even if they really want it) is destined to become a professional in the field of law. You can often hear from representatives of the younger generation: “My future profession is a lawyer.” But then they take entrance exams to a university, receive the coveted diploma and turn out to be unsuitable for the profession or, at best, very “mediocre” specialists.

Why is this happening? Why do some “grow” into experienced detectives, while others turn out to be “would-be jurists” who don’t even know what the Basic Law of our country is called? It's all about the qualities possessed by a person who has decided to devote himself to jurisprudence. Professions such as judge, prosecutor or lawyer require compliance.

One more step

What advantages does this direction in jurisprudence have? Of course, the main one is prestige. After all, the person who was able to get this position must have remarkable erudition and great hard work. Another advantage that a graduate can highlight is the opportunity to acquire a large number of useful contacts.
They can always come in handy when solving various life issues. It is also worth emphasizing that the position of a judge is quite highly paid, and specialists in this field have immunity. Investigator Many different areas of jurisprudence have this path.
And this must be noted in the essay “Why did I choose the profession of a lawyer?” For those students who prefer practical activities rather than theoretical research, working as an investigator is perfect in this area.

Why do I choose to become a lawyer? advantages of being a lawyer

Thirdly, working as a lawyer is not only honorable and prestigious, but also profitable. This job is a good stepping stone for career advancement up to the head of a large company. To become a professional lawyer, you need to learn a lot: you need to master various legal terms, concepts, literally understand a huge number of codes, laws, you need to be to some extent a psychologist so that people do not panic and are able to competently protect their rights.


All this requires good memory, endurance, endurance and courage. That is why not all people can be lawyers, but only a few. I also belong to this category. My soul is drawn to this profession, and only with it do I really want to connect my life.

I want to become a great specialist in the field of jurisprudence. For this I chose to study in a socio-legal class.

Essay “why I choose to become a lawyer.” rationale for choice, interesting facts


To master all the intricacies of the profession, you need to perfectly know the criminal and procedural codes, be able to clearly use the code of laws and articles, you need to be a psychologist, understand human souls. All this requires perseverance, hard work, memory and endurance. I will do my best and I will succeed! The specialty of a lawyer is one of the most popular professions, because a lawyer is needed in almost any organization, in production, and I hope that in the future I will be able to find a good, interesting, highly paid job. I will try to benefit people. The author's spelling and punctuation have been preserved

Why do I want to become a lawyer? (essay on a free topic)

Knowledge of laws is always useful. In addition, you can emphasize in the conversation the fact that knowledge of the current legislative framework will never be superfluous. And in the case when a person has acquired defective goods in the store, and when traffic police officers issue a fine, this knowledge will help restore justice and feel more protected. There is no area of ​​life that is not affected by jurisprudence.

Every area of ​​life is regulated by law: if you need a divorce, contact a lawyer; if you need to solve a registration problem land plot– and here you can’t do without a qualified lawyer. The work of a legal consultant The legal profession is a profession that involves employment in a wide variety of legal fields. Those who have received this specialty may prefer to work in government agencies over employment in an organization.

Essay on why I decided to become a lawyer?

The first category includes those workers who handle cases of theft, murder, and so on. In the field of civil advocacy, specialists in civil law, family law, and the arbitration code work. Perhaps it is work in one of these areas that will be attractive enough for a graduate to choose this profession and ask the question “why am I choosing to become a lawyer?” resolved.

Judges There are many legal specialties, and all of them in one way or another have a direct connection with legal sphere. One of the most responsible is the profession of a judge. This position always implies status and prestige in society. A person whose age is less than 25 years cannot be a judge.

Like prosecutors, representatives of this profession must have universal knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, as well as life wisdom, be independent, self-possessed and objective.

Essay: “the legal profession is a profession that inspires!”

They have been living together for 25 years and love each other very much. Shaidullins Regina and Alina. The wife worries with all her heart about her husband’s problems and sometimes gives him good advice to make important decisions. Together they achieved a lot. Eric Almazovich and Gulfiya Rustamovna are raising two daughters.

