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Let's create with children: do-it-yourself clay turtle. Turtle made of polymer clay Polymer clay how to make a turtle

Today we will sculpt a turtle from clay. Many articles and even books have been written about the benefits of modeling. You can sculpt from clay with a child of two years old, but you should start with the simplest figures. For example, the ladybug we made in one of the master classes consisted only of balls of different sizes.

Master class for children on clay modeling

In this master class for children on clay modeling, in addition to balls, our little one will roll sausages. Sausage is another simplest modeling element. In order to make a sausage, the child needs to tear off or unscrew a piece of clay, put it on the table and cover it with one palm. After this, use a straight palm to roll a piece of clay up and down on the oilcloth. At first, kids just roll a piece of clay and don’t press on it, so nothing happens. Moreover, clay is not a very malleable material. Place your hand on top of the baby's palm and roll the sausage with him, lightly pressing on the baby's hand.

Point out to your child that a beautiful sausage will turn out if his palm is firm and if he presses on the clay. Your child will be able to practice the skill of rolling sausages in this master class.

Clay turtle

For work we will need the same materials:

  • clay;
  • wet cloth;
  • oilcloth and stacks;
  • paints.
Modeling tools

Step 1: Roll a small ball of clay.

Making a ball

Step2: Place it on oilcloth and place your palm on top. The baby presses the ball with force to flatten it into a cake.

“Ivy” ball with your palm

Step3: Roll out a small thick sausage and stick it onto the flatbread. This will be the turtle's paw.

Glue the paws

Repeating Step 3, we make 4 turtle legs.

Step4: Roll the ball and place the baby's palm on half of the ball. Together with him, we roll out a sausage with a thick round end (we needed similar sausages for the craft “”). We stick the resulting sausage to the body with the thick end outward. This is the head of a turtle.

In general, creative activities with children do not imply replacing the child’s movements and not “doing” everything for him, but a minimum of interference in the child’s work, only light adjustments. After all, what he does is his vision of the world. Therefore, in a master class for children on clay modeling, you should not completely guide your child (he will quickly get bored with this and lose interest in the lesson), but it is better to give him complete freedom of choice. Let's continue.

Glue the head

Step 5: Don't forget about the tail - a small sausage.

Step 6: Roll out the ball and flatten it, as in steps 1 and 2. Cover the turtle’s body with the resulting cake. This will be the shell.

Drawing the shell

To add texture to the shell, you can make prints of different objects. Round pen caps work well.

Step 7: Draw the eyes of the turtle and make toes on the paws using a stack, color our turtle. Don't forget to prime it white first so it doesn't fade. It is better to completely entrust the coloring operation to the baby. After all, by what colors your child chooses, you can, with a certain degree of probability, determine his character traits, determine his personal characteristics, etc.

Painting the turtle

Speak everything you do. Your baby will soon be able to easily roll sausages with the sayings “up and down”, “ball, ball, we roll” - if only you say this and do it with him. This develops the child's speech and teaches him to regulate his actions using words. Your baby will enjoy the process and communication with you!

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Clay is one of the most inexpensive materials that has been used by people for thousands of years to make dishes and figures. If you want to feel like a potter, then you will need this simple master class on clay modeling for beginners. Using a standard set of tools, you can make an original turtle souvenir.

Master class: clay turtle

Clay modeling for beginners is quite simple if you choose a shape for the base. The form is covered with a cloth on which clay is laid out. As a result, after turning the mold over, the figure falls out and then you can even out minor defects.

For your turtle or ladybug, you can choose a small glass or plastic bowl. Inside you need to carefully lay gauze, nylon or lace. The texture of the clay figurine will depend on the fabric chosen.

Take modeling clay, roll it into a sausage and divide it into equal parts, from which you then roll into balls. After this, place the balls into the prepared container, pressing them lightly. In this way, you need to fill the center of the container, and then press the balls in a circle.

