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Paving slabs made of PET melting and heating unit. Review of machines for making polymer sand tiles

Polymer sand tiles appeared on Russian market building materials quite recently, but has already managed to establish itself as a material worthy of becoming a full-fledged replacement for traditional cement tiles. The demand for such tiles is growing, and those businessmen who are not afraid to work in innovation sphere, there is a great opportunity to show your entrepreneurial talent, of course, having assessed all possible risks before doing so.

The appearance of this building material was initially due to the desire of technologists to find a coating that could solve the two main problems of cement tiles: low frost resistance and durability. And, we must admit, they succeeded: polymer sand tiles have many advantages. She:

  • Durable: according to manufacturers, its service life is about 30 years
  • Stable to negative impacts external environment. Polymer sand tiles are not afraid of frost, moisture, direct sunlight, exposure to acidic liquids and oils. It is resistant to high mechanical loads and is not at all prone to pinpoint splitting.
  • Decorative: can have any shape, any surface: matte, glossy, structured. It is manufactured in a wide range color scheme, and more importantly, does not lose its decorative effect over time
  • Does not emit toxic fumes under the scorching sun
  • Easy to clean
  • Easy to repair and easily withstands repeated use

Polymer sand tiles can be used:

  • when improving garden plots;
  • for arrangement of local areas;
  • in places of mass attendance: courtyards of summer cafes, parks, shopping and exhibition pavilions);
  • in garages and covered parking lots;
  • in workshops;
  • for covering exploited flat roofs;
  • for cladding the base.

All of the above speaks about demand of this product among buyers and, as a result, the large market capacity, and taking into account the simple manufacturing technology and relatively low costs for starting a business, all this makes the activity of producing polymer sand tiles quite relevant to start.

Implementation finished tiles can be carried out:

  • directly to consumers of products: individuals, construction teams and organizations, organizations whose activities are aimed at improving the city;
  • through the wholesale network: wholesale warehouses, bases.
  • through retail network: construction supermarkets, specialty stores, markets.

Raw materials For the production of polymer sand tiles the following are used:

  • sand without clay inclusions, the fraction of which does not exceed 3 mm;
  • polymers: primary and secondary - the latter option is more attractive from an economic point of view,
  • pigments, both mineral and organic.

Main stages of production

  1. Crushing or agglomeration of raw materials. This stage may be absent if the manufacturer purchases polymer chips.
  2. Mixing raw materials in a concrete mixer.
  3. Melting the mixture in an extruder (APN).
  4. Forming a product using a press.
  5. Shipment finished products to the warehouse.

When calculating economic efficiency production of polymer sand tiles, the following parameters were taken as a basis: work is carried out in 2 shifts, the duration of each of which is 12 hours. The productivity of the mold is 5.83 m 2 of finished products per hour, respectively, the entire line produces 140 m 2 of finished products per day.

Characteristics of finished products

  • Tile size - 330 x 330 x 35 mm;
  • The number of pieces of the product in 1 m2 is 9 tiles;
  • Tile weight - 4 kg;
  • Weight 1 m 2 - 36 kg.

Initial costs to start a business

Naming of expenditures

Price without VAT, rub.

Depreciation for the year, rub.

Commissioning works

General purpose scales MK-15.2-AV20

Visit the list of equipment for polymer sand tiles in a special section.

Requirements for production premises and rental costs

The rental cost per 1 m 2 of finished polymer sand tiles will be 2.38 rubles.

Labor costs

Number of employees

Wage, rub.

Total, rub.

APN operator

Helper at the kneading plant

TOTAL per month

Costs of materials for the manufacture of 1 m 2 of finished products

Thus, the cost for producing 1 m 2 of polymer sand tiles will be 136.58 rubles.

Electricity consumption for 1 work shift


Power, kW/hour

Quantity, pcs.

Total consumption

Consumption per shift, h

Total, kWh/shift

Press D2430 modernized

Concrete mixer SBR-500

General purpose scales MK-15.2-AV20


The average cost of electricity in Russia is 4.03 rubles. for 1 kW/h, from which it follows that the production of 1 m 2 paving slabs will entail electricity costs in the amount of 7.8 rubles.

Current costs of the workshop for 1 month of work

Naming of expenditures

per month, rub.

per 1 m2, rub.




Final calculation of the profitability of the business for the production of polymer sand tiles

Cost of 1 m2, rub.