Sr. Regina received higher education and also works in court. The second daughter Alina, a sophomore, studies in Kazan at the Law Institute. Thus, both daughters followed in their father's footsteps. The couple are very proud of them.

On summer weekends, Eric Almazovich likes to go out into nature with friends, hunt and fish with his family. These are his most passionate hobbies. In winter they go on ski trips. Friends and acquaintances are sure that my uncle was born a lawyer.

Essay on the topic “why did I choose the profession of lawyer?”

In the city essay competition dedicated to the 285th anniversary of the Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation 3 students from a specialized socio-economic class took part. All three became winners: Alexey Melnik - 1st place, Yana Shalkina - 2nd place, Artur Davletshin - 3rd place. I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative works winners.

Essay Why did I decide to become a lawyer? Davletshin Arthur, student of class 10 A For a person who does not know which harbor he is heading to, not a single wind will be favorable. Seneca the Elder I really enjoy watching television programs that deal with law and order issues. One evening there was a program with most interesting person Anatoly Kuchereny.

I paid close attention to every word he said, every thought, because they were clear, concise, and understandable to all participants in the dialogue.

Essay on why I decided to become a lawyer

Attractive aspects of the position of a prosecutor In order to answer the question “Why do I choose the profession of a lawyer?”, a student must first examine the main character traits of this specialty. Every servant of the law knows that his specialty has a number of distinctive features. For example, a prosecutor is a person who has a higher legal education and represents the prosecution in any legal proceeding. In addition, the profession of a prosecutor involves working on the preparation of various documents, and sometimes going directly to the scene of investigations. The prosecutor also has to consider various civil complaints. If they have sufficient grounds, then he has the right to open a criminal case.
For some people, such work will be interesting precisely because of its specifics.

Essay on why I want to become a lawyer

In this case, his position will be called “legal adviser.” Among all the specialties that are united by one general concept“lawyer”, this position is one of the most important. A legal consultant is an expert in his field; he ensures strict compliance with current legislation by both the organization and other participants in legal relations. In an essay on the topic “My job is a lawyer,” it is necessary to emphasize that representatives of this specialty are both experts and defenders of the rights of the organization in the courts. In addition, the legal consultant is also involved in supporting the contracts that the company enters into. He must independently draw up the text of each agreement and then endorse it.

Law is one of the most popular areas for education. Many school graduates give their preference to this faculty. We will tell you about the main advantages and features of the legal profession.

1. Wide range of tasks performed

The scope of legal education includes very different specialties. Among them are a lawyer, a tax inspector, a prosecutor, an investigator, a notary, a legal adviser, a judge, and this is not a complete list.

This diversity makes it possible to choose among the most diverse activities and tasks. This could be the development and creation of bills, participation in court hearings (in various capacities), providing legal services and consultations, drawing up documentation, monitoring compliance with the legality of certain actions and much more.

Generally speaking, a lawyer’s work, as a rule, consists of two main parts: communication and interaction with people and thoughtful, painstaking work with documents. This profession requires good logical thinking. If you enjoy solving tricky intellectual puzzles and enjoy the prospect of constant interaction with people, then this is an option you should consider.

In addition, jurisprudence includes a huge number of branches of law: constitutional, criminal, civil, administrative, financial and many others. You can choose the specialization that interests you most.

2. Social significance of the profession

The work of a lawyer is directly related to social sphere and implies the protection of the rights and freedoms of people who are incompetent in the legal field. And this is a noble task. You will assist in restoring justice to people affected by misconduct and violations of their rights. If you choose to become an investigator, your job will be to bring criminals to justice, thereby helping to maintain security and law and order.

All this certainly deserves respect. Who among us as a child did not dream of becoming a brave hero and fighting injustice in order to make the world at least a little better? If you have matured, but somewhere in the depths of your soul you have retained echoes of this desire and still cannot pass by when you see innocent people suffering, then this profession can bring you great satisfaction.

It should also be understood that the work of a lawyer involves high degree responsibility, because sometimes the fate of other people directly depends on your decisions.