Once the mold is filled in the shape of a turtle shell, take a piece of wood and gently smooth the inside surface. Water will help make this procedure easier, especially if you do everything with your fingers instead of using a glass.

Now start trimming the edges and smoothing them, keep in mind that the thickness of the edges should be at least 2 cm. When the inside of the shape is smooth and even, make marks for the paws and head of the turtle.

First, sculpt the paws and head separately from clay, and then attach them to the notched areas, after moistening them with water. After this, smooth out all the unevenness with a stack and a brush dipped in water.

Turn the mold over and dump out the shape. Carefully remove the fabric and start decorating the craft.

Don’t forget to draw the texture of the turtle’s shell in a stack so that the miniature craft reflects all the features of this animal. You can make a Panama hat or a skirt for your figure, it all depends on your imagination and patience.

It’s quite a fascinating activity, so you can master this type of art and spend interesting leisure time. After you learn how to make easy crafts, you can move on to more complex ones. Get inspired by photos for new ideas and have fun doing handicrafts.

Clay turtle, mk

The idea of ​​sculpting a turtle appeared taking into account the fact that children love simple and quick way manufacturing the product. This method is the plucking method. You should choose a suitable form (base), in which small pieces of clay will be placed on a fabric surface, covering the inside of the base. By turning the form over, you get the main part, i.e. "body" of the product. By finishing and attaching individual parts to it (head, legs, etc.), you can create a turtle, bug or snail, or maybe a ladybug, depending on your desire. The main thing is to choose the appropriate shape of the vessel and decorate your own work at your own discretion.

A mold has been prepared that will serve as the basis for sculpting the turtle shell. The inside of the uniform is covered with a bandage, gauze or a piece of cotton curtain fabric (mesh, nylon, lace, etc.). The surface texture will depend on the selected material.

To work, you need ready-made clay for modeling, a little water, a flat synthetic brush and a stack (preferably wooden).

A rope is rolled out of a piece of clay and pieces of equal size are cut. In size for small forms they should be correspondingly smaller than for large ones, and in quantity - sufficient to fill the entire inner surface forms.

The pieces are rolled into balls in your palms.

The balls, one at a time, starting from the bottom of the mold, are placed so that each next one partially overlaps the previous one, but at the same time everything is closed. most of the shape and density of the base was the same. You can wet your thumb to make it easier to immerse it in the clay.

It is better to place the balls sequentially in a circle, rising to the top of the mold.

The last row will partially extend beyond the edges of the mold.

The edge is leveled with a stack or cut off with another tool and smoothed. The thickness of the walls must be at least 0.5 cm, otherwise the product will be fragile.

The final stage of smoothing the shape with your fingers.

Additional elements of the product (head, legs) are molded separately and in the places where they are attached to the upper part of the mold, a notch is made with a stack (toothpick) for better adhesion, so that the connection of the elements is strong.

All joints are smoothed on both sides, so it is better to pick up the form and do it thoroughly.

After completion, the form is carefully turned over onto the surface (it is better to use a wooden board) and undesirable cracks in the external joints are smoothed out.

Next comes the decorating process. You can make a skirt from a flat ribbon and attach it, maybe a tortilla hat or something else, whatever your imagination suggests.

Municipal government educational institution

additional education children

"Isovsky House Children's Creativity»

Abstract open lesson

on the topic: “Sculpting a turtle”

mug molded from clay.

Developed by

additional teacher

education N.V.Belyakova

year 2014

Subject: Modeling a turtle.



Clarify children's understanding of a turtle as a living creature. Tell us about the features appearance, the lifestyle of a turtle. Activate children's vocabulary: shell, turtle, torso.

Learn to convey in sculpting characteristics appearance.


Develop logical thinking and the ability to solve riddles.


Raise children in folk traditions, showing folk art inseparably from folk music and oral folk art

Cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings.


« Artistic creativity»

Learn to portray a turtle, conveying the resemblance. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, strengthen the ability to roll out clay in circular and straight movements, and connect individual parts into a single whole.