Overhead costs, rub.

Taking into account overhead costs

Market price of 1 m 2, rub.

Profit before tax per 1m2, rub.

Income tax (20%), rub.

Profit from 1 m2, rub.

Total profit per day, rub.

Profitability, %

Payback period, days

* The calculations presented in this section are of a conditional nature and provide only a general understanding of the profitability of this type of activity based on the expert opinion of the author of the material. To determine the exact amount of profitability, you need to do a feasibility study yourself, based on specific figures for your region and your planned business size.

From time to time, polymer sand tiles appear on the market at very attractive prices. And very often buyers fall for the low price, initially being very happy with their seemingly “profitable” purchases. But, unfortunately, in 99% of cases, a “fabulous” price means an equally “fabulous” quality of the product. Here are some ways you are being scammed:

1. The cost of production can be significantly reduced by using low-quality (usually from solid waste landfills), and often frankly toxic plastics that are absolutely unsuitable for the purposes for which tiles are used, as a binder polymer.

2. It happens that in the manufacture of tiles, good ones suitable for these purposes are used polymer materials, but are not treated with special additives that would allow the tiles to be used under open air. This is allowed by the old technical conditions for the production of tiles and significantly reduces the cost. Usually the manufacturer does this either unconsciously, since he does not know about the need to use these things, or he openly deceives the buyer, since these additives are very expensive. These manufacturers advocate on their websites that they know how to produce these products correctly, use various stabilizers, and reinforce polymer composites, but for unknown reasons, not a single supplier of these stabilizers could find these craftsmen in the register of their clients.

3. There is a way to reduce the price of tiles - saving on the technological and technical aspect of product production, quality acceptance. This is often expressed in the elementary absence of employees responsible for these actions. The result here will be the delivery of products to the client with inconsistent geometric parameters, strong variations in color, and a large difference in the mass of products. Some things will not be reported, some things will be shifted.

4. Some manufacturers insist that low price The products they produce are obtained due to the fact that they independently process recycled plastics for their own needs, as a result of which they receive savings. This approach looks reasonable on the surface, but there is the same thing here underwater rocks. Polymer waste entering recycling ALWAYS requires high-quality sorting, separation by type of plastic and sorting, which generates a lot of waste. The percentage of waste reaches 50. This waste contains many types of plastics that absolutely cannot be compatible with each other, many of them cannot be used at all for products operating under the sun. What will the manufacturer do in this case? Usually the desire for profit pushes the manufacturer not to throw away these “bad” polymers, he then paid for the ENTIRE volume, but to say that it is “soft and hard plastic in the right ratio” (as in the old technical conditions), grind this waste and put it into the product. “With the wizard Suleiman, everything is honest - without deception.” In fact, it is very close to the situation described in paragraph 1. Which cannot but affect the quality of the product.

5. Again, unsuitable plastics. Using TETRA-PAK film production waste as a polymer raw material. This is a film with a thin layer of aluminum applied. Such films are used as the inner layer of milk cartons, bags in which wine is sold, etc. The material is good, but none of those who use it bothered to read the relevant literature. It turns out that metals in polymers accelerate the aging process, that is, these businessmen, without suspecting it themselves, or perhaps deliberately, placed a time bomb in the tiles, a catalyst for the oxidative aging process, speeding up the process of destruction of the tiles several times over. Such tiles look as if they had added “silver” to their composition. Silvery aluminum particles are visible to the naked eye. TETRA-PAK material is cheap, as it is difficult to process and is used in the production of a limited range of products, hence the savings.

6. Inappropriate plastics again. The manufacturer buys technological drains of polymers from various industries, the so-called “sprues” - blocks of frozen plastic of various sizes. They are crushed and then go into production. They are sold cheaply, but it is impossible to clearly determine their composition. As a result, the situation is similar to paragraph 1, paragraph 4. This is especially true for those who have a shredder as part of their production site equipment.

7. More about the wrong plastic. They take covering material in the form of film from the fields, which is used in greenhouses and as a greenhouse for growing various crops. The so-called “greenhouse”, the cost is cheap. Since the material is thin-layer and was exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it has largely lost its useful properties for polymerization and has aged. Products made from such material will not last long - it’s like buying tiles that have been used for 30 years.