3. Prestige and income

A lawyer is a very respected profession in society, because he is a person who guards the interests and rights of other people. The most prestigious legal profession is, of course, considered to be the specialty of a lawyer. True, we should remember that his work may have little in common with what we are used to seeing in films.

Earnings for lawyers vary greatly depending on their field of practice. It also depends on whether you work for a large company, government service, or private practice. However, overall it is a fairly lucrative profession.

However, it should be borne in mind that competition in this market is great and you will have to put a lot of effort and time into improving in your profession if you want to be a sought-after specialist.

4. Legal literacy

Knowledge of the laws of your country and legal knowledge are also an undoubted advantage of this activity. IN Everyday life We all, one way or another, have to deal with the effects of legislation. Perhaps your rights as a consumer were violated, a service or compensation to which you are entitled by law was denied, or a traffic police officer exceeded his authority by drawing up a protocol - in all these and many other situations, knowledge of the law and the ability to use it to protect your rights and interests will be invaluable help and support for you.

5. Career prospects

Legal services are in high demand in a variety of areas, which means you can choose from a variety of organizations to work with. These could be banks large enterprises, prosecutor's office, notary offices, police, courts, educational institutions, Registry Offices.

Depending on the institution you choose, career advancement may look different: perhaps you will head the legal department of a large firm or, on the contrary, start a private practice providing legal advice, or maybe become a judge? The choice is yours.

6. Wide circle of friends

Due to the nature of your activity, you will constantly interact with a variety of people, so sooner or later you will inevitably acquire a huge number of promising acquaintances and connections that will come in handy to you more than once in solving a variety of problems and tasks.

However, it is important to understand that a lawyer often acts as a mediator between parties to a conflict. This means that you will be a kind of buffer in this clash, which may require you to be psychologically stable and ready to cope with regular stress.

He helps to draw up agreements and peacefully resolve various conflicts. This job has a lot in common with what a lawyer does in a firm. Only a business lawyer has many clients and very often comes to their aid in critical situations. Business advocacy is the pinnacle that many lawyers would like to climb to. But not everyone succeeds in this. It's not easy for a new lawyer. The main thing is hard work, desire, work on yourself. I am ready to work for the future, and future difficulties and obstacles inspire me. I want to help people and constantly feel that many of them need me. Not everything works out right away; it takes experience and practice. It is important for aspiring lawyers to listen to the advice of professionals and learn to be a defender of the law and justice. I have made my choice in the profession and I want to realize myself in it. A lawyer must be a man of honor and justice.

One more step

The scope of judicial protection of the rights and interests of citizens and organizations is significantly expanding, which significantly increases the number of cases in the courts. In this regard, more lawyers, legal advisers, notaries, judges, etc. are required.

The role of lawyers is becoming increasingly important because the results of their activities directly affect economic condition organizations and the well-being of citizens. A lawyer, no matter what field of activity he works in, must have a good knowledge of substantive and procedural law.
In a situation of dynamic changes in Russian legislation, the inclusion of our country in the European and global space, for a specialist of any level there is a danger of losing skills if there is no opportunity to constantly improve their qualifications. At present, indeed, we can talk about some (but only quantitative) overproduction of lawyers.

Why do I want to become a lawyer? (essay on a free topic)

My training involves not only a detailed study of all branches of law, but also an in-depth study of history, familiarity with information technology, studying socially important subjects, foreign language. The third answer is the opportunity to get a prestigious job after graduation.

Judges, lawyers, prosecutors, notaries...the list goes on and on. Legal education opens up a lot of opportunities for me to get settled in life.
Why do I want to become a lawyer? You can continue endlessly. I like it. I want to be good specialist. I want to be a socially significant person.



The law is what we keep." After graduating from school, we must do one of important steps in our life, choose your own business. Profession is a kind of future labor activity person.