Develop the ability to distinguish and name the essential details and parts of a turtle.


Form emotional responsiveness to the work.

Develop the ability to determine the shape and size of the initial forms for sculpting different parts of the toy.

Preliminary work : Distribute handouts.

Riddles and poems about a turtle.

Can swim in the ocean

Can crawl on the savannah

A checkered shell, like a shirt...

Who is this? … (turtle)

From the first days, not so many years,

The bulletproof vest is strong.

If anyone threatens her,

She “fits” into that vest.


Quietly walks over the river,

He always carries the house with him.

Who is this in the special shirt?

Well, of course... (turtle).

My house, with me everywhere.

It is located behind the back.

I'm friends with frogs

I walk very slowly.

Not a bug at all

Who am I...(turtle)

Equipment and material:

Demonstration: toy turtle.

Handout: modeling board, disk stand, wet wipes, gauze, shell mold, stack. To work, you need ready-made clay for modeling, a little water, a flat synthetic brush and a stack (preferably wooden).

During the classes:

1. Organizing time:

One of the students recites K. Chukovsky’s poem “Turtle”

2. Setting a learning task.

Thus, the topic of today's lesson is “Sculpting a Turtle.”

3 . Explanation of the sequence of sculpting a turtle.

The idea of ​​sculpting a turtle appeared taking into account the fact that children love a simple and quick way to make a product. This method is the plucking method. You should choose a suitable form (base), in which small pieces of clay will be placed on a fabric surface. We chose a gauze base, covering the inside of the base (the guys and I have a file). By turning the form over, you get the main part, i.e. "body" of the product. By finishing and attaching individual parts to it (head, legs, etc.), you can create a turtle, bug or snail, or maybe a ladybug, depending on your desire. The main thing is to choose the appropriate shape of the vessel and decorate your own work at your own discretion.

A mold has been prepared that will serve as the basis for sculpting the turtle shell. The inside of the uniform is covered with a bandage, gauze or shred (mesh, nylon, lace, etc.). The surface texture will depend on the selected material.

A rope is rolled out of a piece of clay and pieces of equal size are cut. In size for small forms they should be correspondingly smaller than for large ones, and in quantity - sufficient to fill the entire inner surface of the form. The pieces are rolled into balls in your palms. The balls, one at a time, starting from the bottom of the mold, are laid so that each next one partially overlaps the previous one, but at the same time, more and more of the mold is covered and the density of the base is the same. You can wet your thumb to make it easier to immerse it in the clay. It is better to place the balls sequentially in a circle, rising to the top of the mold. The last row will partially extend beyond the edges of the mold. Next, smooth the inner surface of the mold with a stack. Sometimes this operation works just as well with your finger; you can use a brush (you can moisten it periodically, preventing the clay from becoming liquid). The edge is leveled with a stack or cut off with another tool and smoothed. The thickness of the walls must be at least 0.5 cm, otherwise the product will be fragile. The final stage of smoothing the shape with your fingers.

4. Wellness moment.


The teacher reads the text and shows the movements, the children repeat.

Once upon a time Babakh lived in the forest... (Children knock on the table.)

At night I slept sweetly, in the bushes... (Children put their hands under their cheeks.)

During the day he walked through the forest... (They stomp.)

And he carried a bag with him... (They show how the bag is carried.)

How will he untie the bag... (They untie it.)

Sounds and knocks immediately - jump... (They jump.)

And let's knock in the forest... (3 hands clap.)

To scare someone... (They make “scary” faces.)

Little cowardly bunny... (Hands show ears.)

Little gray mouse... (They move their finger like a tail.)

Prickly hedgehog... (They pull their hand away as if they had been pricked.)

But stinging nettles

He accidentally fell himself... (They cover their face with their hands.)

I lost my bag... (They throw up their hands)

And now he’s not Babah... (The children quietly knock on the table.)

And the quiet one Puffing in the bushes... (They sigh and lower their heads.)