8. Sand with a high clay content is used - it is cheap. As a result, the products are fragile and hygroscopic.

Thus, the low cost of tiles with a high degree of probability may indicate that technology was violated, savings were made on raw materials, and methods for manufacturing products that should work in the open air were not followed. Such products do not last long and most likely have a negative impact on health.

It is very difficult to visually recognize a counterfeit product, but it is still possible. The first thing that will tell you that they are trying to deceive you is the smell of the polymer sand product; it will be unpleasant and pungent. Whether they added or “forgot” to put in special additives is very difficult to determine, it’s best to look financial documents, indicating the transfer of such additives to the manufacturer by suppliers of these materials. The product should not contain unfused plastic particles and especially silver aluminum particles.

These photographs show what excessive savings can lead to when purchasing tiles after the first 3-5 years of operation:

Our company has been repeatedly contacted by customers who were once deceived when purchasing tiles. It started to fall apart for them. We offer these customers to purchase our tiles, produced under the Tetto brand, to replace the counterfeit products they once purchased.

BEWARE OF FAKES! Be careful! Value your health and the health of your loved ones!

Polymer sand equipment makes it possible to produce new types of materials with unique properties and consumer qualities, which distinguishes them favorably from classic types of products made from concrete and plastic building materials.

Garden products

  • Polymer sand garden tiles
  • Polymer sand garden fences
  • Polymer sand board

Road surface products

  • Polymer sand paving stones
  • Polymer sand paving slabs
  • Polymer sand borders
  • Polymer sand channels for water drainage
  • Polymer sand sewer hatches
  • Polymer sand country hatches

Roofing materials

  • Polymer sand tiles
  • additional elements for roofing

Facing materials

  • Polymer sand plinth tiles
  • Polymer sand board
  • Wood-polymer board (WPC)

Polymer sand composite is an artificially created material not found in nature. and combining qualities unusual for other materials: high strength and reliability, durability, low weight, attractive appearance and ease of installation.

Production technology

Composition of the composite mixture for the manufacture of polymer-sand products includes filler (sand), polymer and dye. Instead of sand, waste from mining and processing plants and rock screenings can be used.

At the first stage of production, polymer waste (plastics, plastic) is crushed, or in the case of polyethylene, agglomeration is carried out to obtain polymer from recycled materials.

At the second stage, the main components are uniformly mixed: filler + polymer + dye. The color of the future product will depend on the choice of pigment.

At the third stage, the thoroughly mixed dry mixture is placed in a melting unit (APN) and subjected to heat treatment, resulting in the polymer enveloping each filler particle.

During subsequent molding and hardening, the polymer sand mass forms a homogeneous monolithic structure with high strength. The finished material is placed on pallets and sent for storage.

Basic equipment

Melting and heating unit (APN)

APN is intended for mixing and heating the components of a polymer-sand composite (sand, polymer, pigment) and obtaining a homogeneous mass with the consistency of a tight dough.

A pre-prepared, evenly mixed mixture of polymer components is fed into the heated working chamber of the APN through the receiving hopper, and is pushed deep into the chamber by a screw. The rotating screw ensures mixing of the composite mixture and its advancement inside the working chamber, passing through the heating zones.

Molding press

The press is used for molding products. The resulting mass in the extruder is placed into a mold installed on the press desktop, the product is molded under pressure while the mold is cooled, which can significantly increase productivity, ready product is removed from the mold automatically by lower pushers and is ready for storage on pallets without additional aging (unlike cement products).

Press forms

Molds are installed on a molding press and allow the production of a wide range of products.


The purpose of the crusher is to prepare polymer from recycled materials (crushing to a homogeneous fraction) for further use, the proposed crushers are universal, since they can process both hard and soft film materials (agglomeration is not required), depending on the intensity of production, the crushers can have different productivity , cans, bottles, canisters and other polymer waste can be recycled.

Polymer sand equipment can be used in production composite materials with different recipes, for the manufacture of a wide range of products based on them (polymer-sand, polymer-glass, polymer-rubber, polymer-faience, etc.). 100% composed of secondary constituents by weight.

The equipment design uses a number of unique technical solutions , which made it possible to achieve high quality and reliability indicators for products manufactured on it.

The advantages of the equipment also include the possibility of using difficult-to-recycle types of plastics in production: layered plastics, packaging materials made of cross-linked polyethylene, plastic materials with a foil layer, trimmings of polyester needle-punched pile thermally bonded fabric, etc. Such waste is transported for disposal to solid waste landfills or are burned.