Nowadays there are a lot of professions. More and more higher educational institutions are training specialists in various fields of knowledge. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a future activity, we should choose a profession that will correspond to our aspirations, hobbies, skills, knowledge, abilities, and most importantly, that we will like. Indeed, today not all people work with pleasure; for many, work is real hard labor, and all because they chose work that only brings high earnings, believing that in our society money decides everything.

Abstract: why I chose to become a lawyer

The salaries of investigators and interrogators are relatively low and, naturally, graduates of police academies become detectives not in order to become rich and famous, but in order to provide real assistance in reducing the crime rate. Of course, the labor market today is oversaturated with legal specialists.
But the profession of a legal adviser is in demand today more than ever. But true professionals in their field can be counted on one hand.

Currently, there is a certain percentage of those who have not particularly thought about the question: “Why am I choosing to become a lawyer”? Their fate and future career were taken care of by wealthy parents, who in advance secured a “warm” place for their offspring in a reputable company. Such young men and women do not bother to attend lectures and seminars, passing the exam for a “bribe.”

That’s why I’m attracted to the legal profession! The legal profession is associated with the opportunity to positively influence what is happening. A lawyer can help an unjustly offended person, protect the rights of a victim from a crime, help a person illegally fired from work, restore or protect disputed property or housing rights.


A lawyer working as an investigator or judge can ensure a fair punishment for a criminal. The prosecutor has the right to bring to justice an official who breaks the law.

The work of a lawyer is a struggle for law, which does not always lead to victory. But the very focus of professional activity can bring many specialists high moral satisfaction.

The attractiveness of the legal profession lies in its certain independence. Lawyers are usually subordinate to their superiors in one way or another, except for judges and members of the liberal profession - lawyers.

Essay on the topic “why I want to become a lawyer”

Why do I want to become a lawyer Why do I want to become a lawyer? In my case, there are a great many answers to this question. The first answer is that I want to help people. Simple, clear, even a little banal.

A lawyer is a servant of Themis, a person called upon to protect the rights of people. In our democratic state, every person can and must defend their rights.

Sounds nice. The truth is that not everyone is able to do this on their own. Not all people have a sufficient amount of knowledge necessary for legal self-defense, but there is a way out of almost any situation where it is necessary to defend yourself with the help of law - contact a qualified lawyer.

The second answer is that I am interested in the learning process itself. Studying to become a lawyer means learning something new every day, always interesting, filled with meaning and content.

Why do I choose to become a lawyer? advantages of being a lawyer

But if we think carefully, we will come to the conclusion that what we love will one way or another bring both material and moral satisfaction with life, and this is very important: to know why you were born. My choice of profession was related to a dream, which I will tell you about now.

After school I usually take courses in English. The topic of our lesson was “State and Society”, we talked about the rights of citizens in states with different forms of government and government regimes. In the evening, when I came home, I decided to go on the Internet, see what was new there on issues of the legislative system, and then I came across an article that talked about changes in some laws of the Russian Federation, as well as about the consequences in case of committing certain actions . This interested me. I was so carried away that I didn’t realize how time flew by, I didn’t notice how I fell asleep.

Essay on why I want to become a lawyer

And then I had a dream in which I was quite an adult, getting ready for work, I was wearing formal clothes, in my hands were three folders with documents, one of the clients called me, I was talking with a person about legal responsibilities and explaining the consequences may have his actions in accordance with the law. When I woke up, at first it seemed to me that this was reality, but then it became clear that everything was happening in a dream.

Having seen this wonderful dream, I thought about my future profession, thought for a long time and decided to talk about this topic with my parents, I wanted to find out what they thought. After all, before that I wanted to become a journalist, but my parents didn’t quite agree, they advised me to think about everything again and understand whether that’s what I want. And so I told my mother about the dream and said that I wanted to get a legal education, my parents supported me in choosing a profession.

Essay on why I want to be a lawyer

At the same time, civil society, the state and various organizations There is still a shortage of highly qualified specialists in the field of law who have work experience in their specialty and have proven themselves to be conscientious and knowledgeable workers. So, I chose the profession of lawyer. The question of why I chose her is difficult to answer unequivocally. Maybe because the demand for such specialists in the future is obvious. In addition, I want to feel armed with what is probably the most powerful knowledge - knowledge of the law.