Additional elements of the product (head, legs) are molded separately and in the places where they are attached to the upper part of the mold, a notch is made with a stack (toothpick) for better adhesion, so that the connection of the elements is strong. Places with notches are moistened with water and then attached, the necessary parts are smeared with a stick or a finger. After completion, the form is carefully turned over onto the surface (it is better to use a wooden board) and undesirable cracks in the external joints are smoothed out. Next comes the decorating process. You can make a skirt from a flat ribbon and attach it, maybe a tortilla hat or something else, whatever your imagination suggests. And the final stage is the children giving names to their turtles.

5. A minute of rest .

The teacher reads the text, pausing after each line.

If the children believe that this is true, they clap their hands; if not, they stomp their feet.

A little bunny is jumping,

And behind him is a big boy.

A cow is swimming along the river.

Here the bunny is jumping again.

The rhinoceros lives in the forest.

The chicken ate the fox.

An elephant is riding on a steam locomotive.

The truck carries sand

Children don't go to school.

Mothers sing songs.

Dads go to work.

Bears wander through the forest.

Mice are good for cats.

Mushrooms jump into a basket.

Santa Claus comes to moms.

He has a green nose.

The teacher gives us gifts.

Everyone gets terribly hot in winter.

Children get two marks.

6.Conduct of results.

Thank you guys for your efforts and patience.

What lesson did we learn?

What names did you guys come up with for your turtles?

What did you especially like, what new things did you learn?

This concludes our meeting with beauty for today.

What mistakes did you make?


The sea is different

It comes in black and red.

The sea can be cheerful

More often it is salty.

And I love the blue sea

With a gentle, gentle wave.

I love to splash like a fish,

Swim, dive, tumble.

It's a long walk to the swamp,

It's not easy to walk to the swamp.

"Here is a stone lying by the road,

Let's sit down and stretch our legs."

And the frogs put a bundle on the stone.

“It would be nice to lie down on a rock for an hour!”

Suddenly a stone jumped to his feet

And he grabbed them by the legs.

And they screamed in fear:

"What is it!

This is RE!

This is PAHA!




The idea of ​​sculpting a turtle appeared taking into account the fact that children love a simple and quick way to make a product. This method is the plucking method. You should choose a suitable form (base), in which small pieces of clay will be placed on a fabric surface, covering the inside of the base. By turning the form over, you get the main part, i.e. “body” of the product. By finishing and attaching individual parts to it (head, legs, etc.), you can create a turtle, bug or snail, or maybe a ladybug, depending on your desire. The main thing is to choose the appropriate shape of the vessel and decorate your own work at your own discretion.

A mold has been prepared that will serve as the basis for sculpting the turtle shell. The inside of the uniform is covered with a bandage, gauze or a piece of cotton curtain fabric (mesh, nylon, lace, etc.). The surface texture will depend on the selected material.

To work, you need ready-made clay for modeling, a little water, a flat synthetic brush and a stack (preferably wooden).

A rope is rolled out of a piece of clay and pieces of equal size are cut. In size for small forms they should be correspondingly smaller than for large ones, and in quantity - sufficient to fill the entire inner surface of the form.

The pieces are rolled into balls in your palms.

The balls, one at a time, starting from the bottom of the mold, are laid so that each next one partially overlaps the previous one, but at the same time, more and more of the mold is covered and the density of the base is the same. You can wet your thumb to make it easier to immerse it in the clay.

It is better to place the balls sequentially in a circle, rising to the top of the mold.

The last row will partially extend beyond the edges of the mold.

The edge is leveled with a stack or cut off with another tool and smoothed. The thickness of the walls must be at least 0.5 cm, otherwise the product will be fragile.
The final stage of smoothing the shape with your fingers.

Additional elements of the product (head, legs) are molded separately and in the places where they are attached to the upper part of the mold, a notch is made with a stack (toothpick) for better adhesion, so that the connection of the elements is strong.