Using the proposed polymer equipment, you can create a full production cycle - from the preparation of raw materials to the finished product according to favorable price. This allows us to produce a wide range of products

"Business plan for production - "Cable closure plates." Prices and equipment are indicated as of January 1, 2011.

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Let's consider an example of calculating the cost of manufacturing polymer-sand tiles, which can be taken as a basis for drawing up a business plan and a feasibility study for production.

All calculations are given as an example. Data is current on January 1, 2011 for the Udmurt Republic. All prices are excluding VAT. A simplified taxation system was used for the calculation.

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Produced construction material: Tiles.

Main parameters.

The work is carried out in two shifts, the shifts lasting 12 hours. The productivity of one mold is 6.66 m 2 per hour. Thus, per day the line produces 160 m2 of finished products (tiles). For a month 160 x 30 days = 4,800 sq.m.


The total cost of the equipment set, including the cost of turnkey commissioning works, is: 2,708,780.00 rubles excluding VAT.


To operate the site, three people are enough - the manager (25,000 rubles), the APN operator (20,000 rubles), the auxiliary worker (20,000 rubles). The wage fund is 65,000 rubles per month for one shift and 130,000 rubles. based on 2 shifts.

Thus, salary costs per 1m2 are 27.08 rubles.

UST - 30%, gives 8.12 rubles. in the cost of 1m 2 of finished products.


To accommodate equipment and storage areas for raw materials and products, it is necessary to provide about 100 m 2 of production space and 100 m 2 of warehouse (can be located outside the premises). The production facility does not have to be heated; heating occurs due to the heat generated by the equipment. Finished products are stored in the workshop and then moved to the warehouse.

At a rental rate of 100 rubles per sq.m. the cost of renting production space will not exceed 10,000 rubles. Thus, the rental cost for 1 m 2 of products is 2.08 rubles.


In total, the cost of raw materials (polymer + sand + pigment) per ton is 5,000 rubles.

Weight of tiles 1 sq.m. 9 pieces * 1.8 kg = 16.2 kg. Thus, the cost of raw materials per 1 m 2 of tiles is 81.00 rubles. For 1 piece 9 rubles.


  • A crusher with a capacity of 300 kg/h consumes 22 kW/h. To produce a mixture of 2,592 kg, 637 kg of polymer is required. To prepare it, the crusher will work 2.1 and consume 46.2 kW of energy.
  • APN - 29 kW/hour when warming up, when working around the clock with a heated APN, consumption is reduced by 4 times, i.e. calculation: 7.25 kW x 24 hours = 174 kW/day
  • Hydraulic press – 5.5 kW/hour. When molding a product, the program on the presses is designed for electrical consumption. Energy in the mode of raising and lowering the upper punch, when forming electric. No energy is consumed. The running time of the slider is 40 seconds. Per day 1440 pieces x 40 sec. = 57,600 sec. = 960 min. = 16 hours of press operation
  • Consumption per day 88 kW.
  • Mixer - 5.5 kW/hour 1 batch - 3 min. Mixes 0.5 tons per mixing. Per shift, 2,592 tons of mixture for 1,440 pieces of tiles. Per day 15.6 minutes. Electricity consumption 1.4 kW.-
  • Lighting - 12 kW/hour

Polymer-sand products are products made using waste polymers (plastic bags and PET bottles).

Is it profitable to engage in this production and how quickly will it pay off?

The main forms of polymer-sand products are facing and paving slabs, curb stones, tiles and, occasionally, sewer manholes.

Polymer-sand products have a number of useful properties:

high impact resistance (compared to cement-sand products) - they do not break during installation and during transportation;

durability - their service life exceeds 100 years;

lightness - polymer-sand products are two times lighter than cement-sand analogues;


does not spread flame and electricity;

resistance to the external environment - they can withstand temperature changes from -60 to +200 degrees, are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, absorb sound well, and this is their advantage over metal roofs. Polymer sand tiles do not absorb moisture, are easy to clean, do not accumulate snow, and retain their original color for up to 30 years.

In Europe, these are ANDERA polymer-sand tiles, which have received recognition at various exhibitions and approval from the Swedish Consumers Association (SVK).

The technology for producing polymer-sand materials is very simple. They consist of sand polymer and dye. The ratio for tiles is 24/75/1, for paving slabs - 5/94/1.