After all, the ability to navigate legal reality is required not only within the framework of a purely professional practice, but is also a permanent need of modern reality. One cannot, of course, fail to mention the material factor.

Essay on why I want to become a lawyer

The fewer templates used in approaching a matter, the higher the likelihood of finding the truth. Secondly, legal activity, with all its complexity and diversity, is completely subject to legal regulation, and this leaves an imprint on the personality of each lawyer.

Already when planning their activities, any employee mentally compares future actions with the legal norms that regulate these actions. For almost all legal professions, one of the main aspects of their activity is communicative activity, which consists of communication in the conditions of legal regulation.

This legal (procedural) regulation leaves a specific imprint on all participants in communication, endowing them with special rights and responsibilities and giving a special shade to communication, highlighting legal professions to a special group.

Essay-reasoning on the topic why I want to become a lawyer

It just so happens that currently in our country, people with a legal education are primarily applying for highly paid and prestigious vacancies. There are many examples where ordinary legal advisers, showing special hard work and gaining precious experience, turned into authoritative judges and prosecutors general. Naturally, they themselves worked their way up the career ladder, taking care of their impeccable reputation and solving the most high-profile cases. In general, the advantages of being a lawyer are obvious. Who is not seduced by fame, money and high positions in large companies. But we must not forget about what makes the legal profession interesting. Of course, because you have another opportunity to help a person or get him out of trouble. Prospects Today, higher legal education is a launching pad for self-realization in many areas of life.

A lawyer is a profession that is in great demand nowadays. Lawyers are needed not only in law firms and courtrooms, every factory, every office has its own lawyer. But at the same time, the labor market is literally oversaturated with “legal” personnel. Finding a job can be very difficult even for a lawyer with honors and work experience. How to become valuable employee and a highly qualified lawyer? What knowledge and skills are needed, and what difficulties may arise in the process of acquiring a profession and working life? All this is discussed in the material below.

One of important qualities that a lawyer must have is emotional stability, since the work of a lawyer involves constant mental stress and working with a huge number of people.

The specificity of domestic legislation lies in the huge number of daily changing legal framework. To be a successful and sought-after lawyer means to know about the latest updates in domestic and international legislation. The desire to constantly improve yourself is half the success on the path to the career of a successful and prosperous lawyer.

How difficult is the profession?

The legal profession has a lot of advantages - from the opportunity to be useful to society and people and interesting work to decent remuneration for one’s work and the right to use state guarantees given to every working lawyer.

However, this field of activity also has its cornerstones, because of which many young specialists stop their activities or even leave the profession.

  • The main disadvantage of the legal profession is huge competition in the labor market. The popularity of the profession led to the fact that the country's universities began to graduate more specialists than was necessary. As a result of this, now every more or less experienced lawyer will have to prove his professionalism throughout his entire career.

  • Studying the rules of law- Another one underwater rock professions. The point is that with regulatory framework It’s not enough to familiarize yourself with or learn it (which is almost impossible). You need to truly master it, namely, be able to analyze the rules of law, having studied all the notes and references, and for this you need to have real talent.

  • Moral side. Working in the public service obliges a lawyer to calmly make the most responsible decisions, which can sometimes radically change the lives of many people.

  • Moral side. When choosing the profession of a lawyer, a person must understand that now he is an example of decent behavior for the whole society. Any mistake or misconduct can cost your career and business reputation.

  • Some types of legal activity (especially criminology) are associated primarily with risks to life and health.

  • Profession forever ties the lawyer to his home state. Immigration to another country becomes a very complex matter, since each country has its own legal framework and system (including legal activities). To work in another country, you will need a lot of time to study, as well as study the rules of law of a particular state.

Despite the many negative aspects of the profession, many still choose law. Every day the scope of activity of lawyers is expanding with the emergence of a new type of legal relationship. But the main attractive side of the profession is the protection of a person, his rights, as well as the restoration of justice.