To work, you will need soft (bags, plastic film) and hard (polystyrene, polypropylene, PET bottles) polymers. Their ratio is 50/50. You cannot use rubber and refractory polymers - polycarbonate, fluoroplastic.

Raw materials for a business can be found at a regular landfill or recycling collection point. You can buy sorted and purified waste, but it will cost much more, and there is no great need for it, because paper and food waste burn out and will not have any effect on the quality of the product.

1 ton of untreated waste on average in Russia is 3 thousand rubles.

Sand is used as a filler for finished products. The sand moisture content should be no more than 10%, and the clay content should not be more than 20%. Acceptable fraction is up to 3 mm.

1 ton of sifted dry sand costs an average of 300 rubles in Russia.

The third component is the Bayerferrox dye (Bayer company). Its average cost is 90 rubles/kg. If you work without dye, the finished product will have a gray color (curb stone, paving slabs).

Main stages technological process:

Crushing of polymer waste. We use a device - a polymer crusher PT 2003.00.000 (capacity 900 kg/hour).

The resulting mass is placed in an extrusion machine (Extrusion machine PT 2004.00.000 with a capacity of 85 kg/hour), where the polymers are heated and mixed. The finished mass cools and the slightly hardened conglomerate is again placed in the crusher to obtain a fine, homogeneous fraction of up to 10 mm.

The resulting mass of polymer, prepared sand and dye are mixed and poured into a melting and heating unit (APN PT 2002.00.000 with a capacity of 250 kg/hour). This stage is the most critical; mixing, heating of the mass and enveloping each particle of sand with polymer takes place. This is achieved by a unique shaft design, the blades of which move the mass at different speeds in three heating zones, and this leads to high-quality mixing of the mass.

We place the resulting mass of the consistency of tight dumpling dough into a molding press, there we put the mass into molds, and under pressure (250 tons) it is cooled. To obtain paving slabs, the mass is cooled evenly. To obtain tiles, to give them shine, the lower part of the mold is cooled faster than the upper.

Average performance such production line is 100 sq. m per day (two work shifts of 8 hours each).

For production you will need a premises with an area of ​​150 square meters. m with forced ventilation. The ceiling height is 4 m. Renting such a room will cost you an average of 15 thousand rubles/month.

Since the products and equipment are unique and non-standard, no certificates or licenses are required for production.

Calculations per 100 m2 of products:

polymer 520 kg x 3 r/kg = 1560 rubles

sand 1580 kg x 0.3 r/kg = 474 rubles

dye 12.5 kg x 100 r/kg = 1250 rubles

electricity 25 kW x 16 hours x 1.8 r/kWh = 720 rubles

salary - 8 people 8000 rub. = 64,000 rubles per month: 30 = 2133 rubles

water supply - 100 rubles per day

room rental - 15,000: 30 = 500 rubles per day

transportation costs - 300 rubles per day (calculated individually).

The total cost of 100 m2 of finished products will be 7,037 rubles.

Cost of finished products to different manufacturers 250-400 rubles per 1 sq. m. To establish yourself and enter the market you need to take the lowest price - 250 rubles per 1 sq.m. Therefore, 100 sq.m. we will sell it for 25 thousand rubles. Net income minus cost - 17,963 rubles. per day.

The average cost of a production line for polymer-sand materials (according to different manufacturers) is 900,000 rubles + 100,000 for transportation.

Therefore, the payback of the line with average workload and work in two shifts is 1,000,000:17963 = 55 working days (3 calendar months).

However, by purchasing a set of drawings for the production of equipment, the payback period can be significantly reduced. For example, we purchase a complete set of drawings with all modifications to the components for the production of the entire line here:

Next, place an order for the manufacture of all equipment according to the purchased drawings at any tool factory or machine-building plant In your city. The production time for the entire line depends on the capacity of the plant and, as a rule, does not exceed 2 months, and its production will cost us no more than 200 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the payback: (200000 + 20000 for drawings): 17963 = 12.2 workers. day.

That is, the payback period when choosing this method of obtaining equipment will decrease by almost five times.

Thus, producing polymer-sand materials is extremely profitable and starting a business is quite simple. In addition, the production of polymer-sand products is an effective solution to the problem of plastic waste.

Good luck in creating your own business!

Based on an article by Serik Ainurov for the project